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Title of Article Sign Language Representation by TEO Humanoid Robot: End-User Interest,

Comprehension and Satisfaction

Author (s) Jennifer J. Gago, Juan G. Victores, Carlos Balaguer

Title of Journal Electronics

Publication Date 4 January 2019

ISSN 2079-9292


Guide Question: How is the chosen topic be significant in the advancement of the
electronics field?
Because, current trends in robotic designs include devices with robotic arms and
hands capable of performing manipulation and grasping tasks. This paper focuses on
how these devices can be used for a different purpose, which is that of enabling robotic
communication via sign language. For the study, several tests and questionnaires are
run to check and measure how end-users feel about interpreting sign language
represented by a humanoid robotic assistant as opposed to subtitles on a screen.
Stemming from this dichotomy, dactylology, basic vocabulary representation and end-
user satisfaction are the main topics covered by a delivered form, in which additional
commentaries are valued and taken into consideration for further decision taking
regarding robot-human interaction.

I conclude that, several measures regarding the learning of this language from an
early age and empowering deaf people to request interpreters in public and private
services and areas have been taken.

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