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What will I be when I am 25 years old (Vassel Goleyu)

So first I will be starting with my imaginary future in senior high school which is, I will
still be studying in Syafana Islamic School until I graduated and went to college. So the
first grade in my senior high school is to be more responsible for my task/homework,
become one of the OSIS member, be the better me and studying really hard till I got
above 90 in my mid test and final test and If did not get 90 I will start studying really
really hard again till I got above 90 and my daily life as a senior high school student is
probably will be the same routine as my junior high school which is having fun with
friends while taking a break. So for my second grade at senior high school is that I want
to learn more about the internet and science, also math which is the most important lesson
in everybody life I guess, like I really want to go really deep on that subject and on my
second grade as senior high school student and for my third grade as in my senior high
school is also the same as my second grade in senior high school which is learn more
about the internet, science and math and probably study really really hard for my national
exam and have the best score like I wish, so that I can go to some advanced university.
After I graduate I will start to think where and what university that will be the best for
me, probably which in the US I really wish that I can start my college in the US. So that’s
all for my senior high school imaginary future I guess now for my imaginary future

For my college I probably apply on Stanford University. So after I finish my senior high
school I will rest 1 month and a half. Then, I will start to search any scholarship that
available (is the word “search” is the right word cause idk how scholarship work yet) and
when I get a scholarship, I will start study really hard for 3 to 5 month so that I can get
prepare for my college at Stanford University and just pray so that I can get accepted to
Stanford University. So, after restless 3 to 5 month of study I will apply to Stanford and
start racing with other students which also apply on Stanford. Then, after all my hard
work I finally got accepted to Stanford and start to prepare to go to Stanford University
which is in the US after that I probably will start with Engineering and start to make
friends and maybe falling love.

Then I will start a Youtube channel that tell about what is it feel like to live in the US as
an Indonesia citizen and probably just study really hard and finish my S1 and when it’s
time for holiday I will visit my parent. After my holiday was finish I probably will start
my S2 in Stanford again and probably start learning Social Science in Stanford and just
study really hard and maybe I will finish college till S2 I guess. Then probably will
married in US and have kids, then apply to become a scientist or maybe apply to join the
Company of Google and after I apply to one of that job. I probably start a donation to
find the cure of cancer and kids that needed for school and just enjoying life.

For my Last Paragraph I wish that I continue my study at Stanford, hope the world will
find the cure of cancer and start responsible for the environment because the world is
getting worse every year and I wish that my Youtube channel will be successful and
inspired or motivate people. I think that’s all Thank You

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb

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