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GRI Index and Checklist.


1. Strategy and Analysis

40 Disclosure


Infrastructure investments and services supported


Operations assessed for risks related to corruption

302-1 Energy consumption within the organization


Waste generation and significant waste-related impacts

307-1 Non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations

401-1 New Employee Hires and Employee Turnover

404-1 Average hours of training per year per employee


Level of reporting Location of disclosure

GRI 200: Economic
Ayala Land Inc. Integrated Report (2017) Commercial Leasing Pages. 34 to 39 https://database.globalr
Among the disclosure required und
infrastructure investments and serv
relevant positive and negative impa
Among the disclosure required und
operations assessed for risks relate
Ayala Land Inc. Integrated Report (2017) Company Fraud Risk Page.
139 Paragraphs 1 and 2https://da
GRI 300: Environmental
Ayala Land Inc. Integrated Report (2017) Electricity consumption Table 1-Page.
Among 172 Table required
the disclosure 2-Page.174
within the organization from non-re
or multiples, and including fuel type
joules or multiples.

Ayala Land Inc. Integrated Report (2017) Hotels and Resorts

Page. 38 Paragraphs 5-6 ; Table E: Waste Generation Page 173 Among the disclosure required und significant waste-related impacts. T
waste generation to hazardous and
hazardous into sub-segments recyc
Ayala Land Inc. Integrated Report (2017) Environmental
Risks Page. 138 Paragraphs 1 to 8 Among the disclosure required und compliance with environmental laws
monetary sanctions, cases brought
GRI 400: Social
Ayala Land Inc. Integrated Report (2017) Labor and Employment
Among the disclosures required und
Page. 129 Paragraph 2 of new employee hires during the re disclosed only the percentage of em
employee turnover during the perio
Ayala Land Inc. Integrated Report (2017) Training and Development Page 72 Paragraphs 2 to 3 https://

Among the disclosure required und

hours that Ayala's employees have
of hours of training based on both g

g the disclosure required under 203-2, the reporting organization was able to report the extent of development of significant
ructure investments and services supported, current or expected impacts on communities and local economies, including
nt positive and negative impacts, and the type of investments and services.
g the disclosure required under 205-1, the reporting organization was not able to disclose the total number of percentage of
ions assessed for risks related to corruption but only the significant risks related to corruption identified through the risk

g the disclosure required under 302-1, the report was able to comply with the disclosures rereuired total fuel consumption
the organization from non-renewable & renewable sources sources, in joules
tiples, and including fuel types used; In joules, watt-hours or multiples; total energy consumption within the organization, in
or multiples.

g the disclosure required under 306-1, the report disclosed the following data and information for waste generation and
cant waste-related impacts. The organization did deal with specific figures using percentages and tables, summarizing its
generation to hazardous and non-hazardous using symbols such as kilograms, tons, and liters. Moreover, segregating non-
dous into sub-segments recyclable, food, compostable, and residual.

g the disclosure required under 307-1, the report was able to disclose Significant fines and non-monetary sanctions for non-
iance with environmental laws and/or regulations in terms of total monetary value of significant fines,total number of non-
ary sanctions, cases brought through dispute resolution mechanisms.

g the disclosures required under 401-1, the reporting organization was able to completely disclose the total number and rate
w employee hires during the reporting period, by age group, gender and region. However, the reporting organization
sed only the percentage of employee turnover during the period. The reporting organization did not express in detail the
yee turnover during the period by age group, gender, and region.

g the disclosure required under 404-1, the reporting organization was able to completely report the average number of
that Ayala's employees have undertaken during the reporting period and they also properly disclosed the average number
rs of training based on both gender and employee category through the help of tables.

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