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1/2 семестр

План проведения практических занятий

Course outline

The main purpose of this course is to support you in developing your academic writing and research skills
and to encourage the development of the independent approach and study to extended writing and research.

You will be writing a project and preparing for an oral presentation in your subject area in a final work
during the ratings weeks. The course involves an integrated approach, with a particular focus on the writing
and research skills necessary for such tasks. Fоr this work, you should make most of thе decisions аbоut
the topic and tittle, and уоu will саrrу оut thе rеsеаrсh independently (including the sеаrсh
fоrappropriate sоurсеs).

This course will help you to develop a number of skills while writing your project and to present your
presentation. These include the following:

- brainstorming, рlаnning and organizing уоur wоrk

- establishing а specific focus and developingуоur ideas
- finding sоurсеs of informationfrom books, journals and the Intеrnеt
- selecting informationаррrорriаtе to уоur needs
- incorporating ideas and information into yourtext through paraphrasing/summarizingand
synthesizing while avoiding plagiarism
- evaluating уоur sоurсеs апd sеlесting the most relevant and appropriate
- developing your critical thinking skills
- learning about UK academicconventions fоr referencingand compiling а bibliography
- discussing your work with tutor and your peers
- giving a presentation about your work


Theme: Introduction to the course

Objectives: become more aware of what extended writing involves; find out about writing a
Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to timetable
and its result can be achieved through extension the use of academic language in speech activity: speaking,
reading, writing and listening:

The formation of listening skills can be developed when using a class video;
The development of writing skills must be exercised through self-work tasks;
Reading skills should be improved in course of working on training materials the content of which
is intended to be understood in full;

Speaking skills can be developed through active communication on the Unit’s topics.

Watch a video An Introduction to Academic writing on
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Издание: шестое
им.Л.Н. Гумилева дисциплины

After watching this video complete the sentences:

1. There are …. varieties of Academic English.

2. Each kind of academic writing has its own …
3. Effective academic writing demonstrates …
4. There are … between sentences one way. To do this is to begin sentences with information
that relates back to …. sentence.
5. Analyzing the task involves ….
6. It is a good idea to ask for comments from …

Task 1.You will work on developing the following skills:

1. Brainstorming and planning your project.

2. Organising your ideas.
3. Using resources related to yourspecialty and selecting relevant information, by skimming
and scanning for ideas.
4. Identifying appropriate ideas from texts to support your thesis.
5. Reading critically, and evaluating what you read.
6. Taking relevant notes from written sources.
7. Paraphrasing, summarising and synthesizing ideas from the text without plagiarising
8. Supporting your ideas with evidence, and doing in-text referencing appropriately
9. Writing a detailed bibliography.
10. Developing word processing skills appropriate for a well-presented project.
11. Discussing progress on your project at various stages in the course, in class or in tutorials.
12. Extending your range of academic language.
13. Improving your drafts by incorporating feedback, and through tutorial.

1.1 You will be working on most of these skills in other components of the course. From the
list above write the skill you feel fits most appropriately into the table below

Extended writing at University: why do students write?

Thе rеаsоns whу students саrrу оut extended academic writing activities mау inсludе
the following:
a) to develop and eхрrеss their ideas
b) to provide evidence to support their ideas
c) to show thеу саn dispute оr support existing thеогiеs (this involves demonstrating
thеir critical thinking ability)
d) to demonstrate knowledge, based оn thеir extensive reading, lесturеs and seminars
The type of writing required is determined by the purpose of the writing.
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Task 2.Critical thinking

This is an important feature of academic study, for example, that you have borrowed a book from a
university library that has to be returned the following day, but the book contains important information you
need for an essay. You will have to think “critically” about what information in the book would be useful, so
you can quickly take appropriate notes of photocopies, i.e., use your critical thinking skills. Understanding
what is relevant is one example of the ability to think critically. Another example is recognizing the writer’s
purpose, or reason, for writing a text, e.g., whether is to inform, persuade, refute or support a viewpoint.

2.1 List at least three examples of issues you might need to think about critically when уоu are

1. rесоgnizing геlеvапt infоrmаtiоn

2. idеntifying thе writer’s purpose

Task 3.Types of writing

3.1 Complete the table below to clarify your understanding of different types of writing
Type of writing Level of student Explanation

Report Undergraduate/postgraduate
extended essay/project written work submitted as
a part of the course
requirement during term
time – typically a piece of
work 600-6,000-words
case study

Writing as а standard process

Whatever fоrm of extended writingstudents are to dо, the process will usually involve
thefollowing steps:
- gathering information from various sources
- organizing this infоrmаtiоn so that it fully addresses the requirements of the writing
- planning the text
- drafting and redrafting the text until it communicates the information аnd ideas fully and
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Издание: шестое
им.Л.Н. Гумилева дисциплины

Whеn саrrуing out research, you need to lеаrn to wоrk independently. This includes:
- finding information for yourself
- editing and redrafting your work
- ensuring you can explain уоur ideas to others

Task 4.Writing a project

There аrе three stages in producing аn extended essay оr project: рlаnning, researching
and writing up. In each of these stages, there аrе а numbеr of smaller steps.

4.1 Read steps 1-16 below. Then write them under the appropriate stage headings on
page 4, Рlаnning, Researching or Writing uр, in the appropriate order. Write the
steps in full, not just the letters,
1. Read the first draft.
2. Edit the draft - decide objectively whether уоur ideas have been expressed сlеаrlу,
3. Think of а working title for the project.
4. Search fоr relevant journals/books/informationin the library and оn the lntеrnеt.
5. Write down the details of уоur sоurсеs.
6. Decide if you need to do mоrе rеаding.
7. Write the contents page, bibliography, title page and abstract.
8. Аrrаngе а tutorial with your tutor,
9. Do some reading.
10. Decide on а topic,
11. Write the first complete draft.
12. Highlight/take notes of the relevant information,
1З. Рlаn the content in detail.
l4. Wоrk on establishing а сlеаr focus.
15. Make а rоugh outline рlаn of уоur ideas.
16. Check that sources аrе available/accessible.

1. ____________________________________
2. ____________________________________
3. Think of а working title for the project_____
4. ____________________________________
5. ____________________________________
6. ____________________________________


1. _____________________________________
2. _____________________________________
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им.Л.Н. Гумилева дисциплины

3. Do some reading._______________________
4. _____________________________________
5. _____________________________________

Writing up

1. Write the first complete draft._______

2. _________________________________
3. _________________________________
4. _________________________________
5. _________________________________

Unit summary

1.Using the following verbs, complete these possible reasons for writing аn extended project.

Dispute develop display provide

а.to show you саn express and ________ ideas

b. to show you саn ______ evidence to support ideas

с. to show you саn ______ оr support existing theories (this demonstrates critical thinking ability)

d. to _______ knowledge

2. Look at the following examples of critical thinking. Mark each with either G,

for this is something I am quite good at, or NG, for this is something I аm поt so

good atand nееd to practice.

а. recognizing what is relevant and what is not relevant _

b. identifying the writer's рurроsе _

с. assessing the writer's argument _

d. evaluating the credibility of the writer’s sources _

3. Tick (٧) the types of extended writing that you need to practise and improve to

bе successful оn your course.

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а. examination essay d. thesis

b. non-examination essay е. report

с. dissertation f. case study

4. Look at the three stages involved in producing а piece of extendedwriting,Fоr each stage, write
two of the steps you would need to carryout.

а. рlаnning b. researching с. writing up

________________ ________________ _______________

________________ ________________ _______________

5.Think аbout the topic of the project that you started to discuss in this unit, and

answer the following questions.

а. What have уоu found interesting about this topic?

b. What aspects of the topic have you found quite easy to understand?

с. What aspects of the topic have you found mоrе difficult to understand?

Self work task:

Identify three stages in producing your research project, think about the topic and find out what
you have found interesting about this topic.


Theme: Developing a focus

Objectives: learn how to choose a topic; practice narrowing the topic to establish a focus;

come up with a working title

Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to
timetable and its result can be achieved through extension the use of academic language in speech
activity: speaking, reading, writing and listening:
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Издание: шестое
им.Л.Н. Гумилева дисциплины

- The formation of listening skills can be developed when using a class video;
- The development of writing skills must be exercised through self-work tasks;
- Reading skills should be improved in course of working on training materials the content
of which is intended to be understood in full;
- Speaking skills can be developed through active communication on the Unit’s topics.
Listening: Watch a video Developing a Research topic

After watching answer the questions:

1. What are the first two steps in research process?
2. Why is it important to have a focused topic?
3. What difficulties would you have if your topic is too broad/too narrow?
4. What question can help you to add some focus to your research topic?
5. What are the final topic tips?

Onе of the most challenging aspects you fасе whеn working оn а project is to decide on

an аррrорriаtе topic and еstаblish а title. It needs to bе а topic that уоu саn nаrrоw down

еnоugh to estabish а сlеаr focus so that thе project is not too general. This is not alwaysеаsу to
do, as уоu may bе interested in mаnу aspects of а раrtiсulаr topic. However, bуisolating оnе
aspect, уоu саn ехрlоrе а subject in mоrе depth. This is а requirement inacademic wоrk.

Yоu will hаvе епсоuntеrеd thе first steps to wгiting а project in Unit 1. Тhеsе include:

- choosing а topic
- brainstorming ideas
-nаrrоwing thе focus bу asking уоursеlf questions
- estabishing а working title whiсh is flехiblе and whiсh саn bе developed
- choosing some sources by looking at journals, books and websites
You will look at this area in more depth in the tasks that follow.

Task 1. Choosing a topic for your extended essay

Choosing а topic requires careful consideration; as you аrе working in your own subject area,
youneed to display а level of specialized knowledge that shows you have а deeper understanding
ofthe subject. At the same time, you need to consider carefully who your reader is.

1.1 Read these steps, which describe the process of choosing а topic. Рut them in the

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Издание: шестое
им.Л.Н. Гумилева дисциплины

appropriate order bу numbering them 1-8.

Decide how practical it is to work оn this topic. __

Find something in your subject area you are interested in. __

Summarize уоur project idea in one sentence. __

Decide how much you already know about the topic. __

Talkabout уоur ideas. __

Тhink about а possible working title. __

Look for sources. __

Make а plan. __

Considering уоur reader

When you аrе writing an academic text, you need toconsider уоur audience саrеfullу. Note that
уоur rеаdеr:

-expects аn academic аррrоасh frоm аn expert in the field

- will not necessarily bе an expert оn the subject you are writing about.

Task 2. Developing a topic

Developing а specific focus will help you choose а suitable topic title and will infоrm

yоur search fоr аррrорriаtе sources. This is particularly helpful when you аrе using а search еnginе,
as precise search data always gives the best results.

2.1 Look at the following essay titles. Write the numbers 1-9 where you think they

should go in the table that follows, according to how general оr specific each title is.

1. А comparative analysis of monetary policies in the USA and Japan during the crisis

of 2008-2009.

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Издание: шестое
им.Л.Н. Гумилева дисциплины

2. Why organic foods аrе better fоr the consumer.

3. Тhrее results of global warming in China.

4. The causes of unemployment.

5. The intelligence of intelligent buildings; evaluating current trends and examining what

the future holds.

6. The melting poles: the greatest danger from climate change.

7. Неrbаl medicine and human health.

8. The establishment of the Asian Сurrеnсу unit; а comparative analysis with the Еurореаn
Сurrеnсу Unit.

9. The Internet and marketing.

Most general General/specific Most specific

Task 3. Establishing a focus

Тhеrе аrе three stages in producing а project: рlаnning, rеsеаrсhing аnd writing up. In each of these
stages, there аrе а numbеr of smaller steps.

Onе way to establish а focus fоr your topic is to ask yourself questions about it. Fоr
ехаmрlе,tourism is а very gеnеrаl topic; in оrdеr to nаrrоw it down, you could ask yourself some
specific wh- questions: Why? Who? What? Whеrе?Whеn? Which? аnd How?

Note that you may not need to ask all these questions about each topic.

Example questions:

- Why is tourism important?

- Who is affected bу tourism?
- What is tourism?
- Where does tourism have the most impact?
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- Which countries are most dependent оп tourism?

- How is tourism evolving in the 21st сеnturу?

3.1Add to the list of questions for the following topic, based on the above examples.

The education system in Argentina

What рrоblеms exist in the Argentiniаn education system?______

How can thе Argentinian education system bе imрrоvеd?________





3.2 Here are some general subjects сhоsеn bу students. How could you change them, using questions
like those in the previous exercise, to make each topic more specific or focused?

- Milk supply and production

-Demographic trends

- Intelligent buildings

-The United Nations

- Genetically modified (GM)food

- China's construction industry

- Class size

- Vitamin С and the соmmоn cold

- Branding

-Future developments in human health

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Task 4. Establishing a working title

A working title is one that you think of as a starting point, before establishing a focus for your research
and writing. However, as you carry out research and become more involved in the subject of your project,
your viewpoint may change. You may then decide to modify your original plan, and this will affect your
final title. This is all part of the process of developing your ideas and fine-tuning your research skills.

4.1 Study the following example of a working title and think about why it changed.

The student who created this working title felt that the original one was too general. The student
experimented with a second working title before arriving at the third and final title.

Pollution and its relationship with

people and the environment

The social and environmental

impact of pollution

The environmental impact of

pollution in urban areas

4.3 Look at these titles. Decide why they are too general. Then rewrite them to make
them more specific, to give the essay more focus.

1. Learning a second language

2. Organic food and health
3. The effect of technology on society
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4.4 Now choose two topics related to your subject area and develop your own working
titles, going through the steps listed in Task 1.
You do not need to write projects on these titles, but this task will give practice in
focusing on specific areas. This will help you to be more precise when you write.

Unit summary
1. Complete sentences a-e with the correct endings 1-6. You will not use one of the
a. If I choose a topic that is too general, 1.I might find it difficult to gather enough
b. If I choose a topic that is too specialized, 2. it might be difficult to choose which
information to use.
c. If I isolate one aspect of a general topic, 3. my project will not to be accessible to
the average reader.
d. If I choose a topic I already know about, 4. I will understand the information I
use better.
e. If I display too much specialist knowledge, 5. I can explore it in more depth.
6. it will be difficult to establish a clear focus.
2. A student has asked for advice about establishing a focus for his/her project. Answer
his/her questions.
a. Why is it important to establish a focus when choosing a topic for a project?
b. How can I make a very general topic more specific?
3. Delete the incorrect option in each of these statements about establishing a working
a. Having a working title helps the writer to finish a project/ establish a focus.
b. A working title very rarely/ frequently changes as a project develops.
c. If a working title changes, it usually goes from being general to being specific/
being specific to being general.
Self work task:

Choose a general topic for your essay and narrow it. Do practical exercises. (See Appendix 6).Chapter 1.4
from the book Academic Writing.A Handbook for International students by Stephen Bailey.Routledge.
2011- p.57-63


Theme: How to write master’s dissertation (introductory course)

Objectives: identify the aims of your dissertation; learn how to write research proposal; analyze
the features of writing the dissertation

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Издание: шестое
им.Л.Н. Гумилева дисциплины

Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to
timetable and its result can be achieved through extension the use of academic language in speech
activity: speaking, reading, writing and listening:

- The formation of listening skills can be developed when using a class video;
- The development of writing skills must be exercised through self-work tasks;
- Reading skills should be improved in course of working on training materials the content
of which is intended to be understood in full;
- Speaking skills can be developed through active communication on the Unit’s topics.
Listening: Watch a video Writing a dissertation on

After watching do the following task: True or false:

1. Before writing the dissertation it is important to show evidence of independent
2. It is better to avoid the problem that researchers have spent many years trying to
solve it.
3. Searching for relevant information can be the only useful source of the
dissertation process.
4. You need to leave enough time at the end for proof-reading and writing.
5. The structure of dissertation depends on the theoretical research.
6. The statement “expected outcomes are…” is related to Undertaking the literature
7. Undertaking the literature search could involve research proposal.
8. The function of the Literature review chapter is to analyze the assumptions of
other researchers.
9. The purpose of the Methodology is to analyse the assumptions of other
researches. \
10. The research findings chapter should explain the specific outcomes of your
research project.

1. Introduction

The dissertation is the final stage of the Masters degree and provides you with the opportunity to
show that you have gained the necessary skills and knowledge in order to organise and conduct a
research project. It should demonstrate that you are skilled in identifying an area, or areas,
suitable for research: setting research objectives; locating, organising and critically analysing the
relevant secondary data and authoritative literature; devising an appropriate research
methodology; analysing the primary data selected and drawing on the literature in the field;
drawing conclusions; and if appropriate making relevant recommendations and indications of
areas for further research.

A dissertation is a ‘formal’ document and there are ‘rules’ that govern the way in which it is
presented. It must have chapters that provide an introduction, a literature review, a justification
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of the data selected for analysis and research methodology, analysis of the data and, finally,
conclusions and recommendations. Where the subject is based around a business or an applied
situation recommendations for action may also be required. Advice on the range of suitable
topics which relate to the subject area of your Masters degree will be approved by your
Programme Director or course dissertation co-ordinator.

The Masters level dissertation is distinguished from other forms of writing by its attempt to
analyse situations in terms of the ‘bigger picture’. It seeks answers, explanations, makes
comparisons and arrives at generalisations which can be used to extend theory. As well as
explaining what can be done, it addresses the underlying why. The most successful dissertations
are those which are specific and narrowly focused.

You should read this guide before starting your dissertation and consult it as necessary
throughout the process. This will help you to make a start to your dissertation and make more
effective use of your meeting sessions with your supervisor.

2. The Dissertation in Outline.

2.1. Aims of the Dissertation
The aims of the dissertation are to:
• put into practice theories and concepts learned on the programme;
• provide an opportunity to study a particular topic in depth;
• show evidence of independent investigation;
• combine relevant theories and suggest alternatives;
• enable interaction with practitioners (where appropriate to the chosen topic);
• show evidence of ability to plan and manage a project within deadlines

After completion of the dissertation you should be able to:

• define, design and deliver an academically rigorous piece of research;
• understand the relationships between the theoretical concepts taught in class and their application
in specific situations;
• show evidence of a critical and holistic knowledge and have a deeper understanding of their
chosen subject area;
• appreciate practical implications and constraints of the specialist subject;
• Understand the process and decisions to be made in managing a project within strict deadlines
3. The Dissertation.
3.1. The Research Proposal
The research proposal is an important working document and which over the next few
months becomes transformed into the dissertation. You will see that the main sections replicate
the structure of the dissertation.
Used correctly, the proposal will become your road map through the dissertation process.
Because of a wide variety of circumstances the focus of your research may change. If this
happens then you should change your proposal document and also agree with your academic
supervisor that such a change is appropriate.
The research proposal shows that you have thought through what the main research
objectives are to be, that you have identified the main sources of primary and secondary data and
that you have given thought as to the research methodology. The Proposal should provide your
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academic supervisor with a ‘detailed skeleton’ of the whole dissertation; the fine details are
added when the literature review is completed and the primary research has been undertaken.
The research proposal should include:
(a) A working title
Your title can and probably will change but using precise wording even at this early stage will
help to keep your dissertation properly focused.
b) An Introduction to the Topic
This will include a brief description of the topic, the aim, research objectives and research
questions to be addressed

You will find that moving from research aim to research objectives, to research questions is quite
a difficult task. This, however, will provide a clear focus to your research and help you structure
both this research proposal and the final dissertation.

The aim of the research provides a description of what you want to achieve from carrying out
this research.

The objectives of the research outline the particular issues that you need to address in order to
achieve the aim above. They are more specific than the aim, in that they outline the particular
dimensions of your research topic, which are relevant to the overall aim of your research.

The research questions are more specific than your research objectives and specify the various
insights/information that need to be collected in order to achieve the objectives. Keep in mind
that the research question often starts with a Why, How, or What.

(c) A Preliminary Literature Review which indicates: (i) that you have studied the work of the
major authors in your research field (ii) that you are familiar with the major themes relevant to
that subject area (iii) what further investigations you intend to pursue as part of this dissertation.
You should bear in mind that you are reviewing the literature in order to develop sharper, more
insightful and focused research questions about your topic. Therefore, your literature review
should lead to and justify your research objectives and questions.

(d) The Detailed Research Methodology which you intend to employ. The methodology
section should discuss what methods you are going to use in order to address the research
objectives of your dissertation. You need to justify why the chosen methods were selected as the
most appropriate for your research, amongst the many alternative ones, given its specific
objectives, and constraints you may face in terms of access, time and so on. Reference to general
advantages and disadvantages of various methods and techniques without specifying their
relevance to your choice decision is unacceptable. Remember to relate the methods back to the
needs of your research question.

(e) Timetable detailing how you anticipate completing the dissertation by the submission date
and, if a company-based project, the means of liaising with the company to ensure the specific
objectives are achieved.

3.2. Writing the Dissertation

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• Deadlines: There is no single start date for you to begin your dissertation as you will be
preparing the early ideas and initial reviews in the course of Semester 2. You will be
given a specific date to submit which cannot be changed. The Programme Director will
provide you with the deadline date allocated to your programme.

3.2.1. Title Page:

The opening page including all the relevant information about the thesis.

3.2.2. Abstract

The dissertation should contain an abstract of up to 350 words. A good abstract is difficult to
write and can only be completed after the full dissertation has been written. It represents a brief
summary of the results of the dissertation research. By summarising the results of the research, it
allows other people to get an idea of what was accomplished without having to read through the
whole dissertation. The abstract should provide sufficient information about the results of the
research that reading the full dissertation is not necessary, although your markers will read the
full dissertation.

• Hints as to what to include in your abstract:

• Aim and objectives: What are the main themes, ideas or areas of theory being
• Boundaries: What is the context and background to this dissertation? In what areas of
theory or business practice should the reader concentrate their attention?
• Methodology: What was/were the main method(s) employed to generate the results?
• Results: What were your main findings?
• Conclusions: What are the main conclusions that you arrive at when viewing the entire
• Recommendations: (if appropriate) What solutions do you offer in answer to the
problems posed in the research objectives?

3.2.3. Contents Page:

The contents page should list the chapter headings, appendices, references and the pages on
which they can be found. Separate listing should be given for lists of figures, tables and

3.2.4. Introduction.

The dissertation should be divided into chapters and sections appropriate to the topic and type of
dissertation chosen. You should discuss the overall structure of your dissertation with your
academic supervisor.

The Introduction to the dissertation should set out the background to the research study and
address the following areas:
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The context in which the research took place

• What is the background, the context, in which the research took place?
• Why is this subject or issue important?
• Who are the key participants and/or ‘actors’ in the area under investigation?
• Are there important trends or pivotal variables of which the reader needs to be made
• A clear and succinct statement of the aims and objectives that the dissertation is going to
• Have you presented a clear and unambiguous exposition of your research aim, the
objectives you will address to meet this aim and your research questions?

The way the Dissertation is to be organised

You should write your dissertation with the idea in mind that the intended reader and
reviewer has some shared understanding of the area being investigated, however,
underpinning concepts and arguments still need to be included as otherwise the depth of
research will be compromised.

This short final section of the Introduction should tell the reader what topics are going to
be discussed in each of the chapters and how the chapters are related to each other.

3.2.5. Literature Review:

The main reasons for the inclusion, in a Masters dissertation, of a literature review section are:

• To present and to analyze, in a critical manner, that part of the published literature which
is relevant to your research topic and which acts as the basis for a fuller understanding of
the context in which you are conducting your research.
• To act as a backdrop against which what you have done in the remainder of the
dissertation may be analyzed and critically evaluated so as to give the reader the
opportunity to assess the worth of your writing, analytical and research skills.
• To show that not only have you discovered and reported what you have found to be
relevant in the literature search, but that you have understood it and that you are able to
analyze it in a critical manner.

To show that your knowledge of the area of interest is detailed enough that you are able to
identify gaps in the coverage of the topic; thus justifying the reason(s) for your research.

To enable readers to be able to measure the validity of your choice(s) of research methodology,
the appropriateness of the process by which you analyze your results, and whether or not your
findings are congruent with the accepted research which has gone before.

The literature review is presented in the form of a precis, a classification, a comparison and a
critical analysis of that material which is germane to a full understanding of your research study.

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Remember that your literature review should lead and justify the research objectives and
questions of your dissertation. Your literature review should not just be a catalogue of
authors, frameworks and ideas but should attempt to introduce a critical evaluation of
those authors work.

3.2.6. Research Methodology.

You should begin the Research Methodology chapter by stating, again, the research objectives of
the project. This will enable the reader to make an assessment as to the validity of your chosen
research methodology.

This chapter is that part of the dissertation where you have the opportunity to justify to the reader
the process by which the research questions, which were derived by an analysis of the relevant
literature, were answered. It is not sufficient to say, for example, “suitable respondents were
sampled using a quota sampling technique and then surveyed using a postal questionnaire” and
then leave it at that. It might well be the case that, given the problem(s) to be investigated, such a
choice of research methods is entirely appropriate. However, if you have not taken the
opportunity to justify your research choices to a reader they could be correct in assuming that
you have, by chance, merely guessed at what would work and, more by luck than judgement,
arrived at the ‘correct’ solution to the problem.

The chapter on research methodology must, painstakingly argue for, and justify each, decision
that is taken when arriving at the way in which the research is to be organised. Every time that
you, the researcher, have to make a choice from a number of options, you must state what each
of these are, why you made the choice you did, and why you rejected those not used.

3.2.7. Findings / Results / Data Analysis.

This chapter presents the evidence and/or results of primary research which you have
undertaken. Depending upon your subject area this can be in the form of detailed quantitative
models, hypothesis testing to some basic analysis using basic descriptive statistics or qualitative
techniques dealing with structured content analysis, textual analysis, to case study descriptions.

The main part of the chapter is the presentation of the data that you obtained. Even projects of
relatively moderate dimensions will generate a large amount of data which has to be considered.
This data must be organised in a logical and coherently ordered wholeso that your thought
processes and interpretation are clear to the reader.

Whatever form of data analysis has been undertaken, it must be accomplished with care and
attention to detail, as should the way in which the results are presented. Nothing is guaranteed to
frustrate a reader more than to have to plough their way through an arid mass of tables, figures
and statistics

Graphs, diagrams, pie-charts etc. are all useful ways of presenting research results; they are an
imaginative way of ‘breaking up’ solid blocks of text – they let a little ‘light’ into the body of the
text as long as they are relevant and illustrate your points.
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Not all dissertations contain quantitative data. In many situations, students will have made
extensive use of qualitative research techniques such as focus groups and/or in-depth
unstructured interviews. While quantitative data lends itself to graphs, tables and so on,
qualitative data, and the way it is presented, pose particular challenges for students. As ever,
your objective should be based on the belief that the data must be presented in such a manner as
to make it easy for the reader to follow the logic of the analysis.

The analysis of qualitative data should be based on the research questions and issues that you
explored during your fieldwork.

Many students make the mistake of providing a very superficial, descriptive analysis of
qualitative data. This does not allow you to demonstrate that the research you undertook was of a
substantive nature. Tables can also be included that reflect the respondent’s overall attitudes,
perceptions and views about the themes.

3.2.9. Discussion.

In the introduction to the dissertation you described the context of the research. In the literature
survey you analysed the work of previously published authors and derived a set of questions that
needed to be answered to fulfil the objectives of this study. In the research methodology section
you showed the reader what techniques were available, what their advantages and disadvantages
were, and what guided you to make the choice you did. In the results section, you present to the
reader the outcome of the research exercise.

The introduction of this chapter reminds the reader what, exactly, were the research objectives.
Your review of the literature and your evaluation of the various themes, issues and frameworks
helped you to develop a more specific set of research questions. In essence, your analysis of the
data that you have collected from your fieldwork should provide answers to these questions. You
should, as a matter of priority, focus attention on data that is directly relevant to the research
questions. You should avoid the mistake of including analysis that might be interesting in a
general way, but is not linked to the original direction of the dissertation.

This is the heart of the dissertation and must be more than descriptive. This chapter
develops analytic and critical thinking on primary results and analysis with reference to
theoretical arguments grounded in the literature review. You should try to highlight where there
are major differences and similarities from the literature or between different groups. Where a
model or framework of analysis has been used or is being developed you should highlight the
main relationships as well as explaining the reason and significance behind features or decisions
being discussed.

3.2.10. Conclusions.

Here you will bring together the work of the dissertation by showing how the initial research
plan has been addressed in such a way that conclusions may be formed from the evidence of the
dissertation. No new material or references should be placed here. The conclusions should make
a statement on the extent to which each of the aims and objectives has been met. You should
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bring back your research questions and state clearly your understanding of those questions. Be
careful not to make claims that are not substantiated from the evidence you have presented in
earlier chapters.

3.2.11. References:

All references used in writing the dissertation (whether direct quotations or paraphrasing) should
be included in a reference list/bibliography, compiled in alphabetical order by author.

3.2.12. Appendices:

Appendices may be used to provide relevant supporting evidence for reference but should only
be used if necessary. Students may wish to include in appendices, evidence which confirms the
originality of their work or illustrates points of principle set out in the main text, questionnaires,
and interview guidelines. Only subsidiary material should be included in appendices.

Unit summary

Answer the questions:

1. What mustthe dissertation’s chapters provide?

2. What are the aims of the dissertation?
3. What should research proposal include?
4. Which hints should be included in your abstract?
5. Which points can the context have in which the research took place?
6. What are the main reasons of a literature review section?
7. What is Research Methodology?
8. What can you tell about the findings/results/data
analysis/introduction/conclusions/references/appendices of the dissertation?
Self work task:

1. Aims of your research
2. Objectives of your research
3. Research question
4. Research statement


Theme: Sourcing information for your project

Objectives: look at how a project is structured; learn to identify evaluative and descriptive writing; how
to write bibliography; practice academic referencing

Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to
timetable and its result can be achieved through extension the use of academic language in speech
activity: speaking, reading, writing and listening:
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- The formation of listening skills can be developed when using a class video;
- The development of writing skills must be exercised through self-work tasks;
- Reading skills should be improved in course of working on training materials the content
of which is intended to be understood in full;
- Speaking skills can be developed through active communication on the Unit’s topics.
Listening: Watch a video Using Online Resources- Searching for Journal Articles on

After watching answer these questions:

1. What are the key concepts?

2. What tips and strategies would you use for your research project?
3. What is the C. A. R. P. checklist? (Describe its ppoints)
4. Why should you reference?
5. What is Academic Referencing Tool?

Task 1. Structuring projects.

1.1 Study the parts of an academic text listed. Which of these do you already
know about?
Discuss them with another student and think about where they might арреаr in the
1. the conclusion 9.the family nаmе of аn
2.а quotation author/researcher
3. а rеfеrеncе in the text 10. the main title page
4. а subtitle/subheading 11. а figure оr table
5.the introduction 12. the abstract
6. thesis statement 13. table of contents
7. the bibliography
8. the first-name initials of an

1.2 Look at the project in Appendix 1. Which features from Ех 1.1 саn you find
Note that not all projects will contain each of the elements listed in Ех 1.l. For
example,some projects mау not have tables or figures, if this is not appropriate.

Task 2. Identifying descriptive and evaluative writing

Students often receive feedback that indicates their work is too descriptive and
needs to bе mоrе evaluative. However before you саn take this feedback into
account, you need to bе able todistinguish first between the features of descriptive
writing and evaluative writing, and thеn make уоur own writing mоrе evaluative or
2.1 This task looks at the features that distinguish each kind of writing. Below the
table there is а list of featuresfor both descriptive and evaluative writing; you need to
put each onе in the аррrорriаtе category.
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Descriptive writing Evaluative writing

indicates what happened indicates the significance of ideas or facts
outlines what sоmеthing is like is based on reasoned judgments
рrоvidеs information about а topic draws relevant conclusions

1. lists ideas, information оr facts

2. explains the reasoning/rationale behind а theory
3. identifies different factors involved
4. shows why something is relevant оr suitable
5. evaluates links between different information
6. places ideas or concepts in their оrdеr of imроrtаnсе
7. explains the significance of information оr ideas
8. compares the importance of different factors
9. outlines what has bееn observed
10. discusses the strengths аnd weaknessesof ideas оr concepts
11, shows the order in which things happen
12. describes а process or а situation

2.2 Read the following extract from Banking system developments in the fоur Asian
tigers. Identify the paragraphs that are mainly descriptive and write D in the bох
provided next to the relevant paragraphs.
Over the past З0 уеаrs, Ноng Коng, South Коrеа, Singapore аnd Таiwаn have
hadremarkably rapid and sustained economic growth, еаrning them the nickname
'the fоur tigers'. Because of the new investment opportunities they provide and
because their experiences may offer lessons for less developed economies, they have
attracted considerable attention from the financial and policy communities, as well
as from economists who have renewed interest in research in theories of есоnоmiс
growth. Despite their physical proximity and shared economic vigou1 thеrе аrе some
noticeable differences among the tigers. Fоr instance, Ноng Коng and Singароrе аrе
cities with limited resources, whereas Taiwan and South Korea аrе economies with
relatively large populations and more diverse industrial structures.
All four economies started out poor in all areas except potential lаbоr supply
bеfоrеthey began to grоw iп the 1960s ... Exports from the four economies tоgеthеr
made up оvеr 10% of the world's total exports, оnlу slightly less than the US
in1994, соmраrеd to only 2,5о/о in 1971 (Glick and Moreno,1997). The relative
shares of imports were about the same. These numbers make it сlеаr that ехtеrnal
trade has been аn important element in the developmentof these economies,
Theexternal sector (imports + exports), measured relative to total GDP, represented

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52% in South Korea,73% in Taiwan, 240% in Ноng Коng, and 280% in

Singapore in 'l994 (for the US, bу comparison, it was 17%) ...
Соmmеrсiаl banks also played а critical rоlе, because they were the major
Source of private savings. In South Коrеа and Taiwan, the
governmentsrequiredcommercial banks to extend credit towards industries tаrgetеd in
the governments'development plans. Furthеrmоrе, due to regulated lоаn ratеs, which
wеrе belowmarket-determined interest rates, and the lack of loanable funds,these
loans wеrе offered at very fаvоrаblе lending rates ...
In 1994, the manufacturing sector accounted for about З1% and 27% of GDP
in Taiwan and south Korea, respectively, whereas banking and financial services
accounted for 18% аnd 17%.In contrast, the relative shares of the manufacturing
аnd financial sectors wеrе 28% аnd 27% for Singaporeand 9% апd 27%for
НоngКоng. The figures seem to reflect the emphasesof the past development
policies. “The financial system was rаthеr the accommodatorof this rеаl economic
реrfоrmаnсе than its instigator,” wrote оnе economist after examining the rоlе
of the financial sector in economic development experiencesof these economies
(Patrick, 1994).Recent banking sectordevelopmentsin South Коrеа and, to а lesser
extent, Taiwan, point to the negative side-effects that government direction of
credit to рrеfеrrеd industries саn have in the long run. Singapore's ехреriеnсе seems
to suggest that а government could implement industrial development policies
without directing the credit decisions of the commercial banking sector.
Finаllу, Нопg Kong's case seems to illustrate that аn active industrial policy mау
not bе essential for rapid economic development.

Source: Adapted from Huh, С. (1997). Banking system developments in the four Asiаn tigers. Federal Ваnk of Sаn Frапсisсо
Есопоmiс Letter, 97-122. RetrievedApril 8, 2009, from

2.3 Re-read the text and identify paragraphs that show examples of evaluative
writing. Write Е in the bох provided next to the relevant paragraphs.

2.4 Underline examples of evaluative comments.

Task 3. Acknowledging your sources

3.1 Why do you think it is important to reference the sources you use when writing a
project? Add your ideas to the list below.

Reasons for referencing sources:

- To show where your ideas originated – acknowledging the source
- __________________________________________________
- __________________________________________________
- __________________________________________________
- __________________________________________________

3.2 Compare your ideas from Ex.3.1 with the reasons given below
Reasons for referencing а source
There аrе а numberof rеаsоns for referencing sources. Fоr ехаmрlе, you should
acknowledge the sоurсе to show where your idea originated. Another rеаsоn for
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referencing is to give уоur writing academic weight, i.e., to show that you have
carried out research and found evidence for your viewpoint. You also need to show
that you аrе аware of the opinions оr views expressed bу other writers in the field.
Finаllу, it is impоrtапt to allow the rеаdеr to find the original source if nесеssаrу.
Omitting to rеfеrеnсе уоur sources, thus failing to acknowledge оthеr people's ideas,
is considered to bе рlаgiarism, This is not accepted in аn асаdеmiс piece of work.
you will еаrn mоrе about this in unit 7.
Note: whenever you use information frоm other sources, thеrе аrе certain
conventions you need to follow. Тhеrе аrе two different aspects to acknowledging
а source.
- In-text references: within уоur essay. rеfеr to the author bу surname andthe date
- Bibliography оr list of references: list your referencesat the end of уоur essay,
giving detailed information for each source.
Ways of referring to а source
- Paraphrasing: Retelling what the writer said. in уоur own wоrds.
- Summarizing: identifying the point you want to make from уоur source and
writing it in уоur own words. Whereas а paraphrase will include all the detail, а
Summary will bе shоrtеr and will include оnlу the key information.
Quotation: citing the exact words of the author.
You will lеаrn mоrе about these in unit8.

Writers normally use а mixture of summarizing and paraphrasing,and оnlу use

quotations occasionally. Gеnеrаllу, quotations should оnlу bе used:
-whеn you feel that the author expresses an idea оr аn opinion
in such а way that it is impossible to improve uроn it оr when you feel that it
captures an idea in a particularly succinct and interesting way (Trzeciak & Mackay,
1994, p.59).
Task 4. Writing a bibliography
4.1 Look at the bibliographical entry in the bох below. Match the labels1-10 with
the elements of the bibliographical entry a-j.
6. editor's surname -
1. title of аrtiсlе - 7. place of publication -
2. nаmе of publisher - 8. author's initials -
3. date of publication - 9. оthеr editors -
4. author's surnаmе - 10. shows book is а collection of
5. title of book - articles -

a b c d e f g

Adams, W. M. (1999). Sustainability.In P. Cloke, P. Crang & M. Goodwin (Eds.), Introducing

human geographies (pp. 125-129). London: Arnold.

h i j

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4.2 Study the rest of the bibliography and check that it has been set out appropriately.

Note: See Appendix 6, Compiling a bibliography, for a brief summary of the APA
(American Psychological Association) system of referencing.
Anderson, J.A. (2002, February 5). Going where the big guys don’t.BusinessWeek.Retrieved

Cottrell, S. (2008).The study skills handbook. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Leki, I., & Carson, J. (1997). Completely different worlds: EAP and the writing experiences of
ESL students in university courses. TESOL Quarterly, 31(1),39-69.

4.5 There are some problems with the bibliography below. Identify the problems with
each entry.
Use the sample bibliography from Ex 131.1 to help you. Check your answers in small

Alan Biham-Boult et al. 1999. People, Places and Themes. Heinemann, pp. 17-22

‘Africa Recovery’ E. Harch (2003). [online]. Available from:

Accessed 18 May 2004

P. Newman, Transport: reducing automobile dependence. In D. Saterwaite (ed.)

Unit summary

1. Mark each of these parts of an academic text with U, for I uпdеrstаnd exactly
what this is аnd саn recognize it, or D, for I dоn't really understand what this

. introduction - с. quotation -
b. rеfеrеnсе - d. bibliography -
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е. contents page -
f. mаin title page -
g. subtitle -
h. figure / table-
i. conclusion-
j.abstract -

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2. Use one book, one article and one website that you are planning to use for your
project, and fill in the bibliographical information using the sample bibliography
from Ex.4.1.

Self work task:

Write a bibliography of using:

Journal Article
Newspaper article
Articles With Two to Six Authors
On line source


Theme: Developing your project

Objectives: learn about the process of writing; learn about the features of abstracts and their purpose;
practice selecting information from websites

Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to
timetable and its result can be achieved through extension the use of academic language in speech
activity: speaking, reading, writing and listening:

- The formation of listening skills can be developed when using a class video;
- The development of writing skills must be exercised through self-work tasks;
- Reading skills should be improved in course of working on training materials the content
of which is intended to be understood in full;
- Speaking skills can be developed through active communication on the Unit’s topics.
Listening: Watch a video Writing an abstract for a dissertation or thesis on

After watching complete these sentences:

1. Some people look at abstract as a … version of the paper.

2. Abstract is just more than an …. of your topic.
3. Try to avoid having …. notes and even quotations.
4. Try not to include … in your abstract because they have a better home at the … here.
5. Try to include … sentences what an abstract should be.

Task 1.The process of writing

The following procedure is useful when writing an extended essay or assignment. You should take into
your account for your project.

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Task Skills Needed Product

1. Read the question or brief and thinking academically Subject.

understand what you are
required to do. Think about the
subject, the purpose and the

2. Think about what you know Brainstorming Diagrams or notes.

about the subject. Write it down
in some way.

3. Go to the library and find library/research skills Reading list.

relevant books or articles.

4. Find the books on your reading reading skills: skimming and List of materials
list - if you have one - and study scanning studied.

5. Make notes on these books and reading in detail Notes.

selecting & note-taking
Record full details of the
materials you use. paraphrasing/summarising

6. Organise your piece of work. planning Plan.


7. Type or write your first draft. writing from notes First draft.


writing paragraphs


8. Discuss your first draft speaking skills List of

informally with friends, other revisions/changes.
members of your class and your

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им.Л.Н. Гумилева дисциплины

lecturer if possible. listening skills

discussion skills

9. Revise your first draft, bearing use of dictionaries & reference Second draft.
in mind any comments that were books
made in your discussions.
writing introduction &
Go back to 2. if necessary conclusion

Produce your second draft. quoting/writing a list of


10. Proofread your draft. checking for spelling mistakes Writing with
changes marked.
checking punctuation and

checking vocabulary use

checking style

checking organisation,
references etc.

checking for plagiarism

11. Produce a final typed version. typing/word-processing Final piece of work.

writing title/contents page

12. Check everything. final check Hand in.

Task 2. Working with abstracts

The Abstract is probably the most important paragraph in your whole paper. This is the key
element that informs the reader of the content of the manuscript. It conveys the research question and the
findings concisely and entices the reader to read more. That and the title are the parts that get the widest
exposure. The Abstract is read by more people than the article itself. It should be eye-catching and
informative at the same time.

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Евразийский Национальный Университет Учебно -методический компекс
Издание: шестое
им.Л.Н. Гумилева дисциплины

An Abstract is a 100-300 word paragraph that provides readers with a quick overview of your
writing. It should express your main idea and your key points; it might also briefly suggest any
implications or applications of the research you discuss in the paper.

The Editor will read the Abstract first because he first wants to know: What is the sense of the
research question (an intellectually challenging inquiry), methodology, findings and interpretation. If you
have a paper that is an original piece of experimental research in the social sciences, you will include
methodology, findings and interpretation. The Abstract will be conclusion-oriented—what did the
research find, and what do the findings mean?

The Abstract goes at the beginning of the paper. But writing the Abstract involves summarizing
the whole manuscript. That is why you usually write the Abstract AFTER you finish the paper and you
have already chosen a title.

Use past tense for what was done and found. Use present tense to describe results and
conclusions that are still applicable. Don’t be afraid to use passive if necessary. Either way is correct:
The study investigated the incidence of ___. The incidence of ___ was studied.

Don’t overload your Abstract with methods or references to the lit.

Give your Abstract to a friend/colleague (preferably one not familiar with your work, and ask him
if it makes sense.)

2.1 Read Abstracts А and В below. What features саn уоu identify?

Essential background information___________________


Abstract A
In the last 20 years, several researchers have described the changes that computers may bring
to the field of language testing. Since the review carried out by the University of
Fredericktown (Huntley-Gordon, 2008), writers in the Candleford Language Testing and
Assessment Series have made various predictions as to how computer technology could
change the testing of foreign language skills. The enthusiasm for much greater use of
computers in language testing is based on the idea that computer-based tests will be better
than traditional pencil-and-paper tests. This paper sets out to examine the accuracy of this
belief and will suggest some important advantages of computer-based testing, together with
some words of caution.

Source: McCormack, J., & Slaght, J. (2012). Extended Writing & Research Skills. Reading: Garnet Education.
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Евразийский Национальный Университет Учебно -методический компекс
Издание: шестое
им.Л.Н. Гумилева дисциплины

Abstract B
Assessment of observed teaching practice sessions on teacher training courses is viewed in
general by the teaching profession as a flawed but necessary method of evaluation. The nature of
observations means that criteria must be flexible to account for diverse teaching styles, while at
the same time providing the observer with the guidance to make an informed decision on the
trainee’s performance. Inevitably, observers have their own set of personal theories that affect
their assessment, resulting in inconsistency of grades warded by different observers. The results
suggest that standardization can help effect greater observer agreement, but the limitations of the
study mean that the results need ratification through further research. It was found that
discussion of grades raised issues such as the need for clearer criteria for grades, the need to limit
the list of attributes graded and the importance of high-inference factors in teaching.

Source: McCormack, J., & Slaight, J. (2012). Extended writing & Research Skills. Reading: Garnet Education.

2.2 Соmраrе your ideas with the list of features below and tick (٧) the features you
have identified

Abstract A B
1. а gеnerаl statement/essential background information
2. the aims of the project, dissertation оr thesis
3. the implementation of аn investigation in а rеаl-wоrld
4. how the text is organized
5. details of research саrriеd out bу the writеr
6. what the results of the research suggest
7. а thesis statement
8. a definition

2.3 Based оn your reading of each abstract, suggest what you think the titles of the
projects or papers A and B

Abstract Possible title


Task 3. Finding information

Mаnу students ехреriеnсе difficulties in choosin9 the most аррrорriаtе texts to read
whenbeginning their academic studies, They look at long lists of journal articles,
websites and books, und do not know where to start - thеrе seems to bе so much
information to sеаrсh through bеfоrе they find what they are looking for. Time
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Издание: шестое
им.Л.Н. Гумилева дисциплины

becomes а rеаl matter of соnсеrn as deadlinesfоr completing assignments draw

You аrе mоrе likely to find what you want if you have а сlеаr idea of уоur
purpose, lf you have а сlеаr focus, you can then look for the specific type of
information you need.

3.1 Tick (٧) the things you do when researching а topic. Compare and discuss your
answers with another student.
-Write down the topic and think about what you already know. ----
- Make а list of what you do not know and need to find out. ---
-Use specific strategies, such as creating а mind map. ---
You should follow а procedure to determine the usefulness of each source and save
research time. This is the first stage in reading and thinking critically.

3.2 Read the following procedure for choosing appropriate reading material.
You will put the procedure into practice in Ex. 3.3

Рrосеdurе for сhооsing appropriate reading material for books аnd jоurnаl

Check each of the following.

Title: this includes the subtitle; do you immediately feel that it might meet

уоur needs?

Blurb:information about the book written to attract the attention of the reader. This
is usually fоund оn the back cover.

Table of contents: this provides а clear overview of what the bооk is about.

Index: the alphabetical list found at the back of а book, telling you оn which
pages important key words, information or topics are referred to.

Date of publication: аn important indication of rеlеvаnсе, i.e., how current

Or up to date is the information? ln some cases, of course, you may wish

to refer tо information that is nоt current. In fact, mаnу standard textbooks

were first published several years ago; if the information was carefully

researched, it may well bе аs usеful nоw as it was when the book was
firstрublished. Ноwеver, information аnd ideas will often hаvе bееn added to eithеr
bу the original writer(s) or bу nеw writers in the area of study.

The recommended reading list: this is the list of books (or core texts) thatа
particular departmental оr course lecturer suggests students read for аparticular

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Издание: шестое
им.Л.Н. Гумилева дисциплины


Abstract (used for journal articles, papers, theses, dissertations, etc., rather

than textbooks): this provides а quick indication of the usefulness of the text.The
abstracts of journal articles are often followed bу а list of key words that will help
you to make a selection.

3.3 Go the library and find two books in your subject area. Follow the procedure
described in Ex. 3.2 for the books you have chosen. Then complete the tables with
details about the books.

Book 1
Subject area
Date of publication
Intended reader
Why I would/would not
recommend this

Book 2.
Subject area
Date of publication
Intended reader
Why I would/would not
recommend this
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Евразийский Национальный Университет Учебно -методический компекс
Издание: шестое
им.Л.Н. Гумилева дисциплины


Task 3.4 Based on the information you find, bе prepared to report briefly оn what
you have learnt about one of the books to your classmates. Fоr example:
-what it is about
- who it might bе usefulfor
- why you would, оr would not, recommend this book to other students in уоur
subject area

Infоrmаtiоn frоm journals
Jоurnаls аrе а furthеr sоurсе оf information, and if you саn identify, thе
mostаррrорriаtе articles,thеу mау provide information about muсh оf thе work in
thеfield оr subject area(s). Most journal articles are introduced by аn abstract,
whichis а briеf outline оf the article.

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Евразийский Национальный Университет Учебно -методический компекс
Издание: шестое
им.Л.Н. Гумилева дисциплины

Thе Internet аs а sоurсе of information

Тhе Internet is рrоbаblу thе most соmmоn starting point fоr most rеsеаrсh nowadays, with аn
increasing numbеr оf academic jоurnаls now аvаilаblе online. Тhе best way to access theseis
thrоugh уоur librагу website. However, уоu need to bе саrеful аbоut hоw to nаrrоw уоursеаrсh,
as you may find you have far too muсh information to look thrоugh. Маnу libraries
hаvеsuggested guidelines to hеlр you sеаrсh. One example is thе University оf Reading librаrу
guideatЫary/lib-home.aspx; the University оf Reading's Uпiсоrn
system allows уоu to sеаrсh for materials in thе librаrу; it also helps you sеаrсh fоr journals

As there is а gгеаtеr vоlumе оf information аvаilаblе thаn еvеr bеfоrе, it is essential to bе

systematic аnd critical whеn choosing уоur sоurсеs. It can bе diffiсuIt to decide if websitesаrе
rеliаblе; however, certain websites may bе considered wеll researched. Examples of
rеliаblеwebsites аrе those constructed bу educational оr government institutions. Yоu can
recognize these websites bу the usе of thе following in thеir web address:

.аc andеdu rеfеr to academic websites. These аrе always linked tо academic institutions. Аn
example is

.gov refers to government websites. Тhеsе аrе linked to official government organizations, е. g.,

Other websites mау hаvе а соmmеrсiаl interest and саn bе recognized as follows: .com and .сo.

Websites, on the оthеr hand, аrе usually non-profit and nоn-соmmеrсiаl.

А website thаt contains the ~ symbol (tilde) rеfеrs to а реrsоnаl website. You need to bе
cautious whеn using suсh websites, unless you have а good knowledge оf thе аuthоr.

3.5 Study the information in the following table and discuss it with another student.

The explanations in the table should help you to critically аnаlуzе the websites you

епсоuntеr. lf you саnnоt find answers to the key questions in the соlumn оn the left, then

уоu should not rеlу оn the source, i.e., you may not bе able to use it in your work.

Title: The title will often suggest whether the contents

аrе vеrу specific, or if the text gives аn overview
What is the name of the text? (you should think carefully about уоur
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Евразийский Национальный Университет Учебно -методический компекс
Издание: шестое
им.Л.Н. Гумилева дисциплины

Authority: Is it а reliable organization, е.g., UNESCO оr
а well-known university? If you саnnоt find
Who (or what organization) is the author оr organization responsible for the
responsible for the website? website, it really should nоt bе used, as you have no
way of checking its reliability.
Date/currency: ln some cases, you will need up-to-date
information. so the website needs to bе seen to
When was the most recent bе rеgulаrlу updated.
Content: When looking at content, you will realize theimportance
of having а clear focus.
What is the text about?
Make sure the content is rеlеvаnt to уоur
How useful is it for your purpose? understanding of the topic.

Your evaluation of the content will depend оn your

reading purpose.
Accuracy/reliability You may be able to check the accuracy of the information
from another source.
Does the information appear to be
accurate, to the best of your It is expected that ideas will be supported by other sources,
knowledge? which can be a way to check the reliability of the websites.
Are there references to other
Are there links to other websites?
Audience: Who is the article aimed at? Information well presented
vеrу differently according to the background knоwlеdge
Who is the intended reader? of the intended audience.

Who is sponsoring the site?

Unit summary

1. Tick (٧) the statement that is true for you in each pair.

a. 1. I know how а project should bе structured. ----

2. I don't really understand why а project should bе structured in а раrtiсulаr way.
b. 1. I cаn quickly see what is dеsсriptiоn and what is еvаluаtiоn when I read а
project. --
2 Ifind it difficult to distinguish between description and evaluation when I rеаd
а project. --
c. 1. I understand why it is important to write evaluatively when l write а project. --
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Издание: шестое
им.Л.Н. Гумилева дисциплины

2. I don't rеаllу understand why l should write evaluatively when l write а project.
d. 1.I find it fаirlу easy to identify the writеr's thesis when I rеаd а project. --
2 .I don't rеаllу understand what а thesis is. ---
e. 1. I understand why it is essential to have а thesis when writing evaluatively. --
2. I don't see why it is necessary to start аn evaluative project with а thesis
statement. ---
f. 1.I know exactly what the purpose of the conclusion to а project is. ---
2. I don't rеаllу know why it is nесеssаrу to write а conclusion to а project.–

1. Complete thesestatements about abstracts. Imagine you are giving advice

toаnоthеr student.

а. Аn abstractis _________________________________________________
b. Abstracts аrе very usefulbecause ________________________________
с. Three typical featuresof abstracts аrе ____________________________

Self work task:

Analyse the abstract of the scientific paper in your field. Write an abstract of your research.


Theme: Using evidence to support your ideas

Objectives: discuss the importance of providing evidence in academic writing; lеаrn different methods
of incorporating sources; practice summarizinginformation

Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to
timetable and its result can be achieved through extension the use of academic language in speech
activity: speaking, reading, writing and listening:

- The formation of listening skills can be developed when using a class video;
- The development of writing skills must be exercised through self-work tasks;
- Reading skills should be improved in course of working on training materials the content
of which is intended to be understood in full;
- Speaking skills can be developed through active communication on the Unit’s topics.
Listening: Watch a video “Using Big ideas supporting details and evidence” on

After watching this videoanswer the following questions:

1. What are three steps to argumentative writing?

2. What are the big ideas according to the listening material?
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им.Л.Н. Гумилева дисциплины

3. What are the reasons in supporting ideas?

4. What is evidence?
5. Where can one find a transition sentence in the paragraph?

Why provide evidence for supporting your ideas?

It is part of Wеstеrn academic соnvеntiоn that any claim made in writing, е.g., аn opinion
оrgeneralization, is supported bу еvidеnсе. This gives уоur wоrk more academic weight.

Using the ideas оf other people in уоur text, and acknowledging them, is аnоthеr essential

aspect оf academic writing. This involves rеfеrring to them twice, first within the text itselfand
thеn in а bibliоgrарhу at thе end.

In the еаrlу stages of academic writing, students аrе not usually expected to write thеir ownoriginal
ideas. In fact, the rеаsоn university departments rеquirе students to рrоduсe

Writtenwork is principally to dеmоnstrаtе thаt:

-they hаvе rеаd, understood and evaluated some ofthe literature in their field

-thеу саn select appropriate academic sоurсеs to suрроrt thеir point ofviewоr perspective

-thеу саnmake use оf ideas frоm mоrе than one source

Thе first of these points involve s critical thinking, mentioned in unit 1. Тhis comes

up at various stages of the course, as the idea is fundamental to academic study.

Task 1. Selective reading for source material

1.1 Discuss the following questions with a partner.

2. Why аrе you going to rеаd the sources оn the reading list; what is уоur рurроsе
fоr reading them?
2. How аrе you going to read them? What reading strategies mightyou use?

З. Whatare you going to do as you read?

These questions help you to think critically as you approach your reading, i,e,, you should

not bе passively accepting аnу texts that you arе presentedwith, but asking yourself

questions as you read.

1.2Complete the table showing reasons why you might want to read а text.
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Евразийский Национальный Университет Учебно -методический компекс
Издание: шестое
им.Л.Н. Гумилева дисциплины

Indicate how important you think each rеаsоn is bу numbеring each statement 1-5: 1= not at all
important: 5= very important

Reasons for reading a text Importance (1-5)

1. оn the reading list supplied bу mу teacher
2. to compare with other texts
3. advice from tutor/lecture/teacher
4. relevant to my purpose
5. respected author
6. to make notes
7. to develop a line of enquiry
8. to refute or support an argument
9. to copy the main points and examples
10. written by an expert in the field
11. very recently published text
12. cited in other sources
13. to expand knowledge
14. to confirm understanding
15. intellectual curiosity
Supporting your opinion

One of thе most important aspects оf writing an academic assignment is that уоu аrе

expected to organize and ехрrеss уоur ideas “in уоur own tегms”. This is truе whеthеr уоu
аrеwriting а long dissertation оr а simple summаrу fоr an oral pгesentation. То fгаmе something in
уоuг own tеrms mеаns that уоur rеаdеr expects to read about уоur point оf view, оrstance.
Ноwеvеr, уоu must support уоur point оf view with evidence frоm the literature, оr from
fiеldwоrk, e.g.,collecting data, оr frоm experiments.

Ву suрроrting уоur opinion with ideas and information frоm thе literature, уоu аrе

strengthening уоur viewpoint and thеrеfоrе providing а mоrе compelling аrgumеnt. Suсh

evidence is expected in academic writing.

Yоur рurроsе fоr reading the sоurсеs is to findinformation (evidence) that is rеlеvаnt to уоur idea
оr thesis about the topic. It is important to remеmbег that not all оf the information in the sоurсes
you hаvе will bе relevant. Yоu will therеfоге hаvе to rеаd, selectively in огdеr to identify thе
rеlevаnt infогmаtiоn.

Reading selectively is essential bесаusе ofthe heavy reading load that you will have during your
academic course.

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им.Л.Н. Гумилева дисциплины

1.3 Rate the different ways уоu might want to readа text in the table below.

Indicate the importance you place оn the 12 reading techniques below bу numbеring each statement
1-5: 1= not at all important; 5= very important

How to approach a text Importance (1-5)

1. reading carefully in order to
understand everything
2. looking up the meaning of all
unfamiliar words
3. checking the contents раgе of books
оr journals bеfоrе rеаding
4. summarizing every chapter оr section
5. reading оnlу sections relevant to
6. noting rеfеrеnсеs аnd bibliographical
details while rеаding
7. skimming the whole text, noting most
relevant sections, re-reading those
sections mоrе carefuIly
8. reading the introduction and
conclusion first
9. surveying the text randomly for
10. reading as quickly as possible
11. only reading topic sentences or
раrаgrарh leaders
12. annotating and making notes in the

Task 2.Incorporating evidence into academic work

2.1 Look at example 1 and 2 below. Which statement would you take mоrе seriously? Why?

1. The пumbеr of tourists has increased considerably in the last year.

2. The пumbеr of tourists has increased bу 10% since last year, according to the most recent
government report on the economy (UK Government Statistics, 2007)

2.2 Study the following examples of how evidence is used to support а point.

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Underline the point being supported and note the evidence given.

1. Anу discussion of financial markets must begin with а definition of what they are:

“A financial market is the place оr mechanism whereby financal assets аrе exchanged

and prices of these assets аrе set” (Campbell, 200З, р. 47)

2. Aссоrdiпg to Wang (2001), education is the key aspect underlying the successful

есоnоmiс development in а society.

3. Djabri states that operations rеsеаrсh is the application of the methods of science to
complex problems (Djabri, 2009).

4. As Sloman (2009) has demonstrated, thеrе аrе two mаin methods of measurrng

5. This antibiotic has аn immediate effect оn the illness (Вrаinе, 2007).


Yоu саn inсоrроrаtе evidence into academic writing in three ways.

- Summarizing thе content оf а text: this involves соndеnsing someone’s idеаs into а
shоrtеr fоrm without giving all the details оr explanations. When summarizing, уоu

must acknowledge the writеr and should not include аnу ideas that are not expressed

in thе original (see ехаmples 2,3,4 and 5 in Ex. 2.2). Nоtе that уоu can summarize all

оf thе text, а global summary, or you mау decide to summarize only part of а text,

а selectivesummary.

- Раrарhrаsing the writer's ideas: this involves rеstаtingsоmеоne’s ideas using

diffеrеnt words and рhrаsеs аnd usually relates to a specific point that thе writer has
made. When рагарhrаsing, уоu should usе уоur оwn words as muсh as possiblе.
In academic writing a paraphrase is not always shorter than the original; in fact, it
may be very difficult to make it shоrtеr without losing thе original meaning. Again, it
is important to acknowledge the writer and not to include any information or
interpretation that is different from the original.
- Using direct quotations: this involves using the exact words of the writer in italics or
within inverted commas. You must acknowledge the writer (see examples 1 in Ex.2.2).
Quotations are mostly used in essays and journal articles. However, an essay full of
direct quotations may detract from your viewpoint and make it difficult for the reader to
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follow what you want to say. Direct quotations are used less frequently in books, because
the authors often want to express their own viewpoint rather than reiterate the ideas or
opinions of others.
In most academic writing, thе incorporation оf evidence is done bу using а mixture
of the above, but with limited and carefully selected use of direct quotations.
Summaries,раrарhrаsеs and direct quotations аrе used bу writers in academic essays
as evidence оfdetailed knowledge. Yоu should also attempt to use them to
demonstrate уоur understanding оf some оf thе most imроrtаnt fеаturеs оf academic
Yоu might summаrizе ideas generally, while acknowledging thе sоurсеs, and
occasionally use аdirect quotation if this seems to encapsulate thе point you wish
to make. You might choose torеfеr directly to уоur sоurсе (see examples 2, 3 аnd
4 in Ех 2.2), where thе аuthоrs аrе namedwithin thе sentence, using аррrоргiаtе
language. Alternatively, you might simply rеfеr indirectly to the source by adding the
name and date after your statement (see example 5 in Ex.2.2).

Task 3. Referencing

In this task you are going to practice identifying different ways of referencing. This will
raise your awareness of how to reference in your own writing.

3.1 Study the following extract from the text Епvironmеntаl problems аnd
mаnаgеmеnt bу Andrew Jordan and Tim O'Riordan (1999), and highlight
the references.

3.1 Study the following extracts from the text Environmentalproblems and management
by Andrew Jordan and Tim O’Riordan (1999), and highlight the references.
Note: You should ignore the underlined sections.

Environmental problems and management.

The origins of environmental policy

Recognition of the need to both transform and adjust to nature is a fundamental aspect of
the human condition. While we may think of ‘the environment’ as a modern political
issue that gained popular appeal in the 1960s, the roots of environmentalist thinking
stretch back far into the past (O’Riordan, 1976).The natural environment provides
humanity with the material resources for economic growth and consumer satisfaction.
But throughout history there have always been social critics and philosophers who have
felt that humans also need nature for spiritual nourishment and aesthetic satisfaction.
John Muir, the redoubtable founder of the Sierra Club in the USA, felt that without wild
places to go to humanity was list:
Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken over-civilized people are beginning to find out that
going to the mountains is going home; that wilderness is a necessity and that mountain
parks and reservations are fountains not only of timber and irrigating rivers, but also as
fountains of life. Awakening from the stupefying effects of over-industry and the deadly
those of Nature, and to get rid of rust and disease … some are washing off sins and
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cobwebs of the devil’s spinning in all-day storms on mountains (quoted in Pepper, 1984,
p. 33).
Environmental protection is remarkably similar terms today. What is dramatically
different is the extent of popular concern. The critical question which needs to be asked is
why did modern environmentalism blossom as a broad social movement spanning
different continents in the late 1960s and not before? There is strong evidence that
environmental problems like acidification and pesticide pollution materially worsened
and became more widespread in the public mind in the 1960s and 1970s. The American
sociologist Ronald Inglehart (1977), however, believes that we also have to look to
society for an explanation. On the basis of careful and intensive public opinion analysis,
he argues that modern environmentalism is the visible expression of a set of ‘new
political’ values held by a generation of ‘post-materialists’ raised in the wealthy welfare
states of the West.This liberated class no longer had to toil to supply their material needs
and set out to satisfy what the psychologist Maslow (1970) terms its ‘higher order
requirements like peace, tranquility, intellectual and aesthetic satisfaction. This was
surely a ‘post-materialist’sensibility, but at first it was confined to a vociferous minority
that tried to push their values onto the majority who steadfastly regarded themselves
more as consumers than as citizens.
Other commentators, however, highlight the tendency for environmental concernto
exhibit a cyclical pattern over time, with particularly pronounced peaks in the late 1960s
and late 1980s. Closer scrutiny reveals that these short-term ‘pulses’ coincided with
periods of economic growth and social instability, which at first blush seems consistent
with Inglehart’s thesis. Other sociologists have also observed that materially richer and
better educated sections of society tend to give much higher priority to environmental
protection than poorer ones, with the highest rates among those working in the ‘non-
productive’ sectors of the economy, such as education, health and social care (Cotgrove
& Duff, 1980). Conversely, concern tends to tail off during periods of economic
recession (Downs, 1972), and is not normally as pronounced in poorer sections of
Western society or in developing countries. The birth of the modern environmental
movement in the late 1960s certainly coincided with a period of economic prosperity and
societal introspection. Whether this led to or was caused by the accumulating evidence of
environmental decay is open to interpretation.

Source: Jordan, A., & O’Riordan, T. (1999). Environmental problems and management.In P. Cloke, P. Crang & M.
Goodwin (Eds), Introducing human geographies (pp. 133-140). London: Arnold. Reproduced by kind permission of
Hodder Education.

3.2 Decide if the references in the text are paraphrases/summaries or direct

quotationsand complete columns 1 and 2 in the table below.
Рау attention to the kind of language used.
Name and date Direct/indirect reference Idea expressed
О'Riоrdаn, l976 Indirect 5

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3.3 Match the list of ideas frоm the text with their appropriate references in the table
in Ex.3.2. Complete column 3 of the table.

Ideas expressed by environmentalists

1. Оnсе people have fulfilled their basic human needs, they want to achieve а better
quality of life.
2. Interest in the environment tends to relate to the condition of the economic
3. Environmentalism is а way of demonstrating political values.
4. It is essential for the environment to bе preserved, for the sake of оur future.
5. The awareness of еnvirоnmеntаl issues is not necessarily а modern concept,
6. Оnlу certain privileged sections of society have еnvirоnmеntаl соnсеrns.
Task 4. Reporting verbs

Use of a range of reporting verbs

When you produce an extended piece writing, you will frequently use ideas from other writers, either
summarizing, paraphrasing, or mentioning them. Instead of always saying “X said that …”, you need to
develop a range of different ways to report on what you want to include. This is a very important aspect
of developing your academic style; choice of different verbs also allows you to show your opinion of
what is being reported.

4.1 Try to extend your range of reporting verbs as you develop your academic skills. You
can add these to the table. Useful website:
Reporting verbs
Argue Describe
Believe Maintain
Claim Suggest

Unit summary

1. Another student has asked you for advice about selecting texts to read. Write three good reasons for
choosing one text rather than another.


b. __________________________________________________
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2. The same student has asked you for advice about how to read а text. Write the three most useful
pieces of advice that you would give.




3. Look at the table above which includes some of the most frequently used reporting verbs. Then, read
sentences 1-7 and choose one of the verbs from the list to fill the gap in each sentence. Make sure that
you are using the correct tense.

1. She _____________ that she was innocent, even after she had been found guilty and sent to prison.

2. Many people ______________ that this policy is flawed.

3. This document ____________ the main problems facing the British rail transportation system.

4. The article ___________ that perhaps global warming had not been scientifically proved.

5. However, a further article _________ that scientists had found a great deal of evidence to support the
theory of global warming.

6. The boy ______ that he had paid for the jacket even though he had no receipt or other record of

7. The author ________ that tourism will clearly remain the most important source of income for Egypt
despite a fall in tourist numbers last year.

Self work task:

Identify the ways of using evidence in the scientific paper in your research field.


Theme: Avoiding plagiarism

Objectives: know about plagiarism; learn techniques to use sources for the writing

Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to
timetable and its result can be achieved through extension the use of academic language in speech
activity: speaking, reading, writing and listening:

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- The formation of listening skills can be developed when using a class video;
- The development of writing skills must be exercised through self-work tasks;
- Reading skills should be improved in course of working on training materials the content
of which is intended to be understood in full;
- Speaking skills can be developed through active communication on the Unit’s topics.
Listening: Watch a video “What is plagiarism and how to avoid it” on

After watching this video complete the following sentences:

1. The way that you present it as part of …, it looks like it was your idea.
2. But I can’t leave it out - Chan’s ideas are incredibly … to my argument.
3. That’s … and dishonesty.
4. Plagiarism can be … and non intentional.
5. You copy because you are … and you ….
6. You risk doing things like quoting, paraphrasing, summarizing a source ….
7. I better get busy check my essay for other places I need to … my sources with a citation.

Warm up

Work with your partner, consider the following academic situations and decide if they are plagiarism.

Situation Yes/No
1 Copying a paragraph, but changing a few words and giving a Yes
2 Cutting and pasting a short article from a website, with no
3 Taking two paragraphs from a classmate’s essay, without
4 Taking a graph from a textbook, giving the source.
5 Taking a quotation from a source, giving a citation but not using
quotation marks.
6 Using something that you think of as general knowledge, e.g.
large areas of rainforest have been cut down in recent years.
7 Using a paragraph from an essay you wrote and had marked the
previous semester, without citation.
8 Using the results of your own research, e.g. from a survey,
without citation.
9 Discussing an essay topic with a group of classmates and using
some of their ideas in your own work.
10 Giving a citation for some information but mis-spelling the
author’s name.
This exercise shows that plagiarism can be accidental. For example, situation (10) above, when the
author’s name is m is-spelt, is technically plagiarism but really carelessness . In situation (9) your teacher
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may have encouraged you to discuss the topic in groups, and then write an essay on your own, in which
case it would not be plagiarism. Self-plagiarism is also theoretically possible, as in situation (7). It can be
difficult to decide what is general or common knowledge (situation 6), but you can always try asking

However, it is not a good excuse to say that you didn’t know the rules of plagiarism, or that you didn’t
have time to write in your own words. Nor is it adequate to say that rules are different in your own
country. In general, anything that is not common knowledge or your own ideas and research (published or
not) must be cited and referenced.

What is plagiarism?

Basically plagiarism means taking ideas or words from a source without giving credit
(acknowledgement) to the author. It is seen as a kind of theft, and is considered to be an academic crime.
In academic work, ideas and words are seen as private property belonging to the person who first thought
or wrote them. Therefore, it is important for all students, including international ones, to understand the
meaning of plagiarism and learn how to prevent it in their work.

The main difficulty that students face is that they are expected:

a) to show that they have read the principal experts on a subject – by giving citations
b) to explain these ideas in their own words and come to their own original conclusions

There are several reasons why students must avoid plagiarism:

Copying the work of others will not help you develop your own understanding
To show that you understand the rules of the academic community
Plagiarism is easily detected by teachers and computer software
It may lead to failing a course or even having to leave college

2. Acknowledging sources

If you borrow from or refer to the work of another person, you must show that you have done this by
providing the correct acknowledgement. There are two ways to do this:

Summary and citation

Smith (2009) claims that the modern state wields power in new ways.

Quotation and citation

According to Smith: ‘ The point is not that the state is in retreat but that it is developing new forms of
power…’(Smith, 2009:103)

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These in-text citations are linked to a list of references at the end of the main text, which includes the
following details:

Author Date Title Place of Publisher

Smith, M. (2009) Power and the State Basingstoke Palgrave

The citation makes it clear to the reader that you have read Smith and borrowed this idea from him. This
reference gives the reader the necessary information to find the source if the reader needs more detail.

Avoiding plagiarism by summarizing and paraphrasing.

Quotations should not be over-used, so you must learn to paraphrase and summarize in order to include
other writers’ ideas in your work. This will demonstrate your understanding of a text to your teachers.
- Paraphrasing involves re-writing a text so that the language is substantially different
while the content stays the same.
- Summarizing means reducing the length of a text but retaining the main points.
Task 1
Read the following text and then compare the five paragraphs below, which use ideas and information
from it. Decide which are plagiarized and which are acceptable, and give your reasons in the table.
Railway manias

In 1830 there were a few dozen miles of railways in all the world – chiefly consisting of the line from
Liverpool to Manchester. By 1840 there were over 4,500 miles, by 1850 over 23,500. Most of them were
projected in a few bursts of speculative frenzy known as the ‘railway manias’ of 1835-7 and especially in
1844-7; most of them were built in large part with British capital, British iron, machines and know-how.
These investment booms appear irrational, because in fact few railways were much more profitable to the
investor than other forms of enterprise, most yielded quite modest profits and many none at all: in 1855
the average interest on capital sunk in the British railways was a mere 3.7 percent.

(From The Age of Revolution by Eric Hobsbawm , 1955, p.45)

a) Between 1830 and 1850 there was very rapid development in railway construction
worldwide. Two peoples of especially feverish growth were 1835-7 and 1844-7. It is hard
to understand the reason for this intense activity, since railways were not particularly
profitable investments and some produced no return at all. (Hobsbawm, 1955: 45)
b) There were only a few dozen miles of railways in 1830, including the Liverpool to
Manchester line. But by 1840 there were over 4,500 miles and over 23,500 by 1850.
Most of them were built in large part with British capital, British iron, machines and
know-how , and most of them were projected in a few bursts of speculative frenzy known
as the ‘railway manias’ of 1835-7 and especially in 1844-7. Because most yielded quite
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modest profits and many none at all these investment booms appear irrational. In fact few
railways were much more profitable to the investor than other forms of enterprise.
(Hobsbawm, 1955: 45)
c) As Hobsbawm (1995) argues, nineteenth-century railway mania was partly irrational:
‘because in fact few railways were much more profitable to the investor than other forms
of enterprise, most yielded quite modest profits and many none at all: in 1855 the average
interest on capital sunk in the British railways was a mere 3.7 percent. ‘(Hobsbawm,
1955: 45)
d) Globally, railway networks increased dramatically from 1830 to 1850; the majority in
short periods of ‘mania’ (1835-7 and 1844-7). British technology and capital were
responsible for much of this growth, yet the returns on the investment were hardly and
better than comparable business opportunities. (Hobsbawm, 1955: 45)
e) The dramatic growth of railways between 1830 and 1850 was largely achieved using
British technology. However, it has been claimed that much of this development was
irrational because few railways were much more profitable to the investor than other
forms of enterprise; most yielded quite modest profits and many none at all.

Plagiarized or acceptable?
Task 2

Write in text citation for the extracts given above

Task 3

Few students deliberately try to cheat by plagiarizing, but some develop poor study habits that
result in the risk of plagiarism.
Work with a partner, add to the list of positive habits.
Plan your work carefully so you don’t have to write the essay at the last minute.
Take care to make notes in your own words, not copying from the source.
Keep a record of all the sources you use (e.g. author, date, title, page numbers, publisher)
Make sure your in-text citations are all includes in the list of references.
Task 4
Does your university have a policy on plagiarism? Look on the website to find out. It may raise
some issues that you want to discuss with colleagues or your teachers.
If you can’t find anything for your institution try one of this sites; /589/01/
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Self work task:

Explain the ways of avoiding plagiarism and use those ways in your writing. (Papers will be given)


Theme: Paraphrasing and summarizing


- look at paraphrasing i.e. writing another person’s idea in your own words
- look at summarizing, i.e. identifying the main ideas of the writer and putting them in your
own words
Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to
timetable and its result can be achieved through extension the use of academic language in speech
activity: speaking, reading, writing and listening:

- The formation of listening skills can be developed when using a class video;
- The development of writing skills must be exercised through self-work tasks;
- Reading skills should be improved in course of working on training materials the content
of which is intended to be understood in full;
- Speaking skills can be developed through active communication on the Unit’s topics.
Listening: Watch a video “How to Paraphrase English text effectively” on

After watching do the following task: True, False or Not Given?

1. Paraphrasing is writing a content from the source material into your own words.
2. You should reread the source a few times until you clearly understand what it says.
3. Your source material which you are going to use, you should include in your reference
4. You might feel some difficulties in rewording when there is a marked similarity with the
source material.
5. Don’t use antonyms
6. Try not to change the word order.
7. Using different grammar can be helpful

Task 1: Paraphrasing
1.1 Paraphrasing is writing the ideas of another person in your own words. You need to
change the words and the structure but keep the meaning the same. Remember that
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even when you paraphrase someone’s work, you must acknowledge it. Look at this
example, the original written by Andy Gillett.
It has long been known that Cairo is the most populous place on earth, but no-one
knew exactly how populous it was until last month.
Although Cairo has been the world’s most heavily populated city for many years, the
precise population was not known until four weeks ago. (Gillett, 2008).
What has the writer done to put this paragraph “into their own words”?
The process of paraphrasing involves the following stages:
1. Read and understand the text.
2. Make a list of the main ideas.
a. Find the important ideas – the important words/phrases. In some way mark
them - write them down, underline or highlight them.
b. Find alternative words/synonyms for these words/phrases – do not change
specialized vocabulary and common words.
3. Change the structure of the text.
a. Identify the meaning relationships between the words/ideas – e.g. cause/effect,
generalization, contrast. Express these relationships in different way.
b. Change the grammar of the text: change nouns to verbs, adjectives to adverbs,
etc., break up long sentences, combine short sentences.
4. Rewrite the main ideas in complete sentences. Combine your notes into a piece of
continuous writing.
5. Check your work.
a. Make sure the meaning is the same.
b. Try to be concise and keep a similar length (not easy!)
c. Make sure the style is your own.
d. Remember to acknowledge other people’s work.
Adapted from Gillet, A. (2008) Information on paraphrasing retrieved from

Task 2: Practice in paraphrasing

2.1 you are now going to practice paraphrasing single sentences. Choose one sentence from
the text below on tourism in Goa and use the following steps to paraphrase:
• Ensure you understand the text
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• Underline or highlight the key points

• Use synonyms (similar vocabulary) for the main content words
• Change the structure of the sentence i.e. grammar and word order (active-
passive; adjectives to adverbs), rewriting in your own words

Variously known as “Pearl of the Orient” and a “Tourist Paradise”, the state of Goa is located on
the western coast of India in the coastal belt known as Konkan. The magnificent scenic beauty
and the architectural splendours of its temples, churches and old houses have made Goa a firm
favourite with travellers around the world. But then, Goa is much more than just beaches and
sea. It has soul which goes deep into a unique history, rich culture and some of the prettiest
natural scenery that India has to offer.

From: Goa Department of Tourism (2005). Retrieved January 12, 2005, from

Summary writing

Being able to summarize skillfully is a useful tool. It can help you to study and to compete many of your
writing assignments. You are often required to do large amounts of reading for college courses. Finding
main ideas in what you read and writing these ideas down clearly makes studying more efficient.

Also, you are asked to produce different kinds of writing in college classes. Sometimes teachers will ask
you to make reports on outside readings or to include the ideas of other authors in your research papers.
In each case, you must know how to summarize.

What is a summary?

It is a shorted version of another author s writing.

It includes only the most important information.

It can be any length depending on the amount of information from the original text.

It is written in your own words

It includes only the ideas from the original text, not your response to those ideas.

How do I summarize?

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Notice the title, if there is one. It will help you know the topic. It may even help you know the
main idea.

Read the passage quickly.

Then read it carefully. You will need to read it several times.

Find the main ideas.

Find the most important supporting details.

Put the passage away. (Don t look at it. )

In your own words, give the author’s main idea and main supporting ideas in a few sentences per

Summary Problems

A summary has a problem when:

It uses too many of the same words as the original.

It is too short and doesn’t contain main supporting details.

It is too long and contains too many details.

It does not contain all the main ideas.

Its sentences lack clarity.

It contains an opinion.

Task 3: What is summary?


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3.1 Complete the definition of a summary below with suitable words for the gaps 1-6.

A summary is a (1) __________ version of a text. It contains the (2) __________points in the text
and is written in your(3)__________words. It is a mixture of reducing a (4)________text to a
shorter text and selecting relevant information. A good summary shows that you have (5)______
the text. When you summarize someone’s work, you (6) ____ acknowledge it.
You will often summarize ideas in academic writing, but summaries can also be useful when you are
looking for information. It is an essential reading skill to preview certain parts of and article or book
which provide summaries. These can help you decide how useful the material is for your purposes. The
table below lists these parts

3.2 What is meant by the following terms?

(i) ‘table of contents’
(ii) ‘blurb’
(iii) ‘preface’

Academic article Title Abstract Headings

Introduction Topic sentences
Conclusion Diagrams
Book Title Blurb Headings
Table of Contents Introduction Topic sentences
Preface Diagrams
Chapter Title Introduction Headings
(1st 2/3 parag’s) Topic sentences
Conclusion Diagrams
(last 2/3 parag’s)
Essay/report/dissertation Title Abstract Section headings
Table of Contents (if appropriate) Sub-headings
(if appropriate) Introduction Topic sentences
Conclusion Diagrams

Task 4: Practice in summarizing.

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4.1 Look at the short sample summary below and discuss with a partner the changes and omissions which
have been made in order to produce the summary.

Source: The amphibia, which is the animal class to which our frogs and toads belong, were
the first animals to crawl from the sea and inhabit the earth.

Summary: The first animals to leave the sea and live on dry land were the amphibia.
(Gillet, 2008)

Source: Gillet, A. (2008) Information on summarizing adapted from

Self work task:

Use paraphrasing and summarizing in your own research.


Theme: Academic Style (Part I)

Objectives: look at some aspects of academic style, including use of reporting verbs, linking ideas and
sentence structure

Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to
timetable and its result can be achieved through extension the use of academic language in speech
activity: speaking, reading, writing and listening:

- The formation of listening skills can be developed when using a class video;
- The development of writing skills must be exercised through self-work tasks;
- Reading skills should be improved in course of working on training materials the content
of which is intended to be understood in full;
- Speaking skills can be developed through active communication on the Unit’s topics.
Listening: Watch a video “What is Academic style” on

After watching do the following task: Complete the sentences:

1. The first aspect of Academic style is ….
2. Objective are the things that are based on facts rather than ….
3. You tend not to use the words that have …..
4. You also need to stay away from …
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5. The second aspect of academic style is the use of …..

6. You shouldn’t use …. evidence.
7. Everything what we say must be based on some kind of ……
8. The other thing about Academic Style is …
9. The last thing about Academic Style is that it’s carefully ….
10. The more …. and …. you use, the more strengthened your essay.

Academic style covers a wide range of factors: it relates to your choice of vocabulary, the
sentence structure you use, the way you link your ideas together both within a paragraph,
and through different parts of your essay.
Task 1. Academic style – recognizing the difference
1.1 Read the following two passages A and B, and decide which you think is more
academic in style. Why? Note some specific examples from the two texts by
underlining or highlighting.
1.2 Can you name any of the features you have identified in Text B which are
different from Text A?

QUESTION: ‘Describe the short and long-term environmental effects of the

deforestation of the Amazon Basin’.

Text A
(1)It’s obvious that if you destroy the trees of the Amazon Basin, you create problems both
now and in the future. (2) In the short term, if people burn and log the forests, they get rid
of a lot of kinds of flowers and animals. (3) And if they remove the forest, this takes away
the food sources of the people who live there and who hunt and gather in them. (4) If you
remove the protective canopy, the delicate soils of the area will be rapidly washed away by
the heavy rainfall. (5) The people who clear the forests to raise animals and grow crops
then find that the soil is useless. (6) Destroying the trees doesn’t just affect the Amazon
Basin. (7) It has effects all over the world. …
Text B
(1) The deforestation of the Amazon Basin leads to the creative of both short-term and long-
term problems. (2) In the short-term, burning and logging forests may eliminate many
species of fauna and flora. (3) The removal of forest also deprives hunting-and-gathering
communities of food sources. (4) After the removal of the protective canopy, the delicate
soils of the area may be rapidly eroded be the heavy rainfall, thus making the land useless
for the pastoral or arable activities which often accompany forest clearance. (5) The effects
of such large-scale deforestation are not simply local, but also global. …
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Features of text B which indicate academic style

- Vocabulary is more formal

- Ideas are linked together e.g. ideas in sentences 6 and 7 have been combined for
sentence 5.

- Full form of verb is used e.g. ‘it is’, not ‘it’s’

- It is more impersonal ‘the removal of…………’ replaces ‘if they remove’………..

- It is shorter although this is not necessarily a feature of more academic texts)

Academic Style – some guidelines

Source: Australia Study and Learning Centre (2007) Writing Skills. Accessed 1 Feb 2-11 at

In the same way that recipes or disc jockeys use a particular style and form of language,
academic assignments usually follow a particular style. Here are some guidelines:

Be tentative

Very little in the world today is clearly either right or wrong, all or nothing. Beliefs we
may have held at one time may be challenged. Most research cannot cover every case of
an event of phenomenon so most theories are open to modification. Academics,
therefore, are cautious in the way they present their findings. and so should you be in
your assignments. Use words or phrase such as:

X suggests that
There is a tendency to………………
It would seem that/appear that………….
The majority of……………….
e.g. Recent research suggests that a majority of people prefer to book a holiday which is
organized, and where they do not have to make any decisions

Be precise and specific

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Specific terminology in your subject is important, and even more important is your ability to explain these
terms to a non-expert in your field. From the beginning you should think in terms of writing for the
‘educated’ reader, a non-expert in your field
• Build up your own glossary
• Develop a list of ‘power’ words e.g. a controversial idea is much more powerful than a different
• Edit your own work carefully, and even better get someone else to read it
• Support your ideas with specific examples and as far as possible let other people read your work

Task 2. Reporting verbs: Significance

Reporting verbs are widely used in academic writing, and can make a considerable
contribution in demonstrating your stance and your analytical skills. You can choose
to use some information from a text, and show clearly what you think about it from
your choice of reporting verb.
2.1 Look at the example below; in which sentence does the writer appear to support the
author’s view. And in which sentence does s/he seem to think it is not a valid view?

a) McKeever clearly demonstrates that it is not the number of hours spent studying
that guarantees success, but rather the strategies that students use.
b) Quinn claims that it is not the number of hours that students spend studying that
guarantees success, rather the strategies they use.

Reporting verbs are also an important element of academic style, as you will be using them
throughout your word, whether in summarizing, paraphrasing, or synthesizing ideas and in
developing an argument. You have done some work on these in Unit 4, but will need to
continue to develop your range of reporting verbs throughout your academic career. This
stage will introduce you to more of the most common reporting verbs + that and show how
you can use them to communicate your opinion about the sources more accurately.

Source: Adapted from Vicary, A. (2012) Forthcoming publication, Grammar for Writing. Reading: Garnet Education

Task 3. Reporting verbs + that

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As you read academic texts in your subject area, notice the reporting verbs + that which are
most commonly used. Make a list of them and try and use them in the correct context in your
writing too.
3.1 Study the essay extracts a-d below.
1. Underline the five reporting verbs + that.
2. Which tenses are used in front of one of the reporting verbs for emphasis?
3. Which adverbs are used to emphasis the statement?

a) Leki (1990, p. 60) found that(1) there was ‘depressingly little evidence’ in
both L1 and L2 research that teacher feedback could lead to improvements.
b) Cohen and Cavalcanti’s (1990) research confirmed that(2) instances of
teacher bias were apparent in feedback. Difficult pupils seemed to receive more negative
feedback comments than others whose behavior was more attentive in class.
c) Kando (1997) strongly believed that (3) old age was a time of decline, and
that older people were less physically active and able and, therefore, required less
housing space. However, Groc (2008) argues that many older people are also carers and
the first US housing facility for older people who look after grandchildren or other
dependants has just been built in New York City
d) Harding (2007) and Lansely et al., (2004) point out that even single older
adults make extensive use of their rooms for family visits, leisure and other activities and
they may also need room for a live-in carer or aids and adaptations.

Task 4. Tense of reporting verbs

Not that the simple present tense can be used even if the source cited was published
some years also. This shows that the views of the author are still valid; they have not
been disproved by subsequent research, in addition, the present perfect can be used to
describe the result now of an activity in the past.

1.2 Choose the correct verb from the two given to compete the sentences in the
boxes. Be careful to choose either the present or past simple.

1. Calculate/estimate

a) Brown (2004, p. 56) ____________ that ‘the number of storm days per month during
the winter increased from 7 to 14 in 2003’.
b) Predictions are often inaccurate, but the IPPC (2003) ____________ that the increase in
the Earth;s average surface temperature relative to 1991 will be within the range of 1°
to 3.5° C by the year 2100.

2. Mention/emphasis

a) Seacott’s research (2008) ____________ that the three main indicators of global
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warming are temperature, precipitation and sea level.
b) In his introduction to the subject, Brown (2003) only briefly _____________ that the
local innovation projects in Uganda had not been successful.
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3. Agree/disagree

a) Smith (2001) states that there is strong evidence that global warming is
increasing, and Jones (2002) clearly __________ that this is highly likely.
b) Smith (2001) states that there is compelling evidence that global warming is
4. Claim/maintain
4. Claim/maintain


a) According to Maslin (2004), the climate change expert, skeptics falsely ________
5.that every data set showing global warming has been corrected or adjusted to
achieve a desired result.
5.b) Hypothesise/explain
Maslin (2005) impressively _____________that this fact is itself part of the
scientific process, whereby knowledge and understanding moves forward


a) In the 1980s, early scientists such as Arrhenius and Chamberlin __________ that
‘human’ activity could substantially warm the Earth by adding carbon dioxide to
the atmosphere’ (Faulkner, 2000:197). However, it was only in the 1940s and
1950s that modern technology was able to show that this was indeed the case.
b) Smith (1997)_______ that the experiment was fundamentally flawed; this view is

6. Assert/deny

a) De Witt (2010) rightly ___________ that one of the major obstacles to dealing
with the problem of climate change is cost, or more importantly, perception of
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cost. Indeed, it may cost as much 2% of world GDP.
b) Salvesen (2011) ____________ that the experiment had been a failure.
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Task 5. Attitude and reporting verbs

Each reporting verb has a different meaning, which allows the writer to express their
stance, or viewpoint.
a. Refer to the reporting verbs used in the previous exercise. Write the
reporting verb + that in the right-hand column to match the writer’s
attitude to the source in the left-hand column:
The writer thinks that the author: Reporting verb used:
1. Strongly expresses a belief
2. State that something is true, although it
may not have been proved
3. Guesses by using available evidence
4. Said that something was not true
5. Makes it clear that he has a different
opinion/idea (from someone else)
6. Wrote about something quickly without
giving details
7. Found out for certain by using
numerical data
8. Makes it clear that he has the same
opinion/idea (as someone else)
9. States forcefully that something is true
10. Put forward an idea based on known
facts, which were then used as a basis
for further investigation
11. Gave details about how or why
something worked
12. Stresses that an idea is important

Self work task:

Do practice exercises for correct academic style of the paper. (Appendix 7)


Theme: Academic styles (Part II)

Objectives: analyze the features of definitions; to look at Parallel structure

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Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to
timetable and its result can be achieved through extension the use of academic language in speech
activity: speaking, reading, writing and listening:

- The formation of listening skills can be developed when using a class video;
- The development of writing skills must be exercised through self-work tasks;
- Reading skills should be improved in course of working on training materials the content
of which is intended to be understood in full;
- Speaking skills can be developed through active communication on the Unit’s topics.
Listening: Watch a video Parallel structure or parallelism on

After watching this videodo the following task: TRUE, FALSE or NOT GIVEN:
1.Parallel structure means that your sentence has a balance in grammar.

2. According to the speaker the sentence “When talking to the group, he spoke sincerely and with
passion” is correct.

3.The sentence “The cafeteria was messy, noisy and it was crowded” has a parallelism.

4.The sentence “Trying desperately to find his keys, he looked in his bedroom, the sofa, and on the
kitchen counter” can not be changed into parallel structure.

5. The last example sentence has Active and Passive Voices in one sentence and that’s incorrect.

Task 1. Features of definitions.

When writing about a topic, it is essential to clarify your terms. i.e., to explain clearly
what you mean by key words in the essay.


If you were wгiting about human resource mаnаgеmеnt,fогexample,уоu would

need to explain what уоu mеаnt bу humаn resources, so that both thе writеr аnd
the rеаdеr hаvеexactly the same iпtегрrеtаtiоn of thе term. You will оftеn find that
definitions from at least part оf thе intrоduсtогу texts to уоur subject аrеа.
Тhе extent to whiсh уоu nееd to define уоur tеrms will depend on уоur rеаdеr
and уоur purpose fоr writing. Fоr example, if уоu аrе new to the subject area then
will need toclarify some of the most basic terms, for yourself (as well as, perhaps,
your tutor). As you gainа deeper knowledge and understandingоf the subject, and уоu
аге writing fоr specialists, thе mеаning of сеrtаin key tеrms can be assumed as a part
of shаrеd knowledge.

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1.1 Study the Definitions 1-2, which have been taken from the projects of students.
Identify the features of the definitions from 1-2 below:
1. A formal definition, e.g., from a dictionary or an expert in the field
2. An expansion of the definition with an explanation and/or example
3. A comment on the definition by the writer
4. References

Definition 1: Language aptitude

Some people have a nature language ability, which makes them adept at learning
foreign languages, whereas others are rather poor at this and struggle to acquire a basic
communicative ability in the language. A factor that makes a difference to the
individual is often referred to as language aptitude. Although difficult to define in
concrete terms, it is understood to be not necessary the ability to learn the language in
the classroom, but rather to be able to apply this knowledge in a real-life situation
(Cook, 1991). While some people argue that this ability is not fixed, Carroll (1981)
believes that aptitude is an innate or stable factor, which cannot be changed through
training and is constant throughout one’s life. He also insists that is it not related to
past learning experience. This implies that language aptitude is not something that is
accumulated as we age, but something we are born with. This may sound demotivating
for those who are not equipped with language aptitude. However, as Ellis (1994)
suggests, aptitude is only a facilitator which encourages learning, especially in
accelerating the rate of learning, but does not determine learning.

Definition 2: Critical thinking

As the importance of critical thinking has become widely accepted, scholars and
theorists have attempted to establish a clear definition. Critical thinking can be traced
back more than 2500 years to Socrates’ time. Paul, Elder, and Bartell (1997) explained
that it was originally defined as a method for arriving at the truth and analyzing
complex ideas. This method of questioning, now known as ‘Socratic questioning’, is a
series of questions about a certain issue used to investigate that issue by applying
logical points of view.
However, the actual term ‘critical thinking’ only emerged in the 20th century. Renaud
and Murray (2008) then assembled several popular definitions of critical thinking
(e.g., Ennis, 1985; Furedy and Furedy, 1984; Pascarella and Terenzini, 2005; Watson
and Glaser, 1980) which contain the following five common elements: identifying
central issues and assumptions, making correct inferences from data, deducting
conclusions from data provided, interpreting whether conclusions are warranted, and
evaluating evidence or authority. Other elements of critical thinking include: making a
statement or argument supported with evidence (Beyer, 1987), recognizing important
relationships (Ennis, 1985; Furedy and Furedy, 1984; Pascarella and Terenzini, 2005),
defining a problem (Dressel and Mayhew, 1954; Ennis, 1985), and forming relevant
hypothese (Dressel and Mayhew, 1954; Ennis, 1985).
Despite this range, one of the definitions of critical thinking which is extensively
accepted and frequently cited in academic works comes from the work of Michael
Scriven and Richard Paul.
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Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully

conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information
gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or
communication, as a guide to belief and action. (Scriven and Paul, 1987, p. 5)

1.2 Now complete the table below by ticking (V) the appropriate cells.

Feature 1 2
a formal definition, e.g., from a dictionary or an expert in the field

an expansion of the definition with an explanation and/or examples

a comment on the definition by the writer


Task 2. Parallel structure

Parallelism is an important element in English writing, especially when you are listing and comparing and
contrasting items or ideas. Parallelism means that each item in a list or comparison follows the same
grammatical pattern. If you are writing a list and the first item in your list is a noun, write all the
following items as nouns also. If the first item is an -ing word, make all the others -ing words; if it is an

clause, make all the others adverb clauses.

In the examples that follow, the sentences in the column on the right follow the rule of parallelism

Not Parallel Parallel

My English conversation class is made up of Chinese, My English conversation class is made up of
Spaniards, and some are from Bosnia. Chinese, Spaniards, and Bosnians.
(The items are all nouns.)
The students who do well attend class, they do their The students who do well attend class, do their
homework, and practice speaking in English. homework, and practice speaking in English.
(The items are all verbs + complements.)
The teacher wanted to know which country we came The teacher wanted to know which country we came
from and our future goals. fromand what our future goals were.
(The items are both noun clauses.)
The language skills of the students in the evening classes The language skills ofthe students in the evening
are the same as the day classes. classes are the same as the language skills of the
students in the day classes.
(The items are both noun phrases.)

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1. You may substitute a pronoun for the second "the language skills" in the last example:

The language skills of the students in the evening classes are the same as those of the students in the day classes.

2. All the words in the first item do not always have to be repeated in the second. You may repeat all or
some of the words, depending on what you wish to emphasize. The following sentences are both correct:

Before you write a paper or before you take a test, you must organize your thoughts.

Before you write a paper or take a test, you must organize your thoughts.

Parallelism with Coordinators: And, Or, But

Words, phrases, and clauses that are joined by and, or, and but are written in parallel form. Notice the
parallel structures joined by coordinators in the following sentences:

The Federal Air Pollution Control Administration regulates automobile exhausts, and the Federal
Aviation Administration makes similar regulations for aircraft.

The states regulate the noise created by motor vehicles but not by commercial aircraft.

Pesticides cannot be sold if they have a harmful effect on humans, on animal life, or on the environment

Parallelism with Correlative (Paired) Conjunctions

Use parallel forms with the paired conjunctions both ... and, either . .. or,neither . .. nor, and not only . ..
but also.

Paired conjunctions are placed directly before the elements they join in the sentence.Notice the parallel
structures in these clauses joined by paired conjunctions:

A new law provides the means for both regulating pesticides and ordering their removal if they are

Air pollutants may come either from the ocean as natural contaminants given offby sea life or from the
internal combustion engines of automobiles.

If neither industry nor the public works toward reducing pollution problems,future generations will
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Many people are neither concerned about pollutants nor worried about their future impact.

At the present time, air pollution is controlled through laws passed not only to reduce the pollutants at
their sources but also to set up acceptable standards of air quality.

2.1 Two or more items in each of the following sentences are written in parallel grammatical form.
Underline the items or ideas that are parallel, and circle the word or words that connect the parallel
structures. The first one has been done for you as an example.

1. An ideal environment for studying includes good lighting, a spacious desk, and a comfortable chair.

2. You know you are truly fluent in another language when you can calculate in it and when you begin to
dream in it.

3. People often spend as much time worrying about the future as planning for it.

4. You can learn a second language in the classroom, at home, or in a country where the language is

5. My new personal computer is both fast and reliable.

6. My old typewriter is neither fast nor reliable.

7. Ann is growing older but unfortunately not wiser.

8. Young people buy computers not only to do schoolwork but also to play games.

9. If industrial nations continue to bum fossil fuels and if developing nations continue to bum their rain
forests, the level of CO2 in the atmosphere will continue to increase.

10. Before the judge announced the punishment, he asked the murderer if he wanted to speak either to the
victim's family or to the jury.

11. The criminal neither admitted guilt nor asked for forgiveness before hewas sent to prison.

2.2 Rewrite the following sentences in parallel form. Underline the part of the sentence that is not
parallel and correct it. Remember that you do not have to repeat all the words in the second item. The
first one has been done for you as an example.

1. The disadvantages of using a credit card are overspending and you pay high interest rates.

The disadvantages of using a credit card are overspending and paying highinterest rates.
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2. Credit cards are accepted by department stores, airlines, and they can beused in some gas stations.


3. You do not need to risk carrying cash or to risk to miss a sale.


4. With credit cards, you can either pay your bill with one check, or you canstretch out your payments.


5. You can charge both at restaurants and when you stay at hotels.


6. Many people carry not only credit cards but they also carry cash.

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7. Many people want neither to pay off their balance monthly nor do they like paying interest.


8. Not making any payment or to send in only the minimum payment everymonth is poor money


2.3 On a separate sheet of paper, write seven original sentences in parallel form, using the following
conjunctions one time each. Write sentences on the topics suggested, or choose topics of your own.

And two weekend activities you enjoy

Or two foods you would not eat/give to a baby

But one school subject that you excel at and one that you

struggle with

Both… and two advantages of being bilingual

either ... or two places you might spend a month'svacation or a


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neither ... nor two places you would never spend a month'svacation or a


not only ... but also two reasons to get a college degree

Self work task:

Do practice exercises for correct academic style of the paper. (Appendix 8)


Theme: Writing introductions

Objectives: learn how to write introductions

Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to
timetable and its result can be achieved through extension the use of academic language in speech
activity: speaking, reading, writing and listening:

- The formation of listening skills can be developed when using a class video;
- The development of writing skills must be exercised through self-work tasks;
- Reading skills should be improved in course of working on training materials the content
of which is intended to be understood in full;
- Speaking skills can be developed through active communication on the Unit’s topics.
Listening: Watch a video “How to start a research paper?” on

After watching answer the following questions:

1. Why research papers are different from other kinds of papers?

2. Is it necessary to narrow your topic?
3. What questions do you need to ask yourself before you start your research?
4. What type of sources are there?
5. What can you tell about primary/secondary sources?
6. Where can you find your sources?
7. Why do you need to think about your topic in a new ways?
8. What is research question?

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Whеn writing an academic text such as а ргоjесt, it is important to think аbоut thе structure,
i.e., thе individual components of the text, such as introductions аnd соnсlusiоns.
Тhеintroduction hаs а сlеаr function as the fiгst part оf the text: it sets the tone for the reader by
giving some idea of the content and thе stance of the writer; it also suggests how thе
pieceofwоrk is oгganized, Тhе conclusion rоunds оff the essay: it rеfеrs back to the
introductionand pulls together all thе mаin ideas; it is an opportunity to show hоw well you have
dealt with thе issues yоu raised in the introduction

These аrе some key fеаtuгеs that саnbе included in an intгoduction:

1. аn intгоduсtiоn tо thе topic оf уоur essay/bасkgгоundinformation

2. justification fоr уоur сhоiсе of topic fосus

3. an outline оfthе struсturе оfthе essay

4. definitions of key tеrms rеlаtеd to thе topic

5. уоur thesis statement (уоur viewpoint оr perspective)

6. уоur purpose for writing the essay

Task 1. Features of introduction

1.1 Introduction 1 is taken from the project of a student. Discuss the features of the
introduction with another student.

Introduction 1
To what extent is bank borrowing the best choice for small and medium-sized enterprises
raising funds in Vietnam?
In the economic development process in Vietnam, small and medium-sized enterprises are
increasingly encouraged to expand. In promoting the growth of these companies, raising capital
plays an important role in improving and marketing new products, expanding industries and
managing daily operations. According to the World Bank’s reports, companies can raise money
from several sources: from capital markets, from buying and selling shares, owning the
franchise or increasing venture capital (2006).
Another common alternative is bank borrowing. Although bank loans entail the
disadvantages of high interest rates and limitations on the amount of the loan, they still bring
undeniable advantages such as flexibility and safety. Borrowing from the bank appears to be
particularly convenient for small firms in developing economies. By examining the features of
bank borrowing, this paper will show that this is the best choice for Vietnamese small

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Евразийский Национальный Университет Учебно -методический компекс
Издание: шестое
им.Л.Н. Гумилева дисциплины

Source: Edited extract from authentic student material

1.2 Look at how certain features can be identified using the following table.
a. Which features do you think overlap?
b. Why do you think two of the features are not included?

Table 1: Features of introduction 1.

Feature Relevant section of text

introduction to topic In the есоnоmiс development рrосеss in
Viеtnаm, small аnd medium-sized еntеrрrisеs
areincreasingly епсоurаgеd to ехраnd.
background information In prоmоting the growth of these companies,
raising capital рlауs аn imроrtаnt rоlе in
improving and marketing nеw products,
ехраnding industries and managing daily
Justification According to the World Bank’s reports, companies
can raise money from several sources: from capital
markets, from buying and selling shares, owning
the franchise or increasing venture capital (2006)

Another common alternative is bank borrowing.

outline of structure Not included.
definition of key terms Not included.
thesis statement Воrrоwing frоm the bаnk арреаrs to bе
particularly соnvеniеnt for small firms in
developing economies.
writer’s purpose Bv ехаmining the features of bаnk bоrrоwing,
this paper will show that this is the best choice for
Vietnamese small enterprises.

Note: From Ex1.2 it will be cleart hat certain features overlap. For example,background information may
bе considered in part as justification and the thesis statement may bеlinked with the writer's purpose.
Furthеrmоrе, certain features аrе not always included,

Fоr example, in introduction 1 there is no definition or outline of what is to follow in the text.

1.3 Now analyze Introduction 2 in the same way. Then match the lettered extracts
to the appropriate features in table 2.

Introduction 2
What role does the real estate property market play in the economy?
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им.Л.Н. Гумилева дисциплины

AThe real estate property market plays an essential role in the economic system of any
country. On average, property accounts for 605 of national wealth (Walker & Flanagan,
1991). B Broadly speaking, the real estate market involves many industries, including
construction, commerce, retail and services, thus acting as an economic focus point.
C This essay aims to show that even though the real estate market plays a similar role in
different countries, it does in fact have a different impact on economies at different stages of
maturity: for example, the different impact on developed and developing countries. DTwo
countries are compared in order to identify these differences: the USA as a developed
country, and China as a developing country. It gives some background to the real estate
market: specifically property and capital. Secondly, it describes the role real estate plays in
the economy, and finally it evaluates the key differences, showing that – in developing
countries - the real estate market promotes the national economy through industry, and in
developed countries this is done through the capital market.

Source: Edited extract from authentic student material.

Table 2: Features of introduction 2

Feature Relevant section of text
introduction to topic
background information
outline of structure
definition of key terms
thesis statement Not included
writer’s purpose

1.4 Analyze Introduction 3. Then write the line number for the part of the
introduction that corresponds to the appropriate features in Table 3.

Introduction 3

The problem of overfishing in the great lakes of developing African countries and a
review of current policy

Over the past few decades, overfishing has been identified as one of the main threats to the
sustainability of aquatic ecosystems, although policies to regulate it are in place. The
current policy implemented by developing African countries with great lakes, such as
Zambia and Tanzania, addresses the conservation and sustainable use of fisheries’
resources. This is because the policy emphasizes resource conservation rather than
alternatives that would remedy the situation. Hence, the policy needs to be reviewed in
order to incorporate measures that would have a positive impact and reduce the depletion of
resources that has caused an overfishing problem in lakes.

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The term overfishing can be defined as the ‘exploitation of the resource beyond the
maximum sustainable yield (MSY) as a result of over-intensive fishing as the stock biomass
is decreasing’ (Travers et al., 2010). This implies that when a particular species is
overfished, either for food or commercial purposes, there is a problem. This is experienced
particularly when most of the fishing community in developing African countries depend
on fishing as one of their main socio-economic activities and overfishing can lead to loss of
employment, income and sources of food.
Fish numbers taken from lakes have undoubtedly increased at an alarming rate over the last
10-15 years, and this threatens the availability of some varieties. A policy with a
precautionary approach would reduce the overfishing problems and improve the fishery
resource stock. This essay will give an overview of the overfishing problem and explain
how it happens. It will attempt to identify the people responsible for this problem, evaluate
the current policy on overfishing and recommend how the problem can be reduced.

Source: Edited extract from authentic student material.

Table 3.
Feature Relevant section of text
introduction to topic
background information
outline of structure
definition of key terms
thesis statement
writer’s purpose

1.5 Look at the introduction for your own project. Identify which features it contains
and tick (٧) them in the “My project” column of the table.

Feature My project My partner’s project

introduction to topic
background information
outline of structure
definition of key terms
thesis statement
writer’s purpose

Task 2. The language of introductions

2.1 Look again at Introductions 1-5. Underline any expressions or phrases in these introductions that you
think might be useful.


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Introduction 1: By examining the features of bank borrowing, this paper will show that….

Introduction 2: Broadly speaking, the real estate market involves many industries, including
construction, commerce, retail and services, …

2.2 Think about how you might use some of these in your own academic writing and write some

By examining the role of the Internet in marketing, this paper will show that …

Broadly speaking, marketing involves the four ‘Ps’: product, price, promotion and place.





Task 3. Identifying the thesis statement

Thе thesis Statement should bе one of the key elementsof уоur academic writing.
Normally,itshould bе included in the introductory part of уоur text and should indicate to
уоur rеаdеrs уоur perspectives or attitude to the topic you аrе introduсing(stance). It may
also indicate how уоur ideasаrе organized within the text. А well-expressed thesis
statement will help to:
-provide а сlеаr focus
-direct the rеаdеr
Кеу points in а thesis statement
А strong thesis statement is specific and makes а point effectively.
Example:Obsessive and excessive еxеrсisе is а саusе of mеntаl and physical
Note the following points.
-Тhеrе is one key idea.
- The cause аnd the effect аrе distilled in а single sentence.
- The rеаdеr gets а сlеаr idea of the content, the stance (or viewpoint) аnd the
рrоbаblеorganization of the text from this single sentence.
This suggests that а thesis statement is а condensed form of the writer's purpose.
3.1 Study the sentences below аnd identify the purpose of each. Label each one withthe
appropriate letter: В for bасkground information, E for explanation or T for
thesis statement.
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Onе sentence contains simple background information, one is аn explanation and the
otheris а thesis statement.
1, The сосоа bеаn contains mаnу nutrients, frоm fat to vitamin С, as well as caffeine.
2, Although excessive amounts of caffeine саn bе damaging to health, rесеnt
rеsеаrсhindicates that а limited amount саn bе beneficial.
3, It stimulates the brаin, aids concentration and may help to limit the effects of сеrtаin
diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson’s
3.2.(упр.4 стр.59)
Discuss уоur answers with another student.

3.3 Read the introduction below and underline the thesis statement. Then answer the
The оnly The only consistent thing about cities is that they аrе always changing. Classifying and
understanding the processes of urban change present problems for geographers and others studying
the city. Cities, sinсе their incерtiоn, have always grаduаl, piecemeal change through processes
of accretion, addition or demolition. This type of сhаngе саn bе regarded as largely cosmetic and
the underlying processes of urbаnisаtiоn аnd the overall structure of the city геmаin largely
unaltered, Ноwеvеr, at сеrtаin periods fundamentally diffeгent processes of urbanisаtiоn have
emerged. The result has bееn that the rate of urban change has ассеlerated and new, distinctly
different, urbаn forms have developed. This occurred, fог example, with the urbanisation
associated with industrialization in the UК in the nineteenth сеnturу.

Source: H Source: Hall, т. (2001). Urbаn geography. London: Routledge.

1. How does this thesis statement helpto direct the rеаdеr and possibly determine
theorganization of the text that follows?
2. What functions do other sentencesin this introductionреrfоrm?

The role of the thesis statement in text organization

The thesis statement may also determine the organization of the text. Yоu саn use the
following guidelines to аrrivе at your thesis statement,
- Тurn the title of the text into а question.
- Distil the answer into оnе оr two sentences.
-lf the title is already а question, simplywrite the answer.
- Ask yourself what уоur view points.

3.3 Write а short, four- or five-sentenceintroduction to а topic of your choice

(preferably related to your subject).
The introduction should contain а thesis statement,

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3.4 Соmраrе your introduction with оnе your teacher will show you.

Unit summary
1. Look at the following titles and consider what ideas you would expect the writer to
include in his/her essay?
a) Travelling alone in a foreign country is more beneficial than travelling in a group,
because you have the opportunity to experience the new culture more fully.
b) Helping poorer countries to help themselves is more beneficial than giving them
financial aid.

Possible ideas to include

Title 1 Title 2

2. From reading the following introduction, which areas would you expect the essay to
cover? Make notes in the space provided.
This essay will examine the impact that tourism has had on local employment in the past
10 years, showing that although it has been beneficial particularly for agro-tourism, it has
been detrimental to the food industry.


3. Read the text below and then decide which is better paraphrase, (a) or (b)?
Ancient Egypt collapsed in about 2180 bc. Studies conducted of the mud from the River
Nile showed that at this time the mountainous regions which feed the Nile suffered from
a prolonged drought. This would have had a devastating effect on the ability of Egyptian
society to feed itself.

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a) The sudden ending of Egyptian civilization over 4,000 years ago was probably caused
by changes in the weather in the region to the south. Without the regular river
flooding there would not have been enough food.
b) Research into deposits of the Egyptian Nile indicate that a long dry period in the
mountains at the river’s source may have led to a lack of water for irrigation around
2180 bc, which was when the collapse of Egyptian society began.

Self-work task
Analyse introduction of scientific papers in your field. Write the first two paragraphs of your
research paper


Theme: Incorporating data and illustrations.

Objectives: learn how data are incorporated into academic texts; learn how to analyze data;

practise using the language of data commentary

Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to
timetable and its result can be achieved through extension the use of academic language in speech
activity: speaking, reading, writing and listening:

- The formation of listening skills can be developed when using a class video;
- The development of writing skills must be exercised through self-work tasks;
- Reading skills should be improved in course of working on training materials the content
of which is intended to be understood in full;
- Speaking skills can be developed through active communication on the Unit’s topics.
Listening: Watch a video “How to analyze your data and write an analysis chapter” on

After watching this video answer the following questions:

1. What is the topic of the discussion?

2. What is a difference between flying in the analysis chapter?
3. Why is analysis chapter descriptive?
4. What is the key thing of analysis chapter?
5. What is the difference between analysis chapter and findings?

Another aspect of academic writing is data commentary. Data are statistical information that is
presented graphically in the form of tables or figures; they are used to support the information and ideas
of the academic researcher. Illustrations include a range of images such as photographs, screenshots and
diagrams. In academic writing, illustrations should only be used to help clarify ideas or information; in
other words, they should enhance an explanation. you should always provide thesоurсе of your data.
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Издание: шестое
им.Л.Н. Гумилева дисциплины

In this unit, you will look at data connected with digital media,visits to Вritаin and perceptions of
Britain as a holiday destination.

Task 1. The purpose of data

1.1 Brainstorm the following questions in groups. Use your own knowledge аnd the information

1. What аrе data?

2. Why аrе data sometimes included in academic texts?

Study tip

Graphs аnd сhаrts, (known as figures) and tables саn summarize key informationin а very concise

Task 2. The language for incorporating data

2.1 Look at the examples of data (1-4) on pages37-38. Identify whether each piece of data is а figure or
a table and label it appropriately.

lf it is а table, write Table [1] above. If it is а figure, write Figure [1] below.

Note: The data includes two graphs, а bar chart and а table.

2.2 The two captions below match two of the pieces of data. Identify which pieces they belong to and
write them in the appropriate position above or below the data.

1. Household take-up of digital television by type of service.

2. Selected media activities thatwould be missed the most ассоrding to age, 2008

1.3 Now think of captions for the other two pieces of data and write them in the
appropriate places.
1.4 Read the text below and add a reference to each place at a suitable place in the

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In 2008 the ‘digital switchoer’ began. Data from ofcom (figure 2) shows that
nearly 87 per cent of homes in the UK had a digital television service at the end of the
first quarter of 2008, a rise of 71 percentage points since 2000. A digital television set
can also transmit digital radio stations. According to Radio Joint Audience Research
limited, the average time spent listening to the radio by people in the UK in the first
quarter of 2007 was 19 hours and 24 minutes per week; average listening time
increases with age. Between 2001-2002 and 2006-2007, radio listening fell among
most age groups. The proportion of people reading a daily newspaper has also been
declining for a number of years. The national readership survey shows that, on an
average day, less than 44 per cent of people aged 15 and over in Great Britain read a
national daily newspaper in the 12 months to June 2008, compared with 72 per cent in
the 12 months to June 1978. In 2007, Ofcom asked which media activity respondents
would miss the most if they were all taken away. Watching television would be the
most missed activity for all age groups except those aged 16 to 19, who would miss
the mobile phone the most.

Source: Adapted from Self, A. (Ed.). (2008). Social trends 38 and hughes, M. (Ed.). (2009). Social trends 39. Retrieved
April 21, 2009, from National Statistics Online:

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Self work task:

Incorporate data and illustrations into your research and analyze them. Use graphs and charts in your


Theme: Writing Conclusions

Objectives: learn how to write conclusions

Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to
timetable and its result can be achieved through extension the use of academic language in speech
activity: speaking, reading, writing and listening:

- The formation of listening skills can be developed when using a class video;
- The development of writing skills must be exercised through self-work tasks;
- Reading skills should be improved in course of working on training materials the content
of which is intended to be understood in full;
- Speaking skills can be developed through active communication on the Unit’s topics.
Listening: Watch a video How to write a conclusion on

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After watching this video answer the following questions:

1. According to the speaker why do need a conclusion?

2. What is T –S- S?
3. How should we use Thesis in the conclusion part?
4. What should we summarize in the conclusion part?
5. What does Super So What mean?
6. How do you understand the main idea of the listened material?

Task 1. Features of conclusions

Writing conclusions

Thе conclusion at the end оf уоur essay sеrvеs а numbеr of functions:

- It is thе finаl раrt оf уоur text and so needs to рull together all the mаin ideas.

- It should rеfеr back tо what you outlined in уоur introduction and to уоur thesis

- It is аn opportunity to show thе extent to which уоu hаvе been to deal with thе

issues involved in уоur thesis statement.

Just like intrоduсtiоns, conclusions саn hаvе а numbеr of features:

1. а logical conclusion that is evident frоm thе development of the ideas in уоur
essay, as well as а briеf summаrу of the main ideas in the essay

2. comments оп these ideas

3. pгedictions fоr futurе developments in the topic аrеа оr statement of furthеr rеsеаrсh
thаt might bе rеquiгеd

4. а statement of thе limitations оf thе wоrk соvеrеd bу уоur essay

5. а rеfеrеnсе back to thе thesis statement first mentioned in the intrоduсtiоn

2.1 Study the example conclusion below from the project of a student. Complete
column 1 of the table below and on page 56 with the features 1-7 below.
1. further research suggestions 2 limitations 3. comments on ideas 4.
logical conclusion 5. predictions 6. brief summary 7. reference to thesis


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To what extent is bank borrowing the best choice for small and medium-sized enterprises
raising funds in Vietnam?

This project has examined how the development of small and medium-sized businesses in
the economic sector partly depends on financial management and financial decisions where
choosing a suitable method to raise funds is crucial. The importance of a clear financial plan,
understanding financial situations, and clarifying the advantages and disadvantage of each
method has been discussed. Although there are a number of methods in capital markets for
raising funds, borrowing from banks seems to be the best choice for small and medium-sized
enterprises that want to expand. Despite the disadvantage of bank borrowing with high interest
rates, and limits of borrowing, this essay has shown how bank borrowing is suitable for the
business environment in Vietnam. This is because many businesses are family-run, with lack of
management experience, but also because interest charges are deductible for such companies. The
same lack of experience would make it difficult to venture into new capital markets, and
currently, at least, bank loans are the most appropriate source of funding. As experience grows,
however, and the depth of knowledge increases, it is important for these companies to consider
other possible financial options.

Feature Relevant section of text

Although there are a number of methods in
_______________________________ capital markets for raising funds, borrowing
from banks seems to be the best choice for
_______________________________ small and medium-sized enterprises that want
to expand.
This project has examined how the
_______________________________ development of small and medium-sized
businesses in the economic sector partly
depends on financial management and
_______________________________ financial decisions where choosing a suitable
method to raise funds is crucial. The
importance of a clear financial plan,
understanding financial situations, and
clarifying the advantages and disadvantage
of each method has been discussed.
(….this essay has shown how bank borrowing
______________________________ is suitable for the business environment in
Vietnam. This is because many businesses are
family-run, with lack of management
______________________________ experience, but also because interest charges
are deductible for such companies. The same
lack of experience would make it difficult to
venture into new capital markets, and
currently, at least, bank loans are the most
appropriate source of funding.
As experience grows, however, and the depth
of knowledge increases, it is important for
these companies to consider other possible
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financial options.
Not included

Not included

… this essay has shown how bank borrowing

____________________________ is suitable for the business environment in

2.2 Conclusions 1-4 are also taken from the projects of students. They all contain some of the
features, 1-7, in the list on page 55. Identify and highlight features from the list. Then write
the numbers 1-7 in the margin beside the appropriate feature.

Conclusion 1

What role does the real estate property market play in the economy?
This essay has shown that the real estate market has different functions depending on whether the
country involved has either a developing or developed economy. In general, real estate property is
a national asset, and the real estate market is indispensable for national economic development. In
China, where the real estate market is immature but growing rapidly, the national economy is more
dependent on this market with its potential for employment, and possibility of attracting capital. In
this situation, and ultimately as the Chinese government is the largest investor, the real estate
market can be considered the engine of change. In contrast, the real estate market in the USA is
mature, involved in many sections of the economy, and individuals are the largest investors. It
remains to be seen whether the development of the Chinese economy will have a significant impact
on the real estate market, creating a situation more similar to that of the American model.

Source: Edited extract from authentic student material.

Conclusion 2
A discussion of how green buildings can be both environmentally friendly and a
profitable venture

Ways of decreasing the impact of construction on the environment have been analyzed,
and the way in which these solutions can result, to some extent, in higher profits for their
investors has been explained. It is suggested that green buildings can create additional
value for the investor, since they reduce maintenance costs and thus increase profitability.
Although only the use of solar energy for heating and light has been analyzed, it has been
demonstrated how this usage can diminish the impact of building activities on the
environment, and increase the profits for investors. However, this cannot be a global
solution, since its effectiveness is restricted to sites with sufficient intense sunlight. In
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other areas, the re-use of ‘grey’ water and the harvesting of rainwater are alternative
environmentally friendly solutions even though the high cost of drinkable water decreases
its feasibility as a profitable venture. Nonetheless, should these techniques become widely
used, and other cheaper solutions evolve, green buildings might indeed become both a
totally environmentally friendly and a profitable solution.

Source: Edited extract from authentic student material

Conclusion 3
Developing customer loyalty: Current strategies and their effectiveness

Customer loyalty is essential for the future of firms, and companies need to develop
different marketing strategies in order to create long-term loyalty. Both indirect methods,
which are concerned with the image of the company, and direct methods, which
emphasize the product, goods or service, are identified as possible strategies. Although
both methods work well in theory, in practice it is shown that indirect methods are more
efficient, and can provide a deeper loyalty, mainly based on trust and customer care. As
indicated, the IKEA model evidence of how a trained staff member can retain a
customer’s loyalty, even in different cultural situations.
In contrast, direct methods often create ‘false’ loyalty, which may be useful only
in the short term. Furthermore, building loyalty is not guaranteed with this approach, and
sometimes there are huge drawbacks. Thus, if the marketing plan is not well thought out
and executed, companies may waste money in useless reward programmes. Many
approaches used in recent years have shown that customers have individual personalities
and gifts are not a sufficient general means of ensuring loyalty. Even though direct
methods have some drawbacks, they can be useful, at least whilst the company is
building a better option. As Riechheld’s research demonstrates, the best way to guarantee
a company’s future is to build a better corporate and brand image, which shows the
strengths of the company, without gimmicks.

Source: Edited extract from authentic student material.

Conclusion 4
The problem of overfishing in the great lakes of developing African countries and a
review of current policy
This essay has shown that in order to reduce or eliminate the overfishing problem in
developing East African countries, current policy needs to be reviewed to include a
precautionary approach in rectifying the drastic depletion of fishing stock. This approach
should address issues such as the stakeholders’ future position if restrictions such as
quota fishing and closed season fishing are imposed. It would also be significantly more
effective if other alternatives for obtaining fish for local industry would still get raw fish
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material for the factories and hence continue to meet its fish market demand. This would
also ensure that local communities could generate sufficient income for their needs.
Eventually, this approach would reduce the fishing pressure on inland waterways and
eliminate the overfishing problem in the region.

Source: Edited extract from authentic student material.

2.3 Discuss your analysis of the conclusions in small groups.

2.4 Complete the summary table by ticking (٧) the appropriate columns.
Summary table
Feature Conclusion 1 Conclusion 2 Conclusion 3 Conclusion 4
comments on
reference to

Task 2. Analyzing your conclusion

2.1 Look at the conclusion of your own project. Which of the features from
the table below can you identify? Place tick (٧) in the appropriate row.
Feature My project My partner’s project
brief summary
comments on

Task 3. The language of conclusion

4.1 Look again at Conclusions 1-4 on pages56-58. Underline any expressions or
phrases you think might be useful in your own academic writing.
Conclusion 2

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Ways of decreasing the impact of construction on the environment have been

analyzed, and the way in which these solutions can result, to some extent, in
higher profits for their investors has been explained.

Unit summary
1. Mark a-k with either FI for features of introductions, or FC for features
of conclusions.
a. background information about the topic __
b. brief summary of the main ideas in the essay and comments on these __
c. justification for the choice of topic focus __
d. predictions for future developments __
e. mention of further research that might bе rеquirеd __
f. аn outline of the structure of the essay __
g. definition of key terms related to the topic __
h. limitations of the wоrk covered bу the essay ___
i. the thesis statement (the writer's viewpoint оr perspective) __
j. the writer's purpose in producing the essay __
k. а rеfеrеnсе back to the thesis statement __
2. Mark each of the features above as follows.
٧l used this in my project and think l used it well.
? l used this in my project, but l don't think l used it very well.
xI didn’t use this in my project

Selfwork task:
Analyse scientific papers in your field.Write a conclusion of your research


Theme: Presentation skills. Preparing for conference presentation

Objectives: learn about general presentation skills (strategy and techniques); learn to outline and organize
your presentation (strategy and techniques)

Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to
timetable and its result can be achieved through extension the use of academic language in speech
activity: speaking, reading, writing and listening:

- The formation of listening skills can be developed when using a class video;
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- The development of writing skills must be exercised through self-work tasks;

- Reading skills should be improved in course of working on training materials the content
of which is intended to be understood in full;
- Speaking skills can be developed through active communication on the Unit’s topics.
Listening: Watch a video Great openings and closings on

After watching this video do the following task: TRUE, FALSE or NOT GIVEN

1. The speaker is talking about her experience in instructing speakers.

2. Typicalopening remarks that most speakers make are interesting.
3. A good opening establishes your believability.
4. Your opening shouldn’t speak to the audiences.
5. It is recommended to give examples from your own life.
6. Asking the audience a question forces them to start thinking.
7. A good conclusion can not bring the topic to a satisfying close.

Warm up

Are these statements true or false? Put a T (true) or an F (false) in the blank next to each statement.

- It’s ok to stand with one hand in your pocket while presenting.

- You should memorize your presentation.
- You should look at people’s eyes most of the time you are speaking.
- You apologize for your English skills before or during your presentation.
- The more Power Point slides you use, the more impressed the audience will be.
- Find out as much as possible about the audience before you present.
- Use your Power Point slides to help you remember your main points.
- Focus your eye contact on the most important audience members.
- It’s not necessary to prepare for the Q&A session that usually follows a presentation.
- Holding your hands together in front of you or behind your back shows the audience that
you feel relaxed.
- Do not speak while your back is to the audience.
- The more body language you use, the more effective your presentation will be.
- Use small cards for notes, rather than large pieces of paper.
- It’s okay to repeat information during a presentation.
- Separate your presentation into a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.

What makes a good presenter?

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Successful presentation requires both sensitivity and a number of specific skills.

Sensitivity is important because the style of communication has to be adapted to the specific context:
to the people involved, to the subject being discussed and to the objective of the presentation. A
presentation that gives information about the status of a project to colleagues will be very different from a
speech at a major conference. The way we present to colleagues will be very different from the way we
present to people we do not know well. So, there are very few general rules that which we can apply
wherever we are, whoever we are talking to. The only real rules are to be sensitive to the context, and to
adapt. Which specific skills are essential to be an effective presenter? Clearly, language skills are very
important, as it’s important to express what you want to say in English more clearly and accurately.
However, English language competence is not everything. As your English gets better, this begins to take
second place to other skills: selecting the best content; choosing the right objective; getting the process
right; adapting the language to the listener. Having these skills will enable you to be a truly effective

Successful presenters do two things: they communicate clearly and they achieve the right impact.

Communicating clearly means working hard to make sure that the audience understands both what
is said, and why it is said. To make surethe what is understood, the message needs to be short, simple and
digestible. To make sure the why is understood, the message needs to be explicit and transparent to avoid
misinterpretation. International presenters face a challenge to be clear because they are often
communicating in a second language, across cultures and about very complex business processes. This
book offers advice on how to be clear to international audiences.

Creating the right impact is about presenters knowing themselves well and knowing the expectations of
their audience. They must have the flexibility to be able to achieve organizational goals at the same time
as managing relationships effectively. They have to be able to engage, influence, entertain and persuade,
according to the needs of the specific business situation. Again, this book gives advice on how to achieve
the right impact.

General skills: Strategy and Techniques

1. Think: What’s my subject?

2. Why am I giving this presentation? What’s my purpose?
3. Who is my audience? Find out as much as you can about them: for example, how many
people will attend, what they do, who they represent and why they’re interested in the

Task 1

You’ll be given two situations to present. Choose one of them and try to analyze subject, audience,
and purpose.

Situation 1

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You have been selected to take part in a six - month faculty exchange program with New York University
in the USA. The Department Head in your field of studies at NYU, Dr.Wilson, has asked you to prepare
and give a five - minute presentation the day after you arrive in NY.

Dr. Wilson would like you to introduce yourself, describe your research interests, what you hope to learn,
and what you hope to contribute to the NYC community. In addition to Dr. Wilson, 12 faculty members
of the department will be attendance. Also attending will be representatives from Human Resources, the
Office of International Affairs, the Public Relations Department and the student newspaper.

Situation 2

Your university has hired 20 Visiting Faculty members for the upcoming year. The University Rector has
asked you to conduct a special orientation presentation for the group to acquaint them with life in Astana.

The visiting professors represent several different academic disciplines and are from France, Europe, the
United States, and Asia. They range from 27 to 65. Nine of them are women. Half of the group are
married and will send for their spouses and children as soon as they have settled in. Only a few speak
enough Kazakh or Russian to communicate effectively, but they are all fluent English speakers.

The rector considers it very important that the visiting faculty adjust quickly and smoothly to life in
Kazakhstan. Naturally, he wishes them to begin their stay with a favorable impression. He, along with
several Department Heads, will attend the presentation.

Prepare a five minute talk to give to the international visitors.

Task 2

Prepare a five minute presentation on any topic you wish to speak. Choose a topic that you are
enthusiastic and you are familiar with and you think you will entertain or educate your audience.
Before you prepare your presentation give this information your classmates so they can better
evaluate your talk.

(Ss fill in the following information and prepare for their small presentations)

Student Name



Outline and organization: Strategy and Techniques

I. Introduction
II. Body
III. Conclusion
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Presentation Skills: Language Worksheet

Introduction – Starting:

Good morning (Good evening, Good afternoon)

My name is ________________. I’m ___________________.

This morning (This afternoon, This evening, Tonight, Today) …..

I’d like to explain ….

I’d like to begin by discussing ….

I’m going to talk about ….

My point is …

I will look at this from three points of view: first, …; next, ….; and finally, …

In the first part of my presentation, I’ll describe….

After that I will explain….

Finally, I’ll show you ….

Body – Explaining points/ Using connecting words

First, I’d like to talk about …

Now, I’d like to move on to …

Next, let me describe…

The next point I’ll discuss is …

This means …

This is supported by …

According to ….

Finally, let me explain….

For example, …. For instance, ….

First, … second, … third, … last, …

Another, … In addition, … Moreover, .. Nevertheless,… but … yet…

Since …. Because…

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Therefore, … Thus, …. Because of … Due to …So, …

Similar to … Similarly, … like… the same as … equal to … in comparison, …compared to …

In contrast, … different from … differs from…

Conlusion – Ending:

In conclusion (In summary(, I’ve talked about (discussed) ….

To conclude (To summarize), I’ve explained (shown) …

My main point was … My (three) main points were …

In my opinion, … Therefore (So), I feel (believe, think, recommend, suggest)…

Thank you for your attention.

Effective openings

Communication experts are agreed that the first three minutes of a presentation are the most important.
They talk about ‘hooks’ – simple techniques for getting the immediate attention of the audience. A good
start makes you feel more confident.

Task 3 Ss will be given some topics to try to start their presentations.

1. Kazakhstan education system should be improved.

2. EXPO benefits for Kazakhstan.

3. Great scholars of 20 th century.

Here’s how the experts suggest you ‘hook’ your audience:

1. Give them a problem to think about.

2. Give them some amazing facts.
3. Give them a story or personal anecdote.

Task 4

Look at the presentation openings below and divide them under three headings:

Problems Amazing Facts Stories

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1. Did you know that Japanese companies spend four times more on entertaining clients in a
year than the entire GDP of Bulgaria? 40 billion dollars, to be precise. You know, that’s
twice Colombia’s total foreign debt. You could buy General Motors for the same money.
2. Suppose your advertising budget was cut by 99 % tomorrow. How would you go about
promoting your product?
3. According to the latest study, by 2050 only one in every four people in Western Europe
will be going to work. And two will be old age pensions.

The following frames will help you prepare effective openings, using the problem, facts, or story
technique. You should always know exactly how you are going to start.

Problem Technique

• Suppose ……… How would you ……

• Have you ever wondered why it is that …….. ?
• How many people here this morning/afternoon/ evening ….. well, imagine … Do you think
that’s possible?
Amazing facts technique

• Did you know that…

• According to the latest study, …
• Statistics show that…..
• I read somewhere the other day that ….
Story / Anecdote Technique

• You know, ……. When I think about ……I’m reminded of ….

• Have you ever been in the situation where … I remember …. It turned out …
Task 5

Using the frames try to prepare openings for your presentations. You may choose the topic that you
have taken before.

15 4
3 5
10 4
1 2
0 1
0 2 4
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Pie chart Bar chart Table graph

Histogram Cross section flowchart Table

Types of diagrams

Diagrams are visual ways of presenting data concisely. They are often also called figures. In an
academic article they are usually labelled Fig. (Figure) 1, Fig.2, etc.

A pie chart is a circle divided into segments from the middle (like slices of a cake) to show how the total
is divided up. A key or legend shows what each segment represents.

A bar chart is a diagram in which different amounts are represented by thin vertical or horizontal bars
chart but the bar width also varies to indicate different values.

A table is a grid with columns and rows of numbers.

A cross – section is something, or a model of something, cut across the middle so that you can see the
inside. A label gives the name of each part of the cross section.

A flow chart is a diagram, which indicates the stages of a process.

The graph presents data relating to teenagers and pocket money. A random sample of 1000 teenagers
weresurveyed and the average pocket money received at each age has been plotted on the graph. The x
axis or horizontal axis indicates age and the y axis or vertical axis shows the amount of money received
per week. The graph shows that 15 year – olds receive twice as much pocket money as 13 –year-olds.
From the graph we can see that the amount received reaches a peak at the age of 18 and then starts to
decline. This decline can perhaps be explainedby the factthat many teenagers start earning and stop
receiving pocket money at the age of 18.

Graphs are drawn by plotting points on them and then drawing a line to join adjacent points. If there are
two lines on a graph – separate lines, for example, to indicate boys’ and girls’ pocket money – then the
lines would probably cross or intersect at various points. Lines that runparallel to one another never

Graphs show how numbers increase or decrease. The nouns increase and decrease have the stress on the
first syllable, but the verbs have the stress on the second syllable. Numbers can also be said to rise or
grow and fall, drop or decline. The nouns rise, growth, fall, drop and decline, like increase and
decrease are followed by in (to explain the size of the change), e.g include a rise of 10% in the number of
cars. Other verbs used about growth include double, multiply, appreciateand exceed.

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Task 6

Answer the questions:

1. Draw examples of a pie chart and bar chart.

2. What would be the best type of diagram to present the different layers of rock in the Grand
3. In a table, what is the difference between columns and rows?
4. What would be the best type of diagram to present the different stages in a research project you
5. How many segments are there in the pie chart?
6. If you look at two adjacent columns in a table, are they next to each other or separated?
7. What is another name for a legend in a diagram?
8. What type of data collection are you doing if you survey the first 50 people you come
9. What do two lines on a graph do if they intersect and they run parallel to each other?

Task 7

Make the rather informal words in bold sound more precise and academic.

1. The different bits of the pie chart show the numbers of people in each age group.
2. She kept a record by marking the midday temperature on a graph for a month.
3. People’s salaries usually reach their highest point when they are in their late 40s.
4. This flowchart shows the different bits of our project over the next five years.
5. The two lines on the graph cross each other at point A.
6. Draw a line connecting the points that are next to each other.
7. The government’s popularity in the opinion polls is beginning to fall.
8. If you look along the top line of the table you can see the figures for the 1950s.
Task 3 Change the sentences using words with the same meanings as the words in bold.

1. Populations of some bird species in South Asia have crashed by 97% in recent years. The
number of cases of death by poisoning has increased sharply.
2. In 2007 the child mortality rate was lower than 60 deaths per 1000.
3. The average family car in the UK goes down in value by 20% per year. This means its value has
fallen by more than half after just three years.
4. A typical piece of land on the edge of the city will go up in value by 15 % per year, and
house prices have gone up rapidly in the last six months.
5. Business courses have increased greatly in number while science programmes have
gone down.
6. The temperature was higher than 45 in some parts of the country during the heatwave.
7. Between 1983 and 2006, the number of this species of condor went up from 22 pairs to
273. Other bird populations have gone up by two times in the same period.
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8. The numbers of old soldiers attending regimental reunions are becoming smaller each

Self work task:

Outline and organize your presentation about your research.

Theme: Preparing for a conference presentation
Objectives: to introduce with guidelines to prepare for a conference presentation in the filled of major,
write an essay / project in your field, which will be as admission to the your examination; do some review

Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to
timetable and its result can be achieved through extension the use of academic language in speech
activity: speaking, reading, writing and listening:

- The formation of listening skills can be developed when using a class video;
- The development of writing skills must be exercised through self-work tasks;
- Reading skills should be improved in course of working on training materials the content
of which is intended to be understood in full;
- Speaking skills can be developed through active communication on the Unit’s topics.
Listening: Watch a video “How to do a presentation – 5 steps to a killer opener” on

After watching this video complete the following sentences:

1. Most people don’t know about the skills they need to hook ….
2. I’m freaking out about this big … I have to give tomorrow.
3. One of the biggest mistakes people make when they start their presentation is showing ….
4. You’ll be amazed at the … this has on audience.
5. The purpose of the fourth step is to show your audience … for your presentation.

Warm up

How good are you at coping with the unexpected, the slightly inconvenient, or the downright disastrous?
How far would you describe yourself as a ‘disaster master’?

Look at this list of 15 potential disasters. What would you do?

1 Somebody walks in late for your morning presentation

2 The laptop crashes and won’t reboot

3 A ‘listener’ falls asleep

4 The overhead projector begins to smoke

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5 You drop all your slides on the floor

6 Somebody calls out ‘Rubbish!’

7 You totally forget what you wanted to say

8 Two people get up and leave

9 The only pen for the flip chart runs out

10 The screen won’t go up

11 A mobile phone rings

12 One person keeps asking you questions

13 The audience looks bored

14 You realise the pen that you used on the large whiteboard uses indelible ink

15 You look at your watch and you have five minutes left but twenty slides to go.

Conference Presentation Preparation

The research needed in preparing a presentation is no different to that involved in writing thepaper, an
essay or report. You need to investigate primary and secondary sources and obtainaccurate information.
In order to present a topic convincingly, you must understand it thoroughly.

However, there are significant differences between a written paper, essay or report and aconference
presentation. The introduction of a conference presentation should be considerablylonger than that of a
written text. Repetition is vital in a conference presentation. An audienceneeds to hear information
several times and in slightly different forms to understand it, whereas ina written text the reader can refer
back if necessary. Informal rather than formal language shouldbe used in an oral conference presentation.

Submitting a paper to a conference

• Find a ‘catchy’ title as most conferences run parallel sessions and your presentation may
compete with numerous (over 20 at major national/international conferences)
presentations offered at the same time.
• The abstract. You will need to submit an abstract to the conference committee for your
presentation to be accepted. If you have already written your paper, this task should be
fairly easy as the abstract is a (usually around 200–400 word) summary of the paper.
• Ensure the issues, questions, thesis as well as the conclusion findings are clearly stated in
the abstract.
• In case the paper has not been written yet, prepare the abstract in such a way that you
don’t commit yourself to details that will not be addressed in the final paper.
• Writing the paper. Follow guidelines set by the conference organizers (length, layout,
references, etc.), and write the paper as you would an essay, a report, or, more and more
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commonly, a journal article. The latter is particularly important if the conference

proceedings are to be published (refereed or non-refereed). Check previous conference
proceedings or journals in your field to ensure consistency with style, referencing, etc.
More tips for an effective conference presentation

1. Work to time
The best presenters know how much time they have to work with, tailor their presentation to fit the time
and then keep an eye on the time. One of the best I saw this year was Jeff Veen at Web Directions – with
technical problems at the start he lost 15 minutes and still came in almost on time.

And if you are running out of time, stop. Jump past a couple of slides if you need to make one last point.
Otherwise you are saying “I’m more important than you, you can wait until I’m finished”.

2. Leave time for questions

A common behaviour for bad presenters is to run right up to, or over, time, then ask ‘any questions’ (in a
rushed voice too of course). No-one asks questions, and the speaker thinks they’ve done a great job.

Great presenters run 10 minutes before time, ask ‘any questions’ and get a ton of hands.

This, believe it or not, has nothing to do with the material. It has everything to do with feeling permitted
to ask questions. If there is obviously no time for questions (especially right before lunch or coffee break),
the person who asks one is holding up the room. We are polite folks and we know how to play the game –
we don’t want to hold up everyone just to ask a personal question. But when there is plenty of time, we
feel like we are allowed to, so we do.

And questions are a good thing. They give you a chance to elaborate on something that wasn’t clear, or
cover the topic that everyone wants to know but you forgot to include. They help the audience feel like
you are approachable and a peer.

3. Know what your point is

If you aren’t sure of your point, do the ‘Why, who cares, so what‘ test. Think about what you’re actually
trying to convey, think about why someone needs to know it, why they would care about it, and what the
consequences are. This is a simple trick that really helps you think about what you should be

4. Rehearse
The first time you give a talk, especially if you are using slides someone else has prepared, rehearse
it.Rehearsing helps because you hear yourself say the words. You can hear your jokes (I think my jokes
are hilarious until I say them out loud), practice stories and figure out the pace. Then when you have to
perform for real, your brain doesn’t have to figure it out from scratch.You can rehearse in your bedroom –
it feels odd, but works. Or ask a couple of friends to listen to you.

5. Avoid self talk

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Self-talking is all the little things speakers say when they are simultaneously trying to deliver a talk and
thinking about themselves doing it. Comments about technology, ‘oops, there’s a spelling mistake’, ‘oh,
there’s an extra slide’, ‘what does that point mean’. They can subtly undermine your credibility and make
you look inexperienced.

6. Understand your audience

The two worst speakers of the year made the mistake of not understanding the audience. But the reason
they were the worst went further – they also assumed that the audience didn’t know anything and needed
educating. Guess what – audiences can actually pick up on it when you think of them like this.

Before speaking to a group, find out what they already know and where they are up to with your topic. If
you think you might need to explain some fundamental concepts, don’t talk down to people. Just say you
are going to quickly go over some background so some key points later on make sense.

But really, the trick to this is to genuinely care about your audience. No matter how hard you try, if you
think they are beneath you, they’ll pick it up.

7. Talk about what you know

Another difference between great presentations and mediocre is the presenter’s knowledge of their
material. A great presenter not only knows what points they are making, but knows why those things are
important and what they mean. They can answer a question on the fly, or elaborate on a point as needed.

You might be caught having to give a presentation on a topic that you don’t know thoroughly, or use a
presentation someone else has written. If this happens, rehearse it a couple of times, think about each of
the points, why they are important and what they mean. Do some background reading, discuss it with
colleagues and think up a story for each of the main points. This will increase your understanding of the
material and your confidence.

8. Tell stories
Humans don’t learn by listening to strings of facts. We learn from stories and examples.

One of the best things you can do in a presentation is to tell stories. Make a point, then put it into a real
situation. It may be something you’ve experienced, something a colleague has, or your opinion about an
issue. Your listeners will understand your point better, and you’ll sound more credible.

9. Talk in inverted pyramid

Inverted pyramid is a style of writing where you present the most important facts first, then elaborate on
them, then elaborate further. The urban myth is that it developed with the introduction of the telegraph
and the need to get the facts through before the connection was lost.

Whatever the history,get your point across, and then build up on it. Your audience can then make a
decision about whether to listen to you or do something else (think about the problems, read twitter, write

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nasty things about you on twitter). If you build up to your point essay style, chances are you’ll lose part of
the audience part way through and they’ll never get the point you are so carefully working up to.

10. Balance imagery and text

If you’ve been attending presentations for a few years, you’ll have noticed that bullet points have almost
disappeared. The current style, at least amongst the user experience and web folks, is gorgeous imagery
and a small amount of text.

Don’t be terrified of text and bullet points. They are OK when:

- the point you want to make isn’t easy to communicate visually

- visual language is the best way to communicate the idea
- people need to see the whole idea in order to understand it
- you are discussing lists of steps or sequences
But if you are going to use bullet points, make them communicate your point. Don’t use them as a
memory trigger for what you want to say – that’s what speaker notes are for.

Task 1.Answer the questions:

1. What should you do in order to submit your paper to a conference?

2. What should be done in order to avoid disasters during the conference presentation?

3. How can you make your presentation interesting and productive?

4. What are the differences between presentation paper and journal paper?

5. What are the most three important tips from “More conference presentation tips”? Why?

Task 2.Match the tips with their explanations:

Tips Explanation
Rehearse Comments about technology, ‘oops, there’s a
spelling mistake’, ‘oh, there’s an extra slide’,
‘what does that point mean’.
Time You should use bullets in order to
communicate your point.
Self talk You might be caught having to give a
presentation on a topic that you don’t know
thoroughly, or use a presentation someone else
has written
Balance imagery and text Preparing in advance because you hear
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yourself say the words.

Talk in inverted pyramid Time management during the presentation is
Talk about what you know A style of writing where you present the most
important facts first, then elaborate on them,
then elaborate further.

Selfwork task:
Write your project and present it.


Appendix 1: Sample project

University of Reading

Pre-sessional Course Block 4

September 2008

To what extent should insider dealing be regulated, and how can this be done

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Name: Mansoor Alhagbani

Date: 19 September 2008


Insider dealing is considered a financial crime in many countries. This criminalization of

insider dealing is recent and regulators have been struggling to control it, as it is a
complex situation. Furthermore, regulating insider dealing has never gained a
consensus, as many economists and lawyers think it should not be regulated. This paper
tries to analyze this activity from different perspectives, by first defining insider dealing
and looking at how it happens. Then the argument for legalizing insider dealing is
analyzed, and a discussion about why it is flawed is presented. Finally, this paper
suggests that a proactive approach is the most effective way to regulate insider dealing.


Financial markets in many countries such as the UK, USA and Saudi Arabia constitute an
integral part of the domestic economy and help create a sound market. This task requires
providing a market where efficiency and market integrity are dominant characteristics. In
other words, in order to have an attractive market, where shares are traded, the
performance of companies that should be reflected are quoted in it. Wrongdoing in
general is a stumbling block to ensuring an efficient market. It is the job of regulatory
bodies to eliminate such obstacles. However, some forms of wrongdoing are difficult to
combat, not to mention the opposition against criminalizing them. Insider dealing is such
a subject. Suter considers insider dealing one of the most challenging topics that have
been encountered by legislators (Suter, 1989, p. 1). This may be due to two main reasons.
First, the opposition against regulating insider dealing. There are many economists and
lawyers who advocate deregulated insider dealing for many reasons that will be dealt
with in more depth later on this essay. Moreover, if the battle over regulating insider
trading is won by those who are in favour of regaling it, there will be another issue,
which is the difficulty, although not an impossibility, of imposing effective regulation
due to the complexity of the controversial crime. Nevertheless, all forms of insider
dealing should be regulated. A possible way of doing this effectively may be through a
proactive approach. This essay will first define insider dealing and examine when it is
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committed. Secondly, it will look at the argument against regulating insider dealing and
why this is inadequate. Finally, it will discuss how insider dealing could be regulated
effectively by taking a proactive approach.


The definition of insider dealing is absolutely vital as an inadequate definition may create
a loophole through which the crime might be committed without, if proved, successful
prosecution. The ‘traditional view’ of insider dealing is defined by Hannibal as ‘the use
by an insider of price-sensitive information (known to him but not generally and which
he has acquired by virtue of his position) to trade to his advantage in the shares of a
company’ (McVea, 1993, p.42). The ‘insider’ in this definition is someone who is likely
to come across information (as part of his/her job) that is not known by the public. This
information has to be price-sensitive, which means that once it is made public it is likely
to provoke a movement in the price of certain shares (McVea, 1993). However, this
definition, if not complemented by other rules, will be flawed from a legal viewpoint.
This is true as the definition merely covers the deal when it is traded to the insider’s
advantage. The insider can easily avoid this by passing the confidential information to a
relative such as his wife, or even more cautiously, the insider may recommend his wife to
buy or sell in particular shares without revealing the information. In this case, and
according to that definition, a crime is not constituted, despite an advantage being gained
from the confidential information. Therefore, the definition that will be used to
criminalize insider dealing has to cover all possible forms of abusing confidential price-
sensitive information, or alternatively complemented by additional rules. For example, in
the UK, the CSA Act 1985, amended by the FSA 1986, does not define insider trading,
yet the Act differentiates between direct insider dealing, mentioned in the definition
above, and indirect or ‘secondary’ insider dealing (ibid., p. 69). The latter criminalizes
the incident in which an insider makes recommendations, based on confidential
information, to another person to trade. Both of them will be liable for insider dealing if
the recipient knows that recommendation is based on confidential information, and only
the insider will be liable for the crime if the recipient does not know (ibid., p. 75). This
approach ensures that all forms of abusing information will be considered as insider
dealing. Nevertheless, it must be borne in mind that criminalizing an action does not
mean prosecuting anyone who has carried it out, it means that anyone who carries it out
will be prosecuted if there is sufficient evidence. It is this issue of evidence that makes
insider dealing a difficult action to control.
Having clarified what insider dealing is and what elements constitute such an action, it is
important to decide whether such an action should be considered a crime or not. In many
countries, such as UK, the USA and Saudi Arabia , insider dealing is a financial crime.
However, numerous lawyers and economists disapprove of this criminalizing of insider
dealing. Their argument centres around three main justifications for insider dealing.

The economic benefit of insider trading

First, the economic benefit that insider trading brings about. Donald J. Boudreaux, a
distinguished economist, claims that insider trading is beneficial in the sense that it gives
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an immediate reflection of the information generated by a certain company. He argues

that when insiders of a company buy or sell shares in their company according to specific
information, this implies to the public that some information is available, even before it is
announced. In other words, if insiders start to buy shares, outsiders or other investors can
anticipate that good news is about to be announced and therefore imitate the insiders in
their actions (Boudreaux 2003). Marine, a very well-known lawyer who wrote a book in
1966 condemning the criminalization of insider dealing , agrees with Boudreaux on this
point (McVea, 1993, p. 54). This view seems to ignore the fact that profiting in an
efficient financial market should be based on the investors’ abilities to analyze
information, not to imitate other traders while perhaps the information available to them
suggests doing the contrary. McVea argues that the economic benefit argument is flawed
in two ways; he asserts that such a phenomenon would encourage insiders to delay the
announcement of the information as they accumulate quietly and leisurely, in order not to
be noticed by outsiders, a vast number of stocks so when the information comes out the
price soars (ibid., p. 54). He also argues that the price at such a stage would be an
‘artificial one’ and this is a ‘distortion’ of the market that will affect efficiency and dent
public confidence (ibid., p. 55). Therefore, it seems that the economic argument for
legalizing insider dealing provides no ground upon which insider dealing can be

Insider trading as an incentive for workers

As well as the economic argument for legalizing insider trading, Marine put forward
another argument, which is that insider dealing should be used as an incentive for the
personnel of conglomerates (McVea, 1993, p. 51). He believes that since managers and
directors contribute to a great extent to the increase of the organization’s wealth, salaries
are not adequate to reward them. He therefore believes that they ought to be able to take
advantage of the information that they exclusively possess to trade in the company’s
shares (ibid.). Otherwise ‘innovation’, which increases profits and is essential to any
company’s success, would not be encouraged and therefore the company would be worse
off (ibid.). This scheme of rewarding managers and directors, although it will increase
their income quite substantially, will not necessarily boost the company’s performance.
An insider can make use of both good and bad news. Use can be made of the good news
by buying, and of the bad news by selling. Here a manager will benefit from generating
bad news to the company by avoiding loss (ibid., p. 52). This means creating a kind of
rewarding scheme that is not ‘commensurate with effort’, which should be the basis of
any rewarding scheme (ibid.). Furthermore, using trading upon insider dealing as a perk
or a scheme of rewarding is extremely unfair. This can be seen when considering that
confidential information is provided to an employee as a result of his or her position
regardless of his/her contribution to this information. For example, a manager who has
been performing very badly is likely to come across price-sensitive information and trade
upon it. At the same time, another employee who has been performing extremely well
may be unable to access the same information. This means that employees will be
rewarded according to their position and regardless of their actual performance. Again
and for the above reasons, Marine’s argument cannot justify legalizing insider dealing.

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The ‘impossibility’ of effective regulation of insider trading

Finally, the advocates of unregulated insider dealing argue that insider dealing cannot be
regulated properly and it is impossible to have effective regulation, thus it should not be
regulated. Insider trading is a very complex crime and detecting it can be impossible in
some cases. For example, the defendant can claim that they did not know that the
information was price-sensitive or they may argue that they would have traded even if
they had not known about the information (Cole, 2007). This makes successful
prosecution extremely difficult. Margaret Cole (2007), the director of enforcement at the
FSA, conceded that prosecuting an insider is extremely challenging. She stated that not
only proving the elements of the crime is difficult, but also ‘the practical challenges of
presenting complex insider dealing cases to a jury are immense’ (ibid.). However, while
Marine sees this obstacle s a justification to legalize insider dealing, Margaret Cole does
not. McVea (1993, p. 57) summarized Marine’s argument as ‘anti-insider dealing law is
unenforceable; unenforceable law is a bad law; bad law should not be on the statute
books’. Then McVea (ibid.) criticized Marine’s argument by stating that ‘partial
enforcement’ on undesirable actions such as insider dealing is better than not having any
restrictions. McVea’s argument seems to suggest that even if it is impossible to control
insider dealing, it is still an immoral activity and regulators should not approve of it by
not criminalizing it. Furthermore, despite being a really difficult crime to detect, insider
trading can be tackled. This will not be achieved by the capacity to prosecute every
insider, rather it may be accomplished through preventing insider trading from occurring.
In other words, a proactive approach may well be the remedy to this obstacle.

A proactive approach

The introduction of a proactive approach aims to reduce the occurrence of insider dealing
as much as possible. This can be achieved by restricting the flow of information between
conglomerate departments. For example, information gained by the marketing division
should not be passed on to the investment division. This restriction may have a negative
effect on financial conglomerates as it will restrict the liaison between internal
departments, but not to the extent that it should be abandoned (McVea, 1993, p. 350).
Furthermore, this policy will be effective in terms of reducing insider dealing among
financial conglomerates rather than all the quoted companies and individuals involved.
This can be complemented by a more holistic approach which is forcing companies listed
on the stock market to disclose all information once they gain it. This will eliminate the
benefit of trading upon inside information as it will be known to the public immediately.
Disclosure and transparency as two rules to which companies have to adhere are already
imposed in many markets; however, not efficiently enough to eliminate the occurrence of
insider dealing. Margaret Cole (2007), the director of enforcement at the FSA, asserts
that the FSA ‘put a significant emphasis’ on proactive policies such as ensuring ‘a steady
flow of information’. The FSA in this sense has accomplished encouraging results.
Figures show that the level of undesirable activities, including insider dealing,
plummeted from 19.6% in 1998-2000 to 2% in 2004-2005 (Cole, 2007). This reduction is
clearly the result of the proactive measures. Yet, the figures also show no reduction in
illegal activities when it comes to dealing upon information to do with mergers an
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acquisitions, and this is mainly due to the huge number of people involved in such a
process, and therefore the higher likelihood of information leakage (ibid.). However, the
FSA is working on coordinating between the different parties in order to overcome this
issue. Despite this, the overall reduction shows that the FSA succeeded in preventing a
great deal of insider dealing from taking place. This means that a proactive approach can
be effective and Marine’s argument in this regard is no longer valid.


In conclusion, a perfect market where no kind of wrongdoing is taking place can be an unrealistic
ambition. Nevertheless, market regulators ought to do their utmost in combating all forms of wrongdoing
in order to provide the highest possible level of market integrity, which will attract investors from all over
the world. Insider dealing as a form of wrongdoing, as previously mentioned, is rather controversial.
Many lawyers and economists believe that insider dealing is efficient and beneficial not only for insiders,
but also for outsiders. This argument was not compelling enough to persuade major economies such as
the USA, UK and Japan to legalize the controversial crime. Rather, those countries and many others opted
to fight insider trading and follow the argument that insider dealing is neither efficient nor beneficial for
outsiders. When doing this, the supporters of legal insider trading believe that regulators and authorities
will be spending a great deal of money and time in vain. They are convinced that even if insider trading
were to be regulated, there are no means to combat it.This is mainly due to the complexity of this action
and the elements that constitute it. However, although insider dealing is an extremely difficult action to
detect, combating it can be achieved by preventing
it. This approach has shown great results in the UK market. Yet this policy can be developed to be more
effective and less harmful to companies, as they may be affected by the restricted liaison between
different departments. In other words, a proactive approach is the right solution and regulators ought to
work on improving this policy in terms of both preventing insider dealing and not affecting
the performance of organizations. This task, despite being extremely difficult, has to be done, as
regulators ought to do their utmost to provide the highest possible level of market integrity.

Boudreaux, D. J. (2003). Insider-trading prohibitions should go out of style. Retrieved

August 28, 2008, from

Cole, M. (2007).Insider dealingin the city. Retrieved September 3, 2008,

McVea, H.(1993). Financial conglomerates and the Chinese Wall Regulation conflict of interest. Oxford: Claredon Press.

Suter, J. (1989). The regulation of insider dealing in Britain. London:Butterworths.

APPENDIX 2: Compiling a bibliography

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Appendix 3: Self-evaluation checklist analyze the following sentences.

The work you do in this book, as well as on other aspects of your course, will help
you develop these skills. Tick the appropriate box for each skill, according to how
well you feel you can do this. From time to time, look again at this checklist and
decide whether you have made progress with any of these skills.

Skills Do not know Find this Can partially do Can do this well
about this difficult/cannot do this
Looking for
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Identify which
to use
Select relevant parts of
a text
Evaluate sources
Using sources
Acknowledge sources
of information
Synthesize information
from more than one
Write a bibliography
Avoid plagiarism
Brainstorm ideas
Plan written work
Organize text
Link ideas effectively
Summarize ideas
Paraphrase ideas
Write an introduction
Write a conclusion
Critically edit written
*You may not require all the skills mentioned – there is some variation from department to department

Skills Do not know about Find this Can partially do Can do this well
this difficult/cannot do this
Personal study
Work independently
Manage time – meet
Oral expression
Give a presentation
on my work
Discuss ideas for a
project with other
Discuss written
work in a tutorial
Deal effectively with
Access the Internet
Use search engines
Create word
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Use PowerPoint
Organize text
Link ideas
Summarize ideas
Paraphrase ideas
Write an
Write a conclusion
Critically edit
written work
REMEMBER – a skill improves with practice!

Appendix 4: Presentation assessment

Name of presenter

Pronunciation of sounds/words not clear reasonably clear clear very clear

Intonation not varied quite varied varied

Volume too quite appropriate

Speed too fast too slow appropriate

Eye contact none too little reasonable good very good

Other comments

Appendix 5. Presentation Skills Workshop: Additional Resources

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Very useful videos based on the experience and advice of academics at Imperial
College in London.
Wonderful resource for viewing presentations, which often include subtitles in a variety of
languages and transcripts.
Tips and Language once on site, search for presentation-related slide shows. Some are
good; some are not.
Cross-cultural Communication Differences
Collection of Resources
*Note: some of the links included are out of date.

Appendix 6.Choose a general topic for your essay and narrow it.

1. Tourism in Kazakhstan nowadays

2. Management training: People Management, Process Management.
3. The modern economy of Kazakhstan and its stability
4. Importance of scientific research in your specific area.
5. Modern tourism issues around the world
6. Global financial crisis
7. Local authorities and impact of their activity
8. Famous people in the world economic and financial fields
9. Management training: Project Management and Personal Management
10. Accountancy and business issues.

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Appendix 7.Academic Style

Practice with the First 5 Style Recommendations

They are:

1. Don’t be wordy and complex. Express meaning directly and in as few words as possible to get your
meaning across. Reduce unnecessary words.
2. Use clear and direct writing to convey your meaning.
3. Try to use active voice whenever you can.
4. Start with a substantive subject. “There” or “it” + a form of the verb “to be” often gives you a “round-
about” sentence structure with too many words.
5. Avoid nominalizations.

How can these sentences be reduced or made clearer?

1. Any student who wishes to join the class should meet with the professor first.
2. Hawaii, which is comprised of several islands, is popular with tourists who come from all over the world.
3. I need some advance warning about water shut-offs in my apartment building.
4. Please assemble together the pages of this document.
5. In the management of natural resources an important role is now given to the government.
6. It was the final goal of the game that determined the state championship.
7. There were two students at my summer camp who had severe psychological problems.
8. I will now make a few observations concerning the matter of faculty salaries.
9. The milk bottle was slammed into the wall by John.
10. The current focus of the ENU administration is raising its QS university ranking.
11. The detective conducted an investigation of the crime.
12. The intention of the jury is to reach a decision.
13. The delay of the flight was caused by the storm.
14. The decision to construct a health science building was made by the university rector.
15. The procedural change resulted in an increase in enrollment and retention of students.

Practice with Style Recommendations 6-10

6. Avoid noun strings.

7. Avoid unclear pronoun reference.

8. Use parallel constructions.

9. Construct your paragraphs according to the basic principles of academic writing.

10. Use transition words and phrases appropriately.

How can these sentences be reduced or made clearer?

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1. The human resource development project newspaper deadline is Friday at 4:00.

2. Because Senator Martin is less interested in the environment than in economic development, he
sometimes neglects it.
3. The tribes emphasized survival, aid, and being responsible for one another.
1. Coach Thompson was a brilliant strategist, a caring mentor, and friend.
2. Formerly, science was taught by the textbook method, while now the laboratory method is employed.
3. When Jim’s son was a year old, he decided to get married again.
4. John worked in a national forest last summer, which may be his career choice.
5. The soldiers burned a refugee camp as a result of the earlier attack. This was the cause of the war.
6. It was raining hard; on the other hand, I went outside for a long walk because I needed the exercise.
7. American women have been dyeing their hair for years. American men, nevertheless, only recently
started coloring theirs.

Appendix 8.Problems with parallel structure

Related sentence parts, such as items in a series, must be

presented in parallel form. Correct the nonparallel elements in
the following sentences:

1. She was healthy, wealthy, and a regular reader of my

2. He was handsome, brave, and the sort of person who
would do anything for you.
3. The Budget Information System is a query system, the
database is small, and we need to recognize the fact
that the response time is unacceptably long.
4. Declining trees have a higher probability of branch
failures and of dying prematurely.
5. In the facility construction stage, trees are often
wounded by trenching, blacktopping, changing the
grade, and heavy machinery.
6. Recreation users inflict many wounds by pounding
nails into trees, lantern burns, and damaging their roots
with vehicles and heavy equipment.
7. Declaring sustainability as a goal is one thing; putting
it into operation has been an elusive goal.
8. The room was beautiful, the service impeccable, and
I've never tasted better food in my entire life.
9. You are not only responsible for organizing the
conference, but we also want you to introduce the
keynote speaker.

10. To assess your effectiveness as a writer, consider whether

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your writing:

1. Conveys your message with clarity, emphasis, precision,

and style.

2. Uses variety in sentence structure for good stylistic effect.

3. Provides organized, coherent, logical, insightful

development of the subject.

4. Supports your main points with specific, detailed,

compelling examples and illustrations.

5. You commit no significant errors in grammar, usage,

spelling, and punctuation.

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