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Ei 16. CULTURAL EVENTS Brenna accney Love of beauty is taste. The creation of beauty is art. (Ralph Waldo Emerson) ete All the phrases below are in connection with different forms of arts, Put the words in the column with which we associate the phrase the most. There are phrases that fit more than one place, though. , Soundtrack, dance, singer, ceramics, script, drama, poet, subtitles, musical, sculpture, shooting, orchestra, cast, painting, theatre, novel, musician, live statue, screen, canvas, ballet, CD, photography, concert, architecture, poem, rehearsal, volume, sculptor, opera, rhyme. busker, painter, short story estion ‘What is your favourite form of entertainment? WA What sort of cultural events take place in your town/village? © _woyare cultural festivals popular? WB Do you attend them? Why? Why not? © How often do you go to the theatre? WB Have you seen a good performance recently? What did you like about it? People prefer films and TV to theatre nowadays. Do you agree? ©} What kind of films do you like? 16. CULTURAL EVENTS List some types of films. What films are you put off by? Why? Film stars are greatly overrated. Do you agree? What types of books do you like reading? Why? Where do you get your books from? What do you think of e-books? What kind of music do you like? How do famous musicians influence young people? Are you an art lover? What makes a work of art valuable? What kind of street performance do you know? Which one would you like to try? Why? Is graffiti a sign of vandalism or is it art? J What was the most interesting exhibition you have ever seen? (i eee What is your favourite form of entertainment? a BB What kind of exhibitions can be seen in your neighbourhood? mM a)I like all kinds of entertainment, from traditional live entertainment to the present- day mass media. I am really keen on modern ballet; however, I can only see first class performances on Mezzo Channel and live for high-price tickets. Film, music, radio and TV are part of my everyday life. I often go to the cinema, as in my opinion a real film is only enjoyable on a big screen with Dolby surround, b) My favourite forms of entertainment are music, theatre and art exhibitions. I like all kinds of music, and choose the type I listen to according to my mood. I regularly attend classical music concerts and do not miss any new performance in the local theatre. There is no opening of a new exhibition in my town without me. What sort of cultural events take place in your town/village? a) My town is famous for its vibrant cultural life, and we have a high standard of programmes all year round. There are several festivals held annually, such as Jazz Days, International Choir Competition, Military Band festival and Children and Youth Folkdance Days. As part of Spring and Autumn Festivals organised in all major cities in Hungary there are concerts of classical and pop music, theatrical performances with troupes from other cities and abroad, and a series of exhibitions. The choice is so great that sometimes it is too difficult to select the best programme. b) We do not have too many events, but there are some that are worth visiting. These programmes are mainly offered in summertime because of the tourist season. We have a 223 16. CULTURAL EVENTS multi-functional park which can be used as an open air theatre, cinema or concert hall. ‘There are concerts each weekend, talk shows, theatrical and dance performances. © why are cultural festivals popular? Cultural festivals are popular because they offer a wide range of entertainment to people of all ages. They are well-advertised, as the host town or village can benefit a lot from such an event. Modern festivals last for several days, during which people can have a rest, see the sights of the region, get an insight into the local customs, gastronomy and trade, and in the evenings they can have a thrilling experience of high culture. [£3 Do you attend them? Why? Why not? a) | attend the Jazz. Days and several summer rock festivals each year. My parents are great festival fans, they always combine their holidays with some cultural events. They have already spent days in Szeged and Gyula enjoying the summer theatre evenings, and have taken part in several programmes of Art Festivals in S4rospatak and Kapolcs. This year they are planning to go to Debrecen to the Flower Carnival, which has grown into a week- long festival with events focusing on music, dance and flowers. b) I don’t like festivals. They are overcrowded, commercialised events, which offer too many programmes in a short period of time at a very high price. You have to spend at least two days there, which, taking the cost of accommodation and food into consideration, may cost a fortune if you have a family of four, We'd rather stay at home, and enjoy culture all year round not just for two days. © How often do you go to the theatre? a) I often go to the theatre, but I prefer small-stages, the so-called alternative, studio and fringe theatres. In their performances the cast is smaller, the sets and other technical elements are very simple, but they are rich in original ideas both in directing and acting. The playsare written by foreign or Hungarian contemporary playwrights. am a regular visitor of theatrical festivals held all over the country. 'b) Not often. Although I have a season ticket, seven or eight performances are included in the price. I can’t afford to travel to a different town to watch a performance. I like classical, serious plays and performances where acting and the moral message of the play is important. Nowadays spectacular shows, like musicals are on the programme, and these performances are rather technical than theatrical. They are too weak to entertain and too easy to forget. 16. CULTURAL EVENTS WG Have you seen a good performance recently? What did you like about it? a) Yes, it was The Phantom of the Opera by Andrew Lloyd Webber. I’m interested in grand- scale musicals, as these performances are very spectacular with amazing lighting and sound effects, haunting tunes, excellent performances, sophisticated sets and costumes. This was a magnificent performance which was a thrill to the blood and a sensual feast for the eye. It was the most spectacular show I've ever seen. It contained all the necessary magic ingredients of theatricality: exciting plot, careful, astute direction, eye-popping sets, spectacular costumes, sensational stage effects and an amazingly good cast. b) I saw The Rite of Spring, a dance-theatre piece set to Stravinsky's music. The set was simple. At the centre was a couple - a man and woman. The woman wore a deep red dress. Her dancing seemed pagan - she seemed to dance for her life. The performance stirred up conflicting feelings: horror, admiration and a sense of beauty. | felt this could be about a contemporary couple; it could be Adam and Eve; or a portrait of someone isolated from society, It was metaphorical and emotional. I was unable to resist being drawn in. People prefer films and TV to theatre nowadays. Do you agree? a) Yes, I do, The main difference between a film and a theatrical performance is in the intensity of visual images. The former offers more elaborated vision, it’s full of motion, picturesque landscape, the scenes change fastand you can see incredible action. Meanwhile ona theatre stage there are some people moving and talking. The words of the characters, their dialogues or monologues play the greatest role, which seems to be boring to a lot of people. People of the 21% century are extremely visual. Moreover, you can watch films, I mean DVDs at home, and TV is at hand; so it’s very convenient to have fun sitting in a comfortable armchair. What's more it’s much cheaper than a theatre ticket. b) No, I don't, although I know that the number of theatre-goers is decreasing, but still there isan audience for the theatre. I know a lot of people who are into reality; they like to see the actors face to face. It’s so nice to hear them breathing, smiling or crying, Films seem to be remote, a theatrical performance is much more convincing, a real experience, a sort of personal touch. BB What kind of films do you like? a) I like romantic films, classical novel adaptations, films that deal with great human feelings, like love, loyalty/faithfulness, revenge or forgiveness. I like being moved and touched by an excitingly twisting plot and convincingly genuine acting. However, when I want to relax I watch detective films or comedies. There’s nothing better than having a good laugh with my family. b) I am into action, horror and science-fiction films. Action-packed movies with car chase scenes and sophisticated martial arts fights, spine chilling scary movies with sinister music and revolting acts of the characters give my soul a thrill. 1am always amazed by computer technology and admire engineers and designers for creating strange but lovely creatures, just like in Star Wars. 226 16. CULTURAL EVENTS BA List some types of films. ‘There are action, adventure, animated, detective, disaster, historical, horror, science-fiction (sci-fi) and war films; television and feature films; film series (have the same characters but different story each time like in the “X-files”) and serials (the story is shown in several parts like in “Dallas”); cartoons, comedies, documentaries, fantasies, musicals, thrillers, tragedies and westerns. Any film can be a blockbuster or a box-office hit. 0) What films are you put off by? Why? a) I don't like soppy, Hollywood style movies in which the main characters are not complex personalities; they are either black or white, good guys or villains. Life and human character are very complicated, a mixture of dark and bright. Happy endings and victorious finales always disappoint me. b) Stupid comedies, without any twists in the plot, violent scenes, too much blood and frightening, sinister music. I can't stand films about European history or oriental martial arts and their philosophy made by Americans in a Hollywood style. Film stars are greatly overrated. Do you agree? a) Yes, they earn millions and they appear everywhere: on the cover pages of magazines, in TV shows, in advertisements endorsing certain items. They just act in one or two films a year and make more money than any of us ina lifetime. They are not only overpaid but also overrated. Some of them have become popular just because they are considered attractive, and it doesn’t actually make them good actors. ‘To me good actors as personalities are unrecognisable, and when you see them on the screen, you don’t actually see them, you see the character they are playing. b) No, they work hard and deserve their money. They sometimes spend months on film shooting, working all day long far from their family and home. Then they appear on talk shows and at film premieres promoting the film. They entertain millions bringing them joy, happiness and excitement. As for their media appearance, the demand for gossip about stars is great, it’s people’s curiosity that fuels and supports celebrities. What types of books do you like reading? Why? a) I enjoy a wide mix of books, including biographies, historical novels, science-fiction, mysteries, true crime stories and even a good romance. Some entertain, some educate but all help me to understand the world better. b) I read at least one book a week. | like a lot of types of books ~ fiction, non fiction, romance, fantasy, biographies, autobiographies, short stories and poetry. But my absolute favourite are mysteries - new and old. I have read books by Agatha Christie over and over again ‘Mysteries and fantasies take me into another world; I often feel the need to break away from reality. 16. CULTURAL EVENTS €) L used to love adventure stories; my love for them started when I read Treasure Island and Robinson Crusoe. But nowadays I am hooked on true crime books, as they are gripping and it’s really exciting to go along the path of finding out the truth. No fiction can outshine reality. Life is the greatest story teller. Where do you get your books from? a) I regularly go to the school library. It has a great collection of compulsory literature and there are dictionaries, encyclopaedias, reference books for all the subjects we learn. If I can’t find a book I'll go to the city or the county libraries. I often get books from my grandparents and parents. By the time I finish my studies I'd like to have a big library in my home. b) I often buy books, mainly second-hand ones. There are several second-hand bookshops, and I like spending my time there searching for sci-fi novels, books on history and some cheap art publications. I can find a real bargain almost every week. The majority of the books are in good condition and they are much cheaper than new ones. From spring to autumn there is a flea market with several bookstalls. I always buy a lot of books there. My friends also like reading, and we not only recommend books to each other but also lend them. What do you think of e-books? a) I love e-books! I travel a lot and I love the feeling of taking literally the whole library with me. E-books are the future in education, and they are very useful for research when you can't get hold of a printed copy. Moreover, they are free, or fairly cheap as you can get them through subscription. b) I prefer real books. I wouldn't want to read a novel in electronic form... too impersonal and sterile. Computer files just don’t give the same feel and scent as old books. I like the idea of having the books actually in my hand, flipping through the pages, I love the tactile experience. I don’t feel the same reading from a screen, and besides I spend enough time staring at a computer. What kind of music do you like? a) Ijust can't see myself only listening to one genre. If you limit yourself and you stick to one ora few genres of music, you cheat yourself out of the beautiful works of our time and time gone by. How could you not love classic rock stars, the singers and bands of our time or Beethoven and Mozart; there are just too many to mention. b) [like almost everything except heavy metal. [love jazz musics they play it here in Eastern Europe; and classics by Mozart and Bartok have had a high ranking with me. ) I like hard rock and heavy metal, hard rhythms, thick, massive sound, extended guitar solos and their overall loudness. Their lyrics and performance styles are very masculine and macho. Rock is simply fantastic. CYA 16. CULTURAL EVENTS How do famous musicians influence young people? Famous musicians influence young people both in positive and negative ways. As they serve as role models, some of them have become iconic in their lifetime, teenagers and fans imitate them. They follow their looks (piercings, tattoos and hairstyle), wear similar clothes and start behaving like them. If a teenage idol leads a decent life (works hard for success, has steady relationships, doesn’t waste money on stupid luxurious things, donates money to charity, campaigns for people in need and the environment) he/she serves as a good example. On the other hand, among musicians there are a lot of outcasts, deviant people, media-created celebrities, who drink, take drugs and behave aggressively. They influence young people ina very bad way, as fans think this is trendy and they should behave like their idols. Are you an art lover? a) Yes, I think I am, I like paintings by Dali and Miro. If we travel abroad we always visit the museum the place is famous for. It’s very fascinating to see a work of art you learnt about at school and know from books with your own eyes. I also like sculptures in public places, and recently we've visited the Statue Park in Budapest. It was most educational and entertaining, If there’s an interesting exhibition in my town I go and sec it. If it is in another town or Budapest | visit it with my parents or my class. b) No, not really. Works of art are too high-brow, too sophisticated, I don’t understand what the artist wants to say. Photography is a bit more interesting and theatre and film posters are OK. What makes a work of art valuable? Value can mean a real amount of money, but in connection with art we rather speak about aesthetic or theoretical value. There are many works of art (paintings, sculptures, statues, photos etc.) that are invaluable or priceless, as they never appear on the market, no one has ever tried to sell or buy them. Pictures by famous painters are exhibited in museums and galleries, or owned by wealthy collectors. The real market value of an artist or picture or sculpture can sometimes be revealed in an auction. The fame and notoriety of an artist have a great influence on public opinion. Age is another factor; pieces from ancient times (Greek, Roman, Egyptian or Renaissance periods) may also be highly valued just because of their age. Rarity is another point we can take into consideration. Nowadays, some works of contemporary art can gain high appreciation - despite their low artistic value - due to successful media promotion. What kind of street performance do you know? Which one would you like to try? Why? a) There are buskers (street musicians), drama groups, live statues, pavement artists, graffiti artists, portrait painters, clowns, acrobats, jugglers and/or salamanders (fire-eaters). b) I would like to be a busker. I've been learning to play the flute for 10 years, so I think rors} 16. CULTURAL EVENTS I would be quite able to play well. I would entertain people, they would admire and value me and my performance. In addition, I'd earn some money by doing a pleasant job. c) I've always wanted to be a clown. It must be a fantastic feeling when you make people laugh. Bringing some light or joy in others’ lives is soul-lifting. Children would have a rest sitting around me, falling about laughing after a long, boring, tiring walk in the town. Adults also would forget about their problems at least for some minutes. d) I'd like to be a live statue. It seems to be boring, but it isn’t. It is really hard to stand in a posture motionless for hours. That would be a real challenge for me. I’d like to try it. ‘Maybe some time in the future in Budapest or abroad I’ll have a try. Ei Is graffiti a sign of vandalism or is it art? a) I think graffiti as it appears in Hungary in public places is vandalism. All over the town lines are sprayed and eyesore images are scribbled on walls, which are done illegally, mostly at night. As soon as a building has been renovated or repainted new unsightly scrawls appear on the clean surface the next day. It’s a crime, antisocial behaviour. However, I've already seen some quite interesting, well- designed graffiti on train carriages. They were spectacular, colourful - a nice sort of decoration on a grey vehicle. I've also read about exhibitions, where works of graffiti artists were displayed in the museums of New York and Amsterdam. There are websites, or even clothes designed in this style. This is a question of taste. b) If graffiti is done with great care, and you can make out the letters, it's on a wall as decoration, that’s OK. My friend, who is good at making graffiti, was allowed to decorate the wall of his room in this style. It looks really great. What kind of exhibitions can be seen in your neighbourhood? a) We have a Modern and Contemporary Art Centre, where there are permanent and periodical exhibitions of Hungarian and foreign artists of the 20" and 21% centuries. In the town museum visitors can see the local historical collection and a rich fine art collection. In the so-called Tanner’s House the exhibitions present the works of art of the craftsmen of the region. b) We have some Memorial Museums, which were created in honour of the sculptors and painters born here. The exhibition material encompasses the entire oeuvre of these artists, along with some documents of their lives, and their everyday objects and pieces of furniture. The art gallery hosts exciting, experimental exhibitions, which give talented young artists an opportunity to display their latest works. 16. CULTURAL EVENT 2 what was the most interesting exhibition you have ever seen? a) It was a so called oeuvre exhibition of Jozsef Rippl-Rénai, a fantastic Hungarian painter who lived from 1861-1927. I saw it in Budapest, in the National Gallery in the Buda Castle. ‘There were drawings, paintings in oil and watercolour, pastels and canvases of different sizes, The exhibition was organised with great care and taste. I could see paintings from all) of his periods. His “pastel period” impressed me the most. It consists of portraits of women) and famous Hungarian writers. A poster of his last picture, a self-portrait is hung on the wall of my room. b) When I first heard about the “Body Worlds” exhibition I was scared but interestingly enough when I saw it I didn’t feel any fear. I started to understand death, and when you understand it, you will live a healthier life and you will worship your life. Seeing for the first time what doctors see on a regular basis - the human body beneath skin — left a lasting impression on me. Upon leaving there was a brain specimen that everybody was allowed to touch. Curiosity nearly killed the cat, because I almost fainted as soon as I picked up the specimen. It was waxy and totally weird. The woman said the reason why it felt waxy was because of the stuff they used to preserve the specimens. All in all, I did find the exhibition highly informative and extremely interesting. admire ed'maia: csodal adventure ed'ventfa kaland, amusement e'mju:zment sz6rakozas, szorakoztatas ancient times ‘einfent taimz régi torténelmi korok animated ‘eenimeitid animacios annually ‘zenjvell évente art publication ‘a:t pabli'keifan mtivészeti album astute direction a'stju:t di'rekfen ugyes. okos rendezés audience ‘ordians kézénség ballet ‘bzelei balett 16. CULTURAL be keen on be hooked on be moved blockbuster box-office hit busker (street musician) canvas cast choice choir cleansing commercialised compulsory literature conflicting feelings contemporary cost a fortune costume county craftsman curiosity decent display e-book educate elaborated encompass encyclopaedia entertain event exhibition eye-popping eyesore face to face faithfulness fall about laughing fame famous for fan ‘boks ‘ofis ‘hit ‘bask (‘strizt mju:zifen) ‘keenves kazst tfois kwale ‘Klenzin ‘kolmexfolarzd kem'palsen ‘litritfe ken'fiktin ‘fislinz kan'temperer ‘kost @ foztfan ‘kostjom ‘kaontl ‘kra:ftsmen jver'ositi ‘di:sent di'splet ‘bok ‘edjokeit rleebereitid in‘kampas. in'saikle'pi:dia. enteltein vent ceksi'bifen ‘al ‘popin ‘also: ‘feis ta ‘feis ‘feiOfalnes ‘for! e'baot ‘la:fin feim ‘feimas fo: feen EVENTS nagyon szeret, odaig van vmiért rabja vminek meghatadik, elérzékenytil bestseller kasszasiker utcazenész vaszon szereposztas, stab, a szinészek Osszessége valaszték, valasztas korus megtisztulds, megtisztitas eluzletesedett kdtelezé irodalom ellentétes, ellentmondo kortars egy vagyonba kertl jelmez megyei kezmiives kivanesisag valamire valo, j6, megfelel6, igazi kiallit, bemutat elektronikus Konyv nevel, oktat gondosan kidolgozott kériilfog, kérbevesz lexikon szérakoztat szemet gyOnydrkédtet6 szemet sért6 szemtél szembe htiség hahotazik himév hires fanatikusan szeret6, kedvel6, 231 16. CULTURAL EVENTS fascinating feature films film shooting fine art folkdance forgiveness former fringe theatre fuel gain high appreciation genre genuine gossip grand-scale gripping haunting tunes hold, held, held high ranking high standard high-brow host in honour of invaluable juggler last, lasted, lasted lighting live statue local long for loyalty lyrics make out market value Memorial Museum. Military Band miss motion motionless ‘feesineitin ‘futfe filmz ‘film Justin ‘fain ast ‘feokda:ns fe'givnes ‘forme ‘frindz 'G1ete ‘fjoal ‘gain ‘hai e.pni:freifen ‘zonre, ‘dgenjuin ‘gosip ‘graznd skeil ‘gnpin ‘hozntiy ‘tuznz heold, held, held ‘hat ‘reenkin ‘hal 'steended ‘haibrao heost In ‘one ev in'vaeljoabel ‘d3agle la:st, ‘la:stid ‘atti ‘atv ‘steetfuz ‘leokel ‘lon fa ‘ovaltt ‘inks ‘mek ‘aot ‘maxkit ‘vaelju: mi'mo:rial mju:'ziem ‘militant 'beend ms ‘meofen ‘mevfanles elbtivolé, elragado jatékfilm, nagyfilm filmforgatas szépmtiveszet népténe megbocsatas elébbi kisérleti szinhaz taplal nagy elismerést ér el mtifaj eredeti pletyka nagy formatumu, nagy volumenti izgalmas, megkapé, megragado fillbemasz6 dallamok tart, megrendez nagyraértékelés magas szinvonalt: magasréptti, kifinomult izlést a rendezvénynek otthont ado hely valakinek a tiszteletére felbecsiilhetetlen értékti zsonglor tart valamennyi ideig megvilagitas, vilagosités €16 szobor helyi, helybeli vagyik valamire htiség, lojalitas dalszéveg kivesz, meglat piaci értek emlékmuzeum katonazenekar hidnyol, hidnyzik vkinek mozgas mozdulatlan. 16. CULTURAL EVENTS non-fiction notoriety oeuvre open air theatre outcast outshine overrate pavement artist performance periodical exhibition permanent personal touch playwright plot poetry posture priceless purify put off rarity real bargain recommend reference book remote resist restore revenge revolting rhythm salamander (fire-eater) scent scrawl scribble sculpture second-hand bookshop sensual feast ‘non ‘fikfen nevte'raieti enr ‘eupen ‘ea ‘lato ‘aotkaist aot'fain eovereit ‘peivmant ‘artist pe'fo:mens pior'odikal eksi'bifen jenent anal tatf ‘pleirait plot ‘pevetri 'postfe ‘praisles. ‘pjoerifar ‘put ‘of ‘reertt ‘nel bargin wfeke'mend ‘teferens ‘bok rimeot rizist risto: rivend3 nivorltin ném 'seelmeende (fale ‘i:te) sent skrozl 'skribol 'skalptfa 'sekond ‘heend 'bokfop ‘senfual frst tényirodalom hirhedtség életmu szabadtéri szinhaz tarsadalombol kivetett egyén tulragyog, elhomalyosit valamit tulértékel, érdemein feltl értékel jardafest6, jardara rajzolo miivész eléadas idészaki kiallitas allando személyes érintettség dramatro cselekmény koltészet poz, testtartds felbecsulhetetlen, megfizethetetlen megtisztit kidbrandit, lehangol ritkasag igazi jo vétel, jo fogas ajant szakkonyv tavoli ellenall helyreallit, visszaallit ‘bosszut visszataszitd, undorito ritmus. tuznyel6 illat firka, falfirka; firkal firkal szobor antikvar kényvesholt, antikvarium, érzéki gyonyor oF serial; series set short story sinister sophisticated soppy soul-lifting specimen spectacular spine chilling spray stick to story teller subscription tactile take place take part in Tanner's House theatre-goer theatricality thrill thrilling experience troupe twisting plot twist unrecognisable unsightly valuable value vibrant villain watercolour waxy wide range of work of art workshop worth visiting ‘sional, ‘sior:z set ‘fort ‘stor ‘siniste seffistikertid ‘sop! ‘seol ‘iftin ‘spesimin spek'teekjole ‘spain ‘tfilin spret 'stik to 'sto:rt'telo seb'skripfan ‘teektarel ‘teik ‘pleis ‘teik ‘pa:t in ‘teenez ‘havs ‘@late ‘gave. Oizetrrkeelitl en ‘@nilin ik’spiarions tru:p ‘twistin ‘plot twist ‘an'rekagnaizebel an'saitl ‘vaeljvabel ‘veelju: ‘vaibrent ‘vilen ‘wo:te ‘kalo ‘weeks! ‘waid 'reind3 ev ‘werk av ‘a:t ‘werkfop ‘wer ‘vizitin 16. CULTURAL EVENTS sorozat diszlet; jelenetbeallitas novella baljés, vészjésl6 kimunkalt, kifinomult csépégés, szirupos lélekemel6. mintadarab, példany latvanyos hatborzongaté spray-vel falra fest ragaszkodik vmihez torténetmondo eldfizetés tapintasi torténik valahol részt vesz valamiben Timarhaz szinhazba jaro, szinhazlatogato teatralitas borzongas, vibralas borzongast kelté élmény tarsulat érdekfeszit6, varatlan for- dulatokkal teli cselekmény csavar, nem vart fordulat felismerhetetlen cstinya, ronda ertékes ertek élénk, valtozatos gonosztevé vizfesték viaszszerut széles valaszték muialkotas muhely érdemes meglatogatni, elmenni oda (hely) 16. CULTURAL EVENTS PRS Read the following text about a new Irish museum. Mark each statement (1-8) A if it says the same as the text, B if it says something different from the text, C if the text does not give enough information for you to choose A or B. Write the letters in the boxes. There is an example (0) at the beginning. y Treland’s New Museum for Leprechauns “Now, you're not going to see anyone dressed as little people,” warns Tom O'Rahilly as he leads a group into Dublin’s new National Leprechaun Museum. “In fact, you are highly unlikely to see any actual leprechauns at all.” Slightly disappointed that there ‘won't be any live specimens prancing about, the visitors follow O'Rahilly down a long, tapered tunnel meant to shrink the visitor ~ psychologically, at least - to leprechaun size. The first room isa re-creation of the Giant’s Causeway, the legendary hexagonal rock formation in County Antrim that in Irish folklore is prime hunting ground for leprechauns. Then we reach the museum’s inner sanctum: the Rainbow Room, where the pristine arc of a rainbow has been fashioned out of soft multicoloured ropes. At the end of the rainbow, naturally, is where the leprechaun’s crock (clay pot) of gold will be. “We're going to have a quarter of a million Euros of real gold. Who is going to come to a museum to see a pile of gold-painted pebbles? And anyway, leprechauns don't deal in anything else,” says O’Rahilly. ‘The lure of actual bullion is just one of the tactics the $6.8 million museum, which opened Wednesday, is using to try to change the way people view the leprechaun. A character in Irish folklore dating back to the 8th century — a cunning shoemaking sprite (fairy) who enticed people with untold wealth and then cunningly snatched it away at the last moment —the leprechaun was transformed by advertisers and Hollywood producers in the 1950s and ‘60s into something altogether different: a gaudy, top-hat-wearing, pipe-smoking creature. O’Rahilly, a well-known Irish furniture designer, says he didn’t set out with the goal of rehabilitating the image of the leprechaun. The idea for the museum simply came to him in a moment of inspiration one morning in 2003. “I can’t say it was a fairy visitation,” he says with a laugh. “I was just drawn to them, or maybe they were drawn to me.” With the Celtic Tiger economy booming at the time, he didn’t have much difficulty finding investors to put up the money to fund the venture. ‘Then the Irish economy collapsed in the global downturn, and people's attitudes toward the museum quickly changed. Analysts feel the timing of the museum opening is unfortunate. However, O’Rahilly hopes the museum will stir up pride in Irish folklore rather than provoke 235 16. CULTURAL EVENTS anger at the price tag. What he’s created, after all, is not a conventional museum but an evocative sculptural installation based on themes from leprechaun mythology. In addition to the Fort Knox crock, the museum has a rain room, where sound effects and lighting make it feel as if Ireland’s most abundant natural resource is splattering down around visitors, and there's a leprechaun well that appears to be infinitely deep, thanks to the help of multimedia screens and video cameras. ‘The poetry and lyricism of the exhibits, O’Rahilly believes, will captivate locals and tourists alike. “If it goes well, we may finally be able to welcome the leprechaun back to respectability,” he says “And if it goes wrong, I will be the biggest fool in Christendom.” ( Visitors may meet real leprechauns or at least someone imitating them in the museum. ‘The territory of the Giant’s Causeway used to be the place where leprechauns had their regular meetings. The gold-painted pebbles displayed in the museum are worth € 250,000. ‘The museum uses several ideas in order to alter the image of leprechauns. A leprechaun is a tiny creature that deceives people. ‘There are several advertisements depicting top-hat-wearing leprechauns on display. In 2003 it was not easy to collect the money needed for the museum. ‘The museum opened at the best possible time. BSG8S888 86 The museum uses state-of-the-art technology to attract people from Ireland as well as abroad. aoe ee eS Sees A Ry esiciia Reo cucuetes In this section you are going to hear a news report about an exhibition. Your task is to write the letter of the correct answer in the boxes below. First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you will hear the recording. Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again. There is an example (0) that has been done for you. , Picasso's Largest Work Finally Goes on Show, WD Picasso’s work was bought by the British Museum. WB almost 50 years ago. after a show. 16. CULTURAL EVENTS Serge Diaghilev WY had a great influence on ballet. ® was a notorious ballet-dancer. fook part in a riot in 1913. Picasso WB started work with Diaghilev before World War I. WD designed sets for 9 ballets. didn’t know Coco Chanel. © The ballet Le Train Bleu a WZ) was first staged in Paris in 1924. WB was choreographed by Diaghilev. ‘was Picasso’s most famous work. The huge curtain WA) depicts 2 fat women standing on the beach. WB wasn't painted by Picasso. wasn’t signed by Picasso. HB The huge canvas was brought to England in 1969, WB was honght for £69,000. was displayed for a short period in 1987. G3 Theexhibition Ma will feature the whole collection of Ballet's Russes costumes. WD will display even a bigger canvas than the curtain by Picasso. will open in January 2011. Rae Maes ee eee B rai} aed If winning isn't everything, why do they keep score? (Vince Lombardi) Oe Each of the following anagrams is an Olympic sport. Can you find out which one is which? , HRDLUSE - INSETN - NGFCNIE - TMONNDBAI - SKIGNI - BAEKSALLTB - MWSNIGMI - YCEHIECOK - LFBLOOAT - MYCANISSTG - INCLYCG - BLLVLLOEAY - IBTTLESNEAN - EYHARRC - is BESEBESESSSS888S Fg Do you pursue any sports? Why is it important to keep fit? What kind of equipment do you have at home for doing exercise? What sports facilities are there in your school/workplace? B How many PE lessons do you have a week? Do you find that enough? What do you do in the PE lessons? What categories can sports be divided into? Give some examples in each category. What do you know about the Summer Olympic Games? a @ B Bo When were the first Winter Olympics held and what events are included now? What are the Paralympics? What's the difference between amateur and professional sport? ‘What are the most popular amateur sports with your friends and acquaintances? What sports are Hungarians especially good at? @ What are the traditional British and American sports? Whaat is doping? What sports are usually referred to as extreme sports? Why do you think certain people enjoy doing extreme sports? What are the advantages of team sports? Do you support a team? EB Do you pursue any sports? WR 858 a) Yes, I do, and to be honest I couldn’t do without my regular 60-minute workout session that I do three times a week. Actually it is for working women, there are 20 of us in the group and besides the physical exercise which helps us let off steam after a day’s work it is nice to meet and talk to other people who you know well in the changing room before and after the session. These occasions really boost my energy levels as well as take my mind off everyday problems, b) Unfortunately I don’t really do anything physical. After a hard day at work/school I simply can’t get down to any kind of exercise. I know it’s bad and that it shouldn't be that way because it’s unhealthy, still somehow I never manage to do it. Perhaps I'm too lazy or as I feel healthy I don’t worry enough about the consequences as yet. Why is it important to keep fit? Society’s attitude towards health and fitness has changed over the past few years and we are all much more aware of the need to be positive than ever before about our health and recognize the importance of physical fitness. Remaining physically fit is important for the following reasons: maintaining a good level of physical fitness will give you a feeling of better health throngh increased energy and vitality, making you feel better about yourself and about your life. Being fit makes the activities in your life easier to manage; it keeps your body in shape and keeps you looking good, which in turn provides “the feel-good factor” making you work more efficiently and effectively. Keeping fit can help improve y quality of life and help maintain a good standard of health, preventing or delaying hi related diseases. Furthermore, keeping physically fit through exercise helps reduce stress and control your weight and body shape. Team sports such as football or rugby can even improve your social life. © what kind of equipment do you have at home for doing exercise? a) I've gota few things but, of course, I don’t own a private gym. My favourites are my skipping rope that can be used in various different ways, I keep a pair of handweights called dumb- bells under my bed and I also have a fitness bike that the whole family can use, I would really like to have a machine to help me with my abdominal exercises but for the time being I cannot afford one, I'm afraid. b) I don't really have anything as I don’t suppose you need anything other than comfortable clothes to exercise. Whichever part of your body you wish to strengthen, you can do it without any machines or other equipment. You only need to carry out the exercise appropriately and you don’t need to wait long to see results, whether or not you use any equipment. 3 What sports facilities are there in your school/workplace? a) At my school we have a well-equipped gym as well as a smaller fitness room with machines at our disposal and an outdoor football field with running tracks around it. As far as I know, our school is unique in having an artificial skislope where pupils can learn the very basics of skiing and an outdoor chess board. It would be nice to have an indoor swimming-pool like some other schools, but I’m afraid that would be too much to ask for. b) Unfortunately my workplace is a place that is defined by its name: work, We have absolutely no facilities at all to do any sports activities there. The only good thing is that halfway home there is a gym where we can obtain a season ticket at a reduced price, ©) How many PE lessons do you have a week? Do you find that enough? a) We have three PE lessons a week but I don’t think that’s enough. Ideally we should have one lesson every day, which would mean five lessons per week. 45 minutes is not much but at least everybody in the class would have the opportunity to move a bit. b) The three lessons we have are more than enough, I guess. Anyway, if you like sports, you also do them in your free time and practice sessions usually take longer than 45 minutes. There is nothing more annoying than having to get changed in ten minutes in the middle of the schoolday and go to the next lesson tired, sweaty and smelly as there is no time to take a decent shower. rat © what do you do in the PE lessons? Every lesson begins with warm-up exercises, which are usually jogging and some gymnastics focusing on stretching. Then we either start playing ballgames or do some jumps or throw balls for grades or run certain distances. In winter we most often have the lessons in the gym while from spring till early autumn - weather permitting ~ we usually go outdoors to have a bit of fresh air. What categories can sports be divided into? Sports can be divided into various categories, but very often there are overlaps between them, that is a particular sport can be placed in two or more different categories. These categories can be set up according to how many people do a sport together, or depending on the medium, typical season and place of the sport, the special equipment it requires or whether it involves animals, just to mention a few aspects. © Give some examples in each category. Individual sports include gymnastics, shooting and skiing, while team sports are generally all the ballgaies such as football, basketball, volleyball, waterpolo and ice hockey. Winter sports are, for example, skating, sledging, cross-country skiing and curling, water sports or aquatics involve all kinds of swimming, diving, boating, surfing and sailing as well as jetskiing. Hanggliding, paragliding and parachuting are examples of avian sports, that is, those done in the air. Combat sports is the umbrella term for martial arts such as judo, karate, jiu-jitsu, kickboxing and kung-fu as well as wrestling. Extreme sports are exemplified by bungee jumping, white-water rafting, rock and ice climbing, base jumping and free running. There are mental sports as well, such as chess and different card games, while equestrian sports are the ones done with horses like harness racing and show-jumping as well as the pentathlon. A relatively new category is dance sports including ballroom dances, formation dances, hip-hop, aerobics and acrobatic rock-and-roll. ®) what do you know about the Summer Olympic Games? ‘The Summer Olympic Games or the Games of the Olympiad are an international multi- sport event, occurring every four years, organized by the International Olympic Committee. Medals are awarded in each event, with gold medals for the first place, silver for the second and bronze for the third, a tradition that started in 1904. ‘The Winter Olympics were also created due to the success of the Summer Olympics. oie) fl) When were the first Winter Olympics held and what events are included now? ‘The Winter Olympic Games are a winter multi-sport event held every four years. They feature winter sports held on snow or ice, such as alpine skiing, cross-country skiing, figure-skating, and ice-hockey. ‘These sports along with Nordic walking combined, ski- jumping, and speed-skating have been included in every Winter Olympics since 1924. Other games have been added as the Games have progressed, and some of them, such as short-track speed-skating, and freestyle skiing have earned a permanent spot on the Olympic programme. Others, like speed-skiing, and bandy were demonstration sports but never incorporated officially as an Olympic sport. Fewer countries participate in the Winter Olympics as compared to the Summer Olympics. The first Winter Olympics were held in Chamonix, France in 1924. What are the Paralympics? ‘The Paralympic Games are a major international multi-sport event for athletes with physical and visual disabilities. This includes athletes with mobility disabilities, amputations, blindness, and cerebral palsy. The Paralympic Games are held every four years, following the Olympic Games, and are governed by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC). The Paralympic Games are sometimes confused with the Special Olympics World Games, which are only for people with intellectual disabilities What's the difference between amateur and professional sport? In the modern age, this is a messy question because “amateurs” in the Olympics get room and board and coaches supplied to them and the basketball team is made up of professionals who play full time for pay. Many other sports have sponsorships and appearance payments where people get money for participating but are not rewarded for winning. The word “amateur” has as its root the latin word for “love” so an amateur plays for the love of the game. If there are any prizes involved, they are usually plated trophies, not chunks of gold. Most amateurs have a job that earns them a living. A professional should be able to make a living doing the sport with income from prizes and sponsorships which are openly displayed. What are the most popular amateur sports with your friends and acquaint- ances? A lot of friends of mine, both boys and girls, are seriously involved in basketball. It is a very popular ballgame with youngsters, probably due to some American influence, where basketball is a game with world-famous names. As I see it itis cool to do this kind of sport. Some other people I know play waterpolo and there are also some volleyball players among my classmates. What sports are Hungarians especially good at? Hungary can be proud of some really excellent and world- famous athletes, despite the fact that we are a small country. Great names can be found in the national waterpolo team, but we are also good at swimming, pentathlon, wrestling, table-tennis, handball, harness horse racing and last but not least chess. However, we also have our weak points such as football, athletics and volleyball, where there is still a lot to do to enhance our reputation. What are the traditional British and American sports? Sport isa popular pastime and people seem to enjoy nothing better than running around a field chasing a ball. There are hundreds of different activities, all carried out in the name of sport, but there are two sports in particular that are traditional in England. They are football and cricket. These sports have been played for hundreds of years and are very popular, especially with men. Unlike American football and basketball, (the other two major American team sports), baseball is not governed by the clock and it amazes many foreigners that it is the “national sport” in the fast-paced United States. A very popular team sport, also in Latin America, the Caribbean and East Asia as well as in North America, baseball is a bat-and-ball game in which a pitcher throws a fist-sized hard ball past the hitting area of a batter who belongs to the other team. Then the batter tries to hit the ball with a smooth, cylindrical bat made of wood or metal. What is doping? Doping is the use of drugs to improve athletic performance. Indeed, due to their scope and sophistication, doping practices are a threat to more than just the world of sport. Though first considered to be no more than a cheating problem, the doping issue has reached such proportions that it now concerns society as a whole. As the stakes involved in sport grow higher and the phenomenon more widespread, the moral values attached to sport are increasingly called into question and the health of athletes is increasingly at risk. Unfortunately as itis far from being limited to the world of high-ranking athletes, doping has become an important public health issue, What sports are usually referred to as extreme sports? This can be a difficult term to define and many of the outdoor sports activities certainly have an extreme element to them. A relatively good definition for “true” extreme sports can be the following: they are leisure or recreation activities where the most likely outcome of a mismanaged accident or mistake is death. Ezy tO Why do you think certain people enjoy doing extreme sports? ! ‘There are many different things that make people stimulated to do extreme sports, both mentally and physically. According to research, it takes a certain kind of person to do extreme sports. People pick up extreme sports when they get tired of the usual, un-dangerous things that they do a lot. The danger has become a new thing to conquer. People who do extreme sports find the risk of being injured very exciting. They get rid of any bad thoughts they have in their mind, researchers say. The chemicals released in the body during the sports activity make you feel good. Unfortunately there is addiction that goes with extreme sports. But it’s an addiction to adrenaline, not to the sport. It has been shown that “addicts” can show symptoms of withdrawal if they don’t get the rush. ! What are the advantages of team sports? | ‘Today's generation of children is fighting the worst obesity epidemic in history which makes | it reasonable enough to consider enrolling them in team sports, But besides burning calories, | team sports have other benefits to kids - social, emotional, and physical ones. Any parent knows that a child can be extremely egocentric. But that “my way or the highway” attitude will have to stay in check on a team sport. When a kid sees that everyone gets to play, they hopefully start to think about the group as a whole, and not just themselves. Even better, they learn to be happy for another player’s success because they see how it benefits the greater team. Secondly, a dedicated, thoughtful, and skilled coach can have an amazingly positive impact on children. In fact, sometimes children will respond better to an objective coach than they will to their own parents. Last but not least many team sports are done outdoors which is an additional health benefit. EQ Do you support a team? a) Yes, I do, I'm a devoted fan of the English Football team called Arsenal. On TV I always watch the Barclay Premier League at the weekend, during the week I try to see the UEFA Champions’ League. While having breakfast I usually catch up with the news on Eurosport and if I can’t see a match then at least I watch the highlights. For me the internet is also a good source of information about my favourite team as well as the newspapers I regularly read. If they win I feel over the moon and we generally talk about the match in detail with my friends the day after. b) Not at all, though I like sports. However, I'm more interested in individual sports such as figure skating and gymnastics, where individual achievements are measured, Furthermore, Idon't really have a favourite athlete, I just watch these sports for the beauty in them. (hi (i ey abdominal exercises acquaintance amazingly appropriately aquatics at one's disposal ballroom dances base jumping batter be disgusted by sth be displayed be exemplified by sth be governed by the clock be happy for sb’s success board boost catch up with cerebral palsy chunk combat sports committee concern conquer cool cross-country skiing cylindrical decent dedicated demonstration sport do without sth doping dumb-bells earn a permanent spot egocentric epidemic eeb'domin! 'eksesaiziz e’kweintens e'meizinit e'preupriatl e'kweetiks get 'wanz dis'paozl ‘bo:lrom ‘da:nsiz 'beis dgampin ‘beste 'zemplifaid bat vend bai 6e 'klok bi: ‘hap! fo: ‘sambodiz sok'ses bord burst ‘keetf ap wid 'seribral ‘potlzi tank 'kombeet spo:ts ke'miti ken'se:n ‘konke ku: ‘kros,kantri skizin, silindrikel ‘dusnt ‘dedikeitid demen'streifn spo:t ‘du: wid'aot ‘deopin ‘dambelz ‘gin 9 ‘perminent spot iigeu'sentrik eprdemik hasizom-erésité gyakorlatok ismerds (személy) hihetetlentl megfelelé médon vizi sportok vki rendelkezésére all versenytanc(ok) bazisugras Utdjatékos elborzasztja vmi fel van tuntetve példa vmire idére megy ruil a mas sikerének ellatas megsokszoroz, felpérget, felturboz ertesul arrol, amirol lemaradt agyvérzés nagy darab ktizdésportok bizottsag érint legyéz mené, szuper sifutas henger alakt normals, tisztességes eltokelt bemutato sport megvan vmi nélktil doppingolas kézi suilyzo allandé helyet érdemel ki 6nz6, énkézponti: jarvany oie) 246 equestrian sports fast-paced feature feel over the moon fist-sized fitness bike freestyle skiing get down to sth get the rush hanggliding harness racing intellectual disability martial art medium messy mismanaged mobility disability “my way or the highway” attitude Nordic walking obesity obtain occur on the decrease outcome paragliding physical and visual disability pick up extreme sports pitcher public health campaign pursue sports recreation respond running tracks scope short-track speed-skating show-jumping 'kwestrien spo:ts ‘fa:stpeist ‘futfo ‘fil ‘evve 08 mu:n ‘fistsaizd ‘fitnes baik ‘frstall ‘skin get ‘daun to ‘get 69 raf ‘heenglaidin ‘haznis ‘reisin inta'lektfoal dise'biliti ‘me t ‘midiem ‘mesi mis'meenid3d me bilit: dise'’biliti ‘mal wel 0: da ‘haiwei ‘etitj ‘no:dik ‘workin u'brisiti eb'tein eke: ‘on 6e dr'kris ‘aotkam ‘peereglaidin ‘fizikl zen 'vigvel dise'bilitt 'pik ap ik’strizm spo:ts ‘pitfo ‘pablik hel6 keem'pein pe'sju: spozts rekri'eifn ri'spond ‘rant reeks skoup ‘fort treek ‘spiidskertin ‘Jeodgzampin lovassportok gyors tempéjut szerepeltet majd kibujik a bérébdl (orémében) okélnyi szobabicikli siakrobatika. nekifog, nekilat vminek megkapja a ,loketet” srkanyrepiilés fogathajtas csdkkent szellemi képesség haremtivészet kézeg zavaros szerencsétlen kimenetelii mozgasszervi karosodas «mindenki le a jardarol” hozzaallas északi gyaloglas, stjaras tulsuilyossag, elhizottsag beszerez, kap itt: megtérténik romlik kimenetele vminek sikldernyézés testi és latasbeli karosodas extrém sportokba kezd dobdjatékos (baseballban) kézegészség-megérz6 megmozdulas rendszeren sportol feltidulés yeagal futopalya kor (tevékenységé, mukodésé) révidpalyas gyorskorcsolya dijugratas skipping rope ‘skipin reup ugrokétel skislope ‘sk:sleop sidomb smooth smu:6 sima felUlett solely ‘sel Kizérdlag, csak sophistication sefistikei{n kifinomultsag stake steik Kkockazat standard of health ‘staended ov held egészségi allapot stay in check ‘stel in tfek kontroll alatt marad stretching ‘stret{in nyujtas (gyakorlat) supervision feltigyelet support a team solpo:t 9 tum szurkol egy csapatnak sweaty ‘swetl izzadt ad ' eltereli a gondolatait take one's mind off sth _'teik wanz maind of Gan a the hightights 60 ‘hallaits ee to be honest to bi: ‘onist észintén szélva trophy ‘troft dij (sportban) undesirable Andizaierebl nemkivanatos vitality vat'taslitt életeré, vitalitas waterpolo ‘wo:tepeuleo vizilabda weather permitting white-water rafting workout session wrestling ‘wede politi ‘waitwo:ta 'ra:ftin ‘werkaot sefn ‘restlin ST ees In this section you are going to read about alternative fitness routines. Your task is to fill in the gaps (1-9) in the sentences following the article with one word only. The first question (0) has been done for you as an example. , iddjaras fuggvényében vadvizi evezés edzés birkozas Keeping in Shape with Housework Most of us tend to run in the opposite direction when we hear the word “exercise.” How many times have you paid for a gym membership and only ever went a couple of times? You are not the only one; most of us are guilty of doing something like that at some time or the other. There could be several reasons for that. Perhaps you enjoy exercising but do not have the time to make it to the gym. It is also a possibility that you love being fit but hate the effort it takes to exercise. The simple fact is, it is not essential to rzYE 248 hit the gym to get in shape. All you have to do is keep your house spick-and-span. Surprised? Why does modern civilization leave the simple things in life and run after something that takes extra effort? Our ancestors were not like us. Housework, the most neglected form of exercise, is one of the best ways to keep in shape. Instead of watching TV sitting on the couch whenever you find a little time, if you get up and move around a little bit, it helps a great deal. You don't have to exert yourself or break into a sweat, all you need to do is take care of your home. This is the best way of burning some calories without having to go through any formal exercise routine. What is the work that you can do around the home to keep you in shape? There are several things you can do! Washing dishes, dusting, washing your car and vacuuming are just some of the things that can be done. You must remember that all these chores are sedentary and it is advisable to do some deep cleaning as well to enjoy the benefits of a perfect exercise routine. The reason being, when we deep clean, we lift heavy boxes, bend or stoop to reach areas that are not usually touched. Doing housework regularly helps burn calories as well as giving you time to relax at home. Imagine the comfort of keeping fit and healthy and having a clean and sparkling house. A clutter- free house helps you de-stress as well. This is how keeping a clean home for you and your family can keep you in perfect shape. ( Alotofpeople seem to _hate/élintike/leteat __ the idea of exercising. It very often happens that you buy a gym but don’t make full use of it. 86 People skip fitness routines for different : ‘The good news is that you don’t need to leave to keep fit. ‘The problem with us is that we make simple things too _ Doing housework should also be considered a form of It is a good way to get rid of ‘ There is a wide of household activities that keep you fit. It’s important to choose an activity when you can’t while doing it. 6 SS88888 Housework not only keeps you in shape but it also helps you to cope with \ Listening Comprehension You are going to hear facts about people's motivation to do extreme sports. Your task will be to match the sentence halves. First, you will have some time to study the task, then you will hear the recording. Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again. At the end, you will have some time to check your answers. There is an example (0) that has been done for you. Why Do People Do Extreme Sports? Different people explain their motivation While doing these high-risk sports Extreme sports Many participants do these sports Most extreme sports have been People always try to Not everyone is have a long history proving man’s incredible ability. well-known for many years attracted to danger. invattous- ways but there's usually one thing t-commior: not for the prizes or to become famous. be better and fitter by instinct. BSG8888 SSSS8S86 the body produces chemical substances that cause pleasure. aa . TRAVELLING Pemeeats Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. (Ralph Waldo Emerson) Aes All the phrases below are in connection with travelling. Put the words in the column with which we associate the phrase the most. There are phrases that fit more than one place, though. , arrival and departure lounge, ticket controller, left-luggage office, fasten the seatbelt, ignition key, traffic jam, means of transport, headlights, overtake, season ticket, sleeping car, goods train, handbrake, boarding pass/card, platform, aisle/window seat, change gear, get on/get off, take off/ land, windscreen wiper, pay a fine, hand luggage, runway, excess baggage charge, fare, accelerate eeianots sale tier, eel 18. TRAVELLING BB Why is transportation a key issue nowadays? What do we mean by sustainable transport? Whaat is public transport like in your town? How would you improve public transport in your hometown? Which means of transport are environmentally-friendly? Why? What can be the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by coach? Compare travelling by train to travelling by air. Why is flying so popular nowadays? Is flying the most dangerous way of travelling? How do you kill time on a long journey? BSESG8888 Are you an adventurous traveller? How can travel broaden one’s mind? What are the new trends in tourism? What types of holidays do you know? Which do you prefer and why? What makes a place attractive to tourists? 113) 114) 115 16. What are the pros and cons of different types of accommodation? S What can go wrong on a holiday? Have you ever had a disastrous holiday? What happened? What did you do afterwards? & What are the advantages and disadvantages of a camping holiday? Where would your ideal holiday destination be? Why? FS BEEES “When in Rome do as the Romans do.” How far do you agree? Why is transportation a key issue nowadays? In the modern world almost everybody and everything is on the move. People travel daily and want system that gets them from A to B safely, securely and without damaging the environment. Besides personal mobility, transport involves the transit of goods and services, so a wide-ranging system (roads, public transport, freight and delivery systems) should be operated and maintained to fulfil these demands. The major problem arises from the fact that there is a continuous growth in traffic, the solution of which requires a well-planned, carefully-designed transport policy. © what do we mean by sustainable transport? Sustainable transport is rather about accessibility and mobility than transportation. It concerns systems, policies and technologies, whose aim is to transit goods and people ri 8. TRAVELLING efficiently without destroying the environment. The focus is on moving goods and people not vehicles, so the improvement of public transport is a key question. However, the healthiest and most sustainable modes of transport are walking and cycling. Sustainable transport policy involves the design of vehicle-free cities, pedestrian and bicycle friendly neighbourhoods and a highly developed public transport system. What is public transport like in your town? a) Our public transport is quite good. We have many means of transport as we can travel by bus, tram and trolley-bus. These vehicles go along special routes and basically you can get everywhere in the town. It’s true that the vehicles come onlyat certain times, which is every 20-30 minutes during the day, However, during the rush hours they come more often. Our town council pays particular attention to the development of the quality of public transport. The whole vehicle fleet has been replaced recently, and our buses are new, clean, air-conditioned and environmentally-friendly. A new ticket system has been introduced, and daily, weekly and monthly tickets are available, b) The public transport in my town is very bad, the passengers complain all the time. There are few routes, the vehicles are run-down, and the seats are damaged. What'’s more, the buses never arrive on time, and if you miss one you have a long wait for the next to come We spend a lot of time standing at the bus stops, and if finally a bus comes it is so crowded that you can hardly cram yourself in. 3 How would you improve public transport in your hometown? a) I'd buy new buses that run on gas. They are cheaper and environmentally-friendly. It would be even better if we had trams and trolley-buses which do not pollute the air as they use electricity. It’s true that trams need rails and overhead wires which cost a lot to construct but in the long run they are more profitable and sustainable. I also would ban cars from the centre, and would build ring roads around it. In this case free parking lots would have to be built. b) As I live in the suburbs I would introduce a P&R policy, which means park and ride. Commuters would be forced by road charges and taxes to leave their cars on the edge of the city in a huge and safe parking lot, and shuttle buses or commuter trains would take them to the centre, office area or industrial park. In addition, I would create a cycling route downtown following the Dutch model. People who are active and want to live a healthier life could hire bikes without any charge and get to their destinations safely riding on bicycle roads/cycle paths. TRAVELLING Which means of transport are environmentally-friendly? Why? All the vehicles that have electrical or gas powered sources are environmentally-friendly. Fortunately, nowadays unleaded petrol is sold at the filling (petrol) stations. In addition, old cars must have built-in catalytic converters in order to cause less pollution, It is a certainty that with the advance of science and technology and due to the rapidly decreasing available amount ofoil, internal combustion engines are ona course towards extinction. There is hope fora better future as electric, hybrid and hydrogen fuel-cell powered vehicles have already been made, and they are being tested. As for rails, there are high-speed trains, TGV or Maglev trains operating in several countries. They are both fast and environmentally-friendly. Aerial transport has the least chance for developing aircraft that would decrease air and noise pollution. Its downfall started with the last flight of Concord, the super-sonic passenger aircraft, which was the peak of engineering and a marvellous achievement. After a disastrous accident on 25th July 2000, instead of developing it further, authorities decided to retire the complete fleet. © what can be the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by coach? In Hungary there are destinations (small villages) that you can only reach by coach. One of the advantages of intercity coaches is that they are quite fast, although, unlike trains, their speed depends heavily on traffic. Another good point about them is that they are not too expensive, and there are coach travel concessions/reductions offered to students, young people, older citizens or groups. Travelling by bus is safe, and if a vehicle breaks down there is a 24-hour emergency back-up. Coach trips are very popular. Schools often hire coaches for their class trips, as it functions like a huge car. You are transported from door to door, the journey is comfortable, and you do not have to carry your luggage. Travel agencies operate coaches which take tourists almost everywhere in Europe. On such tours long distances are covered, and people can experience how uncomfortable a coach is concerning sleeping facilities. This is one of the greatest disadvantages of coach travel. Although the seats are reclining and with an air cushion under your head and a warm blanket on your body you may have a good night's sleep, you are most likely to have stiff and numb legs and pain in your neck and back the next morning. Compare travelling by train to travelling by air. Travelling by plane is faster but more expensive than travelling by train. A journey by plane taking everything into consideration (getting to and from the airport, checking-in, passport control, baggage reclaim) can last longer than a train journey as airports are on the edge of cities, while big railway stations can be found in city centres. On a train you can stand up, move and even walk during the whole journey, whereas on a plane you can hardly move because of lack of space. Some people may feel sick or even vomit during take-off and landing; however I have never heard of anyone having health problems on a train. The views you can see from the windows are also different. If the weather is nice and sunny you can see a wonderful bird’s-cye view from the plane. Flying over the clouds is very exciting, but not too spectacular. In contrast, on a train you can continuously enjoy the views of unguarded backyards, endless cornfields and rows of trees. 18. TRAVELLING Par) ©) why is flying so popular nowadays? Flying is the fastest means of transport, therefore the majority of business trips are executed by air. In the era of globalization and multinational companies the Earth has become a “global village”, and technological advances have made it possible to get from one point of the world to the other within a few hours. There is a craze for travelling to exotic countries, visiting remote places; these destinations can only be reached by air. With the appearance of budget airlines, last-minute or late deals and holiday bargains people can fulfil their desire to explore the world, or visit their relatives by air. Is flying the most dangerous way of travelling? No, on the contrary. Statistically, flying is one of the safest ways to travel. Fewer people have died in plane accidents over the last 60 years than are killed in car crashes in a typical 3-month period. The media have a great role in making people believe the opposite. Air disasters, such as air crashes and air accidents are hot news to the media, but travelling by car is 21 times more dangerous than flying, How do you kill time on a long journey? a) I always buy some magazines and take a novel of a small size that fits into my pocket or handbag. I spend my time reading, but I like looking at the continuously-changing landscape. I also like chatting, and there is always a passenger to whom I can talk if I feel like exchanging my views on life. b) We always travel on holiday by coach. Holiday coaches are equipped with a DVD player, so we can watch a film, Ifit’s not so interesting there is my iPod or cell phone at hand and Tcan listen to music. ¢) Ioften travel on business and during my journey I use my laptop, check my documents and notes, so I prepare for the meeting ahead. I envy young people who kill their time watching films on their notebooks. Are you an adventurous traveller? a) I think I am. Travelling always involves loads of excitement, and I travel to get away from my daily routine. It’s a great way to find myself and discover a whole new world. I want to explore new regions, meet new people and experience something unusual. I do not plan my journey very carefully, I just let things happen to me. I'm thrilled by spontaneity and on-the-spot decisions, b) No, I am not. I always plan my journeys, arrange everything well in advance, make a detailed itinerary. I prefer familiar places, and often go back to a town or resort of which Thave pleasant memories. 18. TRAVELLING E23 How can travel broaden one’s mind? It broadens your experiences, awareness and understanding. It not only teaches you about other people, cultures and ways of life, but teaches you about yourself and helps to expand your narrow world perspective. Travel gives you an appreciation for what you have and what others might need. And I think it really helps you to visualize history and art and nature. You become more open-minded and you'll accept differences between people more easily. What are the new trends in tourism? People in developed countries have high levels of disposable income, considerable leisure time, are well educated, and have sophisticated tastes, therefore they demand better quality service, and want more specialised programmes, quieter resorts, family-oriented holidays. ‘The development in technology and transport infrastructure, such as jumbo jets, low-cost airlines and more accessible airports have made many types of tourism more affordable, Nowadays, the sale of tourism products is facilitated by the Internet. Some sites have now started to offer dynamic packaging, in which an inclusive price is quoted for a tailor-made package requested by the customer. ‘There is a very strange new trend in the tourism industry which can be determined by environmental disaster. People visit certain places because they are convinced that they will change and want to see these places as they are now. There is increased interest in “attractions” such as polar bears or endangered tropical forests. What types of holidays do you know? Which do you prefer and why? a) There are many types of holidays: adventure travel, beach holiday, camping, climbing holiday, cultural trips, cruises, cycling holiday, diving, family holiday, green travel, safaris, spa breaks, walking holiday, sailing, weekend breaks, water and winter sports holidays, city breaks and many others. b) Iprefer city breaks. They are three or four-day trips during which I visit famous cities, see the sights, taste local food, and have a rest at a good hotel. I fly by low-cost no-frills airlines, which also offer discount accommodation and even some cultural programmes. c) We used to spend our holidays on sunny beaches, but recently we have found great pleasure in activity holidays. Two years ago we went trekking in Transylvania. Each day we walked several kilometres, stayed at a nice guesthouse for the night and enjoyed the wonderful scenery of the mountains. Last year we cycled round Balaton. It was great fun, and all my family (my husband and the kids) enjoyed it. 18. TRAVELLING What makes a place attractive to tourists? a) A place should be authentic, as the search for authenticity is a dominant trend driving tourism, because travellers are looking for unique experiences. When people travel, they seek something outside their daily lives, something innovative and different, an escape. ‘They want to experience a new thing and enjoy the sensation of being where things are real and original. b) Ifa place has beautiful scenery or a historical atmosphere not found anywhere else in the world, moreover the culture around that place is unique, and the local people are friendly and hospitable it will attract tourists. It’s an advantage if it has a pleasant, warm climate, good accommodation, delicious food, and nice gifts to take back home. What are the pros and cons of different types of accommodation? A guesthouse offers a wide range of services, and usually caters for all meals. The atmosphere is nice, it’s not crowded and the price is very reasonable. A hotel is generally the largest of all accommodation types. Hotel rooms have all the modern conveniences, and a wide range of guest services is available: a restaurant, bar and many other facilities for having a rest or entertaining yourself. There are a variety of different hotels, from simple to luxurious. Everybody can choose a hotel that suits their wallet. Self-catering accommodation can be a house, cottage or apartment with self-catering facilities. There is a fully equipped kitchen, which provides the freedom to eat out or cook for yourself, but you may find catering tiring and similar to your every day duties. A hostel is very cheap, but as you have to share the rooms you have no privacy and must keep an eye on your valuables. Campus (college/university) accommodation is another good value alternative, available primarily during holiday periods (in the summer, at Easter or Christmas). It’s not always modern and well-maintained, and there are fewer facilities than in a hotel, but it is much cheaper and more affordable for many families than any other type. What can go wrong on a holiday? ‘There is a lot that can happen to you on your holiday. From minor difficulties (a puncture, bad weather, lost passport) to major disasters (the bankruptcy of a travel company, an accident resulting in injury) a lot of things can occur, Your flight may be cancelled; you may get your luggage lost, or the worst you could be stranded at an airport because ofa strike ora collapsed travel agency. If you are abroad you are an obvious target for thieves and robbers if you are carrying cash, iPods and cameras. In some remote countries different food, climate and sanitation may cause problems, and you could fall ill. Weather can totally ruin a holiday with rain, gales or hail. However, tales of woe shouldn't put you off travelling far and wide, and enjoying all the activities once you get there. The only thing is that you should have travel insurance which covers everything. Once you have it secured, try and forget about the potential dangers and enjoy your break. After all, holidays are really meant to be about having fun. TRAVELLING §E) Have you ever had a disastrous holiday? What happened? What did you do afterwards? Our first and last package tour in Greece was a real nightmare. To start with, we were stuck in the airport for 5 hours waiting for the charter plane to arrive. The hotel looked totally different from the pictures in the brochure. It was old and dirty, our room overlooked a car park, and there was a disco next door. The staff didn’t speak any foreign languages. To make matters worse, the excursions we booked in advance at home were cancelled, and we didn’t see any historic sites. We spent our days in the room, as it was scorching hot and we couldn't afford to hire sun beds and umbrellas each day. Back at home it took me 3 months and several letters of complaint to get back half of the price. Although we were given a 30% discount bonus for our next tour we have never made use of this offer. EE} What are the advantages and disadvantages of a camping holiday? Ithas got several advantages. First of all, you are in nature, under the stars, and you get away from civilization and the rat race of over-crowded cities. Moreover, you enjoy tremendous mobility and absolute freedom. If you don’t like a place you can get up and go to another, or you can stay there as long as you wish. You are active all the time as you do everything yourself. You erect your tent, make a fire, cook your own food, and wash up your dishes. In addition, there are campsites everywhere, which offer all kinds of facilities at a reasonable price. Camping is one of the cheapest forms of holiday. However, it has some disadvantages. You depend heavily on the weather, so before setting off the weather forecast should be checked carefully. The first camping holiday is fairly pricy, because you need durable, waterproof, good quality outdoor gear. As you spend all your time in the open air, some bugs and mainly mosquitoes can be very irritating. All in all, I think that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks, so if you want to build strong family bonds and enjoy the beauty of nature in a quiet environment camping is for you. Ei Where would your ideal holiday destination be? Why? a) Somewhere in the mountains. Although I can’t ski or snowboard, I'd like to spend a week at a ski resort, as I have never been on holiday in winter. I would sledge, or just walk in the snow-covered valleys admiring the snow-capped peaks. Forests must be beautiful on a sunny winter day. b) Somewhere in the Far East. I'd like to visit Angkor, Dragon Bay in Vietnam, the Great Wall of China. I’m fond of exotic places, and spend a lot of time watching the Travel Channel and National Geographic. It would be amazing to see oriental culture and Asian people's way offlife with my own eyes. It definitely would be the holiday of a lifetime. 258 TRAVELLING “When in Rome do as the Romans do.” How far do you agree? a) This proverb means that when you are visiting a different place or culture, you should try to follow their customs and behave as others around you, If you travel to a foreign country, or different culture it’s wise to try to fit in, because this will make the local people feel more comfortable with you around, and you also will feel closer to their culture. Moreover, it could be fun. If you “do as the Romans do”, you will do a lot of things that you wouldn't normally do. Who knows? Maybe you will discover some new talents in you. ‘Therefore, I think this is a very good piece of advice to tourists and visitors. b) In my opinion this philosophy is impossible (and unreasonable) to practice when one either lives in a foreign country and/or in an intercultural relationship. It may be easy for you to follow the philosophy when you know you are going back home, but I am certain that if you lived in a foreign country permanently, you would not be content without having some of your familiar “native” ways and customs. Sometimes people refuse to follow the “When in Rome” philosophy because of ethical, personal, or health reasons. Wordlist # 1 elérhetéség, accessibility aksesa'bilitt megkézelithetéség adventurous traveller ad'ventfares ‘traevelo ae cs adverse effect / impact ‘eedvais I'fekt / ‘impaekt ellenkez6 hatas age anyagilag megengedhet6, affordable e'fordebel megfizetheto appreciation aprifieifan értékelés, elismerés attractive o'treektiv vonzo a 5 autentikus, hiteles, hitelt authentic 9:'Gentik arene: . a 1 rendelkezésre allo available amount a\vellabal a'maont eee awareness eweenis tudatossag back-up ban bankruptcy be stranded at behave bird's-eye view blessing book in advance break down budget airline cancel Car sharing/Carpooling scheme catalytic converter catering collapse commercialise commute complain concession/reduction cram craze for cruise cycle path destination detailed itinerary disastrous holiday discounted student pass disposable income dual suspension durable erect a tent escape establish execute experience, experiences experience 18. TRAVELLING "peek ‘ap been ‘baenkraptst ‘bi: 'streendid ot brhew ‘berdz ‘ar ‘yjur 'blesin 'bok in ed'va:ns ‘breik ‘daon ‘badgit ‘ealain ‘keensal ‘ka: ‘fearin /‘ka:putlin ‘skim ke'telitik ken'va:te ‘keitorin kolzeps ko'mju:t kem'plein kan'sefon, / ridakfan kreem kreiz fo: krusz ‘saikl 'pa:@ ‘destineifan ditelld artinerert dizaistras ‘holidei dis'kauntid ‘stju:dent ‘pais di'speuzebel ‘inkam ‘dju:el se'spenfen ‘djverebal trekt 9 ‘tent I'skeip Isteeblif ‘eksikju:t ik'sprerians, ik’spreriensiz ik'spiorians a segitség betilt, kitilt, megtilt esd vesztegel valahol, ott ragad viselkedik madartaviat aldas elére megvesz, lefoglal lerobban (jarmu) oles6, fapados repulétarsaség t6r6l (repuildjaratot), lemond autémegosztas katalizator ellatas Osszeomlik uzletesit ingazik panaszkodik kedvezmény, arengedmény betuszkol divat, mania, Grilet tengeri utazas kerékpart célallomas részletes utiterv ténkrement nyaralas kedvezményes didk bérlet rendelkezésre allo jOvedelem kettés felfliggesztés tartos felveri a satrat menektilés, kikapcsolodas létrehoz, kiépit megvalésit, elvégez elmeény megtapasztal, tél a a familiar family bonds filling (petrol) station fitin follow freight fully equipped kitchen gale guesthouse habitat of wildlife hail have priority holiday of a lifetime hospitable hostel in the long run inexorably internal combustion engine key issue lack of space lane letter of complaint make make a change market-targeted mosquito nightmare no-frills airline occur on the contrary on-the-spot decision oriental culture outdoor gear outweigh overhead wire Park&Ride parking lot 18. TRAVELLING fe'milia ‘feemili 'bondz ‘filin (‘petral) 'sterfan ‘fit ‘in ‘foleo freit folt 'kwipt ‘kitfen geil ‘gesthavs ‘heebiteet ev ‘waildlaif hell ‘heev prat‘oriti ‘holidel av e ‘laiftaim ‘hospitebel hostl ‘in 69 ‘lon ran in‘eksorebit ‘inte:nl kem’bastfen ‘endzin "ke fur ‘leak av ‘speis lein ‘lete ev kem'pleint meik ‘meik a 'tfeind3 ‘mazkit ‘ta:gitid me'ski:teo ‘naitmee ‘naofniz ‘ealain ke: ‘on 6e ‘kontrar ondaspot di'sizn orrrentl ‘kalfta ‘avtdo: gia ‘avtwei ‘govehed wale ‘park ond ‘raid ‘parkin lot ismerdés csaladi kételékek, kapcsolatok benzinkut beilleszkedik kovet teherszallitas, fuvarozas teljesen felszerelt konyha erds szél panzid, vendéghaz vadon él6 allatok éléhelye jégesd elsdbbséget élvez életiink legjobb nyaralasa vendégszeretd turistahaz, vendégfogado hosszu tavon kérlelhetetlenul bels6 égésti motor kulcskérdés meofelelé tér hidnya sav (uton) panaszlevél marka atszall piacorientalt szinyog rémalom olesé, fapados légitarsasag torténik, el6fordul ellenkezdleg helyszinen hozott déntés keleti kultura szabadban hasznalatos felszerelés ellensuilyoz magasban futo drot, vezeték parkolj és menj tovabb parkolo 18. TRAVELLING peak pedestrian permanently pricy puncture put somebody off quote rails rat race reach reclining refuse responsible tourist ring road road charges rush hour sanitation scorching hot self-catering accommodation shift gear short-term shuttle buses ski resort smooth spa break stiff and numb suit one's wallet sustainable tailor-made take-off threat traffic lights transit of goods prik pidestrion ‘pe:menentli 'praisi ‘panktfe ‘pot sam'bodi of kweot reilz ‘reat reis nit r’klainin nifjucz n'sponsibel ‘tuenst ‘nn 'reod ‘red 'tfa:dgiz raf ‘ave seeniteifen ‘eko:tfin ‘hot ‘selfkeitarin e,kome'deifan ‘fift ‘gio ‘fost tam ‘Jatl 'basiz ski: n'zozt smu:d ‘spa: ‘breik ‘stif end ‘nam ‘sju:t '‘wanz ‘wolit se'steinebel ‘tello 'meid ‘teikef Oret ‘treofik ‘laits ‘treenzit av ‘gudz csucs gyalogos allandéan draga defekt elriaszt, eltantorit megallapit, arajanlatot tesz sinek mindennapi létért folytatott kizdelem elér allithato tamlaju (szék, ulés) visszautasit, megtagad kémyezettudatos, feleldsségteljes turista kérgytirtt uthasznalati dij esucsidd, csticsforgalom ideje kézegészségugy, higiénia tikkaszto héség Onellato szallas sebességet valtani rovid tavi. gyorsbuszok siparadicsom sima, zokkenémentes wellness hétvége, wellness pihenés elgémberedett és elzsibbadt valaki pénztarcajanak megfelelé kérnyezettudatos személyre szabott felszallas (repuld) fenyegetés kézlekedési lampa éruszallitas 261 TRAVELLING aa Travel broadens one's ‘treevel 'breodenz 'wanz mind. ‘maind travel insurance ‘treevel ‘infoerens travel far and wide ‘teevel ‘fa: end ‘waid trek trek tremendous mobility _timendes meotbilit unleaded an'iedid valid ‘Vealid valley ‘veall vehicle fleet ‘vicikel fist vendor of souvenirs ‘vende ev survelnia waterproof ‘woztepru:f well-maintained ‘wel ‘meiteind without any charge wi'dant ent 'tfa:d3, woe weo Reading Comprehension Az utazas szélesiti a latokoriinket. utasbiztositas széltében-hosszaban utazgatni turazik nagyon nagy mobilitas dlommentes érvényes vélgy jarmupark ajandékarus vizall6 jol karbantartott, szépen rendbetartott dijmentesen, ingyen csapasok, kellemetlenségek You are going to read an article about hitchhiking. Some phrases have been removed from the text. Choose the right phrases from the list (A-Q) to fill the gaps (1-14). There are two extra phrases that you do not need. Write your answers in the boxes below. There is an example (0) at the beginning. y A Guide to the Ancient Art of Hitchhiking In the safety-conscious age of consumer travel, hitch- hiking is a for real adventure. Whilst the fears sown by the modern media have drasti- cally reduced the numbers of hitchers in recent years, it’s still a very viable way of travelling around the world. Here’s a general guide to thumbing a ride. Men should only really _—hitchhike alone to wait for half a day at a time. Female travellers can hitchhike in pairs with either another girl or a guy. Alone you'll never have to anywhere in the world but it’s a good idea to have someone else along for a bit of security. 18. TRAVELLING Keep your appearance smart and clean. Wearing a shirt and shaving (if you're a guy) can help and don't wear hats, shades, [EB that mark you out as a weirdo. Always carry your bed with you as you never know when you'll have to sleep outside, Waterproofs are also 9 as no one wants to pick up a wet and bedraggled hitchhiker. Carryall the elements with you: A bottle ofwater, alighterand matchesin case a fire at night, a loaf of bread, some nuts and dry fruit to keep your energy up and lastly a pen, a good map and a torch. When it comes to catching rides there are two main tactics in hitching. One is to stand by the side of the road and ‘The other is to head to gas stations and solicit lifts. You'll probably end up out of necessity but each requires a different strategy. When you're standing on the roadside, choose a place where cars can pull over safely. Never hitchhike on motorways HE3 Some of the rides you get restore your faith in humanity. All around the world people will BD and give you food and shelter for the night. The kindness and thoughtfulness of the people you meet will EU) at times. Everyone likes so that’s always a good start to the conversation. Travelling like this isafPQ too. You soon learn how to say where are you going, I'm hungry and thank you very much in the native tongue. By the side of the road your entire reality becomes focused on the next ride. Here you have no appointments, no schedules and all FER is stick out your thumb. In an age of organized consumer travel, planned and insured from the start, hitchhiking is one of the few forms of true adventure left. ( doing them both revealing clothes or outfits you really got to do leave it to chance talking about themselves where everything is mapped out unless you really have to take you home an excellent thing to pack leave you speechless if you are willing unless they're prepared great teacher of language you need to make BEBSRSSeheeeRes unless it’s an absolute emergency 263 8. TRAVELLING BD wait more than a few minutes HE) onc ofthe few-opportunities nena nena Qa RS cue ke i cCuSeuy a You are going to hear some pieces of advice about how to travel in a “romantic way”. Your task is to give short answers to the questions below. First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you will hear the recording. Then, after a short pause. listen to the recording again. There is an example (0) that has been done for you. , 5 Romantic Travel Resolutions WD what should be at the centre of your travel plans? (3 things) wctaay andl festivities What should you leave at home on a real vacation? (2 things) as Where is it advisable to keep a record of your plan? How can planning be made interesting? What things can help you to visualise the place you want to visit? (3 things) What adventurous activities should water-lovers try? What's the basic rule for a monthly mini-vacation? BEES & Which days are the best for cheap short getaways? How many festivals should you go to? 19. COMMUNICATION Bre aU er Lola Hooked on the Internet? Help is just a click away. (Author unknown) The words below are in connection with five categories of communication: the computer, the Internet, the cellphone, television and newspapers. Put the words in the column with which we associate the phrase the most. Each column should contain six items. y chat, voicemail, hands-free set, editorial, mousepad, CPU, prime time, headline, text message, sitcom, keyboard, speed dial, classifieds, webcam, gutterpress, on air, top-up card, Twitter, desktop, commercial, ringtone, foreign correspondent, link, online, USB port, presenter, columnist, download music, notebook, talk show [EB Have you got a PC or a notebook at home? What do you use it for? EB Do you have access to the Internet? WA Do you think the Internet is dangerous? 19. COMMUNICATION What other opportunities are there to use the Internet if you don’t have it at home? Have you ever bought anything on the net? Can you imagine life without the computer? What are the advantages and disadvantages of computer games? How many mobile phones have you had so far? What can you use your mobile phone for? ‘Are you in favour of cellphones or landlines? What is the etiquette for cellphone use? What do you think of the Hungarian mass media? Which TV channels do you watch regularly? What is wrong with the “couch potato” lifestyle? Can TV be dangerous in any way? Do you agree with the statement that TV and radio programmes should be censored? What kind of newspapers and magazines are available in Hungary? Do you subscribe to any of them or buy one regularly? Are you a regular reader of gutterpress? {EB Have you got a PC or a notebook at home? a) Yes, I have. As a matter of fact, I could not really imagine my life without it. There are so many things that you can only do with a computer, such as word processing and browsing the net. I believe you simply cannot avoid it if you want to be up-to-date both at school/ work or even at home. It has become a natural part of my life. b) No, haven't, and quite honestly I’m not planning to have one in the near future. To me the computer is a silent tyrant, it’s enough to have one at work where it is a must. But my home is my castle and I don’t want anybody and anything to control me. ® what do you use it for? I most often use it as a smart typewriter when I have to write an essay, a letter or any other document. I also write a lot of e-mails on a daily basis too, and from time to time I download music from the net. I occasionally use my PC to see my digital photos and I even watch movies on the LCD screen of my notebook. There is one thing I never do: I don’t play games. §EADo you have access to the Internet? a) Yes, I do, and I think it is really great. The whole world is literally just a click away. When Iam studying or preparing for a presentation, or I simply need some information I google 19. COMMUNICATION it and magic: there are several sites offered in a list to get the necessary information from. ‘True, it takes a lot of time to browse the web, but there are cases when nowhere else could you get an answer to your question faster or more easily. b) No. I don’t, and I don’t think I will have one in my home. Life without the net is equally possible, whatever I need the Internet for can wait till I get to work. In my job I use the net a lot, perhaps that’s why I don't feel the need to let the world into my home in that way. 3 Do you think the Internet is dangerous? a) Many people are concerned that some of the content on the Internet exerts a bad influence on our children, and even on society in general. Still other people are frightened by the sheer power of the Internet, and the unknown ways in which it may influence our future. There are plenty of things that I don't want to see, or let my children see. It’s not at all ridiculous to try and limit our exposure to hatred, violence, child pornography, terrorism, etc. b) [don’t deny that the Internet has a powerful influence over us. Still, the Internet is unique for its size, speed, and easy access to people everywhere. This gives the Internet the power to connect us with every idea and influence that exists. And the Internet provides virtual communities where people with common interests can “live” together. The Internet is the most extraordinary, powerful tool, and like any tool it can be used for good or evil. It brings us together, and it makes it easy to encounter any idea imaginable. ® what other opportunities are there to use the Internet if you don't have it at home? Almost every school and workplace is connected nowadays so if you can’t access the net from home, you are still not completely isolated from cyberspace. Also, there are opportunities to use the net for a small fee in places called cybercafés or net cafés. These are more like coffeebars equipped with computer terminals where you pay for the amount of time spent online and you can have your documents printed, too. @G Have you ever bought anything on the net? a) Yes, I'ma keen browser of discount e-bookshops where I can get a copy of a book I want at a reduced price. I have also tried buying shoes online and I certainly was not disappointed. Ex YA | 19. COMMUNICATION ‘The goods are delivered to your home two days after placing your order, you pay upon delivery and the products are of the same quality as advertised. b) I would never buy anything online, I don’t trust virtual shops. Ifyou want to buy something you have to see it for real, be able to touch it and look at it from different angles. Try it on perhaps, and then decide whether you want it or not. If you buy anything online it’s like a pig in a poke. You pay for it first and only then can you take a look at what the product you've just purchased looks like. Placing a complaint is a lengthy and complicated business and very often too much of a hassle. Can you imagine life without the computer? a) I think I absolutely can. Life would be so much different and not necessarily for the worse. People would have more time for real relationships instead of virtual ones, there would be real conversations taking place instead of online chat. You would only talk to people with real faces and not just usernames. b) Thatwouldbereally hard to do. Nowadayslife has changed so much that without the machines everything would be so much more complicated and slowmoving. Computers have invaded every walk of our lives, they are there, not only on desktops but in cars, factories, satellites and loads of other equipment that modern life would be unimaginable without. ©) what are the advantages and disadvantages of computer games? Computer and video games have been very popular with children and teenagers aged between seven and sixteen. Researchers have found that frequent game players score better at vision tests as compared to non-players. It has also been found that playing these games could improve children’s logical thinking ability and problem-solving skills. Where on the one hand the games do prove to be beneficial to an extent, at the same time, their ill effects cannot be ignored. Doctors have found a possible threat to these frequent gamers, affecting their health. Common complaints found among children obsessed with games are eye strain, wrist, neck and back pains, etc. Speculation is going on about whether playing games can cause obesity in the long run. Spending many hours in front of the monitor and not going out enough could also cause social problems thus resulting in their becoming shy and introvert. Apart from that the games developed nowadays happen to be a lot more violent, thus the gamers do have a tendency to lose control and become more aggressive. Every aspect has its advantages and disadvantages so parents need to keep track of how much time their children spend in front of the screen playing games and also as to what type of games they play. ®) How many mobile phones have you had so far? a) Not too many. I had my first mobile about eleven years ago and I kept it for eight years. I remember it was a big, chunky gadget that would look rather ridiculous today compared to these small, elegant, omnipotent handsets. I bought a new one three years ago and I have had it ever since. 19. COMMUNICATION b) I got my first mobile from my parents for my 12th birthday five years ago. Unfortunately it got stolen in a disco two years later. My second one ended up in a bucket of water while we were doing the spring cleaning with Mum, the third one turned out to be faulty and had to be replaced so I have had four gadgets so far, but my absolute favourite was my very first one. What can you use your mobile phone for? The mobile phone has become a multifunctional device, phoning people is just one of the vast array of options you can choose from. Owners can browse the net as if it was a computer, can send and check their e-mails, send short text messages to people they don’t want to phone, take photos and short video footage, listen to music or even to real radiostations, use it as an alarm clock and an electronic diary and many, many more things from calculating local times to checking the exchange rates of foreign currencies. Are you in favour of cellphones or landlines? As for the practical side, cellphones are much more convenient than landlines by the very nature of their being portable, which means accessibility even when the owner is not at home. From this advantage a serious disadvantage arises, namely the health hazard, as mobile phones have to have a continual contact with giant transmitters. That means an increased amount of radiation imposed on every mobile user even if they are not talking, just the phone is simply on, Landline phones, however, are less convenient to use as they must be plugged in the wall. However, in return for this inconvenience, you are not exposed to extra radiation plus you can only be contacted when you are near it so it guarantees much more privacy than a mobile switched on. What is the etiquette for cellphone use? Cellphone etiquette applies to most public places and it includes switching it off or knowing when to turn it off or vibrate it, e.g. at meetings, movies, the theatre, worship, seminars, etc. ‘The vibrate mode is appropriate in places where you can take a call, but don’t want to disturb others. When you get a call and you're with friends, keep the call short. Often, it is correct etiquette to inform the others at the beginning of the meeting that you are expecting an important call and get their permission. Be polite and don't scream in your phone, speak in a lower-than-normal voice, thus you will only be heard by the caller, and not by others in the room, Avoid talking where you may be distracting to others and finally it is not only very dangerous, but also unlawful in most countries to drive and talk on your cellphone at the same time unless you have a hands-free set. What do you think of the Hungarian mass media? ‘Mass media is the name for all resources people can get information from, namely television and radio, newspapers and magazines and, of course, the Internet. I believe Hungarian mass 19. COMMUNICATION media is undergoing a serious value crisis nowadays, as far as credibility is concerned. People are getting more and more doubtful about the truth value of anything that appears publicly asnews. Unfortunately it seems that the way events are reported and shared with the public is deeply influenced by the interests of the owners of the media. They very often try and manipulate public opinion, which treats the public like children who are unable to think and decide in a responsible and critical way. Moreover, the gutterpress is notoriously famous for covering only scandals and other juicy stories of celebs. Which TV channels do you watch regularly? ‘b) Asa matter of fact | rarely watch television, almost once in a blue moon does it happen that | I switch it on to watch something, or I just stay around when one of my family members is watching it. I'm mostly interested in the weather so if I catch a newsreel I usually wait till the end of it to know what weather is to be expected in the coming couple of days. I prefer watching DVDs whenever I feel like spending some time glued to the screen, but only if I have nothing better to do. b) I'ma real TV fan. I wouldn't like to be called a couch potato, though. There are certain programmes I really like and watch regularly. I mainly prefer series, such as Desperate Housewives, Dr House and the like, Actually I prefer watching them on DVD because there’s no other way of escaping those annoying commercials. But my absolute favourite TV channels are Discovery and National Geographic which always offer something I'm really interested in. What is wrong with the “couch potato” lifestyle? Couch potato is the term used to describe a person with a sedentary lifestyle, with a lot of time spent in front of the television. This stereotype often refers to a lazy and overweight person. Obviously it has many disadvantages which are harmful for the individual. Watching the television screen for an extended period of time is a strain for the eyes as well as the brain. Moreover, physical inactivity is often paired with the intake of unnecessary calories, often in the form of junk food such as potato chips, which is where the term “couch potato” comes from. an TV be dangerous in any way? Television is one of the most popular devices of human history. But if asked, most scientists would say that the vast amount of time spent watching TV today is very harmful. Most experts believe that it can cause laziness, IQ loss, ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and even 270 19. COMMUNICATION autism. Watching television can take the place of many worthwhile activities such as physical exercise, preferably outdoors. Also the contents of certain TV programmes are openly dangerous, especially for kids. There is so much uncensored violence, sex, bad language and antisocial human behaviour presented that it is understandable why many parents choose to keep their children away from the screen at all costs. Do you agree with the statement that TV and radio programmes should be censored? In today’s society the media play an important role. Every day different broadcasters are trying to produce something new, something that will shock, amaze or entertain the public. However, it often happens that we are being bombarded with scenes of violence and with foul and explicit language. It is a fact that such texts and programmes are not only viewed by a grown-up audience. Certainly broadcasters have a very big responsibility but I nevertheless believe that the main responsibility lies with the parents. They often leave their children in front of the TV screen without realising how harmful it can be to them. Taking everything into consideration, I believe that a moderate degree of censorship paired with parental awareness is always necessary and that it could be the way to create a safe and happy childhood. What kind of newspapers and magazines are available in Hungary? Virtually anythingis available on the shelves of newsagents in Hungary from daily newspapers to weeklies, journals and glossy monthly magazines. Similarly to other countries we have national, regional and local papers. According to their treatment of information they can be either serious (highbrow) or sensational (lowbrow). Unfortunately tabloids seem to outnumber serious papers and are also more popular with the general reading public. Magazines are very often centered around a specific topic, such as interior design, cuisine, car and motor sport, gardening, fishing, beauty, fashion and haute couture, just to mention a few. 2) Do you subscribe to any of them or buy one regularly? We subscribe to the local daily which my whole family read and, since I'm learning English, I find the issues of Newsweek extremely useful as well as interesting. What is more, in Hungary this American news magazine can be subscribed to at a very reasonable price for teachers and students of English. I also buy a fashion magazine every now and then and some crossword puzzles or sudoku, especially when I'm in for a train journey. Are you a regular reader of gutterpress? a) Not really. I sometimes see them scattered around when I'm waiting for my turn at the hairdresser’s, although they are never up-to-date issues. Going deep into other people's private lives is not really my cup of tea, and I don’t actually see how anyone can be amused by that. rxAa 272 19. COMMUNICATION b) Quite honestly Tike them. I would not call myself a sensation hunter still I enjoy reading about famous people’ lives, their happiness and everyday struggles. I know a lot of people think itis morally wrong to peep into others’ private issues, but for me ithas become a sort of soap opera printed on paper. I know the characters well and I'm curious to learn any new information about them. aclick away a pig ina poke access to the Internet accessibility ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) angle at all costs bad language be bombarded with be glued to the screen be imposed on sb be in for sth be isolated from sth be obsessed with sth be plugged in bring people together broadcaster browsing the net cellphone commercial couch potato 9 'klik ewer @'pig ine peok ‘eekses to 61 'intenet eksese'biliti ‘eidi:di: , o'ten{n ‘defisit dis'o:de engl eet 'o:! kosts bead ‘leengwidg br: bem'bazdid wid br: ‘glu:d to 60 ,skriin br: im‘pauzd on biz ‘in for br: aiselleitid from br: eb'sest wid br: ‘plagd in brin 'prpl ta'gedo ‘breodka:sta ‘pravzin 69 .net ‘selfeon ke'me:fl kaotf pa'tertao egy kattintasnyira zsékbamacska hozzaférés az internethez hozzaférhetéség, elérhetéség figyelemzavar sz6g mindenaron tragarsag, durva szavak zaporozik ra ratapad a képemyére ér vkit (sugarzas) all vmi elétt, elébe néz vminek el van szigetelve vmitél megszallottja vminek be van dugya (a falba) Osszehozza az embereket musorszolgaltaté netbéngészés mobiltelefon tévéreklam folyton tévéz6 személy 19. COMMUNICATION credibility kredrbiliti desktop ‘desktop doubtful ‘davtfal download ‘daunland e-bookshop ‘i bokfop encounter inkaonte etiquette ‘etiket every walk of our lives ‘evn ‘work ov ave Jaivz exchange rate iks'tfeindg reit exert a bad influence Ig’zext © beed ‘influens extraordinary ik'stro:deneri eye strain ‘aistrein faulty "foxlti foreign currency ‘fain ‘karansi foul and explicit language faol end ik’splisit leengwid3 glossy ‘glost google sth gu:g! gutterpress ‘gatepres hands-free set ‘heendzfr: set hatred ‘heitrid haute couture sot kurtfoe health hazard. hel® 'heezed ill effects il tfekts inactivity ineek'tivith interior design inttene di'zain introvert ‘intreve:t invade in'veid TQ loss ‘aikju: los. IT lesson ‘arti lesn. juicy story junk food keen keep track of sth/sb kup ‘traek ev landline ‘leendlain lengthy ‘leno! loads of ‘levdzov lose control lu:z ken'treol manipulate metnipjoleit szavahihetéség asztali gép kétkedd. letdlt (internetrél) online konyvaruhaz talalkozik etikett, illemszabalyok az életUnk minden tertilete valutadrfolyam rossz hatast gyakorol klénleges, szokatlan aszem megerdltetése hibas valuta tragar nyelvezet fényes papirra nyomtatott beirja a Google kereséjébe bulvarsajto kihangosito gytilélet magas szinvonal/mivészi szintti szabaszat egészségugyi veszély karos hatasok fizikai aktivitas/testmozgas hianya bels6 épitészet, lakberendezés befelé fordul6, introvertalt betor intelligencia hanyatlasa szamitastechnika/ informatika ora szaftos torténet értéktelen ennivalo buzgé, lelkes nyomon kévet vmit/vkit vezetékes telefon hosszadalmas egy csoms, jO sok elvesziti az Gnuralmat befolydsol, manipulal 273 fe 274 mass media multifunctional device national, regional and lo- cal papers newsreel notoriously omnipotent once in a blue moon outnumber parental awareness pay upon delivery politeness portable preferably private issues problem-solving skills rely on others responsible ridiculous scattered around score better sedentary sensation hunter smart typewriter stay around sth is not really my cup of tea telegram to an extent too much of a hassle transmitter tyrant uncensored value crisis video footage word processing worship mais ‘mi:dia maltifankjeni divais ‘neefanel ‘ndgenel and ‘lgokel ‘peipaz ‘njuxznil nevttorriasli om'nipetent ‘wans ne ‘blu: mu:n aotinamba pa'rentl e'weanis pol e'pon dillivert pelaitnis ‘poxtabl ‘preferabli 'prawit ‘fu:z ‘problemsolvin skilz rilai on ‘adez ri'sponsibl nidikjoles 'skested e'raond sko: ‘beta ‘sedentr 'senseifn ‘hanta smatt 'taipraite Stel e'raond not ‘riali mat ‘kapev ti ‘teligreem to en ik’stent ‘tu: mat{ eve ‘hees! treenz'mite ‘trent an'sensed ‘vaelju: ‘kraisis ‘vidio fotid3 ‘we:d prev'sesin, ‘wexfip 19. COMMUNICATION téomegkommunikaciés csatornak tobbfunkcids készuilék orszagos, regionalis és helyi lapok hirado k6zismerten mindentudo hébe-hdoba (lét)szambeli félényben van szull6i odafigyelés kézbesitéskor fizet, tértivevényesen vasarol udvariassag hordozhato lehetéleg magantigyek problémamegoldo képesség maéasokra tamaszkodik felelés nevetséges szétszorva jobb eredményt nytijt til6- (pl. munka) szenzacidhajhasz intelligens irogép ottragad (a tévé elétt) vmi nem az én vilagom tavirat bizonyos mértékig maceras, nem éri meg a felhajtast adétorony zsamok cenzurazatlan ertékvalsag mozgoképrogzités szovegszerkesztés istentisztelet 19. COMMUNICATION Eas PEt iremeciese You are going to read an article about the effects of video games on youngsters. Your task is to finish the sentences (1-6) following the text. Choose the phrase (A-D) which is nearest in meaning to what the article says. Write the letters of the correct answers in the bowes below. There is an example (0) for you at the beginning. Playing Video Games “Has Little Impact on Teen Sleep” Playing a video game before bed appears to have only a mild effect on how long it takes a male teenager to fall asleep, a preliminary study suggests. Those who played a relatively violent video game took only marginally longer to fall asleep than those who watched a relaxing nature documentary. ‘The Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine study pitted Call of Duty 4 against March of the Penguins. There is still little scientific data on the effects of video games on sleep, but anecdotal evidence has long suggested that playing such games at night could have a detrimental impact on sleep because the stimulation keeps one awake even after the game has ceased. To test the theory, researchers at Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia, recruited 13 males between the aged of 14 and 18 with no existing sleep problems. On one night they sat beneath the covers playing Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare for 50 minutes ~ a game in which the player takes on the role of an SAS recruit among others carrying out various violent missions. On a second night a week later they spent an equal amount of time watching March of the Penguins, the award-winning French documentary which follows the yearly journey of the emperor penguins of Antarctica across vast swathes of ice to their breeding grounds. Three fell asleep while watching the film, while none dozed oft while playing Call of Duty. ‘The majority of the teenagers did take longer to fall asleep after playing the video game, but most were asleep within seven-and-a-half minutes ~ only four minutes longer than when they watched March of the Penguins. “We purposefully chose a very tranquil film to contrast against the very stimulating effect of playing a violent video game in the hope of producing the greatest effect on sleep,” said Michael Gradisar, a senior lecturer in clinical child psychology who led the research. “We were surprised that playing the violent video game did not lead to a much longer time taken to fall asleep”

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