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A place that I enjoy going to is the beach.. It is seen as a place of relaxation because it is
normally quiet and peaceful there. To look around you and see the beauty of mother nature at it's
finest. The majority of people you ask will say that it is one of their favorite vacation destinations.
Not only for the beauty and relaxation but for the sheer entertainment. That is the three reasons I
enjoy it as much as I do.
             I go to the beach to get away from all my troubles that are bothering me. To feel the
grainy sand all under your toes. To sit there under the sun feeling the warmth of it beating down
on your skin. To know that if you get too hot that you only have to walk about ten feet down until
you get into the brisk cool ocean, and feel instant relief from the blistering sun. Also to lay on a
float in the ocean and just feel the ocean as you are a part of it. Not only to feel but to hear the
waves is the ultimate relaxation.
             The beach is not only known as a place to relax ,but as a place of beauty. Many of times
you see artist portraying the beach with their paintings, or by singing about its magnificence and
its splendor. No matter how descriptive nor how detailed the picture is though it can never
capture the beauty that the beach really holds. Not only above but under the water also. The
ocean is filled with many colorful and astonishing marine life.
             Some people also go to the beach as a recreational area also. The volleyball nets strung
tight as a harp. The hammocks swaying loosely in the nice ocean breeze. The drinks flowing and
abundant like Niagra Falls. People always find something fun to do at the beach. It may be;
             playing water sports in the ocean, playing volleyball or frisbee on the shore, or just plain
relaxing and being lazy by laying in a hammock with a drink in your hand. My preference is the
being relaxed and just soaking up the environment around me. Its so amazing to watch the palm
trees flow fre..

A draught blew by me taking my spirit with it. The strands of hair crossed my face; the sun
peaked its way above the horizon as if it was scared to shed some light. The smell of the salty sea
tingled my nose as I breathed in a breath of fresh air. The sand was a mine field of corals, with a
collection of many different multicolored sea shells; however at the same time, the sand was a
bed of blankets. The way the sand flowed onto my feet and out to the spaces between my toes
made my heart somehow pound like a synchronized drum beat in a marching band. It was as
delicate as a new born baby; the grains were so fine that it could not possibly be visible by the
human eye. The waves were singing me a dulcet lullaby, making me reminisce my childhood and
drawing me closer into them. They were inviting me in, with their everlasting arms wide opened
but my feet wouldn’t listen at this hour because the frigid waves penetrated my feet. So I sat
down, watching the sun stretch its way out of bed.

               As minutes ticked by, the warm rays gradually glowed; he greeted me with a friendly
hello. He reached down towards me and shined a streak of light as if he wanted to lend me a
hand. The blazing light pierced through my cold skin and gave me an immediate boost of
excitement. The sun worked his way up to the sky, distributing its power to everything at its sight.
Birds were singing into my ear with high spirits, roaming around the sky trying to claim it for
itself. The sky shed its color from dark misty indigo to an illuminated shimmering blue sky. Fluffy
clumps of clouds that were covering the sky before slowly fainted away into thin air and the
crystal clear waves sparkled like diamond and the cold waters began to heat up. I walked up to
the edge of the beach again and dunked my toe into the water. It felt as if my numbed foot from
before melted into a puddle mixed with the ocean. My acidic stomach turned to its side as the
pungent smell of decayed algae filled the air. I could hear the fish in the ocean screaming for
attention; at the same time I could smell their fear toward the sea gulls that were hungry looking
for any fish in the water for lunch.

               People began to come out of their homes and enjoy the extraordinary gift God has
created for us. Eventually, the beach became a room filled with laughter. Children are scooping
up the featherlike sand and remolding them into magnificent image of their wild imagination. I
stretch my legs and slouch down on the platform of the beach; with an ice cream in one hand
melting its way to freedom, I spy on everyone on the beach. A group of teenage boys are playing
tag with the girls as if they were kids again; the beach really did bring everyone closer to each
other and bring back memories of your childhood. Everything was possible to do at the beach.
From the way people dress to the things they do, it describes them and their unique personality.
Mad balls are thrown around in the air as people play volleyball, football, soccer and all sorts of
different ball games. Sweat dripped down everyone’s faces after playing hard out in the sun; some
race to reapply sunscreen on their dehydrated flashed red skin whilst the others take a dive into
the ocean to cool off. Water is splashed everywhere from the people fooling around and the
reflection of their faces showing a huge grin are drawn on the waves. The waves show a smile in
return and create a huge wave that carries everyone safely back onto the shore. Out onto the far
ocean, I can see glimpse of people riding jet-skis racing as fast as a bullet toward the never ending
horizon and up above; a humongous shade of red, blue and green drizzle onto the shore as the
parasails fly back in for landing. The sun is getting tired and is slowly lying off its heat; towels are
given out and the shops alongside are packing up getting ready to close down. I could smell the
success they have earned today and their high hopes for tomorrow’s work awaits them.

               The day is ending, and slowly one by one, people are leaving after an exciting but
tiresome day at the beach; however I could almost see their lively hearts smiling at me. Some stay
around to see the spectacular view of when the sun sets and make a wish upon the horizon.
Finally the sun dipped into a pool of internal light, and the reflections of the waves saluted me as
if for a moment I was part of the beach.

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