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When you study human anatomy and physiology, you begin to appreciate what a

complex organism the body is and how vital even things that seem trivial might be.
The primary functions of the lung are to provide oxygen to the blood stream while
removing carbon dioxide. This gas exchange happens within small pockets of tissue
called alveoli. But, it couldn’t happen if there weren’t an efficient mechanism to pump
blood to the alveoli, so the heart is critical to the function of the lungs. But, the gas
exchange also couldn’t work without an efficient system to pump air in and out of the
lungs, so the diaphragm and ribs are also critically important. Of course, the number of
alveoli needed to provide sufficient gas exchange would cover a tennis court if ironed
out flat, so the channels of bronchi and bronchioles to channel gasses back and forth in
an efficient manner is also crucial to a well-functioning lung. Let’s also not forget that the
air needs to be warmed and purified, as well as having the lungs protected from
aspirating food and liquids, so the nasal chambers, pharynx, and epiglottis, along with
all of the surrounding lymphoid tissue have a necessary function, even though they
aren’t part of the lung.
And this only scratches the surface of what happens in order for us to breathe
effectively. The human body is truly amazing!

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