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Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2005, 11, 11-16 11

The Importance of Guidelines in the Development and Application of


Gregor Reid*

Canadian Research and Development Centre for Probiotics, Lawson Health Research Institute, and Departments of
Microbiology & Immunology, and Surgery, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada

Abstract: Probiotics, defined as ‘‘Live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health
benefit on the host’’ have many attributes including the lack of adverse side effects associated with their use. While
probiotics have proven benefits, the optimism associated with their use is counterbalanced by the fact that many so-called
‘probiotic’ products are unreliable in content and unproven clinically. Therefore much remains to be done to gain the
acceptance of the broader medical community.

Recognition of the obvious product inequality and the lack of any regulatory guidelines lead to the development of
Operating Standards in 2002 (FAO/WHO), that would ensure product safety, reliability and a level playing field for all
companies producing probiotic products.

The guidelines constitute a set of parameters required for a product/strain to be termed ‘probiotic’ and also the clinically
relevant steps to be followed to move probiotics closer to being embraced by the medical community. These include i)
implementation of Guidelines for use of probiotics; ii) phase I, II and III clinical trials to prove health benefits that are as
good as or better than standard prevention or treatments for a particular condition or disease; iii) Good Manufacturing
Practice and production of high quality products; iv) studies to identify mechanism of action in vivo; v) informative/
precise labelling; vi) development of probiotic organisms that can carry vaccines to hosts and/or anti- viral probiotics; vii)
expansion of proven strains to benefit the oral cavity, nasopharynx, respiratory tract, stomach, vagina, bladder and skin as
well as for cancer, allergies and recovery from surgery/ injury.

Key Words: Probiotics, prebiotics, regulatory guidelines, FAO, WHO.


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United The optimism associated with probiotics is counter-
Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) balanced by skepticism, often from physicians and pharma-
define probiotics as “Live microorganisms which when ceutical representatives trained in, and still motivated by, the
administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on use of pharmaceutical or chemical agents. Unfortunately,
the host” [1]. This definition reflects the fact that probiotic some of this skepticism is warranted. Many so-called
remedies have been, or are being, targeted not only at the “probiotic” products are unreliable in content and unproven
intestine but also the oral cavity, nasopharynx, stomach, clinically. Three studies and one web-based report have
vagina, bladder and skin. However, while this topic is highlighted the extent to which even well known companies
gathering momentum amongst the scientific and “alternative have not yet reached an acceptable level of product quality
medicine” communities, much remains to be done to gain the [2-5]. In the study published on the web,
acceptance of the broader medical community. purchased twenty-five probiotic products; nineteen for use
by the general population, three specifically marketed for use
Historically, the levels of evidence required to compel by children, and three yogurts. Of these, the manufacturers
clinicians have been higher than those needed by other of eight products claimed that daily servings contained
professions. Despite this, many drugs reach the marketplace between 1 billion to 6 billion live organisms; the producers
before their clinical efficacy has been thoroughly elucidated; of a further thirteen products claimed specific numbers of
and, as a result, numerous drugs are withdrawn from the live organisms (some as high as 60 billion) but only at the
market, often because of unacceptable side effects. One time of manufacture, not indicating the number at the time of
major attribute of probiotics is the lack of adverse events use. On testing, eight of these specific products contained
associated with their use. less than 1% of the claimed number of culturable bacteria or
of the expected minimum of 1 billion. In fact, six products
contained only a few thousand viable bacteria. Another
*Address correspondence to this author at the Canadian Research and recent study of this type, again analysed some well-known
Development Centre for Probiotics, Lawson Health Research Institute, 268
Grosvenor Street, London, Ontario N6A 4V2, Canada; Tel: 519-646-6100 brands and indicated that “a rather high percentage of
ext. 65256; Fax: 519-646-6031; E-mail: probiotic products suffered from incorrect labeling and

1381-6128/05 $50.00+.00 © 2005 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.

12 Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2005, Vol. 11, No. 1 Gregor Reid

yielded low bacterial counts” [6]. Similar results were found NCFMTM). Too often, product labels simply state “Lactoba-
in Italian and Canadian studies [7]. Particularly troublesome cillus acidophilus” or “acidophilus” and reference generic
was the fact that products Neolactoflorene, Lacto5 and studies showing benefits of Lactobacillus acidophilus strains
Bifilact, bearing labels stating that they contained a non- such as probiotic NCFMTM. This is unacceptable. As with
existent organism, "L. sporogenes" [8] (it should be named pathogens, each “probiotic” strain is different. For example,
B. coagulans), did not even contain the bacilli in question. uropathogenic p fimbriated E. coli causing pyelonephritis is
totally distinct clinically from E. coli 0157:H7 causing
Recognizing the inequality of products and the lack of gastroenteritis and hemolytic uremic syndrome. In order for
any regulatory guidelines, the Argentinian government a strain (or several strains in a combination product) to be
lobbied the FAO/WHO to host an Expert Consultation to probiotic, each organism must be designated and their
examine whether or not probiotics had proven benefits and if importance in conferring the health benefit documented
so, to establish a set of guidelines that would ensure product (more on this later).
safety, reliability and a level playing field. The resultant
report [1] not only established that there were indeed Few studies have been undertaken to compare probiotic
excellent data on probiotics, but that a set of Guidelines or strains. Several performed in our laboratory have suggested
Operating Standards was required. These emerged in 2002 that L. acidophilus NCFMTM [15] and L. rhamnosus GG [10,
[1]. The guidelines have since been received favourably by 16] do not appear to be ideally suited for urogenital applica-
Codex Alimentarius, the agency which oversees food safety tions, and anti-infective proteins are not universally present
and health benefits of food. The guidelines make a number [17]. With the possibe exceptions of L. delbrueckii subsp.
of critical points which will now be presented and illustrated bulgaricus and S. thermophilus (where all known strains
in terms of relevance to clinical practice. appear capable of enhancing lactose digestion in lactose
intolerant individuals), strain selection is important if bene-
GUIDELINES FOR THE EVALUATION OF PRO- ficial physiological effects are to be conferred [1]. The
BIOTICS selection process and the commercial marketing of products
has long relied upon the presumption that strains such as L.
The guidelines constitute a set of parameters required in acidophilus and L. reuteri are the most commonly found
order for a product or strain to be termed ‘probiotic’. At first bacterial populations in the gut. A study of the feces of
glance, these standards may seem overly stringent, especially healthy young adults and elderly showed that this perception
for food and small dietary supplement companies who is indeed incorrect, and L. delbrueckii subsp. lactis or L.
currently produce most of the available probiotic products paracasei subsp. paracasei are more common [18]. Origin of
and whose margins are said to be relatively low. But, the strains is also a factor for consideration. Studies from 1982
onus is on those who make a profit from such sales, to suggest that strains for human use should come from humans
provide evidence supporting their claims of health benefits. [19]. The extent to which this remains true is unknown, as
Without this data, the manufacturers/distributors may claim dairy and perhaps livestock strains may be the source of
that their products are “bacterial-containing” not probiotic. some human strains. The importance may be one of con-
By raising their standards, such companies will, in time, be sumer perception, in that humans may not wish to be
able to access the enormous physician-based market for consuming strains that originated from pigs, rats or mice (or
probiotic sales, thereby expanding sales and profits. worse, if from the fecal matter of these animals).
The first step in an organism(s) or product being referred The selection of suitable strains may be further refined by
to as a probiotic is to identify and characterize the organism undertaking a series of in vitro experiments, invariably to
to genus and species level using internationally accepted examine ability to adhere to surfaces, and inhibit growth and
methodologies, such as DNA-DNA hybridization, sequen- attachment of pathogens [20, 21]. While there are benefits to
cing of DNA encoding 16S rRNA [9], Pulsed Field Gel these types of studies, there has been little direct correlation
Electrophoresis (PFGE) or Randomly Amplified Polymor- between in vitro properties and prediction of functionality of
phic DNA (RAPD)[10]. Newer systems are being developed probiotic microorganisms in the human body. Exceptions
such as terminal restriction fragment-length polymorphism could be the documentation of resistance to bile salts, which
(T-RFLP) [11, 12], digoxigenin-labelled peptide nucleic acid can correlate with gastric survival in vivo [22], and resistance
to detect lactobacilli PCR amplicons immobilized on to spermicide which could aid survival in the vagina of
membranes from denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis [13] women using these products [23]. However, in general in
and enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus PCR vitro data alone is not sufficient to describe strains as probio-
(ERIC-PCR) and repetitive extragenic palindromic PCR tic [1]. This may change in the future, through research
(REP-PCR) [14]. which proves, for example, that a specific clinical outcome is
This is important in order to differentiate reliable and due to a specific bacterial physiological or genetic trait (e.g.,
proven strains and products from those of dubious quality as finding that expression of a bactericidal agent correlates with
referenced above. It will, therefore, ensure that consumers depletion of pathogen numbers). One recent study comes
know exactly what strains are in the products. close to providing this level of correlation. Two Lactoba-
cillus strains displayed similar growth, survival, and adhe-
The next stage is to ensure that the particular strains used rence properties in vitro, yet L. johnsonii NCC 533 colonized
are properly designated (e.g., Lactobacillus acidophilus the intestinal lumen and translocated into mucosal lymphoid
The Importance of Guidelines in the Development Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2005, Vol. 11, No. 1 13

tissue more effectively than L. paracasei NCC 2461, due to Elements of safety of a probiotic strain/product should be
an induction of different types of immune responses [24]. tested in humans, and using laboratory studies. The FAO/
WHO Guidelines recommend that, at a minimum, probiotic
Still, in vitro assays remain valuable and can provide strains be characterized using a series of specific tests: (a)
scientific insight into characteristics of probiotic organisms, Determination of antibiotic resistance patterns; (b) Assess-
such as signaling mucus production on intestinal cells [25], ment of certain metabolic activities (e.g., D-lactate produc-
or the identification of proteins that can prevent tion, bile salt deconjugation); (c) Assessment of side-effects
Staphylococcus aureus surgical implant infections in animals during human studies; (d) Epidemiological surveillance of
[26]. adverse incidents in consumers (post-market); (e) If the
A major advantage of adherence to these guidelines is strain under evaluation belongs to a species that is a known
that scientists, physicians and consumers can track the scien- mammalian toxin producer, it must be tested for toxin
tific and clinical data accumulated for these strains/products. production (one possible scheme for testing toxin production
In an era when consumer self-learning is influencing many has been recommended by the European Union Scientific
health care and marketing decisions, it is important that the Committee on Animal Nutrition [38]); (f) If the strain under
end users recognize the practical benefits and limitations of evaluation belongs to a species with known hemolytic
their therapy. Trends show that consumers, mainly women, potential, determination of hemolytic activity is required;
are using more foods and natural supplements to diagnose and (g) Assessment of lack of infectivity by a probiotic strain
and treat disease as well as maintain health [27, 28], and in immunocompromized animals (adding a measure of
therefore, one should not underestimate the lengths to which confidence in the safety of a probiotic).
people will go to find a proven probiotic strain/product. One The issue of safety becomes more complicated and per-
analysis of the North American market showed that sales of haps controversial for organisms such as enterococci. These
specialty supplements, fortified/functional foods, natural bacteria are present in relatively high numbers in the intes-
personal care products and cosmeceuticals are soaring tine and are sometimes used in so-called probiotic products.
because of the “do-it-yourself” approach, resulting in a $42 Their emergence as a nosocomial pathogen and their carriage
billion retail value [29]. Furthermore, 79% of primary food of vancomycin resistance raises the question of whether or
shoppers used vitamins/minerals to help maintain health, not they should be recommended as a probiotic. Organisms
while 79% used OTC drugs, 73% fortified foods, 72% Rx such as Saccharomyces boullardii, have been associated with
medications, 52% foods without artificial additives/preserva- cases of fungemia [39], so users of probiotic products con-
tives, 39% herbal remedies, 37% organic foods, 24% aroma- taining these strains need to be cautioned by the distributor
therapy, 19% homeopathic remedies and 14% in-home through labeling or enclosed information directed at the
diagnostic kits. This desire to self-treat or manage a specific consumer. Producers should take into consideration the
health condition or illness using foods was evident in 63- health condition of the end user (for example those about to
72% of shoppers surveyed. While the N. American market is undergo bowel surgery compared to a healthy person), and
not necessarily reflective of other parts of the world, it can should provide a means for this person to contact the
be assumed that consumer education has a major role to play company if a perceived side effect occurs.
in the future of healthcare, including the use of probiotics.
Thus, consumers will soon become aware of proven products STEP FOUR: EFFICACY - PROVING THAT THE
versus ones that are poorly labeled and unproven clinically. PROBIOTIC CONFERS A SIGNIFICANT IMPROVE-
While phase II clinical trials are part of the drug approval
There is historical data to indicate that lactobacilli and process, they have not been widely used to assess probiotic
bifidobacteria are safe for human use [30, 31]. If a probiotic products. The FAO/WHO Guidelines indicate that this must
strain is of human origin, a strong case can be made that it is change in the future, otherwise health benefits cannot be
a normal commensal and, therefore, safe for use. Minor side measured. The advantage of a phase II study is that evidence
effects can occur when using probiotics, but infections rarely is obtained and directly compared to a placebo. If a
occur and invariably only in immunocompromised patients statistically and biologically significant improvement occurs
or those with intestinal bleeding [32-34]. Given that an in a patient’s condition, symptoms, signs, well-being or
estimated 20 billion doses of probiotics are consumed each quality of life, risk of disease or speedier recovery from
year, with only 4 cases of bacteremia associated with their illness, then the producers of the probiotic will have impor-
use over the past ten years, probiotic therapy is significantly tant supportive material to convince physicians to consider
safer than pharmaceutical agents [35]. In human tests, their proposed remedy. In preventing diseases such as
Lactobacillus rhamnosus 19070-2, L. reuteri DSM 12246, L. urinary tract infection, kidney stones, and flair-ups of
rhamnosus LGG, L. delbrueckii subsp. lactis CHCC 2329, Crohn’s disease, as some probiotics appear capable of doing
and L. casei subsp. alactus CHCC 3137 were found to be [40-42], the outcome is relatively easy to identify. However,
safe and well tolerated at two daily doses of 10 10 freeze-dried for many conditions such as asymptomatic bacterial vagino-
bacteria for 18 days [36]. Even in HIV patients, where some sis (BV), hypercholesterolemia, irritable bowel disease and
concern has been raised about administration of viable general wellness, measuring the impact of probiotics is more
bacteria, a study showed that a L. reuteri strain could be fed difficult. Thus, the primary and secondary outcomes must be
at 1010 cfu/day without any clinically significant safety or clear and measurable, and the protocol preferably should
tolerance problems [37]. involve a randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled
14 Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2005, Vol. 11, No. 1 Gregor Reid

(DBPC) design. Study sites different to those where the currently allowed in most countries. The Guidelines recom-
inventors are located will enhance credibility. mend that this be changed in order to provide the consumer
with more useful and precise information. Statements such
By generating high quality, independent clinical data,
as ‘helps lactose intolerant people better digest milk’ are
more members of the medical community are likely to
much more instructive than ‘helps intestinal well-being’. It
prescribe and recommend specific probiotics. Such evidence
may be several years before such standards are implemented
has been accrued for several probiotic strains. The bulk of
in United Nations member countries, and even longer for
the data shows that strains L. rhamnosus GG and L. reuteri
them to filter through to industry. Whether or not this will
SD2222 can reduce the duration of bacterial and rotavirus
take place and be enforced is another matter. However, for
associated diarrhea [43-46] when combined with oral
those companies that invest in proving efficacy of strains and
rehydration therapy. The requirement for oral rehydration is
creating high quality end goods, the reward could well be a
best exemplified in Kenya, where failure of a child to access
leadership position in an expanding market.
a District hospital for this treatment can be the difference
between life and death [47]. Prevention of rotavirus infection The need for legislation is certainly evident by a brief
is not easy to assess because it is difficult to ensure that examination of web sites claiming to sell probiotics. For
active and placebo groups are equally exposed to the virus. example, one site states that “Lactobacillus acidophilus is
Nevertheless, one study in Peru did indicate a significant one of the most important microorganisms found in the small
reduction in incidence of infection due to prophylaxis with L. intestine. It is known to implant itself on the intestinal wall,
rhamnosus GG [48]. Arguably, prevention of infection is and in the lining of the wall of the vagina, cervix and
easier to assess for urogenital infections (urinary tract urethra.” Of course there are no peer-reviewed data to
infection [UTI], BV and yeast vaginitis) where recurrences support these claims for this bacterium and no scientific
are common within a 3-6 month timeframe. Patients with a evidence either that L. acidophilus is one of the most
history of UTI who were given once-weekly vaginal suppo- important intestinal organisms, or that probiotics implant
sitories containing 10 9 L. rhamnosus GR-1 and L. fermentum themselves anywhere. Another site suggests that their
B-54 cells had 79% fewer episodes during treatment proprietary probiotic organisms “multiply in the intestines
compared to the previous year [40]. Despite the fact that this and actually compete with "harmful" bacteria for receptor
patient population is highly prone to yeast vaginitis no sites, crowding out the pathogens and taking their place”.
episodes were observed. Again, there is no proof that receptor site competition occurs
in vivo in the gut, little evidence of depletion of pathogen
STEP 5: EFFECTIVENESS numbers and as for ‘taking their place’, this seems unlikely
given that probiotic organisms are washed out within, at
Phase III studies, usually as randomized, blinded designs,
most, a few weeks. If companies want to inform consumers,
are necessary to determine whether a probiotic therapy is as
then accurate, science-based information is required.
good as, or better than a standard treatment for a particular
References to reviews and somebody else’s strains are of no
disease. For example, this might compare lactobacilli against
use unless in the proper context.
metronidazole to eradicate BV. As most probiotic products
are in the form of food, it is rare for a phase III study to be Much is made of enhancing immunity and detoxifying
completed. Foods and dietary supplements are used for the intestine. Some facts need to be first understood. Our
nutritional purposes with some added functional value. Once knowledge of the microflora of the gut and other body sites
reference is made to curing or treating a disease, most is still evolving. The use of PCR-DGGE methods without
government regulatory agencies would regard this as drug culture, is allowing identification of organisms that were
therapy, and require extensive testing - including a phase III previously undetected. Studies have shown that an organism
study. At the time of preparing this article, no phase III that is very difficult to culture, L. iners, is the most common
studies on probiotics could be identified using a PubMed Lactobacillus in the vagina of one population [49], while a
search. relatively unknown organism, Atopobium, may in fact be a
Some probiotics are legislated as drugs, for example major cause of BV [50]. In short, legends of the great
VSL#3 for Crohn’s disease. The L. rhamnosus GG strain is ‘acidophilus’ need to be put in perspective and more
mostly distributed in dairy product formulation, but as a attention must be placed on evolving science.
freeze dried capsule it can be registered as a drug. Such
products must be manufactured under FDA, European THE IMPORTANCE OF THE FIRST SIX MONTHS
Pharmacopia or equivalent quality assurance regulations. OF LIFE
Very few probiotic manufacturers have reached this Good Humans contain ten fold more microbes than the human
Manufacturing Practices (GMP) standard, with Chr Hansen cells from which they are themselves comprised. The
Laboratories, Denmark being the most notable exception. An organisms which colonize us, through vaginal and fecal
advantage for clinicians is that products prepared in this way contact from the birthing mother, handling and feeding, play
are likely to be more reliable in terms of content, shelf-life a major role in life-long health. Exposure of young children
and quality. to broad spectrum antibiotics can perturb the intestinal
microflora, potentially resulting in Th2 dominance over Th1
STEP 6: HEALTH CLAIMS AND LABELING immune responses to environmental antigens and an incre-
An important component of the FAO/WHO Guidelines ased incidence of atopic disorders [51]. This negative effect
involves labeling and use of specific health claims. For foods need not necessarily be caused by depletion of lactobacilli or
and dietary supplements, only general health claims are bifidobacteria, but rather organisms such as Bacteroides
The Importance of Guidelines in the Development Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2005, Vol. 11, No. 1 15

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