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Project Assessment Task 1


1. Collect information on the different types of meetings that can occur in a

 Outline in detail the difference between formal, semi-formal, and informal
meetings and give examples of each

Formal meeting is a pre-planned assembly of two or more members for the

purpose of attaining a common goal via verbal discussion. It is usually lead by
chairperson and held at a specific time and venue based on the agreed agenda. The
normal agenda and supporting documents will be distributed to the attendees. The
discussion and agreement during meeting will be recorded as minutes. It will be
characterised as formal meeting according to the predetermined topics, aims and
formal notices. A formal meeting can be categorised as board meetings, committees,
special task forces and groups. The examples of formal meeting are Annual General
Meetings, Extraordinary General Meetings and Board Meetings.

Semi-formal meeting is a set of agenda which is less heavy than formal meeting
but less casual than informal meeting. It is normally a meeting among the team or
with other teams and the participants are invited to listen to a speaker. The example of
semi-formal meetings is staff meeting.

Virtual Meeting is a role-based conference where participants can be up to 800

and they collaborate with the use of technology. It is normally held for brainstorming
sessions, collaborative and other meeting activities with other participants within cities
or across the globe. The size of conference affects the number of speakers. The
participants can discuss or give feedback or suggestions by using audio replies or
typing in chat box. This meeting can save money compared to flying in the employees
to meet for a few hours. They do not need to meet physically. The examples of virtual
meetings are web conferencing, video conferencing, webinar.

Informal meeting is a more casual and far less heavily planned and regulated than a
formal business meeting. It does not have certain characteristic of formal meeting such
as minutes, a chairperson, and agenda. It also normally conducts in a relaxed place
such as a cafe, or one of a participant’s desks. It is seldom happening in a boardroom
as it is a very formal place. Most of these meetings organised by businesses will be
categorised as informal meeting. These can include staff catch-ups,
brainstorming sessions, and progress updates. The examples of informal
meetings are informational meetings, team meetings, one-on-one meetings.

 Describe why these meetings are held

These meetings are held to set goals and get a decision, to solve conflicts or problems,
to plan and develop a project, to monitor the progress of a project, to have a forum for
discussion, to provide and share information and to get better understanding.

 Who attends these meetings

The member who will be attend these meetings could be key stakeholders, board
members, all staff, departmental staff, personnel from branch offices or representatives
from other organisations. The meeting must compose of a chairperson, a minute taker
and attendees.
2. Research & explain the meeting requirements the following types of companies:
 Proprietary Company
 Public Company
 Listed Company

 Proprietary Company
Refers to a non-public, non-stock issuing. It is
a privately owned business. Therefore, there is
no legal requirement that such a company hold
public meetings.

 Public Company
This company must hold an Annual General
Meeting. The meeting requirements are the
meeting time must be suitable for all in the
group, and the meeting must not discriminate
towards anyone in the group.

 Listed Company This company must give at least 28 days’

notice. The meeting requirement is the stock
exchange for limited company meetings

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