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Understanding IELTS: Writing

STEP 1.19

Model answer: a process

The diagram demonstrates how a solar powered water pump is used to supply water for
a village. There are three main components to the system: a solar panel, an underground
bore or well with a water pump inside it, and a tank for holding the water after it has been
pumped up from the underground source.

The first part of the process involves collecting sunlight to power the pump. A solar panel
consisting of photo-voltaic cells is mounted, facing the sun, on a raised pole well above
the ground. DC electricity is collected when the panel is exposed to sunlight. This DC
current travels from the panel to power a water pump, which is suspended below the
water level inside an underground well or bore.

The DC power is used to pump water from the well into an outlet pipe which runs from
the pump up the well through the bore cap and into the top of a water tank which is
situated on the ground nearby. The water then runs in a pipe to a village, where it
provides fresh water to the residents.

186 Words

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