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It was a beautiful evening. My family and I traveled around Italy.

While walking
through the streets of Italy, we felt hungry, so we stopped by a cozy cafe. Since we were very
hungry, so we immediately ordered Italian pasta. They were divinely delicious, so I ate them in an
instant. I had to wait for the other family members to finish eating, so I put on my headphones and
listened to the music. Played my favorite song. So… I didn’t even feel like I started singing out
loud. After a few moments, I noticed that people started staring at me. But I didn’t understand why
they were behaving like that. So… I didn’t pay attention to them and sang on. Suddenly my phone
started beeping non-stop. Messages from my friends were spilled. Turns out my sister was
broadcasting live as I sang. Then I realized why everyone was staring at me so strangely. I took off
my headphones. Everyone laughed (I probably sang terribly ...). I was very ashamed, so I didn’t
wait for the others and ran out of the cafe.

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