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Interpreting stimuli from the external environment is the function of which of the

following body system? Nervous

An antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning of another word. An antonym for
medial portion of the body is refers to? Lateral
The body is cut in a mid-transverse section and is now separated into which of the
following parts? Superior-inferior
It is considered as the most inferior body cavities? Pelvic Cavity
A synonym is a word that has the same meaning as another word. Which of the
following is the synonym for ventral? Anterior
This is refers to an organ system responsible for protecting the body against
pathogens? Nervous and Endocrine
An organ systems that regulate body functions by means of impulses and hormones is
refers to which of the following? Nervous and Endocrine
Which sequence lists the levels of organization in the proper order of increasing
complexity? Chemicals, Cells, Tissues, Organs, Organ System
It is considered as the most superior body cavity? Cranial cavity
Which of the following cavities is divided by the diaphragm? Thoracic and abdominal
Which of the following persons did not contribute to the development of cell theory?
Girolamo Fracastoro
It refers to an equal concentration of solute in two solutions. Isotonic Solution
A model that describes the arrangement and movement of the molecules (lipids,
proteins, cholesterol) that make up a cell membrane. Fluid Mosaic Model
This refers to the used of cells to take in large solid particle, the cell membrane “grows”
out around the particle. Phagocytosis
Refers to the difference in the concentration of a substance from one location to
another. Concentration Gradient
A movement of molecules across a membrane from low to high concentration: it
requires energy. Active transport
This refers to a molecule that forms a double-layered cell membrane. Phospholipids
A protein that detects a signal molecule and performs an action in response. Receptor
Diffusion of molecules assisted by protein channels that pierce a cell membrane.
Facilitated Diffusion
Diffusion of water molecules across a membrane from higher water concentration to low
water concentration. Osmosis
It is a movement of molecules across the cell membrane without energy input from the
cell (high to low) concentration. Passive transport
Allowing some substances, but not others, to cross the membrane. Selective
Refers to the movement of molecules from the region of high concentration to a region
of low concentration. Diffusion
Release of substance out of a cell by the fusion of a vesicle with the membrane.
This refers to the solution that has a higher solute concentration compared to another
solution. Hypertonic
The Plasma membrane is the protective barrier,provide anchoring sites for filaments of
cytoskeleton, and allow cell recognition.
The Cytoplasm provide shape to cell region where many metabolic reactions occur.
The Cytosol holds the organelles in place and site for chemical reactions.
The organelle is a specialized subunit, usually within a cell, that has a specific function.
The organelle is a specialized subunit, usually within a cell, that has a specific function.
The Cilia involves locomotion and sensory functions. They play a major role in cell cycle
and replication and in the development of humans and animals. The flagella are closely
like the cilia, which is a hair-like strand responsible for sensory functions.
The ribosome controls the movement of the material in and out of the cell and it is also
involved in the synthesis of the proteins.
The Endoplasmic Reticulum forms the skeletal framework of the cell, involved in the
detoxification, production of the lipids and proteins.
The Golgi complex or the Golgi apparatus is the secretion of cell waste products site of
the protein synthesis.
The lysosome helps in digestion, removes wastes, the dead cell, and the damage cell.
Therefore, it also called as the "Suicidal Bags".
The peroxisome is involved in the metabolism of lipids, and catabolism of a long-chain
fatty acids.
Proteasome is itself made up of proteins. It requires ATP to work. It is hollow and has
openings at both ends to allow entry of the protein to be digested.
The mitochondria are the main sites of cellular respiration, and also involves in storing
energy in form of Adenosine Triphosphate molecules.
The nucleus controls the activity of the cell, helps in the division, and controls the
heredity characters.
The Microfilament is the thinnest filaments of the cytoskeleton and it is found in the
cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. The polymers of these linear filaments are flexible but still
strong, resisting crushing and buckling while providing support to the cell.
This is referred to as the unstable, heavy isotope that gives off subatomic particles, or
electromagnetic energy, as it decays? Radioactive Isotopes
Which of the following describes as one of the variations of an element in which the
number of neutrons differs from others? Isotope
This is referred to the arrangement of the elements in a table according to their atomic
number; elements having similar properties because of their electron arrangements
compose columns in the table, while elements having the same number of valence
shells compose rows in the table. Periodic table of elements
The smallest unit of an element that still retains the distinctive behavior of the that
element is an. Atom
This is referred to the subatomic particle having a negative charge and nearly no mass;
found orbiting the atom’s nucleus? Electron
Which of the following heavy subatomic particles having a negative electrical charge?
Which of the following describes ions?  Has either positive or negative charges
Which of the following is a functional group that is part of a building block of proteins?
Which of the following describes phospholipids? Has both polar and nonpolar regions
A woman is experiencing frequent nausea and vomiting during her first trimester of
pregnancy. She got laboratory work up during her prenatal visits. Her blood pH is 7.48.
What does this mean? Her blood is slightly alkaline
The characteristics that gives an element its distinctive properties is its number of.
Which molecules are composed of hydrogen and carbon only? Hydrocarbon
Which of the following nitrogenic bases is found solely in the RNA? Uracil
Atoms with the same atomic number but different mass numbers are called? Isotopes
In a homogeneous solution, which of the following is most likely to be found evenly
distributed in the water? Sodium ions and Chloride ions.
In a homogeneous solution, which of the following is most likely to be found evenly
distributed in the water? Right and Left Pulmonary veins
The heart is primarily composed of which of the following? Muscle
The contraction of the ventricles is stimulated by which of the following? Purkinje’s
The serous pericardium is known as what layer of the pericardial sac? Parietal
Which of the is NOT transported by the blood? Urine
The epicardium can also be referred to as which of the following? Visceral Pericardium
The only heart valve with two cusps is which of the following. Mitral Valve
The right atrium receives blood from all parts of the body, EXCEPT: Lungs
The superior vena cava is also known as which of the following? Anterior vena cava
The endocardium is made up of which of the following type of tissue? Epithelial
Which of the following cells exist in the body for years? Memory cells
The oval to bean-shaped structures of the lymphatic systems is refers to which of the
following? Lymph nodes
Which of the following tonsils is commonly removed in a tonsillectomy procedure?
Palatine tonsils
Which of the following immunity results from natural exposure to an antigen, such as
disease-causing microorganisms? Active natural immunity
The following are the principal lymphatic trunks of the body, EXCEPT: Penile trunk
The thymus gland decreases in size as we age. It is replaced with which of the
following? Adipose tissue
Which of the following antibodies is found on the surface of B lymphocytes that is
important in activation of B cells? Immunoglobulin D (IgD)
Which of the following refers to the fluid in the lacteals? Chyle
The bronchomediastinal trunk drains the lymph in which of the following structures,
The intercostal trunk drains the lymph in which of the following? Thorax
Which of the following is NOT one of the body’s lymphatic trunks? Thoracic
Which of the following is responsible for providing a cellular immunity? T lymphocytes
Which of the following refers to a vessels entering a lymph node? Afferent Lymphatic
Which of the following cells engulf and digest antigens? None of the above
Which of the following immunity can be conferred naturally when a fetus receives its
mother’s antibodies through the placenta and become part of the fetal circulatory route?
Passive natural immunity
The inflammation of the lymphatic vessels is referred to which of the following?
The subclavian trunk drains the lymph in which of the following structures? Upper
Which of the following lymphatic organ function to filters blood via the splenic artery
and splenic veins? Spleen
Which of the following refers to the fluid that moves out from the blood capillaries and
into the spaces between tissue cells? Interstitial Fluid
Which of the following gamma globulins develops in blood plasma? Immunoglobulin
he B lymphocytes that enters the tissues become a specialized cell called: Plasma cells
Which of the following structure surrounded by the lymph nodule that is responsible for
producing lymphocytes? Germinal
The ability of the body to resist infection from disease-causing microorganisms is
referred to which of the following? Immunity
Which of the following are formed by replicating B cells? Plasma cells
Which of the Antibodies following types of immunity is particularly effective against
fungi, parasites, intercellular viral infections, cancer cells, and foreign tissue implants? 
T- lymphocytes
Which of the following gamma globulins activates complement? Immunoglobulin G
Which of the following vessels unite to form a lymphatic trunk? Efferent Vessels
Which of the following drains lymph from the lower extremities? Lumbar
The following are drainage of lymph in the lumbar trunk, EXCEPT: Brain
The following are types of antibodies that make up the gamma globulins of the plasma
proteins, EXCEPT: Immunoglobulin Z (IgZ)
Which of the following cells bind with specific antigens presented by macrophage?
None of the above
Which of the following refers to a foreign protein that gain access to our bodies via cuts,
scrapes, through respiratory system, digestive system, urinary system and reproductive
system? Antigen
Which of the following type of immunity is particularly effective against circulating
bacterial and viral infections? Humoral immunity
The following are example of Antisera that provides a passive artificial immunity,
EXCEPT: Mother’s Milk
Before the fluid leaves the blood capillaries, it is called: Lymph
The lymphatic system has four organs, this includes the following, EXCEPT: Liver
Which of the following antibodies is found in the exocrine gland secretions that its
activation is usually associated with allergic reactions, attacking allergy-causing
antigens? Immunoglobulin E (IgE)
The intestinal trunk drains the lymph from the following structures, EXCEPT: Rectum
Which of the following tonsils is located close to the internal opening of the nasal cavity?
When they become swollen, they can interfere with breathing? Pharyngeal tonsils
Which of the following cells produces antibodies responsible to provide humoral
immunity? B Lymphocytes
Which of the following hormone maintain the body’s water balance by promoting
increase water reabsorption in the tubules of the nephrons of kidneys? Vasopressin
Which of the following hormones is released by the adrenal cortex? Cortisol
T3 is also known as: Triiodothyronine
The hormones are classified into three general chemical categories, this includes the
following EXCEPT: Prostaglandin
Which of the following hormone is produced by the gonads? Estrogen and Testosterone
Secretion of which hormone is associated with circadian rhythm? Melatonin
Which of the following hormone peaks its secretion in adolescence? Growth hormone
Which of the following is the most abundant hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary?
Growth hormone
Which of the following are involved in platelet aggregation? 1,2 and 3 only

1. Histamine
2. Prostaglandins
3. Serotonin
4. Secretin

Levels of which hormones are controlled by negative feedback mechanism? 1,2 and 3
1. Growth hormone
2. Thyroid-stimulating hormone
3. Adrenocorticotrophic hormone
4. Prolactin
Growth hormone stimulates which of the following? 3 and 4 only
1. Absorption of calcium
2. Storage of fats
3. Division of body cells
4. Protein synthesis
The epinephrine and norepinephrine are hormones produced by which of the following
glands/organ? Adrenal medulla
Which of the following hormones are release in response to signals from the
sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system? Epinephrine and
The inflammatory process involves which of the following substances? Select all that
applies. 1,2 and 3 only
1. Histamine
2. Serotonin
3. prostaglandins
4. Erythropoietin
All but one are true about prostaglandins? 3 and 4 only
1. Cells in the prostate glands
2. Long-acting substances
3. Involved in the mediation of fever
4. Involved in blood clotting
The part of the kidney that anchors it is the: Renal fascia
Podocytes make up which layer of Bowman's glomerular capsule? Visceral
The visceral layer of Bowman's capsule and the endothelial capillary network make up
a(n): Endothelial-capsular membrane
The papillary ducts empty into the: Renal pelvis
The detrusor muscles of the urinary bladder consist of how many layers? 3
Besides the urinary system, which system controls urine production and micturition?
Urine in the blood is called: Hematuria
The stretch receptors in the bladder begin to send messages when there is how ML.
many urine in the bladder? 200-400ml
The regulation of pH is the controls of which ions? Hydrogen
Which system beside the urinary system is involved in the production of vitamin D?
The innermost layer of the kidney is the: Renal capsule
In the ducts of the pyramids, urine is directly collected by the: Minor calyses
Urine formation begins with the process of: Glomerular filtration
Glomerular capillaries unite and form the: Efferent arteries
The kidney nerve supply comes from the: Sympathetic system
The kidney nerve supply comes from the: Renal capsule
rea in the product of the liver breaking down into which of the following? Ammonia
The process responsible for regulating pH in the blood is called: Tubular secretion
Those materials in the blood responsible for the acid or alkaline components of the
blood are: Electrolytes
Those materials in the blood responsible for the acid or alkaline components of the
blood are: Pyuria
The renal artery divides into several branches that enter the parenchyma. In the renal
columns, they are called: Interlobar arteries
The renal artery divides into several branches that enter the parenchyma. In the renal
columns, they are called: Parenchyma
The renal artery divides into several branches that enter the parenchyma. In the renal
columns, they are called: Oliguria
The active vitamin D is called: Calciferol
Hemodialysis is the same as: None of the above
The nurse needs to evaluate a client's acid-base balance. Which of the following
parameter should the nurse use. Arterial blood Ph
The nurse is infusing a hypotonic solution into her client's fluid status by: decreasing
water content in the blood vessels
Which of the following require the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to function? Active
Which of the following is the largest compartment of body fluid? ICF
Which of the following is the characteristic process of diffusion? Solutes moves from an
area of higher solute concentration to an area of lower concentration
When taking a client's health history, the nurse should be aware of which of the
following signs and symptoms that may indicate fluid and electrolyte imbalance? 2,3
and 4 only
1.Hair loss
2.Weight change
3.Altered LOC
5.Back pain
6.Nasal congestion
Cations are electrolytes that contain which type of charge: Positive
Because women have more body fat than men, their percentage of body water relative
to their total body weight is: lower than that of men
Because women have more body fat than men, their percentage of body water relative
to their total body weight is: Colloid osmotic pressure
Because women have more body fat than men, their percentage of body water relative
to their total body weight is: water will shift for ECF to ICF
Hair covers all of the body EXCEPT the: Palms of the hands
Keratinized cells contains no: Nucleus
The layer of the epidermis in which mitosis takes place in the stratum: germinativum
A lipid covering of cells is found in the stratum: Corneum
Arrector pili muscles engage when we get: A chill
Excessive production of sebum may cause: None of the above
A white crescent located at the proximal end of the nails in the: Lunula
A bony prominence of the foot receiving excess friction may develop a: Corn
The texture of the hair is a result of: Keratin
Besides hair, another main characteristic of mammals is? Mammary glands
Flexibility, entirety, and whole continuous structure are qualities of the skin due to:
Cells of the stratum corneum contain as many as: 25 layers
Shiny hair is a result of: Sebum
True skin contains which of the following? None of the above
Albinism is caused by a lack of: Melanocytes
A neuron with one axon and one dendrite is known as? Unipolar
How many pair of spinal nerves are there? 31
The functions of the spinal cord include which of the following? Reflex/ conveyance
The meninges are separated from the vertebrae by the: Epidural space
Which of the following the cells that make up the myelin sheath? Schwann cells
Phagocytosis is performed by which of the following? Microglia
Which of the following cells that line the cavities in brain and spinal cord? Ependymal
he third ventricle is a slit between the and inferior to the right and left halves of the
thalamus and situated between lateral ventricles. This connect with the third ventricle by
a narrow oval opening called: Foramen of Monro
he heartbeat rate, digestion, and breathing rates are controlled and maintained by
reflexes concerned with ___________processes? Involuntary
The fourth ventricle lies between the cerebellum and the lower brainstems and it
connects with the third ventricle via which of the following? Aqueduct of sylvius
The smallest, simplest pathway to receive and process a stimulus is the: Reflex
The smallest, simplest pathway to receive and process a stimulus is the: Neuroglia
Which of the following system that conducts impulses from the brain and spinal cord to
skeletal muscles? Somatic
Which layer containing numerous blood vessels and nerves? Pia mater
Which of the following enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine? Acetylcholinesterase
The nervous system shares in the maintenance of homeostasis with which system?
Which of the following is NOT a neurotransmitter? None of the above
Spinal taps are done in which of the following region of the spine? Lumbar
The oligodendroglia is found in which of the following? Brain and spinal cord
The gray matter is found in which of the following? Cortex
Which of the following part of the ear acting like a drumhead? Tympanic membrane
The neurotransmitter associated with the parasympathetic system is which of the
following? Acetylcholine
The night blindness can be caused by a deficiency of which of the following? Vitamin A
The disease that produces defective muscular coordination is called: Cerebral palsy
Which of the following part of the ear allowing for balance? Vestibule
Nearsightedness is characterized by which of the following condition? Myopia
Which of the following part of the ear allowing for pressure equalization? Eustachian
Which of the following lobe of the cerebrum involves in visual hearing input? Occipital
The white, outermost layer of the eye is the: Pupil, sclera
The white, outermost layer of the eye is the: Otitis media
The disease that produces convulsive seizures is which of the following? Epilepsy
Which condition is characterized by a disease that causes destruction of the retina?
Which of the following lobe of the cerebrum evaluates hearing input? Temporal lobe
Farsightedness is characterized by which of the following conditions? Hyperopia
An accommodation disease of aging is due to which of the following? Presbyopia
In a suture, the bones are united by which of the following? Fibrous tissue
The cheekbones are classified in which of the following bones? Malar
The cheekbones are classified in which of the following bones? Articular
Which of the following movements is possible in a synarthrosis joint? None of the above
Bones acts as storage areas for minerals salts and: Fats
The bone can be divided into how many categories based on shapes? 5
Which two bones form the upper sides and roof of the cranium? Parietal
Which of the following sections of the spine consist of fused bones? Coccygeal/ sacrum
A condition such as osteomalacia in adult in also known as what disease in children?
Which of the following is an example of flat bones? Ribs/ scapula
The hematopoiesis takes place in which of the following type of bone? Cancellous
The joints are classified into how many major groups? 3
Which of the following is not a fossa? Trochanter
Supination and pronation refers to the movement of which of the following? Wrist and
Two body surfaces are connected by hyalin cartilage is refers to which of the following?
Two body surfaces are connected by hyalin cartilage is refers to which of the following?
The abnormal curvature of the spine in the lumbar region is known as swayback or?
The joint between the atlas vertebra and the axis vertebra is an example of which type
of joint? Pivot
Which of the following is not a function of the skeletal system? Nutrient absorption
The undifferentiated bone cells are called: Osteoprogenitors
The haversian system is necessary for: Effective metabolism of bone cells
Which of the following hormones responsible for proper calcium balance in the body?
Parathormone/ calcitonin
The spines is divided into how many sections? 5
The lower five pairs of ribs are called: False ribs
The lower five pairs of ribs are called: supination
The type of joint formed by opposing planes surfaces is refers to which of the following?
The bone cells in all stages of development are found in which of the following? Ref
Which of the following bone of the axial skeleton has no articulation with other bones?
Which of the following is an example of sesamoid bone? Patella
The medullary shaft is filled with which of the following? Yellow bone marrow
The long bones have a shaft called a(n): Diaphysis
The manubrium articulates with which of the following bone? Clavicle
The proximal end of the femur is attached at the joint by which of the following?
Which of the following is not a process? Meatus
Which of the following is the opposite movement of abduction? Adduction
A joint in which the bones are connected by a disk of fibrocartilage is refers to which of
the following? Symphysis
Longitudinal growth of bone constitutes until approximately what age in boys? 16 years
The skeletal system is most closely associated with which of the following system?
Which of the following causes joint degeneration? Osteoarthritis
 Which of the following is the opposite movement of dorsiflexion? Plantar flexion
The ATP is synthesized by all of the following, EXCEPT: Breakdown of phosphocreatine
An inflammation of muscle tissue is called: Myositis
Which of the following are main muscles that close your jaw by bringing up the mandible
in a bite grip? Masseter and temporalis muscle
Which of the following are main muscles that close your jaw by bringing up the mandible
in a bite grip? Zygomaticus
Which of the following are main muscles that close your jaw by bringing up the mandible
in a bite grip? Fascia
On the average, a single motor nerve fiber innervates about how many muscle cells?
Muscle contraction is fastest in which kinds of muscle? Cardiac
Which of the following muscles raises your upper lip? Levator labii superiris
Which of the following muscles commonly used for intramuscular injection? Deltoid
The sarcomere is the area between two of which of the following? Z bands
The entire muscle consists of number of skeletal muscle bundles called: Fasciculi
Which of the following is a neurotransmitter? Acetylcholine
Which of the following muscles is considered as the longest and most slender muscle
fibers? Skeletal
The wide, flat attachment of muscle to bone is called: Tendon
Which of the following muscles gives raises to your eyebrows and wrinkles the skin of
the forehead? Frontalis muscle
A mature follicle with a mature egg is refers to which of the following? Graafian follicle
A mature follicle with a mature egg is refers to which of the following? Meiosis
Which of the following refers to the process of producing sperm cells? Spermatid
The spermatogenesis process takes place in which of the following? Seminiferous
The part of the ovary that produces estrogen and progesterone in known as the: Corpus
Which of the following refers to the middle layer of the uterine wall? Myometrium
Which of the following is an accessory gland of the male reproductive systems?
Seminal vesicles
The enzymes that aids the sperm cell to penetrate the ovum is found in which of the
following? Acrosome
Which of the following is the site where the immature sperm cells mature? Epididymis
he lining of the uterus that is shed during the menstrual cycle is the? Endometrium
The testosterone hormone is produce by which of the following? Interstitial cells of
The ovaries are secured to the walls of the pelvis by which of the following? Ligaments
Which of the following hormone is responsible for the controls the development, growth,
and maintenance of the male sex organs: Testosterone
The infundibulum is surrounded by a fringe of finger-like projections called: Fimbriae
All of the following are parts of the external genitalia, EXCEPT:
Select one:

a. Vagina 

b. Vulva

c. Clitoris

d. Vestibular glands

e. Mons pubis

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