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Journal: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial Indonesia (JISI)



Muhammad Dary Suryantama

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Abstract: This article aims to analyze The Turkey Open-Door Policy for Syrian Refugees on two
motives namely humanity and political. This policy has been done since the conflict in Syria
escalated and that ‘forces’ Turkey to do the Open-Doors Policy. Many stated that the motive of
this policy is driven by religion motive, which is Islam, and geographical factor between both
countries. But in practice it seems not enough to explain a whole Turkey’s action on implementing
the Open-Door Policy. Probably there are other motives that have driven Turkey to receive the
Syrian Refugees but we can say that if Turkey has implemented the Open-Door Policy, it means
Turkey is ready to take care of Syrian Refugees with its economic resource and land space. This
article analyzes three problem formulations: what is turkey’s humanity and political motive in
Open-Door policy? , how Turkey treat Syrian Refugees considering that Turkey is also at war with
the Syrian Kurds? , what the advantage and disadvantage faced by Turkey in doing the Open-
Door policy?. This article used qualitative & descriptive methods and it used secondary data
obtained from several journals and books. The conclusion stated Turkey has a limit to received
Syrian Reefugees even the President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan had admitted it. And there
is a political motive besides humanity motive behind the policy. The condition of refugees not very
well in the refugee shelter. If every side wants to end the flow of refugee, therefore every sides
should help Syria end It’s terrible conflict.
Keywords: Syrian Refugees, Turkey, Open-Door Policy, humanity motive, political motive
Abstrak: artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kebijakan Pintu-Terbuka Turki untuk pengungsi
Suriah pada dua motif yaitu kemanusiaan dan politis. Kebijakan ini telah dilakukan sejak konflik di
Suriah meningkat dan itu ‘memaksa’ Turki untuk melakukan kebijakan Pintu-Terbuka. Banyak
yang menyatakan bahwa motif kebijakan ini didorong oleh motif agama, yakni Islam, and faktor
geografi antara kedua negara. Namun secara praktis sepertinya itu tidak cukup untuk menjelaskan
seluruh perilaku Turki pada implementasi kebijakan Pintu-Terbuka. Mungkin ada motif lain yang
mendorong Turki untuk menerima pengungsi Suriah tetapi dapat kita katakan jika Turki Telah
mengimplementasikan kebijakan Pintu-Terbuka, itu artinya Turki siap untuk menjaga pengungsi
Suriah dengan sumber daya ekonomi dan wilayahnya. Artikel ini menganalisis tiga rumusan
masalah: apa motif kemanusiaan dan politis pada kebijakan Pintu-Terbuka?, bagaimana Turki
memperlakukan pengungsi Suriah mempertimbangkan bahwa Turki juga dalam perang dengan
Kurdi Suriah?, apa keuntungan dan kerugian yang dihadapi Turki dalam melakukan kebijakan
Pintu-Terbuka?. Artikel ini menggunakan metode kualitatif & deskriptif dan menggunakan data
sekunder yang diperoleh dari berbagai jurnal dan buku. Kesimpulan menyatakan bahwa Turki
memiliki batasan untuk menerima pengungsi Suriah bahkan Presiden Turki, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
telah mengakuinya. Dan terdapat sebuah motif politik dibalik motif kemanusiaan di belakang
kebijakan. Kondisi para pengungsi tidak terlalu baik dalam penampungan. Jika seluruh pihak
hendak mengakhiri arus dari pengungsi, maka seluruh pihak seyogianya membantu Suriah
mengakhiri konflik-Nya yang parah.
Kata kunci: Pengungsi Suriah, Turki, Kebijakan Pintu-Terbuka, motif kemanusiaan, motif politik
Introduction in the eastern and northwestern zones

(Ford 2019, summary).

Syrian conflict is one of the severe

conflicts occur in the Middle East besides Turkey as one of the countries well

the Yemen and Palestine conflicts. This known as the highest number in accepting

conflict, is a part of The Arab Spring, the refugees especially, they are come

when the people of Syria demonstrate to from Syria. Because Turkey is close by

President Bashar Al-Assad’s dictatorial Syria many of the Syrian refugees

action when arrested and kill civilians. decided enter to Turkey its also support

by the policy which implemented by

The country remains divided into three
Ankara administration by the name
zones, each in the hands of a different
‘’Open-door policy’’ which by this policy
group and supported by foreign forces.
a millions of refugees are live in Turkey
The first, under government control with
especially also in the capital city of
backing from Iran and Russia,
Turkey. The reason behind why Turkey
encompasses much of the country, and all
implementing this policy is because of
of its major cities. The second, in the
several reasons such as the humanitarian
east, is in the hands of a Kurdish-Arab
case, as the requirement to entering the
force backed by the U.S. The third, in the
EU and to ratifying the convention in
northwest, is under Turkish control, with
1951 which talking about the refugee’s
a mix of opposition forces dominated by
issues. Beside of that Turkey also got a
Islamic extremists. The Syrian
lot of conflict from inside and outside the
government will not accept partition and
Turkey because of this policy but Turkey
is ultimately likely to reassert its control
still stick with this commitment in order
to help the refugees from Syrian because Turkey, Iraq and other neighbouring

if Turkey not willing to do this action the countries. Unable to provide immediate

condition of the refugees in Middle East resettlement for the growing refugee

especially will do not know how to population, a few of these countries

determine their life (Rizqullah et al. (Mariwala 2017: 9). 21 refugee camps

2020: 122). have been established in the area Turkey

under the authority of Prime Ministry

About 80% of the Syrians who fled to
Disaster & Emergency Management
Turkey are from the northern provinces
Presidency (AFAD). In general, the
of Syria, mainly from Idlib, Latakia,
conditions of refugee camps in Turkey
Azaz and northern Aleppo even though
relatively stable, but some camps also
there are smaller numbers of Syrians who
had time staged protests due to the lack of
fled from Damascus. Initially it was
water clean and poor sanitary conditions
mostly political activist youth who fled to
(Fahham and Kartaatmaja 2016: 47-48).
Turkey. Most of them live outside of the

camps and stated that they had to flee Research questions

because they were actively involved in

 What humanity motives drive
the revolution and that their names were
Turkey to implements the Open-
on the “black list” of the Syrian regime.
Door Policy toward Syrian
They escaped from torture, imprisonment
and persecution (Özden 2013: 3).
 What political motive drive

By early 2013, the United Nations High Turkey to implements the Open-

Commissioner for Refugee that over a Door Policy toward Syrian

million refugees had fled war-torn Syria Refugees?

to seek asylum in Jordan, Lebanon,

 How Syrian Refugees flow & holistically, and by means of description

Open Door Policy impact towards in terms of words and language, in a

Turkey national condition? particular context natural and by utilizing

various natural methods. Based on that

Writing purpose
statement, this article elaborated the
 To inform and elaborate Turkey’s
research by used descriptive qualitative
humanity motives on Open-Door
The datas of this article was also use
 To inform and elaborate Turkey’s
qualitative data to describe the statements
political motives on Open-Door
and arguments. Qualitative data is raw
data from the empirical realm. Qualitative
 To find out and elaborate how
data takes the form of descriptions
Syrian refugees flow can impact
details, direct quotes and case
Turkey’s national condition.
documentation. This data is collected as a

open-ended narrative, without trying to

Methodology match a symptom with predefined

This article used qualitative approach to standard categories, as well as answers

analyzed the topic and its problem. questions in the questionnaire (Agusta

According to Moleong in Kuntjojo (2009: 2003: 1)

14), Qualitative research is research that This article’s method data colletion used

intends to understand phenomena about literature study with collected datas from

what is experienced by the research various secondary data sources such as

subject, for example behavior, books, journal’s articles, and essays.

perception, motivation, action, etc. library research is a series of activities

relating to the methods of collecting systematic relationship of a phenomenon,

library data, reading and taking notes and by detailing the relationship cause-and-

processing research materials (Zed 2008, effect happened.


The objects of this article was Turkey’s

Literature review
humanity and political motives on Open-
Author has found various literatures that
Door Policy & the Syrian refugees along
supported this article’s topic and these
with their condition and how they were
literatures are complement each other’s
treated. Accroding to Supranto in Fitrah
statement. These literatures also
& Luthfiyah (2017: 156).
supported the variables of this article.
This article focused on realism national
First, the research article writed by
security as the theory to elaborated and
Syukran and Ubaidullah (2019) titled
analyze how and why Turkey do the
"The Impact of Open Door Policy for
Open-Door Policy and how the refugees
Syrian Refugees Against Turkey's
impacted Turkey’s national security.
National Interests for 2011-2016”. This
According to Sardar in Siyoto and Sodik
study aims to discuss the presence of
(2015), theory is a system of abstract
three million Syrian refugees who More
concepts indicates that there is a
important than war for the host country.
relationship between these concepts to
This study uses descriptive qualitative
help us understand a phenomenon.
methods and uses secondary data
Theory is one basic concepts of social
obtained from books, journals, articles
research. In particular, theory is a set
and news online. This study uses the
concepts/constructs, definitions and
theory / concept of national interest by
propositions that attempt to explain
Hans Morgenthau and the Concept of
Refugees. Based on the results of analysis then sprung up to European Union

of data obtained conclusions regarding countries as an opportunity to achieve

the open door policy of Turkey towards their national interests by creating a wave

Syrian refugees has a variety of of refugees as a bargaining power. This

significant interests in Turkey's national article supported the theory of this article

interests, especially in the economic and which is realism national security theory

political fields. In the economic sector, as a basic theory.

Turkey has to spend a huge amount of

Second, the essay writed by Suci Millati
money to meet the needs of refugees.
Qurrota A’yuni (2019) titled “Turkey's
Then, declining economic growth from
Open Door Policy Analysis of the Syrian
the number that was hampered, the
Refugee Humanitarian Crisis in 2011-
number of tourists who declined and
2019”. This essay analyze how Turkey
Russian punishment. In the political
decided an Open Door Policy to Syrian
sphere, Turkey has improved the impact
refugees to live in its territory. Agree and
of domestic pluses and minuses under the
disagree between the government and the
AKP party government commanded by
opposition who do not approve of the
Erdogan to question both the criticism of
presence of Syrian refugees in Turkey.
the talks (MHP and CHP) and the
The author uses a qualitative approach
Turkish people themselves who
with an explanatory type, interviews,
implement the "open door policy" policy.
library research and website based on
The AKP party improved the vote on the
foreign policy according to Marijke
election after implementing the policy. In
Breuning to analyze the case. The results
the field of foreign policy, Turkey saw
showed that the application of the Open
the presence of Syrian refugees in
Door Policy to the Syrian refugee
Turkey, most of whom came from them,
humanitarian crisis was based on several
reasons namely Erdogan's personality as various persperctive those are

the leader of Turkey, commitment to the idiosyncratic, external and internal

Humanitarian Based Approach, factors of Turkey.

commitment to the Geneva Convention

Third, essay writed by Iqbal Muhammad
1951 and the Protocol 1967, the influence
Fauzani (2015) titled “Turkey's decision
of the AKP party, the opportunity of
to hold back Syrian refugees to European
Turkey to become a member of the
years 2015”. This essay analyzes the
European Union, support for Syrians,
factors behind Turkey's decision to detain
commitment to Zero Problem with
Syrian refugees to Europe in 2015.
Neighbors. The implementations are
Purpose of this study is to explain what
building refugee camps, guaranteeing
factors are involved in Turkey's decision
education, health, psychosocial and
to hold Syrian refugees to Europe. This
employment, cooperation with other
research conducted through literature
countries and international organizations.
study and interviews. The method used in
While the impact will be in the form of
This research is a qualitative method with
improving Turkey's image on global and
descriptive analysis. This research found,
Muslim world scale, the arrival of large
that Turkey's decision to withhold Syrian
numbers of refugees, the outbreak of
refugees to Europe this is based on four
Turkish refugees who agrees and
factors, namely (1) Turkey's desire to
disagrees about policy, attacks from the
become European Union member
PKK, socio-economic challenges, socio-
countries, (2) cooperation in countering
cultural challenges, Turkey's involvement
the threat of terrorism Islamic State of
in Astana Talks, and conduct military
Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and Kurdish
operations in northern Syria. This essay
separatist groups in Iraq and Syria, (3)
analyze Turkey’s Open-Door Policy in
addressing the problem of funding for
Syrian refugees, (4) secure the Nabucco to Jordan, 228,894 sought refuge in the

Pipeline project. The analysis is built already fragile Iraq, and 115,204 resettled

with use the conceptual framework of in Egypt. A large portion of Syrians

foreign policy and interests national. This reached the European shores and

essay has a unique variable which was requested asylum to European countries;

elaborated the factors behind turkey between April 2011 and October 2016,

decision to detain Syrian refugees to Germany and Sweden together welcomed

Europe that related to Its national interest 64% of the applications. Currently,

and its also contrast with several Germany hosts 456, 525 refugees,

countries’s policy such as Poland which Sweden 110,060, Hungary 76,215

is tried holding back the flow of refugees. Austria 39,260, The Netherlands 32,265,

Denmark 19,875, Greece 19,640,

Fourth, books authored by GICJ (Ganeva
Bulgaria 18,795, Belgium 17,145,
International Centre for Justice) (2017).
Norway 14,355, Switzerland, 13,370,
This book explains wide scopes of Syrian
France 12,585, United Kingdom 10,145,
Civil war from historical background,
Spain 9,605, Italy 3,545, Romania 2,635,
human rights violation by Al-Assad
Finland 1,830, Poland 820, Slovenia 430,
Regime, children and women condition,
Czech Republic 410, Croatia 410, Ireland
consequences of the conflict including
205, Portugal 185, Latvia 145, Lithuania
refugees matters and its needs overview.
105, Estonia 70, Slovakia 50, and Iceland
This book provides an important data
40. Oil-rich gulf countries including
about Syrian refugees around the world.
Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Saudi
The books provides data that showed
Arabia, Kuwait, and Bahrain, and other
Turkey hosts 2.7 million refugees (more
high income countries including Russia,
than any other country in the world), 1
Singapore and South Korea have offered
million Syrians fled to Lebanon, 655,675
zero resettlement places to Syrian for its deadly crackdown and excessive

refugees. This data showed us that use of force on pro-democracy

Turkey possesses highest level of demonstrators in Syria that has killed

refugees. more than 2,7001 people and led to the

arrest and torture of hundreds more. The

Fifth, report article authored by EMHRN
EMHRN acknowledges the Turkish
(2011) (Euro-Mediterranian Human
Government’s humane handling of the
Right Network) titled “Syrian Refugees
thousands of Syrian refugees, and the
in Turkey: A Status in Limbo. This report
efficient accommodation it has offered
expose how Turkey treat the refugees and
them. However, EMHRN reiterates that
how were their live condition. From
providing full protection to the people
August 22-28, 2011, a delegation
coming from Syria seeking asylum in
representing the Euro-Mediterranean
Turkey is not only a humanitarian
Human Rights Network (EMHRN)
imperative but a legal obligation under
conducted a fact-finding mission in
international refugee law and
Turkey to assess the situation of Syrian
international human rights law. In spite of
refugees in Turkey and examine the
the many shortcomings of the Turkish
circumstances under which they fled their
regular asylum systemunder which non-
country. The refugees, who arrived in
European asylum seekers are only
large numbers since the eruption of
entitled to temporary asylum, allowing
violence in Syria mid-March, have either
Syrian nationals who wish to register as
witnessed or personally suffered major
asylum seekers by the Governorship and
human rights violations and they continue
the UNHCR would provide a clearer
to fear for their lives should they return to
status and clearer legal protection against
their country. The EMHRN continues to
refoulement. It would also entitle
strongly condemn the Syrian government
refugees to being issued an ID card and a extra budget for municipalities, 6. Bring

temporary residence permit. This report together groups of Syrian community

supported this article to strengthen leaders, 7. Booklets and webpages in

arguments about ‘refugees condition’ Arabic, 8. Opening up new living areas,

variable. 9. International aid, 10. Increasing the

border controls, 11. Enhancing public

Sixth, report authored by Oytun Orhan &
receptivity of the Syrian in Turkey, 12.
Sabiha Senyücel gündoğar (2015) as
Ameliorating the Syrian stereotype, 13.
representative of ORSAM and TESEV
Distributing the burden of refugee
Titled “Effect of The Syrian Refugees on
populations in border cities, 14.
Turkey ”. This report provide plentiful
Persuading the skilled Syrian labor force
data in detail about various effect on
to stay in Turkey, 15. Approaching the
Turkey: social effect, economy effect,
refugee crisis independent of the political
political & security effect and effect of
arguments, 16. Creating a database on
public services. This report also analyze
changes in the demographics of Syrians
each cities where Syrian refugees stay. In
and possible immigration movements, 17.
the end, this report stated several
Preventing begging, 18. Preventing the
suggestions could be considered in the
abuse of women and children, 19.
future policies towards the Syrians: 1.
Providing effective solutions for issues of
Registration for Syrian refugees, 2.
public order, 20. Creating social areas for
Building extra capacity for health and
refugees, 21. Building overall capacity
education, 3. Work permits, 4. Giving
for Syrian refugees.
more authority to local governments and

enabling coordination between local

governments and provincial authorities,

Theoretical basis
5. Building more capacity and providing
a. Turkey profile 27, 2020, based on Worldometer

Geographically, The Republic of elaboration of the latest United

Turkey is a large country in the Nations data. Turkey population is

Eurasia region. Its territory extends equivalent to 1.08% of the total world

from the Anatolian Peninsula in population. Turkey ranks number 17

Southwest Asia and the Balkans in in the list of countries (and

Southeastern Europe. Turkey is dependencies) by population. And

bordered by the Black Sea to the The median age in Turkey is 31.5

north; Bulgaria to the northwest; years. (WorldOMeter 2020).

Greece and the Aegean Sea to the According to Mukwawaya (1980: 4),

west; Georgia to the northeast; about Turkey’s ethnic and

Armenia, Azerbaijan and Iran to the sociocultural groups stated that 90%

east; Iraq and Syria in the southeast; of the population is Turkish, 7%

and the Mediterranean Sea to the Kurdish. Armenians, Greeks, Arabs,

south. The Sea of Marmara which is Jews and various Caucasian peoples

part of Turkey is used to mark the constitute smaller minorities.

borders of Europe and Asia, so that Important Turkish groups are

Turkey is known as a transcontinental Anatolian peasants of Central Asiatic

country (Rofii 2019: 177). The total Turkey; Rumelian immigrants from

area of Turkey is 780,580 square former Balkan territories; Turkic

kilometers, including 9,820 square tribesmen from Central Asia. 2-3

kilometers of water (Library of million Kurds live mostly in east and

Congress 2008: 7). southeast, along borders with Iraq,

The current population of Turkey is Iran. Tribal influence considerable.

84,554,719 as of Sunday, September Many are nomads who migrate

seasonally across national borders. corporations) in whole of the country,

300,000 Arabs live mostly along and these units are organized

Syrian border, especially in Hatay functionally. The other unit of

Province. Tribes important. 70,000 decentralization is the one which

Circassi ans and 55,000 Georgians, serves for more than one issue in a

30,000 Lazis (alI Muslim) are settled limited geographical area. These units

in the northwestern and northeastern are local governments (Kartal 2015:

provinces respectively. 70,000 9).

Greeks, 69,000 Armenians, 30,000 Based on Global Fire Power, For

Jews live in Istanbul area. Languages 2020, Turkey is ranked 11 of 138 out

used in Turkey are Turkish (official), of the countries considered for the

Kurdish, and Arabic (Kemlu 2018). annual GFP review. It airpower is 9th

More than 99% of the population is rank of 138, avalaible manpower

Muslim, mostly Sunni However, 41,847,478 in 16th rank of 138, total

small communities of Catholics, assets of naval forces is 149 in 20th

Protestants and jews, as well as rank of 138.

Greek. Armenian and Georgian

Orthodox Christians, are also b. Syria profile

scattered through out the country Syria is located in southwestern Asia,

(Oxford Business Group 2008: 7). at the eastern end of the

In local governmental, There exist Mediterranean Sea, with Turkey to

two types of decentralization unit in the north, Iraq to the east, Jordan to

Turkey. The first unit is the one the south, and Israel and Lebanon to

which serves just for one issue the west, and It’s about the size of

(univerisities and state owned North Dakota, with a total land area
of 185,180 square kilometers Kurds, who live mainly in the

(184,050 square kilometers of land northeast Al-Jazira region and have

and 1,130 square kilometers of no civil or political rights and are not

water), including 1,295 square entitled to Syrian nationality.

kilometers of Israeli-occupied Palestinians resident in Syria on the

territory. Syria’s land boundaries total other hand have all the same legal

2,253 kilometers with the bordering rights as Syrians, except for the right

nations of Iraq (605 kilometers), to vote. Ethnic background is not

Israel (76 kilometers), Jordan (375 stated on the identity card which

kilometers), Lebanon (375 every Syrian has to carry, with the

kilometers), and Turkey (822 exception of the Palestinians (Darke

kilometers) (Library of Congress 2006: 17).

2005: 4&5). The current population of the Syrian

Ethnically, 90% of Syrians are Arab Arab Republic is 17,599,011 as of

and the remaining 10% are the Sunday, September 27, 2020, based

various ethnic minorities, on Worldometer elaboration of the

predominantly Kurds and Armenians. latest United Nations data. Syria

About 300 Jews remain in Syria, ranks number 68 in the list of

living mainly in Damascus. The 5,000 countries (and dependencies) by

or so who used to live here were population. And It population is

given permission to emigrate in 1992, equivalent to 0.22% of the total world

and those that remain have freely population. The median age in Syria

chosen to do so. Most of the ethnic is 25.6 years (WorldOMeter 2020).

groups are fully integrated into Syrian According to Qutrib (2016: 8),

society, except for the 250,000 or so Population by religion numbers in the

six governorates of Syria (Damascus, (Pobst 2004: 73). Some ancient

Rif Dimashq, Homs, Hama, Latakia, languages are still spoken in Syria,

and Tartus) were distributed between although some-such as Aramaic-are

Sunni Arabs, Kurds, Turkmen, and under threat. In the far northwestern

Circassians (6,802,000, or 69%); corner of the country, the Armenian

Alawites (2,055,000, or 21%); language is so common that signs are

Christians (542,000, or 6%); Ismailis in both Arabic and Armenian. There

(236,000, or 2%); Duruz (99,000, or are a few speakers of Syriac (one of

1%); and Shiites (92,000, or 1%). the original languages of Syria) and

Arabic is Syria's official language, Kurdish in the northeastern part of the

although many Syrians are native country. Some people in the north

speakers of Kirmanji (Kurdish), speak Turkish, and many Jews can

Armenian, Turkish, and Syriac. Many speak or at least read Hebrew (South.

Syrians who live in urban areas speak Etc 2016: 97).

French or English in addition to their Syria has been ruled as a one-party

native language. There are three state since 1963. The constitution was

forms of Arabic: classical Arabic, the only recently changed to allow for

language of the Qur'an; modern parliamentary and presidential

standard Arabic, the literary form of elections with candidates from

the language; and the spoken Arabic outside the Ba’ath party. Since the

dialect unique to each region. Syrians civil war broke out, state governance

speak many different dialects, each has been limited to government-

distinctive enough to enable others to controlled areas. State institutions

identify a speaker's birthplace or city have to a large degree ceased to

of residence by his or her speech function (ACAPS 2016: 5).

Based on Global Fire Power, For their race, religion, nationality,

2020, Syria is ranked 55 of 138 out of political opinion or membership in a

the countries considered for the particular social group (e.g., members

annual GFP review. It airpower is of the LGBTQ community). The

30th rank of 138, avalaible manpower persecution a refugee experiences

19,454,263 in 61th rank of 138, total may include harassment, threats,

assets of naval forces is 56 in 20th abduction or torture. A refugee is

43th of 138. often afforded some sort of legal

protection, either by their host

c. Refugees country’s government, the United

the term "refugee" shall also apply to Nations High Commissioner for

every person who, owing to external Refugees (UNHCR) or both.

aggression, occupation, foreign Mesić (1995: 661) has discerned six

domination or events seriously basic categories or types of refugees

disturbing public order in either part and displaced persons: 1) anticipating

or the whole of his (or her) country of refugees/displacees;

origin or nationality, is compelled to 2) semi-refugees/displacees;

leave his for her] place of habitual 3) impelled refugees/displacees;

residence in order to seek refuge in 4) refugees/displaceesof war;

another place outside his (or her) 5) expellees;

country of origin or nationality 6) ex-camp-inmates

(Elliott 2016: 6). According to HIAS refugees/displacees.

definition, A refugee is a person who Once refugee status has been

has been forced to flee their home determined and immediate protection

country due to persecution because of needs are addressed, refugees may

need support to find a long-term, English School discourse, these are

durable solution. sometimes (and perhaps

UNHCR (2016) promotes three misleadingly) codified as Hobbes (or

durable solutions for refugees as part sometimes Machiavelli), Grotius and

of its core mandate: Kant. They line up with Wight's 'three

- Voluntary repatriation. traditions' of IR theory: Realism,

- Local intergation, and Rationalism and Revolutionism

- Resettlement. (though this parallel is less obvious in

Wight's original formulation than in

d. The English School Theory subsequent usage of these terms).

(international society) Broadly speaking, these terms are

the English School is an important now under stood as follows (Buzan

voice in academic International 2001: 474-476):

Relations which has either not been - International system

heard or has been misrepresented as a (Hobbes/Machiavelli) is about

derivative of realism. An example of power politics amongst states, and

the former is the so-called 'inter- Realism puts the structure and

paradigm debate' between realism, process of international anarchy at

pluralism and structuralism which the centre of IR theory. This

was prevalent in the 1970s and 1980s position is broadly parallel to

(Dunne 1998: 1). mainstream realism and

the English School is based on a neorealism and is thus well

tripartite distinction amongst developed and clearly understood.

international system, international - International society (Grotius) is

society and world society. Within the about the institutionalization of

shared interest and identity communism, but as Waever notes,

amongst states, and Rationalism these days it is usually taken to

puts the creation and maintenance mean liberalism. This position has

of shared norms, rules and some parallels to

institutions at the centre of IR transnationalism, but carries a

theory. This position has some much more foundational link to

parallels to regime theory, but is normative political theory. It is

much deeper, having constitutive the least well developed of the

rather than merely instrumental English School concepts, and has

implications. International society not yet been clearly or

has been the main focus of systematically articulated.

English School thinking, and the

The english School or International
concept is quite well developed
Society Approach emphasize on
and relatively clear.
cosmopolitanism, global morality &
- World society (Kant) takes
solidarity, and also human right. It has 3
individuals, non-state
dimension of responsibility: 1) national
organizations and ultimately the
responsibility. Where state responsible to
global population as a whole as
Its civilians. 2) international
the focus of global societal
respinsibility. Where every country
identities and arrangements, and
deserve to have the equal rights and
Revolutionism puts transcendence
obligations, such as on international law.
of the state system at the centre of
3) humanitarian responsibility. Where the
IR theory. Revolutionism is
international world seen as human world
mostly about forms of universalist
based on human right without see country
cosmpolitanism. It could include
This article will emphasize the 3rd revolutionism (Jackson & Sørensen 2007:

dimension of responsibility to elaborate 147-148).

Turkey’s humanity motive on Open-Door

policy towards Syrian refugees.

According to the humanitarian
Turkey’s humanity motive on Open-
responsibility conception, statespeople
Door Policy
first and foremost are human beings and

as such they have a fundamental The first frame addressed accentuates

obligation to respect human rights not Turkey’s role in alleviating the refugee

only in their own country but in all crisis. Especially dominant in President

countries around the world. This Erdoğan’s speeches, the country sees the

cosmopolitan standard for evaluating main topic of interest as how the

foreign policies gives rise to Kantian country’s benevolent nature encourages

precepts such as the following: always its commitment to humanitarian aid. In

remember that people in other countries his opening speech for the World

are human beings just like yourself; Humanitarian Summit, an international

respect human rights; give sanctuary to event Turkey co-hosted in Istanbul in

those who are fleeing from persecution; 2016, he said “Turkey is a major actor in

assist those who are in need of material humanitarian aid by actively delivering

aid which you can supply at no sacrifice aid to over 140 countries, with 6.4. billion

to yourself; in waging war spare non- dollars in aid and hosting over 3 million

combatants. These normative Syrian refugees... Our humanitarian aid

considerations are characteristic of a has reached $6.4 billion in 2014”.

solidarist world society based on the Similarly at the NATO 62nd Assembly

community of humankind, i.e. Meeting President Erdoğan highlighted

Turkey’s assistance to Syrian refugees: Turkey as one of the countries bordering

“we have been on the forefront of the Syria implementing different policies

Syrian crisis trying to find a solution. compared to regional countries as well as

Similarly, we have self-sacrificed and other Syrian neighbors. This is indicated

hosted over 3 million refugees fleeing by willingness Turkey has accepted

from the civil war” (Cevik & Sevin Syrian refugees to enter the country since

2017). the wave first the arrival of refugees

through the Open Door Policy. This

In October 2011, Turkey’s Minister of
related to a statement delivered by the
Interior announced during a UNHCR-
Turkish Foreign Minister, Ahmet
hosted conference in Geneva that Turkey
Davutoglu in Viona (2017: 7).
was implementing a “temporary

protection” regime to refugees from Syria “Therefore, since beginning the conflict, we

loosely inspired by the EU Temporary maintained an “open door” policy for

Syrians fleeing from the violence in their

Protection Directive. This policy was
country. Turkey strictly complies with the
based on three core principles (Olejárová
principle of non-rejection at the border and
2018: 121).
in accordance with international refugee
1. Turkey’s borders shall remain open to law, provides Syrians with temporary

persons seeking safety in Turkey; protection without any discrimination”.

2. No persons from Syria shall be sent

The statement above shows that Turkey
back to Syria against their will;
accepts Syrian refugees and applying the
3. Basic humanitarian needs of the
principle of non-forced repatriation of
persons arriving from the conflict in Syria
Syrian refugees and a commitment to
shall be met.
provide humanitarian assistance against

Syrian refugees residing in Turkey.

Since March 2011, over four millions of refugees crisis. The EU signed an

people have fled civil war in Syria and agreement with Turkey to entrust it with

sought refuge mainly in neighbouring the care of the Syrian refugees and

countries, such as Turkey, Jordan, Egypt provide them with humanitarian relief in

and Lebanon. Since the early stages of the camps with a European international

the war, Turkey has followed an “open grant amounting to $ 60 billion. A

door” policy and become the leading dangerous journey that has turned the

country in accepting refugees from Syria. Mediterranean into the largest maritime

This policy ensures “respect for the graveyard in human history because of

principle of non refoulement” and the sinking of dozens of Syrians fleeing

commitment of the government to the war, not to mention the involvement

“providing the best possible living of the human trafficking mafia in

conditions and humanitarian assistance smuggling Syrians with flagrant

for the refugees” (Koca 2015: 209). violations of their rights (Al-Rawashdeh

Turkey’s humanitarian role has increased 2018: 73).

since 2014/15 as it has provided

Yet it is difficult to argue that the Turkish
unconditional hospitality and welcomed
authorities are doing their utmost to
innocent civilians who have been forced
provide even the fundamental legal
to leave their homes as the subjects of
framework regulating the status of those
forced displacement. Home to almost 3.5
Syrians who are registered refugees. Due
million refugees, Turkey is a significant
to the geographical limitation clause
humanitarian actor dealing effectively
Turkey still maintains to the 1951 UN
with the refugee crisis (Keyman 2017:
Convention and its 1967 Protocol, those
66). Turkey is also hold an agreement
who come from outside Europe to seek
about cooperation to overcoming the
refuge in Turkey are considered as
“guests” and not granted the refugee national, religious, and ideological groups

status that would entitle them to a series (Içduygu 2015: 7).

of rights and benefits defined under the

Moreover, we can say that the
Convention, including the right to work,
implementation of Turkey’s Open-Door
housing, education, freedom of
in humanity motives are based on Turkey
movement within the territory, public
and Syria Identity which are geography
relief and assistance (Gürhanlı 2014: 2).
and religion. Due to those factors, Turkey

As the number of Syrian refugees has implicitly has a responsibility to do

risen, Turkish authorities have developed humanitarian policy towards Syrian

informal approaches to limit new arrivals Refugees.

for both political and practical reasons.

Turkey political motive on Open-Door
For example, the government has
provided support to NGOs that manage
Apart from humanity motive, the Turkey
camps for internally displaced Syrians
Open-Door Policy, there are political
within Syria, near the Turkish border,
motives of it. It related to Syrian regime
where they provide humanitarian
and geopolitical security purpose.
assistance such as clean water, sanitation,
According Global Fire Power, Turkey is
education, and emergency kits to tens of
occupying the 1st rank in military power
thousands of Syrians in need. Border
in Western Asia and 2nd rank in Middle
authorities, meanwhile, utilize a policy of
East (after Egypt). it means Turkey has
“passage with careful control” intended
an opportunity on take a role for Syrian
to restrict the number of entries, prevent
problem including it refugees both
unlawful and “dangerous” entries, and
humanity and political motives drived
according to some reports, to control the
Open-Door policy.
arrival of members of particular ethnic,
The motivation for Turkey to accept Europe, of course, has a main focus,

Syrian refugees and accommodate the namely the welfare of its people by

FSA is because Turkey wants a regime optimizing it management of state

change in Syria. The reason is the Syrian finances. Many people in Turkey feel

conflict is a real threat to the stability and disagree with the arrival of so many

security of Turkey. Syrian conflict Syrian refugees because cause many

causing Turkey to suffer the negative effects (Rahmasari 2019: 54-

repercussions of a cross-border attack, 55).

revived the conflict between Turkey and

Politically, Among the less openly
The Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), and
discussed strategic priorities guiding
cause Turkey to potentially face sectarian
Turkish policy towards Syrian
conflict in domestic. Furthermore,
immigration are: 1) restrict and / or
Turkey's desire to become an emerging
control better the flow of migrants
power in Middle East that deals with
arriving from Syria (as opposed to a
Turkey's deep capabilities to resolve
rhetorical commitment to an ‘open
conflicts in regional areas (Delfira 2019:
border’ policy) and 2) handle the
10). Another reason why Turkey supports
increasingly dangerous and messy
the Syrian opposition group, the Free
foreign-policy fallout from the Syria
Syrian Army (FSA) is related to the
quagmire. While an analysis of Turkey’s
national interest in terms of welfare
foreign policy priorities goes beyond the
economy, Turkey has long borne the
scope, in summary, the key points are a)
brunt of it coming Syrian refugees. It can
the Turkish government is opposed to
be seen that it is in Turkey's national
Asad, b) always seeks to control/repress
interest as a state The big area that is
Kurdish autonomy, and c) has seen its
growing between the Middle East and
earlier Middle East policy of ‘zero
problems’ with neighboring countries civilian refugees in Turkey which is

catastrophically fail. These two ‘veiled’ where their name comes in into the

strategic priorities are, of course, Syrian government blacklist. In

connected. They are visible in particular conclusion, the policy towards the

from the increasingly well-documented country of origin is a factor that has an

border closures as well as from the impact on Turkey's treatment of Syrian

support that Turkish agencies are refugees (Putri 2015: 7).

providing to camps built just across the

The other political motive and purpose of
border inside Syria, which may be
Turkey Open-Door policy is related to
considered a way to ‘contain’ displaced
Turkey’s membership in the European
Syrians outside of Turkey (Hoffman
Union. In the efforts made by Turkey to
2016: 10). Turkey uses Syrian refugees to
accommodate Syrian refugees against the
pressure the Assad regime to let it go
conflict that occurred, Turkey hopes that
follow the solutions that have been made.
in this effort the European Union can
The solution in question includes a
consider Turkey a membership in the
decision Arab League for the Syrian
European Union. Because in the efforts
government to carry out an open dialogue
made by Turkey in accepting refugees
with its opposition culminating in the
from Syria, there can be an opportunity to
suspension of membership in Syria, the
become a member of the European Union
Annan Plan, and the Action Group for
(Saefurrohman 2018). This motive is also
Syria Final Communiqué which the
related to an agreement between Turkey
solutions implicitly require Assad to step
and European Union to overcoming
down. In addition, apart from
Syrian Rrefugees crisis. This was done by
accommodating the FSA there is also a
Turkey to reduce the Syrian refugees
section of anti-Assad regime in Syrian
flow who came to the European territory.
Meanwhile, the European Union give 3 arrivals have directly transferred the

things in return, namely (1) Funding problems and consequences of the Middle

East instability to the heart of Europe. In

Assistance; (2) Liberalization Visa for
other words, the massive arrivals have
Turkish citizens; (3) Opening a new
shifted some of the pressure to Europe, and
chapter for Turkish accessions to become
in turn, NATO and EU members will have
European Union member countries
more pressure to act in Syria. This might
(Noermanita 2017: 53).
explain why Prime Minister Davutoglu has

Related to the Turkey-EU agreement repeatedly stated that the only way to prevent

towards refugees crisis that also made a new waves of refugees is to stop atrocities

policy, Del Sarto in Cristiani (2015: 17- committed by the Syrian regime and the

Islamic State group.

18) stated that:

Second, by engaging more intensively in the

“There is one thing sure: whether or not
Syrian conflict (joining the US bombing of
Turkey prevents refugees from reaching
Islamic State targets), and by unilaterally
Europe, the massive arrival of people in
assuming the cost of the arrival of more than
Europe benefits the Turkish position and it
two million refugees (Turkey has spent more
has increased its negotiation leverage over
than 7,6 billion dollars providing assistance
the EU and its member states in at least two
to refugees),54 Turkey has not only gained
international clout but also the leverage to
First, the Syrian refugee crisis has drawn all
negotiate, and refuse to increase its
the international attention to the Syrian
cooperation on migration control.”
conflict. This attention coincides with
Turkish accession to the European Union
Turkish interests, since Erdogan for a long

time has been asking the US and NATO has actually been going on for quite a

members to take action to overthrow the Al- long time. Turkey's prospects joining the

Assad regime. However, the current massive European Union can be seen since 1963
when Turkey and the European Syrian refugees flow and Open-Door

Economic Community (EEC) signed a policy on Turkey national side

cooperation trade between Turkey and

We surely know that if a country open
the European Union. Then in 1987,
their border to receive refugees, it means
Turkey had submit some of the
country must be ready to take care the
requirements that are required to become
refugees. Such as share their land space,
a member remains EEC. However,
set up the national cost, etc. But
unfortunately in 1989, the demand to
sometimes, refugees is also could be give
become EEC members were rejected by
a negative impact to the country in social,
the European Commission because at that
economic, or maybe logistic. Turkey as a
time Turkey was not implement
country who doing the Open-Door policy
democracy in the political system of his
is also affected with this policy and also
country (Rizqullah 2020: 24-25).
massive Syrian refugees flow. These
However, with the Open-Door policy
impacts have been occured in various
implementation, Turkey has been
variables on Turkey’ national condition
practiced a democratic action by reason
circumstance, those are economy, social,
of helping the human right problem.
politic, and even demography.

Outline, there are at least two political The financial burden that must be

motives on Turkey’s Open-Door Policy. incurred by Turkey in accepting Syrian

First, an attempt to step down Bashar Al- refugees has increased every time the

Assad regime, it’s related to regional year. In 2011 Turkey has $15 million

security. Second, Turkey’s attempt to spent building refugee camps. In 2012,

entering the Eurepoean Union. Turkish Ministry of Finance state when

the government has spent a total of 533

million Lira or $ 200 million (Syafitri

2017: 9-10). Beyond the roughly eight several local communities (Donelli 2018:

billion dollars Turkey has spent providing 5).

a home for these refugees, the economic This fact shows that Turkey's policy of

impact has been noteworthy. The influx opening its borders has have a negative

of refugees has caused an increase in impact. On the one hand, it is

demand in all cities that has led to economically beneficial for some Turks

increases in rental prices and in the cost (for example, get high rents and cheap

of living. Finding affordable labor) and provide protection to refugees,

accommodation has become increasingly but at the same time, conflicts arise

difficult for renters. In some instances, because some local residents feel

landlords forced Turkish tenants to leave disadvantaged. With However, the

so they could rent to Syrians at higher opening of borders does not create a

prices. Another sensitive issue linked to hybridization of identity. Dynamics and

the influx from Syria is the illegal use of economic interactions that occured only

Syrian workers as cheap labor in benefit some parties. For those who are

industry, agriculture, and small business less fortunate will face the consequences

sectors. The general perception in of physical or mentally discrimination

Turkish border cities is that Syrians are (Alatas 2020: 96).

stealing jobs from local people. Socially, Turkey provided free access to

Moreover, the financial cost of the health care to all registered refugees and

upkeep of the refugee camps has had a built camps that have been internationally

strong, negative impact on the public’s portrayed as ―model for the perfect

perception, triggering social tension or refugee camp, which jeopardized the

disturbances against the refugees in country‘s fiscal sustainability. More than

500,000 people have been sent to

hospitals from the refugee camps and, are many of refugees when they leave

according to the Ministry of Health, Syrian territory without their possessions.

nearly 35,000 Syrians have given birth in In addition, the rate of smuggling from

Turkey. The citizens have expressed their Syria has also increased, a commodity

disappointment as they believe these being smuggled in, among others, sugar,

privileges are undermining their access to tea, fuel oil, copper, and tobacco.

the amenities and are funded by their Tobacco and its preparations such as

taxes. Moreover the camps have also cigarettes, is the largest smuggled

witnessed increase in polygamy specially commodity, until the end of 2012

women and children being at a higher 99,100,000 cigarette cases were

risk. Also child marriage is a common confiscated by the Turkish police the loss

phenomenon which is affecting the social was 496,500,000 Turkish Lira or

atmosphere (Chopra 2015: 155). 235,855,870 US Dollars (Putra 2014: 61).

In addition, the increase in refugees has Syrian refugees flow would ethnically

also increased the crime rate in Turkey, affected Turkey’s demography either.

especially in the southern dotted shelter There will be a shift in the ethnic balance

provinces. Data shows that in several especially on the Turkey’s border

southern provinces such as Mardin, Hatay provinces. According to Cagaptay &

and Sanliurfa have seen an increase in the Menekse (2014: 16-17), Hatay and Kilis

crime rate by the end of 2012 from 1.5% have seen even more dramatic changes.

to 15% and even in Kilis it reached 40% In the former, the Arab population has

from 2010. The increase in the crime rate swelled from 34 percent to about 38

mostly comes from refugees, with one of percent—and possibly much higher with

the contributing factors, namely the inclusion of unregistered refugees. In

economic factors, considering that there Kilis, which once had an Arab
community of less than 1 percent, the will to naturalize them. And given their

demographic makeup has changed far likely gratitude for President Erdogan's

more starkly due to the refugee flow; role in providing them with refuge, social

ethnic Arabs now equal 37 percent of the aid, and a pathway to citizenship, most of

population. Similarly, ethnic Arabs once these potential new citizens can be

represented less than 1 percent in expected to vote for his Justice and

Gaziantep, but unlike Kilis, Gaziantep Development Party (AKP) in future

has a large existing population. Although elections. It will a double effect both

the province has absorbed more political and social and if this motive is a

registered refugees than any other, ethnic fact, we can probably interpret it as

Arabs now constitute a relatively modest political motive.

9 percent of its population. These In the other hand, at least there is a

demographic changes (Cagaptay .etc positive impact on economic side if we

2016) could soon translate to political see it with the capitalistic perspective.

shifts. Turkish naturalization law allows According to TRTWorld authored by

foreign nationals who have lived in the Yasar (2019), The Turkish economy is

country for five years to apply for benefiting from the presence of Syrian

citizenship. The first wave of refugees refugees, according to a report by the

arrived in April 2011, so some migrants Turkish Institute of Statistics (TUIK).

have already fulfilled the time Migrant flows into Turkey have come

requirement for beginning the coupled with money. According to the

naturalization process. As many as 2.5 report, Syrian deposits in Turkish banks

million Syrians could therefore obtain amounted to 311 million Turkish liras in

citizenship in the next five years if the 2012 and had reached 1.5 billion liras by

government demonstrates the political

2015. The money was just one thing the Second, political motive. Every country

refugees brought. could be and should be protect the

humamitarian matter, maybe in the same

Conclusion way. But, one can say every country have

Turkey’s Open-Door Policy towards different political interest/motive. In this

Syrian refugees can be seen on two article, at least there are two political

motives, humanity motive and political motives behind Turkey’s Open-Door

motive. First, humanity motive. Consider policy. 1) Turkey’s attempt to overthrow

that Turkey is the highest military power Bashar Al-Assad regime and establish

holder in Middle East. Indirectly, that regional stability and security. 2)

position put Turkey as a country who Turkey’s attempt to enter and be a

must protect the regional stability and member of European Union. First

assist human right problem in the Middle political motive is intented for regional

East Regional. With the implementation ‘togetherness’ or regional

of Open-Door Policy, one can say that cosmopolitanism, related to justice

Turkey had assisted and did the concept based on English School

responsibility for human right problem perspective. Second political motive is

solving. In fact, Turkey is the first for own national interest of Turkey. In

country where Syrian refugees live within addition, maybe there is an interest for

it. Syirian refugees might be didn’t President Erdoğan and his regime. still a

received a perfect treatment, but at least possibility, but if Syrian refugees get and

they can live safely in their shelters. This become Turkish nationality. There is a

motive matched with the cosmopolitan hope that the Refugees will do ‘return a

dimension of English School. favor’ towards Erdoğan by supporting the

AKP at the election.

Implementaation of Open-Door policy political motive, and also it’s impact on

certainly has an impact of Turkey the implementation of Open-Door policy

national condition. Mostly of this impacts for It national and regional stability and

are negative. In economy matter, Turkey security.

carried enormous burden of cost for

taking care of Syrian refugees. There is

also a sentimental response from several

group of society who thought that the

taxes they paid were used by government

for refugees needs. Syrian refugees who

are jobless, maybe can be used by

Turkish capitalist to get low-cost labor,

yet it’s detrimental for society. Moreover,

many of these Syrian illegal labors aren’t

have Turkish identity card.

Socially, Syrian refugees has an impact
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