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Opposite triangles are proportionally similar. If the base of one of them is twice 
the base of the other, then the area is 4 times larger. 
Midsegments of the triangle is a fourth of the triangle’s area. 

In a triangle - A = sqrt((s)(s − a)(s − b)(s − c)) Where A is the area and s is the 
semiperimeter of the triangle with sides a, b, c. Semiperimeter is (a+b+c)/2 

In a cone, the 
SA - πr^2 + πrl 
Volume = (πr^2h)/3 
In a sphere, the volume is 4πr^3/3 
The surface area of the sphere is 4πr^2 
- Opposite sides equal 180˚ 
- Considering a is opposite b and c is opposite d, e and f are the diagonals,  
Ab + cd = ef 
Angle bisector theorem -  

Consider x as the angle bisector of the angle,  
b/a = d/c 
Triangle inequality - in a triangle, any 2 sides added will always be larger than 
the 3rd side. 
9. Pick’s theorem - this holds true if the area of each square is 1cm^2, else 
proportional (if 2x2 = 4cm^2, area is 4 x value) 

1. Find the number of positive factors of a number - prime factorize, add the 
powers by 1, multiply them. 
2. Pigeonhole theorem - if we distribute n balls into k people such that n>k, at 
least one person has multiple balls. 
3. Permutation - nPk = n!/(n-k)! Where order does not matter - abc and cab are 
considered different! 
4. Combination - nCk = n!/k!(n-k)! Where order matters, abc and cab are 
considered the same. 
5. Burnside Lemma = Let’s say you have a 2x2, 4 block square. You have 5 colors 
that you can use to paint each square - repeats are allowed, no rules. How 
many distinct arrangements are there? 
The first triangle has 5 applicable colors, so 5. The second has 5 too, with the first 
there are 5x5 = 25 combinations. 
Over 4 of them, there are 5^4 combinations = 625 combinations. But we are 
overcounting, because some of them have the same symmetry.  
For example, this and this is the same: 




It is simply a 90 degree clockwise change.  
In this, there are 8 symmetrical changes that could be applied -  
90 degree clockwise, 180 degrees, 90 degree anti clockwise, 0 degree (no change), 
Flip Horizontal, Flip Vertical, Flip from the first diagonal, flip from the second diagonal. 
Burnside’s lemma suggests that the number of objects (which we’re trying to find - 
arrangements with the symmetrical changes taken into consideration) is equal to the 
average number of the symmetrical blocks taken from every symmetry. 
The symmetrical blocks are the ones that define a symmetry - when they are rotated 
or flipped, they don’t change. There is a different number of symmetrical blocks for 
each symmetrical change. 
Do Nothing - all 4 are symmetrical blocks as they don’t move, 5^4 
180 degree - Topright and bottomleft or topleft and bottomright, 5^2 
90 degree - All change, 5^0 = 1 
-90 degree - all change, 5^0 = 1 
Flip horizontal - topright and bottomright or topleft and bottomleft, 5^2 
Flip vertical - topright and topleft or bottomright or bottomleft, 5^2 
Flip diagonal - topright, bottomright, and bottomleft or topleft, bottomleft and topright, 
Flip diag alt - see above, also 5^3 
We find the average so 
(5^4 + 3(5^2) + 2(5^3) + 2(5^0))/8 = 119 combinations 
6. Stars and Bars - the number of ways to distribute n items into k parties where 
every k has at least one item is n-1Ck-1 
How many ways can $24 can be distributed to 3 people so each person has at least 
one dollar: 23C2 = 253 ways 
The number of ways to distribute n items into k boxes where some boxes remain 
empty is (n+k-1)C(k-1). 
How many ways to distribute 15 dollars between 3 people where some can remain 
empty? 17C2 = 136 ways 
Example - Find the probability of forming a triangle from 3 points of a decagon where 
the triangles’ sides are not a side of the octagon. 
To find the number of these triangles, you need to find the total number of triangles. 
This is a combination, not permutations because imagine the vertices abc, cba will be 
the same. 
So since there are 10 vertices, 
10C3 = 10!/7!3! = 10x9x8/3x2 = 120 triangles. 
The number of triangles where the triangles sides are a part of the octagon: 
Class a - Where 2 of the sides are part of the triangle = 10 of them, because each of 
the vertices can connect with its adjacent vertices to form these triangles. 
Class b - Where just one of the sides is part of the triangle: 
Each vertex could hook with the one at its right, and there are 10 - 2(the original 2 
vertices) - 2 (adjacent, this would form part of class a.). This is 10-2-2 = 6 
There are 10 vertices which can hook to 6 each = 60. 
60+10 = 70 are also a side of the decagon. 
120 - 70 = 50 not sides of the decagon 
50/120 = 5/12 chance! 
2 - ends with an even number 
3 - the sum of digits is divisible by 3 
4 - the last 2 digits are divisible by 4 
5 - ends with an 0 or 5 
6 - divisible by 2 and 3 
7 - keep subtracting with multiples of 7 until 0 
8 - last 3 digits are divisible by 8 
9 - the total sum is divisible by 9 
10 - ends with a 0 
11 - calculate the number of odd (o) and even (e) INDEX digits. |o-e| has to be divisible 
by 11 
1331, the odd indexes are 1,3. THe even indexes are 3, 1.  
|(1+3)-(3+1)| = 0, 0/11 is divisible 
12 - divisible by 3 and 4, sum divisible by 3 and last 2 digits divisible by 4. 
13 - multiply the last digit of n by 4, then add this value to the rest of the number. 
Example: 663, 3x4 = 12. Add 12 to 66 which is 78, this is divisible by 13 so yes. 
15 - Divisible by 3 and 5 
A triangular number fulfills n(n+1)/2.  

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