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Choose the correct answer: 

Marly and Charles ________ looking at the window when the accident occured.
Seleccione una:
a. were
b. was
c. wasn`t
d. are

Pregunta 2
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Enunciado de la pregunta
According to Reading "A Strange Experience" choose the best answer: 

What was strange about the people in the restaurant?

Seleccione una:
a. They were dressed in an antique way.
b. They were dressed with bathing suits.
c. They were dressed with designer clothing.
d. They were dressed with underwear.

Pregunta 3
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According to Reading "Unsinkable Ship" choose the best answer: 

What happened when the Stonia sank?

Seleccione una:
a. There were enough lifeboats for everyone on board.
b. Very few passengers were already asleep.
c. There were only 139 passengers on board.
d. All the passengers were already in the open decks.

Pregunta 4
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Listen to the conversation and answer the question based on what you hear.
According to the audio file "Getting around Tokyo"

How often do the trains come?

Seleccione una:
a. Every sixteen minutes.
b. Every sixty minutes.
c. Every six minutes.
d. Every ten minutes.

Pregunta 5
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Choose the correct answer: 

My parents _________ to a doctor's appointment yesterday.

Seleccione una:
a. go
b. gone
c. went
d. going

Pregunta 6
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Listen to the conversation and answer the question based on what you hear.
According to the audio file "Getting around Tokyo"

How much does the train fare cost?

Seleccione una:
a. It is 120 yen.
b. It is 130 yen.
c. It is 113 yen.
d. It is 160 yen.

Pregunta 7
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Listen to the conversation and answer the question based on what you hear.
According to the audio file "Getting around Tokyo"

What can be said about the man?

Seleccione una:
a. He has been to Japan before.
b. He can read Japanese.
c. He is not familiar with the trains.
d. He knows how to get around.

Pregunta 8
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Choose the correct answer: 

My cousin was __________for a treasure in the sea while I was in college.

Seleccione una:
a. looking
b. looked
c. look
d. looks

Pregunta 9
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Enunciado de la pregunta
According to Reading "Unsinkable Ship" choose the best answer: 

What can be said about the ship?

Seleccione una:
a. It did not have enough crew members.
b. It had been carefully inspected.
c. The design had some flaws.
d. The lifeboats were too heavy.

Pregunta 10
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Enunciado de la pregunta
According to Reading "Unsinkable Ship" choose the best answer: 

The word “stormy” can be best replace by:

Seleccione una:
a. quiet.
b. tranquil.
c. wild.
d. soothing.

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