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A. Introduction to Language

➢ What is language?
Language is the ability to produce and comprehend spoken and written
words; linguistics is the study of language. (and in the case of sign
language, signed) words.
➢ What is the function of language?
The function of language as a way of communication.

Because all language obeys a set of combinatory rules, we can
communicate an infinite number of concepts. While every language has a
different set of rules, all languages do obey rules. These rules are known
as grammar. Speakers of a language have internalized the rules and
exceptions for that language’s grammar. There are rules for every level of
language word formation (for example, native speakers of English have
internalized the general rule that -ed is the ending for past-tense verbs, so
even when they encounter a brand-new verb, they automatically know
how to put it into past tense); phrase formation (for example, knowing that
when you use the verb “buy,” it needs a subject and an object; “She buys”
is wrong, but “She buys a gift” is okay); and sentence formation.

Every language has its rules, which act as a framework for meaningful
communication. But what do people fill that framework up with? The
answer is, of course, words. Every human language has a lexicon—the
sum total of all of the words in that language. By using grammatical rules
to combine words into logical sentences, humans can convey an infinite
number of concepts

Introduction to Linguistics
Language is such a special topic that there is an entire field, linguistics,
devoted to its study. Linguistics views language in an objective way, using
the scientific method and rigorous research to form theories about how
humans acquire, use, and sometimes abuse language. There are a few
major branches of linguistics, which it is useful to understand in order to
learn about language from a psychological perspective.
English for Agriculture

Major levels of linguistics: This diagram outlines the various subfields of

linguistics, the study of language. These include phonetics, phonology,
morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics.

Phonetics and Phonology (ALPHABETHS)

Phonetics is the study of individual speech sounds; phonology is the study of

phonemes, which are the speech sounds of an individual language. These two
heavily overlapping subfields cover all the sounds that humans can make, as well
as which sounds make up different languages. A phonologist could answer the
question, “Why do BAT and TAB have different meanings even though they are
made of thesame three sounds, A, B and T?” for example ALPHABETH.

Morphology (WORDS)

Morphology is the study of words and other meaningful units of language like
suffixes and prefixes. A morphologist would be interested in the relationship
between words like “dog” and “dogs” or “walk” and “walking,” and how people
figure out the differences between those words.


Syntax is the study of sentences and phrases, or how people put words into the
right order so that they can communicate meaningfully. All languages have
underlying rules of syntax, which, along with morphological rules, make up every
language’s grammar. An example of syntax coming into play in language is
“Eugene walked the dog” versus “The dog walked Eugene.” The order of words is
not arbitrary—in order for the sentence to convey the intended meaning, the
words must be in a certain order.

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Semantics and Pragmatics

Semantics, most generally, is about the meaning of sentences. Someone who

studies semantics is interested in words and what real-world object or concept
those words denote, or point to. Pragmatics is an even broader field that studies
how the context of a sentence contributes to meaning—for example, someone
shouting “Fire!” has a very different meaning if they are in charge of a seven-gun
salute than it does if they are sitting in a crowded movie theater.

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Parts of Speech Table

Parts of speech are an important aspect of the language. Understand clearly what
is being said in a sentence. Know how and when to use words correctly. Reflect
more accurately on the English language.

A part of speech (abbreviated form: PoS or POS) is a category of words (or, more
generally, of lexical items) which have similar grammatical properties. Words that
are assigned to the same part of speech generally display similar behavior in terms
of syntax—they play similar roles within the grammatical structure of sentences—
and sometimes in terms of morphology, in that they undergo inflection for similar

Commonly listed English parts of speech are

1. Noun
2. Verb
3. Adjective
4. Adverb
5. Pronoun
6. Preposition
7. Conjunction
8. Interjection and sometimes Numeral, Article or Determiner.

This is a summary of the 8 parts of speech*. You can find more detail if you click
on each part of speech.

part of
function or "job" example words example sentences

(to) be, have, is a web

Verb action or state do, like, work, site. I like
sing, can, must

pen, dog, work,

This is my dog. He lives
music, town,
Noun thing or person in my house. We live in
teacher, John

a/an, the, 2, I have two dogs. My dogs

Adjective describes a noun
some, good, big, are big. I like big dogs.

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red, well,

describes a verb, My dog eats quickly.
silently, well,
Adverb adjective or When he is very hungry,
badly, very,
adverb he eats really quickly.

I, you, he, she, Tara is Indian. She is

Pronoun replaces a noun
some beautiful.

links a noun to to, at, after, on, We went to school on

another word but Monday.

joins clauses or I like dogs and I like cats.

Conjunction sentences or and, but, when I like cats and dogs. I like
words dogs but I don't like cats.

short exclamation,
Ouch! That hurts! Hi!
sometimes oh!, ouch!, hi!,
Interjection How are you? Well, I
inserted into a well
don't know.

Parts of Speech Examples

Here are some sentences made with different English parts of speech:

Verb Noun Verb Noun verb Verb

Stop! John works. John Is working.

pronoun verb noun noun verb adjective Noun

She loves animals. Animals like Kind people.

Noun Verb Noun adverb Noun Verb adjective noun

Tara speaks English well. Tara speaks good English.

pronoun verb Preposition Adjective Noun adverb

She ran To The station quickly.

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pron. Verb adj. noun conjunction pron. verb pron.

She Likes big snakes But I hate them.

Here is a sentence that contains every part of speech:

interjection pron. conj. adj. noun verb prep. Noun adverb

Well, she and young John walk to school slowly.

Words with More than One Job

Many words in English can have more than one job, or be more than one
part of speech. For example, "work" can be a verb and a noun; "but" can be a
conjunction and a preposition; "well" can be an adjective, an adverb and an
interjection. In addition many nouns can actas adjectives

To analyze the part of speech, ask yourself: "What job is this word doing
in this sentence?" In the table below you can see a few examples. Of course, there
are more, even for some of the words in the table. In fact, if you look in a good
dictionary you will see that the word "but" has six jobs to do:

• verb, noun, adverb, pronoun, preposition and conjuction!

word part of speech Example

Noun My work is easy.
Verb I work in London.
Conjunction John came but Mary didn't come.
Preposition Everyone came but Mary.
Adjective Are you well?
well Adverb She speaks well.
Interjection Well! That's expensive!

Noun We ate in the afternoon.

noun acting as adjective We had afternoon tea.

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The 8 (Eight) Parts of Speech Diagnostic Assessment


I. Directions: On the line to the left of the sentence, write the word that is the part of
speech indicated in parenthesis.
Example: ______exploded___(ex) (verb) The Blue Streaks running back
exploded off the line of scrimmage.

1. ____________________(preposition) He walked around the corner.

2. ____________________(pronoun) Paul hopes that she will sing with the choir.
3. ____________________(pronoun) Can Jerry help him with the science project?
4. ____________________(noun) Have you seen the eraser?
5. ____________________(noun) The lock was stuck.
6. ____________________(noun) She purchased the ice cream with him.
7. ____________________(adjective) Older people tire more easily.
8. ____________________(adjective) Steven is honest.
9. ____________________(adjective) Kind people are often rewarded.
10. ____________________(adverb) The officer ran fast.
11.____________________(adverb) My sister answered the question intelligently
12. ____________________(adverb)You really should see this art exhibit, Kenny
13. ____________________(preposition) Reggie tripped down the stairs.
14. ____________________(preposition) Can you jump over the hurdle?
15. ____________________(preposition) May I sit between you two?
16. ____________________(verb) Ask the question.
17. ____________________(verb) The store overcharged me.
18. ____________________(verb) Jimmy, eat your spaghetti.
19. ____________________(conjunction) I cannot go, for I have too much to do.
20. ____________________(conjunction) I like peanuts and potato chips.

II. Directions: On the line to the left, write the part of speech of the underlined word.
To the right, substitute a different word for the underlined word.

Noun Adverb Conjunction

Pronoun Preposition Interjection
Verb Adjective

1._______________They attended the concert last weekend.____________________

2. _______________Several cats ran into Rob’s garage.________________________

3. _______________The truck driver delivered the package quickly._____________

4. _______________Fast runners won all the awards at the track meet.___________

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5. _______________My friend and I walked home after school.__________________

6. _______________I wanted a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch.________

7. _______________She was counting the ballots during civics class._____________

8. _______________Hey! That was my seat.__________________________________

9. _______________Will they finish the test on time?__________________________

10. _______________The diagram was fairly complicated.______________________

11. _______________He will practice his musical piece soon.____________________

12. _______________Ronnie saw the awesome sight from the air.________________

13. _______________Her sister is the oldest member of the group._______________

14. _______________Check the score, Tom._________________________________

15. _______________Will the students find the answers themselves?_____________

16. _______________The child asked for the bike and the scooter._______________

17. _______________They slowly carried the couch down the stairs._____________

18. _______________Sherry talked on the phone until midnight.________________

19. _______________Hurray! Our team has finally scored a goal._______________

20._______________The troops scattered throughout the woods.________________

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Topics: Singular, Plural, and Uncountable Nouns

Learning Objectives:
1. Identifying singular, plural and uncountable nouns.
2. Memorizing new vocabularies.
3. Using singular, plural and uncountable nouns into correct English sentences.

Using Singular Nouns

English nouns can be divided into two categories: countable nouns and
uncountable nouns.
A countable noun is singular when there is one of the person, place, or thing it
When a noun is singular, use a or an before it. Use a if it begins with a consonant
sound; use an if it begins with a vowel sound.

Write a or an before each of the following singular nouns.
1. …. brother 11. ….sister 21. ….cheek 31. ….elbow
2. …. aunt 12. ….uncle 22. ….chest 32. ….arm
3. …. artist 13. ….dentist 23. ….leg 33. ….ankle
4. …. employer 14. ….driver 24. ….ear 34. ….nose
5. …. janitor 15. ….actor 25. ….mouth 35. ….eye
6. …. professor 16. ….adviser 26. ….area 36. ….library
7. …. patient 17. ….accountant 27. ….apartment 37. ….house
8. …. engineer 18. ….technician 28. ….river 38. ….ocean
9. …. reporter 19. ….architect 29. ….bus stop 39. ….airport
10.….stewardess 20. ….actress 30. ….basement 40. ….attic

When do you use a or an?

➢ Use a or an before singular noun to answer the question “What …?”
What do you do? I am a doctor. I am an actress.
What is it? It is a book. It is an egg.
What do you want? I want a house. I want an ice cream.

➢ Use the number one before a singular noun to answer the question “How
many …?”
How many cars do you have? We have one car.
How many English classes are there? There is one class.

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➢ Use “There is …” before a singular noun to indicate that it exists.

There is an accountant in my family.
There is a library on the corner.
There is only one bus stop on this street.

Using Plural Nouns

A countable noun is plural when there is more than one of the person, place, or
thing it names. To make a singular noun plural:
➢ Add –s:
one tree three trees
one word four words
one sister two sisters

➢ Add –es:
one echo two echoes
one mosquito three mosquitoes
one tomato four tomatoes
one hero four heroes

➢ Add -es to nouns that end in –ch, -sh, -ss, -x

one beach two beaches
one dish four dishes
one dress two dresses
one fax three faxes

➢ Add –ies to nouns that end in a consonant followed by –y, after dropping the
one city two cities
one country four countries
one family three families
one puppy five puppies

➢ Add –ves to nouns that end in –f or –fe, after dropping –f or –fe

one calf two calves
one half two halves
one leaf three leaves
one knife six knives
➢ Use an irregular form for certain nouns
one child two children
one man four men
one person three people
one tooth four teeth

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➢ Use the singular form for the plural for certain nouns
one deer two deer
one sheep four sheep
one fish two fish

I. Write the plural form of each of the following nouns.
1. Brother _____________________________
2. Daughter _____________________________
3. Wife _____________________________
4. Baby _____________________________
5. Child _____________________________
6. Man _____________________________
7. Woman _____________________________
8. Teenager _____________________________
9. Artist _____________________________
10. Customer _____________________________
11. Student _____________________________
12. Actress _____________________________
13. Boss _____________________________
14. Nurse _____________________________
15. Eye _____________________________
16. Ear _____________________________
17. Toe _____________________________
18. Church _____________________________
19. City _____________________________
20. Library _____________________________
21. Bus stop _____________________________
22. Post office _____________________________
23. Window _____________________________
24. Glass _____________________________
25. Knife _____________________________

When do you use plural nouns?

➢ Use are there and a plural noun in a question to ask if any exist and how
Are there any cars in your driveway?
How many cars are there?
How many houses are there on this street?
How many pages are there in this book
➢ Use there are followed by any number from two on up before a plural noun
to tell how many of them exist.

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There are two cars in the driveway.

There are ten houses on this street.
There are 208 pages in this book.

➢ Use there are before the word no when it indicates zero. No is followed by a
plural noun.
There are no cars in the driveway.
There are no houses on this street.

Not any can be used instead of no to indicate zero

There are not any cars in the driveway.There aren’t any cars in the driveway.
There are not any houses on this street. There aren’t any houses on this street.

Uncountable Nouns

Liquids Dry Items Meat Diary Products Vegetables Other

Beer Bread Bacon Butter Broccoli Cake
Coffee Cereals Beef Cheese Cauliflower Candy
Cream Flour Chicken Ice cream Corn Fruit
Gravy Rice Fish Yogurt Eggplant Jam
Juice Sugar Meat Lettuce Jelly
Milk Toast Pork Spinach Paper
Sauce Squash Pie
Soup Popcorn
Tea Salt

Many personal care items are also named by uncountable nouns. Review the
words in the following list:
Aftershave lotion Finger nail polish remover Soap
Bath gel Lotion Toothpaste
Conditioner Perfume
Cream Shampoo
Fingernail polish Shaving cream
When do you use uncountable nouns?
➢ Use is there any before a uncountable noun to ask if it exists:
Is there any rice in the cupboard?
Is there any fruit in the refrigerator?
Is there any soap in the bathroom?

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➢ Use how much followed by a uncountable noun plus is there to ask the
amount of it that exists:
How much ice cream is there?
How much cereal is there?
How much water is there?
How much shampoo is there?

To tell the approximate amount of an uncountable, use:

Some = more than nothing

A lot of = a large amount of
A little = a small amount of
Not much = a very small amount of
No/not any = nothing

There is some ice cream in the freezer.

There is a lot of fruit it the bowl.
There is a little cereal in the box.
There is not much sampoo.
There is no water./There isn’t any water.

To tell the exact amount of a uncoutable noun, use the singular or plural of the
container of the item, the weight of the item, or the number of pieces or servings
of it there are:

A can of soup A piece of meat Two spoonfuls of sugar

A cup of coffee A tube of toothpaste Three servings of spinach
A glass of milk Three cans of soup Two pieces of meat
A bowl of cereal Two cups of coffee Two tubes of toothpaste
One spoonful of sugar Four glasses of milk
One serving of spinach A few bowls of cereal

Types of Container Weights and Measures Serving Sizes

Bag Cup Bite
Bar Drop Piece

Bottle Gallon Sip

Bowl Ounce Slice
Box Pint
Case Pound
Cup Quart

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Glass Spoonful
Jar Tablespoon
Package Teaspoon

Using Articles with Singular, Plural, and Uncountable Nouns.

1. The indefinite articles a and an are used before singular nouns that refer to
any one of that person, place or thing;
A clock is an instrument that marks time.
A watch is a clock that you wear on your wrist.

2. The previous sentences do not name a specific clock or watch; they refer to
clocks and watches in general.
The articles a and an can refer to a specific singular noun to tell or ask
someone about it for the first time:
I have a clock that is 150 years old.
Her boyfriend gave her a watch for her birthday.

3. There are no indefinite articles for plural and uncountable nouns. To refer to
people, places, or things in general, no word (Ø) is placed before the plural or
uncountable noun:
Ø Clocks are instruments that mark time.
Ø Mail includes anything that can be delivered by the post office.

4. No word (Ø) can refer to a plural or uncountable noun to tell or ask someone
about it for the first time:
Ø Her boyfriend brings her Ø flowers every week.
You got Ø mail this morning.

5. The definite article the is used before a singular noun, a plural noun, or an
uncountable noun to refer to a specific person, place, or thing.
The is used when the speaker and the listener both know which particular
item is being referred to:
She showed me the wath her boyfriend gave her for her birthday.
The flowers he sent her were beautiful
The furniture I bought was cheap

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II. Fill in the blank with one of following.
a an Ø the
1. I bought _____ radio yesterday.
2. Where is _____ radio (you bought)?
3. We have _____ kitchen equipment on sale.
4. Where is _____ kitchen equipment (that you have on sale)?
5. I love _____ flowers.
6. Are these _____ flowers your friend sent you?
7. Where is _____ medicine the doctor gave you?
8. Are these _____ pills you are taking?
9. He is looking for _____ information.
He didn’t like _____ information he got from the company

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Topics: Personal Pronouns, Possessive Pronouns, Demonstrative Pronouns

Learning Objectives:
1. Identifying personal pronouns, possessive pronouns and demonstrative
2. Memorizing new vocabularies.
3. Using personal pronouns, possessive pronouns and demonstrative pronouns
into correct English sentences.

A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. There are different
kinds of pronouns.

Personal Pronouns
Personal pronouns may be used as: 1) the subject of a verb, or 2) the
object of a verb.

Table of Personal Pronoun

Personal Passive Reflexive Meaning

Subject Object Adjecvtive Pronoun

➢ Subject Pronouns
The subject of a verb does the action of the verb. The personal
pronouns I, you, he, she, it, we and they can all be used as the subject of
a verb. Study the following two sentences:
Lisa likes cats. She has four cats.

In the first sentence, the proper noun Lisa is the subject of the verb likes.
In the second sentence, the pronoun she is the subject of the verb has.
Here are some more pairs of sentences that show personal pronouns
used as subjects of verbs.
My name is Michael. I am fourteen.

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My father works hard. He works in a factory.

My sister is older than me. She is twelve.
Our dog is very naughty. It likes to chase cats.

➢ Object Pronouns
The object of a verb receives the action of the verb. The personal
pronouns me, you, him, her, it, us and them can all be used as the
object of a verb. Look at the following two sentences:
Lisa likes cats. She likes to stroke them.

In the first sentence, the noun cats is the object of the verb likes. In the
second sentence, the pronoun them is the object of the verb stroke.
Here are some more pairs of sentences that show personal pronouns
used as objects of verbs.
I’m doing my homework. Dad is helping me.
Miss Garcia is very nice. All the children like her.
The car is very dirty. Mom is cleaning it.
Uncle Harry called Mary to ask her a question.

subject object
first person singular I Me
second person You You
third person singular He him
she her
it it
first person plural We Us
second person plural You You
third person plural They Them


Read the following passage. Write the missing subject and object
pronouns in the blank spaces.

My name is Charlie. ………have two brothers. ……….. are both older than
……... Sometimes they take me to the park and …………. play football together.
I like playing football with ……….. because they are very good. We are going to
the park today. Would you like to come with ………..? …………….. can all play
together. Afterwards, ………….. can come to my house if ……………want to. I
think …………. will like my dad. He is very funny and ……………. makes great
pizzas. Do …………. like pizza?

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Here is a table to help you remember which possessive pronoun to use

with which personal pronoun.

Singular personal Possessive Plural personal Possessive

Pronoun pronoun pronoun pronoun
I, me Mine We, us Ours
You Yours You Yours
He, him His They, them Theirs
She, her Hers

Write the missing possessive pronouns in the blank spaces to complete
the sentences.
1. I chose this seat first so it’s ………………….. .
2. Can we borrow your coloring pens? We’ve lost …………………… .
3. We live in the city and they live in the countryside. Our house is smaller than
4. John, is this pencil …………………. ?
5. Sally is looking for her gloves. Are these gloves …………………..?
6. Can Julie use your bike? …………….. is broken.
7. Tom got the books mixed up. He thought mine was ……………….. and his

➢ Demonstrative Pronouns
Demonstrative pronouns are used for pointing out things. The words
this, that, these and those are demonstrative pronouns.
Use this and these when you are talking about things near
Use that and those when you are talking about things farther

This is my desk. These are my pets.

This is the Mings' house. These are sheep but those are goats.
That is my friend’s house. Those are horses.
That’s my mother’s car.
You’ll have to work harder than this. We can do better than that.
It’s raining again. This is awful!
Who is that knocking at the door? Hi, Kathleen. This is Michael

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➢ Possessive Pronouns
Possessive pronouns are used to talk about things that belong to
people. The words mine, yours, his, hers, ours and theirs are possessive
This book is mine.
Have you lost yours, Tom?
This pen is mine and that one is his.
Sarah has lost her cat. Is this cat hers?
I can see our car, but where is yours?
We’ve had our lunch, but they haven’t had theirs.

Here is a table to help you remember which possessive pronoun to use

with which personal pronoun.

Singular personal Possessive Plural personal Possessive

Pronoun pronoun pronoun pronoun
I, me Mine We, us Ours
You Yours You Yours
He, him His They, them Theirs
She, her Hers

Write the missing possessive pronouns in the blank spaces to complete
the sentences.
8. I chose this seat first so it’s ………………….. .
9. Can we borrow your coloring pens? We’ve lost …………………… .
10. We live in the city and they live in the countryside. Our house is smaller than
11. John, is this pencil …………………. ?
12. Sally is looking for her gloves. Are these gloves …………………..?
13. Can Julie use your bike? …………….. is broken.
14. Tom got the books mixed up. He thought mine was ……………….. and his

➢ Demonstrative Pronouns
Demonstrative pronouns are used for pointing out things. The words
this, that, these and those are demonstrative pronouns.
Use this and these when you are talking about things near
Use that and those when you are talking about things farther

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This is my desk. These are my pets.

This is the Mings' house. These are sheep but those are goats.
That is my friend’s house. Those are horses.
That’s my mother’s car.

You’ll have to work harder than this. We can do better than that.
It’s raining again. This is awful!
Who is that knocking at the door? Hi, Kathleen. This is Michael.

Read the following passage. Write the missing demonstrative
pronouns in the blank spaces.
Henry and I went for a walk on the beach. “What’s …………… over there?” I
asked. “It looks like broken glass,” said Henry. He gave me a bag. “Put it in
…………….,” he said. I put the broken glass into the bag. “We’d better put
……………….in the trash,” I said. He took the bag from me. “You have to hold
it like …………………,” said Henry, “so that you don’t cut your hand.

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Topics: List of Vocabulay,Money, Banks, Banking & Financial Problems

Learning Objectives
1. Knowing vocabularies related to Agriculture
2. Understanding Vocabulary of agriculture in terms and used them in correct
3. Memorize a new vocabulary

List of Vocabulary

A bit of blood : Bibit unggul

Acclimatization : Aklimatisasi
Aggregate : Agregat
Agribusiness : Agribisnis
Agricultural base : Azaz pertanian
Agricultural capital : Modal pertanian
Agricultural chemistry : Kimia pertanian
Agricultural college : Institut pertanian
Agricultural comodity : Komoditas pertanian
Agricultural country : Negara pertanian/ Agraria
Agricultural development : Perkembangan pertanian
Agricultural district : Daerah pertanian
Agricultural diversification : Diversifikasi pertanian
Agricultural economics : Ekonomi pertanian
Agricultural export : Ekspor pertanian
Agricultural extension : Penyuluhan pertanian
Agricultural high school : SMA Pertanian
Agricultural import : Import pertanian
Agricultural industry : Industri pertanian
Agricultural institution : Lembaga pertanaian
Agricultural labour force : Tenaga buruh pertanian
Agricultural labourer : Buruh pertanian
Agricultural land : Lahan pertanian

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Agricultural marketing : Pemasaran pertanian

Agricultural planning : Rancangan pertanian
Agricultural policy : Kebijakan pertanian
Agricultural pollution : Polusi pertanian
Agricultural product : Hasil/ produk pertanian
Agricultural productivity : Produktivitas pertanian
Agricultural research : Penelitian pertanian
Agricultural revolution : Revolusi pertanian
Agricultural sector : Sektor pertanian
Agricultural technique : Teknologi/ Teknik pertanian
Agricultural tenant : Penyewa lahan pertanian
Agricultural testing station : Balai uji coba pertanian
Agricultural waste : Limbah pertanian
Agriculturist : Pengusaha tani
Agrochemistry : Agro Kimia
Agroecosystem : Agroekosistem
Agronomist : Ahli ilmu tanah
Agronomy : Agronomi/ Ilmu tanah
Amelioration : Ameliorasi
Amensalisme : Amensalisme
Artesian aquifer : Akuifer artesis
Bank irrigation : Irigasi tepi sungai
Botanical key : Kunci botanik
Burning bush : Pembakaran semaksemak
Calcification : Pengapuran
Carabau : Kerbau
Carbonaceous : Karbonan
Carbonaceous remains : Karbonan tetap
Clove : Cengkeh
Compost : Pupuk kompos
Corn : Jagung
Corn belt : Daerah tanaman jagung
Corn crusher : Penghancur jagung
Crofter : Petani menyewakan

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Cultivars : Kultivar
Cultivate : Menanam
Cum : Nutfah
Debit : Pendebitan
Degraded land : Lahan kritis
Drier continues : Alat pengering berlanjut
Dry aggregate : Agregat kering
Dry stream : Aliran kemarau
Dynamometer : Dinamometer
Earth worm : Cacing tanah
Electric shock devices : Alat kejut listrik
Emigration insects : Emigrasi serangga
Epifiotik : Epifiotik
Explants : Eksplan
Famine : Paceklik
Farmer : Petani
Farmer tool : Alat tani
Feed conversion : Konversi pakan
Fertile : Subur
Fertile area : Daerah subur
Fertilizer : Pupuk
Fertilizer lines : Jalur pupuk
Flit gun : Alat penyemprot hama
Flooded : Kojoh
Flow comes back : Aliran timbul kembali
Forage preservation : Pengawetan hijauan
Freatofit : Freatofit
Gaga scaffolding : Gaga rancah
Gin : Gin
Glasshous/greenhouse : Rumah kaca
Grafting : Okulasi
Grain thresher tool : Alat perontok gabah
Guano : Pupuk kotoran burung
Halofob : Halofob

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Halve : Memperdua
Harvest : Panen
Harvesting time : Musim panen
High yield rice : Padi unggul
Hoe : Pacul
Horizontal diversification : Diversifikasi horizontal
If the power : Daya olah
Imunity : Imunitas
Indicator plants : Tumbuhan indikator
Infertile : Gersang
Intercropping : Tumpang sari
Irrigation : Irigasi
Laboratory : Laboratorium
Land Clearing : Pembukaan lahan
Leisure time : Masa Senggang
Liquid limit : Batas cair
Marginal Land : Tanah marginal
Mechanical analysis : Analisis mekanis
Melting cell : Lebur sel
Mina rice : Mina padi
Ministry of agriculture : Kementrian pertanian
Mitisida : Mitisida
Monoculture : Monokultur
Mulch : Mulsa
Mule : Bagal
Multicultural : Multikultur
Multiple ugriculture : Pertanian Campuran
Multiplication : Perbanyakan
Mycosis : Mikosis
Nauseating : Luah
Necrosis pusuh : Nekrosis pusuh
Nigthsoli : Pupuk kotoran manusia
Orchard : Kebun buah
Organic farming : Pertanian organik
Ovary : Bakal buah

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Overcop : Bercocok tanam berlebihan

Overlapping shifts : Tumpang gilir
Ovule : Bakal biji
Peat moss : Gambut
Pesticide : Pesticida
Plant disease : Hama
Plot : Bedeng
Plow up : Membajak sawah
Polyculture : Polikultur
Porridge bordeaux : Bubur bordeaux
Porridge burgundians : Bubur burgundi
Portions of Rice : Bagian beras
Preservatives : Bahan pengawet
Profit sharing : Bagi hasil
Psamolitoral : Psamolitoral
Pure seed : Benih murni
Rain gauge : Alat ukur hujan
Reaping time : Waktu panen
Reclamation : Reklamasi
Residual flow : Aliran sisa
Rice barn : Lumbung padi
Rice Plant : Padi
Ricemill : Gilingan padi
Rotation : Rotasi
Salt pan : Ladang garam
Saltation : Saltasi
Sap flow : Aliran getah
Scarification : Skarifikasi
Sediment analysis : Analisis endapan
Seed : Bibit
Seed treatment : Perawatan bibit
Shalter in rice field : Gubuk petani
Sherecroper : Petani bagi hasil
Short machete : Parang
Silvisida : Silvisida

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Smallholde : Petani penggarap

Smallpoxe tree : Cacar pohon
Sod : Lapisan tanah teratas
Soil fumigant : Fumigan tanah
Stuble mulch : Mulsa tunggul
Subsoil : Lapisan tanah bagian bawah
Surface flow : Aliran permukaan
The anual flow : Aliran tahunan
Tillers : Anakan
Tool penyosoh : Alat penyosoh
Transpiration : Transpirasi
Transplant : Transplantasi
Underclay : Lapisan tanah liat
Unhulled paddy separated : Gabah
from talks
Unirrigated agricultura field : Ladang
Varieties : Varietas
Vertical diserfication : Disertifikasi vertikal
Water : Menyiram
Water requirements : Keperluan air
Weir : Bendungan
Wet nurse : Inang
Wet rice field : Sawah


Time Event

Present (masa sekarang) Simple (sederhana)

Past (masa lampau) Continuous (sedang berlangsung)

Future (masa mendatang) Perfect ( sempurna)

Past Future (Rencana yang gagal) Perfect Continuous (proses)

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A. Simple Present Tense

➢ Pengertian
Simple present tense merupakan tense untuk menyatakan kegiatan atau aktivitas
yang sedang berlangsung di masa sekarang. Simple present tense juga digunakan
untuk menyatakan perbuatan atau aksi yang dilakukan secara berulang.
➢ Rumus Simple Present Tense
(+) S + V-1 (s/es) + O + Adv.
(-) S + do/does + not + V-1 + O + Adv.
(?) Do/does + S + V-1 + O + Adv.?
(+) You studies English at the library everyday.
(-) You do not study English at the library everyday.
(?) Do you study English at the library everyday ?
(+) S + am is are+ C
(-) S + am is are+ not + C
(?) Am is are+S+C?
(+) She is clever.
(-) She is not clever.
(?) Is she clever?

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1. Kalau subjek kalimat orang ketiga tunggal (the third person singular-
she/he/it), kata kerja harus ditambah dengan "s" atau "es" dalam
kalimat positif (positive statement).
Mary usually goes swimming on Saturday morning.
Mother always serves our breakfast before we go to school.
My brother likes playing tennis on Sunday morning.

2. Akhiran "s" pada kata kerja

Pada umumnya kata kerja ditambah dengan akhiran "s" jika subjeknya
orang ketiga tunggal (the third person singular - he/she/it).
I work five days a week She works five days a week.
We play tennis every Sunday Father takes a train to go to
The boys play in the garden A Roster crows every

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3. Akhiran "es" digunakan pada kata kerja yang huruf akhirnya "s, ch,
sh, x, o", jika subjeknya orang ketiga tunggal. Sedangkan kata kerja
yang huruf akhimya "y" dan didahului huruf mati, y ditukar dulu
dengan "i" kemudian ditambah "es"
I pass the house. John goes to office.
You watch television. She washes her clothes
We wash our clocthes. She watches television.
They go to office. He passes the house
I study English.
4. Kalimat negative dibentuk dengan menempatkan "do not/don't atau
does not/doesn't" sesudah subjek kalimat. "Doesn't" digunakan untuk
orang ketiga tunggal (he doesn't, she doesn't, it doesn't), sedangkan
"don't" digunakan untuk selain orang ketiga tunggal (I don't, you don't,
we don't, they don't).
You don't go swimming on Monday. He doesn't work on Saturday.
We don't work on Saturday. My brother doesn't play
football every day.
I don't work at the aircraft factory. John doesn't work at the
aircraft company.
5. Kalimat tanya (interrogative)
Kalimat tanya (interrogative) dibentuk dengan menempatkan kata
Bantu "do atau does"di depan kalimat. "Does" digunakan untuk orang
ketiga tunggal (he, she, it), sedangkan "do" digunakan untuk selain
orang ketiga tunggal (I, you, we, they). "Do/does" dalam kalimat tanya
artinya"apakah" dan kata kerjanya tidak lagi menggunakan akhiran
"s/es" walaupun subjek kalimatnya orang ketiga tunggal
Do you always go to office by train?
Does your brother work for Mandiri bank ?
Do they go swimming every Sunday?

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Does he go swimming every Sunday?

Do the boys like this film?
Does the boy like this film?
1. Simple Present digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu peristiwa, kejadian,
kegiatan yang terjadi berulang-ulang, atau merupakan suatu kebiasaan
I leave for office at 6 every morning.
My father works five days a week.
Father always drinks tea in the afternoon.
2. Simple Present juga digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu fakta (fact) atau
suatu yang merupakan kebenaran umum (general truth).
The River Nile flows into Mediterranean.
Jet engines make a lot of noise.
Vegetarians don't eat meat and fish.
Adverb :
1. Adverb of frequency: Always, usually, generally, sometimes,
2. Adverb of quantity: Once, once a day, once a week, twice, three times,
1) Make the sentences using the phrases below
a) eat breakfast
b) go to class
c) put on my clothes
d) drink a cup of coffee/tea e) shave
e) put on my make-up
f) take a shower/bath
g) get up i) pick up my books
h) walk to the bathroom k) watch TV

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i) Look in the mirror

j) turn off the alarm clock
k) go to die kitchen/the cafeteria
l) brush/comb my hair
m) say good-bye to my roommate, wife/husband
n) brush my teeth
o) do exercises
p) wash my face
2) Put the following sentences into simple present. Use the words in
1. My sister still … (make) some mistakes in pronunciation.
2. Hendry always … (do) his weekly report on Monday afternoon.
3. Mr. David's secretary always … (type) a lot of letters in the office
4. Some of us … (work) overtime on Saturday.
5. He … (come) early because he … (want) to see you.
6. They always … (report) to their superior once a week.
7. Our receptionist always … (serve) the customers patiently.
8. His assistant never … (forget) to record the daily transactions.
9. One of them often … (pass) my house in the morning.
10. We …… (go) to the beach every Saturday.
3) Change the following sentences into negative!
1. The man comes here just to take this letter.
2. The lecturers have an evaluation meeting at the end of every
3. He makes his weekly report regularly.
4. My manager always spends a lot of money on books every month.
5. Rose and Anne go to the beach every weekend
4) Change the following sentences into interrogative!
1. The man withdraws some money from his account once a week.
2. One of the men wants to see our manager this afternoon.
3. Some of them always finish their work on time.
4. My friend teaches English twice a week.

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5. We always start work at 8 o'clock every morning.

5) Read and complete the text with phrases from the box!

wakes the children up 10 p.m. 20 children St. John Hopital

6 o'clock many times very tired

gives them breakfast taxi bus

My name is Jennie. I’m a nurse...................... and I work

at..................................... I look after sick children at night. I start work
at...................................... and finish early at................................... in the
morning. I go to work by ................................ but I come home in the
morning by..........................................because I’m tired. I my section. I look at the
children................................... during the night. Sometimes I sit and talk
to a child. The children sleep most of the time. At 6 o'clock the day
nurse arrives and………................... She .............................. at 7
o'clock. I go home and go to bed at 8 o'clock. I usually feel

6) Write –s/-es in the blanks where necessary and make any other needed
change in the verb. If the verb doesn’t need –s/-es, put a slash (/) in the
blank !

Alan like to play soccer A bee visit many flowers in one day
My son watch too much TV Tina get her work done on time
Rita do not like coffee Do bill get his work done too?
Monkey climb trees Erick do not get the work done on time
Do you like to climb trees? David carry a briefcase to work
Do Paul like to cook? Janet play tennis every day
Alex like to dance A frog catch flies with its tongue
Mike wash his own clothes Frogs are snail green animals that live
near water

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Rita go to school at seven A turtle is another animal that live near

Bees make honey Tina and Pat get their work done well

1. Complete the sentences with one of the following verbs in the correct
form. Sometimes you need negatif:
Believe eat flow go grow Make rise tell Translate
a. The earth goes round the sun
b. Rice……………in Britain
c. The sun…………… the east
d. Bees…………….honey
e. Vegetarians…………….meat
f. An atheist……………….in god
g. An intrepeter………………..from one language into another
h. A liar is someone who ………………..the truth
i. The river amazon …………….into the atlantic Ocean


Present progressive/continuous tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu

kejadian atau peristiwa yang sedang terjadi atau berlangsung saat kita sedang
Contoh: Our lecturer is teaching English right now
Please be quiet! The baby is sleeping
Present continuous tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian atau
peristiwa yang bersifat sementara (temporary).
Contoh: I am living with my friend until I can find a house.
David is always busy because he is working on his thesis

A. Pola (pattern) Kalimat Present Progressive/Continuous Tense

(+) S + to be (is/am/are) + V-ing + O + Adv.

(-) S + to be (is/am/are) + not + V-ing + O+ Adv.
(?) To be (is/am/are) + S + V-ing + O+ Adv.?

Contoh :
(+) We are studying Economics at the class right now.
(-) We aren't studying Economics at the class right now
(?) Are we studying Economics at the class right now?

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1. Adverb of Time:
Now : Sekarang
At present : Sekarang Ini
At this moment : Pada Saat Ini
Right now : Sekarang Ini
2. Kalimat negative dibentuk dengan menambahkan "not" sesudah to be (am
not, is not/isn't, are not/aren't) dan ditempatkan sesudah subjek kalimat.
Contoh :Mary is not/isn't typing the monthly report. She is typing a letter.
The students are not/aren't studying English in the classroom. They are
studying Math.

B. Penggunaan present continuous tense

1. Menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang sedang terjadi bertepatan dengan waktu
kita sedang berbicara tentang sesuatu yang mungkin baru mulai beberapa
menit lalu, tetapi masih berlangsung sekarang dan mungkin masih akan
berlangsung beberapa waktu kemudian
Joy is sleeping right now
I need an umbrella because it is raining now.
2. Menyatakan sesuatu yang umumnya berlangsung dalam minggu ini, bulan
ini atau tahun ini, sesuatu yang sementara berlangsung dalam jangka
waktu tertentu.
I am taking five courses this semester
What are you doing this month?
3. Menyatakan sesuatu yang sudah direncanakan atau suatu maksud yang
sudah pasti
Hurry up! The bus is leaving now
She is seeing the doctor after lunch
4. Mengeluhkan sesuatu yang selalu mengganggu. Dalam situasi tertentu,
seseorang dapat mengeluh atau mengungkapkan kekesalan atau
kemarahannya dengan menggunakan kata kata always, forever, atau
You never do your homework on time; you’re forever making excuses.
He is always trying to show that he knows more than everyone
I am constantly having to remind you to tidy up your room

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5. Kalimat tanya (interrogative) Kalimat tanya (interrogative statement)

dibentuk dengan menempatkan to be (is, am, atau are) di depan kalimat.
Dalam kalimat tanya to be "am, is, atau are" artinya "apakah".
Are you doing your homework?
Is your father still working in the office?
Are the children playing in the garden?
Kesesuaian subject dan auxiliary verb di tenses ini adalah sebagai
berikut : AM digunakan oleh subject I. IS digunakan oleh subject she,
he, dan it. ARE digunakan oleh subject you, we, dan they.

C. Kata - kata kerja yang tidak digunakan dalam present continuous tense
1. Yang berkaitan dengan mental

know Feel Imagine recognize

Believe Need Think understanding
Forget Want Suppose Mean
Realize remember Prefer

I know
I believe in God
2. Yang berkaitan dengan perasaan atau emosi

Love Hate Mind

Like Envy Care
Fear Dislike Appreciate

I am loving you
I love you
I Dislike you
3. Yang berkaitan dengan kepunyaan

Possess Have Own Belong

4. Yang berkaitan dengan panca indera

taste S Smell Feel He

ee ar

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5. Lain – lain:
seem Cost Exist contain
Be Appear Consist of weigh
look Include Owe

Catatan : kata - kata yang di cetak tebal sering juga dipakai sebagai kata kerja
progresif dalam continuous tense dengan arti yang berbeda.

Noncontinuous Continuous
(kondisi yang ada) (kegiatan yang sedang
Have He has a car I’m having trouble
Think I think he’s a kind I’m thinking about
man this
Taste This food tastes The chef is tasting
good the sauce
Smell These flowers smell Don is smelling the
good roses
See I see a butterfly. Do The doctor is seeing
you see it? a patient
Feel The cat’s fur feels She’s feeling the
soft cat’s fur
Look She looks cold I’m looking out the
Appear He appears to be The actor’s
asleep appearing on TV
Weigh The stone weights a He’s weighting the
lot watermelon
Be I am hungry Danny is being

D. Kata - kata kunci yang digunakan dalam present continuous tense adalah

Now = sekarang/kini
At this /the moment = pada saat ini
At Present = sekarang ini
When = ketika
While = sambil/ sementara

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E. Exercises (latihan)

1. Complete the sentences with one of the following verbs in the correct
Come get happen look make start stay try work
1. ‘You are working hard today’. Yes, I have a lot to do
2. I ……………………… for Christine. Do you know where she is?
3. It……………dark. Shall I turn on the light?
4. They haven’t got anywhere to live at the moment. they…………with
friends until they find somewhere.
5. ‘Are you ready, Nadus?’ Yes, I……………… rain
6. Have you got an umbrella? It………………… to rain.
7. You……………..a lot of noise. Could you be quiter? I
8. Why are all these people here? What…………………?

2. Use the words in bracket to complete the questions.

1. ‘Is Collin Working this week?’ ‘No, he’s on holiday’. (Collin/work)
2. Why……………………at me like that? What’s the matter? (She/study)
3. ‘Jenny is a student at University’. ‘Is she’? What………………..?’
4. ………………………….to the radio or can I turn it off? (anybody/listen)
5. How is your English?...............................better? (it/get)

3. Put the verb into the correct form. Sometimes you need the negative (I am
not doing, etc).
1. I’m tired. I’m going (go) to bed now. Goodnight!
2. We can go out now. It isn’t raining (rain) anymore.
3. ‘How is your new job?’ ‘Not so good at the moment. I……………………
(enjoy) it very much’.
4. Catherine phoned me last night. She’s on holiday in France. She…………
(have) a great time and doesn’t want to come back.
5. I want to lose weight, so this week I………………. (eat) lunch.
6. Angela has just started evening classes. She……………….. (learn)
7. I think Paul and Ann have had an argument. They………………. (speak)
to each other.
4. Complete the sentences using one of the verbs:
Get change rise fall increase You don’t have to use all the verbs and you
can use a verb more than once
1. The population of the world is rising very fast.
2. Ken is still ill but he……………….better slowly.

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3. The world……………….. Things never stay the same.

4. The cost of living………………… Every year things are more expensive.
5. The Economic situation is already very bad and


Pola Kalimat:
(+) S + have/has + V-3 + O
(-) S +-have/has + not + V-3 + 0
(?) Have/has + S + V-3 + O?

(+) We have visited him.
(-) We have not/haven’t visited her
(?) Have we visited him?


1. Kalimat Tanya (interrogative) dibentuk dengan menempatkan "have/has"

di depan kalimat, dalam kalimat tanya, kata kerja selalu dalam bentuk past
Contoh: Has your brother got a job?
Have you made a decision where you will continue your study?
2. Kalimat ingkaran (negative) dibentuk dengan menambahkan "not" sesudah
"have/ has'' (have not/haven't, has not/hasn't) dan ditempatkan sesudah
subjek kalimat.
Contoh: I have not/haven't done my report for this week
She has not hasn't typed the weekly report.
3. Kesesuaian subject dan auxiliary verb di tenses ini adalah sebagai berikut :
HAVE digunakan oleh subject I, you, we, dan they.
HAS digunakan oleh subject she, he, dan it.
4. Keterangan waktu yang biasa dipakai dalam tenses ini adalah :
Just = barusan never = pernah
For = untuk, selama yet = tak pernah
Already = sudah it’s the first time = belum

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Since = sejauh ini how long = untukpertama

So far = akhir – akhir ini. In the past few days= pada hari hari
terakhir ini
Ever = pernah recently = akhir akhir ini

Penggunaan present tense:

1. Present perfect tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian
atau peristiwa yang terjadi pada waktu lampau dan masih berlangsung
sampai sekarang.
Contoh: We have occupied this house for seven years.
My brother has studied English for seven months
2. Present perfect tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian
atau peristiwa yang terjadi pada waktu lampau dan masih ada
hubungannya dengan waktu sekarang atau akibatnya dapat
dilihat/dirasakan sekarang.
Contoh : My father has bought a new car
Brenda has passed from senior high school.
3. Present perfect tense juga digunakan dengan "this morning, this
afternoon, today, this week, this month, this year" untuk menunjukkan
bahwa sesuatu kejadian atau perbuatan telah dilakukan berulang kali.
I have tried to contact him three times today.
She has visited this country twice this year.

• Put the following sentences into Present Perfect Tense. Use the
words in parentheses!
a) They … (be) in this town for several weeks.
b) Father … (buy) a new car for his son.
c) My secretary… (post) the letters.
d) Mr. Smith … (sell) one of his cars.
e) I believe that they … (transfer) the money.

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• You are writing a letter to a friend. In the letter you give news
about yourself and other people. Use the words given to make
sentences. Use the present perfect.

Dear Nadus, lots of things have happened since I last wrote to you.
1. I / buy / a new car. I have bought a new car.
2. My father / start / a new job. ………………………………
3. I / give up / smoking ………………………….
4. Ursula and nadus / go / to Brazil ………………………….
5. Ursula / have / a baby……………………………..
• Put the following sentences into negative!
1. She has finished typing all the reports.
2. Our translators have translated this novel into Indonesian.
3. All of them have left the tiny village.
4. One of my classmates has just celebrated her birthday.
5. They have abandoned the burning ship.
• Put the following sentences into interrogative!
1. I have contacted his manager three times today.
2. They have printed this best seller novel three times this year.
3. We have occupied this new house for two months.
4. My sister has visited our grandfather at this village many times.
5. This old city has changed a lot since I left it thirty years ago.
• Complete the sentences with one of the following verbs in the
correct form. Was lose weight break run out of petrol
1. Dina’s hair was dirty. It’s clean now. She…………………….
2. Tom was 80 kg. Now he weighs 70. He……………………..
3. Afran played football yesterday. He can’t walk to day. His leg is in
plaster. He ………….
4. The car has just stopped because there isn’t any petrol in the tank.
The car……………………

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A. What is Perfect Continuous Tense

The present perfect continuous tense shows that something started in the past
and is continuing at the present time (event at the moment of speaking). The
present perfect continuous is formed using the construction
has/have been + the present participle (root + -ing).
Examples:I have been reading Harry Potter for a month now. She has been
waiting for her daughter since 8 am this morning
The two sentences above convey that reading Harry Potter and waiting for the
daughter are activities that began sometime in the past and is not yet finished
in the present.
B. Pattern:
Affirmative sentence: Subject + Have/has + Been+ Verb I + ing + Object +
Adverb (manner, place and time).
Example: I have been writing my diary for two hours.
She has been doing the homework for three hours.

Negative sentence : Subject + have/has + not + Been + Verb I + ing +

Object + Adverb (manner, place and time).

Example: I have not been writing my diary for two hours

She has not been doing the homework for three hours.

Interrogative sentence
1. Yes/no question: Have/has + Subject + Been + Verb I+ ing + Object +
Example: Have you been writing your diary for two hours?
Yes, I have
Have you been teaching English for two hours?
No, I haven’t

2. Information question (Wh Question): Untuk menanyakan subjek dengan

menggunakan who atau what who + what + have/has + been + Verb I+
ing + Object + Adverb?
Example: Who has been running the business since three years?
Who has been making noise since 04.30 am?

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3. Untuk menanyakan object dengan menggunakan whom atau what Whom

+ what + have/has + Been + Verb I + ing+ Object + Adverb?
Example: Whom has Oda helped this week?
What have you been looking for?

4. Untuk menanyakan tempat dengan menggunakan where

Where + has/have + Subject + Been + Verb I + ing + Object + Adverb?
Example: Where have you been selling the car?
Where has Joice been typing the letter?

5. Untuk menanyakan waktu dengan menggunakan how long

How long+ has/have + subject + Been + Verb I +ing + object + Adverb?
How long have you been reading the newspaper?
How long has Irma been typing the proposal?

6. Untuk menanyakan alasan dengan menggunakan Why

Why + has/have + Subject + Been + Verb I+ ing + Object + Adverb?
Example: Why have they been studying hard English since this morning?
Why have you been looking her?

C. Penggunaan present perfect continuous tense

➢ Untuk menguangkapkan suatu kegiatan atau keadaan yang sedang

berlangsung yang dimulai pada suatu saat di masa lampau dan masih
berlangsung hingga sekarang (kegiatan tersebut belum selesai). Dalam hal
ini penggunaannya sama dengan present perfect tense.
1. I have been listening to the radio for three hours
2. He has been selling the books since 1990
3. They have been building the chapel since 1999

➢ Untuk mengungkapkan suatu keagiatan atau keadaan yang dimulai pada

masa lalu dan akibat atau gejalanya dapat dilihat sekarang.
1. You are out of breath. Have you been running? (you are out of breath
2. Paul is very tired. He has been working very hard. (he’s tire now)
3. Why are your clothes so dirty? What have you been doing?
4. I’ve been talking to Carol about the Problem and she thinks that…….

➢ Pelajari situasi ini.

It is raining now. It began raining two hours ago and it is still raining.
How long has it been raining?

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It has been raining for two hours

Kita sering menggunakan present perfect continuous dalam hal ini,
khususnya dengan menggunakan how long, for……….and since…….
Aktifitas tersebut masih terjadi (seperti contoh ini) atau baru saja berhenti.
• How long have you been learning English? (you are still learning
• Tim is still watching television. He’s been watching television all day.
• Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you for the last half hour.
• George hasn’t been feeling well recently.

➢ Kata kata kunci (keywords) yang digunakan atau di pakai dalam present
perfect continuous tense sama dengan present perfect tense yaitu:
Just ever
For never
Already yet
Since it’s the first time
So far how long
Recently in the past view days
➢ The present perfect continuous is made up of two elements: (a) the present
perfect of the verb 'to be' (have/has been), and (b) the present participle of
the main verb (base+ing).

Subject Has/have been Base+-ing

She has been swimming
Affirmative: S has been/She’s been running
Negative: has not been/hasn’t been running
Interrogative: Been running?
Has She
Interrogative negative: Been running?
Hasn’t She

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I have been living I haven’t been living Have I been living?

You have been living You haven’t been living Have you been living?

He/She/It has been He/She/It hasn’t been Has She/He/It been living?
living living

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We have been living We haven’t been living Have we been living?

You have been living You haven’t been living Have you been living?

A. Put the verb into present continuous (I am –ing etc). or present perfect
continuous (I have been – ing etc).
1. Maria has been learning (learn) English for two years.
2. Hello, Tom. I……………………………(look) for you all morning.
Where have you been?
3. Why…………………………….(you/look) at me like that? Stop it!
4. We always go to Ireland for our holidays. We…………………….(go)
there for years.
5. I……………………….. (think) about what you said and I’ve decided to
take your advice.
6. ‘Is Ann on holiday this week?’ No, she …………………….. (work).’
7. Sarah is very tired. She ………………………… (work) very hard

B. Change the word in the bracket to form negative and positive present
perfect progressive!
1. She (work) here for five years
2. I (study) all day
3. You (eat) a lot recently
4. We (live) in London for six months
5. He (play) football, so he’s tired
6. They (learn) English for two years
7. I (cook) so I am really hot
8. She (go) to cinema every weekend for years
9. It (rain), so the pavement is wet
10. You (sleep) for twelve hours
11. I (not/work) today
12. You (not/eat) well recently
13. We (not/exercise) enough
14. She (not/study) Math
15. They (not/live) here for very long
16. It (not/snow)
17. He (not/play) tennis for five years
18. We (not/drink) enough water, that’s why we feel tired
19. I (not/sleep) I was reading
20. I (not/watch) TV much recently

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B. Pattern of Past Tense
(-) S+was/were+c.
(+) S+was/were+not+c.
(?) Was/were+s+c?

(-) Della was in australia.
(+) Della was not australia.
(?) Was Della in Australia?

(+) s + to be + o + avd (manner place and time)

I was a student in senior high school 3 years ago
(-) s + to be + not + o + avd (manner place and time)
I was not a student in senior high school 3 years ago
(?) tobe + S + O+ Adv?
Was I a student in senior high school 3 years ago

(+) s+v2+o+adv
(-) s+did+not+v1+o+adv
(?) did + s +v1+ o+adv

(+) Afran Bought a new car yesterday.
(-) Afran did not buy a new car yesterday.
(?) Did afran buy a new car yesterday?

C. Penggunaan simple past tense

1. Pelajari contoh situasi berikut:

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was an Austian musican and composer. He
lived from 1756 to 1871. He started composing at the age of five
and wrote more than 600 pieces of music. He was only 35 years old
when he died.Lived/started/wrote/was/died are all past simple.
2. Simple past biasanya menggunakan kata kerja yang berakhiran – ed
atau kata kerja beraturan (irregular verb):
• I work in a travel agency now. Before that I worked in a shop
• We invited them to our party but they decided not to come

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• The police stopped me on my way home last night

• She passed her examination because she studied very hard.
Tetapi ada juga kata kerja yang tidak beraturan atau irregular verb.
Bentuk lampau atau bentuk keduanya tidak ditambahkan akhiran – ed.

For example:

Write - wrote - written Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces of music
See - Saw - seen we saw Rose in town a few days ago
Go - went - gone I went to the cinema three times last week
Shut - shut - shut It was cold, so I shut the window
Read - read - read
Put - put - put

1. Dalam kalimat interrogative dan negative, kita harus menggunakan did/didn’t

+ infinitive (enjoy/see/go etc):
• I enjoyed
She saw
They went
• Did you enjoy?
Did she sEE?
Did they go?
• I didn’t enjoy
She didn’t see
They didn’t go

Another example:
• A: did you GO out last night?
B: yes, I went to the cinema but I didn’t enjoy the film much
• When did Mr. Thomas die? About the years ago
• They didn’t invite her to the party, so she didn’t go.
• Did you have time to write the letter? No, I didn’t
Hati hati ketika Do menjadi kata kerja inti dalam sebuah kalimat:
• What did you do at the weekend? (not ‘what did you at the weekend)
• I didn’t do something anything (not ‘ I didn’t anything)

2. Bentuk past dari be (am/is/are) adalah was/were.

I / she/ he it was / wasn’t
We / you / they were / weren’t

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Was I / she/ he / it?

Were we / you / they?
Catatan: kita tidak perlu menggunakan did dalam kalimat negative dan
pertanyaan dengan was / were:
• I was angry because they were late
• Was the weather good when you were on holiday?
• They weren’t able to come because they were so busy
• Did you go out last night or were you too tired?
3. Beberapa kata – kata kunci dalam penggunaan simple past tense:
1. Yesterday
2. Last week
3. Last month
4. Last 2 days
5. Last year
6. One week ago
7. Two weeks ago
8. Two months ago
9. Two years ago
10. Two days ago
11. Three days ago
12. Two minutes ago
13. Two hours ago
14. In 1999
15. IN 2016
16. In November 2014


A. Read what Ursula says about her daily activities.

I usually get up at 7 o’clock and have a big breakfast. I walk to work, which
takes me about half an hour. I start work at 8.45. I never have lunch. I finish
work at 5 o’clock. I’m always tired when I get home. I usually cook a meal in
the evening. I don’t usually go out. I go to bed at about 11 o’clock. I always
sleep well.
Yesterday was a typical working day for Ursula. Write what she did or didn’t
do yesterday.
1. She got up at 7 o’clock
2. She……………………….. a big breakfast
3. She ………………………………….
4. It……………………….to get to work
5. …………………………………….at 8.45
6. ……………………………………..lunch
7. …………………………… 5 o’clock
8. ………………….tired when………………home
9. ……………….a meal yesterday evening

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10. ……………….out yesterday evening

11. …………… 11 o’clock
12. ………………..well last night

Direction: Study the time expressions. Then complete the sentences.

Use Wasn’t and Weren’t. Use as a past expression!

Today Yesterday
This morning Yesterday morning
This afternoon This afternoon
Tonight Last night
This week Last week

1. I dreamed about you last night

2. I was downtown …… morning

3. Two students were absent …………… Friday
4. Ann wasn’t at home ……… night
5. They weren’t there ………… evening
6. Carmen was out of town ……….week
7. I visited my aunt and uncle ………..fall
8. Roberto walked home ………. Afternoon
9. My sister arrived in Ponu ………. Sunday
10. We watched TV ……………. night

Direction: Complete the sentences with your own word using ago
1. I am in class now, but I was at home ten minutes ago/two hours
2. She is in class today, but she was absent from class
3. The president and his wife are in the country now, but they were in
USA ………

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4. I was in Bali ………………………..

5. He was in elementary school ……………………..
6. I arrived in this city …………………………………
7. There is a nice park in the city. I was at the park ……………………..
8. We finished the exercise ………………………………..
9. I was home in bed ……………………….
10. It rained in this city ………………………..

The Simple Past Tense: Irregular Verbs

Complete the sentences. Use the words in parentheses!

1. A: Why are you out of breath?
B: I (ran) …………………… to class because I was late.
2. A: I (ride) ………………… the motorcycle to campus yesterday. How did
you get to campus?
B: I (drive) ………………. The car

3. A: Did you decide to change university?

B: I (think) ………….. about it, but then I decided to stay here.
4. A: (You, go) ………… shopping yesterday?
B: Yes. I (buy) ………… a new pair of shoes.
5. A: (You, study) ………………. Last night?

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B: No, I didn’t. I was tired. I (read) ……. A magazine and then (go) ………..
to bed early.
6. A: Do you like milk?
B: No, I (drink) ………….. milk when I (be) ……………….. a child, but I
don’t like milk now.
7. A: Did you leave your dictionary at home?
B: No, I (bring) ……………. It to class with me.
8. Yesterday Yoko (teach) ………. us how to say “thank you” in Japanese.
Kim (teach) ………. us how to say “I love you” in Korean.
9. A: Did you enjoy your fishing trip?
B: I had a wonderful time! I (catch) ………….. a lot of fish.

The Simple Past Tense : Negative

Complete the sentences using negative form of simple past tense!

1. I don’t go the park every day. I went to the park last week, but I
………….there yesterday.
2. We don’t have rain every day. We had rain two days ago, but We
…………. Rain yesterday.

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3. Linda doesn’t sit in the front rows every day. She sat there yesterday,
but she ………… two days ago.
4. Mrs. Romano and her son don‘t talk on the phone every day. They
talked to each other last weekend, but they ……….. on the phone last
5. My husband and I have an out dinner every Saturday night, but we
…….. last Saturday night.

Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb in the list!

• Ring • Break
• Send • Fly
• Sing • Hear
• Speak • Leave
• Take • Meet
• Wake • Pay

1. A: What happened to your finger?

B: I ………….. it in a soccer game.
2. A: Who did you talk to at the director’s office?
B: I ……… to the secretary.
3. A: When did Jessica leave to Europe?
B: She …… to Europe five days ago.
4. A: Did you write Ted a letter?
B: No, but I ………… him a post card.
5. A: Do you know Meg Adams?
B: Yes. I ………. Her a couple of weeks
6. A: Why did you call the police?
B: Because I ……. A burglar.

7. A: Where did you go yesterday?

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B: I ……… the children to the Zoo.

8. A: What time did you get up this morning?
B: 6.15
A: Why did you get up so early?
B: The telephone …………..
9. A: Did you enjoy the party?
B: Yes, I had a good time. We …… songs and danced. It was fun.
10. A: You look so sleepy.
B: I am. I ………. up before down this morning and couldn’t get back to
11. A: A bird ……………… into our apartment yesterday through an open
B: Really? What did you do then?
A: I caught it and took it outside.
12. A: Did you give the painter a check?
B: No. I ………. him a cash.

WH Questions

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Direction: Make questions use where, when, what time, or why!

1. A: ……………………………………………….?
B: To the Zoo. (I went to the zoo yesterday.)
2. A: ……………………………………………….?
B: Last month. (Mr. Lee arrived in Canada last month)
3. A: ……………………………………………….?
B:At. 7.05. (My plane arrived at 7.05.)
4. A: ……………………………………………….?
B: Because I was tired. (I stayed home last night because I was tired.)
5. A: ……………………………………………….?
B: To Bali. (Sarah went to Bali for her vocation.)
6. A: ……………………………………………….?
B: Because I stayed up the night before. (I was tired because I stayed up the
night before.)
7. A: ……………………………………………….?
B: Around midnight. (I finished my homework around midnight.)
8. A: ……………………………………………….?
B: Five weeks ago. (I came to this city five weeks ago.)
9. A: ……………………………………………….?
B: Because Tomy made a funny face. (I laughed because Tomy made a funny
10. A: ……………………………………………….?
B: Because she wanted to surprise Joe. (Tina was behind the door because
she wanted to surprise Joe.)


Pola Kalimat
(+) S + was/were + V-ing + O + Adv.
(-) S + was/were + not + V-ing + O + Adv.
(?) Was/were + S + V-ing + O + Adv.?

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Contoh :
(+) We were watching movie at 02.00 pm yesterday.
(-) We weren't watching movie at 02.00 pm yesterday
(?) Were we watching movie at 02.00 pm yesterday?

1. Kalimat ingkar (negative statement) dibentuk dengan menambahkan "not"
sesudah "was/ were" (was not/wasn't, were not/weren't) dan ditempatkan
sesudah subjek kalimat.
Contoh: I was not/wasn't waiting for a bus at 5 yesterday afternoon.
She was not/wasn't doing her homework when mother called her last night.

2. Kalimat tanya (interrogative statement) dibentuk dengan menempatkan

"was/were" di depan kalimat. Dalam kalimat tanya, "was/were" berarti
Contoh: Were you studying English at 6 o'clock p.m yesterday?
Was she reading a book when you came to her house last night?
3. Kesesuaian subject dan auxiliary verb di tenses ini adalah sebagai berikut :
I/she/he/it : WAS
You/we/they : WERE
4. Keterangan waktu yang biasa dipakai dalam tenses ini adalah :
When/While/At … o’ clock yesterday/All morning yesterday

1. Past continuous tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian atau
peristiwa yang sedang terjadi pada suatu saat tertentu di waktu lampau.
Contoh: I was watching television at eight o'clock last night.
She was doing her homework at 2 p.m. yesterday.
2. Past continuous digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian atau
peristiwa yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu lampau dan kemudian
kejadiaa atau peristiwa lainnya menyusul.

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3. Contoh: When I came home last night, my little sister was watching
They were waiting for a bus when I met them yesterday afternoon.
While I was walking down, it began to rain.

4. Past continuous tense juga digunakan untuk menunjukkan dua kejadian

atau peristiwa yang sedang berlangsung pada saat yang sama di waktu
Contoh : I was watching television while father was reading a book.
The students were discussing their lesson while the professor was speaking
to his guest.

❖ Put the following sentences into Past Continuous Tense. Use the words
in parentheses!
1. Jane … (eat) breakfast when her friends called yesterday morning.
2. The students … (talk), when the teacher entered the room.
3. While Jane … (clean) the apartment, her husband … (read) a
4. She … (cook) the lunch when her friends came to her house.
5. We … (have) lunch when you came to my office yesterday.
6. Jack … (paint) the house when you called him yesterday afternoon.
7. When you came to my house last night, I … (type) this report.
8. They (discuss) their next plans while we … (prepare) something
yesterday morning'
9. When he left me, I … (talk) to one of our customers.
10. I got a phone call from my father when I … (work) in the office
yesterday morning.
❖ Use the simple past or the past progressive of the verbs in
1. I am sitting in class right now. I (sit)………………….. in class at this
exact same time yesterday.

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2. I don't want to go to the zoo today because it is raining. The same

thing happened yesterday. I (want, not)………….. to go to the zoo
because it ………. (rain)
3. I (call) ……… Roger at nine last night, but he (be, not)………….at
home. He (study)…….. at the library.
4. I (hear, not)…………… the thunder during the storm last night because
I (sleep)………………….
5. It was beautiful yesterday when we went for a walk in the park. The
sun (shine)………….. A cool breeze (blow)…………….. The birds
6. My brother and sister (argue)……………. about something when I
(walk)………….. into the room.
7. I got a package in the mail. When I (open)………….. it, I find)
…………a surprise.
8. While Mrs. Emerson (read) ………….the little boy a story, he (fall)
…………….asleep, so she (close)…………. the book and quietly
(tiptoe) ………….out of the room.
9. A: Why weren't you at the meeting?
B: I (wait)……… for an overseas call from my family.
10. A: (you, hear)……….. what she just said?
B: No, I (listen, not)………….. I (think) ………………about something else.
11. A: How (you, break)………………..your arm?
B: I (slip)………….. on the ice while I (cross) ………………the street in front
of the dorm.
12. A: I'm sure you met Carol Jones at the party last night.
B: I don't remember her. What (she, wear)……………?
13. It was my first day of class. I (find, finally)………. the right room. The
room (be, already)………. full of students. On one side of the room,
students (talk, busily) ………….. to each other in Spanish. Other
students (speak) …………….. Japanese, and some (converse)
………… Arabic. It sounded like the United Nations. Some of the
students, however, (sit, just) ……………quietly by themselves. I

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(choose)…………… an empty seat in the last row …………(sit) down.

In a few minutes, the teacher (walk) …………..into the room and all the
multilingual conversation (stop)………
14. I really enjoyed my vacation last January. While it (snow) ……
Toronto, the sun (shine) ………. in Florida. While you …………..
(shovel) snow in Iowa, I (lie) …………. on the beach in Florida.


Penggunaan past perfect tense:
▪ Mengemukakan suatu kegiatan atau keadaan yang terjadi lebih
dahulu sebelum suatu kegiatan lain terjadi pada masa lampau.
I gave my mother the present which I had bought the day before
(Kegiatan B) (Kegiatan A)
Kegiatan A(had bought) terjadi lebih dahulu dari kegiatan B (gave). Setiap
kegiatan yang tejadi terlebih dahulu dari kegiatan lain ditulis dalam bentuk
past perfect kemudian diikuti kegiatan selanjutnya yang ditulis dalam bentuk
simple past.
The train had already left when I arrived at the station
(Kegiatan A) (Kegiatan B)
Kegiatan A(Had already left) terjadi lebih dahulu dari kegiatan B (I arrived).
Setiap kegiatan yang tejadi terlebih dahulu dari kegiatan lain ditulis dalam
bentuk past perfect kemudian diikuti kegiatan selanjutnya yang ditulis dalam
bentuk simple past.
When the thief got into the house, we had slept for two hours
(Kegiatan B) Kegiatan A
Peristiwa had slept terjadi lebih dahulu daripada the thief got into
the house.

Sentence Patterns:
• Affirmative/positive sentence
S + Had + Past Participle (Verb III) + O + Adverb

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- I had finished the homework before he arrived yesterday

- You had finished the homework before he arrived yesterday
- We had had lunch the homework before he arrived yesterday
- She/He had finished the homework before I arrived yesterday

• Negative sentence
S + Had + Not + Past Participle (Verb III) + O + Adverb
- I had not (Hadn’t) eaten cake before he came last night
- She/he had not (Hadn’t) eaten cake before they came last night
- We had not (Hadn’t) eaten cake before he came last night
- They had not (Hadn’t) eaten cake before I came last night
• Interrogative sentence
Had + S + Past Participle (Verb III) + O + Adverb ?
- Had you painted the wall before your father left last week?
Yes, I had/ No, I had not
- Had she painted the wall before her father left last week?
Yes, she had/ No, she had not
- Had they painted the wall before I left last week?
Yes, they had/No, they had not

C. Past Perfect Progressive Tense

▪ The use of Past Perfect Progressive Tense
- To express an activity that is happening before other activities happened
in the past
> When the students went home, the teachers had been meeting in teachers’
> They had been quarreling when I arrived yesterday
- To replace the indirect speech into the direct speech express in present
perfect continues tense

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>Direct speech : Novi said, “I have been working hard today.”

Indirect speech : Novi said that she had been working hard that

▪ Sentence Patterns
- Affirmative sentence
I had been reading when you left last night
You had been singing loudly when she cried
He had been swimming when they played basketball
They had been travelling before you asked them

- Negative sentence
I had not been reading when you left last night
You had not been singing loudly when she cried
He had not been swimming when they played basketball
They had not been travelling before you asked them

- Interrogative sentence
Had you been reading when I left last night?
Had you been singing when she cried?
Had he been swimming when they played basketball?
Had they been travelling before you asked them?

Information question:
Menanyakan subject : Who had been cooking?
Menanyakan objek : Whom had been helping?
Menanyakan tempat : Where had you been writing?
Menanyakan waktu : When had you been sleeping

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Pola Kalimat
(+) S + will + V1(infinitive) + O + Adv.
(-) S + will + not + V1( infinitive) + O + Adv.
(?) Will + S + V1(infinitive) + O + Adv. ?
Contoh :
(+) She will visit me tomorrow.
(-) She will not visit me tomorrow.
(?) Will she visit me tomorrow?
1. Kalimat ingkaran (negative statement)) dibentuk dengan menambahkan
"not" sesudah "WILL" (will not/won't) dan ditempatkan sesudah subjek
Contoh : John will not read magazine tomorrow
2. Kalimat tanya (interrogative statement) Kalimat tanya (interrogative
statement) dibentuk dengan menempatkan "WILL" di depan kalimat.
Dalam kalimat tanya, "WILL" berarti "apakah".
Contoh : Will they sell the old house next year?
3. Seluruh subject di tenses ini menggunakan satu auxiliary verb yang sama
yaitu WILL.
4. Keterangan waktu yang dipakai dalam tenses ini adalah : Tomorrow,
Next ….., Later.
Simple future tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian atau
peristiwa yang akan terjadi atau dilakukan pada waktu yang akan datang.
Untuk menunjukkan suatu rencana, "Will" digunakan untuk semua kata ganti.
❖ Read these famous failed predictions. Then complete the sentence
using will + the

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verb in brackets!
1. We are in September 1914: according to most newspapers in Britain and
Germany, the war (be) ________ over by Christmas. They cannot imagine
that the war (continue) _______until1918, and (claim)__________ the
lives of about 9 million in the military and a further 7 million civilians.
2. We are in 1919: according to geologist Albert Porta, the conjunction of six
planets (cause)______ the Sun to explode. In fact, the Sun (probably
destroy)___________ the Earth one day, when it becomes a red giant in
about 4.5 billion years.
3. We are in 1977: according to Ken Olson, head of a computer company,
people (never want) ________________ a computer in the home. Latest
predictions (2005) suggest that computer ownership
(reach)__________________ 1.3 billion machines worldwide by 2010.
4. We are in 1999: according to many scientists, computers (crash)
______________and (cause) ______________chaos on the first day of the
new millennium.
5. And one to look forward to: according to the Aztec calendar, the world
(come) ___________ to an end on 22 December 2012. We (have to)
______________wait and see.
▪ The use of Future Perfect Tense
Future perfect tense is used to express the activities that will be finished at
certain time in the future.
The keywords used in this tense are by the time (by a point time in the future
Example: >By the time we get to the place, he will have already left
(pada saat kita tiba di tempat itu, dia sudah akan berangkat)
>I’ll call you at seven. Will you have finished dinner by then?
(Saya akan menelpon kamu pukul 7. Sudah akan selesaikah anda makan
malam pada saat itu? )
>When you come up, you will have heard from your sister.
>I will not have heard all of it until the weekend.

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>By the end of the month, I will have been in Ende for six years.
▪ Sentence Patterns
- Positive sentence
Example: I will have left the school by 2 pm
He will have bought a new car by the end of the month
They will have gotten married by next year

- Negative sentence
Example: I will not have left the school by 2 pm
He will not have bought a new car by the end of the month
They will not have gotten married by next year
- Interrogative sentence
Yes/No Question:
WILL + S + HAVE + V3 + O + ADV.
Example: Will I have stayed at home until he comes?
Will I have left the school by 2 pm?
Will they have gotten married by next year?
Will he have bought a new car by the end of the month?

Information Question:
➢ Menanyakan subjek
Who will have left the school by 2 pm?
➢ Menanyakan objek
Whom will she have spoken to when her mother leaves?
➢ Menanyakan tempat
Where will they stayed when they visitYogyakarta?
➢ Menanyakan waktu

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When will you have bought the white car?


- Key words: by………. For………..
Contoh: By March, I will have been doing this for six years
By next week, she will have been studying Italian for 3 years
- Sentence Pattern

Example: By 7 o’clock we will have been sitting here for three hours
He will have been eating by the time his mother calls
We will have been going out by the time the children go to
When I arrive there, they will have been staying for a week

Example: By 7 o’clock we will not have been sitting here for three
He will not have been eating by the time his mother calls
We will have been going out by the time the children go
to school
When I arrive there, they will have been staying for a week

Yes/No Question:
Example: Will you have been sitting here for three hours by 7 o’clock?

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Will he have been eating by the time his mother calls?

Will we have been going out by the time the children go to school?
Will they have been staying for a week when I arrive there?
Information Question:
>Menanyakan subjek
Who will have been studying English for 6 years by March?
What will have been lying on the chair for two hours by 11.30?
>Menanyakan objek
Whom will you have been helping for three hours by 8.00?
What will she have been writing for two weeks by next month?
>Menanyakan tempat
Where will He been staying by March 23rd?
>Menanyakan rentang waktu
How long will they have been waiting for the bus?

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A. Improve Reading Skills
Ask yourself this question: Do I read every word in your own language
when I am reading a schedule, summary, or other outlining document?

The answer is most definitely: No! Reading in English is like reading in

your native language. This means that it is not always necessary to read
and understand each and every word in English. Remember that reading
skills in your native language and English are basically the same.

Here are four different kinds of reading.

✓ Skimming - running the eyes over quickly, to get the gist

✓ Scanning - looking for a particular piece of information
✓ Extensive reading - longer texts for pleasure and needing global
✓ Intensive reading - shorter texts, extracting specific information,
accurate reading for detail.

Here is a quick overview of the four types of reading skills used in every

1. Skimming
Skimming is used to quickly gather the most important information, or
'gist'. Run your eyes over the text, noting important information. Use
skimming to quickly get up to speed on a current business situation. It's
not essential to understand each word when skimming.
Examples of Skimming:
The Newspaper (quickly to get the general news of the day)
Magazines (quickly to discover which articles you would like to read
in more detail) Business and Travel Brochures (quickly to get
2. Scanning
Scanning is used to find a particular piece of information. Run your
eyes over the text looking for the specific piece of information you
‘need. Use scanning on schedules, meeting plans, etc. in order to find
the specific details you require. If you see words or phrases that you
don't understand, don't worry when scanning.
Examples of Scanning
The "What's on TV" section of your newspaper.
A train / airplane schedule A conference guide

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3. Extensive reading
Extensive reading is used to obtain a general understanding of a
subject and includes reading longer texts for pleasure, as well as
business books. Use extensive reading skills to improve your general
knowledge of business procedures. Do not worry if you understand
each word.
Examples of Extensive Reading
The latest marketing strategy book
A novel you read before going to bed
Magazine articles that interest you
4. Intensive reading
Intensive reading is used on shorter texts in order to extract specific
information. It includes very close accurate reading for detail. Use
intensive reading skills to grasp the details of a specific situation. In
this case, it is important that you understand each word, number or
Examples of Intensive Reading
A bookkeeping report
An insurance claim
A contract

Using these descriptions, how would you read the following? Match
the different types of reading with the categories below. Decide which
one requires you to skim or to scan the text. Which one needs detailed
Intensive reading? What type of text do you read extensively - for

B. Text about Agriculture

Agriculture is a cultivation of land and breeding of animals and plants to
provide food,fiber,medicinal plants and other products to sustain and enhance
life.provides employment opportunities for rural peoples on a large scale in under
developed and developing countries.the rising agriculture surplus caused by
increasing agriculture production and productivity tends to improve social welfare
in rural areas. Food is very important part of our societies it is the basic need for
every living thing,agriculture is particularly important because it is our main
source of food supply. Agriculture was important influence of creation of trade
and money.Agriculture provide employment opportunities for rural people on
large scale in underdevelopment and developing country.

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1. What is agriculture?
2. What is food?
3. Is agriculture important for the community?
4. Why people need agriculture?

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Azar, Betty Schrampfer. 2002. Understanding and Using English

Grammar with Answer Keys. Third Edition. Longman, New York:
Pearson Education, Inc.
Baker, M. C. 2004. Lexicalcategories Verb, Nouns, and Adjectives. New
York. Cambridge University Press.
Baskervill, W. M. And SEWELL, J. W. 2004. An English Grammar for the
Use of High School, Academy, and College Classes. {EBook#14006).
Nashville, Tenn: Stephen Schulze and the Distributed Proofreaders Team.
Biber, D. Johansson S. Leech G. Conrad S. Finegan E. 1999 / 2007. Longman
Grammar of Spoken and Written English. University College London.
Longman Corpus Network.
Eastwood, J. 2002. Oxford Guide to English Grammar. New York: Oxford
University Press.
Greenbaum, S. 1996. Oxford English Grammar. New York: Oxford
University Press.
McCarthy, M. O’Dell. 1994 / 1999. English Vocabulary in use. New York.
Cambridge University Press.
Molinsky, Steven. J & Bill Bliss. 1989. Side by Side. Second edition.
Prentice Hall Regents, United State of America: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Plag, I. 2002. Word Formation in English. New York. Cambridge University
Stobbe, G. 2008. Just Enough English Grammar Illustrated. New York:
McGro Hill Companies.
Suherman. 2017.Top Grammar A guide to Write English. Pare Kediri Jawa
Thornbury, S. 2002. How to teach vocabulary. England and Associated
Companies throughout the world. Pearson Longman.

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Fransiska Densiana Luruk, S.Pd. M.Hum.

dilahirkan di Umatoos Fatuk. Penulis menyelesaikan
pendidikan dasar di SDK Umatoos Fatuk (2005),
Sekolah Menengah Pertama di SMPK St Isidorus
Besikama (2008), Sekolah Menengah Atas di SMA
Negeri 17 Agustus Weoe (2011). Penulis melanjutkan pedidikan tinggi di
Universitas Timor Kefamenanu pada Prodi Pendidkan Bahasa Inggris dan tamat
pada tahun 2015. Setelah wisuda, penulis melanjutkan pendidikan Starta Dua (S2)
pada Prodi English Language Studies Program Pascasarjana Universitas
Hasannudin Makassar.
Jurnal artikel yang dipublikasikan adalah (1) The Effectiveness of Using
Picture to Improve Speaking Ability of the Second Year Student of SMPN 1
Kefamenanu the School Year of 2014/2015.”yang dipublikasikan di ELS Journal
on Interdiscipline in Humanities pada tahun 2017. (2) “The effect of Using
Picture as Media on the Vocabulary Mastery of Junior High School Students in
Timor Leste Border”.yang di Publikasikan di English Language Studies Journal
pada tahun 2018.
Saat ini penulis bekerja sebagai dosen kontrak di program studi Pendidikan
Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Timor.

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