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Project Employee Management System in C++

Project Employees Management System in C++ that prompts the user to choose from a
selection of options. The system must be able to store the following data in a structure.

1. Employee id
2. Name
3. Age
4. Address
5. Role and
6. Salary

The menu must ask the user:

1. Insert an employee into the system

2. Search for an employee via their id number
3. Edit employee details via their id number
4. Delete an employee and
5. Search for all employees with a wage higher than 15000.

The Employee Management System must be able to store the employee data but not in
a file just in a system so that when you search you can find the information you entered.
Also it should run in code blocks and should be written in one file not multiple files.
Lastly it should be commented to explain what the code is doing in technical terms.

Submission Deadline: Sunday, January 26, 2020 Time: 11:59:59 PM

1. Submission only through email will be accepted.
2. Make sure your file is readable.
3. Student(s) will be responsible for corrupt files.
4. Demos will be conducted on Monday and Tuesday i.e., January 26, 27, 2020
respectively during relevant lecture hours.

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