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龍騰 2016-02 Book2L1 Handout 4 自己的名字: ________________ 總得分

              搭檔學伴簽名: ______________ 整組繳交序位: ________

學期成績計算方式: 1.段考 60% 2.課堂表現 30%(個人學習單+團體上台答題表
現) 3.小考 10%

協同學習區(talk gently 請細聲討論)

Focal Point 1 It + is/was + Adj (+ for sb.) + to VR
本句型主要是介紹 It + is/was + Adj (+ for sb.) + to VR 的各種用法。這個句型是從”基本的不定詞或動名詞
(1) 複習句型:不定詞/動名詞當主詞
句型:To VR/V-ing + 單數動詞....
說明:動詞不可當主詞,應改用不定詞(to VR)或動名詞(V-ing)才能當主詞。
*Task 任務: 請將下列各句的主詞 S 圈出。
1. • To love and to be loved is a blessing. 2. • To say is one thing; to do is quite another.
3. • Traveling abroad broadens our horizons. 4. • Listening to classical music is a good hobby.
(2) 課文句型:It 配合介系詞 for 與不定詞(to VR)
句型:It is/was + Adj + for sb. + to VR
1. It 為形式主詞(虛主詞),____________為真正主詞。
2. 說明事情的形容詞(如 easy, hard, wrong, right, important, impossible, necessary, difficult, ... 等)用 for + sb.。
*Task 任務: 請將下列各句的真主詞圈出並且將句子中的 adj.畫底線。
1. • It is easy for us to read the book. 2. • It is necessary for you to study hard.
3. • It is important for us to be honest with others.

(3) 補充句型(1):配合介系詞 of
句型:It is/was + Adj + of sb. + to VR
1. It 為形式主詞(虛主詞),to VR 為真正主詞。
2. 說明_________________性質的形容詞(如 kind, wise, polite, cruel, selfish, ...等),要用 of + sb.。
1. • It is kind of you to help the poor boy. 本句翻譯成中文: __________________________
2. • It was wise of you to save a lot of money when you are young. 本句翻譯成中文: _________________________
3. • It is selfish of Tony to refuse to help others with their homework.本句翻譯成中文: ________________________
A. 用 It is... to VR 改寫下列句子
1. Going hiking is interesting. →___________________________________________________________________
2. Exercising regularly is good for us.→_____________________________________________________________
3. To love and to be loved is a blessing.→____________________________________________________________
4. To save money for our future is smart.→___________________________________________________________
5. To cook is not easy for me.→____________________________________________________________________
B. 題組翻譯填充
1. 短時間內學好跳舞對我爸爸來說是困難的。______ ______ difficult for my father to ______ to dance well in a
short time.
2. 如果我們的英語很好,出國旅遊就很方便。If we ______ good at English, it will be ______ for us to travel
1. It is interesting to go hiking.
2. It is good for us to exercise regularly.
3. It is a blessing to love and to be loved.
4. It is smart to save money for our future.
5. It is not easy for me to cook.
1. It; is; learn
2. are; convenient; abroad

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