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JULY 31, 2020 ARIAS

Despite the harsh reality of the pandemic we are experiencing right now, we Filipinos have a unique way
of finding means to survive and look at it with a different perspective. People who have lost their jobs
are now venturing into online-selling as an alternative means of income. Others have quickly shifted
from regular office setup to work-from-home. COVID19 has changed the way we see and appreciate
things. These changes, no matter how hard it is for some, have turned into what we call the new normal.
It is an unprecedented event and no one was prepared. It is a time when most educators would define
as going to battle unarmed and ready to lose.

However, the Department of Education has been firm on its stand that “Learning must continue”.
Different learning modalities have been considered and explored making sure each will be the best fit
for student’s needs and interests in continuous learning. For instance, the Division of Malaybalay City
will utilize the Modular Distance Learning in which printed materials will be given to the students for
them to study and answer. This is based on the survey that parents answered on the enrollment forms,
asking them the resources they have at home and what their preference/s would be. Other schools have
opted to Online Distance Learning where classes and submission of materials and homework are done

This is very new to everyone especially to parents since they will take a big part in the new normal
setup. Learning will be moved to the students’ homes and parents will somewhat take on the role of
teachers. Due to these changes, several concerns have been raised such as what kind of instruction will
be done at home, how will the parents manage their children’s learning especially the toddlers, and
what class schedule will full-time working parents follow. Several questions have been asked: How will
the parents be able to manage to help their kids learn while looking for ways to earn? How can they
teach their children if they have not finished tertiary education?

While these parents are open to adjusting with the new normal setup, their concerns are valid, but
parents have nothing to worry about because the teachers will still be facilitating the students’ learning
by being the ever ready learning consultants. They will also help the parents and the learners go through
the modules and worksheets both online and offline.

This is why parents’ 100% support and cooperation is expected in implementing Modular and Online
Distance Learning. This setup is promising as this will still allow parents to “EARN” (in business and/or
jobs) and at the same time, their children will continue to “LEARN” at the safe confines of their homes.

The Department of Education has announced that schools are getting ample number of enrollees for the
incoming school year. This is a manifestation that parents are starting to embrace the new normal in
education and are taking these changes as challenges. Some parents see this as an opportunity to be
able to monitor their children and to have more direct involvement on their learning. This shows that
parents are greatly concerned with ensuring that despite the Covid-19 crisis, their children’s education is
still a priority. We learn as one as we heal as one.


Administrative Assistant II

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