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Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Lecturer: Rabiatul Adawiyah, M.Pd.
Prodi : MPI

1. Tulislah beberapa kalimat untuk menjawab perintah “Tell me about yourself!” (nilai 10)
2. Underline the parts of speech! (Garis bawahi yang merupakan jawaban anda!) (nilai 10)
a. Conjunction : Plan and reach your target!
b. Noun : English is easy.
c. Verb : He throws the ball.
d. Adjective : Children are unique.
e. Pronoun : Ali is smart. He studies every morning.
f. Adverb : You should follow each step exactly as explained.
g. Preposition : Fred is inside the food cart.
h. Interjection : Aha! I got brilliant idea.
3. Mention English vocabulary of management and write the meaning in Bahasa Indonesia, please!
Boleh lihat vocabulary di kolom komentar milik temannya yang ada di google classroom kita. (at
least 5) (nilai 10)
4. What tenses are they? (Tulislah tenses apa yang ada di kalimat berikut!) (nilai 20)
a. I will eat at the canteen (…………………………………………………….. tense)
b. Faridah went to Mecca (…………………………………………………….. tense)
c. Bowo is going to study English (…………………………………………………….. tense)
d. Lily does tahajud praying every night (…………………………………………………….. tense)

5. Explain skimming and scanning reading technique! (nilai 10)

6. Complete the sentences below with article a, an, the! (nilai 20)
They visited … house in … heavy forest. … house is very big. There are … apple, … black cat, …
umbrella, … unicorn, and … owl in … house in … forest.

7. (You may answer in Bahasa Indonesia for point a!) (nilai 20)
a. A paragraph consists of ……………………………….. and ……………………………………………..
b. Tulislah sebuah kalimat bahasa Inggris untuk melengkapi paragraph berikut!

………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . A United States government

study was released that linked the intake of tar and nicotine, found in cigarettes, with the development
of cancer in laboratory animals. Aside from the most serious and dread disease, cancer, cigarette
smoking also can aggravate other health problems such as asthma and emphysema. Finally, recent
studies have shown that cigarette smokers are more susceptible to common colds and flu.

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