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1 Accute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Condition in which fluid collect in the air sac
2 Airway The passage by which air reaches a person's
3 Antibiotics a medicine (such as penicillin or its derivativ
4 Anxiety A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, t
5 Attack Rate The biostatistical measure of frequency of m
6 Avigan The anti-flu drugs from Japan
7 Basic Reproduction Number
8 Bat
9 Body Bag AI
10 Breathless
11 Carrier
12 Cartdrige
13 Centers for Desease Control
14 Chemistry AKMALIA
15 Clinic
16 Clinically Diagnose
17 Close Contact
18 Cluster
19 Community Speard
20 Comorbidity
21 Co-morbility
22 Congregate
23 Contact Tracking
24 Contact Follow Up
25 Contact Listing DEWI
26 Contagioun
27 Containment
28 Containment Zone
29 Contract Tracing
30 Convalescent Plasma DIANA
31 Corpse
32 Cough
33 Coveralls
34 Crowded
35 Curve ELSA
36 Dangerous
37 Delay Phase
38 Detox
39 Direct Medical
40 Disease
41 Disinfectant
42 Distance
43 Dizzy
44 Donation
45 Drive Through Testing
46 Droplets HASNA
47 Drugs

48 Dry Cough
49 Emergency Warning Signs
50 Endemic
51 Environtment IRMA
52 Epicentre
53 Epidemiology
54 Exposed
55 Face Shield
56 Fasyankes JUANITA
57 Fatality
58 Flattening The Curve
59 Food
60 Genome Sequencing
61 Global Air Pollution
62 Global Diseases
63 Green Zone
64 Hand Hygiene
65 Hand Sanitizer
66 Hand Washing
67 Handscoon NANDA
68 Hazmat Suit
69 Herbal
70 Herd Immunity
71 Highly Contagious
72 Hoax NANI
73 Hospital
74 Hyperventilating
75 Ibuprofen
76 Ill
77 Immune system NENG TITA
78 Immunosuppresed
79 Imported Case
80 Index Case
81 Infectious
82 Infussion NENG WINA
83 Isolation
84 Lopinavir-Ritonavir
85 Lung
86 Martial Law
88 Mitigation
89 Monitoring
90 Mortality rate
91 Mouse
92 Nasopharyngeal Swab RAKEL
93 National emergency
94 Nonpharamaceutial Interventions (NPIs)
95 Oropharyngeal Swabs

96 Outbreak
97 Panic Buying RANI
98 Pathogen
99 PCR Test
100 Personal Protective Equipment
101 Personal Under Invertigation
102 Pneumonia SARI
103 Polymerase Chain Reaction
104 Presumptive Positive Case
105 Public
106 Rapid Test
107 Red Zone SENITSA
108 Reinfected
109 Remdesivir
110 Resilience
111 Respiratory Etiquette
112 Respiratory Illness SHASA
113 Risk Assessment
114 SARS
115 Screening
116 Self-Quarantine
117 Semipermeable Membrane SHELLA
118 Sense of Smell Loss
119 Sense of Taste Loss
120 Serial Interval
121 Shelter-in-place
122 Sick SRI SUCI
123 Soap
124 Spesimen
125 Stay at Home
126 Stigma
127 Sun Bathing TRISKA
128 Surveillance
129 Susceptible
130 Suspected
131 Susper Spreader
132 Swab TERRY
133 Sympton
134 The Plague
135 Thermometer
136 Touch
137 Tourist
138 Transmission
139 Travel Restrictions
140 Treatment
141 Underlying Condition
142 Unhealth
143 Uproar YUNINDA
144 Ventilator
145 Viral
146 Voluntary
147 Waze
148 Widespread Desease SATRIA
149 Workout
150 World Population
hich fluid collect in the air sacs of the lungs, depriving organs of oxygen
y which air reaches a person's lungs
ch as penicillin or its derivatives) that inhibits the growth of or destroys microorganisms
rry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome
cal measure of frequency of morbidity, the percentage of the population which contracts the disease, in an at risk population
ugs from Japan
the average number of people who will catch the disease from a single infected person
an small flying animal that looks like a mouse with wings and active at the night
a bag used for carrying a corpse from a battlefield or the scene of an accident or crime
short of breath or appearing this way because of excitement or other strong feelings
a person or other organism that has become infected with a pathogen or virus, but that displays no signs or symptoms
a case or container that holds a substance, device, or material which is difficult, troublesome, or awkward to handle and th
a federal agency that conducts and supports health promotion, prevention and preparedness activities in the United State
the science dealing with the composition and properties of substances, and with the reactions by which substances are pro
a building where people go to receive medical advice or treatment
means all testing to detect, identify, and/or quantitate one or more nucleic acid sequences for the purposes of detecting, d
someone who has been face to face for at least 15 minutes, or been in the same closed space for at least 2 hours, as some
a small group of people or things
people have been infected with the virus in an area, including some who are not sure how or where they became infected
associated with worse healt outcomes, more complex clinical management, and increased health care costs.
the existence of more than one disorder or disease at the same time
to come together into a group, crowd, or assembly students congregated in the auditorium
People in close contact with someone who is infected with a virus, such as the Ebola virus, are at higher risk of becoming in
Regular follow-up should be conducted with all contacts to monitor for symptoms and test for signs of infection.
All persons considered to have contact with the infected person should be listed as contacts. Efforts should be made to ide
the communication of disease from one person to another by close contact.
the action of keeping something harmful under control or within limits.
is the action or policy of keeping another country's power or area of control within acceptable limits or boundaries.
tracking who might have had contact with an infected person.
Who have recovered from Covid-19 have antibodies in their blood plasma that maintain a defence against the infection. O
a dead body, especially of a human being rather than an animal.
expel air from the lungs with a sudden sharp sound.

a process or period of time in which one abstains from or rids the body of toxic or unhealthy substances
direct continuous clinical care of a healthcare provider in a clinical setting
a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific signs or symptoms or
a chemical liquid that destroys bacteria.
an amount of space between two things or people.
having or involving a sensation of spinning around and losing one's balance.
urgent medical attention include: difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen, su
(of a disease or condition) regularly found among particular people or in a certain area.
the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates
the central point of something, typically a difficult or unpleasant situation
the branch of medicine which deals with the incidence, distribution, and possible control of diseases and other factors rela

any nutritious substance that people eat or drink in order to maintain life and growth, especially in the midst of the pande
figuring out the order of DNA nucleotides, or bases, in a genome—the order of As, Cs, Gs, and Ts that make up an organism
a mixture of solid particles and gases in the air that occurs globally
a disease that exists both in developed and developing countries
countries or localities without confirmed cases or with a few infected travelers arriving from other countries
a way of cleaning one’s hands that substantially reduces potential pathogens (harmful microorganisms) on the hands

a synthetic compound used widely as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug.

not in full health or sick.
The immune system is a host defense system comprising many biological structures and processes within an organism tha
Immunosuppression is a reduction of the activation or efficacy of the immune system. Some portions of the immune syste
Indicates the location where all cases have been obtained outside the reporting location. For example the source of the vir

number of deaths during a particular period of time among a particular type or group of people
a small mammal with short fur, a pointed face, and a long tall
a method for collecting a clinical test sample of nasal secretions from the back of the nose and throat
a state of emergency resulting from a danger or threat of danger to a nation from foreign or domestic sources and usually
a number of piblic health measures
is used as temporary (until more effective hazard control techniques can be used) or last line of protection for workers aga
the new PUI definitions includes travel to more geographic areas to reflect this past weeks marked uptick in coronavirus
is an infection on one or both of the lungs. Many germs, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi, can cause pneumonia
is a laboratory technique used to make multiple copies of a segment of DNA
is a person who tested positive for Covid-19 at a state or local laboratory

is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress, such as fam
is a term used to describe infection prevention measures to decrease the transmission of respiratory illness e.g influenza a
is a type of disease that affects the lungs and other parts of the respiratory system. Respiratory diseases may be caused by
is a term used to describe the overall process or method where you identify hazards and risk factors that have the potentia
SARS stands for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, it is a virus that identified to be an animal virus from an as-yet-uncert
is a performed as a preventive measure to detect a potential health problem or diseas in someone that doesn't yet have si
people who have been exposed to the new coronavirus and who are at risk for coming down with covid 19.
is a membrane that only allows certain types of particles to move thorugh it under certain conditions.
occur with the commond cold and other viral infections of the nose and throat.
the impact of quality life, often leading to decreased appetite and poor nutrion.
in the epidemiology of communicable (infectious) diseases, refers to the time between successive cases in a chain of trans
To seek safety within the building one already occupies, rather than to evacuate the area or seek a community shelter.
Being phisically or mentally ill, unwell or unhealthy.
A substance used with water for washing and cleaning, made of compound of natural oils or fats with sodium hydroxide or
An individual animal, plant, piece of a mineral, etc., used as an example of its species or type for scientific study or display.
directs people to limit movements outside of their homes beyond essential needs. This limits social interactions to help pr
occurs when people associate a risk with a specific people, place, or thing – like a minority population group – and there is
s one of the oldest ancient health care practices, used for thousands of years to keep people in a good level of health and
a procedure used instead of quarantine to control the spread of infectious disease, involving close supervision during the i
likely to be influenced or affected by something.

A devide used for measuring temperature, especially of the air or a person's body.
Handle in order to manipulate, alter, or otherwise affect, especially in an adverse way.
A person who travels and visits places for pleasure and interest.
The action or process of transmitting somethiing or the state of being transmitted.
Are put into place by the government when it is unwise for tourists to visit a destination.
The manner in which someone behaves toward or deals with someone or something.
underlying condition is a respiratory virus, patients with chronic medical conditions are at a higher risk of developing a sev
unhealth is a (usually uncountable, plural unhealts) lack or absence of health; unsoundness; infirmity; disease
uproar is a loud and impassioned noise or disturbance
is a machine that function to support or assist breathing
a relating to involving an image, video, piece of information, etc. That is circulated rapidly and widely from one internet us
an be easily changed
goal of improving overall public health
m or converted into other substance

monitoring, treating, preventing, or studying Human Disease.

s tested positive for the COVID-19 when that person was infectious

mselves, and of potentially further infecting others.

listed contact and to inform them of their contact status, what it means, the actions that will follow, and the importance of receiving e

f using plasma from survivors

s a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury.

ess, confusion, severe or persistent vomiting (vomiting that goes on), and flu-like symptoms that improve but then return with fever a

gainst disease.
e immunosuppressive effects on other parts of the immune system, and immunosuppression may occur as an adverse reaction to trea
oad, obtained when the patient is traveling

be in existence by governmental authority

tionship problems, serious health problems, or workplace and financial stressors

by smoking or others
harm, analyze and evaluate the risk associated with that hazard, determine appropriate ways to eliminate the hazard
perhaps bats, that spread to other animals (civet cats) and first infected humans in the Guangdong province of southern China in 2002

rong alkali, and typically having perfume and coloring added.

read of disease.
e that the risk is greater in that group than in the general population. Stigmatization is especially common in disease outbreaks.
mon illness by  boosting immunity through the creation of natural unprocessed  vitamin D.
eriod of possible contacts of individuals exposed to an infectious disease.

spiratory infection with low oxygen levels and pneumonia

nd the importance of receiving early care if they develop symptoms. Contacts should also be provided with information about preventi
ove but then return with fever and worse cough

ur as an adverse reaction to treatment of other conditions

ate the hazard
ovince of southern China in 2002

mon in disease outbreaks.

with information about prevention of the disease. In some cases, quarantine or isolation is required for high risk contacts, either at ho
r high risk contacts, either at home, or in hospital.

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