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Test 1. Define the following. (5pts each)

Metallic Bond
Carbon Compound
Organic Compound
Inorganic Compound
Percentage Composition
Test 2. Answer the following questions briefly (5pts each)
1. Distinguish organic compounds from inorganic compounds
2. Describe the metallic bond in terms of electron sea model
3. Explain why the bonding electrons in metals are delocalized

Test 3.Identification
1. What do you call that enable you to draw the
structure of organic compound
2. Refers to the smell of the compound
3. Measure of how a material easily burns.
4. Measure of a liquid’s resistance to flow and oil
exhibits this characteristics.
5. Groups of compounds that contain carbon
6. Alkanes are also known as?
7. It is the simplest alkane
8. It is the simplest and most common aldehyde.
9-10.Acetic acid contains a functional group known as? And
10. Organic compounds that contain this group are called?
11. Compounds containing carbon and hydrogen
12. It is the amount of a pure substance that contains the same number of chemical
13. What do you call the number of particles
found in 12.00 grams of carbon 12
14. French chemist and Nobel laureate Jean
Baptiste Perrin proposed that the quantity of
molecules is called?
15. Give the equations of Avogadro’s Constant
Test 4. Enumeration
1. Give the three types of bonds of their molecules
2. Give the three properties of organic compounds
3. Give the five uses of alcohols
4. Give the four functional groups of carbon
5. Give the formula of percentage composition (5pts)


I. Identification the following.

1. Refer to the emotional condition or the feeling created by the writer by the
audience to fell or experience.
2. It is the value or insights gleaned from the story.
3. It pertains to the angle through which the story is told
4. It is considered as the central idea of the story.
5. It refers to the problem or struggle in the story.
6. The sequence of events in the story
7. It pertains to the person being portrayed in the story.
8. It is the time and place of the story.
9. It is the leading character.
10. Known as the “kontrabida” or villain in the story.
II. Enumerations: Write your answers on the space provided.
Enumerate at least ten (10) archaic or words used in classical civilization
Enumerate the 5 Latin root word.
Enumerate the 5 Greek root word.

III. Essay. Explain the following using your own words.

1. (10 points)

2. What are the moral lessons that you can get in the story Merchant of Venice? (10

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