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Intermediate Part II Final Examination


Marks : 20

Time : 30 minutes

Q-1 a. Tick the right choice of the following under-lined words from Book I (Modern
Prose and Heroes) Part I:
i) Under Al Hakam, the University of Cordova rose to a place of pre-eminence (3)
a) Distinction b) elevation c) prominence d) dignity

ii) We have the power to abolish poverty if we have the will

a) Ban b) destroy c) prevent d) exterminate

iii) In China the radical change in women’s condition has given them a sense of confidence
a) Revolutionary b) rapid c)fast d) immediate

1.b)Tick the right choice of the following under-lined words from Book II (Modern Prose
and Heroes) Part II: (3)

i) Contrary to Churchill, the examiners were partial to Latin and Greek

a) Ambitious b) tempted c) keen d) biased

ii) Pasteur’s work on fermentation alone saved France enough to pay the indemnity of franco-
german war

a) Damages b) fine c) loss d) harm

iii) In its crude form penicillin was extremely unstable

a) refined b) raw c) unskilled d) useless

1c) Tick the right choice of the following under-lined words from the novel Good Bye Mr
Chips: (4)

(i) To Chips the boys of his class were as a mob just implacable
a) kind b) unkind c) callous d) pathetic

(ii) Big hall was full of lusty barbarians ready to pounce on chips as their legitimate prey
a) Rascals b) savages c) rogue d) robbers
(iii) To Mr Chips Wetherby was fatherly and courteous
a) Affectionate b) polite c) decent d) loving

( iv) Chips had told Katherine of his ineligibility to marry her

a) ability b) incapability c) inefficiency d) failure

Q-2a) Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions (5)

1. He must abide ______________ the rules of the games

a) to b) by c ) for d) at

2. He was absent ___________ school

a) for b) at c) from d) on

3. She takes_________ her mother

a) With b) to c) at d) on

4. The plane has taken __________

a) On b) off c) with d) about

5. I am looking up _______ my parents for help.

a) With b) too c) at d) on

2.b) Four options a, b, c, d are given at the end of every sentence. Only one of them is
correct. You are required to tick the right choice. (5)

i) Thief was arrested

a. The Thief was arrested

b. The thieves was arrested
c. Thief were arrested
d. Thieves had been arrested
ii) I hope you are having good health

a. I hope you are having a good health

b. I hope you are enjoying a good health

c. I fear you are having a good health

d. I hopes you are having a good health

iii) P lease wait little more

a. Please wait for little more

b. Please wait a little more

c. Please wait on little more

d. Please wait the little

iv) The Urdu is a easy language

a. Urdu is an easy language

b. The Urdu is easy language

c. The Urdu were an easy language

d. The Urdu has been an easy language.

v) She said me who are you?

a. She asked who I had been

b. She said me who I was

c. She asked me who I was

d. She asked who I were

Intermediate Part II Final Examination

Section II Subjective Paper Time: 2 hours Marks: 80

Q-3a) Write the short answers of any FOUR (in 3-5 lines) questions from Book II (Modern Prose
and Heroes) Part I. (12)

a. What was Daiches attitude towards the weekend as a boy?

b. Why should old and worthless books be destroyed?
c. How did Jermoe K Jerome come to suspect that his liver was out of order?
d. What was Stephen Leacock’s state of mind when he entered the hospital
e. How have scientific methods help us to overcome our fears

Q-3b)Write the short answers of any FOUR (in 3-5 lines) questions from Book II (Modern Prose
and Heroes) Part II (12)

i) What was the most noticeable feature of the desert city named Ghardaia

ii). What service did Pasteur render in saving the silk worm industry in his country?

iii) Why was Mustafa Kamal sent to Anatolia?

iv) Describe the reform introduced by Mustafa Kamal with reference to women?

v. What are the characteristics of underdeveloped countries as mentioned in hunger and population

Q-3c) Write the short answers of any six (in 3-5 lines) questions from the Novel, Good Bye Mr

i) Write a short note on Brookfield. (18)

ii) What changes were leveled against Mr Chips by Ralston?
iii) What as Mr Chips’s will?
iv) What were Katherine Bridges’s views about women?
v) What was the saddest day in Mr Chips’s life?
vi) Give one example of Chips’s sense of humor
vii) What type of a person was Mr Chips before his marriage?
viii) What was the students and parents reaction to the row between Chips and Ralston?

Q-4) Use any five of the following idioms in sentences of your own: (10)

Give away, break down, nip the evil in the bud, a laughing stock, bed of roses, bury the hatchet

Q-5) Write an essay of (300-400 words) on any ONE of the following topics: (14)

i)My National Hero ii) The Profession I want to choose iii) Uses and Abuses of Cell phones iv)
Pleasures of college life
Q-6) Translate the following passage into English (14)

Note: Candidates whose medium of Examination is English, will write a paragraph on “My First
Day at College”

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