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CONCERNED : Mr. Kalonga MWATSHI Amand , living on Avenue Kiala No. 19, District
Lokari in the town of Masina in Kinshasa ; .................. ..  
By its application of 17 Aug t 2020 addressed to Madam President of that court in the
following terms : ......... 
Kinshasa, 17 /0 8/2020
To Madame President of the Tribunal de
Paix Kinshasa / N ' Djili
              to Kinshasa / N ' Djili
"Re : Request for a supplementary judgment 
act of birth
"Madam President,
"The honor falls to me to come to your authority, ask what the object ticked off above it
in my favor ; .................. ..
"Indeed, I was born in Kinshasa, on 15/03/2002, the union of Mr. Serge Kalonga
KONGOLO and Mrs. KASONGO OWALE Henriette ; at the time of the birth parents'
residence was on Kiala No. 19 district Lokari in the town of
Masina .---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------
" As ignorance of the law, this birth was never declared before the registrar of the
competent civil status .-------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------
With that, to supply this defect, I beg you to believe, Madam President, the assurance
my highest consideration .----------------------- ----------------------------------------
The applicant
Sé / Kalonga MWA TSHI Amand
"================================================= =================
The well because regular ins written in civilian role and gracious d u Tribunal under RPG
8596 , was fixed and known to   the public hearing of 08/20/2020 in which the applicant
appeared not attended in person council and the court declared seized on request ;
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- 
Given the investigation of the case made in this hearing ; ............................... 
Yes , the applicant in its oral submissions, the Court agreed er the full benefit of his re
introductory quest instance ; .................................. 
RPG 8596 SECOND SHEET                                                                                                                    
The prosecution represented by Mr. VAMPEKE M CAP substitute prosecutor at the
Court of Peace of Kinshasa / N ' Djili av est report issued on the b a n, to the effect that
pleases the Court to grant the request under
consideration ; ............ ..................................................................................... …….  
With that Court declared the hearing closed, took the cause deliberate and at the
hearing on 20.8.2020 publicly pronounced the following
judgment : ............... ..................... .. 
= / = JUDGMENT = / =
Whereas by its request of 17.8.2020 addressed th the President of the Court of Peace of
Kinshasa / N ' Djili Mr Kalonga MWA TSHI Amand , resid ant on Avenue K iala No. 19 ,
District Lokari in town Masina , asks the Tribunal a supplementary judgment of act of
birth in his favor ; ------------------------------- -------- 
By the procedure is regular ; -------------------------------------------------- ------ 
Whereas it appears from the terms of the request and the information gathered at the
hearing, the appointed Kalonga MWA TSHI Amand was born in Kinshasa, on
15/03/2002 , of the union of Mr. Serge Kalonga KONGOLO and Mrs. KASONGO
OWALE Henriette ; at the time of the birth parents lived on Avenue K iala No. 19 , district
Lokari in the town of Masina in Kinshasa ; -------------------- -----------------   
Considering that 'law, Article 106 of the Family Code provides that the failure to act of
civil status may be replaced by a judgment of the Court of Peace and Children as
appropriate , upon request to the Tribunal of the place where the act should have been
prepared ; -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- 
Considering that law, Article 116 of the same Code specifies that any birth that occurred
on the territory of the Republic must be declared to the Civil Status Officer of the place of
residence of the father or mother in ninety days after birth ; 
As in the case under consideration, the Court notes that the appointed Kalonga
MWATSHI Amand was born in Kinshasa, on 15/03/2002 , of the union of Mr. Serge
Kalonga KONGOLO and Madame Henriette KASONGO OWALE ; at the time of the birth
parents lived on Avenue K iala No. 19 , district Lokari in the town of Masina in Kinshasa ;
-------------------- -----------------   
What of the above, the Court of Peace will receive the request of Mr Kalonga MWATSHI
Amand and the Declar was founded ; -------------------------------------------------- ------  
In addition, he will say that the device of this judgment will be transcribed in the register
of civil status of the town of Masina .-------------------- ---------------------------------------------
*** // ***
RPG 8596 THIRD SHEET                                                                                     
The tribunal, -----------------------------------------------
Ruling publicly and on request ; .............................. ............... .. 
Given the in Organic Law No. 13/011-B of 11 Av ril 2013 on the
organization, functioning and jurisdiction s of s courts to order judicial ;
Considering the code of civil procedure ;
Given Law n ° 016/008 of 15 July 2016 amending and supplementing Law
No. 87-010 of 1 Aôut 1987 family code especially in Articles 106 paragraph 1 and 116

paragraph 1 ; -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------  

The Prosecution heard : --------------------------------------------- ---- 
R eçoit the request and said based ; ------------------------------------------  
Said Mr Kalonga MWATSHI Amand was born in Kinshasa, on 15/03/2002 ,
of the union of Mr. Serge Kalonga KONGOLO and Madame Henriette KASONGO
OWALE ; at the time of the birth parents lived on Avenue K iala No. 19 , district Lokari in
the town of Masina in Kinshasa ; --------------   
Orders the O fficier of Civil Status of the municipality of Masina transcribe
the e device of this judgment in the register relating thereto and to Dr. Esser the birth
certificate for the applicant ; ------------------------------ -------------------- ------------- - 
Turns costs of these proceedings the applicant's dependents ;
Thus judged and pronounced by the Court of Peace of Kinshasa / N ' Djili
in her has udience public from 08/20/2020 to what has served the Magistrate MU Landu
Mbem B A,  Preside nt chamber, with the assistance of Mr. VAMPEKE MBOUCHON,
Officer of the Ministry Public and the assistance of NSONA Euphrasia seat Registrar.
The Registrar    The President of e Room                                                                        
        Sé /.                                          Sé /.                                                                 
To copy, certified
Kinshasa, 8/20/2020
The Registrar Holder
Democratic Republic of Congo
Peace Tribunal of Kinshasa / N'DJILI
The year two thousand twenty the 2 0   day of August ;  th

On request of M onsieur Kalonga MWATSHI Amand , residing on Avenue K i ala No.

19 , Q uartier LOKARI in the town of Masina Kinshasa ;  
             I undersigned e Junior MWANANZILA H uissier J udicaire the Great Court I
nstance Kinshasa / N ' Djili ;       
- Mr. the DPP near the Peace Tribunal of Kinshasa / N ' Djili ;          
- The officer of civil status of the town of Masina in Kinshasa ;          

Shipping con form the judgment of the Court of P Aix Kinshasa / N ' Djili
dated 20 /0 8 /20 20 sitting up there and sitting in civil and non-contentious
matters as RP G 8596 ; 
Stating that this meaning is making for information and direction for such
rights ; 
And for that served not excuse nt ignorance, I eur've left a copy of my
present feat, and the shipment of the judgment above-vaunted ; 
1) Due to : the Office      
And speaking to them : Mr KAKHUBA MAFUTA , S ecretary, Thus said ;  
2) Due to : the Office      
And there talking to Ms MUSANDA-Bliss, clerk of Civil Status ;  
Ain if Declar ed
Duly noted         cost ...... FC The Usher                                                                     
for reception
KAKHUBA MAFUTA                                               
Republic Of émocratique Congo
High Court of Kinshasa / N ' Djili
" Office of the Divisional "  
I hereby MUTEBA NGOY Francis, Divisional Registrar of the Tribunal de
Grande Instance of Kinshasa / N ' Djili certify that at the date of issuing this certificate, it
was not recorded an appeal against the judgment publicly on request to the ' towards
the applicant Mr Kalonga MWATSHI Amand , by the Peace Tribunal of Kinshasa / N'
Djili , dated 20 /0 8 /2020 serving in civil and non-contentious matters in pr Emier RPG
degree in 8596 ;  
At issue : Miss Kalonga MWATSHI Amand , living on Avenue Kiala No. 19, district Lokari
in the town of Masina in Kinshasa ;  
That judgment was served on the Prosecutor of the Peace Tribunal of
Kinshasa / N ' Djili and Officer of the Municipality of the civil status Masina by the
Ministry of the Judicial Bailiff Junior MWANANZILA, the Tribunal de Grande Instance
Kinshasa / N ' Djili dated 20/08 / 2020.
Done at Kinshasa, 11/20/2020
The Divisional Registrar
Head of Division

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