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Qualification TEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and title Unit 04: Database Design & Development

Submission date Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Doan Trung Duc Student ID GCH17438

Class Assessor name

Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature
Grading grid
P1 M1 D1
 Summative Feedback:  Resubmission Feedback:


Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Signature & Date:
I.Introduction. ......................................................................................... 4
1.1 What is database? .......................................................................... 4
1.2 Database management system (DBMS).......................................... 4
II.Scenario ............................................................................................... 4
III.SRS (System Requirements Specification) ........................................... 5
IV.Logical design (ERD) ............................................................................ 7
1.What is an ER diagram? ....................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
2. Cardinality .......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.Entity Relationship Diagram. ............... Error! Bookmark not defined.
4. Explain ER model. ............................................................................. 7
Physical design ........................................................................................ 9

1.1 What is database?

A database is a collection of organized data. Data is organized into rows, columns and tables
and indexed to make it easier to find relevant information. Data is updated, expanded and
deleted when new information is added. Can access information, data in many different ways,
information from the most secured database and data integrity. A database management
system (DBMS) extracts information from the database in response to queries. (Rouse, 2019).

1.2 Database management system (DBMS).

A database management system (DBMS) is basically a system software for creating and
managing databases. Users of the system are provided with the means to perform the
creation, retrieval, updating and management of database structures. (Rouse, 2019).

Recently, our BASE company has received a contract with a very large partner who is a
member of BASE company, I was assigned to complete this contract. The company has been
approached by Greenwich University Vietnam which is expanding due to the growth in the
number of students. GreenWich VN is currently struggling to handle university
administration because their attendance system is faulty, leaving teachers unable to control
whether students attend school or not. As a result, the quality of students is declining
significantly through student essays back to school.
My urgent task is to redesign the new database system for the school.
With the attendance system of GreenWich VN, we realize that this is an obsolete time
attendance system for the following reasons:
- The principle of the old system is that lecturers and students do not have a second person
to run the whole system so that the instructor's account can do everything with the system
without limitation. system. Therefore, in the old system, lecturers have too many benefits
and students can interact very little in this system, which is a big gap in the old system.
+ Instructors are free to change the status of students when the class ends. This is a major
flaw in the teaching process because students may require teachers to attend after
excessive absences, which affects students' fairness and competition.
+ on this old attendance system, students also cannot see the sessions in which they were
absent or the classes they attended.
- Based on the old shortcomings, I have come up with some solutions to overcome this
attendance system:
+ New attendee system will be granted access with 2 different levels. in which the highest
level will be for administrators (student's office) and lecturers and finally teachers.
+ at the highest admin level they can do everything without limits.
+ the student's level will only be able to log into the system and see whether he or she goes
to school or if he or she has missed the number of sessions allowed.
The new system will run more completely and will be regularly updated with continuous
patches if there are many shortcomings.
The operation of the new system will be updated with a new interface with a blue
background and easier to use features.

III.SRS (System Requirements Specification)

1. 1. Determine Requirements of GreenWich VN University.

Based on the above scenario, I selected a selection to offer a attendance system with
students, faculty, and management users.

2. Attendance System.

This system allows lecturers and administrators to capture the learning situation of
students to see if they attend classes and have enough time to study or not. as well
as allowing students to see their classes

3. Lecturers, Managers

Instructors have the same access and use of the attendance system as the
administrators. They directly access the system with access to all student profiles to
see if students are going to school today.

Faculty and administrators have access to and view and find student information in
the class, delete, add, edit, update students' necessary information for the
attendance system.

4 students.

Students only have the right to access their Profile and see the number of sessions
they have attended as well as the number of sessions they have missed viewing has
exceeded% allowed. In addition, students cannot do anything more.
5 Identify entities and attributes of the attendance system (Logical design).

Entities Teacher Student Attendance Subject Room Session

Attributes Teacher Student Attendance Subject Room Session

Teacher Student Student Subject Room Time Start

Name Name ID Name Name
Email Phone Room ID Class ID Time End
DOB Session ID Teacher Date
Email Attendance Subject ID
Class ID
IV.Logical design (ERD)

.Entity Relationship Diagram.

Figure 2 ER model.

4. Explain ER model.
The ER design consists of 7 tables (Student, Teacher, Topic, Session, Class, Attendance, Room)
linked together by different relationships.
Students in grades 1-n.
Students attend 1-n.
Grades 1 - n Mon.
Subject n - 1 Teacher.
Mon 1 - n Session.
Rooms n - n Rooms.
Attend session n-1.
Attend to room 1-n.
Students table.
Many students will have the same class, so the relationship between the class and students is a
one-to-many relationship.
Teacher desk.
Each teacher can teach many subjects so the relationship between the teacher and the subject
is a one-to-many relationship with many people.
Table subject.
Each subject will have a different study period during the sessions so the relationship between
subjech and session is one to many.
Class board.
A class will have to study many different subjects so the relationship between the subject and
the class is one to many
Table room.
Many classes will be able to gain participation on a system, so the relationship between class
and attendance is a one-on-one relationship.
Session table.

Multiple sessions will be able to get attendance on a system, so the relationship between
sessions and attendance is a multiple to one relationship.
Attendance table.
An attendance system can attend a number of student subjects, so the relationship is the
relationship between students and many attendees.
Physical design
3.1 Table Attendance

Name of fields Types Allow Null Constraints Description

AttendanceID Varchar(8) Not Null Primary Key
StudentID Varchar(8) Not Null Foreign Key
SessionID Varchar(8) Not Null Foreign Key
RoomID Varchar(8) Not Null Foreign Key
AttendanceStatus Varchar(10) Not Null

3.2 Table Student.

Name of fields Types Allow Null Constraints Description

StudentID Varchar(8) Not Null Primary Key
StudentName Varchar(50) Not Null
Phone Varchar(12) Not Null
DOB Date Not Null
Email Varchar(50) Not Null
Address Varchar(120) Not Null
ClassID Varchar(8) Not Null Foreign Key

3.3 Table Teacher

Name of fields Types Allow Null Constraints Description

TecherID Varchar(8) Not Null Primary Key
TeacherName Varchar(50) Not Null
Email Varchar(50) Not Null
3.4 Table Session.

Name of fields Types Allow Null Constraints Description

SessionID Varchar(8) Not Null Primary Key

TimeStart Time Not Null

TimeEnd Time Not Null
Date Date Not Null
SubjectID Varchar(8) Not Null Foreign Key

3.5 Table Subject.

Name of fields Types Allow Null Constraints Description

SubjectID Varchar(8) Not Null Primary Key
SubjectName Varchar(50) Not Null
ClassID Varchar(8) Not Null Foreign Key
TeacherID Varchar(8) Not Null Foreign Key

3.6 Table Room.

Name of fields Types Allow Null Constraints Description

RoomID Varchar(8) Not Null Primary Key
RoomName Varchar(50) Not Null

3.7 Table Class

Name of fields Types Allow Null Constraints Description
ClassID Varchar(8) Not Null Primary Key
ClassName Varchar(50) Not Null
4. Example Input data.
4.1 Table Student.

StudentID StudentName Phone DOB Email Address ClassID

Std1 Doan Trung +84665 1998-05- ducdtasd Hai Phong A1
Duc 562264 20 aaa@fp
Std2 Vu Thanh +84958 1998-11- Daip1 Hai Phong A1
Dai 255124 06 7625@fpt.
Std3 Le Hieu +84956 1998-07- Hieulvgbh Hai Phong A2
456653 22 17244@fp
Std4 Nguyen D +84956 1998-05- Dn@fpt.e Hai Phong A1
123453 22
Std5 Quoc E +84956 1998-06- E@fpt.e Hai Phong A2
465789 11
Std6 Van F +84956 1998-02- 'F@fpt.e Hai Phong A3
565451 22'
Std7 Pham G +84956 1998-01- 'G@fpt. Hai Phong A1
878415 22'
Std8 Lo Hieu +84956 1998-05- 'H@fpt.e H Hai Phong A2
258121 22'
Std9 Le H +84956 1998-05- 'H@fpt.e Hai Phong A3
545454 31'
Std10 Truong J +84956 1998-06- 'J@fpt.e Hai Phong A1
365458 30'

4.2 Table Teacher.

TeacherID TeacherName Email

T1 Luu Van Luu Luua@fpt
T2 Do Duc Dai Daiaa@f
T3 Vu Van Lap lapvt3
T4 Do Van A AVT1
T5 Doan Van B Baa@fpt.;
T6 Nguyen CVA@fpt.

4.3 Session.

SessionID TimeStart TimeEnd Date SubjectID

1 07:30 10:30 2020-04-05 SJ1

2 11:00 13:30 2020-04-02 SJ2

3 12:50 17:00 2020-04-01 SJ3

4.4 Table Attendance.

AttendanceID StudentID SessionID RoomID AttendanceStatus

B1 Sst1 1 M1 PRESENT

B3 Sst3 3 M3 PRESENT

B4 Sst4 4 M4 PRESENT

B5 Sst5 5 M5 PRESENT
4.5 Table Room.

RoomID RoomName

M1 R11

M2 R12

M3 R13

4.6 Table Subject.

SubjectID SubjectName ClassID TeacherID

SJ1 Subject 1 A1 TC1

SJ2 Subject 2 A2 TC2

SJ3 Subject 3 A3 TC3

4.7 Table Class

ClassID ClassName

A1 Class 1

Class 2
A3 Class 3
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Index of comments

2.1 The report has an unclear structure. You should base on the ASM template.

The system scenario, user requirements, and system requirements were defined.

Related entities described and shown in the ERD diagram have one incorrect relationship. You should improve it in
the next ASM.

The physical design is acceptable, it includes columns and their datatype for each table.

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