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The title of the Novel: the land of 5 Towers

Author: A. Fuadi’s

Publisher: Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Copyright: August 2010

KotaTerbit: Jakarta

Number of pages: 424 Pages

The novel land of 5 Towers work of Ahmad Fuadi’s which was a best seller in this novel, tells the
story of five friends, he lived in a boarding school that is Hut Madani (PM). This best seller novel
is the first novel of a trilogy which was charmingly tells the story of a typical boarding school
education world, complete with all the trinkets of life the santrinya.
Alif Kevin was a very wanted HIGH SCHOOL school in Bukittinggi West Sumatera with
examinations which are pretty good. But her dream seems shattered, destroyed not a trace,
because Amaknya does not allow. He wanted a school at Madrasah Aliyah Alif which berbasik
religion, citing Amak want Alif became Ustad (Cleric). Halfheartedly, Alif Amaknya wishes to
receive a religious school.
The beginning she sangatkaget with all the strict regulations and activities the lodge. Luckily, he
found friends from different areas of the correct ² fun. Because half his heart has now become
rounded. Under the Tower PM here’s five of them thus creating dream ² i through his
imagination staring at the sky and stringing the clouds into the land of dreams. They are
confident in the future of that dream will be realized. Because they are convinced of the
powerful spell they get from Kyai Rais (Professor of PM), namely man jadda wajada, who are
meant to be successful.
The advantages of this novel is to change our mindset about the cottage life just studying
religion. Because in the novel other than learning the science of religion, it also studied the
public such as English, Arabic, art etc. The lessons that can be learned is never underestimate a
dream is as high as any of it, because God Almighty hears the prayers of his people.

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