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1. Background
International relations in its study covering basic concepts such as violence,
security, and peace are no longer only influenced by traditional views that emphasize
the state and military power. Violence, security, and peace are also included in the
violence that is an issue in the domestic sphere. Violence is an unprovoked and highly
unprovoked act, such as sexual abuse of women, children, of which they are
vulnerable. As vulnerable people, violence can occur in all situations such as during
the process of fleeing, the ongoing conflict, in refugee tents or even in deserted
Currently violence against women is a serious threat to women young and old
around the world, and this is part of human rights violations. According to Article 1
of the Declaration on the Elimination of violence against women is any act based on
gender differences resulting in the physical, sexual, psychological and threat of
physical, sexual, psychological and threats of certain acts, deprivation of liberty or
coercion whether occurring in public or in private life.1
In this case there needs to be a supporting role so that the problem as described
by the author in the previous paragraph can be solved. One of the supporting roles is
the role of international organizations. The UN Entity for Gender Equality and
Women's Empowerment also known as united nations women is an organization
supported by the United Nations that works for women's empowerment. The
international organization is expected to uphold women's rights in resolving important
issues related to women, namely sexual harassment of women and gender inequality.
So it is hoped that the United Nations Women will be able to dampen, menimaslisir,
and address this kind of issue in order to achieve women's rights and freedoms in
activities and socializing without discrimination, threats, pressures, or fears.2
Sexual harassment of women is rife in many parts of the world, especially in
Mexico. In Mexico City, nine of the women have experienced violence on public
transportation. 3In recent years, domestic violence, especially against women in Mexico,

Moerti Hadiati Soeroso, Domestic Violence in Perspective Juridical- Viktimologist (Jakarta: Sinar Grafika, 2010),
things 60.
2 : retrieved December 28, 2020.
3 : retrieved January
16, 2020.
has increased in line with the enactment of lockdowns to stem new coronavirus
(Covid-19) infections. According to the National Statistics Agency (INEGI), two-
thirds of women in Mexico have experienced some form of violence, with nearly 44
percent suffering abuse from their partners.4 Even 5
in 2011, mexico became the
country with the highest rate of cases of sexual violence by the United Nations. One
of the most high-10 cases in mexico was the 2010 murder of a gender-based woman
and also in the Nineties international media attention to the murder of a well-known
woman in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico was a rallying cry for the region, and prompted
increased attention to data collection reporting, and legal intervention. However, in
many parts of the Region, including inMexico, killings continue, showing
widespread immunity, a lack of adequate law enforcement. Part of the problem is
that gender-related killings are often the last of a series of unrecognized and untreated
acts of violence. For example, Mariana Lima's relationship with her husband began to
deteriorate after they married, with insults and verbal threats escalating into physical
violence, until she was killed. 6The UN also estimates that 44 percent of women in
the country have been victims of some type of sexual assault, from sexual harassment
to rape. 7From the explanation above, the author will conduct a study with the title "The
Role of United Nations Women (UN Women) In Addressing Violence Against
Women in Mexico In the Year 2017-2018".

2. Problem formulation
What is the Role of the United Nations (UN Women) in Addressing Violence
Against Women in Mexico In 20177-2018?

3. Research objectives
This research aims to find out the following:
1. This study is intendedto find out how the United Nations (UN Women) in
Mexico in 2017-2018.
2. This study seeks to shed light on the violence against women that occurred in
mexico using the Concept of the Role of international organizations and human

seiring-pemberlakuan-lockdown : retrieved January 16, 2020.
5 :
retrieved January 16, 2020.
7 : accessed on
January 16, 2020.
rights as well as the concept of the glory of islam.

4. Usefulness of research
Academically this research can be used as a reference to understand how the
role of the United Nations Women in dealing with violence against women in
Mexico. On the other hand, this research is expected to contribute information and
become a study material for the development of international relations studies in the
future, especially for academics who are active in studying international conflict
issues and who are interested in analyzing how violence against women in Mexico
and its relation to the role of an international organization in addressing it.
Practically, this research can be used as a source of reference for academics
related to cases of violence against women. This research is also expected to be used
as reading material to increase knowledge about international security.

5. Literature review
5.1 Previous Research
The authors used several previous studies related to the role of UN
Women as a body of the United Nations in addressing cases of violence against
women in Mexico in 2017-2018. Researchers have previously discussed the
role of the United Nations Women with various relevant Institutions to address,
influence and make policy in addressing violence against women. In this study
the authors focused on how the strategies and challenges of the United Nations
Women in addressing violence against women in Mexico. Therefore, this study
is a further analysis of cases of violence against women in Mexico and how the
strategies and challenges of the United Nations Women in dealing with
violence against women in Mexico. Through the study of the library, the author
is very helped to provide new language because the purpose is to distinguish
between the results of existing research so that researchers or authors can further find
the development of related study language.8
The first study that the authors made as rujuakan is a journal written by
Sabilina Mareta, a student of International Relations at Airlangga University
Surabaya published by Jurnal Ananlisis Hubungan Internasional Vol. 6 / No. 2 /
July-2017, Page 24-37 entitled "THE ROLE OF UN WOMEN IN

Laura Roselle and Sharon Spray, Research and Writing in International Relations, (Illinois: Pearson, 2011),
Accessed via
2011_58ede4f2dc0d60cc66da97f4_pdf retrieved December 30, 2020.
WOMEN'S HIGHEST VIOLENCE CASES IN 2011-2015". In this paper,
Sabilina uses theory of change (Theory of Change : Participation and
Leadership) in analyzing how the role of UN Women in influencing The Indian
government's policy on violence against women while transforming women who have
been neglected into decision makers. 9What distinguishes the study from
the authors is that the authors did not examine how the United Nations
Women influenced the government's policy on violence against women,but
the authors examined how the role of the United Nations Women in dealing
with women's violence in Mexico.
The second study that the author made as a source of reference is a work
written by Rullysef Mifta Kharimah student of International Relations Of State
Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta entitled "THE ROLE OF
her research, Rullysef Mifta Kharimah explained that UN Women's Strategy in
dealing with discrimination against women in rdk by involving various
international actors is as a form of strengthening the capacity of the role, as
well as building role diversification in order to form a sustainable and
complementary strategy system. Women's discrimination in the Democratic
Republic of the Congo (RDK) is a complex, autonomously developed issue that
existed before the conflict and is also an issue influenced by the post-conflict situation,
as well as the absence of legal certainty, economic downturn, abandonment of human
rights enforcement systems and humanitarian values and others. This study aims to
explain the origins of conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and
how the role of UN Women in helping to deal with victims of discrimination in
the Deocratic Republic of congo as well as the obstacles and challenges facing
UN Women When carrying out their duties.10
The difference between the authors and the study is that Rullysef
Mifta Kharimah's research is about how UN Women act in the handling of cases of
discrimination against women in the Democratic Republic of congo, and this study
Sabilina Mareta, Un Women's Role in Influencing Indian Government Policy Regarding Cases of Violence Against
WOMEN In 2011-2015, Journal of International Relations Analysis, Vol 6, No 2, 2017, p. 24-37

Rullysef Mifta Kharimah (2019), The Role of UN Women in the handling of discrimination against women in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo period 2015-2017, international relations study program, faculty of social and political
sciences, State Islamic Univeristas Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
uses neoliberal institution theory and the concept of international organizations and
human rights concepts. Meanwhile, The Author's Current Research Is About How
The Efforts Made by UN Women Which Is One of the Instruments Of UN In
Efforts to Handle Cases of Violence Against Women in Mexico.
The third study that the authors made as a reference was a paper written by
Rizki Amaliah Khairunnisa of Hasanuddin University's International Relations
AGAINST WOMEN IN AFGHANISTAN". In this study Rizki Amaliah
Khairunnisa wrote that in Aghanistan, the rules that apply in society especially
those that harm women are not considered changes in the rules in support of
women's rights. Afghanistan also still faces terrorist acts that disrupt economic
growth and that's why rights there are still under-observed.
The difference between this study and the author is Rizki writes that the
purpose of this study is to know how the role of UN Women in ending
discrimination against women and its impact and what are the obstacles faced
by UN Women in ending discrimination against women in Afghanistan. To solve
this problem Rizki used feminism theory and the concept of International
Organization. 11Meanwhile, the authors examined how the role of the United
Nations Women in dealing with violence in Mexico . And the author uses
the concept of international organization and human rights theory and also
the concept of the glory of women in Islam.
The fourth study that the author made as a reference is the work of
Antonius Yudi Kristiyanto fakultas IlmuSosial dan IlmuPolitik,Universitas
Lampung entitledThe Role of UN Women In Supporting The Increase of
Women's Participation in the Afghan Presidential Election 2014. According to
Antonius UN Women Who Considered As An Instrument In Handling Women's
Cases, Considered Successful In Increasing Women's Participation In Their
Suffrage In the 2014 Afghan Presidential Election. Various Efforts are made by
UN Women in handling such cases such as: Funding Assistance, Legal
Protection, Cooperation With Partners Lokal. The difference between
theauthor and the author is that the author does not discuss the role of Un

Rizki Amaliah Khairunnisa, United Nations Women's Role In Ending Discrimination Against Women In
Afghanistan, International Relations Hasanuddin University, Accessed at 6 p.m. February 2021
AntOniuS Judi KrIstiyanto,Peran UnitEd NatiOnS WoDownload DalAm DownloadDukUnG peningkatan
partContentpasi PerEmpuan pada Pemilu PreSidEn AfghanIstan 2014,fakultU.s ⅠlMu SoSial dan Ilmu PoLitik, UniversitU.s
LampUng, DiaksIce pada 6 February 2021
woment in Afghanistan but in Mexico

Furthermore, the fifth study that the author made reference is a

work written by Suci Ayuningtyas student of Pasundan University Bandung
who discussed how the Role of UN Women In Protecting Women's Rights In
Somalia And Its Effect on Gender Equality. The study aims to discuss the role of
one of the UN entities focusing on protecting women's emancipation rights by
protecting women's rights in Somalia against its influence on gender equality.13
The difference between the author's research and Suci is that the
research written by Olej Suci focuses more on gender equality in Somali society
as well as the efforts made by the United Nations Women in making it happen.
While the author's research is about how the role of the United Nations
Women in dealing with violence against women, especially in Mexico.
The next study that the authors made as a reference was a
study from Annisa Risfiana international relations student, Universitas
IslamNeeer i SyarifHidyatullah whichexplained about the Implementation of
International Law Against Violence against Women In South Sudan Conflict Period
2015-2017. The result of the research conducted by Annisa is the response of
international actors to the violent conflicts that occurred in south Sudan such as rioka
in favor of hybrib court for south sudan, ceasefire, implementation of
international law conducted by UN Women by supporting the program South
Sudan National Act Plan on Women 2015-2016. The difference between this
research and the one the author of the study is Annisa Risfiana focuses on
how the implementation of international law in the handling of cases of
violence against women in south sudan. Meanwhile, the author
menilite for the role of international organizations in this case is the United
Nations Women in addressing violence against women in Mexico.

5.2 Conceptual Foundation

To discuss Strtategi and the Challenges of the United Nations Women In
Addressing Violence Against Women in Mexico In 2017-2018,the authors will

Suci Ayuningtiyas,(2016), The Role of United Nations Women In Protecting Women's Rights In Somalia And Its
Impact on Gender Equality.Pasundan University Bandung.accessed on 6 FebruaRi 2020
Annisa RisfIana,IMpleMentasi Law InternasIonal Qerhadap Kekerasan PaDa Perempuan daLam Koflik SUdan
SeLatan Periode 2015-2017, DeparTemen Ilmu ConnectaN Internasional, FaKultaS Ilmu sosial dan IlMu PolitiK
UniversitaS IsLam Negeri Syarif HidyaTullah, JakarTa diakses paDa 5 February 2020.
use ananalysis of the Concept of International Organization and The Theory of
Women's Rights

A. International Organizations
Definition of International Organization according to Teuku May
Rudy in his book" Administration and International Organization"
" International Organization is a pattern of cooperation studies that cross
borders - borders of the State based on a clear and complete organizational
structure and is expected or projected to take place and carry out its
functions continuously and institutionally in order to achieve the necessary
goals and mutually agreed, both between the government and the
government and among non-governmental groups in different Countries".15
Based on the above definition, the author hopes that the concept of
this international organization can develop or formulate a Joint agenda related to
the interests of all members and initiate negotiations to produce international
agreements. On the other hand, international organizations also play a role
in drafting and producing agreements on international rules/norms.
When talking about the role of international organizations, Clive
Archer in his book International Organizations explains that international
organizations have three important roles, namely:
a. As an Instrument, international organizations are used to achieve the
goals of the foreign politics of a State. This usually happens in IGO
where the actions it will take may be restricted by the countries
incorporated therein. While in INGO, the actions it will take may be
influenced by its members such as trade groups, business
organizations, political parties, or religious groups.
b. As an Arena, an international organization has a role as an arena or
venue for meeting its members to discuss emerging issues.
International organizations can be places to discuss, debate, cooperate,
or even differ.
c. As an independent actor, this means international organizations can
make their own decisions without outside intervention. International

 T. May Rudy, International Administration and Organization, Bandung, Refika Aditama, 2005, p. 3.
organizations can implement policies where policies can lead to
agreements or disagreements between member states. From the above
defenisi function of international organizations can be concluded that
the role or position of international organizations in the science of
international relations is considered important. In the science of
international relations it is said that it is important to consider that
international organizations are not only an influencing factor, but also
an influence factor in the dynamics of international relations.

B. Human Rights
Universal declaration of human rights (DUHAM) or universal
declaration of human right in 1948 contains basic principles of
humanity,namely upholding the dignity and dignity of humanity.
Therefore all the peoples of the nations and countries of this world must be
committed in implementing it. But in its implementation the issuesof
race,class, gender, and others have damaged Human Rights itself. The
Declaration of Human Rights Article 1 states: "all people are born free and
have the same dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and
conscience and should get along with each other in the spirit of
brotherhood". While in article 2 it states: "Everyone has the right to all rights
and freedoms contained in this statement with no exceptions whatsoever, such as
racial disparity, color, gender, language, religion, politics, national or societal
origin, property rights, birth or other positions".16

C. The Glory of Women In Islam

In the days before Islam, women did not have the freedom to live a
decent life and suffered greatly. For example, in roman civilization, women
were completely under the control of their father, after mating, the power
moved into the hands of the husband. This power includes the authority to
sell, expel, persecute, and kill and all women's efforts, being the property of
their families who are men. In makah society in the time of ignorance, a
father may kill his child if a woman is born. In those days there was a belief
that every girl born should be killed, for fear of marrying a stranger or a

Arbaiyah Prantiasih, Rights Human Rights Human For Women.Journal of Pancasila and Citizenship Education,
Th. 25, Number 1, February 2012, things 10.
lowly socially domiciled person like a slave.1718

The existence of women in The Islamic view can be seen from some
of the words of Allah Subhanahu waTa'ala namely:
1. Q.S Ar-rum verse 21

‫اجا لِّتَ ْس ُكُن ْٓاو اِلَْي َها َو َج َع َل َبْينَ ُك ْم َّم َو َّد ًة َّو َرمْح َةً ۗ اِ َّن‬ ِ ِ ِ
ً ‫َوم ْن اٰيٰتهٖٓ اَ ْن َخلَ َق لَ ُك ْم ِّم ْن اَْن ُفس ُك ْم اَْز َو‬
٢١ - ‫ت لَِّق ْوٍم يََّت َف َّك ُر ْو َن‬
ٍ ٰ‫ك اَل ٰي‬ ِ
َ ‫يِف ْ ٰذل‬
It means: And among His signs is that he created for you wives of your
own kind, that you may incline and feel at peace with him, and he made
among you a sense of love and saying. Indeed, there are signs for a people
who think.
2. Q.S An-Nisa' verse 19

ِ ‫ضلُ ْو ُه َّن لِتَ ْذ َهُب ْوا بَِب ْع‬

‫ض َمٓا‬ ُ ‫ِّساۤءَ َك ْر ًها ۗ َواَل َت ْع‬ ِ ِ ِ َّ ٓ
َ ‫ٰياَيُّ َها الذيْ َن اٰ َمُن ْوا اَل حَي ُّل لَ ُك ْم اَ ْن تَرثُوا الن‬
‫ف ۚ فَاِ ْن َك ِر ْهتُ ُم ْو ُه َّن َف َع ٰ ٓسى اَ ْن‬
ِ ‫اشروه َّن بِالْمعرو‬
ِ ٍ ٍ ِ ِ ِ ِ
ْ ُ ْ َ ُ ْ ُ ‫اَٰتْيتُ ُم ْو ُه َّن آاَّل اَ ْن يَّأْتنْي َ ب َفاح َشة ُّمَبِّينَة ۚ َو َع‬
١٩ - ‫تَكَْر ُه ْوا َشْئًٔـًا َّوجَيْ َع َل ال ٰلّهُ فِْي ِه َخْيًرا َكثِْيًرا‬
It means: O believers! It is not lawful for you to inherit women by force,
and do not trouble them for taking back some of what you have given
them, unless they commit a manifest indecency. And hang out with them
in a way that is proper. If you dislike them, it may be that you dislike
somethingin which God has placed muchgood.
D. Concept Operationalization
In this study, the authors used three conceptual foundations,
namely: International Organization, Women's Rights, and the glory of
women in Islam. The first is the InternationalOrganization, a concept
that aims to draft and produce agreements on international rules or
norms. United Nations Women who in this case
serves as an organization that works for gender equality and women's
empowerment must be able to overcome or respond to violence against women
M.Quraysh Shihab, Insight of Qur'an Tafsir Maudu'i, on Various Problems of The People, (Bandung: Mizan,
1996) pp. 296-297.
Nasaruddin Umar, Gender Equality Argument, (Jakarta: Paramadina, 2010), p. 122.
that occurs in Mexico and it is hoped that the United Ntions Women will also
be able todampen, assimilate, and address this kind of issue in order to
achieve women's rights and freedoms in activities and socialization without
discrimination, threats, pressures, or fears. Cthe Concept of the
International Organization on the role of United Nation Women in
Addressing violence against women in Mexico is UN Women working with the
Mexico City Council to develop and implement a joint program, "Safe Cities
and Safe Public Spaces for Women and Girls". Working with the Mexico
City Women's Institute, UN Women brings together transportation
authorities, public servants, service providers, women's and grassroots
organizations to develop comprehensive programs to prevent and respond
to sexual violence against women and girls in public spaces, including a
campaign to be launched in early 2017. The program also resulted in a
commitment from the Mayor of Mexico City to improve access to 'women-
only' buses, known as 'Atenea buses'.
Furthermore, the author uses the concept of Women's Human Rights.
The case in Mexico is violence that occurs in humans, especially
women, both children, teenagers, and adults. Therefore the concept of
Women's Human Rights in this case is able to protect the personal
rights of every human being. As stated in the Decree on Human
Rights Article 2 states: "Everyone has the right to all rights and freedoms
contained in this statement with no exceptions whatsoever, such as racial
disparity, skin color, gender, language, religion, politics, national or
societal origin, property rights, birth or other positions".19
And lastly the concept of the glory of women in Islam. In this case
the case that occurred in mexico in view of how Islam views the
woman herself, Ranging from the treatment of a husband to wife, or
father to his daughter or even friends of the opposite sex. Also how
the Qur'an explains how women are positioned.

6. Hypothesis
As one of the UN high commissions, UN WOMEN plays a role in addressing
every case that violates women's rights, the pattern of UN WOMEN to address this is

Arbaiyah Prantiasih, Rights Human Rights Human For Women.Journal of Pancasila and Citizenship Education,
Th. 25, Number 1, February 2012, things 10.
to strategize to take a stand in dealing with cases of violence against women in
Mexico. Among them is making public spaces safer bagi women and girls, UN
Women is working with the Mexico City Council to develop and implement a joint
program, "Safe Cities and Safe Public Spaces for Women and Girls". In collaboration
with the Mexico City Women's Institute which resulted in a commitment from the
Mayor of Mexico City to improve access to 'women-only' buses, known as 'Atenea
buses'. In addition, the United Nations Women also helps provide emotional and
psychological support to victims of violence and helps in the search for justice.

7. Research methods
7.1 Research Design
The study, titled "The role of the United Nations (UN Women) in
addressing violence against women in Mexico in 2017-2018"is qualitative
research. Qualitative research is a research process that describes a problem and
builds a comprehensive picture, analyzes sentences and provides reports from
detailed information.20

7.2 Research Object

The object of this study will focus on cases of violence against women
that occurred in Mexico from 2017-2018 whether women in the category of
adults, adolescents or minors, this problem will be the object of research for the
authors. The author will also focus on the role of the United Nations (UN
Women) in addressing this issue, given that the United Nations (UN Women) is
one of the international organizations under the auspices of the United Nations
working on violence against women and gender inequality. This research will
also focus on how the United Nations (UN Women) in providing solutions
whether it affects or negotiates with the State in the discussions and the challenges
experienced by the United Nations Women in solving the problem of violence against
women in Mexico.

7.3 Data Collection Techniques

In this study, the authors used Literature Study techniques in data
collection. Literature Studies, which is a technique of collecting data from a

Emzir, Muhammad Qualitative Research Methodology of Data Analysis, Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta, 2016,
number of literature such as scientific journals, books, articles and newspapers.
7.4 Data Analysis Techniques
Miles and Huberman in his book entitled qualitative data analysis,
describe data analysis activities by going through three stages, namely Data
Reduction, Data Presentation and Data Retrieval. 21Maka can be described as
1. Data Reduction
is the process of focusing attention on simplification, abstraction and
transformation of rough data emerging from field data. The measures
implemented are sharpening the analyst, classifying into each problem through
a brief description and organizing the data so that it can be verified. The data
that was reduced among other things was the data related to research problems.
Reduced data will provide a more specific picture and make it easier for
research to collect additional data if needed.
2. Data Presentation
Data presentation is a set of testruktur information that provides the
possibility of drawing conclusions and taking action. Good data presentation is
an important step towards the realization of valid qualitative analysis.The steps
of data presentation are not only described narratively, but diserttai continuous
analysis process until the process of drawing conclusions.
3. Draw Conclusions or Verify
This step is a stage of drawing conclusions from all data that has been
obtained as a result of research. Drawing conclusions or ification is an attempt
to understand the meaning of regularity, explanatory patterns, causal flows or
propositions. While the draw is the final stage of data processing.

8. Systematics Of Discussion
The writing of this thesis consists of four chapters. Each chapter consists of sub-
chapters. The initial details and general description are as follows:

In this chapter the author will discuss the questions about the issues discussed
and the reasons for the author in taking the theme and title as stated on the cover. This
chapter also contains research questions, research objectives and benefits, a library
review of previous writings, a theoretical framework underlying a thesis, research
. Miles and Huberman 1992. Qualitative data analysis (translated By: Rohedi Rosidi). Jakarta: University of Indonesia
methods and writing systematics.


This chapter will discuss the profile of the United Nations Women as well as
the development of cases of violence against women in mexico because of the cause
of the incident, then how the government responds in addressing this case as well as
the definitions related to violence tapped into women.
In this chapter the authors will analyze the role of UN Women as the UN high
commission that oversees women's rights issues, a study of cases of violence that
occurred in women in Mexico from 2017-2018.

This chapter contains the conclusions of previous chapters and opinions from
the authors on the dynamics and strategies of UN Women in addressing cases of
violence against women in the country of Mexico.

9. Library List
Fitrah Awaliyah Rumadaul, "The Role of United Nations Women In Tackling
Discrimination Against Women In Afghanistan". Global Political Studies
Journal. Vol. 1 No. 1 April 2017, p. 68.
Sabilina Mareta, The Role of UN Women in Influencing Indian Government Policy
Regarding Cases of Violence Against WOMEN In 2011-2015, Journal of
International Relations Analysis, Vol 6, No. 2, 2017.
Rullysef Mifta Kharimah, United Nations Women's Role in Handling
Discrimination Against Women In the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Period 2015-2017, International Relations of State Islamic University Syarif
Rizki Amaliah Khairunnisa, United Nations Women's Role in Ending
Discrimination Against Women In Afghanistan, Hasanuddin University
International Relations, March 1, 2017
Antonius Yudi Kristiyanto,Peran United Nations Women Dalam mendukun
geningkatan partcontentpasi Perempuan pada Pemil uPresiden Afghanisan
2014,fakultas IlmuSosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Lamung
Suci Ayuningtiyas,(2016), The Role of United Nations Women in Protecting
Women's Rights In Somalia And Its Impact on Gender Equality.Pasundan
University Bandung.retrieved 6 Februsri 2020
Annisa Risfiana,ImplementasiLaw Internasional TerhadapKekerasan Pada
Peempuan dalam Koflik Sudan Selatan Periode 2015-2017, Departemen
IlmuConnectan Innnasional, Fakultas Ilmu sosial dan Ilmu Politik ,
Universitas IslamNegeri SyarifHidyatullah, Jakarta, diaksespada February 8,

Emzir, Muhammad Qualitative Research Methodology of Data Analysis, Raja
Grafindo Persada, Jakarta, 2016,
Huberman and Miles 1992. Qualitative data analysis (translated By: Rohedi Rosidi).
Jakarta: University of Indonesia

Sharon Spray and Laura Roselle, Research and Writing in International Relations,
(Illinois: Pearson, 2011).
T. May Rudy, International Administration and Organization, Bandung, Refika
Aditama, 2005
Shihab, M. Quraysh, Insights of the Qur'an Tafsir Maudu'i, on Various Problems of
The People, (Bandung: Mizan, 1996)
Soeroso, Moerti Hadiati. Domestic Violence in Juridical Perspectives-
Jakarta: Sinar Grafika, 2010.
Umar, Nasaruddin, Gender Equality Argument, (Jakarta: Paramadina, 2010).


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