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Trường Đại học Duy Tân ĐỀ ÔN TẬP 1 Đề số

Khoa: Tiếng Anh Môn: VIẾT 1

Bộ môn: Mã môn: ENG 107
Học kỳ: Năm học:
Thời gian làm bài: 75 phút
Họ và tên SV: ……………………………………..
Mã số SV: …………………………………………

A. MULTIPLE CHOICE (4.0 points)

Choose the correct answer
1. Which of the followings is a true clause?
a. He threw himself from his horse
b. You must keep
c. The story made all the people
d. The little boy sent me
2. Which of the followings is a dependent clause?
a. There are some ways to solve the problems
b. On arriving home, we saw a lot of wild animals
c. For some reasons, the train from Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi was cancelled
dd. One thing important we should pay attention to
3. Which of the followings is a simple sentence with compound subject and single verb?
a. I enjoy playing tennis with my friends every weekend.
b. I enjoy playing tennis and look forward to it every weekend.
cc. My friends and I enjoy playing tennis every weekend.
d. My friends and I play tennis and go bowling every weekend.
4. A compound sentence is formed by joining independent clauses using
a. coordinators
b. conjunctive adverbs
c. subordinators
dd. coordinators or conjunctive adverbs

5. Men may exercise harder, ________ they may not exercise as regularly as women do.
aa. but
b. and
c. for
d. or

6. Native and nonnative English speakers have different needs; ________, most schools
provide separate English classes for each group.
a. moreover
bb. therefore
c. however
d. otherwise
7. Which position of the semicolon in the following sentences is true?
a. My older brother; studies law my younger brother studies medicine.
b. My older brother studies law my younger brother; studies medicine.
cc. My older brother studies law; my younger brother studies medicine.
d. My older brother studies; law my younger brother studies medicine.
8. Which of the followings is correct?
a. A complex sentence contains only one dependent clause.
b. A complex sentence contains two or more independent clauses.
c A complex sentence contains one independent clause and at least one dependent clause.
d. A complex sentence only contains dependent clauses.
9. “Although women could own property, they could not vote.” is
a. a clause
bb. a complex sentence
c. a compound sentence
d. a simple sentence

10. What type of clause is the underlined part of the sentence “We do not know if he will
come or not.”?
a. a relative clause
b. an adjective clause
c. an independent clause

d.da noun clause
11. What is the function of the underlined part in the sentence “What she said surprised all of
aa. subject
b. adverbial
c. complement
d. object
12. “moreover”, “therefore”, and “otherwise” are
a. coordinators
bb. conjunctive adverbs
c. linking verbs
d. subordinators
13. I always remember the people and scenes _________ I saw during the trip.
a. who
b. which
cc. that
d. where
14. “because”, “if”, “although” are
a. coordinators
b. conjunctive adverbs
c. prepositions
dd. subordinators
15. What kind of clause is the underlined part of the sentence “Because scientists are
interested in the planets, they send spacecraft to orbit them.”?
a. a relative clause
b. an adjective clause
c an adverbial clause
d. a noun clause
16. “On the hill” is
a a noun phrase
b. a verb phrase
c. an adjective phrase
d. a prepositional phrase

17. The structure of “a man named John” is
aa. noun + participle
b. noun + adjective
c. noun + to verb
d. noun + preposition
18. The underlined part of the sentence “To keep a diary is fun” functions as
a. an adverb
bb. a noun
nc. an object

d. an adjective
19. The type of clause of “Harry is cutting a cake” is
a. SVA
b. SVC
d. SV
20. The type of clause of “Simons is putting his computer on the desk” is
a. SVA
c. SV

Trường Đại học Duy Tân ĐỀ ÔN TẬP 2 Đề số
Khoa: Tiếng Anh Môn: VIẾT 1
Bộ môn: Mã môn: ENG 107
Học kỳ: Năm học:
Thời gian làm bài: 75 phút
Họ và tên SV: ……………………………………..
Mã số SV: …………………………………………

A. MULTIPLE CHOICE (4.0 points)

Choose the correct answer.
1. An adjective phrase can be a single adjective or a group of words built around
a. a single noun
 b. an adjective
c. an adverb
d. a preposition
2. The structure of the phrase “a well-trained dog” is
a. determiner + past participle + noun
b. noun + past participle
c. verb + noun
d. determiner + present participle + noun
3. The underlined part of the sentence “Taking my dog for a walk is fun.” functions as
a. an adverb
b. a noun
c. an object
d. an adjective
4. The type of the clause “The student is putting a pen on the table.” is
a. SVA
b. SVC
c. SVO

5. The type of the underlined phrase in the sentence “Our boss supports donating time to
charity.” is a
a. prepositional phrase    
b. verb phrase    
c. gerund phrase    
d. infinitive phrase

6. Which is a noun phrase in the following sentence "The tour includes three Asian

a. three Asian countries

b. The tour includes

c. The tour includes three

d. includes three Asian countries

7. Which of the followings is a dependent clause?
a. There are some ways to solve the problems
b. On arriving home, we saw a lot of wild animals
c. For some reasons, the train from Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi was cancelled
d. which is the biggest park in the city
8. Which of the followings is a simple sentence with single subject and compound verb?
a. Jack and Jill like walking and fishing but hate running and hunting.
b. Jack likes walking and fishing but hates running and hunting.
c. Mrs. Juarez and Mr. Smith are dancing gracefully.
d. Tom is reading newspaper.
9. A compound sentence has at least two ………………… joined together.
a. dependent clauses
b. conjunctive clauses
c. independent clauses
d. compound clauses
10. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence: “A nuclear weapon is more
dangerous than any other weapons, ………. many nations in the world are producing this
kind of weapon.”
a. yet

b. nor
c. for
d. or
11. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence: “Students must take final
exams; …………, they will receive a grade of incomplete.”
a. moreover
b. therefore
c. however
d. otherwise
12. Which position of the semicolon in the following sentences is true?
a. Wolves and dogs share some of the same genes; they are not exactly alike.
b. Wolves and dogs; share some of the same genes they are not exactly alike.
c. Wolves and dogs share some of; the same genes they are not exactly alike.
d. Wolves and dogs share; some of the same genes they are not exactly alike.
13. Which of the followings is correct?
a. A complex sentence contains only one dependent clause.
b. A complex sentence contains two or more independent clauses.
c. A complex sentence contains one independent clause and at least one dependent clause.
d. A complex sentence only contains dependent clauses.
14. “Because my porridge had been cold, I heated it in the microwave.” is
a. a clause
b. a complex sentence
c. a compound sentence
d. a simple sentence
15. The clause type of the underlined part in the sentence “The group talked about how
the accident occurred.” is
a. an adverbial clause
b. an adjective clause
c. an independent clause
d. a noun clause
16. What is the function of the underlined part in the sentence “The problem is who will
bring a car for tomorrow’s trip.”?
a. subject

b. adverbial
c. complement
d. object
17. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence “The bus …….. leaves at
6:03 was late today, so I caught the 6:08 one for downtown.”
a. who
b. whom
c. what
d. which
18. The clause type of the underlined part in the sentence “Benzene, which was discovered
by Faraday, became the starting point in the manufacture of many dyes, perfumes and
explosives.” is
a. an adverbial clause
b. an adjective clause
c. an independent clause
d. a noun clause
19. “because”, “if”, “although”, “whether” are
a. coordinators
b. conjunctive adverbs
c. prepositions
d. subordinators
20. The clause type of the underlined part in the sentence “Parents should speak kindly to
their children when they make mistakes.” is
a. an independent clause
b. an adjective clause
c. an adverbial clause
d. a noun clause

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