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Student Rights

High Point University is a community of learning that supports freedom of inquiry, freedom of
thought, freedom from discrimination, freedom of expression, and much more. The University seeks
to maintain and support an environment where students have rights; however, the following list of
rights is not intended to be complete or exclusive.

Expression: Students are able to freely examine and exchange diverse ideas in an orderly manner
inside and outside of the classroom.

Association: Students can associate freely with other individuals, groups of individuals and
organizations for purposes that do not infringe on the rights of others.

Access: Students with a disability have the right to request reasonable accommodations ensuring
equal access to courses, course content, programs, services, and facilities.

Freedom of Discrimination: Students can expect to participate fully in the University community

without discrimination as defined by federal, state or University regulations.

Safe Environment: Students have a right to learn in a safe campus community.

Discipline: Students can expect discipline and sanctions for misconduct; students have a right to a
hearing regarding the misconduct.

High Quality Resources: Students have access to high quality resources which support intellectual,
emotional and social development.

Counseling: Students have access to mental wellness services and programs.

Grievance Process: Students have access to established procedures for respectfully presenting and
addressing their concerns or complaints to the University.

Learning Outside the Classroom: Students have access to variety of activities beyond the classroom
that support intellectual, spiritual and personal development.

Education: Students have access to extraordinary education that includes excellent faculty, academic
technology, classrooms, libraries, and other resources necessary for the learning process.

Personal Growth: Students live and study in an environment that emphasizes

personal growth.

Service to the Community: Students have opportunities to provide service to the University

community and beyond.

University Governance: Students participate in the governance of the University.

Prompt Responses from Administration: Students have the right to expect prompt and courteous
responses from the University’s academic and administrative departments.

Academic and Administrative Policies: Students can expect academic and administrative policies that
support intellectual inquiry, learning, and growth.

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