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The Epistle December 2020

Robert D. Mercer, Editor

Congregation Ministry and Means - XIX
Year 152, Vol. 01 As Charles Dickens once wrote, “It was the best of
times, it was the worst of times”. This has been
true for our tenant The Children’s House (TCH) as
Ken Wichman they open with students on Monday, November 2nd. The
initial number of students was well below capacity, but
that was expected with their opening being in the middle of a
semester. At the end of the first week, the City Health Department
closed the daycare for two week, as one of the staff may have come in
contact with a possibly corvid-19 carrier. This closure should be completed at the end of this
week, and if no one involved tests positive, the daycare should be able to open again on November 23rd. At
least, this is the information that I have as I write this on November 20th. To help TCH to recruit students, we are
posting an open enrollment message in the rotation of messages on the church sign through the end of the year.

The renovation is for all intent and purposes complete. HGC and MSP are doing the final
calculations for the final invoices for the project. We expect to come in under budget, but we
won’t know until we receive these invoices. In other good news, the gym is now being used six
December 6th days each week when the daycare is not in session. We have had requests from other parties,
“Bethlehem Candle” but the only remaining open evening is Fridays which is not a desirable time slot. We also got
the final payment from Medpace for parking totaling $32,079.00.
Numbers in the
Book of Revelation Our first single-service worship was on October 25th. We hope to continue in this way, but in order
· Six = The number of to do so it is important that we all follow the guidelines printed in the service folder. We have been
man; one less than
seven – therefore very blessed by God, that to my knowledge, no one in the congregation has contacted covid-19. We
denotes imperfection.
· Seven = The number
have many members that are in the vulnerable categories, so we all need to be vigilant in our use of
of God; fullness,
masks, social distancing, and hand washing. We will continue to have the adult Bible class in the
completeness. sanctuary to facilitate social distancing.
December 13th
“Shepard’s Candle”
On November 18th, we held the Voter’s Assembly meeting via ZOOM. This was the annual budget
meeting. The budget was presented to the voters at the October meeting. During the intervening
weeks, no changes to the budget were requested. The vote to accept the budget was unanimous.
This is the first budget that is planned to be balanced in many years.

We need your help. We have four teams, with each team cutting and trimming grass
about once a month. These teams are thinly staffed, and with even one more
volunteer for each team the work would go much quicker. If you are interested in
December 20th participating next season, please send Nathan Bromen an email
“Angel’s Candle” (, or give him a call (513-250-6123).

If you prefer indoor volunteer opportunities, then consider becoming an usher. We

Worship video is at: Bible Study currently have four ushering teams that serve a month at a time in rotation. I am on one of the
Sunday Worship Sunday School
9:00am teams, so if I can do it, anyone can. If you are interested in more details, please send me an email
and on Facebook at: 10:30am (, or give me a call (513-614-3454).
Yours in Christ,
Communicate with someone; both you and they will benefit. Ken Wichman
The Incarnation
Thus the Church’s mission takes place best where things get personal, with incarnate relationships. It is so much
Church and Mission Implications easier to keep people at a distance by evangelistic performances or speaking at them. But that violates the
The Church’s New Year begins November 29th. Advent Incarnation. Disciples are made by baptism and teaching that integrates the new believer into congregational life
prepares us for the Festival of the Incarnation, also called Christ- (Mt 28:16f.). A friendly church is more than the courtesy of greeting visitors, but invites visitors to mutual
mass. The unseen and ineffable God in the Person of His conversation, to friendship, to dinner. The greatest dinner fellowship is the sacrament of the altar, dining on
Son became man, of flesh, born of a woman, one of us. Jesus is the second Adam, the Christ in agreement of faith and of one mind.
successful Adam whose perfect life and death redeemed a lost and fallen creation so that we
again might have fellowship with God as our dear Father. This summarizes our salvation’s
source and course. Do we not confess “who for our salvation came down from heaven and was Yet beware, the devil, the world and our flesh do not want to be that intimate with God or each other.
incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary and was made man…”? In this respect Covid-19 is devilish, not only for the threat posed to the body, but in the experimental
dismemberment of relationships imposed by government, social stigma, and fear. While we do not
abandon reasonable health practices, the Church cannot abandon any member, including in the flesh.
What does it mean that the eternal Son wed to Himself forever a human nature? Jesus was born
in the ordinary fashion, as slimy as any other babe. He messed His diapers. He obeyed His parents.
He got tired, hungry, and suffered the rejection of those nearest and dearest. Need we describe We cannot abandon the Divine Service where salvation comes to us
what He endured in His passion and crucifixion? God dwelt among us, intimately, personally, bodily, holistically, completely. Here we come not individualistically,
painfully, persuasively. He could not have accomplished this task without getting His Holy Hands but to receive as one body the whole Christ that makes us one, and in
dirty. He was besmirched with our sin. He carried our guilt. He wore our shame to put an end to that mystical union find opportunity to love one another even as the
shame, guilt, suffering and death. The sweet babe of Bethlehem was born for this. He dwelt among us. Son of God loved us by becoming incarnate, God with us. We thank
God that our governor recognizes the First Amendment to the
Constitution and the importance of gathering for worship, even for
This is the God we need. We need His real presence. Therefore, in Holy Baptism the Father united us to the good of the State. Pray that care-facilities and hospitals recognize
Jesus’ death and resurrection in a real union with the real Jesus and the benefits He won for us. He how important spiritual care is, even for physical well-being so that
continues to speak personally and corporately to us through His word, using human mouths of pastors can visit their members in need or distress. At least one member’s
ministers in His stead. In Holy Communion the entire person of Christ is given us to eat and drink. death came too soon because she was cut off from family and church. So do
“Take, eat… this is my body.” “Take, drink… this is my blood.” We, His mystical body, eat and drink the not neglect fellowship, as when one member is absent all members hurt.
real Christ. This communion cannot be done alone or over the internet, but gathered as one body to Likewise, all members pray for and with those who must be absent from the
share the one loaf and the one cup. corporate body. In times of trial we need the life-sustaining gifts of God all
the more. In fear of death we need the medicine of immortality. And
strengthened, the Church goes into the world to share words of eternal life.
What follows from this marvelous union to our Savior? Even as Jesus got his hands dirty so the
Church shares in His sufferings and glory. Christ’s Church is meant to be incarnate, relational,
involved with each other and in the world. First, we live with and in our Lord. We receive spiritual life O come, O come, Emmanuel, And ransom captive Israel,
through His word and sacraments, for here alone God promises to be with us for salvation. Earlier
That mourns in lonely exile here Until the Son of God appear.
Christians summarized this by saying, “apart from the Church this is no salvation.” Then, Christ’s
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to thee, O Israel!
temple enters the world as Christ entered, in the flesh, engaged in the nitty-gritty, resisting the devil and bearing
the burdens of those around us. Strengthened by the One who has forgiven our sins we serve our neighbor. LSB 357
Elder Hasn't 2020 been
an eventful year for
After several weeks of having a single service, we
are fortunate that we have had no reported
problems, and for that we praise the Lord!

Board St. Paul Lutheran Church?

We know, however, that the devil is persistent. We
are bombarded daily with Corona
This has, indeed, been an eventful year for our
At the beginning of the year, attendance for Divine Service was church. We look with excitement on the prospect
steady and on a slight increase with several new families becoming virus news, updates, and warnings.
of sharing God’s Word with an expanding
members of our congregation. Things looked very promising and exciting. Part of our building We are tired of hearing about it,
congregation. We pray for the success of the new
was being transformed and updated into a beautiful child care facility that we are confident will be able to serve tired of living with the restrictions.
child care facility housed on our property. We look
the community for many years to come. Our gym has been equipped with a new heating and air-conditioning We are social beings and want to
forward to opportunities to pray and share our
system with a new bathroom added, allowing us to have events in the gym any time of the year regardless of the relate to others as we have in the
lives more intimately with our church family. This
weather. past. We grumble because we have to wear a mask
virus we are living with now will be controlled, and
while we are around others in church; we can't
we will be able to return to the lives we want to
shake hands or hug
So we were thinking – This will be a great year! NOT! live but it will take time. Until then, be strong, be
one another; we
committed, and love your neighbor.
can't do what we
Without warning, that wily devil stepped in, bringing with him a new and highly
want to do and
contagious illness - the Corona Virus, or Covid - a disease that can affect anyone but has ". . . we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing
have things the
proven to be especially dangerous to elderly people or people with compromised
way we want them that suffering produces endurance, and
health systems. Our state and our city were effectively shut down, and people were
asked to stay in their homes to limit the spread of the disease. Worshipping together at St. Paul was suspended,
to be. We must, endurance produces character, and
however, remain strong in our faith and our character produces hope, and hope does
but with Pastor’s willingness and the ingenuity of several of our members we were quickly able to put together
commitment to others, and as good Christians we
on-line services that would help to sustain us spiritually in the safety of our own homes. Worship not put us to shame, because God’s love
continue to follow the rules. When you start feeling
materials were mailed to those not internet-connected. While that wasn't the most desirable way to has been poured into our hearts through
resentful of the present restrictions we are living
have worship services, it did at least give us access to the spoken Word and its encouragement. The
with, just remind yourself of the many Christians in the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.”
Lord is indeed good!
this world who can't gather for worship with or Romans 5: 3-5
without masks, who can't congregate in any formal
After the virus appeared to be getting under control we were able to resume in-person services. To provide for
way for fear of their lives, who can't worship the
as many worshippers as possible while limiting person-to-person exposure we chose to have two services,
Lord God because of a state religion or oppressive In His service
requiring masks and maintaining proper social distancing. Of most importance, we were able to join together at
government. Now they have something to grumble Russ Moody
the Communion rail to receive the Lord’s Supper. Although there were some members who were not able to
and complain about!
attend these services, we continue to reach out to them via mail and internet.

Most recently, we have been able to move back to one service, bringing us together Sunday Worship
again as a congregation. In order to keep everyone safe and comfortable with the larger
gathering, it is necessary that strict rules be adhered to:

 Please do NOT come to church if you have a fever or flu-like symptoms.

 You must properly wear a mask at all times while in the building with other people
present, unless you have a medical reason for not wearing as mask.
 Please sit in the pews designated by the presence of a pew cushion to ensure
proper front to back social distancing, and maintain a distance of 6 feet from any
others seated in your pew who are not part of your immediate family.
 Use hand sanitizer and/or wash your hands often.
These are unapproved
minutes - subject to
Wo m e n ’ s 2021 Church Directory
correction and approval at
the next Voters meeting. Voters’ Meeting Minutes (via ZOOM) Ministries
They are presented for your
information. 11/18/20

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by President Ken Wichman.

 The quorum was then verified.

 There were no membership voting matters to be acted upon.
 The minutes from the October 21st meeting were approved as written.

For this meeting reports were limited 2021 budget approvals for SPLC, The Confederation, and District
Convention matters.

Old Business
Women’s Ministries
The budget had been presented to the congregation in October. Since no questions were raised, the Work
Program and Mission Plan were approved by voice vote at the request of President Wichman.
Event Schedule Brunch
New Business & Bible Study
The initial item was the presentation of transfers due to members relocating. The Council recommendation for
approval (names in the attached agenda) was approved by voice vote. “A Year Of Parables” I am in the process of updating the current St Paul
Church directory. You can help make the 2021
Saturday, December 5, 2020 Directory more accurate by looking at your
The next item was the 2021 Federation budget for support totaling $5,700. Nate Bromen moved, and Russ
information and passing along needed updates.
Moody seconded a motion to approve – it passed by voice vote. Luke 16:19-31 (Lazarus and the Rich Man)

Saturday, January 2, 2021 Check in particular:

The upcoming Ohio District Convention requires the naming of a delegate to attend with pastor Beck. Jesse
Faile volunteered, and Mark Brown has agreed to be an alternate. These appointments were approved. The
Matthew 18:21-35 (Two Servants in Debt) • Cell phone number
Congregation document including nominations for office will be forwarded to District. Saturday, February 6, 2021 • Land line number
Matthew 21:33-46 (Vineyard Tenants)
• Email address
A tentative 2021 meeting calendar was presented with all meetings being virtual until further notice. • Pictures: If you would like to update your
Saturday, March 6, 2021
directory picture please do so by sending me
Matthew 22:1-10 (A King’s Wedding Invitation)
Nate Bromen then offered two items for information: a new picture. Any picture will do. This is
Saturday, April 3, 2021 particularly needed if you have young
 First, the final Medpace parking payment has been received. It will total just under $32,000 and will make Matthew 25:1-13 (Ten Virgins) children. They change a lot in a year. I will
a major positive impact on the 2020 budget. crop your pictures to a portrait for the
Saturday, May 1, 2021
 Second, Camp Lakeview has experienced a serious funding shortage due to pandemic cancellations. Nate directory.
John 10:1-10 (The Door).
has setup a webpage for donations.
Saturday, June 5, 2021 Updates of information and new pictures can be sent
The meeting was adjourned at 7:43PM with prayer. Commemorative Event to me at (preferred) or
placed in my church mail box.
All events 10 am until Noon
Bible Studies will be led by Pastor Tim Beck Thank you for your help.
Stay safe.
from the Memorials In Memory of:
Office Altar
For Wesley Klein
Jack and Bobbie Conour

Deanne Dekeizer
Dale and Barbara DeMar

Doris Henke
H. J. Lewin
Dave and Carol Luppert
Sandy and Robert Mercer
Susan and Russ Moody
Please select your flower Al and Barbara Greene Pleasant
Arnold Schaewe
dates for 2021. Sara and Harold Smith
The chart is on the ramp Gates Snuith
bulletin board. Ed and Beverly Strelau
Dolores C. Brown
Roberta Tugwell
Kim and George Vincent June 06, 1925 - November 05, 2020
Sally Wojnar
Dolores C. (nee Mehring) Brown, age 95, passed
away on Thursday, November 5, 2020. She was
For Paul Kolthoff born June 6, 1925 in Cincinnati, Ohio to the late
Nancy Anders Alvin and Anna Lucille (nee Steele) Mehring.
Birthdays Marlene Anstaett Dolores cherished her role as a devoted wife to her
St. Paul church is looking for Sara Smith 12/2
Sandra Bates
Jean Bresnen
late husband, James S. Brown. Together, they raised
their children; Claudia (Jim) Lewis, Dorene (Dennis)
Sunday school teachers! Joshua Smith 12/5 Dale and Barbara DeMar
Lackey, Mark (Karen) Brown, and Richard
(Shyvonkia L.) Brown. Dolores often babysat and
Andrew Weinrich 12/9
If you have ever wondered...or been Wanda Doggett always adored her ten grandchildren, and twelve
interested... in getting blessed by watching Raymond Bromen 12/10 Virginia Friedrichs great grandchildren.
children learn and "get it", here is an Beverly Strelau 12/11
Mary Hegar
opportunity!! Michael Molloy 12/14 All who knew Dolores appreciated her sweet and
Megan Kolthoff 12/15 J. Kindel generous spirit. She was a longtime member of St.
We work in a rotation system, all materials are Ruth and Walter Kroeger Paul Lutheran Church in Madisonville, where she
provided and support is available. Join our Jonah Brantner 12/17
was active in the Ladies’ Guild and hosted many
community of workers interested in making a Jaz Bromen 12/21 David and Carol Luppert
gatherings for the Couple’s Club.
difference in a child's life. Whether you are Barbara DeMar 12/22 Mary Lyons
male or female, young or old or a couple, this Jesusa Alicea 12/25 Sandy and Robert Mercer For years, she worked in the Dilliard’s (formerly
may be what God has brought in front of Jack Conour 12/26 Susan and Russ Moody
McAlpin’s) Beauty Salon. Dolores and James also
you?! Sierra Fischaber 12/30
enjoyed traveling across many states and attending
Al and Barbara Greene Pleasant Big Band concerts.
Doris Rathel
Birthdays are included in case Interment was at Rest Haven Memorial Park.
you would like to send a card or Donna Rudinsky
Ed and Beverly Strelau Memorial contributions in Dolores’ honor are
extend a simple greeting. In these suggested to St. Paul Lutheran Church Mercy Care.
times a “Happy Birthday” can Gates Smith
really brighten a day. :o) Roberta Tugwell
Advent and Christmas Events
December 6th
Wednesday 11/26 Thanksgiving Eve Vespers 7:00 pm 2nd Sunday of Advent December 13th
1st Reading Is. 40:1–11 3rd Sunday of Advent
Sunday 11/29 1st Sunday in Advent Divine Service 9:00 am Psalm Psalm 85
1st Reading nt Is. 61:1–4, 8–11
Epistle 2 Peter 3:8–14
Gospel Mark 1:1–8 Psalm Psalm 128
Wednesday 12/2 1st Midweek Advent Vespers Service 7:00 pm Epistle 1 Thessalonians.5:16–24
Gospel John 1:6–8, 19–-28

Sunday 12/6 2nd Sunday in Advent Divine Service 9:00 am December 20th
4th Sunday of Advent
Wednesday 12/9 2nd Midweek Advent Vespers Service 7:00 pm
1st Reading 2 Sam. 7:1–11, 16
Psalm Psalm 89:1–5 (19–29)
Sunday 12/13 3rd Sunday in Advent Divine Service 9:00 am Epistle Rom. 16:25–27
Gospel 7 Luke 1:26–38
Wednesday 12/16 3rd Midweek Advent Vespers Service 7:00 pm

Sunday 12/20 4TH Advent Service Divine Service 9:00 am December 24th December 25th
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Wednesday 12/24 Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 7:00 pm
1st Reading Is. 7:10–14
Psalm Psalm 110:1–4 1st Reading Is. 52:7–10
Thursday 12/25 Christmas Holy Communion Service 10:00 am Epistle 4 1 John 4:7–16 Psalm Psalm 2
Gospel 6 Matt. 1:18–25 Epistle Heb. 1:1–6 (7–12)
Gospel John 1:1–14 (15–18)
Sunday 12/27 9:00 am

Thursday 12/31 New Year’s Vespers Service 7:00 pm December 27th

1st Sunday After Christmas

1st Reading Is. 61:10—62:3

Psalm Psalm 111
Epistle Gal. 4:4–7
Gospel Luke 2:22–40
“The Church’s Mission”
St. Paul Lutheran Church and Missions: Over the next few
months check out the bulletin blurb, “The Church’s Mission.”
Ken Wichman This congregation has always had a heart for seeing the
gospel proclaimed near and far. But what do you know
about the organizations St. Paul’s supports? And what is
missions, or mission, or whatever, anyway? Stay tuned. And
read an introduction on missions in the newly published
Epistle by the pastor.
Missions anyone? Since 2003 St. Paul Women’s Ministries has been involved with Graceworks Valley
Group Home in Oakley (Lutheran Social Services). This residence provides care for eight women with a
variety of special needs. Our women provide Christmas, birthday, Easter and other holiday gifts to the
residents as well as providing Portals of Prayer
and other devotional materials to staff and
Love Thy Neighbor interested residents. We also keep them in
COVID19 prayer. Talk to Barb Pleasant if you want to know
In these stressful and trying times and as a
means of showing our Christian love towards
our fellow members who assure the comfort “The Church’s Mission”
and well-being of all our congregation
members we request that you comply with the Missions anyone? Associated with the
following church guidelines. Federation, St. Paul Lutheran Church
• If you are feeling ill or have a temperature participates in “Care Center Devotions”. The
please do not come to church. Stay home team from St Paul visits six Care Centers each
and take advantage of the on line month to provide spiritual comfort and
streaming service. companionship to the homebound in various
• Except for infants or small children, facilities.
officiants, and anyone with medical issues.
Please wear a mask or face covering at ALL Presently, Denise Brown, Gary Brown, Wanda
times when you are in the building with Doggett, Sandy Mercer, Susan Moody, Roberta
other people and it applies to time spent in Tugwell, & Karen Vollbrach (former member)
the narthex or parlor before and after the
service, time during the entire service
are involved. There’s room for more visitors. If
accept when communing at the alter, and you’re interested in finding out about what
for the entire time spent in Adult Bible they do, talk to one of the team.
study, Sunday school, or any other after
service gatherings. Due to Covid-19 visiting is limited or on hold,
but will soon again return to the Anderson
• Please sit only in the pews that have seat
cushions on them and maintain proper Nursing Home, Ardent Court, Daniel Drake
social distancing with anyone other than Center, Indian Springs, Madeira Health Care
your family members that are sitting in the Center, Wexford Care Center, Pleasant Ridge
same pew. Health Care Center and St Paul Village.
Ohio District - LCMS PO Box
38277 Olmsted Falls, OH 44138
Bible studies: Ethics:
Website Phone 440- A Month Late, but Never too Late –
November 17, 2020 235-2297 or 1-800-901-2297
To the Congregations of the Ohio District,
Grace and peace be yours in Christ Jesus.
Fax 440-235-1970 Voting as Christians
(By Rev. Wesley Hromowyk of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Columbus)
Even in the midst of a pandemic, worship services remain the heartbeat of our congregations. While we have a
number of motivations for participating in the divine service, the Third Commandment is foundational. As we are instructed
There is an unwritten rule in churches that Pastors are not 3rd Commandment: Which candidate will most support
in Leviticus 23:3,
supposed to talk about politics. That is, quite frankly, the Christian Church and the freedom of religion
“Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day is a Sabbath of solemn rest, a holy convocation. You
absurd. Jesus warns in Mark 8:15, “Watch out; beware of guaranteed in our Bill of Rights?
shall do no work. It is a Sabbath to the LORD in all your dwelling places.”
the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.” That
is to say, “Beware of the false teachings of both Church 4th Commandment: Which candidate is most likely to
Late this fall I sent out a brief worship survey to our congregations. To date, 129 congregations have responded. support the Constitution of the United States of America
and State!” Remaining silent about anything is a breeding
We have learned that in-person worship attendance is about… and the Law of the land, which is the authority that
ground for Satan to tempt us to sin. Where the Word of
• 75 percent of last year at this time in just under 50 percent of the responding churches God is not rightly preached and taught, the sinful flesh will governs them?
• 50 percent of last year in about 33 percent always default to sinful ways unless it is taught otherwise, 5th Commandment: Which candidate is most likely to
• 100 percent or more of last year at this time in about 8 percent because Satan never ceases to preach and teach his lies of support human life, from natural conception to natural
• 25 percent of last year at this time in about 10 percent anti-gospel! This month’s newsletter article, therefore, is a death?
“theology of voting.
In discussing the survey with congregational leaders across the district, I’ve received two basic responses: 6th Commandment: Which candidate is most likely to
When you go to the polls this month, you have a
• How can our church draw back more of the worshippers who were in-person last year? support the biblical, and therefore, natural definition of
great responsibility. As a Christian, you have a wonderful
• How can our church better engage online worshippers who likely won’t ever worship in our sanctuary? marriage between one man and one woman?
freedom in Christ to cast your vote for those who will do
what is best for your country and your neighbor. Notice 7th Commandment: Which candidate is most likely to help
As for the first question, I recommend church leaders start by contacting members who are not worshipping in- their constituents improve and protect their possessions
nowhere in that sentence did I say anything about voting
person. Ask them whether they are not in-person for health reasons or by choice. Affirm those who have health reasons for and income? That is to say, which candidate is least likely
for what is best for you. (It should be said, however, that
not attending in-person, then stay in regular contact with them. If members could worship in-person but are choosing not to to steal what their constituents earned and distribute it to
voting for what is best for the country and your neighbor is
do so, then invite and encourage. I would let both sets of members know everything the congregation is doing to make the someone else, and at the same time is most likely to
what is best for you.) Sadly, we Americans have been
facilities as safe as possible for in-person worship. defend their property?
treated much like spoiled children. Each political party has
Steps can be taken during the services as well. In each worship service, corporate prayers can include petitions for
tried to spoil the “kids” instead of doing what is best for 8th Commandment: Which candidate is most likely to
members who cannot, or are not, worshipping in-person. These petitions could include asking God to open the way for these
them, which would be adhering to the Constitution and explain everything that pertains to your neighbor in the
members to return in-person. For churches that stream and/or record services, pastors can invite those who are watching to
Law of the land as our forefathers arranged. kindest way?
someday join those gathered in-person.
As for the second question, we’re still learning how to engage those who likely will not attend in-person. District The 10 Commandments summarize the natural 9th & 10th Commandments: Which candidates is most
leaders are working on this question, with plans on sharing our learning as we go into the New Year. laws observable in creation as God ordained them in the likely to encourage Americans to be content with the
beginning. Since they form a simple guide for instructing things they have and not entice them to want more?
Worship In-Person Now Christians how to live, they also instruct us how to vote.
Congregations are closely watching the increase in COVID-19 cases in Ohio, West Virginia and northern Kentucky. I Here is a simple guide to how Christians should vote every The voting booth is no place for feelings,
am hearing reports of congregations that plan on continuing worship in-person, but may move Sunday School or Bible classes time they go to the polls. Making a simple check list of emotions, or personal opinions about individuals running
online. candidates for each commandment will give a clear and for Office. That’s for the dinner table. Instead, it is a place
We do have at least a couple of congregations planning on stopping in-person worship, while continuing online concise path on how the Christian should vote. of sincere responsibility where we must objectively ask,
worship, through the end of the year. A greater number of churches are planning on recording special services for Advent or “Who will best serve to protect our nation from enemies
Christmas, as opposed to gathering in-person. 1st Commandment: Which candidate will most support a both foreign and domestic, uphold and respect the Law of
The bottom line is discerning whether your congregation can gather safely. To that end, I continue to pray for God’s country that puts its fear, love, and trust in the One true the land, and maintain our freedom to love and serve our
protection for our congregations. God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? neighbor?”
2nd Commandment: Which candidate will most support May God be with you as you cast your votes, leaning on
The Lord bless you and keep you, Christians who want to honor God’s name with their Him and His Word to guide your life!
Rev. Dr. Kevin Wilson, President prayers, praises, and thanksgivings in Church, home, and
Ohio District, Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod the workplace?
Camp Lakeview Needs Our Help!
Did you ever attend a weekend retreat, or have your kids attend Camp
Lakeview in Seymour, Indiana? It is a FABULOUS Christian camp where
Christian fellowship and campfire songs create memories and positive
Christian influence in the lives of so many. Covid 19 has wreaked havoc on
the program this year, and many summer adventures had to be
cancelled. This impacted Camp Lakeview is a MASSIVE way, causing a
loss of about $800,000 in revenue! They had some resources set aside, and
have offset about half of their losses, but they still need our help!

Nathan Bromen at St. Paul has set up a web page through Camp Lakeview
to help. Please, please consider helping out, as there are very few Christian
camps like Lakeview that remain, and their work is truly inspiring and
makes a difference in the lives of our young people. Every dollar
counts! Please visit the website and give generously!

The giving link is:

For His Glory!

Nathan Bromen
St. Paul Lutheran Church
Lutheran Heritage Foundation
51474 Romeo Plank Road, Macomb, MI 48042

having to do all that. Instead you are in your slippers,

“Chat With a Missionary” your favorite chair, sipping a really great cup of tea. To
Bob Mercer top that at the end the speaker actually answers the
A few months ago, the Lutheran Heritage Foundation questions you have submitted during his presentation.
started Monthly ZOOM visits with their mission If you have an interest in God’s work through missions, I
contacts around the world. I have participated in four. strongly recommend the experience.
The three I remember are:
To be notified of the December and future ZOOM
June - Dominican Republic – Rev Fritsche missionary visits you will need to be on the LHF email list.
July - Germany – Rev Grvers To be added go to:
November - Ukraine - Bishop Reverend Dr. Horpynchuk
The experience has not been unlike hearing a really 800.554.0723
passionate speaker talking about a topic he is
passionate about that your traveled hours to get to
and sat in a really uncomfortable chair WITHOUT
Another family who loves sharing the Gospel
is providing a matching gift. They will DOUBLE
any Christmas gift you send, up to $250 and
until their $10,000 match is exhausted.
So YOUR family’s gift of $40 becomes $120...$100
becomes $300...$250 becomes $750 for providing
books like The Bible with Small Catechism, A Child’s
Garden of Bible Stories, or Lutheran Hymnal with
new Christians, young and old, in Spanish-speaking
Central and South America.
After all that 2020 has dealt us, perhaps you’ll agree God can use this simple gift from your heart
that it’s time to get our eyes refocused on what really
to share His Good News of salvation.
matters: Jesus Christ is born, and He’s our only hope
for restoring our broken world! All nations ache to If you’d like to receive a brochure showing how
hear this life-changing message. your Christmas mission offering will be used, send
LHF an email request to:
This year, you have the perfect opportunity to teach
your family - whether your extended family, your
young or grown children - how God can use them to
An easy way to give through
tell someone about the newborn Savior!
When using
In Spanish-speaking Central for your
and South America, children
online Christmas
don’t have Bible storybooks.
shopping, go first to
Churches don’t have and
select LHF as the
For a gift of just $40, you and recipient of Amazon’s
your family can give 24 donation. Amazon will Prayer Chain
Sunday school children in donate 0.5% of your
Guatemala their very own eligible purchases to address change
Bible storybooks, to keep. Or the LHF mission!
perhaps your family can go
together to contribute $250 Effective immediately, the email address for the St.
and provide hymnals for an Paul Lutheran Church Prayer Chain has been changed
entire church of 150 people to
in the Dominican Republic.

_________________________________________ What is Pastor May doing in Canada? Wonderful opportunities for preaching and
presentations have turned up in churches and in other
“I have gained a lot of knowledge in theology. I was The autumn is turning into winter and the May family’s gatherings around Ontario. People in Canada have regarded
baptized in 1999, but I never understood the time in Canada is at mid point. Likewise, St. Catharines the work of Lutherans in Africa with favor. Some interest has
importance of the baptism. I did not understand that seminary had midterms, and Pastor May’s students gave been voiced to come to the Lutheran School of Theology as
Student Spotlight even infants can be baptized. I always looked at
children as innocent and without sin, but now I came to
their first presentations. For these presentations they volunteer workers either to teach a course or to do manual
had done research on different church bodies in Canada. labor. We rejoice in welcoming many Canadians into our
Student of the Month realize that there is original sin. Even right from birth The students will be able to use the material for bible volunteer teams!
This month our student you have it. I have been able to study the Small studies at their future congregations. They have found
spotlight focuses on Adelino. Catechism and I finished the course. Right now I am their course study very helpful, because Pastor May’s Naturally, trying to press through teaching at the
Adelino used to work as a nurse able to teach it without any difficulty. Still, I need more teaching draws from being a missionary and from the seminary, pursuing his PhD, preparing sermons, and attending
with Red Cross in South-Sudan. knowledge. I really want to go farther in my studies so experience of teaching people on wide spectrum of events to raise awareness of LIA, Pastor May’s working hours
Due to war and insecurity in his that I become a teacher like Pastor May who taught us. academic levels. The students commend that the course stretch into dark hours of night. It is undeniably tough, but he
home country he came to seek And my thanks goes also to our other professor, Pastor is equipping them to teach at the level that parishioners considers the doctor’s degree with the utmost importance.
refuge in Kenya. He then Mike Schleider, who taught us the book of Jeremiah. I will understand. Not because of personal gain to himself, but because in order
relocated to Kakuma refugee never knew that Jeremiah was the prophet of all for the LST to become an accredited institution, it needs
camp in Northern Kenya. nations, but now I do, and that is a great advantage to professors with doctor diplomas. Also the relationships that
Adelino recounts, “After moving to a Kenyan refugee camp me.” are being formed with the Concordia Lutheran Theological
from South-Sudan, I joined a newly formed Lutheran Seminary and with pastors and congregations of the Lutheran
congregation. There I found booklets sent form the Lutheran Church of Canada are invaluable. Please pray for strength to
School of Theology and met Bravo who had already been Pastor May to carry on and especially pray for sweet
studying there. I started to read the Small Catechism and moments of rest and enjoyment in every possible between!
became so much interested. I had some knowledge of the
Bible but not really to the extent that I could preach, yet the
congregation selected me to be the chairman. Then the news
came through Bravo that there was a new intake of students
at the LST, and the congregation wanted to send me and my
friend Anjelo. I was little hesitant and questioned if I deserved PhD work is getting heavier with lots more research,
to be selected, because I was a newcomer, but people reading, and writing to do. Pastor May values the
encouraged me to go, and I accepted. It felt good to be called. program for its practice-led research method. This
My own plan was to continue study medicine, but I felt that special type of method engages the study of practice
God was calling me to take another path. instead just theoretical research. He appreciates this,
because his thesis topic
You can see and hear Adelino on these
The proverbs of Solomon, son of David, king of Israel: videos: discusses how to better
To know wisdom and instruction, to understand words of insight, prepare pastors for their
Life in Kakuma
to receive instruction in wise dealing, in righteousness, justice, and equity; work in Africa. An
Studies at LST Support the work of Lutherans in Africa
improved understanding
to give prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the youth—
of the practice will be To give a gift go to and select
Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance,
more useful than either the Paypal button or the Donor Perfect button. Checks
to understand a proverb and a saying, the words of the wise and their riddles.
theoretical results would may be sent to Lutherans in Africa, PO Box 121, Ocean
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; be. Shores, WA 98569
fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Proverbs 1:1-7 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
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