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Tero, Yoanne Marie November 18, 2020

BSHM III Activity in NSTP

MODULE 5 Activity: Newspaper Analysis

There has been a lot of talk in the news and on social media platforms about how certain
medications can do about the Corona virus 2019. How they report is informing the targeted
audience to ensure the safety of them but it’s not really the real thing. The economy or citizens
have a lot of questions but have unknown answers. The government is finding a solution to solve
the problems of increasing the danger risk of the economy and society. This is the top issue
spreading over the world those effects of the shortage of production of masks, lack of cure and
shortage of goods and services.

What effects does the issue have on the means production, patterns of distribution and
consumption of goods and services?

The production during pandemic situation is not the same way unlike before has a
continuously production but now its limited because of the shortage of resources and having a
financial issue. The patterns of distribution are a lot of different unlike before because the
distributions are all over the world but now it’s different. The distributions of goods today are
just limited because they do sanitize it first before distribute it to retail stores. The world is
changing and also the production of goods and services. We as an individual are already
changing. We change our needs and wants for those products we need. The production of
products has affected the consumption of the sale or retail price. The consumption of goods and
services makes people frustrate and have disappointments because of financial issues. The higher
demands are all over the country to experience to stay low.

Who makes the decisions? Who benefits from the decisions? Who bears the cost of the

Of course, the government and business organizations are the one who decides all of it. They’re
the one who cycles the money of consumers by purchasing their product and services. We the
citizens are the one who benefits the goods and services they’re given to us. We benefit the roles
of a citizen or one of the economy societies as a consumer who cycles the money alike to product
cycle. The citizens and the organizations are the one who bears the cost of the decisions because
they’re the one who have money to buy or purchase their goods and services while the
organizations purchase resources to the governments. So, they have to produce a product that
meets our demand.

What effect does the issue have on patterns of behaviours of the people?

During Pandemic, the issue on the behaviour of the people is now different because of the
situation. The patterns of behaviours of the people are difference with ordinary daily lives. This
pandemic we felt anger, depression, anxiety and fear of being isolated and alone. That buying or
purchasing a product became some of us uneasy in our surroundings because we need to adjust
ourselves to a new normal.

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