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Conflict is inevitable because we are human beings and come from different
backgrounds. That is why organizations need to remember to bring people together and to get
to know each other. Understanding the reasons behind workplace conflicts can help chief
executive tackle problems before or after a conflict turns into a face-off between departments
that refuse to work together or a screaming match between colleagues.

Workplace conflicts are very common as there are very few offices where all the
employees get along. Because of this, conflict resolution is a necessary component of the
workplace, and those in a leadership position must be skilled in conflict resolution techniques.

When conflicts are not dealt with, they can have a negative impact on productivity and
teamwork. Using conflict resolution strategies in the workplace will help maintain a healthy
work environment. The latter requires specific leadership skills, problem solving abilities and
decision making skills.

A good place to start is by realizing that, even though people may shy away from it,
conflict is actually normal and healthy. In fact, many believe it is a vital ingredient to
organizational success. Experts have found that the most effective teams are those in which
members feel safe enough to disagree with one another. A culture where dissent is allowed, or
even encouraged, can spur innovation, diversity of thought and better decision-making.

According to Michael Woodward, an organizational psychologist in the New York City

area, the challenge is in figuring out which conflicts are healthy and which ones are harmful.
“Unhealthy conflict is when it becomes personal and emotional. Then your judgment gets
clouded,” Woodward says. By contrast, good conflict can lead to higher levels of trust.

Some fights arises over resources such as budgets; others erupt from incompatible goals
or reactions to structural change in offices; political and at many times, emotional struggles. At
the same time, there are notified management techniques in engaging with these conflicts:
conflicting parties could collaborate to integrate ideas as set out by different people and look
for the most applicable solution otherwise. They could also compromise by means of adjusting
to each other’s ideas and opinion to meet the best option in solving the given conflicts. Other
party could also accommodate the opinion of another to end the conflict. And parties could
both avoid the ideas suggested by themselves and subject to the opinion given by the involved
third person without giving favourable responses to any of the parties.

In local administration, the role of the chief executive official is to engaged in

representing the locality towards its basic principles in local governance, referring to a
transparent and effective processes of decision making in the public interest, sustainable
development and management of assets and infrastructure, delivery of services, democratic
representation, and social inclusion and meaningful community engagement. As a superior
head, it is its responsibility to foster positive relationships between the various elements
of local government by setting a good example. This includes relationships between the mayor
and councilors, council and the administration, and the mayor and Department heads.

The mentioned official has considerable influence in establishing standards of good

governance behavior and ethics. It is also critical that the mayor’s role in these proceedings is
characterized by fairness, an appreciation of natural justice especially during the instances of
conflicts. As superior head of local administration, the latter has an obligation to settle disputes
arises from conflicting interests among local government employees if it was serious enough to
furnished by their department heads, to decide and choose the best option to grasp and solved
the problems arises in the local and to formulate necessary rules and guidelines to support the
flow of services rendered by the administration.

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