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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Catarman, Northern Samar

Name: Grade/Strand:
Date: Teacher:

Midterm Examination in
Senior High School Department

Instructions: Write/type the correct answer that is as asked in each item.

1. It can be a measure of one’s professionalism

2. It is fundamental in achieving higher education.
3. It serves as window to one’s thoughts.
4. It aids in one’s understanding of the intended message or text.
5. Writing is the teacher's only window to your thoughts.
6. Strong communication skills
7. Research
8. Critical thinking and reasoning
9. Language
10. Understanding an audience
11. Formal
12. Explicit
13. Simple
14. Objective
15. Specific/Holistic
16. Complex
17. Formal
18. Objective
19. Explicit
20. Hedged OR (Responsible, Accurate, Well-organized, Planned)
21. Author-oriented citation
22. Text-oriented citation
23. Somebody - Wanted - But - so - Then
24. SAAC (State, Assign, Action, Complete
25. 5Ws, 1H


Instructions: Before each number, write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if otherwise.

26. The goal of academic writing is to communicate. TRUE

27. Any kind of language is acceptable in academic writing; thus students can use colloquialisms.
28. Quotations and paraphrase must be used sparingly. TRUE
29. Good thoughts equal good writing. TRUE
30. Practicing writing is like sharpening your thinking process – the less you do it, the better you
become at it. FALSE
31. Writing, does not, in any way, help students to be critical thinkers. FALSE
32. In writing, students must consider their audience/readers and how best to reach them.
33. Since Filipinos are not native speakers of English, strong grammar is not necessary in
academic writing. FALSE
34. Writing teaches students how to do research. TRUE
35. Academic text should make use of informal rather than formal language. FALSE
36. Implicit means observable, clear and precise facts. FALSE
37. Academic text must be simplified rather than complex. TRUE
38. Objective means what could be seen and touched by the senses. TRUE
39. Subjective includes opinions and suggestions. TRUE
40. Academic writing could use either specific or holistic approaches. TRUE
41. Academic writing should use expanded rather than contracted forms such as: I have instead
of I’ve or she will instead of she’ll. FALSE
42. Students do not have to be responsible for providing evidence and justification for any
claims they make. FALSE
43. Right from the start, the reader should have a clear understanding of the author's purpose,
argument, and structure. TRUE
44. Verb tenses used in the text need be consistent from start to finish. TRUE
45. Citation is not necessary in academic writing. FALSE
46. Scanning is a reading strategy used when trying to get an overview of the text. FALSE
47. Skimming is a reading strategy used when trying to get specific information. FALSE
48. Plagiarism is a serious form of academic dishonesty and is frowned upon in the academe.
49. Direct quotation means to lift and enclose copied statements in quotation marks. TRUE
50. Paraphrasing is a short statement of the main idea of a text. FALSE

III. Multiple Choice

51. Students who can write a convincing and structured essay can speak in a clear and structured
way, and with confidence.
a. Strong communication b. Critical thinking and reasoning skills
c. Understanding an audience d. Language skills
52. The ability to move from one idea to the next and to understand the connection seem
straightforward, but it is surprising how few people ever actually train this capacity.
a. Strong communication b. Critical thinking and reasoning skills
c. Understanding an audience d. Language skills
53. By practicing writing, students learn how to consider their audience and how to best reach them.
a. Strong communication b. Critical thinking and reasoning skills
c. Understanding an audience d. Language skills
54. You need strong grammar. You need an academic vocabulary. You need to be able to listen to
and comprehend instructions, and you need to be able to speak up to ask questions.
a. Strong communication b. Critical thinking and reasoning skills
c. Understanding an audience d. Language skills
55. students come to understand their writing topics on a deeper level than most people ever
a. Strong communication b. Research skills
c. Understanding an audience d. Language skills
56. uses behavioral objectives that could be seen and touch by the senses.
a. objective or subjective b. explicit or implicit
c. complex or simple d. specific or holistic
57. could be written using either of the two approaches, parts to whole approach or whole to parts
a. objective or subjective b. explicit or implicit
c. complex or simple d. specific or holistic
58. make use of observable, clear and precise facts or objects rather than, unclear, unspecified facts.
a. objective or subjective b. explicit or implicit
c. complex or simple d. specific or holistic
59. It uses more noun-based phrases than verb-based phrases.
a. complexity b. formality
c. objectivity d. explicitness
60. this means that in an essay you should avoid colloquial words and expressions.
a. complexity b. formality
c. objectivity d. explicitness
61. This means that the main emphasis should be on the information that you want to give and the
arguments you want to make
a. complexity b. formality
c. objectivity d. explicitness
62. it is the responsibility of the writer in English to make it clear to the reader how the various parts of
the text are related.
a. complexity b. formality
c. objectivity d. explicitness
63. it is necessary to make decisions about your stance on a particular subject, or the strength of the
claims you are making.
a. complexity b. hedging
c. objectivity d. explicitness
64. must be able to provide evidence and justification for, any claims you make.
a. complexity b. hedging
c. objectivity d. responsibility
65. It flows easily from one section to the next in a logical fashion.
a. complexity b. hedging
c. organization d. responsibility
66. It usually takes place after research and evaluation, according to a specific purpose and plan.
a. complexity b. planning
c. organization d. responsibility
67. are the most important element of your project, especially as it takes shape.
a. title b. planning
c. ideas d. ending
68. means to lift and enclose them in quotation marks. In addition to the author’s name, the page
numbers are included.
a. plagiarism b. direct quotation
c. summarizing d. paraphrasing
69. a serious form of academic dishonesty and is frowned upon in the academe
a. plagiarism b. direct quotation
c. summarizing d. paraphrasing
70. occurs when credit for a work is ascribed to oneself untruthfully.
a. plagiarism of ideas b. direct quotation
c. summarizing d. paraphrasing
71. happens when an author uses the language of another writer and claims it as his or her own.
a. plagiarism of ideas b. plagiarism of language
c. summarizing d. paraphrasing
72. surname of the author (year of publication) + verbs of statements such as argues, posits,
a. plagiarism of ideas b. plagiarism of language
c. author-oriented citation d. text-oriented citation
73. Paragraph or sentence from a source followed by (surname of the source’s author, year of
a. plagiarism of ideas b. plagiarism of language
c. author-oriented citation d. text-oriented citation
74. This happens when the writer copies whole or parts of the text verbatim, even if the author is cited
a. word-for-word plagiarism b. plagiarism of language
c. author-oriented citation d. patchwork plagiarism
75. A writer does this when ideas from the source are mixed with interpretations of the writer, creating
patches of text where ownership of ideas is unclear.
a. word-for-word plagiarism b. plagiarism of language
c. author-oriented citation d. patchwork plagiarism
76. It is a short statement of the main idea of a text.
a. plagiarism of ideas b. plagiarism of language
c. summarizing d. paraphrasing
77. This is a restatement in your own words of the main idea and supporting details of a text
a. plagiarism of ideas b. plagiarism of language
c. summarizing d. paraphrasing
78. This type changes the sentence structure as well as the word class of key words of the original text.
a. structural paraphrasing b. Alternative paraphrasing
c. literal paraphrasing d. paraphrasing
79. This type only replaces vocabulary terms from the original text.
a. structural paraphrasing b. Alternative paraphrasing
c. literal paraphrasing d. paraphrasing
80. In this type, the writer first poses questions about the text such as what the text is about, how the
main idea is supported, and the stand of the author about the topic.
a. structural paraphrasing b. Alternative paraphrasing
c. literal paraphrasing d. paraphrasing


A. Directions: Choose the correct term in the box that will complete the thought of each sentence.



81. Academic writing is formal where words ________________ should be avoided such as doesn’t,
couldn’t, and others.
82. In Academic writing, information such as facts, figures, graphs and_________________ are given
83. Academic writing uses vocabulary and _____________ that conform to the correct value or
84. All evidences and justifications are provided to support the _________.
85. Academic writing is organized where the __________ are presented on a logical manner.

B. Directions: Analyze the sentences carefully. Replace the italicized two-word verb in each
sentence with a single-word verb from the choices. Write the correct answers in the blanks.



86. ______________ The vaccine ingredients for covid 19 give off a foul odor.
87._______________ Some experts carried out a research about the origin of covid 19.
88._______________ Employees did not put up with the expectation of the company.
89._______________ Inter Agency Task Force set up new rules on the new normal.
90. ______________ Oil price has gone up.

V. POETRY (10points)
Write a one stanza poem about this pandemic we are experiencing today. It must have rhyme.


I’ve been imitated so well I’ve heard people copy my mistakes.

-Jimi Hendrix

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher


School Principal



School President

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