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Progress test Unit 2 Test B

Progress Test 2B
Name: ___________________________________________

1 Decide whether the following sentences are correctly formed. Put a tick () next to the
correct sentences and a cross () next to the incorrect ones.
1 There would be a sweet shop on the corner of our street. ____
2 As a student, Harry would work on a farm every summer. ____
3 My sister would cry at weddings but she hasn't since she got married. ____
4 For a while after she left university Jean would come and see us. ____
5 I think he used to smoke cigars when he was better off. ____
6 On my father's birthday we would always go for a picnic. ____
7 I used to get top marks at school many times. ____
8 My friend used to have a dog called Eustace. ____
9 Previously Janice would help me a lot more than she does now. ____
10 In the 1950s scientists used to make a lot of new discoveries. ____

Mark __/10

2 Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets. Use the past perfect continuous or
1 They ______________________ (drive) for several hours when it started to snow.
2 Matthew ______________________ (try) to give up smoking on several occasions.
3 I wasn't surprised when he resigned as he ______________________ (talk) about it for a while.
4 The overnight snow ______________________ (lay) a thick white blanket over the countryside.
5 When he scored his first goal he ______________________ (not play) in our team for long.
6 The detectives could see it ______________________ (rain) by the wet grass.
7 Jack ______________________ (refuse) to stay any longer so we'd all had to leave.
8 Caroline guessed James ______________________ (take) the car because the keys were
9 Sarah ______________________ (date) Robert for years when they broke up.
10 Natalie couldn't remember if she ______________________ (turn off) the gas before she left.

Mark __/10

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Upper-Intermediate Progress tests Unit 2 1

Progress test Unit 2 Test B

3 Complete the text with the verbs below. There are two words that you do not need to use.
spend earn expense repay buying need save up
If you want to avoid owing money, you need to learn to 1 _______________ wisely and avoid
 _______________ costly things you don't really need. When you budget, you need to take into
account how much you 3 _______________ and how much goes out on essentials. If you
 _______________ expensive items such as a new washing machine, you will have to
 _______________ for them instead of purchasing them on a credit card.

Mark __/5

4 Complete the gaps with the correct expressions and idioms so that the second sentence has
the same meaning as the first.
1 Helen's very sensible with money. Helen is good _______ _______ _______ .
2 Her parents have enough money for some luxuries in life. Her parents are _______ _______ .
3 He would make a lot of money if he sold his house. His house would be _______ a _______ if
he sold it.
4 I like spending time looking for the cheapest bargains. I like to _______ _______ to try to find a
5 This shop charges too much money for everything. Everything in this shop is a _______ .

Mark __/5

5 Complete the sentences with an appropriate form of the words in bold.

1 The owners took ______________ of their house once the squatters had left. possess
2 The ______________ of houses is very poor in this area. available
3 The local council has made numerous ______________ to the housing estate. improve
4 Now I've bought new furniture, I wish I had a more ______________ flat. space
5 We have to pay the rent we owe within a week to avoid ______________ . evict

Mark __/5

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Upper-Intermediate Progress tests Unit 2 2

Progress test Unit 2 Test B

6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words or phrases below and add
prepositions to make prepositional phrases.
danger forge a relationship wave goodbye value benefit
1 He is ______________ losing his job if he's consistently late.
2 We had to ______________ the many luxuries we had been used to when Dad lost his job.
3 I really ______________ Jack ______________ his honesty.
4 Tom tried unsuccessfully to ______________ his boss.
5 You'd really ______________ doing this computer course, you know.

Mark __/5

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Progress test Unit 2 Test B

Use of English
7 Complete the sentences with an appropriate verb from the words below in the correct form.
Use used to, would, the past perfect or the past perfect continuous.

make get rent value forge

1 Jerry started his new job last Monday. He’s so sociable that, by the end of the day, he ______
relationships with everyone in the office.

2 Jane ______ the flat for six months when Joe moved in to live with her.

3 I ____ people for their confidence and social skills, but nowadays I think people who are kind
and generous are the best sort of friends.

4 My friends and I were squatters a few years ago. We _____ evicted from flats every two or three
months, but we just found somewhere else to live.

5 After selling the property, Jake realised that he ______ a profit. He was very pleased.

Mark __/10

8  You are going to hear an interview with Mary Downing. Decide if the following statements
are true (T) or false (F).
1 Mary's husband is responsible for all the family finances. ___
2 Mary doesn't buy anything too costly due to lack of sufficent funds. ___
3 Mary's husband would have liked to spend money on luxurious items, but couldn't. ___
4 Mary's husband would sometimes buy goods without looking at how much they cost. ___
5 Mary's husband had to travel on business a lot in order to keep the family‘s financial situation
stable. ___

Mark __/5

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Progress test Unit 2 Test B

9 Read the text. Match the sentences with the correct person A–D. There is one person you
need to use twice.
People and money: a peek into our financial lifestyles
A Jim Gareth
Money, or shall we say the constant absence of it, drives us crazy. I suppose it all started when I was at
university, and I'd borrowed quite a large sum by the time I graduated. When you are a fresh graduate, it's
difficult to find a good job and I got into debt quite rapidly. I haven't been able to repay what I borrowed for
some years now. My wife was in exactly the same situation when she graduated and she came into our
relationship with her own debts. Then there were the expenses with the wedding, of course, and now we're
totally broke!
B Karen Jones
Our situation became critical last year, as we were in danger of getting evicted from our house because we
weren't able to pay the mortgage. In the end we had to borrow a lot of money from my husband's family. It has
taught us a valuable lesson though: don't get a larger house than you can afford, especially for a rip-off price,
and certainly don't recklessly overspend on a lavish wedding if you're already in debt!
C Henry Pollack
My wife says that I am really stingy with money, but I would call myself sensible. I don't think spending
wisely is mean at all. You see, I have always been in charge of our family finances and I think my wife is
grateful to me for taking that responsibility solely on myself. All my married life, I have been sitting down
with a glass of sherry on a Sunday evening to work out a weekly budget from our total income, planning
carefully what we could afford to buy and how much we would have to save up for the more costly items, such
as a new TV or washing machine. Unlike our friends, we go on holiday every year, and I can assure you that
our earnings are quite modest.
D Evelyn Simmons
Our pensions are not much to boast about, but we are doing fine. We manage to pay our bills, we've paid off
our mortgage and we still have some money left over for life's little luxuries. And if times got really hard, we
have a few valuable items in our loft that could fetch quite a large sum at auction. We'll be fine, as long as we
have each other.

1 ___ almost had their house repossessed due to financial difficulties.

2 ___ is a precise financial planner.
3 ___ is planning to sell some of their possessions if difficult financial times come along.
4 ___ shared the same financial problems as his/her partner.
5 ___ has bought a property that was overpriced.

Mark __/5

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Progress test Unit 2 Test B

10 Write a story (200-250 words) about someone, who comes into a lot of money. Include the
following points in your story:
 Describe how this person comes into a lot of money.
 What does this person do with it?
 What happens to all the money in the end?
 Give the story a happy or a sad ending.

Info 1 Info 2 Info 3 Info 4

/1 /1 /1 /1
Form Vocabulary Grammar Total
/2 /2 /2 / 10

Total: ___/70

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