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Dear students, please read the below instructions carefully:

Instructions for Video Presentations

The following instructions are applicable for both Presentations which have to be uploaded
on google drive.

 There will be two different video presentations: one is for (10 %) presentation skills
assessment and another one is for (10 %) assignment presentation.
 Students are required to prepare power point slides for both presentations with no
more than 10-15 slides.
 Both videos and slides are to be uploaded at the respective links provided below.
 Students are required to wear smart casual for presentations. (In video)
 Each student is given 3 minutes for presentation. Be mindful of the time management
which will also be assessed. Around 15-20 minutes is allocated for the whole group.
 While recording your presentation, focus more on your facial expression, eye contact
with the camera and gestures. No need to record the full body presentation.
 Not necessary to show the slides in the videos. Meaning that if you are using the
google meet for recording videos, do not click ‘present’ in google meet. You may use
the slides in another application or use the printed slides. This is for the recorded
video to have full focus on your face, not on the slides.
 Students are required to introduce their names before they start presenting.

NOTE: Please make sure to mention the names of group members in the
video .

To use the same file name for both files as follows:

 Name the video and slides for assignment as < Tutorial Number_ Group
Number_Assignment>, Example: <Tutorial 1_Group 1_Assignment>

 Name the video and slides for skill assessment as < Tutorial Number_ Group
Number_ Presentation Skill>, Example: <Tutorial 1_Group 1_Presentation Skill>

Next page….
Upload the videos and slides at the links provided below:

 Assignment Presentation Submission: (Presentation of Written Project -10

marks) ( SUBMIT HERE)

 Submission for Presentation Skills Assessment: (presentation of

assigned topic- 10 marks) ( SUBMIT HERE)

******Due Date: 31st January 2021

(Sunday) by 12:00 Midnight.******

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