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Beneficial Material

Spring, 2011


Branch of Home and Health Sciences


(Branch of Home and Health Sciences)


The examination pack for "Building Evaluation Techniques" incorporates the accompanying things:

1. Course Book

2. Course Outline(Units 1-9)

3. Tutor Guide

4. Student Guide

5. Assignments (1 &2)

6. Assignment Forms

7. Schedule for presenting the task and instructional exercise gatherings

In the event that any of the previously mentioned material is absent from your pack, if it's not too
much trouble, contact at the accompanying location:

Mailing Officer

Administrations and Operations Block

Allama Iqbal Open University

H-8 Islamabad

Or then again

Dr. Nomana Anjum

Program Coordinator/Chairperson

Allama Iqbal Open University

H-8 Islamabad

Understudy GUIDE

Dear understudy,


We invite you to the M. Sc Environmental Design Course named "Building Evaluation Techniques".
This course is a discretionary course of the third semester of your
M. Sc. program. For prologue to the course kindly experience the basic pages of the course book,
here certain rules for fruitful finish are given.

Subtleties of the course

Unit No. 1 is the early on unit that presents you with the essential ideas of building assessment and
its significance.

Unit No. 2 accentuates on arranging and leading assessments.

Unit No. 3 covers a few contextual analyses that will widen your vision with respect to the meaning
of building assessment

Unit No. 4 is identified with workplaces, work environments and authoritative game plan and plan

Unit No. 5 investigates coordinating interest and supply with respect to assessment of structures.

Unit No. 6 is identified with the client cooperation and its significance in assessment of structures

Unit no. 7 is centered around explicit procedures with respect to indoor air quality and energy the

Unit No. 8 talks about the agendas and structure for checking structures

Unit No. 9 gives you the rules for building up the customized agendas and assessments strategies.

Low maintenance Tutors/Lecture Sessions

Understudies are apportioned low maintenance coach. The name and address of your coach will be
given to you. The mentor will help and guide you in considering the books and leading exercises
identified with study units. You are required to exploit the coach information and experience. These
mentors are likewise liable for denoting your tasks.
Put forth all attempts to finish your composed task as indicated by the endorsed timetable and make
an honest effort to go to all the examination meetings as per the plan gave to you.

Timetable for address meetings are orchestrated on fortnightly bases. The particular dates as
instructional exercise plan are being given independently. Attempt to go to these gatherings
consistently to get legitimate direction from your coach.


The course incorporates two tasks, which are necessary for effective culmination of the entire
course. Every task is of 100 checks and out of these understudies acquiring 40 imprints will be
announced pass.

Task no. 1 is hypothesis based and should arrive at your appointed mentor before the due date. The
timetable of presenting the task is given independently. The mentor will send the stamped task back
to the understudies inside 15 days, on the off chance that you don't get the checked task following
15 days kindly contact your coach or local office of the Allama Iqbal Open University.

The task no. 2 is research based and needn't bother with accommodation to the coach before the
workshop is held. For definite directions identified with your exploration based task if it's not too
much trouble, experience the nitty gritty guidelines encased with the task

Note: Do not neglect to dispatch three recommended shapes each alongside the total tasks.

Techniques for Study

Study time of about four months has been distributed for contemplating this course through
distance realizing where as seventeenth and eighteenth weeks are saved for general evaluation and
for conclusive assessment.

S. No Units Assignments Study period

1 1-2 4 weeks

2 3-6 4 weeks
3 7 Assignment 1 2 weeks

4 8-9 2 weeks

5 Revision Assignment 2 4 weeks

6 Preparation for examination 2 weeks

You are relied upon to go through about a month on concentrating initial two units, this will assist
with improving your understanding pace and get comfortable with the substance of the units. The
following three units 3 to 6 will get simpler for you and you will actually want to examine them in
relatively less time. You can go through about a month on examining these four units, during the
10th week you can consider the unit no. 7 and during the 10th week you complete your first task
and dispatch to your guide.

Unit 8 to 9 can be concentrated during eleventh and twelfth week individually and you can finish
your second task alongside the modification of your book during the weeks 13-16. The most recent
fourteen days can be saved for assessment and its readiness.


Workshop will be masterminded three days. Timetable of the workshop and setting will be shipped
off the understudies during the investigation time frame. Workshop will cover a portion of the talks
of the expert on significant themes. The coach will give direction to the workshop. Participation in
workshop is necessary for the understudies.

Last assessment

Toward the finish of the course there will be a last assessment, all the understudies will be relied
upon to take this assessment in the assessment corridors particularly settled for this reason.

For any inquiries you can keep in touch with the course/program facilitator Suggestions for
development will likewise be invited.
We want you to enjoy all that life has to offer.

Dr. Nomana Anjum

Program Coordinator


Mentor GUIDE

Dear mentor,

Understudies took on M. Sc. Ecological Design offered through the distance learning framework have
a place with various callings and have an assortment of instructive foundation and experience.

These understudies have extremely restricted contact with their course mates and the low
maintenance coaches. It is in this way imperative to remember that a portion of the inaccessible
learning understudies have had no connections with training during the previous few years
subsequent to finishing their conventional instruction hence they may need certainty. Besides
distance-learning understudies are associated with concentrating during their extra time, most likely
after available time. You are in this way mentioned to guide and help the understudies while
remembering these issues. A few understudies may require help in creating proficient mentalities
just as understanding current realities about plan and natural supportability.

Study Center

The fundamental reason for building up the examination place for distance learning understudies is
to give assistance and direction to the challenges looked by the understudies while learning at
home. The examination communities have been set up in neighborhood foundations. During the
instructional exercises it is needed to give direction to the understudies to figure out their issues.


Somewhere far off learning framework, examining the course units has its own significance however
tasks and workshops are the significant wellspring of connection among mentor and the understudy.
Hence it is essential to offer your remarks through these tasks. Express your perspectives so that the
understudy isn't debilitate, damages or feels push down in the wake of experiencing your remarks.

You are additionally expected to direct on issues like strategies for settling tasks, powerful
techniques for considering and strategies to improve study propensities and buckling down.

It is foreseen that the understudy will present their task in time as per the recommended plan.

You are consequently mentioned to stamp the tasks with in 15 days and return these with point by
point remarks inside the booked dates.

Checking guides are given to you. You are relied upon to adhere to the directions and utilize these
aides while denoting the tasks. The understudies are required to try not to give superfluous
subtleties and attempt to be brief and far reaching. While denoting the tasks the guide needs to
survey whether the understudies have adhered to the directions given to them or not.

Functional Assignment

The understudies are given another task which is research based and would include the understudy
in some examination movement after which they will address their work report in the workshop
held before the finish of the semester. The understudies are not needed to present this task to you
before it is introduced notwithstanding, after the workshop the tasks will be submitted to the guide
and will be set apart by you.


A three-day workshop will be orchestrated the understudies for each course in their particular
investigation community. You will be implied before time, as your essence in the workshop is

• During the workshop the specialists will convey talks to the understudies in the principle
territories of the subject.

• The understudies would introduce their examination based task and you are needed to
stamp the tasks after their introduction.

Dr. Nomana Anjum

Program Coordinator



Program: Environmental Design Level: Postgraduate


Unit.1 Importance of Building Evaluation

Unit.2 Planning and Conducting Evaluations

2.1. Roles in an Evaluation Process

2.2. Basic Phases and Tasks in an Evaluation

2.3. Alternative Strategies in Building Evaluation

3.4. Issues and Options in the Planning and Management of Building Evaluations

Unit.3 Evaluation as Place Making: Motivations, Methods and Knowledge

3.1. Evaluation as Place putting forth - Defense Studies

Unit.4 Evaluation Practices

4.1. Planning for Adaptability

4.2. Building Appraisal-Measuring

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