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Video quiz questions (printable)

1) What is he holding?

a. A toy airplane

b. A toy rocket

c. A toy car

d. A toy helicopter
2) Who is he? (There is more than one answer.)

a. He is a girl.

b. He is a boy.

c. He is a man.

d. He is a kid.

e. He is a child.
3) How does he feel?

a. He feels sad.

b. He feels scared.

c. He feels excited.

d. He feels embarrassed.
4) Which coin does he need?

a. A penny

b. A nickel

c. A dime

d. A quarter
5) What is he wearing on his head?

a. A hat

b. A cap

c. A scarf

d. A helmet
6) Where does he want to go?

a. He wants to go to the sun.

b. He wants to go to his house.

c. He wants to go to the up.

d. He wants to go to the moon.

7) How does he feel?

a. happy

b. fulfilled

c. disappointed

d. hungry
8) What is he doing?

a. He is cooking lemonade.

b. He is buying lemonade.

c. He is paying lemonade.

d. He is selling lemonade.
9) What is happening?

a. He is growing older.

b. He is growing younger.

c. He is getting more.

d. He is getting major.
10) Who is he now?

a. He is a very boy.

b. He is an old kid.

c. He is a young man.

d. He is an old man.
11) How much money does he have?

a. He has many monies.

b. He has a lot of money.

c. He has the much money.

d. He has very many money.

12) The bag of money is _____________.

a. heavy
b. light

c. much

d. bigly
13) The bag is ____________.

a. full

b. empty

c. absent

d. exit
14) How does he feel?

a. satisfied

b. hungry

c. sad

d. thirsty
15) How does he feel?

a. He feels like an old man.

b. He feels like a grumpy old troll.

c. He feels like a shy school girl.

d. He feels like a happy kid.

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