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Evidencia 6: Segmentation “Describing Potential Clients”

En la proyección de mercados, la segmentación permite identificar las necesidades y el

comportamiento de los consumidores para satisfacer sus deseos, teniendo en cuenta que la
idea es exportar el producto seleccionado a un país de habla inglesa ya establecido,
entonces es importante tener en cuenta el vocabulario y las estructuras necesarias en inglés
para elaborar una adecuada consulta y así lograr un mayor conocimiento de las
necesidades y expectativas de los clientes, y con ello obtener una mejor visión de lo que se
pretende ofrecer al mercado internacional.
Por lo anterior y con la finalidad de cumplir con esta evidencia, desarrolle lo siguiente:
1. Resuelva en inglés las preguntas que se le presentan a continuación:
● Where do you usually buy your cleaning products?
● Do you consider yourself as a neat person? Why?
● Do you feel satisfied with the cleaning products you buy? Why?
● What kind of cleaning product would you like it to be improved? Why?
● Mention 5 cleaning product brands you consider as the best ones
● Which are the most important aspects to be taken into account to choose a
cleaning product brand?
● Imagine you are promoting a new product. Describe it and write in ten lines
the reasons to convince your potential clients to buy your product.
2. Describa en inglés el tipo de población a la que pretende proyectar el producto o
servicio, de acuerdo con el país ya seleccionado.
3. En base a la población descrita con anterioridad elabore una encuesta en inglés
para ser aplicada a esta población.


● I buy them at the D1 supermarket.
● Yes, because I make a schedule of my daily activities.
● Yes, because they fit my budget and do the job.
● I would like to improve the soaps by making them more naturally derived.
● - Ecotech.
- Ecover.
- Froggy.
- Sure.
- Natura.
● That the products fulfill their function and do not have so many chemicals.
● This soap has no negative impact on the environment or the water it touches,
as it has natural derivatives and for the same reason does not harm sensitive
skin. It is a perfect soap for people who have recurring allergies and want to
take care of the environment. Considering that it is derived only from natural
products, it is not toxic for children and does not produce a painful sensation
when in contact with the eyes.

2. People with allergies, environmentalists, moms.

3. - Does the product meet your needs?
- Have you had any allergic reactions when in contact with the product?
- Does the price match the characteristics of the product?

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