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JEREMIAH GOLDENRULE (Sitcom Pilot) by JD Moores COLD OPEN FADE IN: INT. THE GOLDENRULES' HOUSE / JEREMIAH'S BEDROOM — MORNING JEREMIAH GOLDENRULE, our pre-teen protagonist, is grudgingly packing his BACKPACK for school. JEREMIAH (V.0.) It's my first day at a new school where I'll have to make a new rep for myself. But with a name like mine, that ain't easy. I could have been a Smith or a Jones, some cool last name out of a gangster movie, but no - I got to live up to the name Goldenrule - Jeremiah Goldenrule. INT. THE GOLDENRULES' (OUSE / FOYER HENRY GOLDENRULE stands in the empty, yet still cramped foyer as he adjusts his tie and gets ready to practice a speech while looking into a MIRROR. JEREMIAH (V.0.) Then there's my dad - Henry Goldenrule, politician, state senator. Every morning he practices his speeches to a mirror. My brother and I have asked over and over why he can't do it in the bedroom like he used to instead of blocking the front door, but Dad's answers never make much sense and we don't think that Mom telling us not to ask is any kind of answer, either. KITCHEN Jeremiah and his little brother CALEB sit at the table picking at their breakfasts, looking back at the foyer where their dad talks into the mirror while their mother PATTI just sits there looking exasperated. Henry can technically be heard in the background, but the words can't really be made out. JEREMIAH (CONT’D) What's he talking about today, Mom? PATTI You don't want to know. FOYER HENRY We use the words school and reform just about every day here, but do any of us really know what those words mean anymore? PATTI (0.8.) I do! CALEB (0.8.) I don't! JEREMIAH (0.S.) I don't care! Henry's face contorts in mild frustration at their voices. HENRY Guys, I'm practicing here! (Returns to speech) can't force citizens to send their kids to schools that aren't worth attending. However, vouchers that let parents choose aren't enough when new industry raises the population of a small town without the private schools to choose from. If government is going to continue to have any hand in education, it cannot ignore problems because the state's majority party doesn't like the solution. KITCHEN Jeremiah turns to his mother. JEREMIAH So, like, what is he talking about? Is dad going to make spit-balling illegal or what? cur To: MAIN TITLES ACT ONE FADE IN: EXT. PUBLIC SCHOOL / ESTABLISHING SHOT - MORNING Jeremiah is just one amidst a DIVERSE CROWD of schoolchildren getting off of buses or out of parents’ cars to enter the building. INT. PUBLIC SCHOOL / HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS The inside of the school is every bit as crowded as the outside, perhaps more so because of the narrow hallways cramping everyone together. Jeremiah, a BACKPACK slung over one shoulder, makes his way through the crowd looking a little disoriented until he sees a familiar face. RICHARD, Jeremiah's friend, is almost comical as he practically pushes through the crowd to get to Jeremiah, uttering, "Excuse me," so many times to so many different strangers that it ends up sounding more like "Use me” by the time he reaches Jeremiah. JEREMIAH Rick! What's up? RICHARD School attendance? The two finish their greeting with their secret handshake of sorts before half hugging... sort of. JEREMIAH Man, this is lame. I got to find my first class at a new school but I can't even see two feet in front of me. RICHARD Welcome to public school. Jeremiah just nods in acknowledgement. RICHARD (CONT'D) I bet I know your real problem. You're just too spoiled by that fancy private school you used to go to. Jeremiah looks momentarily startled and offended. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: RICHARD (CONT'D) Just kidding. I gotta split. see "ya. JEREMIAH (Still lost) Yeah, see ‘ya. INT. CLASSROOM Towards the end of his class, Jeremiah watches and listens as his frustrated TEACHER gives out final instructions. Across the classroom from Jeremiah is ANDREW, a kid Jeremiah's age that looks a lot more nervous and scared as the teacher speaks than anyone else there. TEACHER Your assignment is due in two days and like I said at the beginning of class, I don't go easy on students’ first days. So, if you didn't do as much following along in your books as you did whispering to each other or note passing, you might be in for a bad surprise. Jeremiah is shift Teacher to Andrew. g his glance back and forth from the Then, the BELL RINGS. TEACHER (CONT'D) All right, that's it. Don't forget - homework to be turned in two days from now! You're dismissed. Another thing Jeremiah doesn't seem used to is this big group of students literally running over each other to get out and into the hallway just to make it to their next class on time. In the doorway, Jeremiah accidentally bumps into Andrew making his way out. Taking a step back into the classroom, he notices that Andrew has dropped some TEXTBOOKS. JEREMIAH Hey, man, sorry about that. Need some help there? ANDREW (Picking up books) No! I can get ‘em myself, so buzz off, okay? (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Jeremiah is a bit surprised as he stands there momentarily watching Andrew finally make it out of the classroom. INT. PUBLIC SCHOOL / HALLWAY A FEW MOMENTS LATER — In spite of the crowd, Jeremiah is taking a little more time getting to his next class, though it seems to be so he can watch Andrew doing the same a few feet in front of him. Not but a few steps out of the last classroom himself, he is approached from behind by MADISON, pretty, but feisty girl his age that had been in the same class. MADISON That's Andrew. He don't mean to be like that. He's just nervous. Jeremiah stops, turns to Madison a bit surprised. JEREMIAH What? MADISON Oh, sorry. I'm Madison. I was in the class with you guys a minute ago? (Beat) Madison is my first name but, like, some people just call me mad. Get it? Madison is smiling, but Jeremiah isn't - hasn't gotten the joke yet. MADISON (CONT'D) Never mind. JEREMIAH I'm, uh... I'm Jeremiah. Friends call me Jeremiah. MADISON I wasn't funny, was I? You know - like, a moment ago? JEREMIAH My dad cracks himself up all the time, too. I'm used to it. Hey, you actually know, um... MADISON Andrew? (CONTINUED) CONTINUE JEREMIAH Yeah, him - the kid just told me to buzz off. ‘You know him? MADISON Yeah, a little. It's too bad. He's usually picked on by the teachers for not paying attention, but everyone knows it's just ‘cause he can't follow along in the books fast enough (Looks at WATCH) I don't guess we have the next class together, huh? I gotta go. Nice meeting you. Madison turns and walks the other way, again leaving Jeremiah just a confused. EXT. THE GOLDENRULES' HOUSE / ESTABLISHING SHOT - DAY A SCHOOL BUS pulls up to the curb and deposits the NEIGHBORHOOD KIDS, including Jeremiah. INT. THE GOLDENRULES' HOUSE / THE DEN Patti is going over LESSON PLANS in the Goldenrules' posh den when Jeremiah enters. JEREMIAH (surprised) Mom, you're home! PATTI ‘only worked half a day. How was school? JEREMIAH Fine. Without another word, Jeremiah starts towards the HALLWAY to go to his room when Patti stops him. PATTI Well, wait a minute! You mean there's nothing else? JEREMIAH Mom, the school was there before me. What's there to say? PATTI There's nothing wrong, is there? (CONTINUED) CONTINUE JEREMIAH No, I told you I'm fine. Jeremiah continues to his room, but Patti doesn't appear convinced by Jeremiah's dismissive attitude and assertion that everything is "fine." INT. THE GOLDENRULES' HOUSE / JEREMIAH'S BEDROOM - CONTINUOUS Jeremiah tosses his BACKPACK onto his bed and immediately grabs a DICTIONARY from the SMALL DESK at which he usually does his homework. Then, he looks up the word reform. JEREMIAH (V.0.) Before now, I'd never paid much attention to Dad's speeches. I'd never tell Mom and Dad, but 1 always thought any of our problems as students were somehow always our fault. That first day at the new school, seeing Andrew and all, made me remember the speech and wonder if there really is something to all that. FADE OUT: END OF ACT ONE ACT Two INT. PUBLIC SCHOOL / CAFETERIA At one of many LONG FOLD-UP TABLES, Jeremiah is having lunch with Richard in the crowded and somewhat noisy cafeteria, each struggling to talk loud enough so they could hear one another. JEREMIAH ‘still ‘wanna come over and watch the Undertaker with me? RICHARD Again? JEREMIAH Hey! RICHARD I mean, there are other wrestlers, Jeremiah. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: JEREMIAH Yeah? Since when? Rick rolls his eyes. Jeremiah presses on. JEREMIAH (CONT'D) I got the three disc collection of all the Hell in the Cell matches, plus his match with Edge from Summerslam 2008 burned on disc at home. RICHARD'S POV: Richard is distracted as he watches MADISON walking th way. NEW ANGLE RICHARD ho knows? Maybe she'll watch ‘em with you the next hundred times or JEREMIAH What? MADISON Hey, guys. Richard defers to Madison by only too-happily moving his chair over to give her room to sit down with her TRAY next to hin, RICHARD Hey, yourself. I'm Richard. MADISON So, Jeremiah, seen Andrew again? JEREMIAH No. Why? MADISON ‘Just wondered. JEREMIAH So he didn't want help picking up his books - no big deal. (CONTINUED) CONTINUE Madison tries to hide it, but she still seems a bit disappointed. MADISON You're new here, aren't you? I mean, we met the other day and there are lots of others here T don't know, but you're new to this school, right? RICHARD Jeremiah was in private school last year. ‘Guess you could say he's not house broken yet. The remark seems to only add to Jeremiah's momentary frustration, not to mention his confusion as to who exactly he's supposed to be having a conversation with at this point. Looking around, though, he notices that nobody else at the long table seems to care or have any trouble carrying on their own private conversations. MADISON So what is private school like? JEREMIAH Um, well, it's not as crowded. MADISON Do you really have to be rich to get in like they say? Is it really that expensive? JEREMIAH I don't know. How expensive do they say it is? Madison smiles as i: Jeremiah's answer is funny. RICHARD Jeremiah doesn't know because he never had to pay for it. JEREMIAH (To Richard - irritated) Neither did you, man! So quit answering for me. RICHARD I was kidding. (CONTINUED) lo. CONTINUED: (2) JEREMIAH Yeah, well, you didn't say you were. RICHARD I thought I just did. (Stands up) Excuse me while I throw my stuff away. With seemingly hurt feelings, Richard walks away. JEREMIAH (To himself) Jeez... MADISON You two friends? JEREMIAH Yeah, but... (Beat) I don't know, you think I ran him off? MADISON He did leave. JEREMIAH No kidding. We've been friends a while now, but sometimes... MADISON Friends... I know. They talk for you, finish your sentences. JEREMIAH Yeah... But still, we ARE friends. MADISON Sure you are. He probably thought you were a pretty nice guy. (Beat) Just like I thought you were. JEREMIAH What's that supposed to mean? MADISON I just thought you wanted to help Andrew out a little. I mean, nobody else has and you did ask about him the other day. (CONTINUED) ql. CONTINUED: (3) JEREMIAH I don't get it. How could T help him? He doesn't even act like he wants any help. MADISON You think he'd actually ask? all these bullies around to make fun of him, I mean... what did you expect? h JEREMIAH What bullies? MADISON You really are new, aren't you. JEREMIAH (V.0.) I wasn't that dumb, but what could I say? I felt trapped. Nervous, Jeremiah cranes his neck to look around for Richard. JEREMIAH (CONT'D) here is Richard? I thought he was just throwing away his trash. Just then, both notice a HOMEROOM TEACHER coming around, KNOCKING on the tables, a clear cue to the students that lunch is over. MADISON That's my homeroom teacher. I gotta go. (Pulls PAPER out of pocket - hands to Jeremiah) Here. I thought maybe you were cool enough to have this. Jeremiah looks at the paper - it's got Madison's phone number on it. MADISON (CONT'D) You know, in case you wanted to help me help andrew. JEREMIAH (V.0.) I knew I was bombing with Madison, but there was something more to this than she was saying. JEREMIAH (CONT'D) Who is he to you anyway? (CONTINUED) 12. CONTINUED: (4) MADISON He's nobody, Jeremiah - just my cousin. JEREMIAH (V.0.) or maybe I just wasn't listening — reading between the lines. MADISON Hope you like the food here. Then, Madison and about half of the other kids at the table get up and leave with the Homeroom Teacher, leaving Jeremiah not just more frustrated and confused - now, he's all alone. JEREMIAH (V.0.) Maybe this is what my dad meant when he always used to brag about being able to read people. If so, maybe I'm not as much like him as he says - maybe I can't read people. One thing is for sure... (Beat) This sucks. EXT, PUBLIC SCHOOL - AFTERNOON Jeremiah and Richard wait with the OTHER STUDENTS for their BUS, JEREMIAH I don't get it, Richard. If you're mad at me, why stand out here with me for the bus? RICHARD We take the same bus, Jeremiah. JEREMIAH Yeah, but... I mean, why don't you wait down the sidewalk or something instead of... Oh, never mind. RICHARD I never said I was mad, I just didn't think you wanted to talk anymore so I finished my lunch at another table. So what? JEREMIAH I was frustrated and confused. I'm sorry. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 13. RICHARD ‘what what you told Madison? or do you only get that way when she comes over. JEREMIAH Meaning? RICHARD oh, nothing JEREMIAH Hey, she's cool, okay? She seems real nice, 'ya know. I just don't understand her wanting me to help her cousin. I don't know what she thinks I can do. You didn't hear that, though, did you? That guy who dropped his books and told me to buzz off when I tried to help - Andrew - that's her cousin. RICHARD No offense, Jeremiah, but what don't you get about her thinking you can help? JEREMIAH hat? RICHARD Think about it - you come from a private school, a pretty well-off family. JEREMIAH (Interrupts) So do you! We live in the same neighborhood, remember? Same bus? RICHARD You're in a blazer and khakis while most of the other guys here are wearing baggy jeans and old metal band T-shirts down to the knees. AND you offered to help him pick up his books. ‘See anyone else offer? Maybe she just thinks you look like someone that could help. JEREMIAH Well, right now, T have to worry about my own grades. (MORE) (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: (2) JEREMIAH (CONT'D) ‘Easy to take notes when you can see the board - the classrooms here are so big you can hardly see what the teacher's writing from the middle row back. RICHARD So sit closer to the board. JEREMIAH When I get used to where my classes are, I will. 14. Richard glances past Jeremiah and spots something going on. RICHARD JEREMIAH RICHARD Looks like our friend Andrew has a little more to worry about than his grades right now. Jeremiah looks to where Richard is pointing and sees TWO g a smaller and very nervous Andrew. BULLIES hass BULLY 1 "You know how hard it was to get those test answers copied? Now give us the rest of the money said. ANDREW I'm sorry, guys, really, but I just don't have it today. BULLY 2 Maybe he thinks we're joking. BULLY 1 But we're not, are we. BULLY 2 No. Maybe we're just not being clear enough. The two bullies start posturing as if they're about to hit Andrew, who can't run for students on either side of him — students that seem to be watching, but unwilling to intervene. (CONTINUED) 15. CONTINUED: (3) ANDREW Guys, I know you're not kidding. I'll get you the rest of the money. I promise. BULLY 2 Sure, you will, but just so you'll be sure to remember... The two bullies grasp Andrew hard, one's hand on each shoulder. They look ready to beat him up when Jeremiah approaches. JEREMIAH Andrew! What's up, man? Andrew sees Jeremiah coming, a mixture of surprise and relief on his face as the bullies quickly take their hands off of hin. BULLY 2 Who are you? JEREMIAH Just a buddy. Right, Andrew? ANDREW (smiles nervously) Uh, yeah... Right. JEREMIAH You guys giving him a shoulder rub or what? Better be careful, some of these dweebs around here might get the wrong idea and think you two took a particular liking to my friend here. BULLY 1 What are you talking about? The bullies see Jeremiah wink at Andrew and know something i: up. BULLY 1 (CONT'D) You two ain't friends! Look at ‘em! JEREMIAH Just keep your hands off him, all right? BULLY 1 And what if we don't? (CONTINUED) 16. CONTINUED: (4) JEREMIAH (Looks around) oh, I think you will. BULLY 1 Is that so? Bully 2 pushes Jeremiah, but virtually in reflex, Jeremiah grabs the bully and... pins him. Just then, the PRINCIPAL walks up. PRINCIPAL Hey! What's going on here? JEREMIAH (Lets go of Bully) These guys were just horsing around. PRINCIPAL Horsing around, huh? Looked like the start of a fight to me. (To Jeremiah) hat's your name son? Just as Jeremiah is about to answer: RICHARD (0.S.) Jeremy! Hey, Jeremiah! Jeremiah Goldenrule! Jeremiah looks back at Richard approaching. While everyone else is absorbed either with Jeremiah or with Richard's calling for him, the two bullies sneak away. PRINCIPAL I don't remember seeing you around here before, but that last name certainly rings a bell. RICHARD Jeremy, what are you doing, man? our bus is here! JEREMIAH (Looks around for bullies) We're really sorry, sir. Aren't we, Andrew? (CONTINUED) uy. CONTINUED: (5) ANDREW (Nervous - Nods & Plays along) Uh, yeah... I mean, yes, s sorry... si PRINCIPAL Well, okay. As long as I don't see anything like this out here again. You guys go catch your bus, okay? And stay out of trouble. Jeremy, in particular, is relieved as he, Richard and Andrew part ways with the principal, caring little where the bullies are. The three walk toward their bus. SBREMIAH ‘this your bus, Andrew? ANDREW No, but I... Well, I just wanted to say thanks. JEREMIAH Any time. If you see Madison, tell her I'll see her at lunch. Andrew just looks at Jeremiah with a wry grin, nods and then xuns back from whence he came. RICHARD That was close, man - real close. Did I mention it was close? Man, that was close! JEREMIAH You wanted me to help him - you and Madison. RICHARD "Don't know if that was exactly what Madison had in mind, but it ain't that bad a start. (Chuckles & pats Jeremiah on shoulder) My man! You may just establish those street creds yet. Now all we got to do is make you look the part. This ain't private school. Naw, man, this is public - this is the jungle, baby. (CONTINUED) 1g. CONTINUED: (6) JEREMIAH Please! You think I like dressing like my dad's golfing buddies? No way. Richard keeps talking as, in the line, the two enter the bus. RICHARD Good, ‘cause you keep up the jungle vibes you were shedding back there, and we make you look king, you gonna be king. From here on out, Jeremiah Goldenrule is ‘gonna rule. JEREMIAH Thanks, Richard, I think I get it. INT. THE GOLDENRULES' HOUSE / THE DEN Once again, Jeremiah enters the front door with his BACKPACK, but this time he finds his dad Henry waiting for him. Jeremiah stops a few feet in, looks at his father and sighs in anticipation. JEREMIAH You're not going to ambush me like Mom did the other day, are ‘ya, Dad? HENRY Ambush? What are you talking about? I was just going to ask how school went. Jeremiah walks the rest of the way in and takes a seat next to Henry. JEREMIAH Dad, I ‘gotta know - what were you talking about in the mirror that morning about school reform? HENRY I knew it. Your mom warned me there'd be something going on at school. JEREMIAH Dad, please, can you just tell me - without a big speech? (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: HENRY Try looking it up. You'll remember it better that way. JEREMIAH Dad, I know what a school is and I already looked up reform. It said something about changing somet! making it better. Are you tr to make schools better? I don't get it. HENRY I wish I could tell you I knew one way or the other, but I've told you about my work before. We vote on these things. We try to make law to help people, but it doesn't always turn out that way. We also spend weeks, even months debating a law or amendment that never gets passed, so. JEREMIAH So you don't know what school reform is any more than I do, huh? (Beat - Stern) It's obviously part of your job, and even you don't know what it is. Great. Just great. Frustrated, Jeremiah gets up to go to his room. JEREMIAH (CONT'D) I got homework to do. HENRY Jeremiah, wait. 1g. Jeremiah turns around, but doesn't seem anxious to listen. HENRY (CONT'D) I don't know why you're interested in all this. TI guess I should be proud that you are, but son, one of these days you're going to have to learn that nobody has ALL the answers - not even the smart ones know everything. (CONTINUED) 20. CONTINUED: (2) JEREMIAH sure, dad, I get it. But this stuff is your job, answers people thought you knew already so they put you in Tallahassee to act on those answers, but now, you don't know. Do you have to know anything to do your job, Dad, or are you just some Glorified radio jockey that just has to talk a lot? HENRY Now, Jeremiah, you and I both know that wasn't called for. Ask me all the questions you want, but T suggest you change your tone. You got me? JEREMIAH Yeah, Dad, I got ‘ya - at least what little there is of you to get. I'll be in my room. EXIT JEREMIAH INT. THE GOLDENRULES' HOUSE / JEREMIAH'S BEDROOM A few minutes later, Jeremiah is trying to calm down by listening to some MUSIC in his room when Henry knocks on the cracked-open door. JEREMIAH It's open. HENRY (Entering) hat's going on, son? JEREMIAH What do you mean? HENRY Hey, turn the music off a minute, okay? JEREMIAH "You giving me a choice? HENRY No. Jeremiah shuts off the music. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 21. JEREMIAH What? HENRY Since when did you start going around snapping at us when you come home from school? You didn't used to be like that. JEREMIAH I didn't used to go to that school. HENRY Jeremiah, something is going on with you at that school and I want to know what it is. Is someone bullying you? Do you not there? What? JEREMIAH No. What's not to like, Dad? It's a school - they're all alike. HENRY Actually, they're not. (Beat) k you know that already. JEREMIAH (Sighs in resignation) okay, fine. Some girl saw me help her cousin pick up some books he dropped class and now she thinks I can help with his grades and all. I just don't know what to do, you know? I mean, what can I offer the guy? (Beat) Anyway, I'd heard all that stuff you'd been saying about reform and thought maybe it was your job to help guys like that. HENRY hat_do you think it's my job to do exactly? How do you think I'm supposed to help? JEREMIAH I don't know! Reform it - make i better. Improve the school so Andrew and others like him don't have those problems. (CONTINUED) 22. CONTINUED: (2) HENRY That's easier said than done, you know. JEREMIAH I know. (Beat) I thought about telling Mom, maybe asking if she'd tutor him or something, but I don't even know if he'd go for that or what parents would think. HENRY Well, you're awfully worried about this. That's for sure. It's important to you, isn't it? Is it because you want to help this kid Andrew or because you don't want to disappoint his cousin? what's her name? JEREMIAH Madison. HENRY (smiles) Is she nice? JEREMIAH Getting a little off-topic, aren't we, Dad? HENRY No, I'd prefer to think of this as being just ancther layer of the same topic. Jeremiah takes a moment to think and to figure out what Henry means, but then asks: JEREMIAH hat? HENRY I'm just playing. Henry winks at Jeremiah. JEREMIAH Right... DISSOLVE TO: HOUSE / INSERT SHOT - NIGHT EXT. THE GOLDENRULES' HENRY (0.8.) So that's it. This girl wants Jeremiah to help her cousin do better in their class and he doesn't really know what to do. HOUSE / KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS INT. THE GOLDENRULES' Henry is presumably helping PATTI wash the DISHES after 23. dinner, but really he's just standing there putting plates and such in a drain rack after she gets done cleanil PATTI Why didn't he tell me? I've tutored on the side before. 1 know I'm qualified to tutor in Jeremiah's grade. HENRY Come on, honey, you know how boys: are. PATTI I know how our boys are. HENRY Okay, remind me why we don't use our State-of-the-art dish washer anymore? PATTI Because money doesn't grow on trees, Henry, though with you working for the government and all, I wouldn't necessarily expect you to understand that. HENRY Ha, ha. Funny. You know, in a way, money does grow on trees. where do you think the paper comes from for the dollar bills? The dishes complete, Patti turns to Henry: PATTI Really, Henry, we need to help Jeremiah a little bit. g then. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 24, HENRY Patti, he's almost a teenager. He hasn't exactly asked us for help and there's not much we can really do unless he does. PATTI We should still try. We owe him that much. HENRY What on earth do you mean? We owe him. You're making too much of this. You know that? PATTI No, I'm not, and one of these days, we'll probably have to confront this same issue with Caleb. HENRY What issue? PATTI Look, all Jeremiah has known ‘til now is that private school he went to last - small class sizes, one-on- one help from school faculty in the afternoons, hardly a student there whose parents didn't know at least a third of the other parents with kids there. But remember why we sent him to public school this year in the first place? Little do they know that around a corner, Jeremiah is quietly listening to the conversation. PATTI (CONT'D) You just got re-elected and you were finally sure that this is the year that some of your ideas on school reform might actually go through in the state senate. You wondered what it would look like having a kid in private school when half your re-election campaign was based on reforming the public school system, and you know what? You were right. It was the fair thing to do and I think it'll teach Jeremiah about the real world ways that private school can't. (CONTINUED) 25. CONTINUED: (2) HENRY It wasn't just my decision, Patti. You agreed. PATTI Of course I did, and I still do, but that decision comes with the responsibility to help Jeremiah if he needs it until he gets used to his new environment. Henry smiles and affectionately strokes his wife's hair one time. ON _JEREMTAH As Henry and slowly makes INT. THE GOLDENRULES' HENRY And you wonder why I keep asking you to co-write my speeches and proposals. PATTI (smiles) Darn straight! I know what I'n talking about. Patti's conversation ends, FOLLOW Jeremiah as he his way back to his room. JEREMIAH (V.0.) So that was it. Listening to all that I finally know why the change in schools. T just wish it had more to do with me than with my dad's job. Still, I've gotten used to the idea of public image and reputation meaning more to this family than it does to most. I know now what some of my history teachers have said about sons and daughters of presidents and other politicians having to live up to their names, what those names mean by what the famous family members have done for society. HOUSE / JEREMIAH'S BEDROOM — CONTINUOUS Jeremiah is packing up his BACKPACK for the next morning and getting out his PAJAMAS while the narration continues. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 26. JEREMIAH (V.0.) Maybe this is my first test to see if I can live up to my name. My dad had the right idea that public schools need all the help they can get, but maybe he's just not able to actually do all the stuff he proposes because he's not in the schools with the students and teachers every day like we are... like I am. And since I am, maybe this is how I can live up to my name. Maybe helping people like Andrew is what being a Goldenrule means for me. About to pack his last TEXTBOOK, Jeremiah stops and pulls out the PAPER on which Madison had written and given him her PHONE NUMBER, loo! ng at it. JEREMIAH (V.0.) (CONT'D) Now, I'm just hoping I don't disappoint. FADE OUT: END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE EXT, PUBLIC SCHOOL / INSERT SHOT - AFTERNOON ANDREW (0.S.) You really think your mother will tutor me, Jeremiah? INT. PUBLIC SCHOOL / HALLWAY Jeremiah and Andrew talk as they walk to their next class. JEREMIAH She's a teacher anyway, plus I overheard her talking to my dad about it. ANDREW Your parents talk about this to each other? JEREMIAH It's a long story, but that's not important. (MORE) (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 27. JEREMIAH (CONT'D) What's important is that you don't have to buy stolen test answers off those bullies anymore. ANDREW Teachers have sent notes home, talked to my parents by phone, but my parents just think I'm lazy. They think aince they didn't have these problems in school, neither should I. (Beat) It's embarrassing, ‘ya know? I'm not an idiot, it's just I have a hard time following along in class and that makes studying afterwards even harder. JEREMIAH All I can tell ‘ya is that half the work in making good grades is predicting what things will be on the tests. But I guess if you could follow along with the teachers better, you could do that. Here, it's like teachers just fly through the lessons, then make you figure out the rest for yourself later at home. The private school T went to last was different, so I kind of know what you're going through. ANDREW Hey, I hate to have to ask, but, uh... well, what about money? I definitely don't have enough and I don't know that my parents would pay. Like I said, they don't think I really need tutoring anyway. What... JEREMIAH (Interrupts) Hold up, okay? We'll worry about that later. Just give me a day or two to straighten things out with my mother. If you have to, you can come home with me one or two days a week for tutoring and just tell your parents you're at a friends house. I mean, that's true enough, I hope. Isn't it? (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 28. (2) ANDREW (smiles) Sure thing. INT. PUBLIC SCHOOL / CAFETERIA Jeremiah and Richard are sitting together at lunch again. RICHARD So that's it? You guys just talked? No close calls with one of the oversized delinquents here? JEREMIAH Nope. We just talked. I'm g; to get my mother to tutor him the afternoons. RICHARD oh, well... okay. But man, really, if’you want a cool rep here, we're going to have to work on that wardrobe, maybe look and see if you got something in your closet to work with. Clothes do make the man, you know. JEREMIAH ‘sounds cool. ‘This afternoon after school? Maybe after we watch one of the Undertaker DvD's? RICHARD Awesome. MADISON (0.S.) ‘Couldn't agree more! Madison walks over and hurriedly pulls a chair up to the edge of the table by Jeremiah, sits down and just looks at him, smiling. JEREMIAH You're happy now, right? You're not... mad? MADISON That's just my nickname. Thank you, Jeremiah. After an awkward moment of silence, Richard speaks up. (CONTINUED) 29, CONTINUED: RICHARD Oh, come on, guys, what about me? I'm the one pushed Jeremiah here into finding his inner coolness! Jeremiah, does this mean she's watching the Undertaker with us now? Madison stands back up to leave. MADISON I can see my home room teacher coming. Talk more in the hallway later? JEREMIAH Sweet. EXIT MADISON RICHARD Okay, I'm not subjecting myself to another minute of your Dvp's until you tell me what just happened here. JEREMIAH (smiles) It's no big deal, Rick. Just practicing the golden rule. That's all. DISSOLVE TO: INT. THE GOLDENRULES' HOUSE / THE DEN A while into watching the Undertaker DVD, Richard seems more into it than Jeremiah, so Jeremiah takes the minute Rick isn't looking to get up and go into the INT, THE GOLDENRULES' HOUSE / KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS Patti is reading something at the KITCHEN TABLE when Jeremiah walks over and sits down next to her. JEREMIAH Thanks, mom, for helping out with Andrew and all. PATTI Of course. I just don't know why you didn't tell us about all this sooner. (CONTINUED) 30. CONTINUED: JEREMIAH I didn't know there was anything you guys or I could until... PATTI Until that girl got impatient with you? What's her name again? JEREMIAH (Blushing) on, mom, Her name is PATTI (Mods) Madison, huh? Nice name, JEREMIAH Mom, come on - we're not... PATTI (Playing along) No, no, of course you aren't. Clearly, though, Patti is fighting back a knowing smil: JEREMIAH Alright, I'm going back in there with Rick to watch the DVD. See "ya, mom. Patti watches Jeremiah leave the room with a kind of knowing satisfaction visible in her face. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. PARKING LOT - AFTERNOON Henry, wearing his work suit, is about to get in his CAR to leave when EVAN, a fellow senator just a few years older than Henry, walks up to the vehicle parked next to him. BVAN Good speech about the school reform thing today, Hank. HENRY Thanks, Evan. You know I aim to please. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 31. EVAN Yeah, I know. For a while there, I was almost convinced you believed all that stuff yourself - you know, about vouchers not being enough and government taking responsibility for the education it provides. I'll bet that line about solw the majority party doesn't like made a few people across the aisle happy. ns HENRY What about you, Evan? Did any of it make you happy ~ maybe happy enough to help me push something through? Evan laughs a little and there's more than a hint of sarcasm in his tone as he responds. EVAN Come on, Hank, don't pretend you're that naive. You know who we work for, and it isn't the soccer moms or the poor kids living across the tracks. Besides, you ought to know money can't solve all the world's problems. ‘Trust me, the public school system is making it just fine. These so-called problems just need to be blown out of proportion every once and a while so's that the voters can know we're still paying attention to them come re-election season. HENRY (Hiding disappointment) I guess you're right. EVAN Now get out of here. You work too hard and worry too much. Tell the Mrs. I said hi. HENRY I will. INT. HENRY'S CAR - CONTINUOUS In the driver's seat, Henry shuts the door, but doesn't start the car yet, stead watching out the window as EVAN'S car backs out and leaves. (CONTINUED) 32. CONTINUED: Clearly, he has a lot on his mind as he takes his CELL PHONE out of his GLOVE COMPARTMENT and calls home. PATTI (0.8.) (Through phone) Bello? HENRY Hey. ‘You and Jeremiah got things squared away with you tutoring that kid at his school? PATTI I have to see what parts of the week I can do it and what times, but I want to do this. I told you I could. HENRY You think Jeremiah is getting used to the public school system yet? PATTI I don't know how he feels about the whole system, Henry - ‘don't really think I'd state things so dramatically, but yeah, I think he's adapting to the school we sent him to. HENRY That's good. I guess now it's time to do our part. (Beat) I'll see ‘ya when I get home. ‘Need me to stop anywhere? PATTI Just come home. That'll be good enough for me. HENRY Sure. See 'ya later. (hangs up) FADE OUT: INT. PUBLIC SCHOOL / HALLWAY It's another school day, but now, "hip" MUSIC serenades Jeremiah's brisk and confident walk down the hall to one of his classes. He's also dressed in what some might call cooler clothes and looking like he could blend in a little better. (CONTINUED) 33. CONTINUED: There's a confident stride in his step as he also starts getting smiles and waves from other students he passes. He even passes the two Bullies he tangled with just a week or so earlier, only now, they nod with what passes for respect with them as they pass. The old, somewhat repressed and clueless Jeremiah In its place is the new Jeremiah Goldenrule... in is gone. da house. FADE OUT: ROLL CREDITS

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