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Translate and learn the words.

I. Family
relations = relatives; a close/distant relative
grandparents: a grandmother, a grandfather
grandchildren: a grandson, a granddaughter
parents: a father, a mother, a stepfather, a stepmother
children: a son, a daughter, a stepson, a stepdaughter, an orphan
a brother, a sister: a twin brother, a twin sister, an elder/eldest brother etc.
an uncle, an aunt: a nephew, a niece, a cousin
in-laws: a father/mother-in-law, a son/daughter-in-law, a brother/sister-in-law

II Marriage
to be single/unmarried, a bachelor
to propose to smb., to get/be engaged to smb., to break off an engagement
a fiancé, a fiancée, to marry smb., to get married to smb.
to get married at a register office / in church
a wedding, a wedding reception/ring/anniversary
a bride, a bridegroom, a marriage ceremony, a newly- married couple
a wedding breakfast, a honeymoon
marriage, to be married to smb., a married couple: a husband, a wife
a childless couple, to be expecting a baby, to be pregnant, to have a baby (in a maternity hospital),
to divorce smb.; to get a divorce, to get/be divorced
a widow, a widower

III. From Birth to Death

the date of birth, When were you born?, a birthday, When is your birthday?;
a baby, babyhood, to attend/to go to a nursery;
an only child, childhood;
to start school, to attend/go to school;
to grow up, to bring up (a child);
a teenager, to be in one's (early, mid, late) teens;
youth (= period after childhood), in (one's) youth;
young people = the youth (+ is/are);
a grown-up = an adult, to be in one's (early, mid, late) twenties, etc.;
middle age, middle-aged (people);
old age, aged (people), an old-age pensioner;
a funeral, a will, to leave smb. smth. in one's will
IV. Miscellaneous
a Christian/first name, a surname, a patronymic, a nickname;
a child of ten, etc., a ten-year-old (child, etc.), at the age of ten, etc.;
a curriculum vitae

Vocabulary Exercises
Ex. 1. Fill in the gaps with the words or expressions from the word list.
1. They invited all their ... to stay at Christmas.
2. My uncle is my ... living ... .
3. I'm an ... . I was brought up by my uncle.
4. My sister had a baby last week, so I'm now an ... .
5. Though he's 40, he's never married: he's a confirmed ... .
6. George is my fiancé. We ... a month ago.
7. "Have you heard that John has ... to Marry?" "I can't believe it: they seemed so happy and loving".
8. We'll have been ... for a year by next April. We'll have our first ... .
9. Have you been invited to their ...?
10. The ... wore a beautiful white dress.
11. The ... are going to spend their ... in the Bahamas.
12. Katy gave up her job six months ago when she ... .
13. My brother and I look so alike that people often think we are ... .
14. Their marriage ended in ... .
15. She ... him after years of unhappiness.
16. My Granny died, so my grandfather has been a ... for years now.
17. She was holding her three-month-old ... in her arms.
18. He ... at the age of 6.
19. He was ... in the country by his grandparents.
20. What do you want to be when you ...?
21. In his ... he had shown great promise.
22. The ... of the country is/are being ignored by politicians.
23. Now children, go to bed and let the ... have a little time to themselves.
24. This film is for ... only.
25. She retired last year, so she is an ... .
26. He's only 24, but he behaves as if he's already ... .
27. The old lady's ... was held at the local church.
28. He ... his nephew over 60 thousand pounds in ... .
29. "You're right, Jack," she said. It was the first time she called him by his ... .
30. "What is Alan's ...?" "Johnson".
31. Max is my ... . My real name is MacDonald.
Ex. 2. Translate from Russian into English.
1.Ваш сын женат? – Нет, он еще холост, хотя ему уже за 30. 2.Джейн – моя двоюродная сестра,
хотя многие думают, что она моя дочь, когда видят нас вместе в первый раз, потому что она на
много лет младше меня. 3.Мой отец развелся с мамой, и мама снова вышла замуж, так что Иван
Петрович – мой отчим. 4. Мой брат - школьник. Он в 9-м классе. – А моя сестра только что
окончила школу. Ее мечта стать студенткой университета. 5. Мои друзья Коля и Нина – муж и
жена. – Они одного возраста? – Нет, Нина на два года моложе Коли. 6. Нас четверо в семье: отец,
мать, брат и я. Мы с братом близнецы. Мы похожи как две капли воды. 7. Кто эта женщина? – Она
родственница моего отца. Она его двоюродная сестра. – У нее есть дети? – Да. Ее дочь студентка,
а ее сын учится в 5-м классе. 8. Сколько Вас в семье? – Пятеро. У меня есть внук и внучка. Я уже
бабушка. 9. Чем занимается твой двоюродный брат? – Он –хирург. 10. Нинина тетя на пенсии. Ей
уже 75 лет. А ее муж еще работает. 11. Виктор женат на моей сестре. Он мне шурин, а маме – зять.
Для родителей Виктора моя сестра - невестка. 12. Джордж – мой жених; мы были помолвлены в
прошлом месяце. 13. В апреле будет год как мы женаты. У нас будет первая годовщина свадьбы.
14. Молодожены собираются провести медовый месяц на Багамах. 15. Их десятилетний брак
закончился шумным разводом. 16. Моя бабушка умерла, когда я была еще совсем ребенком.
Дедушка уже много лет вдовец. 17. Молодая мать выглядела абсолютно счастливой, держа своего
трехмесячного ребенка на руках. 18. Ну, малыш, кем ты хочешь быть, когда вырастишь? 19. Этот
фильм только для взрослых. 20. В прошлом году моя бабушка стала пенсионеркой по старости. 21.
В юности он подавал большие надежды. 22. Ему только 20, а он ведет себя как человек среднего
возраста. 23. Похороны старой дамы проходили в местной церкви. 24. Он оставил своему
племяннику более 60 тысяч фунтов в завещании. 25. Мой муж никогда не помнит о годовщине
нашей свадьбы, поэтому я напоминаю ему о ней в январе и июне и получаю два подарка. 26. Если
девушка на приеме поймает букет, брошенный невестой, то она выйдет замуж следующей. 27.
Все десять лет нашей совместной жизни мы ссорились по поводу родственников с моей стороны.
Ex. 3. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. Be ready to give them back translation.
1. She entered Parliament at the age of 30. 2. My mother is in her fifties already, but everybody says she
doesn't look her age. 3. At your age you should know better. 4. What ages are your children? 5. She
married a man who was twice her age. 6. Who's going to look after them in their old age? 7. A person of
40 has reached middle age. 8. You can't drive a car yet - you're still under age. 9. He won't be called up
for military service - he has not come of age yet. 10. She lived to an old age. 11. People died of terrible
diseases, such as plague in the Middle Ages. 12. My aged father lived in the country with my elder sister.
13. The conditions of living in this home for the aged are appalling. 14. What do you call your dog? 15.
Are you calling me a liar? 16. Did you hear what he called me? 17. The college was named after George
Washington. 18. Can you name this plant? 19. Do you know a boy by the name of David? 20. Although it
is a big company, the director knows all the staff by name. 21. The company has a (good) name for
reliability. 22. Samuel Clements wrote under the name of Mark Twain. 23. What do you call this in
English? 24. The magazine is called "Four Wheels": it is about cars.
Ex. 4. Fill in the blanks with either to call or to name.
1. What do you ... this flower? 2. When a son was born to them they ... the child John after his father. 3.
I was given a kitten. I ... it Pussy, buy my little brother ... it Push. 4. His name is Richard, but everybody ...
him Dick. 5. ... the highest mountain in Great Britain. 6. Do you know why Arthur Burton ... the Gadfly?
7. Do you ... English an easy language? 8. He was asked to ... five kinds of fish. 9. What do you ... the dish
you are eating? 10. My cousin was ... after his grandfather.

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