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My band is little mix, which their names are Perrie Edward, Jesy Nelson , Jade

Thirlwall and Leigh-Anne Pinnock and I have chosen little mix because they
won X-factor in 2011. They have come so far, with touring the world and
having 4 number one singles, which are “wings”, “cannon ball”, “black magic”
and “shout out to my ex” which are all in my option the best songs they have
done so far. Although they have received 2 Grammy awards out of 10
nominations and they have won 2 MTV Europe music award and 2 teen choice
awards and 3 glamour awards and 3 global awards and 1 o2 silver clef award. I
feel like Little mix’s main audience is for girl that are the age from 5-20, I feel
like this because most of their songs are to do with boys and what to do if a
boy cheats on you and the way they dress shows that they trying to tell girls
that you shouldn’t care what you look like but on the other hand they show to
much skin so to parents its sending them the wrong idea.

Little mix engages the target by putting posts on twitter and Facebook about
what they are doing and the latest new about them. They also do competitions
for girls that are going back to school or tickets which this making young girls
love them more.

They are promoting touring dates and what the new album is called and when
it comes out. They do this by posing on Facebook and twitter but they also
promote by jumpers and t-shirts or mugs like these –

I think little mix has chosen to use each material because they are young
themselves, so they know how to get the young girls’ attention and they have
been growing up with girl bands like girls aloud and sugar -babes and how they
promoted things, so they have done the same because they knew how to get
their audience attention.
I think the way little mix have used the promoting has been successful and has
made their career move forward in the direction they wanted. I also think Little
mix have changed girl’s life’s, through the girls are pretty they don’t make the
young girl want to be like them with the clothes and the make-up. in one of
their songs they talk about how changing who you are isn’t what people want.
They give an image to young girls that being you is all you need because before
the band became famous they were wearing lots of make-up and nice clothes,
so they don’t need to change.

I think the best technique they have used would be using social media because
they are telling and inform you more and they get you involved in competition.
They also give you the chance to met and greet which is another great
technique within. Another great technique is using t-shirts and jumpers. They
are representing themselves through people wearing them.

I think if they made it clear on their media what they wanted from their fans
then it would be easier for their fans to understand. Also, if they didn’t say
things like “@Superdrugloves’ then parents wouldn’t be so cautious to let their
children go to see little mix or even have anything to do with them.
Although if they had more concerts in Britain or Lincolnshire then more local
people could come to the concert, because some people don’t want to drive
more than 2 hours to see a concert.

I think what I would do different would be, being more interacting with my fans
and doing more charity work to get my fans to love me more and to get more
fans. I would also have concerts more round local areas, which then people
from all around can come. I would do more competitions to get more people
Little Mix’s Twitter website:
 It shows how many fans Little Mix have. This is good because it
shows that Little Mix are very high in the music industry and their
music is getting out there.
 They have lots of pictures with what they had been doing through
the week, this is good because it’s keeping their fans up to date
with what they are doing throughout the week.
 Lots of videos of their performances this might be for the fan’s
that what behind the scenes of what happens before and after
they perform.
 It also suggests other people’s Twitter accounts, so if you want to
follow their personal account they can or anybody else’s.

This is good for engaging there targeted audience because people

can follow them and get constant updates about the band, and
what’s happening at that moment in time. However there Twitter
Page is not very appealing to the target audience, it does not get
people involved in what they are doing.
Little Mix Facebook account:
 They have home page, which is for all the main things like their newest
song or when tickets are coming on sale, which is good because then
you don’t have to chase to find the tickets or when their newest song. It
takes less time for their target audience to find what they need.
 There are tab’s for Home, About, Posts, Tour dates, Videos, Shop,
Photos, Instagram (goes straight to Instagram) and events.
 You can watch videos of what the band has been doing and their newest
music videos.

This is good for the target audience because it has tabs within the web page to
go on different parts like the Tour dates or the Photo’s. Which means its quick
and easy for the follower to get to where they want to be. However, they
rarely post so there fans might get bored and unfollow then they will lose
followers. In a way it is effective but then again it isn’t. it is because it does get
fans involved and they answer peoples comment and that keeps them
interested but however as I said they don’t post so they will lose followers.

I think Little Mix should do more Live’s so people can talk to them and be on
Live with them. This would keep their audience more interested and more
people would interact more. I think this because people love seeing there
idol’s talking and talking back to them, so they know they are real. They
generally only see them on TV or YouTube, but doing Live’s would be more

They could also do more compations to get the public involved, and if they win
do free backstage tickets, or something about them. I think this would work
because people would try hard and comment more.

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