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Relationship & Sexuality

Belief of the Catholic Church

1. Intercourse could only happen after marriage. No premarital sex
(Sex before marriage):
- Bonding is only part of marriage

2. No artificial contraceptives can be used to prevent pregnancy

during intercourse:
- Church believes in Pro-creation
- E.g. Condoms, pills, diaphragm etc.

3. Natural family planning method should be used to pro-create

- The use of the menstrual cycle to predict when a female is
Male reproductive system
Male Reproductive System
The Male Reproductive system contains the:

Scrotum: (can be found on the diagram)

- Holds the testicals
- Made up of smooth muscles/involuntary
- Can be reactive/sensitive to temperature. (both hot and cold)

Testicales: (can be found on the diagram)

- The Male sex organ
- Produces sperm (manufactured in the seminiferous tubules)
- Produces testosterone (Male hormone)
- Even though both produce the same thing, one can be larger.

These two are the main organs, but contains more like the Epididymis,
Prostate, etc.
Sperm Cells
- Known as the male sex cell
- Produced in the testicales
- Can survive for 2-4 days
- Used to produce life
- The Sperm cell is made up of the:
- Entry Capsule (head):
- Contain DNA
- Can hold 23 chromosomes
- Energy Capsule (body):
- Contains mitochondria
- Mitochondria: takes nutrients, breaks it and produces energy
for the cell
- Flagellum (tail):
- Used to move around by doing a back and forth motion.
The Epididymis
- a highly coiled structure behind the testicles
- Used for the storage of sperm, along which sperm passes to the
vas deferens (next slide)
- Sperm can survive for 2-4 days.
Vas deferens
- A muscular tube/path that leads out of the epididymis
- Where the sperms move along (moves along the glands)


- the surgical cutting and sealing of part of each vas deferens

- Also known as sterilization
- Very expensive and reversible
- Sperm won’t be able to cross
Seminal Fluid (seman)
Seminal vesicle:

- Lies next to the bladder

- Produces a fluid called seman to keep the sperm alive

Prostate gland:

- A gland surrounding the neck of a bladder

- Secretes and Releases a protective fluid to keep the sperm alive

Cowper’s gland

- Two small glands

- open into the urethra at the base of the penis and secrete a part of
the seminal fluid.
Bladder & Urethra
Bladder (shown on diagram)

- A sac that collects urine for excretion

Urethra (shown on diagram)

- A tube/path that carries urine/sperm

cells out of the penis
The Penis

- Made up of erectile tissues

- During erection, the penis gets filled with blood
- Secretes urine and seman


- Known as the head of the penis

- Also the most sensitive/ reactive part of the penis


- Fold of skin on the top that covers the glans

- Can be removed by circumcision
Female reproductive system
Female Reproductive System

- The female sex organ

- Where eggs are produced (ova, ovum)
- Contains 40,000 follicles (a small
secretory sac located in the ovary)
- Also produces female hormones:
- Estrogen: development of
reproductive organs
- Progesterone: pregnancy
- Eggs are produced from follicles
- Around 500 eggs are produced in a lifetime
- Produced once every 28 days (known as
the menstrual cycle)
- Released the egg on day 14 of the cycle
(known as ovulation) into the fallopian tube
- 23 chromosomes (x chromosomes only
- Lives for 24 hours


- A point in time which females cannot

produce anymore eggs (around the age 45 -
- Tube from bladder to urinary opening:
- A passageway for the urine to flow.
- Front of uterus and protects uterus
- Dilates 8-10 cm that allow the baby to exit the body
Fallopian tube
- A muscular tube with hair called cilia
to help move the egg
- Egg travels through the fallopian tube
for about 2 - 3 days
- Fertilization (sperm enters the egg)
takes place in the fallopian tube
- Tubal ligation
- Female sterilization
- Tubes tied so sperm won’t reach
the egg.
- Muscular organ that connects
fallopian tubes to the vagina
- Nourishes and holds the developing
- Had inner lining
- Endometrium:
- The development of lining when
egg is released
- In preparation for eggs,
implantation of egg
- If no fertilization occurs, the
lining sheds (menstruation)
- The birth canal
- A 9 cm canal that leads to the
outside of the body


- The most sensitive part of the female

reproductive system
- Contains erectile tissues


- The membrane that covers the

- The symbol of virginity
Sperm enters the Egg
- Only entry capsule enters the egg
- The pituitary gland in the brain
sends a signal down to testicles to
release testosterone which starts
the production of sperm
- Chromosomes:
- The egg is alway x (girl)
- The sperm can be x (girl) or y (boy)
- If x sperm and the egg comes
together it is a girl
- If the y sperm and the egg comes
together it is a boy.
- X +X=girl
- X+y= boy
Menstrual cycle
- Occurs once every 28 days
- Not always 28 days, can also be one month
- 14 days before another cycle is the ovulation day
(they day the egg is released)


- Day 1-5: the flow phase. Day 1 and 2 are usually the
heaviest flow
- Day 6- 13: the follicular phase. Eggs start to produce
in the ovary
- Day 14: Ovulation. Egg is relesed to the fallopian
- Day 15 - 28: endometrium lining develops for
preparation of the egg
Menstrual cycle (continued)
When are the most fertile days?

- The most fertile would be days 9 - 17

- Possibility of pregnancy is really high
- The least fertile would be during the
flow phase and luteal phase

How do you know if ovulation is


- Mucus will be released from the

cervix, out of the body.
Menstrual cycle (example)
- If the Period begins Sept 6:
- The flow phase would happen on Sept 6-11
- The follicular phase would happen on Sept 12-19
- The Ovulation would happen on sept 20 (14 days before new
- The Luteal phase would happen on Sept 15 to Oct 1
- Then the cycle happens again
Rhythm method or calander (another example)
Example: 28 day cycle
Period starts on April 2 (M)
May X = fertile days
Ovulation day(0) 28-14=14

1 2 M 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 X
14 x 15 x 16 0 17 X 18 X 19x 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30M 31
Example: 28 day cycle
Period starts on April 2 (M)
June X = fertile days
Ovulation day(0) 28-14=14

1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10x

11x 12 x 13 x 14 O 15 x 16x 17x

18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28m 29 30
Example: 28 day cycle

July X = fertile days

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9x 10x 11x 12 O 13x 14x 15x

16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 M 27 28 29

30 31
Example: 29 day cycle
Period starts on April 2 (M)
X = fertile days 29-14= 15

2M 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 x 14 x 15 x
16 O 17 x 18 x 19 x 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29

30 31 M
Male Puberty
- Male puberty begins between ages
9 - 14 years
- During puberty:
- Reproductive organs develop
- Sperm starts to produce
- Nocturnal emissions (also
known as wet dreams)
- Hair grows on different parts
of the body (facial hair, on
arms etc.)
- Voice deepens
- Oily skin
- Increase in perspiration
Female Puberty
- Female reaches puberty before male
(about 1-2 years old)
- During puberty:
- The development of eggs
(menstrual cycle)
- Increase in fat in some parts of
the body (hips, butt, legs etc.)
- Development of breasts (gaining
the ability to produce milk
- Hair grown in different parts of
the body
- Oily skin.
Questions + true or false
Text: Read pages 155-166
question pg. 167 #1-6
write the question.
(show Mrs.Morelli)
Birth control test – True or
A woman can buy the pill at a drugstore without a
2. The pill becomes an effective method of birth control
3. A woman can become pregnant during her menstrual period.
4. Pharmacists have a legal right to refuse to sell condoms or
vaginal creams to teens
Birth control test – True or
A condom should be put on just before ejaculation.
6. A diaphragm must be placed in the vagina immediately before intercourse
and removed immediately afterwards.
7. An adolescent girl cannot become pregnant the first time she has intercourse.
8. It is possible to have intercourse on Monday and get pregnant as late as
9. A boy cannot make a girl pregnant until he is at least 15.
10. Withdrawal is not a method of birth control
Birth control methods
Birth control Methods
Pg. 207
Method How it works effectiveness Other information

Latex and is placed 95% effective Has a due date,can

over the penis. tear, prevents STI
Family Planning Supported by the
catholic church
2. sympto thermal,
3. cervical mucus

steriziation Tubal ligation,

STI’s (Sexually Transmitted Infection)
Identify all the STI’s.

Type of STI How do you get it Bactaria or virus Is there a cure or

Herpes Sex, unprotected virus No cure
sex( anal, oral,
Aids (Acquired Immunodeficiency
- Starts as the HIV virus:
- Attacks the immune system
- Symptoms are: Weight loss, night sweats, fever, shortness of breath, Fatal
infections, pneumonia, cancers
- No treatment available (virus)
- Painful blisters around genital areas (in the mouth, around the
lips etc.)
- Swollen glands, fever, muscular soreness
- Symptoms usually reoccur
- No treatment (medication to lessen severity)
- A Bacteria
- Thick yellowish discharge from penis
- Cramps, fever & vaginal bleeding in a women
- Often no symptoms to this bacteria.
- Sterility, arthritis, skin eruptions, eye infections in newborns
Antibiotics to treat
HPV (Human Papillomavirus)
- Also known as genital warts
- Spread by direct contact with the warts or an infected area
- small bumps found on the mouth, genitals, and anus
- One is sometimes unaware of the symptoms, and doesn’t feel
- A Pap test usually conducted
- If goes Untreated then it will cause cervical cancer
Syphilis – Great imitator
- A Bacteria
- Will be a Painless red sores
- Symptoms are: Fever, sore throat, weakness, swollen glands, loss
of hair, body rash
- Usually recurring symptoms
- Causes an Infections in heart, liver, brain
- Miscarriages, birth deformities, blindness in newborns Penicillin
to treat
NGU – Non gonococcal urethritis
- Bacteria
- Inflammation of the urethra
- A White discharge comes from the vagina and penis
- Pain during urination and itching
- Burning sensation in genital area
- Small chance of no symptoms
- Can lead to sterility
- Antibiotics can treat
- Most common among young adults
- Clear discharge from the vagina or penis
- May feel Itching, burning sensation during urination
- Sometimes there can be no symptoms
- Can cause to sterility (male can’t produce sperm, female doesn’t
produce eggs), ectopic pregnancy, PID (Pelvic inflammatory
disease) in women
- Antibiotics can treat

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