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A Summary of Graphics 20S

Graphics was definitely one of my most enjoyable classes this semester. I learned a lot
about how to make your graphic designs more appealing to the human eye. Here is a summary
of my favorite projects.
My favorite projects from the semester were probably the game covers or the movie
posters. I really like projects that you can base off things that interest you, so it was cool to get
to use some of my favorite movies and video games. I also liked the challenge of trying to make
the game cover look as legitimate as possible. I think I did the best I could to not leave a bunch
of open space, while also not overfilling the cover and making it overwhelming.
The movie posters were a very fun project that felt very flexible to me. I enjoyed finding
the pictures from the movies and putting them together to make a poster. I also had a good
time making the color palettes and trying to make sure that the colors complimented each
The infographic was a nice way to start off learning to use photoshop. I think I did a
really nice job choosing colors that look nice together and recreating the layout of a separate
infographic. However, I do think there is a lot of open space, and there could possibly be a way
to fill it a little more, like maybe adding a texture overlay over the white area, or something like
The bookmark project was another favorite of mine. I was excited to get to incorporate
my favorite game into the project. I found it fun that each bookmark could reflect the
character’s personality. I think that I did a nice job with staying consistent with a layout for the
bookmarks. Each bookmark is practically the same, just with a different color, character and
quote. But after learning about edges and things like that, the logo at the bottom definitely
needs to be moved further away from that bottom edge. But overall, I honestly think that, with
a few tweaks here and there, these are bookmarks I think I could picture Undertale fans buying.
The Christmas cards were another nice assignment. It felt nice knowing that our cards
were going to people who deserve them. But knowing actual people would be receiving them
did make the task a little bit nerve-wracking. You don’t want to end up giving someone a bad
card, y’know? But overall, I think I did a good job with my cards. I did my best to not fully copy
other cards, and just take bits and pieces from different ones that I liked. I think the colors on
some of them could be improved, like the green and red polka dot one.
The shoe designing project was another one where I was able to incorporate my
interests into it. My first shoe design was based off Dazai, a character from the anime Bungo
Stray Dogs. He’s definitely a fan favorite, so I figured he’d be a nice choice. I’m really proud of
how those shoes turned out, and I’m happy with how I used colors from his character design for
different parts of the shoe.

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