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Cerebral Edema
Robert J. Weil and Edward H. Oldfield

gland, the subcommissural organ (SCO), the posterior pituitary,

OVERVIEW AND HISTORICAL BACKGROUND the pineal gland, the median eminence and the intermediate lobe
Cerebral edema represents the accumulation of excess fluid in the of the pituitary gland], where the endothelium is penetrated more
intracellular or extracellular spaces of the brain. It can result from easily to permit secreted neuropeptides to act systemically; see
a variety of physiologic and pathologic processes and is frequently Table 53-1).11-16
responsible for much of the morbidity and mortality associated The BBB has an extensive surface area—which some research-
with brain tumors and a variety of other disorders, including ers have estimated to be approximately 20 m2/1.3 kg of brain.
trauma, infarction, hemorrhage, and infection. A basic conception Consequently, no neuron is more than 20 to 25 µm away from a
of the barriers that exist between and among blood, cerebrospinal brain capillary, and thus the BBB plays several critical roles in
fluid (CSF), and the brain is required to fully understand cerebral regulation of the brain’s microenvironment.17,18 It manages the
edema. In this chapter we outline the physiology of the blood- entry of nutrients and controls elimination of wastes. The BBB
brain barrier (BBB) and describe and discuss the principal types also limits distribution and thus contains within the brain neuro-
and causes of cerebral edema. Reviews that outline the history of regulators and neurotransmitters produced within the brain that
research and recent advances in this area and that provide detailed act centrally, while excluding or regulating entry into the brain
summaries beyond the scope of this chapter are cited in the of similar molecules intended to act peripherally. This reduces
references. or prevents debilitating biochemical crosstalk within the CNS.
Paul Ehrlich was the first to identify a potential barrier Finally, the BBB regulates movement of fluid and ions between
between the vasculature and the brain after he observed that the circulation and the brain, which permits maintenance of
intravenous albumin-bound dyes stained all tissues except the an ideal interstitial fluid that enhances neuronal function. The
brain.1 Goldmann carried Ehrlich’s studies further to demon- brain’s interstitial fluid has some similarities with plasma but
strate that dye injected into the CSF did not circulate in the has a lower protein content and lower concentration of calcium
systemic circulation.2 These barriers (Table 53-1), which are rate- (Ca2+) and potassium (K+) ions and a higher concentration of
limiting steps in the movement of water, ions, solutes, and mac- magnesium (Mg2+), which generates a significant buffering capac-
romolecules between compartments, help the brain regulate its ity. This limits the effect of fluxes of systemic metabolism, such
own environment distinct from the rest of the body. The BBB is as occur with exercise, a meal, or starvation.5,11,19 Continuous
an essential component of brain homeostasis. turnover of interstitial fluid and CSF, which is regulated by the
cerebral endothelium and its barriers (see Table 53-1), is critical
to homeostasis of the brain’s microenvironment.
The principal component of the BBB is the endothelial cells that
line the cerebral microvasculature (Fig. 53-1).3-10 The tight junc-
tions between adjacent endothelial cells in the brain, which are Cerebral edema is a common end result of a variety of neurologi-
nonpermissive in comparison to those in the systemic circulation, cal and systemic disorders. Most classifications of cerebral edema
prevent the paracellular transport of most molecules. Although describe four categories (summarized in Table 53-2): cytotoxic,
small substances, such as oxygen and carbon dioxide, and small or cellular swelling secondary to cell injury; vasogenic, which
lipophilic molecules, such as ethanol, may diffuse freely through results from vascular leakage through a disrupted BBB and con-
the lipid membranes that constitute the BBB, larger, bulkier, sequently increased fluid and altered concentrations of ions, pep-
more complex or hydrophilic molecules require active, transcel- tides, and macromolecules in the extracellular space; interstitial,
lular transport mechanisms, potentially on both the luminal which occurs with transependymal flow of CSF in patients with
(endothelial) and abluminal (brain) membranes, to enter the hydrocephalus; and osmotic, when the brain is hyperosmolar rela-
brain.11 The active transport mechanisms require energy in the tive to plasma and thus induces water to flow passively across an
form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP).11 intact BBB along its concentration gradient. It may be difficult
Several studies have identified a variety of molecular mecha- to separate edema into these distinct classes in every patient
nisms and metabolic barriers that indicate that the BBB is an because more than one of these types exist simultaneously as a
exceptionally active system.11-13 For example, endothelial cells result of the nature and timing of the underlying disorder (see
contain active peptides, peptidases that inactivate traversing pro- Table 53-2). Because interstitial edema and osmotic edema have
teins, and numerous intracellular enzymes, such as cytochrome fewer causes or are uncommon in neurosurgical patients, our
P-450 (1A and 2B isoforms), that inactivate neuroactive and neu- principal focus in this chapter is on vasogenic and cytotoxic
rotoxic substances.14,15 In general, to traverse the normal BBB, edema.
large or hydrophilic molecules require an active transport Tissue swelling—edema—may be intracellular or extracellu-
mechanism—either receptor-mediated or absorptive-mediated lar. It has the potential to result in profound shifts in the relative
transcytosis. In the cerebral endothelium, these mechanisms are volumes occupied by the cellular and interstitial elements. Con-
less efficient than in systemic (outside the central nervous system tinued redistribution of water, ions, peptides, and other neuroac-
[CNS]) endothelial cells, which enhances the potential BBB. tive substances within and between the cells of the CNS (neurons,
Thus the BBB contains active and passive features that regulate glia, microglia, and endothelial cells) may exacerbate the severity
the passage of substances from the systemic circulation into the of the edema. These failures lead to a variety of molecular events
brain. Similar versions of these tight junctions and permeability and cascades that potentiate cerebral and BBB dysfunction, some
restrictions are found between CSF and the brain (except in the of which are summarized later and are discussed in greater detail
circumventricular organs [area postrema, tuber cinereum, pineal in several recent, specialized monographs.4,5,20
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CHAPTER 53  Cerebral Edema e425

TABLE 53-1  Principal Features of the Blood-Brain Neurovascular Unit

Location of the
Interface Blood-Brain Junction Functional Outcome
Blood-brain Capillary endothelial Active transport of most materials. The Na+,K+-ATPase pump on the apical surface of the capillary
cell (see Fig. 53-1) endothelium transports materials across high-resistance tight junctions. Tight junctions restrict
the entry of hydrophilic materials and high-molecular-weight molecules.
Blood-CSF Choroid plexus Ultrafiltration of plasma with active secretion of CSF; this high-energy process requires ATP.
Essential components are ATPase and carbonic anhydrase.
CSF–venous blood Arachnoid granulations Arachnoid granulations transmit CSF into the cerebral venous sinuses along a pressure gradient.
ATP, adenosine triphosphate; ATPase, adenosine triphosphatase; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid.

Vasogenic Edema
Vasogenic edema shares some mechanisms with cytotoxic and
Astrocyte Pericyte other forms of brain edema. However, the principal source of
edema formation is abnormal permeability of the BBB.21 The
Basement most common source is a primary or secondary brain tumor, in
membrane which case the nascent microvessels are deficient in tight junc-
tions. A recent study histologically examined the perivascular
Endothelial cell architecture between the astrocyte and the endothelial cell in
Tight junction
gliomas and metastatic tumors and demonstrated breakdown of
the normal astrocyte−endothelial cell relationship in regions of
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) enhancement.22 This “blood-
tumor barrier” is an incompetent obstacle that permits leakage
of plasma ultrafiltrate into the brain’s extracellular space.18,23,24
A The edema associated with brain tumors results from this
passive deficiency and from cellular invasion and migration.10,25,26
In addition, many tumors have active mechanisms to promote
vascular permeability and neovascularity. The most widely studied
permeability and angiogenic agent secreted by tumor cells is
vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which induces capil-
1 3 lary permeability, endothelial proliferation, and migration and
organization of new capillaries that lack tight junctions.27 Addi-
2 1 2
tional chemokines, cytokines, growth factors, and inflammatory
mediators that play similar or complementary roles in blood-
tumor permeability and angiogenesis have been identified. For
example, angiopoietin-1, angiopoietin-2, fibroblast growth factor,
hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor, platelet-derived growth
factor, interleukin-3 (IL-3), IL-4, IL-8, transforming growth
factor-α (TGF-α), TGF-β, a variety of adhesion molecules and
B C proteases such as urokinase plasminogen activator, multiple
Figure 53-1. Microscopic representations of the blood-brain matrix metalloproteinases, integrins αvβ3 and αvβ5, and even
barrier (BBB) and the two most common forms of cerebral oncogenes such as mutated Ras and tumor suppressor gene prod-
edema. A, The BBB is created by compact apposition of endothelial ucts such as Tp53 and vhl protein can affect BBB function. Many
cells to create a barrier between the vascular system and the brain of these are discussed elsewhere in this volume.
parenchyma. This is reinforced by numerous pericytes. A thin The most thoroughly studied mechanism that produces cere-
basement membrane surrounds the endothelial cells and provides bral edema is the vasogenic edema mediated by tumor produc-
both structural support and a dense physical barrier between the tion of a macromolecular protein initially identified as vascular
circulation and the microenvironment of the brain. Astrocytes extend permeability factor (VPF) and later, after its angiogenic activity
cellular processes (astrocytic “foot processes”) that cover the had been identified, as VEGF. VPF/VEGF was initially identified
basement membrane, which enhances the BBB by limiting the ability by Senger and Dvorak in 1983.28 Their landmark study demon-
of macromolecules or circulating cells to gain access to the central strated that the ascites caused by the intraperitoneal injection of
nervous system. B, In vasogenic edema, increased permeability of the hepatocarcinoma cells into guinea pigs was a product of excess
capillaries, through dehiscent or incompetent tight junctions, leads to permeability of the small vessels that line the peritoneal cavity
exudation of a plasma ultrafiltrate and water into the extracellular and, furthermore, that a protein secreted by the tumor and acting
space. Arrows demonstrate flow through the tight junctions and into on the vessels was responsible for the enhanced vascular perme-
the extracellular space. C, In cytotoxic edema, depletion of energy ability. Hepatocarcinoma lines that did not produce the protein
and metabolites leads to failure of the sodium-potassium adenosine did not cause ascites. In addition, in an in vivo biologic assay of
triphosphatase (Na+,K+-ATPase) pump and accumulation of sodium vascular permeability by intradermal injection, the Miles assay,
within the cells (astrocytes and endothelial cells, as well as neurons); the enhanced vascular permeability produced by the protein was
water follows the concentration gradient into the cells, which swell in blocked by antibodies to the partially isolated protein. Secre-
response. Arrows demonstrate the path of water into cells from the tion of the same protein was subsequently shown to occur in
vascular space. 1, Astrocytes and astrocytic foot processes; 2, many systemic and CNS tumors.29-31 Bruce and colleagues30 and
endothelial cells; 3, neurons. (A, Reprinted with permission, Cleveland Heiss and associates32 demonstrated that vascular permeability
Clinic Center for Medical Art & Photography © 2005-2010. All Rights is increased by conditioned media from cultures of high-grade
Reserved.) gliomas and meningiomas, the types of human brain tumors that

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
e426 SECTION 2  Basic and Clinical Sciences

TABLE 53-2  Characteristics of the Principal Types of Cerebral Edema

Feature Cytotoxic Edema Vasogenic Edema Interstitial Edema Osmotic Edema
Pathophysiology Osmotic gradient because of Increased vascular Transependymal flow of water The brain is hyperosmolar
metabolic failure of the permeability at the level and solutes into the with respect to plasma;
Na+,K+-ATPase pump, with of the blood-brain barrier periventricular extracellular water moves along the
cellular swelling of all (or blood-tumor barrier), space; caused by osmotic gradient
elements (neurons, glia, and with extracellular fluid hydrocephalus and
endothelial cells) accumulation of an impaired absorption of CSF
ultrafiltrate of plasma
Composition of Net intracellular accumulation of Ultrafiltrate of plasma CSF Extracellular greater than
edema fluid water and sodium intracellular
Location of edema Gray and white matter White matter principally Periventricular white matter White matter
Extracellular fluid Decreased Increased Increased Increased
Typical etiology Anoxia, diabetic ketoacidosis, Brain tumors (primary and Hydrocephalus Hemodialysis, hypertensive
hepatic encephalopathy, metastatic), abscess and crisis, syndrome of
hypothermia, infarction or encephalitis, infarction in inappropriate antidiuretic
ischemia, infection, the late stages, lead hormone secretion,
meningitis, Reye’s syndrome, toxicity, trauma water intoxication
trauma, water intoxication
Response to Yes/no Yes Yes Yes/no
Corticosteroids Not effective Yes Not effective Not effective
Diuretics Transiently effective Minimally or not effective Transiently effective Not effective
Other Reversal of primary insult Reversal of primary insult Reversal of primary insult (e.g., Reversal of primary insult
(e.g., removal of tumor) ventriculoperitoneal shunt or
third ventriculostomy)
ATPase, adenosine triphosphatase; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid.

most commonly produce clinically significant cerebral edema. extracellular potassium ion concentration that occurs, for example,
In addition, they demonstrated that antibodies to VPF/VEGF with primary epilepsy or with seizures after ischemia causes swell-
block the permeability-enhancing effects of conditioned media ing through the Na+/K+/2Cl– cotransporter.40-42 The same trans-
from tumor types that produce cerebral edema and showed that mitter, because it passively allows passage of ammonium ions, has
glucocorticoids block the permeability-enhancing effects of VPF/ been implicated in cerebral edema associated with hepatic
VEGF on the vessel wall and inhibit tumor cell production of encephalopathy. Aquaporin-4, a member of the family of aqua-
VPF/VEGF.30,32 CNS tumors that are frequently associated with porin water channels, is enriched in astroglial end-feet and plays
marked edema, such as glioblastomas, meningiomas, and metas- a central role in the entry of water into astrocytes.43-45 Further-
tases, contain high levels of VPF/VEGF gene expression, whereas more, the Kir4.1 potassium channel that colocalizes with
the types of CNS tumors that are not commonly associated aquaporin-4 regulates extracellular potassium concentration.
with significant cerebral edema do not produce levels of VPF/ Elevated levels of potassium ions passing through Kir4.1 chan-
VEGF messenger RNA higher than found in normal brain.31 nels depolarize astrocytes (as they do neurons), which enhances
The clinical relevance of VPF/VEGF as a principal mediator astroglial uptake of sodium and bicarbonate through the Na+/
of peritumoral edema is confirmed by the reduction in con- HCO3– cotransporter.19 This increases intracellular osmolarity
trast enhancement (vascular permeability) and surrounding and allows water to move passively into the cell through
cerebral edema on clinical imaging studies after treatment of aquaporin-4 channels. Aquaporin-1 and aquaporin-4, which are
glioblastoma patients with bevacizumab, an anti-VEGF antibody overexpressed in primary and secondary brain tumors, also can
(Fig. 53-2).33-35 enhance water uptake.43-45
Other mechanisms that lead to or enhance cytotoxic edema
occur after hypoxic, ischemic, or traumatic brain injury. Loss of
Cytotoxic Edema intracellular ATP and glutamate release enhance the influx of
Cytotoxic edema occurs after cerebral infarction or ischemia, calcium ions. Efflux of one calcium ion is associated with the
meningitis, Reye’s syndrome, trauma, seizures, and water intoxi- uptake of three sodium ions, which potentiates the osmotic gradi-
cation. Several overlapping mechanisms underlie cytotoxic cere- ent and draws more water into the cell. Excess intracellular
bral edema. One common mechanism of cytotoxic edema calcium ions can initiate apoptosis, activate inflammatory cas-
associated with cerebral ischemia implicates a direct role for cades through activation of immediate early genes such as c-fos
excess glutamate.36-38 After hypoxia, neuronal swelling results and c-jun, and generate the release of a variety of cytokines,
from sodium influx through α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4- free radicals, and proteases that act on surrounding neuronal and
isoxazole propionic acid (AMPA) receptors and kainite receptor glial cells, the extracellular matrix, and the cerebral endothe-
activity and from influx of chloride ion and water, which enter lium.17,38,39,46-48 Furthermore, nitric oxide (NO), which serves as a
passively.36-38 The glial swelling associated with glutamate toxicity vasodilator but may also exert toxic effects through interactions
is due to enhanced sodium entry into astrocytes by glutamate with superoxide anions to generate peroxynitrite anions (ONOO–),
transporter hyperactivity.11,12,17,39 Additional and complementary may exacerbate cerebral edema in certain circumstances.49 NO is
mechanisms, including dysfunction of the sodium-potassium synthesized by nitric oxide synthase (NOS), which has three
adenosine triphosphatase (Na+,K+-ATPase) pump, which permits distinct forms. Neuronal NOS produces toxic free radicals early
sodium influx, and activation of the Na+/H+ and Cl–/HCO3– after cytotoxic injury; endothelial NOS produces NO that
exchangers and the Na+/K+/2Cl– cotransporter contribute to enhances blood flow through vasodilation; and inducible NOS,
combined neuronal and astrocytic swelling.11,12,17,39 The altered produced by macrophages and microglia, can exacerbate injury

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
CHAPTER 53  Cerebral Edema e427

through generation of NO—and free radicals—24 to 48 hours

after the initiating insult has passed.3,49 53
Inflammation may also figure prominently in disruption of
the BBB. For example, inflammatory cascades enhance the
expression of bradykinin, substance P, leukotrienes, serotonin,
and histamine, all of which nonselectively open the BBB to
varying degrees.3,5,50 Lipopolysaccharides, released during infec-
tion, induce the production of tumor necrosis factor and reactive
oxygen species from microglia with potent effects on BBB perme-
ability and can worsen cytotoxic injury.3,5,11 Finally, Simard and
coworkers recently identified a nonselective cation channel
(NCCA) or NCCa-ATP channel, that when opened by depletion
of ATP, causes cytotoxic edema associated with ischemia. This
channel is regulated by sulfonylurea receptor 1, which can be
blocked by low doses of glibenclamide and thus provides a poten-
tial new approach to treat cerebral edema associated with cerebral
infarction and brain trauma.51-53 Preliminary results from a pro-
spective phase IIa trial have been encouraging.54


The principal types of cerebral edema—cytotoxic, interstitial, and
vasogenic—can be characterized in patients, at least to some
degree, through neuroimaging studies, especially MRI (Figs. 53-3
to 53-5; see Fig. 53-2).55-57
In vasogenic edema (see Figs. 53-2 and 53-3), the edematous
tissue is hypodense with respect to normal brain on both
non–contrast-enhanced computed tomography and T1-weighted
MRI. This feature is highlighted after the administration of con-
trast material.56 On MRI, the edema primarily affects the white
matter and tends to spare the gray matter, unlike cytotoxic edema.
Figure 53-2. Effects of treatment with an antibody to vascular T2-weighted and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR)
endothelial growth factor on the contrast enhancement of a sequences accentuate the appearance of vasogenic edema and can,
glioblastoma and the surrounding cerebral edema. Magnetic in FLAIR sequences, distinguish edema from normal brain water
resonance imaging (MRI) in the upper set of images was performed content, such as CSF. FLAIR images, in particular, are also useful
before treatment, and MRI in the lower set of images was performed to demonstrate the extent of tumor cell migration beyond the
4 weeks after beginning therapy. T1-weighted MRI with contrast enhancing bulk of tumor because these MRI sequences are espe-
enhancement is shown on the left and T2-weighted MRI on the right. cially sensitive to the changes in brain water content induced by
(Courtesy of Dr. David Schiff, Department of Neurology, University of migrating or invading cells. Because vasogenic edema is primarily
Virginia School of Medicine.) extracellular, the interstitial spaces also appear enlarged, a feature

Figure 53-3. Imaging of vasogenic edema. A, Axial T1-weighted, gadolinium-enhanced magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) showing an enhancing 1-cm diameter metastatic tumor (lung cancer primary) with
surrounding vasogenic edema seen on T2-weighted (B) and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (C) MRI.

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
e428 SECTION 2  Basic and Clinical Sciences

Figure 53-4. Imaging of cytotoxic edema. A 55-year-old man suffered an embolic stroke that affected the
left cerebral hemisphere. Axial fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) (A) and T2-weighted magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) (B) demonstrate a small acute cortical infarct in the left superior frontal gyrus that is
hyperintense on FLAIR and T2-weighted MRI. C, On the diffusion-weighted image, this same tissue is also
hyperintense. D, The corresponding apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) map demonstrates that the affected
parenchyma has a low ADC, thus indicating that the infarct is acute. The shift of extracellular water to the
intracellular space with cytotoxic edema restricts the random diffusion of water molecules into the tissue,
hence a low ADC.

Figure 53-5. Imaging of interstitial edema in an adult with hydrocephalus. A, Axial, non–contrast-
enhanced computed tomography (CT) shows hypodense areas of edematous brain (arrows) produced by
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) passing into the periventricular white matter. B, This is prominently also seen with
fluid-attenuated inversion recovery magnetic resonance imaging, where the CSF within the ventricular system
is dark and the interstitial brain edema surrounding the ependyma is bright. C, Postoperative CT performed
the day after placement of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt demonstrates a reduction in the hypodense,
periventricular interstitial edema.

that increases the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) on diffu- edema, and at 12 to 24 hours, T2-weighted images show hyper-
sion studies.55,56 MRI perfusion sequences can also demonstrate intensity. The changes in diffusion-weighted MRI signal intensity
the enhanced vascularity and permeability associated with tumor may occur rapidly (within minutes after the insult); acute infarcts
angiogenesis, alone or with provocative testing, such as with the have a lower ADC than normal brain does, and these ADC maps
administration of dexamethasone.24 Finally, dynamic, contrast- sensitively indicate early cytotoxic edema.44
enhanced MRI can be used to quantify the permeability of the
BBB and assess the effects of treatments that target the BBB.56,57
Cytotoxic edema, found in patients with ischemic (see Fig.
53-4) or hemorrhagic stroke and traumatic brain injury,58,59 Most current treatments of cerebral edema are indirect and
induces a rapid intracellular influx of water because of energy focused on amelioration of the effects of edema, whereas more
failure that evolves clinically and neuroradiographically.55 Within specific treatments are directed at the causative disease or condi-
12 hours, there is loss of the visible gray-white junction and gyral tion (see Table 53-2).21 For cytotoxic, osmotic, and interstitial

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
CHAPTER 53  Cerebral Edema e429

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