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U: Hello T. It's been a long time since we last met.

T: Hi U. It's been a year, since the day of the high school review, I've never met you.I'm not too
bad. How have you been lately?
U: Oh, no. Everything’s very terrible.
T: Oh, what happened? Are u and An still dating?
U: I broke up him 10 days ago which made me feel depressed.I love him with all my heart
but no matter what i did, he still left me alone.
T: I'm sorry to hear that. It's not the end of the world. You should make a vacation in s.where
and clear your mind. everything will be alright.
U: thanks for u advice.
T: or u can chill out with ur best friend. Only if you have a friend to share your feeling, you
will feel better soon. For me, Fr more important than boyfr.
U: Hmm. Why you think that? I dont even have a bestfr.
T: Do you remember Phuong? The girl who always go to school with me at high school.
U: Yes of course. Long time no see Phuong. Do u still keep in touch with her?
T : Sure. Phuong is my best fr and I dont want to loser her anyway. She saved me from drowing.
U: Oh She is so brave. Can you tell me the story?
T: yes. Let’s me searched my memory. On one rainy day, me and Phuong had to walk to the
school as usual, and on their way they were discussing what they had learned about Math
homework. We were at variance with each other so I lose my cool and I tell her off. She just
silience and wrote on the sand: "Today my best friend lose her temper with me."
U: well It’s just a small problem but you made a big issue out of it.
T: Yes. And what regreted me was that Phuong done for me after that.
U: The cream of the story are here. I’m waiting.
T: let’s continute. Then both of them completed walking toward the school with a clear silence.
And when we cross the river, it has many huge rock which line up to a small path. And
unfortunately, I slipped and fell down to the river.
U: So terrible. What happened next?
T: Hmm. P saw me drown and without thinking jumped into the river to save me, helped me to
recover my breath naturally. And when I recovered, I wrote on the tree: "Today my best friend
saved my life."
U: well. She is a great friend. Do u wonder why P just wrote on the sand when you lose your
temper with her? 
T: Hmm I never think about it.
U: Well, I guess that she want to forget the mistake u makes to her. She wrote on the sand
because the words will be erased at any one time.
T: Yes, you absolutely right. I wrote on the tree because it stay forever so when I see it, I will
remember to her.
U: Your story is very meaningful. i wish i have a bestfr like Phuong.
T: I think u very easy to get along with. Why did u say so?
U: I think my biggest shortcoming is that I'm very trusting of people. And you know how it feels
to be hurt you by your loved ones, especially one that you've trusted so much. I can't believe my
best friend stabbed me in the back. I used to be treated that way. It's sets my off.
T:I know that feeling. It was really uncomfortable.
U: Yes. I dislike that strange feeling. Since then I has become quieter. And I can not make best
friends with anyone. But I have heard ur story, and I understood it. How can I handle
successfully in friendship?
T: you should wear your heart on your sleeve, there are always so for you. If you go looking for
a friend, you’re going to find they’re very scarce. If you go out to be a friend, you’ll find them
U: Thanks so much for your story , Tram. I will putting my life in order just let it go and vent
about it with so I trust.
T: That't it! You're right on the button.
U: Yes. I see, thanks
T: Don't be so sad! perk right up! The most important thing you need to do now is making new
friend and have fun with them. Because There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a
friend with chocolate.
U: You're a real lifesaver!
T: Oh! I nearly forgot that it’s time for meeting with Phuong. May we talk after that? You can
call me everything u need so to talk
U: Yes certainly. Would u like to have an appointment with me? We can talk more.
T: That is great and perfect . So see you later. Goodbye.
U: Goodbye have a nice day.

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