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In the society, we have different roles, and in our daily lives they are all important.

Although I'm
just a teenager, I also have a lot of roles like a daughter, a granddaughter, a friend, and a Catholic.

In the society, I am a citizen. The world now has many terrible natural disasters, such as
earthquakes, floods and typhoons, and people have also destroyed the natural environment that causes
air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, soil pollution and light pollution. And as a citizen, it is our
role to take care of the environment and not to waste natural resources such as, petroleum, coal and
water. Therefore, my family and I always reuse and recycle materials.

On the other hand, as a citizen, we should also keep our society fair and peaceful. I have the
responsibility and duty to abide by legislation such as crime prevention and to follow society's rules.

Moreover, I am a Catholic in the society. Every Sunday I go to church and attend Mass, and in
the church I pray and sing hymns. I also serve to God and read His reading as I am part of the Lectors and
Commentator in our parish.

At school, I am a student. I need to study hard with my peers so that when I grow up I can have
a great job contributing to society.

I am a daughter in my family at home, a sister and a granddaughter. I have to do housework,

including table setting and floor sweeping.

Within our culture, I have a lot of roles and obligations. I'm very happy and willing to serve
people, and I'm going to do my best to improve society so that everyone lives in a peaceful world. Even
though I can't change the world, I'm going to try my best to make the world a better place and happier
for its people.

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