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A – interviewer ; B - interviewee (ako)

A: Good day. How are you?

B: I feel very good, thank you. How about you?

A: Thank you for asking, I also feel very good. Well then, let’s proceed. First, please state your name and

B: I am Andrea Myles C. Tolete, a First Year Nursing student in Our Lady of Fatima University

A: Alright, then hi Andrea, its nice to meet you. Let’s start with the questions. As a nursing student, what
do you think of having a comprehensive sex education being taught in schools?

B: I think that sex education MUST be taught to students starting from elementary. It’s better for it to be
taught by adults who deeply care about them and who are responsible for their physical, social, and
emotional development than just learning about it in the internet.

A: Do you think that our current education system is ready for such curriculum?

B: With the current state of it, I honestly think No. But how can we move forward if we keep on
hesitating to take that step. And you know we can continue to revise it every time we see some faults
hence improving it every time.

A: What do you think should be taught in sex education classes?

B: In countries like in England and US where teahing sex ed is being implemented, they mainly focus on
the biological aspects lf it such as parts of the reproductive system, and puberty. While all of this is also
important I think that talking about sex, contraceptives, consent, how to prevent sexually transmitted
infections, and gender should also be talked about in great detail as to give out right information for
students. There already are data that shows that countries with more comprehensive sex ed such as the
Netherlands has lower unwanted pregnancies and even lower transmission of sexually transmitted
infections compared to countries such as Europe where they mostly just talk about reproductive parts
and puberty.
A: If there is such a great need for sex ed, Why do you think there is still lack of sex education here in the

B: I would say that Filipinos are extremely conservative people and there are tons of misunderstandings
surrounding the concept of sex education. They think that teaching sex education will be teaching kids
to have sex, but there are data in countries show that even with no or with sex ed, the age of sexual
initiation is more or less the same. Hence, the least we could do is teach them how to have a safe,
healthy, and happy sexual life.

A: Alright, that's pretty much it. Thank you for lending us a small fraction of your time and I also hope
that sex ed will be taught to our children sooner or later.

B: I also certainly hope so, thank you so much for having me.

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