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Jerran Fary renowned archaeologist,is looking for a hired help

for an expedition to the Desert of Skulls, where he plans to
excavatethe tomb of an ancient pharaoh. It seemsa nice, easy
and, above all, safe task for an adventurer like YOU. But when
that tomb turns out to belong to Akharis, legendary ruler from a
previous age,and when a crazed cult of his followers is trying to
return the evil pharaoh to life, matters are guaranteed to turn
deadly serious.Soonyou will learn the true meaning of the Curse
of the Mummy! It will take a real hero to defeatAkharis and win
the treasurefrom the tomb. Are YOU that hero?

Two dice, a pencil and an eraserare all you need to embark on

this deadly adventure which comes complete with its own
combat system and a score sheet to record your progress.
Innumerable dangers lie ahead and your successis anything but
certain. It's up to YOU to decide which route to follory which
dangers to risk and which foes to fight! Can YOU defeat the
Curse of Akharis?
TheFighting FantasyGamebooks
1 . The Warlock of Firetop Mountain
2. The Citadel of Chaos
3. Deathtrap Dungeon
4. Creature of Havoc
5. City of Thieves
5. Crypt of the Sorcerer
7. House of Hell
8. Forest of Doom
9. Sorcery! 1: The Shamutanti Hills
10. Caverns of the Snow Witch
1 1 . Sorcery! 2: Khar6 - Cityport of Traps
12. Trial of Champions
13. Sorcery! 3: The Seven Serpents
1,4. Armies of Death
15. Sorcery! 4: The Crown of Kings
1,6. Return to Firetop Mountain
17. Island of the Lizard King
18. Appointment with F.E.A.R.
19. Temple of Terror
20. Legend ofZagor
2'1.. Eye of the Dragon
22. Starship Traveller GRIEN
23. Freeway Fighter BYMARTINMCKENNA
24. Thlisman of Death
25. Sword of the Samurai
26. Bloodbones
27. Curse of the Mummy
This edition published in the UK n 2007by t/./wardBooks,
an imprint of Icon Books Ltd., The Old Dairy,
Brook Road, Thriplow, Cambridge SG8 ZRG
First published by the Penguin Group in 1995 7

Sold in the UK, Europe, South Africa and Asia by

Faber and Faber Ltd.,3 Queen Square,London WC1N 3AU ADVENTURE SHEET
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Published in Australia ul.2007by Allen & Unwin pty. Ltd.,

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ISBN-I 0: 1-84.0
ISBN-13: 97I -1I 40468-02-l

Text copyright @ 1995SteveJackson and Ian Livingstone

Illustrations copyright O 1995Martin McKenna
Map copyright @Jonathan Green

The authors and artist have assertedtheir moral rights

Fighting Fantasy is a trademark owned by Steve ]ackson

and Ian Livingstone, all rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, or by any

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Printed and bound in the UK by Cox & Wyman Ltd., Reading

':ou are about to embark on a perilous journey that will
alie you from Rimon, the capital of the Pirate Coast,
=rough the arid wilderness beyond, up to the very fringes
:r the Desert of Skulls itself. Before you launch into your
iventure, you must first determine your strengths and
-^-eaknesses. You use dice to work out your initial scores.
l\r pages tGrT is an AdoentureSheet,which you may use
will find
'^ record the details of your adventure. On it you
--r-resfor recordingyour SKILL, STAMINA and rucx scores.
l-ru are advised either to mark them in pencil or make
:i-otocopies of the blank sheetfor use in future adventures.

Skill, Stamina and Luck

l: determineyourlnitial sKltt, sTAMINAand rucr scores:

. Roll one die. Add 6 to this number and enter this total in
the sxtrl box on the AdaentureSheet.
. Roll two dice. Add rz to the number rolled and enter this
:otal in the sreulrve box.
. RoIl one die. Add 6 to this number and enter this total in
ire lucr box.

;i:-i reflectsyour expertisein combat,your dexterity and

rllifv; the higher the better. sTAMINA represents your
the higher it is, the longer you will survive' Your
- - :r scoreindicates how lucky a person you are.
sKILL,sTAMINAand LUCKscoreschangeconstantlyduring .. -[l-your Attack Strength is higher than your opponent's,
an adventure, so keep an eraserhandy. You must keep an vou have wounded iu proceed to step 4. If the opPo-
accurate record of these scores,but never rub out your nent's Attack Strength is higher than yours, it has
Initial scores.Although you may receive additional sKILL, "-qoundedyou: proceed to step i. If both Attack Strength
sTAMINAand rucx points, their totals may never exceed :otals are the same, you have avoided or parried each
your Initial scores,except on very rare occasionswhen the .-rther'sblows - start a new Attack Round from step r,
text specifically tells you so. :'oove.

r 'rou have wounded your oPPonent,so subtract z points

:rcm its sTAMINAscore.You may use t ucx here to do
During your adventure you will often encounter hostile :dditional damage (see 'using Luck in Battles' below)'
creatures which will attack you, and you yourself may ?roceedto step 6.
chooseto draw your sword against an enemy you chance ':our opponent has wounded you, so subtract z points
aqoss. In some situations you maybe given special options,
your sTAMINAscore.You may use rucr to mini-
allowing you to deal with the encounter in an unusual -.m
=:ze the damage (see 'Using Luck in Battles' below).
manner, but in most casesyou will have to resolve battles
f:oceed to step 6.
as described below.
r legrn the next Attack Round, starting again at step r.
Enter your opponenfs sxnl and sTAMINAscores in the
l:.u sequence continues until the sreulNe score of
first empty EncounterBox on youn Aduurture Sheet'You
::-ler you or your opponent reacheszero, which means
should also make a note of any special abilities or instruc-
:.ath. If your oPPonent dies you are free to continue
tions which are unique to that particular opponent. Then -^:.Jtyour adventure. If you die you must start all over
follow this sequence:
i=rn by creating a new character.
r. RoIl two dice for your opponent. Add its srtLr scoreto
the total rolled. This total is its Attack Strength' Fighting More Than One OPPonent

z. Roll two dice for yourself, then add your clrrent sKILL i;re;mes you will find yourself under attack from more
score.This total is your Attack Strength. r-neperson or creature in combat. Sometimes you will
tr',:: rhem as a single opponent; sometimes you will be

able to fight each in turn; at other times you will have to Roll two dice. If the number rolled is lessthan or equal to
fight them all at once! If they are treated as a single oppo- your current LUcK score, you have been Lucky. If the
nent, the combat is resolved normally. I4lhen you are number rolled ishigher than your current LUCKscore/you
instructed to fight your opponents one at a time, the have been Unlucky and will be penalised.
combat is again resolved normally - exceptthatwhen you
Eachtime youTest your Luck,you must subtract one point
defeat an enemy the next one steps forrnrardto fight you! If
from your current LUCK score. So the more you rely on
you find yourself under attack from more than one oppo-
rucx, the more risky this procedure becomes'
nent at the sametime, eachadversary will make a separate
attack on you in the course of eachAttack Round, but you
Using Luck in Battles
can choosewhich one,tofight. Attackyour chosentarget as
in normal battle. Against any additional opponents you In battles,you always have the option of using your LUCK/
roll the dice for your Attack Strength in the normal way; if either to inflict a more serious wound on an opPonent or
your Attack Strength is greater than your opponenfs, you to minimize the effects of a wound you have just received'
will not inflict a wound. ]ust regard this as though you If you have just wounded an opPonent you may Testyour
have parried an incoming blow. HoweveL if your Attack Istckas described above. If you are Lucky, subtract an extra
Strength is lower than your opponenfs you will have been : points from your opponent's sTAMINA score (i.e. 4
wounded in the normal way. Of course, you will have to instead of z normally). But if you are Unlucky, your blow
settle the outcome of eachadditional adversary separately. only scratchesyour oPPonentand you deduct only r point
trom your opponent's sTAMINA (instead of scoring the
Luck normal z points of damage, you now score only r).
In certain paragraphs you will be told to Testyour Luck, If the opponent has iust wounded you: you can Testyour
and you will then find out the consequences of being Itck to try to minimize the wound. If you are Lucky, your
Lucky or Unlucky. At various times during your adventure opponenfs blow only grazesyou; deduct only r point from
you may use LUCKto make an outcome more favourable your srAMINe. If you are Unlucky, your wound is serious
to you. But beware! Using rucr is a risky businessand, if and you must deduct r extra sTAMINApoint (i.e. a total of
you are Unlucky, the results could be disastrous. 3 points from your own sreulue).
The way youTest your Luck is as follows: Remember: you must subtract r point from your lucx
sc,oreeach time vou Testvour Luck.

More About Your Attributes You can restore lost sreIratNA by eating meals or
Provisions. You start the game without any Provisions, but
skiu during your adventure you will be able to obtain meals.
Your sxlrr scorewill not change much during the course You must keep track of how many meals' worth of
of your adventure. Occasionally a paragraph may give Provisions you have remaining by filling in the details in
instructions to increaseor decreaseyour sKrLLscore,but it the Provisions box on your AdaentureSheet.Eachtimeyou
may not exceedits Initial value unless you are specifically eat a meal you may restore up to 4 points of suIraINl, but
instructed to the contrary. rememberto deduct r meal from your Provisions box. You
may rest and eat Provisions at any time except when
At various times during your adventure you will be told to
mgaged in battle.
Testyour Skill.The proiedure for this is exactly the same as
that for Testing your Luck: roll two dice. If the number Luck
rolled is less than or equal to your current score, you have
Additions to your LUCK score may be awarded in the
succeeded in your test and the result will go in your
adventure when you have been particularly Lucky or
favour. If the number rolled is higher than your current
created your own Luck by some action. Details are given,
sKILL score,you have failed the test and will have to suffer
where appropriate, in the paragraphs of the book. Remem-
the consequences.However, unlike Testingyour Luck, do
ber that, as with sxlrr and sTAMINA,your LUCKscoremay
not subtract r point from your srrn each time you lZsf
not exceed itslnitial value unless specifically instructed on
your Skill.
a Page.
Stamina and Prcztisions
Your sreuINA score will change a lot during the adven-
ture. It will drop as a result of wounds received through You have spent many years adventuring in the dangerous
combat, or by falling foul of traps and pitfalls; and it will lands of southern Allansia. As a result, you have been
also drop after you perform any particularly arduous task. exposed to various poisons on many occasions and, in
If your sTAMINAscoreever falls to zero or below, you have defence,your body has built uP some immunity to their
been killed and should stop reading the book immediately. etfects. Throughout your latest adventure you will no
Brave adventurers who wish to pursue their quest must doubt be exposedto the bites and stings of venomous crea-
roll up a new characterand start all over again. tures, or you will encounter enemies who have no qualms

T2 T?
about using poisoned weapons against you. Although you
can recover srAMrNA lost to the effects of poison (as
explained above), the build-up of toxins in your body may
still prove fatal. Whenever you are told to increaseyour
POISON score,record it carefully on your AdoentureSheet.
You begin your adventure with a poison score of zero.
Should your POISON total ever equal or exceed18,the tox-
ins coursing through your bloodstream will kill you and
your adventure will end there and then. The only way to
reduce your POISON score is by the use of certain potions
and charms, or in certain exceptionalcircumstances.

You have begun your adventure with very little equipment
indeed: just a sword, a backpack to hold your Provisions
and treasure,and ; Gold Pieces.To begin with, you do not
have a lantern or any Provisions. Note down the Gold
Pieces in the appropriate box on your Adamture Sheet;
everything elsegoesin the Equipment box, as will any other
useful items you may find or purchase on your travels.

Alternative Dice
If you do not have a pair of dice handy, dice rolls are print-
ed throughout the book at the bottom of the pages.
Flicking rapidly throughout the book and stopping on a
page will give you a random dice roll. If you need to 'roll.'
only one die, read only the first printed die; if two, total the
two dice symbols.


Skulls.Great rewards guaranteed.Apply ferran Farr,
BAC K G R O U N D The Monkey's Paw'.You madesomediscreetenquiries
about this possibleemployerand discoveredthat he is
an archaeologistof somenotoriety; he doesnot enjoy
a very good reputationamong the advenfuringfrater-
Facing its twin, Halak, on the other side of the mouth nity of Rimon and is consideredby most to be no
of the Bay of Elkor, Rimon is the capital of the Pirate better than a tomb-robber.However, times are hard,
Coast. With their ramshackle mazes of streets and so you decided you had nothing to lose and made
twisting alley-ways, the two ancient towns, perched your way to the Monkey's Paw, a seedy drinking-
on the steeply sloping sides of twin mountain peaks, housein one of the poorerpartsof Rimon.
are a haven for buctaneers and renegadesreven the
feared pirate captain Garius of Halak has his secret Enteringthe bar, you find the clienteleas shadyJook-
hideout somewherealong the coast. It was a crew of ing as you would expect,and the landlord looks as if
these scurvy pirates who attacked the merchantman he would cut your throat as soon as serveyou a drink.
on which you had gained passage, travelling north You mention JerranFarr'sname,and with a grunt the
from Kaynlesh-Ma and making for Port Blacksand. landlord directs you to a man sitting at a table by
Your vessel was sunk and all on board were left to the himself. JerranFarr, a moustachedman in his mid-
mercy of the sea. thirties,looks as if he too has known his fair shareof
hardship;he is tanned from days of toil in the baking
After several days you were washed ashore - as far as lands at the edge of the Desert of Skulls and his
you know, the only survivor of the wreck - with only sleeveless leatherjacket,like the rest of his clothes,is
your sword and enough money to keep you from wom and dusty and he wearsa batteredwide-brimmed
starvation for just a few days. Finding yourself not far hat to keep off the sun. Having madeyour inkoduc-
from Rimon, you made your way to the town, hoping tions,you sit down oppositethe man.
to find work guarding a caravan heading north, but
you missed the last one to leave for several weeks by Tlave you heardof the Curseof Akharis?'ferran asks.
only a day. So instead you decided to find gainful You shake your head. 'Then I will tell you of the
employment that might eam you your Passage on legend.Centuriesago, before the drowning of Atlan-
another ship heading for Port Blacksand. tis by the gods, the three maior continentsof Titan -
Allansia,the Old World and Khul - were all loined
Then you saw a notice nailed to a wall in the Adven- togetheras one massivecontinentwhich early records
turer's Guild. The notice read: 'Brave warrior required call lrritaria.At this time, at the southemedgeof what
for dangerous mission into hills around the Desert of we now know as the Desert of Skulls, there existed a

tB t9
gave him water and hied to makehim as comfortable
as possible.As soon as he had recovereda little, he
told me what had happenedto him. He was part of a
group of explorers who had been investigating the
in the mountains,along with fabulousriches.Akharis lands at the edge of the desert.He told me that at a
was the last of the rulersof Djarat to be buried before ruined temple by un oasisthey uncoveredan inscrip-
the parting of the lands. He favowed Sithera, the tion that revealedthe location of the lost tomb of
Goddessof Evil, above all the other gods of Diarat Akhariswith all its heasures.They set out to find it at
and was the cruellesttyrant the kingdom had ever once,but they had not gone very far when they were
known. He demandedhumansacrificesfor his goddess ambushedby a group of people,swathedin red robes
and was said to conrmunewith dark spirits and bring that bore the emblemof a golden cobra.The rest of
the mummiesof his ancestorsback to life' When at his party were either capturedor hlled and he was left
last he died, poisonedby one of his enemies,he was for dead. When it was safe, he started the difficult
joumey back to Rimon to wam the people what was
aged one hundred and fifty-six. As he lay, dy!g,
Akharis called on Sithera, saying that one day he happening,but he only madeit as far as my camp.He
would retum and all would suffer under his curset died the next moming.'
Absorbedby ferran'stale,you ask,'So who were these
Members of the Cult of the Cobra,' he replies.'This
cult was the priesthood that worshipped Sithera in
Djarat and they were Akharis'smost loyal followers.It
terribledeath-traps.' has always been their aim to find Akharis'stomb and
resurrecttheir long-deadmaster,so that he could call
'lnterestingas all this is, what does it have to do with down his curseupon the land and reclaimhis kingdom.
you wanting to hire a brave warrior for a dangerous The secretsecthasbeenrevived in the last decadeand
mission?'you askthe archaeologist. it looks as if the Cult of the Cobra have at last found
his tomb and are preparing for their king's retum.
They must be stopped,or all will suffer the Curseof
Akharis. I need one brave warrior to accompanyme
and infiltrate the cult without their knowing, to thwart
their evil plans.If you will help me - and should we

succeed- the treasuresof the tomb will be our
'Of courseI will help you carry out your plan,' you
say.The possiblerichesto be found in the tomb could
makeyou wealthy beyond your wildest dreams- but,
more important than that, the cult must be stopped
from bringing suchan evil back into the world. There
is no time to lose.You both leavethe Monkev'sPaw
immediatelyto preparefor your quest.
The pair of you have not gone far along a narrow
back street on your way towards the markets of
Rimon when a figure,coveredfrom headto toe in fine
red robes,drops silently from the top of a wall to the
ground in front of you, and a harsh, hissing voice
behindyou says,'Not so fast,JerranFarr.'
Tum to paragraphr.
You spin around,to see two more people dressedin
the samemanner as the first, only their eyes visible
betweenthe swathesof red cloth. Their robesbearthe
emblem of a rearing golden cobrar they must be
membersof Akharis'sevil cult. Eachof the cultistsis
armedwith a long curving sword, and an assortment
of other silent death-weaponshangs from their belts.
'They must have discoveredthat the explorersurvived
their attack and they followed his trail to my carnp,'
Jerranwhispersunder his breath,'and from there they
must havefollowed me to Rimon.What shallwe do?'
Will you:
Draw your sword and run at the
cultists'leader? Tum to rE5
Draw your sword and standyow
ground? Tum to 68
Try to escape? Tum to 259

As you run for the exit from the inner sanctumof the
Temple of Sithera,the roof gives way and you are
crushedunder tonnes of rubble. Your adventureends

The treasuresnake,frrnpi to the ground, leaving it

safefor you to searchits chamber.In fact there is no
gold or gems here - it was all the ftitalis's illusion.
However,in one comer of the room is a smallearthen-
warepot, decoratedall overwithhieroglyphs.Whenyou

Et r
4 5

corridorsand passageways and begin to explorethem.

Coming to an intersection,you have to chooseyour
route ahead.Will you go to the left (tum to +8), to the
right (tum to r95) or skaight on (tum to n4fl

room, will you head along the adioining Passageyou

passedearlier,if you have not already done so (fum to
37o), or retraceyour steps past the Decaye/s room
and follow the new branch(tum to 5fF

You have not travellea .ri*, kilometresbefore you

4 reach the top of a ridge of a line of hills and find
Suddenly you see that the river ahead disappears yourself looking out over a wide valley. The land
under aiock-face in front of you. You have no choice drops steeply down to the sand-coveredvalley floor
but to hold your breathand hope for the best . ' ' and there, only a few hundred metres away, lie the
You come to the surface, gasping for ar, and are fallen pillars and broken walls of a temple,half buried
by the desert.At last you have found it! In front of
the temple is a sparkling oasis,surroundedby palm
trees,its dear waters looking very inviting after your
days of hot and dusty travel.Here,you hope,you will
discover the location of Akharis's tomb. Where will
out of the chamber, only waist-deep in the water' you make for ftrst: for the oasis(tum to r.64) or the
Beyond it, you find yourself in an exPanseof flooded ruins (tum to S+6)?

After meanderingtlrough barren,rocky hills, the hack
descendsthrough a boulder-shewn pass and divides,
one branchcontinuing north-eastwards,while the other
leadsdirectly towards a line of severalhigh peaksin
the east. Looking at Jerran'smap, you see that the
route you are now on goes towards the temple,while
the new path to the right should take you to the
Shamanat Spirit Rock. Will you continuenorth-east-
wards (tum to r.46) or take the right-hand fork (tum
to vg)?

It is not long before you come to the top of another
flight of stone steps;at their base,you enter a large,
rubble-strewnchamber,its ceiling some ten metres
aboveyou. Tum to zoz.

You dodge the man's cltarge, then draw yow sword

7 to defend yourself. He unsheatheshis rusted weapon
You move the piece sideways to the left, and and fums on you, shouting, 'Die, Demon! You cannot
NemsetmovesWliite Two, two squaresfoward' Black prevail against the honour of Don Huan Femandez,
Oneis now freeto move.Willyoumove BlackOne(tum Knight of Vastille!'With that, the two of you engage
to Eo) or BlackTwo again(tum to z+l[ in combat.

aa-43 4

F ER NAN D EZ s KrL L7 STAM T N A 7 You find yourselfstandingat a vantagepoint overlook-

ing the vast Necropolis.As far as your eye can seeare
If you reduceyour opponent'sstAMtNa score to 5
the stonetombs of Djaratianrulersand nobles,as well
points or less,tum immediatelyto 255.
as shrines to their beast-headedgods, eldritch fires
buming round the city makingit all visible.The ruined
Necropolisis obviously in use again.To your left lie
The path you are following leads towards a narrow, severallow stone buildings that do not appearto be
steep-sidedgorge, the land on either side of it rising tombs; to the right, in the distance,you can seewhat
up to the cliff-tops. If you have Cranno'sWaming appearsto be a collectionof simpledwellings,possibly
written on your AdoentureSheet,tum to 5ro. Other- the ruined remainsof a village. Howevet the edifice
wise,tum to z9E. that dominatesthe complex is a great black pyramid
towering over the Necropolis; a voice inside your
headtells you that this is the Templeof Sithera.What
willyou do now?
The walls of the tunnel?r" ur" constructedfrom
chiselledblocks of stone. Not far along the Passage, Explorethe low stonebuildings? Tum to 56
you come to a place where the ceiling opens into a Investigatethe ruined village? Tum to r97
shafttravellingupwards,bad<towardsthe upperlevels Make straight for the Templeof
of the tomb. The tunnel also continuesaheadof you. Sithera? Tum to 9z
Do you want to try to climb up into the shaftin order
to explore it further (tum to 3gz),or do you prefer to
carry on along the tunnel, in the hope of reaching
your goal (tum to agg)?
The door opens easily. You enter an empty room,
a5 leading into an inner sanctum. In the centre of the
'l judge you worthy to enter the Ciby of the Dead,' sanctum stands a rectangular column and resting in a
the Sphinx says.'The Cult of the Cobra have taken niche in its side is an exquisite golden image of a
Akharis's mummifiedbody to the Temple of Sithera crocodile-headed man, probably a god, no more than
on the far sideof the Necropolis,where they intend to thirty centimetres high, dressed in Djaratian garb.
raise him to life once more. Now go on your way.' There is no sign of any guards, so will you take the
Without hesitation,you leavethe entrancehdl through statue (tum to z1s) or leave the shrine undisturbed
a secondset of doubledoors. and retum to the funnel (tum to zE4)?

Et r
ascentof Spirit Rock again,tum to 5gr-.lf you prefer
to abandonyour searchfor the Shamanand set off in
Betweenthem, the rn"r.f,rl?, have somevery interest-
searcl of the templeagain,tum to r7E.
ing items for sale' they are listed below with their
pti."t. If you decideto buy afVlhing, do so, then tum
io the relevantparagraphto ftnd out more about your
Thereare two ways you canuse fue as a weapon.The
new acquisition.
first is to fight using a torch, if you have one. If you
Oil of Lotus - + Gold Pieces Tum to r55 do this, tum to r58 and fight as normal,but with your
Two Yokka Eggs- 6 Gold Pieces Turn to z9r Attack Strength reducedby r point; if you win an
Sandworm'sTooth - 6 Gold Pieces Tum to 548 Attack Round,you will cause4 points of damageto
AlabasterScarab- z Gold Pieces Tum to 4r the Mummy's srAMrNeratherthan the usualz, since
Crystal Pyramid- 5'Gold Pieces Tum to zo9 your weapon ignites its bone-dry bandages.The
secondmethod is to throw a fire source,such as a
When you have finished here, you leave the market
lamp, a Yokka Egg or a buming skin of oil at the
and set out on your quest;tum to a4z.
Mummy. For each one you attack in this way you
16 must Tesfyour Skill;if you succeed,the Mummy bursts
into flamesand is destroyed.You may try this method
The passageends at a fligtrt of steps' Descending
as many times as you have fire sourcesto use. Once
these,you-are surprisedto find yourself in a partially
you haveusedup all your fire sources,or when you give
flooded network of tunt els. As this is the only way
up this method of atlack,note down how many of the
Mummiesyou havealreadykilled and tum to r58.

The scarabsymbol ,lid., into the wall. Will you

pressthe snakenext (tum"?ity
to $y) or the vulfure (tum
to a5o)?
tum left (tum to tz4) or right (tum to 254)?

You fall only a few metres and fortunately suffer
nothing worse than cuts and bruises(deductz points
from four sreulNe). If you want to attempt the


So now you know tL" io"."tion of Akharis's tomb!

Without fwther delay, you begin to make your way
out of the templeruins so as to continueyour joumey
eastwards.Walking between the columns,you sud-
denly catch a glimpse of a red-robedfigure dashing
behind a crumbling wall. Could it be . ..? You give
chaseand, rounding the comer, seethe man standing,
ten metres away,his scarletrobes bearingthe golden
imageof a cobra.Swiftly you draw your sword, ready
to deal with the evil cultist. However, before you can
get any closer,the man strikesthe sandybank by him
severaltimes with the staff he is holding in his hands.
Immediately you hear an angry buzzing as a cloud
of desert waspsflies out of a hole in the bank their
nest having been disturbed.You watch as the homet-
like insectsswarrn towards the cultist, then suddenly
stop, hovering in mid-air.The cultist has his fingertips
pressedto his temple and appearsto be concentrating
deeply.The waspsmasstogether into a cloud which
rapidly takes on the form of one of the insects,only
many times larger.The swarm,looking like a gigantic
waspwith a taperedabdomenand a sting half a mehe
long, tums on its massivewings and moves towards
you threateningly.You are going to have to deal with
the swarm; there is no way of escapingit. Will you
defendyourself with your sword (tum to zzz) or will
you usean altemativeweapon(tum to roBF

You pull the stakesout of the ground so that the

Dracon can free itself from the net. ?t last,' the

2t- 22-24

creafuregrowls in a haughty tone. 'l zupposeI owe

you my thanks.I don't know how I ever managedto It is well known tfrut ,n"ii, fear fire, so if you have
get into such a predicamentin the first place.I only somemeansof clearinga path with fire, suchas a skin
lay down for a nap and then those impudent trappers of oil or a torch, you can usethis method to reachthe
had the effrontery to try to captureme. No doubt I box easilywithout being bitten (tum to rE6). If you
was bound for the animal traders'marketsof Rimon haveno suchitems to clearthe way, or if you do not
and then into the private zoo of some upstart human wish to wasteany materialsnecessaryfor sucha plan,
noble. If there's one thing I cannot tolerate, it's a you will have to make a run for it through the asps'
completelackof manners.' nest(turnto gg).
Four men on horsebacksuddenlyaPPearbetweenthe 23
boulders.Seeingyou' with their prize free, they dis- As you walk towards the righFhand exit, the guards'
mount and draw their weapons.The leader of the bonesrisejerkily from their postsand advancetowards
group, shipped to the waist and with a shavenhead, you. They will reachthe archwaybeforeyou do, so, if
runs at you with a stiletto dagger grasped in one you want to avoid clashingwith the guards,you could
hand.You join battle with the leaderwhile the Dracon changedirection and run through the other exit (tum
takeson his accomplices. to 57r). If you are intent on passing through this
T R A PPER srrn 8 STAM I N A 7 archway,you will have to fight.
The blade of the trapper'sdagger is coated with a SKILL STAMINA
poison that normally inducessleep.Howevec it will FiTstSKELETALGUARD
haveno sucheffecton you, due to your high immunity SecondSKELETAL
to toxins. The first time the trapper wins an Attack G UA RD 7
Roundyou must add r to your PoIsoN total, as well If you win, tum to zzg.
as deducting the usual z points of damageto your
STAMINA. If you win, turn to rz5.

The terraingrows oroo.r?ir"ly more tortuous as you

make yow way towards the ruined temple. At mid-
day you rest briefly, to avoid being out in the open
during the hottest part of the day; but by mid-after-
noon you are walking between steep cliffs and high


stacks of rock. Gradually the sound of a struggle z6

reachesyour ears from somewhereto the west be- You give a singleloud blast on the hom and it echoes
off the distant hills and acrossthe endlesssands.The
tween the rocks. If you want to investigate,tum to
two Warriors look startled - then suddenly you are
szz. If you would rather ignore the disturbanceturn aware of two more of the creaturesbehind you. The
to zz6.
bone hom is one used by the Xoroa to summonhelp
25 and wam the colony of danger!The mutuatedant-men
closein on you from all sides.You must fight all four
You can attack the mummified animalswith fire in one
at the sametime!
FirstXOROA 10 rL
SecondXOROA 10 ro
Third XOROA i.r g
Fourth XOROA ro rr.
If you somehowsurvivethis battle,fum to 55r.

to destroy, or if you run out of fire sources,you will

have to fight; tum to t65.lf you kill dll the beastsin
this way, tum to r47.

To reach the deeper sectionsof the tomb, you will
have to enter the Fangsof Sithera.The only way to
escapeis to locatethe door-release, hidden in a comer
of the room.' If you ever find yourself in the Fangsof
Sithera halve the number of the paragraphyou are
reading at the time, then tum to the paragraphwith
this new number.Now retum to zE6.

Et r
zE-So 5a-r'

As the BlackLion slumpsto the ground, a greatthggt The night is numbinglr;ld and you are barely able
goes up from the onlookers. Ierran is not badly to sleepat all. In the moming you feel worse than you
iounded but, becauseyou were diskactedby having did when you settled down the night before (deductz
to fight the deadlybeast,the cultist hasgot away' You points from your sreurwe). As the feeling retums to
will-now have to try to head him off on the way to your limbs with the rising sun's warming rays, you
the tornb (tum to z4z) or give up the chaseand visit consult|erran'smap; it showsyou that you must now
the markets,to preparefor your quest(tum to uz)' headdirectly north for the temple.Tum to 5.

Your body feelsas if it is ii^, crushed,and you look

down to seethat you are trappedwithin the conshict-
ing coils of an enormous golden cobra. It raises its
headuntil it is level with your face and watchesyou
29 with glittering eyes. And then it strikes. Your adven-
fure is over.

Full of hepidation you step over the blood-stained
If you do not, you say just anythinS;tum to 56t' sand and round the great Gtrcassesand enter the
tomb. Tum to zo4.


(tum to zS+F

The key hrms in the lock and the omate stone door
swings open. You are at the top of a wide stone
staircase;descendingit, you entera vast,high-ceilinged
chamber.The blue roof is dotted with stylized yellow
stars,while the walls are coveredin plasterwhich has
beenpaintedwith scenesof the deadking's life. In one
frieze he venerateshis dark goddess,in another he
dictateshis harsh law, and in another he communes
with vile, demonic creafures.Several archways lead
out of this main chamber,allowing you glimpsesof
fabulousgolden treasuresand casketsbrimming with
However, your attention is drawn to Akharis's huge
stonesarcophagus and the enorrnousserpentwrapped
round it. Covered in red, black and yellow scales,the
giganticsnakemust be at leasttwenty metreslong! As
your light falls on to its body, the serpent'sancient,
:eptilian eyes flick open. Slowly it raisesits head and
startsto uncoil itself, its hard skin grating againstthe
stone of the coffin as it rubs acrossit. With fangs as
iong as your arrn, dripping with venom, the Great

lf the serpentwins an Attack Round,you must lose 3

sTAMINApoints and gain 2 porsoN points from its
ierrible bite. If the monster wins two consecutive
AttackRounds,tum to ry5.If you kill the over-grown
reptile,tum to Et.

5f57 5'F.59

55 for you to do here but refum to the trail and set off
You leap through the archway just as the statue againeastwards.Tum to z5o.
crashesto the floor behind you completelyblocking
the way backinto the chamber!Youwill neverbe able SE
to move the colossus,so you descenddeeperinto the Pulling the iron wand from your backpack,you strike
tomb.Tum to z16. Akhariswith it. At oncehe is surroundedby a shimmer-
ing black aura- and he seemsto revel in it. You are
wielding the Sceptreof Oset, which the ancientDjara-
With the cultist d"ud, tli"6 glowing sphere she was tian people hid from the Cult of the Cobra becauseit
using to light her way fades.Ignoring this, you look was imbued with evil power. Rather than weakening
uro,nd to iee what elseyou can find. The cultist was the Mummy, it has strengthenedhiml Rememberto
recoveringa smallea*henwarejar, which (asyou leam add r point to Akharis's srnl and 3 points to his
when removing its lid) containsa peculiarly shaped, srAMrNAwhen you come to fight him. Now tum
mummifiedobiect.If you want to take this jar, add it to ar5.

Walking towards tn" ,no,i?r, you catch sight of two

bizarreJookingcreaturesamong the boulders. From
to 9. the waist up they appearto be human, except that
their eyes are silver and, instead of outer ears, two
57 flexible,antJike feelersextendforward from the top of
A quarter of an hour later, a SrouP of four men on their heads.However, their lower bodiesand legs are
horsebackappears betweenthe boulders,one shipped those of a giant ant! Coloured a light reddish brown
-and and standing about one and a half metres tall, these
to the waisi with a shavenhead,apparentlythe
leader.Dismounting,they approachthe Dracon,which creaturesare Xoroa.As well as being able to seein the
roars in defianceand fear. Unperfurbed, the bald man dark,Xoroa have an acutesenseof smelland they can
walks up to the monsterand plungesa stiletto daggel easilypick up your scent,which is rather strong after
into its side. The cteaturesoon stops struggling and days of sweaty travel through the scorchingwilder-
falls,unconscious. The four men pull up the stakesand, ness.The two Workers start to makea seriesof frantic
having bound the Dracon'sfeet together,&ag it on to dicks and hums,then they scuttletowardsan opening
u *o6d"n sled pulled by two of the horses and, in one of the mounds. Suddenly two more Xoroa
remounting,ride away southwards.There is nothing appearfrom betweenthe boulders.Thesecreaturesare

40-42 45-4s

larger than the Workers, standingalmost two metres

tall, and their skin is slightly darkercoloured.Both are Peering round the edge iira" arch, you look into a
holding iavelins,and one also carriesa sling. Quickly smallchamberwhich is facedwith stone;its walls are
the Xoroa Warrior lets fly a.stonedirectly at you. Roll coveredin hieroglyphsand carvingsof animal-headed
one dice.If the numberrolled is odd, tum to 265; if it people.Standingin front of a statueof a bull-headed
is even,tum to 557. man that reachesup to the ceiling is a red-robed
figure the cultist you chasedinto the tomb! Will you
40 mter the chamberand attackhim immediately(tum to
The passagetums sharplyto the left and you can see r9r) or wait to ftnd out what the cultist is doing (tum
a hght being cast from round the comer. Carefully to 54op
poking your head round the tuming, you see a red-
swathedfigure bendirigover a hole in a derelictroom.
It is one of the cultists! Round her lie the charred Nandibearshave no keasure,so they usually
outlines of three humanoid creatures,although their ^"aff However,you do find part
rernoveit from their homes.
fanged, skull-like visages still remain. The cultist is of a humanskeleton,still wearingwhat was oncea-red
lifting somethingout of the hole. Do you want to rush robe; on one bony finger is a gold ring, fashionedto
in and attack (tum to ztz), wart and watch for a look like a coiled cobra. If you want to take the Cobra
moment (tum to tr6) or, seeingthat this is a dead- Ring, make a note of it on yow ,Moutfure Sluet.\ou
end, retum along the passageand go the other way alsofind a few Gold Pieceslying among the carcasses
(tum to gF (roll one dice to leam how many).Findingnothing else
of value, you leave the Nandibear'slair and rejoin the
4t hail leadingnorth-westwards(tum to SIZ).
The scarab,carvedfrom a lump of veined alabaster,is
actually an ancient lucky charm. Whenever you are 45
instructedto Testyour Luck,you may deduct r from Slowly, using the Papyms Scroll, you are able to
the diceroll. Now reh'rmto 15. hanslate the hieroglyphs copied into the diary. The
inscription reads:
42 And all tlwse who would despoil tlv shrine of
It is no good. You searchdesperatelyfor a meansof Cracca,I-ord of Rions and Fmyrun of the Gods,
escapebut canfind none.Deepunderground,Akharis's baoarethewrath of thenocodile-hcaded
burial chamberacquiresa new occupant as you are
buriedalive underthe sand! Tum to zz6.

46".47 47

Curse of Akharis.' You sit opposite the dog-headed

The force of your blow sendsAkharis reeling back Shamanand listen to his tale. 'The Cult of the Cobra
into the one brazierleft standing.Instantly the magical are followersof Sithera,the ancientDjaratianGoddess
fire igniteshis wrappingsand the Mummy bursts'into of Evil. Sitherais, in fact, the Demon PrinceSith in the
flamei.Howling, Akharis'sbuming undeadbody stum- guiseof a four-armedwoman with a snake'shead.The
blesforwardand topplesdown the steps'In moments, Djaratiansworshipped many of our gods and demi-
all that is left of the evil creatureis a pile of ashes. gods in the form of animal-headed humans,suchas the
Akharisis truly deadat last. cat goddessMeerar whom they knew as Seket,God-
dessof loy. The Djaratiansalso believed shongly in
But even though you have succeeded in your quest, the power of charms.The Cult of the Cobra practise
will you be able to escapeand live to tell the tale?For the curse-magicof their long-dead high priests,and
the first time, you notice,behind the brokenremains you will no doubt need amulets and talismansto
of the statute of Sithera,an alcove which contains protect you from their spells.'You ask Lopar how he
someof the cult'smagicalartefacts. Will you wasteno knows so much about the sect and the history of
more preciousmomentsand flee the temple(tum to z), Djarat. 'I was not always as I appearnow,' he says,
or wili you seeif you canusethe artefactsto help you sombrely.When I was a foolish young scholarwith a
get out (tum to z5z)? lust for knowledge,searchingin the desertI stumbled
upon someof the ruins of that once great civilization.
I filled my mind with everything and anything I could
discover about the race, but I pried too far and
disturbed the resting place of a high priestessof
Sithera. Inadvertently I releasedher spirit into the
world and sufferedher cruel vengeance,before I man-
aged to banish her speche.However, if you do not
stop the Cult, and if Akharisshouldbe retumedto this
world, the fate of hundredsof innocentpeoplewill be
much worse than mine.Do all you can to thwart their
nefariousplans!'If you have any items in your posses-
sion that you wish to ask Lopar about, tum to r94.
47 Otherwise,the Shamansays to you: Now lie down
'That is correct,'Lopar murrnurs'Now sit, and I shall besidethis ftre and sleep.You still have a long way to
tell vou what I know of the Cult of the Cobraand the go beforeyou meetyour destiny.'Tum to y6.

Et r

Swimming towards you :re two huge reptiles, each
four metreslong. When they are very close to you,
the crocodilesopen their jaws wide and attack,intent
on satisfyingtheir voraciousappetites.In the narrow
passageway,fight the creafuresone at a time. How-
ever, becauseyou are fighting waist-deepin water,
you must reduceyour Attack Strength by r for the
durationof this battle.

The crocodileis sacredto Akharis'scult becauseit is

such an efficient killer. There are more crocodiles
guarding these flooded corridors so, if you win this
battle and cometo this spot again,roll one dice.If you
roll r3, you will meetonly one crocodile;on a roll of
4-5, you will meet two more;and if you roll a 6 you
will meetnothing.Tum to 287.

As you hit the ground, the Yokka Eggs in your
backpackbreak.At oncethey hatch,releasingthe fiery
birds.For eachegg you break,deduct one dice worth
of damagefrom your sTAMINAas the blazingcreatures
bathe your body in flames.If you survive, tum to

Keepingyour back againstone of the tall pillars,you
areableto fight the Caarthone at a time.


CAARTH WARRIOR AO ao You become engrossed in the game, forgetting your
CAARTH SORCERER 9 8 worries for a while. Soon the board looks like this'

The first time you are hit by either of the Caarth,you

mustadd r to your PoIsoNscore,as well aslosingthe
usual z points from your sTAMINA,becauseof the @
venom with which the evil Snakemencoat their weaP-
ons. If you win and you did not suffer any damage oo o
from the Caarth,regain1 LUcKpoint and tum to z5r. @@
If you did suffersomedamage,roll one dice.On a roll
of 6, turn to rsE; otherwise,tum to z5r. @ 0
5a As you can see,the piece,BlackOne, is happedat the
Unsheathingyour weapon,you chargeat the undead moment by White One and White Two. It is your
horde.TestyourLuck.ll you are Lucky,tum to r5E. If tum; which piecewill you move?
you areUnlucky,tum to 176.
BlackTwo? Tum to 7
52 BlackThree? Tum to 156
The Cyclops falls to the ground, dead. If Femandez BlackFour? Tum to zo5
attackedyou when you lastmet, tum to z6t-.lf he did BlackFive? Tum to r84
not, tum to 96.
Where will you go now: through the other door, if
you have not already been there (tum to 595\, or
along the new passageleadingaway from this iunction
(hrrnto zlgB

5v56 57

55 that has been used recently: scrapsof linen lie, dis-

Beforeyou can get to your feet, you feel the cultist's carded.on the floor and a dark fluid has stainedthe
hands round your throat (deductz points from your cnrmbling slab. It is then you realize the purpose of
srAMrNA).The cultist is trying to strangleyou! Figiht these rooms: these are the embalming chambersto
the battle which follows in the normal way; however, which the bodies of the dead were brought to be
you cannot injure your opponent until you have got preserved.You are especiallyinterestedin two jars,
free. If you win an Attack Round,do not deduct any while
half-fullof strangeliquids.One is sweet-smelling,
pointsfrom his sTAMINA score.If you win two consecu- the other stinksfoully and is symPy.Do you want to:
tive Attack Rounds, you manageto free yourself from
the cultist's grip and, from then onwards, you can Drink someof the sweet-smelling
injure the cultist in the usualway. liquid? Turn to 8z
Drink someof the reekingsyrup? Tum to r75
Rub someof the syrup on your skin? Tum to zr9
If you win, tum to zt4. Leavethe embalmingchambers? Tum to r47

An eerie silencepervadesthis areaof the city. Inside You reactimmediately,,flnting throughthe gorge
the buildings you find rooms containing stone tables althoughyou arestill hit by a
awayfrom thelandslide,
and benchescoveredwith rusty tools and broken clay few small rocks (deduct z points from your srluIN,l).
pots. In the heart of the complexyou enter one room Tum to 89.

5E-6o 6t

58 its wings scintillating with azure flames.The bird of

Gazinginto the depthsof the crystal orb, you concen- prey swoops down on the phantasmalcreatureand
trate all your mental energiesinto searchingfor some- tears at the beast with its ghostly talons, while the
thing within it. Testyour Skill, adding r to the dice snake-heads strike at the falcon. Within secondsthe
roll. If you succeed,tum to 55E. If you fail, tum to battle is over and the jackal-spiritis banishedback to
543. the Demonic Planes.Its duty done, the falcon also
Suddenlyyou feel the priestess'sgaze upon you. Her
eyes bum with a crimson fire, and under her cn-rel
stareyou feel the strength ebbing from your body. If
you have an Eye-shapedAmulet, tum to r5r. If you
do not, tum to 544.

59 6t-
When the Death Spiderbites you, it also injectsits
Finding itself being overwhelmed by your superior
poison into your bloodstream,paralysing you. The
righting skill, the Dracon leaps out of reach of your
Demon drags your body on to its web and goes on
weaponand takesto the air on its stubbywings.As it
biting you until you are dead.Its dire task complete,
fliesaway, it continuesto hurl insultsat you until it is
the Death Spider,along with its web and your corpse,
out of earshot.Alone again, you continue on your
retuming to the Realmsof the Damned,
quest.Tum to z5o.
where your soul will be extractedand tortured for all

The lapislazuli set into the breastplate
glows with an
inner light and aboveyou hovers a great spirit falcon,


Thesedesolatehighlandsseemto be devoid of life in
any form; you make your way further to the east

your left by a precipice.Without waming, a surpris-

ingly cold wind begins to blow in from acrossthe
desert,swirling the sand round about you. As you
watch,the spirallingcurrentof air and sandbecomesa
focusedcolumnand forms a recognizableshape.Stand-
ing on the track in front of you is a humanoid,over
two metres in height and composedentirely of the
substance of the desert.With great clenchedfists and a
malevolentred glow in its eye-sockets,the SandGolem
advanceson you. What will you use against this

Your sword? Tum to r45

Firepowderor a Yokka Egg? Tum to 8r
The statuetteof a god? Tum to 57E
A Sandworm'sTooth? Tum to 5o8
A CarvedBone Hom? Tum to zao

Passingthe door from the Decayer'schamber,and the
enhanceto this level of the tomb, you soon come
upon a stone door, without a handle,in the left-hand
wall. You try pushingagainstthe door but canfind no
way of opening it. Then you notice an inscription
carvedround the door. If you want to stop for a while

6+-6s 6ffiE

and translate the messageusing the papyrus scroll, 66

tum to r9E. Otherwise, you will have to press on You try wedging your backpackbetween the roof
as you can find no way of opening the door (tum and one comer of the room, but to no effect. Next
to szt). you try your sword, but this snapsunder the inexora-
ble pressureof the descendingceiling. Finally you lie
64 down and brace yourself against the floor, pushing
Unstopperingthe bottle, you throw its contentsover qainst the ceiling with your legs, but even this
the Mummy. Akharishowls with pain as the purifying desperatemeasuremakes no difference.The Fangs
waters eat into his undead body like acid! Roll one of Sitheraclaim their first victim in severalthousand
dice: this is how much damage the Waters of Life years.
causethe Mummy (make a note of the number of
points of sraurue lcs you have alreadyinftcted on 67
Akharis).Tum to ar5. You raise the stone easily. Beneath it you find a
*rallow storage pit. In this are some decayedprovi-
65 sions and a peculiar,wand-like object, made of iron,
Buriedunderthe pilesof bonesyou unearththe remains that has remaineduntarnishedin this dry atmosphere;
of a backpack that you presume belonged to the ils end is fashionedin the shapeof a clawedhand. If
unfortunatehuman.Looking inside the backpack,you you want to take the iron wand, add it to your
find a smallnotebook.Opening it, you discoverthat it tMoentureSheet.Whetheryou do or not, you will now
is a diary or joumal. From what you can makeout, its have to leave the village. Where will you make for
owner was amongthe bandof explorers,one of whom now: the Temple of Sithera (tum to gz) or the low
tumbled into |erran Farrs camp eight days ago; the *one buildings,if you haven'tbeenthere already(tum
diary containsinformationabout their progressto the bos6F
temple,but you alsoreadsomethingelseof interest.On
their joumey the group cameupon some ruins which 6t
they believedto be Djaratian.On one sectionof wall Fortunately,sinceyou:re standingback-to-backin the
they found an inscriptionin a strangepicturescript;it is narrow street,only one cultist can attack eachof you
reproduced in the diary. There is nothing else of at a time. You prepareto defendyourself againstthe
interest, but before leaving you decide to take the hader.
Rasaur'stwo eggs with you, each of which will
provide a meal in itself (add z to your Provisions). CULTIST sKrLL7 STAM IN A 7

Tum to zz6. If you defeatyour opponent,fum to zr4.

Et r
6tr7r 7244

69 people.On the oppositesideof the room is a statueof

The tangle of flooded corridors you are in now leads a bull-headedman that reachesup to the ceiling.Your
off in all directions.Peering down new intersecting flickering light casts eerie shadowsacrossthe walls
funnels,you see that yet more Passageways lead off and you decide that there is nothing here of any
from these.Which way will you go? importanceto your quest,so you continuealong the
tunnel.Eventuallythe passagetums right again,bring-
First left, first right, secondright? Tum to zr7 ing you to the top of another flight of stone steps.
First right, first left, then straight on? Tum to 16z You have no choice but to descend,wondering how
Secondright, then straight on? Tum to rEz rardown into the earth this tomb leads.Tum to 116.
Secondleft, first right? Tum to 5or
7o Musclestensed,you spring forward and manageto
Using the incredible strength of your willpower get hold of the statue.Where you were standing a
alone, you break the control of the Path of Fear. momentago is now the openinginto a pit of bubbling
The terror of the waking nightmare was all in your acidtPulling yourself to safety,you put the Malachite
mind. Now the corridor is empty once more and Amulet round your neckand wasteno time in getting
you can continue on your way, but you have been out of the room. Tumto 247.
permanentlyscarredby the experience.Reduceboth
your Initial and cwrent srtn by r point. Turn to y3
r.6. No matter what you try to use against the statue,
your attempts to stop it are futile. A massivestone
foot is raised and then smasheddown with tremen-
dous force, with you undemeathit. Your adventure

Unrolling the scroll, you see that it is covered in
incomprehensiblehieroglyphic picture-script,written
7L in black ink and arrangedinto ftve columns.You can
Peeringthrough the archway,you find yourself look- make no senseof the hieroglyphs, so you roll the
ing into a smallchamberfacedwith stone;its walls are scrollup again and fuck it into your backpack.Retum
coveredin hieroglyphsand carvingsof animal-headed to \sg.


Walkingalong the sand-strewntunnel,the passageway
evenfuallytums ninety degreesto the left, then contin-
ues as before. As you progressfurther you see that
aheadof you, to the right, part of the tunnel wall has
cavedin, revealingthe entranceto a roughly circular
funnel.As you approach,you can hear scuttling and
scraping sounds coming from the hole. A huge,
glossy-brown,oval-bodiedbeetle enters the passage-
way, rolling a large ball of compactedearthand stones
in front of it. Then the Giant Scarabstops, sensing
your presence,and clicks its mandiblesmenacingly.
You have invadedthe beetle'sterritory and are block-
ing its path. With one tremendouspush, the Scarab
sendsthe ball of earth hurtling directly at you. Test
yourSkill.lf you succeed, tum to 246.lf you fail, tum
to t7z.

You wake up as the sun is rising over the eastemhills.
You are lying in the middle of a dusty track that
wends its way north-westwardsthrough the wilder-
ness.Behindyou, many kilometresaway on the hori-
zon, you can see the silhouetteof Spirit Rock. Lopar
has helped you once more on your quest (regain r
lucr point and z srAMrNA points). With renewed
vigour you proceedon your way.
Under Glantanka'sunrelenting gaze you havel on
through the heat of the day. The uneven path leads
you further into the wildemessthat fringesthe Desert
of Skulls.You follow the route north-westwardsacross

7749 Eo-Ez

boulder-strewnhills and through narrow valleys. As boks as if a Giants' game of knuckle-boneshas been
you passthrough one rocky gully you notice a large lhy"d here. The only signs of life in this scorching
hole at its base,Ieadingunderground.Do you want to rildemess are the occasionallizard, running over the
stop and investigatethis entranceinto the earth (turn rodcsin searchof beetles,and a lonely bird of prey
to 524) or will you continue on your way without oaring on the warmthermalsaboveyou in thecloudless
hesitation(tum to zz6[ are sky. The only sound is made by a cool breeze
Bowing throughthevalley. . .but it isn'ttheonly sound!
n You aresuddenlyawareof a low growling comingfrom
You squeezethrough the smallhole and crawl along a ornewhereamongthe rocksbehindyou. Do you want
tunnel on your belly for a few metres. The tunnel binvestigate thesourceof thisnoise(tum to zg4),orwill
suddenly slopes steeply downwards and you find 1lrouhurriedlymove on eastwardsagain(tum to z5o[
yourself sliding into the depths of the temple. The
tunnel eventuallyopensinto a bare chamberand you EO
are deposited on the hard stone floor. An archway I is a closething, but Nemset'spiecejust beatsyours
leadsout of this chamberand further into the temple, b the oppositeend of the board.You concededefeat
so this is the way you will haveto go. Tum to 342. ld prepareto leavethe tomb. Tum to 5zz.

78 Er
You know you cannotharm the Sentinelof the Shrine There is a sudden blinding flash and, as your eyes
unlessyou are in contactwith a piece of the material r€cover,you are startledby the sight now in front of
from which it is formed. However, while retrieving you. Under the intenseheat of the explosionproduced
this item you are vulnerableto attack and must auto- by yo* attackthe sandthat the Golemwas composed
maticallylose the ftrst round of combat.After that you o{ has completely vitrified. Standing on the path in
canfight on asnormal. front of you know is a motionlessglass stafue.You
give the Golem one great push and it plummetsover
tre edge of the precipice,smashinginto hundredsof
If you win, turn to 566. pieceswhen it hits the rocks below. Regain 1 LUcK
point for your quickthinking and tum to rE5.

As the sun reachesits niffit point, you rest fora few Ez

minutesin the shadeof a great slabof rock. (You may You gulp the liquid down and discoverthat it is wine
eat Provisionshere if you wish.) The whole landscape ffised with medicinal herbs. The wine is used to

Es-8+ E5-8E

cleanthe co{psebeforeit is mummified,but on you it tS

hasa restorativeeffect(regainup to 4 srAMrNApoints What will you use: a Bronze Rattle (tum to r6E),
and increaseyour Attack Strength by r point during an Iron Wand (tum to 5E) or the Book of the Dead
your next battle).Now will you: (tum to 24sn lf you have none of these items, fum
to zr5.
Drink someof the foul-smelling
symp? Turn to r75 E6
Rub someof the syrup on your The great Cranno,hero of a hundredtragedies,hasno
body? Tum to zr9 time to help lesser mortals when he has a dozen
Leavethe embalmingchambers? Tum to 579 soliloquiesto rehearse.Now leavethis place.'Will you
do as the man says (tum to 8) or attack him (tum to
E5 $4n
Yokka Eggs are warm to the touch; with one of these
clutchedto you while you sleepyou will not need to EZ
light a fire. The night passespeacefullywithout any You wanderalong the featwelesstunnel- one corridor
disturbances (restorez srAMrNApoints).In the mom- is very like anotherin this labyrinthinetomb. Eventu-
ing, having consultedFarr's map again, you take a ally, having led you around to the right, the passage
route north towardsthe temple;tum to 5. doesreveal somethingof interest.To your left is the
entranceto another passage,but it has been crudely
blockedwith lumps of rock. It may take a while but
You reachout a hand ," pll up a fistful of jewelsbut you think you can clearthe obstruction.Do you want
jump back in surpriseas the treasurepile rearsup in to:
front of you. You blink severaltimes and the illusion
disappears.The room is actuallyhome to a Scitalis,a Clear the enkanceby hand? Tum to r.65
large, brightly coloured snake which traps its prey Use Firepowder,if you have some,
with illusions of treasure.You are going to have to to clearit? Tum to 59o
fight the deceiving serpent,but at least you can take Continuealong the passage? Tum to r54
somecomfort from the fact that its bite is not poison-
ous- it doesnot needto be! EE
With the serpentdead,will you oPenthe sarcophagus
immediately(tum to 576),or do you want to search
If you win, fum to 5. frst (fum to rZ9)?


As the dust clears,you hear a terrible shriekand look
up at the rocky ledgesaboveyou. On both sidesof the
gorge, among the rocks, is a group of six baboons.
They are almostas large as men,coveredin bristly fur
andwith viciousJooking,sharpteeth.They are leaping
up and down, snarlingand howling cnrelly.One, larger
fhanthe rest,is standingon its hind legsand holding a
boulderover its head.It musthavebeenthesecreatures
which causedthe landslide.Sensingthat the baboons
will attackat any moment,you unsheatheyour sword
- and not a momenttoo soon,as the two nearestapes
leap towards you, ready to tear you to pieceswith
theirclawedhands.Fight them both together.

FirstBABOON 7 j
SecondBABOON 6 6

If you kill the viciouscreatures,tum to 516.

As you reachthe top of yet anotherridge you passan
outcrop of rock, and suddenly your goal becomes
visible.At the edge of a vast mesa that stretchesto
the east and north, rising up between two of the
sandy hills is a tall pinnacleof rock, its sidesalmost
vertical.A massiveboulder,which appearsto be precari-
ously balanced,rests on its flat top. The boulder is
coveredin swirling pattemsformed by veins of some
substance. Thereis a strong auraof elemen-
tal energy about the place and a voice inside your

9a-92 93-94

head tells you that this must be Spirit Rock. A thftl you passthrough other areasof the city that may be
kail of smoke rises into the air from the top of the d interest.To your left, extendingtowardsthe distant
boulder, and you can just make out rnrall ."rr. edge of the cavem are the tombs of Djaratians,while
entranceat its basewhere it restson the "pinnacle.The to the right are shrinesto their gods. Do you want to
Shamanmust live at the top of the rock and, from all proceedby making for'
appearances,you assurnethat he is there at the
The tombs? Tum to r49
moment. However, the only way you are going to
gain accessto the cave is to scalethe pinnacle.If you The shrines? Tum to 295
are determinedto seekthe Shaman'said and ,"*l to The Templeof Sithera? Tum to 595
make the dangerousclimb, fum to ry2. lf you would
rather abandonthis approachand set off in searchof
the templeoncemofe, fum to r7E. You fall more than twentfietres down the sideof the
pinnacle,hitting rocky outcropsand ledgeson the way
down.You landheavilyamongthe bouldersat the base
of Spirit Rock,seriouslyinjured;you arecoveredin cuts
and bruises; you have several cracked ribs and have
sprainedyour left ankle (deduct 7 points from your
sTAMINA,z points from your srtn and r point from
your rucr). You areno longerin any conditionto climb
the rock so,having tendedto your wounds,you set off,
hobblingin greatpain,for the temple.Tum to r78.

The Decayer bursts into flameson contact with the
sourceof your fire and is soon consumedby ftre. You
carefully avoid the undead creafure as it stumbles
about in the chamber, screeching and deftly move
towardsthe door. Turn to r4E.


95 97
Your secondquestion.In reachingthe Necropolisyou At last you find yourself face-to-facewith the ancient
have ferried yourself acrossthe SacredLake.Bgt tell evil that you carneall this way to destroy.Remember
me this: who ip the Ferrymanof the Gods and Lord of to deduct any points of srln or srAMtNe damage
Rivers?'Convert the name of the deity that is the you may have already causedthe Mummy, then do
answerinto numbers,using the code A = a, B = z, battlewith Akharis,who tries to beatyou into oblivion
C = 3 .. . Z - 26. Add the numberstogetherthen with his powerfulfists.
tum to the paragraphwith the samenumber as the
total you have calculated.If you get it wrong, or if AKHAR.IS SKILL 15 sr AM I NA 25
you do not know the.answer, tum to z6z. lf you overcome your inhumanly strong, ultimate
opponent,tum to 556.
'Thankyou, my friend,' saysthe old knight. You are a
truly noble and honourablewarrior. Betweenus we A short figure suddenlyappearsin the open doorway.
have rid the land of one of the foul giant brethren.Let The man is dressedin plain grey robesand is wearing
us drink a toast together.Gordo!' he calls.lVhere are a mask with grotesquelyexaggeratedfeatures.'l am
you, man?'Femandez'scowardly manservantemerges the great Cranno,masterof a thousandroles,Possessor
from his hiding placeand approacheshis master.'Give of a thousandguises!'the little manbooms.Will you:
me the bottle of Old Samak'swe've got,' the old man
tells him. 'Here, my friend,' he says,passingyou the Ask Crannofor his helpt Tum to 5o4
bottle, 'this will revitalize your spirits.' You take a Attack him? Tum to r54
swig of the fortifted wine and immediately feel its Leavethe theatre? Tum to 8
effects.Restoreup to 4 srAMrNApoints and add r
point to your Attack Strength for the next combat
you are involved in. While Gordo tends Don Huan's
wounds,you wasteno more time in refuming to your
originalroute to the temple.Tum to zz6.

Roll one dice and uad r to9tL total; this is the number
of snakeswhich bite you as you pick your way over
their writhing mass.For eachbite, deduct r point from

t rE

your sfAMtNA and, for every two bites suffered, add r his heels into his nag's sides and levels his lance at
to your polsoN score as wellt If you survive the your chest.Continue as if you were conducting one-
venomous asps,tum to rE6. io.rnd of combat to determine the Attack Shength of
yourself and the madman,but do not deduct any
L()(, itnrt*^l points (he hasa SKILLof il.lf you have the
Ahead of you a broad set of stepsleadsup out of the higher At6ck Strength,tum to ro. If his is higher,tum
water and deeper into the tomb. At last you have to ztt.

What will you use againstthe Mummies:fire (tum to
r'8) or any charmsyou may have (tum to z4r)i!If you
at a stone door, whilti to the right it continuesinto have none of these,you will have to use your sword
darkness.Will you go to the left (h'rm to r.65) or to (turn to Sr).
the right (tum to rzf

L()1. You have chosen*.onrlr"Lnyour combination.Rather

'There are many,' Rhehotepreplies seriously.'lf you than the wall opening,a greatblock of stone pushes
are to reachAkharis'sburial chamber,you will have to out from the wa[],behindthe bull-god'sstatue.Looking
confront the Guardianof the Dead and overcomeit. up in horror, you seethe great stone colossustoppl-9
Also, bewareof Amentut, should you encounterhim' forward and at the sameinstant you start to run. Roll
He was Akharis's Vizier and is loyal even in death'' three dice. If the total rolled is less than or equal to
Refurnto 286. yonr sTAMINAscore,fum to 55;if it is greater,hrm to
Unforhrnately,this bizarrecharacterdoes not believe
the account you give of yourself. Why, you lying
cur!' he roars.'Where is the knightly apparelthat one

clearly not thinking rationally.With a shout,he kicks

t rE

You sooncometo un ur.lnli", in the right-handwall.

Beyondit is a flagstoned
chamber, decorated with yet
more wall-paintings.Howevet your attentionis drawn
to a magniftcentgolden statue of a rearing cobra on
the far side of the room. The statue, standing on a
finely chiselledplinth, is two metrestall and its jewelled
eyes sparklein the flickering light. Hanging from the
cobra'sheadis an amuletset with a pieceof malachite,
which may be of useagainstthe cult's curse-magic. Do
you want to enter the room, with the intention of
retrieving the amulet (tum to t56), or would you
preferto passit by and continuealong the tunnel (turn
to z47ll

As you flee,you hear the Draconbreakfree of the net
and launch itself into the air. Your heart pounding,
you are suddenlyknockedto the ground.As you lie in
the dust, trying to catch your breath,you feel blood
oozing from a gash on your back (deduct z points
trom your srevrnn). The Dracon lands and stalks
iowards you. 'Well, puny human,'it snarls,'let us see
what you can do with that lump of iron you call a
DRA CO N sKrlr 9 STAM TN A 1 4

The Dracon continuesto deride your skill and mock

you as you fight; as a result, you must reduceyour
Attack Strength by r point for the duration of this
battle. If you reduce the creature'ssreurNA to 5
pointsor less,tum at onceto 6r.

toraao ata-1L2

The diabolicalcreature,.ffirud from the underworld If you cleared a path to the box using fire, the flames
of Djaratianmyth, leapsat you, snarling.Your eirthly have now died down and you will either have to
weapon is uselessagainst the demonic spirit, which employ the same means again (remember to cross off
soon overcomesyou. Your body will be sacrificedto from your Adoenture Sheetwhatever you use to clear a
Sitheraso that Akharismay live again. path through the asps), in which case you will be
unharmed, or you will have to run for it. If you choose
ro8 the second option, roll one dice and deduct the total
If you have a torch, tum to z4o. Otherwise,you may from your srAMrNA score, due to the snake bites; for
use weapons such as Firepowder or a Yokka Egg every 2 sTAMINA points you lose, add r to your
against the swarm,but in the end you will have to porsoN score! If you survive, or if you dear a safe
resortto using your sword (tum to zzz). path using fire, turn to 54.

You notice a crackut tt of the sarcophagus and
"tU"u?. heavyhasbeenpushed
markson thefloor asif something Quickly exploringRimon'smarkets,you soon discover
what the many stalls have to offer. JerranFan hands
acrossit. Desperately,you push againstthe immense
you a bag containing3o Gold Piecesand leavesit to
stonecoffinin thehopeof revealinganescaperoute.Roll
you to decidewhat may be most usefulon your quest.
threedice.If the total rolled is lessthan or equalto your
Readthrough the list of items describedbelow and, if
srAMrNAscore,tum to zgo.lf it is greater,tum to r7r.
you buy anything, deduct the appropriatenumber of
Gold Piecesand record the item on your Adoenture
Sheel.\ou may buy only one of any item on this list
Using your sword,you slicethe top off the plant and,
unlessyou are told otherwise.
removing the spines,bite into its juicy flesh.The bitter
taste makesyou wince and, before you know what Ropeand Grapple- a length of rope with a metal hook
you are doing, you have swallowed some of the attachedat ohe end.Cost:f Gold Pieces.
liquid. As well as being protected by its spines,the
kooisions- you may buy any numberof meals.Cost:
Barbthorn has a second defence against would-be
r Gold Pieceper meal.
diners:it is poisonous.(Add z to your porsoN total
and deduct3 points from your srAMrNA.)Spitting out Lanternand Oil - eachuseof the lantem consumesone
the rest of the plant, you hurryron your way, leaving skin of oil. Cost: z Gold Piecesfor the lantem plus one
the toxic Barbthombehind.Tum to rr. skinof oil. Additional skins'r Gold Pieceper skin.

t rE
ttz tty-tt6

Healing Draught - each tot of this elixir restores aaT

You stop half-way along the corridor and begin to
sTAMINApoints equivalentto half your lnitial,score
(rounding fractions up). There are three tots in the search for the entrance to the hidden room that Rhe-
bottle.Cost:5 Gold Pieces. hotep spoke of. Test your Skill, adding z to the dice
roll. If you succeed,tum to 3z5.lf you fail, tum to
Anti-Poison- when drunk, this potion will reduceyour 145.
polsoN total by 4 points.Cost:4 Gold Pieces.

BrassTelescope - this finely crafted telescopeis one Even if Don Huan r"*ulaX, did attack you at your
of the most incredible examples of the metalworker's ftrst meeting, the eccentricold man is iust a witless
art that you have ever seen.Cost: 5 Gold Pieces. fool, and leaving him to a cruel death at the handsof
the Cyclops is not an action befitting a hero such as
Firepowder - an alchemicalcompound wrapped in a yourself(loser rucr point).Tum to zz6.
paper parcel with a taper protruding from one end.
IA/hen lit, within a tew seconds the package will ta,
explode (roll one dice to find out how many points With grim determination,you staggeracrossthe cham-
you may deductfrom the sTAMINAof any creaturein ber, sweatingprofusely.When you are past the fires
contact with it). You may throw the packageat an you collapse,exhausted(deduct r point from your
opponentat the start of a battle by successfullyTesting sreurNe). Unableto go on for the momentafter the
yourSkill.Cost:4 Gold Pieces. strength-sappingheat of the Path of Flames,you sit
down and rest.Ten minutespassbeforeyou feel ready
Torch- a length of wood with oil-soakedragswrapped
to set off once more. Getting to your feet, you march
round one end. Useful as either a light source or a
along the tunnel until you reach a door, covered in
flaming weapon.You may buy a maximum of three
goldJeaf,to your left. Do you want to try this door
torches.Cost: r Gold Pieceper torch. (tum to 4) or will you keep to your present path
Severalmerchants,who look as if they have done very (tum to zE4)?
well for themselvesfrom the trade, try to tempt you
into inspectingtheir slightly more unusual- and more tr6
expensive- wares.If you have some money left and The cultist is holding a smallearthenwarejar, inscribed
want to have a look at what they have to offer, turn with hieroglyphs,in her hands.Now you can also see
to r.5.Otherwise,you leavethe marketand set off on where the light in the room is coming from, for
your quest(tum to z4z). resting next to the cultist is a glowing white sphere.

a',.Ta'3 a7_rtzo

As she turns to leave the room, she seesyou and, jars smashed,you can also deduct 1 SKILLpoint from
picking up the sphere,hurls it at you. The blazingball the Mummy. Now, while Akharis is weakened, will
hits you in the chestand you feel its white-hot heat you:
scorching your body (deduct 4 points from your
sreurrun).Wieldingher curvedsword,the cultistruns Attack him with fire? Tum to 55o
at you. Use the Watersof Life, if you have
them? Tum to 64
Use a charmagainsthim? Tum to 85
If you win, tum to 36. Try to removehis death-mask? Tum to 295
Try to destroy the sarcophagus? Tum to 257
Use your sword? Tum to 97
The monster'snoctumd1,llr,a"ringsare not difficult
to trace, and after an hour you reach a wide cave
mouth in the hilly uplands.KnowingNandibears to be You do not have ,o *#t.g before you notice a
solitary predators,you approachwithout fear of meet- disturbancedown in the valley. From nowhere, it
ing the creature'smate.Enteringthe cave,your nostrils seems,a sandstormsuddenlyblows up but, as quickly
are assailedby a strong animalodour and the smellof as it appearedit dies down agairuonce the sand has
rotting meat. The monster'slair is littered with half- settled, you see a red-robed figure standing at the
chewedbonesand shatteredskulls.Testyour Luck.lf entrance to the tomb. It is the same cultist you
you are Lucky, tum to 44.1f you are Unlucky, tum to encounteredat the temple! He looks around for a
560. moment then disappearsinto the tomb. Swiftly you
descendinto the valley and dash across the sand,
rrE hoping to get there before the Giant Lizardsnotice
Not sure what else to do, you hurl the jar on to the you. Testyour Skill, adding z to the dice roll. If you
ground,smashingit to piecesand crushingthe mummi- aresuccessful,tum to 54E.If you fail, tum to 5o6.
fied bundle it held beneath your foot. Akharis's
Mummy doublesup in agonyasyou do so.Of course,
the preservedpackagemust be one of Akharis'smajor Beforeyou leavethe cavem, you setfire to the Demon's
intemal organs, removed by the priests of Sithera carcassand its web. Regain1 LUcKpoint for defeating
centuriesago, as part of the embalmingprocess.For sucha powerful opponent.Climbing backup the slope,
every earthenwarejar you have that you can destroy, you caneitherenterthepillaredhall (tum to 5o) or retum
deductr point from Akharis'ssTAMINA; for every two to the passagebeforethat and tum left (tum to 254)?


Beforeyou can reach het',,21the priestesscastsa spell.

At once thick, green smoke begins to pour out of
one of the braziersand in its midst you can see a
phantasmalshape forming. The demonic spirit has
the body of a huge jackal, with two dogJike heads
sprouting from its shoulders.Behind them a massof
serpent bodies writhe up along its back and two
scorpion tails lash menacingly behind it. Do you
have a Falcon Breastplate?If you have, tum to the
paragraph which is the same number as the number
of feathers on the falcon; if you haven't, tum to

After days of trudging through the desert,your legs
are just not strong enough to get you out of the
chamber in time. You are only a metre from the
archwaywhen the stafuecrashesdown on top of you,
cnrshingthe life out of your body.

In panic you sprint through the gorge - but, unforhl-
nately,not quickly enough.Severalrocks hit you and
knock you to the ground, shrnned (deduct 6 points
trom your sr.nurN,l).Turn to E9.

The tunnel you.ue following is soonjoined by several
othersfrom the left and right. Will you go straight on
(h,rmto z4g),takethe first to the left (tum to r8z), the
secondto the left (tum to z7z), the third to the left

t2ra26 t2ra29

(hrm to r95), the first to the right (tum to 5or) or the The powderswere usedby the cult's High Priestessto
secondto the right (tum to 6g)? communewith creafuresof the Pit. However, before
the summonedhellspawncan kill you, the templeroof
cavesio burying you alive.
You land the fatal Uo* llttne Dracon brings down
one of the other men. The other two trappersfling
themselveson to their mountsandgallop away,scre.un- In one comer of the ,ooilorfind a roundedgranite
ing in terror. 'lt seemsI owe you my thanks again,' catch.You pull it and the doorway in front of you
saysthe creature,'and as a sign of my gratifudeI shall slowly rises. Not waiting for it to open fully, you
give you a gift.'The greatbeastboundsup the sideof throw yourself through the gap as the spiked roof
a boulder, launchesitself into the air on its stubby meetsthe floor of the chamberbehind you. You have
wings, and disappears from view. You do not have to escapedthe Fangs of Sithera!Regain 1 LUcK point.
wait long, however,beforethe Draconrefums,holding Picking yourself up, you look around. A few metres
in its mouth an object which it drops at yow feet.The away is a T-junction;looking to the right, you can see
article is half a metre long and looks like a T-shaped a painted door, while to the left the passageis swal-
crosswhose top arm consistsof a loop. It is made of lowed up in the darkness.Will you go to the left (tum
solid gold and hastwelve preciousstonesset into it. It to ro5) or to the right (tum to frSF
must be very valuable.'l hopeyou find this acceptable,'
the Dracon says,'and thank you again,human.'With
that, the golden creatureflaps its wings and risesinto
the sky, leaving you alone again to continueon your
quest.Tum to z5o.

Carved from a single piece of bone the hom is well

made but is otherwise quite unremarkable.Retum to
Wondering what elseto do, you castthe powdersinto 129
the magical flames of the brazier. Thich choking, Nemsetis just too good for you - but then, she is an
green smokepours from the brazierand you can see, expert and you are iust a novice - and victory is soon
forming within it, a grotesque,demonic apparition. hers.Tum to gzz.

a5(Fa5t 432-a35

The passage soon ends at the entrance to a ruined As you stride confidentlffing the avenue,the two
room - and now you cannot believe your eyes. Re- guardsseeyou and,beforeyou can attempt any bluff,
flected in the light you are carrying is a huge pile of chargeat you. They are grotesqueto look at, with
jewels and gold coins! There is no way onwards human bodies but savage,bestial heads,and hands
through the room, so will you enter and take someof gnpping cruel pole-arms!Fight them both at the same
the treasure(tum to 84), leave the room and make Lime.
your way along the adloiningpassage,if you have not
done so already (tum to 37o), or retraceyour steps S K ILL S TA MIN A

back along the tunnel past the door by which you FirstTEMPLE GUAR.D 8 8
enteredthis part of the tomb (tum to 6tY Second TEMPLE GUARD 8 7

L3a If you win, you enterthe blackpyramid;tum to 542.

Keepingthe hills to your right, you trek acrossthe hot
sandsof a desertwhich stretchesas far as you can see
'I believe that there i, ;5i" such item in a hidden
to the north. After almost an hour's joumeying, you
catch sight of severalhillocks of sand, each with a room close to here. Leaving this chamber,furn left,
large opening at its summit,close to the edge of the then right, and the secretentranceis around there.'If
hills. Could these possibly be entrancesto Djaratian you later find yourself in this passage,you may look
tombs,although they are much doser than you would for the entranceto the hidden room by deductingroo
have expected?Do you want to investigate the hom the paragraphyou are reading at the time then
mounds (tum to 3,g)or will you keep well clear of hrming to this new paragraph.'There is also a charm
them and proceed along the outskirts of the desert that may be of use to you in the chamberof the
(tum to r89[ GoldenCobra,'Rhehotep adds.Retumto 286.


At a single word from the strangeman,a huge Sabre-
toothedTiger boundsthrough the doorway and across
the sandto attackyou beforeyou canreachits master.
If you win, tum to 237.

You think that fire *"rttt" an effective method of

attackagainstthe Decayer.If you have somemeansof
setting the skeleton on fire, such as a torch, Yokka
tii Eggsor a skin of oil, and you want to try this, tum to
94. If you do not, or if you do not wish to wastea fire
source(you cannotuseyour light, if you have nothing
else,so leavingyourselfin the darkness), tum to a5E.

Creepingtowards the huge golden cobra,you prepare
yourselffor any devioustraps that may have beenset.
As you step on to the last flagstonein front of the
statue,it gives way beneathyou. Testyour Skill.lf you
aresuccessful,tum to 7z;if you arenot, tum to zo6.

The Scorpiondextrously evadesyour defences,grabs
-'-ouin one of its clawsand its sting whips forward. Its
normallyfatalpoisonis iniectedinto your bloodstream,
fortunately you have built up a resistanceto such
ioxins (add + to your porsoN total and deduct 5
oointsfrom your sr.lvrNn). Now retum to z4z and
continueyour battle with the monster.

t5E-a5g r4cr42

138 140
The Mummy horde numbers fifteen in total. With Moving acrossto the archway,you direct your light
their atrophying handsoutstretchedin front of them, nto the room beyond.At the foot of a few steps,the
the powerful undead advance towards you. Fortu- foor of the chamberis completely covered by the
nately, becauseMummies are slow-moving,you can glistening bodies of hundreds of asps, a small but
fight them one at a time. EachMummy has srrn 9 venomousspeciesof snake!Only six metresaway, an
and srnulNa rz. (Rememberto reducethe total by uon box sits on top of a stone plinth. If you want to
any you may havealreadydestroyed.) If any individual attemptto crossthe room to the iron box, tum to zz.
battle lasts longer than nine Attack Rounds,tum to Otherwise,you haveno choicebut to leavethis place;
256. lf you manageto overcomeall the shambling ium to 54.
undead,turn to 567.

If you have a Carved itt"" t".", you could try

blowing into it to scareoff the Xoroa (tum to z6).If
you haveanythingelseyou may want to use,suchas
a Yokka Egg or Firepowder,tum to zt8 and use it
before you fight the two Warriors. If you have none
of the above,you will haveto rely on cold steelonce
more(tum to ar8). Thescarab slideseasily,^litf,u wall,asdoesthesnake
afterit. A grindingsoundbeginsbehindthewallandyou
watchexpectantly for thedoorto open.Tum to ro4.

Youhaveno ideawhereil?, in the floodedmaze.

Rollonedice.If you roll, "."

7. Tum to 569
2 Tum to rz4
5 Tum to zyz
4 Tum to 69
5 o r6 Tum to 4E


fury, the cultistsrun towards you, intent on avenging

Becauseof its insubrt*tif,lnifting form,blowsfrom themselvesby your demise.But the transformationof
your weaponpassshaightthroughthe SandGolem the statue-isnot over yet. With a tenible cracking
and will causeit only r srAMtNApoint of damage(z sound, fissuresappear all over Sithera'simage and
srAMrNApoints after a successful Testfor Luck).How- piecesof it break off and fall to the floor of the
ever, hits from the magicalcreatureare like punches charnber.At the sametime, great rifts form acrossthe
from an iron gauntlet covered in sandpaperand will walls of the dark temple and huge ciunks of masonry
still inflict 2 srAMrNApointsof damageon youl crashdown all round you. The whole templeis starting
to collapselThe cultists forget about you and, more
SAN D G OL EM srrll 8 STA M T N A 9
concemedover their own plight, try to flee from the
If you reduceyour opponent'ssteurNe to zero,you cmmblingbuilding. ]ust as you are thinking of follow-
breakthe spell animatingthe Golem,and it becomesa ing suit, two rotting hands reach out and grab you
harmless heapof sandoncemore(tum to r85). round the neck. Unravaged by fire, Akharis lives
again!Breakingfree of .the Mummy's grip, you must
now fight Akharisagain.

If you reduceAkharis'ssTAMINAscoreto 4 points or

lessin five Attack Rotnds or fewer,tum to 46.lf you
do not, beforeyour battleis evenover the templeroof
iallsin, crushingyou undertonnesof rock.

Something tells you to pull the Ankh out of your 145
backpackand brandishit in front of the statue.The Try as you may, you cannot find any hidden enhance,
Ankh glows with power in your grasp. The statue's and you start to think that the old ghost must have
piercing gaze falls on the ancientartefactand it stops been mistaken or confused after so many centuries. In
in its tracks.Then the stone limbs stiffen once more the end, in frustration, you give up the search. Retum
and the eldritchlight of its eyesfades.Screamingwith to zr5.

t rE
t46 t4r4E

146 47
Trudging through the desolate landscape,you are Where will you go now: towards the Temple of
alone except for a solitary bird riding the warm ther- Sithera(tum to gz) or to the village (tum to r97[
mals above the hills. After an hour, you hear the
sound of hoofs in the distancebehind you. Tuming
around,you canmakeout a cloud of dust approaching
from the south-west.As its gets closer you can see
that riding towardsyou on a gaunt,haggardsteedis a
tall, thin man wearing scrapsof armourand car4zinga
battered wooden shield and a wooden lance. He is
accompaniedby a short, round man riding a mule.
You cannot avoid these two peculiar characters,so
you wait for them to comeup to you.
'Halt, stranger!'thetall man hailsyou. He is wearinga
dentedhelmet and is sporting a drooping grey mous- The door is not lo"k"d,lrld on the other side is a
tache and a pointed beard;he also looks well on in regularly cut passagewayleading both to left and to
years lVhat are you doing in this region?' he asks, riftrt. rire *ilt coveredwith stylized carvingsof
almostaccusingly.You tell him that you are on a vital figures,human "t"
and semi-human, worshippingdemonic
missionand that time is of the essence.Testyour Luck. idlob.You decidenot to gaze too long at someof
If you are Lucky,tum to 542.lf you are Unlucky,tum the scenes,so you move on swiftly. Will you go to
to roz. the left (tum to rEo) or to the right (tum to 6l)?


Many of the tombs h#"9 been broken open and

looted, while others are no more than piles of rubble.
More disturbingly,however,you notice that the maior-
ity of those chamel-houses broken into have also had
their sarcophagismashedopen - and the bodies are
hissing. You begin to feel very uneasy, wandering
among the empty burial sites,and you decide to get
away from hereas quickly aspossible.
It is then that you heardreadfulmoaningas a chorusof
dead voices announcetheir presence.Blocking your
way back is a horde of shambling,bandagedhorrors.
Somestill look quite human,while othershave become
decayed,mouldering,bandage-wrapped skeletons.Will
you face the Mummies and try to force a way
through their ranks (tum to 5o5), or will you flee (tum
to z5E[

Loparunrollsthe PapyrusScrolland scansthe columns
of picturescript.'Ah,' he says,'do you know what you
have here?'You shakeyour head. 'This is a copy of
the hieroglyphicalphabetthat was used,centuriesago,
by the people of Diarat.'The Shamanexplainsto you
how to translatethe hieroglyphsinto Allansian.If you
ever come acrossany of this hieroglyphic script, you
will be able to hanslateit by subhactingzo from the
numberof the paragraphyou are on at the time, then
tuming to the new paragraphnumber. Now retum to

15a-155 t.5445'

The amulet you are *";tt": protects you from the 'Making your way onwards through the tomb, you
Evil Eye which the High Priestessis trying to use cometo anotherjunction.Will you veer off and follow
againstyou. Beforeshe can try anything else,you run the new passagethat leadsto the right (tum to zt5),
at the deviouswoman.Tum to 55o. or will you stickto this corridor (turn to rgoF
Extractedfrom the White Lotus flower, this oil is clear
and sweet-smelling,and is non-combustible.There is
alsonot very muchof it. Now retum to 15.

The sun is low in the ,Ur"ff the time you begin your
ascent.In this light, Spirit Rock takes on a deep red
hue and the veins of cryrstalsparkleas they catch the
sun'slast rays. If you have a rope and grapple,tum to
595.Otherwise,tum to 59r. '.56
You have chosenbadly' By moving BlackThree you
hee White Four, which rapidly reachesthe other end
of the board.You havelost.Tum to 3zz.
You haveentered*h"t ffi"rs to be a throne-room.
An omate golden chair, inlaid with precious stones,
standson a raisedplatformbetweentwo arches.Carved

guards,doubtlessburiedalongwith their king millennia

ago. You are determinedto press on, since you feel a57
that you haven't much furthei to go. Will you leave You press the next symbol and then the third' You
the throne-roomvia the right-hand archway (tum to can hlar a grinding of stone on stone and wait for the
z5)or the left-handone (tum to z5o)? door to open. Tum to ro4.

t rE
a5'Flt'g t6el6z

15E t6o
As you recover from the latest test of your mettle, Mummies cannot move quickly becauseof their con-
you begin to itch all over and, looking at your hands, stricting bandages,so will you run at them with your
you canseescalesformingon your skin!Thismutation sword dr"*t (tum to 5r) or, if you can, will you use
must be an effect of the poison on the Caarth's somethingelseagainstthem first (fum to rolf
weapons!The irritation gradually dies down and, as
you will no doubt soon discover,your affliction may
have its advantages.If you ever suffer damagefrom
edged weapons,such as swords or daggers,roll one
dice;on a roll of 5 or 6, you may reducethat damage
by r point, thanks to the hard scalescovering your
body.Tum to z5r.

'I am sorry, but I cannot give you what you desire,'
says the dog-headedShaman.'Now lie down beside
this fire and let sleeptakeyou.'Tum to 76.

Taking the spherein your hands, you suffer no ill-
effects.You sensethat you can see somethinginside
it, so you rub its surfaceto see if you can uncover
anything. Suddenlyyou feel &zzy and disorientated.
Your vision swimsand the room spinsround you until
you :re no longer sure that you are still in the same tGz
place.You closeyour eyesto try to stop the whirling You are at a crossroadsin the tunnels.Will you go left
and then, feeling steadier,open them again. Tum to (h"rmto r95), right (tum to 287\ot shaight on (hrm to
547. rooF

tr tr

The mummified animals stalk prowl and slither to-
wards you. In the confines of the corridor only two
can attack you at the same time. (Any you have
alreadydestroyedcomefrom the top of the list')



16Gt67 r.6E-l7o

meat and stuffed ftgs. After several thousandyears, t68

most of the food left for Akharis to consumein the Shakingthe rattle, you advanceon the Mummy -
afterlife has spoiled.However, if you want to spend who merely punchesyou in the stomach,causingyou
some time searching,you could probably find some to drop the charm. Deduct z points from your
items that, preservedby the dry air of the tomb, are srAMrNA andtum to zr.5.
still edible.If you want to look for provisions,tum to
zro. Otherwise there is nothing else here, so you L69
leaveand follow the other passage(fum to rz). Your feet touch the tunnel floor and you are safely
over the chasm.Having rested for a minute, you set
off again,until you come to a junction.Will you now
go to the left (turn to 4o) or to the right (tum to gF

Having constructed your fire, you settle down to
r.66 sleep.Tesfyour Luck.lf you are Lucky,the night Passes
The processof removing the rocks from the blocked peacefully(restore2 srAMtNApoints)and in the mom-
entrance is very tiring as well as time-consuming. ing, having consulted Jerran'smap once more, you
Deductr point from your srAMrNAthen roll one dice. headnorth towards the temple (tum to 5). If you are
If you roll an odd number,tum to zzy.lf the number Unlucky,tum to 575.
rolled is even,tum to 5r9.

'What help do you require?'the man asks.Will you
ask whetherhe can aid you in any way on your quest
(turn to s1g) or askhim what he knows of the Shaman
(tum to 589)?

t rE

a7a-r7t a74-a75

a7a :cnsationassailsyour stomach.The plantsthe pungent

After all you have had to face,your musclesare just lrup is made from are toxic (deduct 4 points from
too weak to achievethe mighty task you need them i-our srAMrNa and add z to your porsoN score).
for. As the burid chamberfills with sand,you have to \ow do you want to try rubbing some of the
abandonyour attempt and consignyourself to death. syrupon your body instead(tum to ztg) or drinking
In minutes the chamberis full and your advenfureis ;ome of the sweet-smellingliquid (tum to 8z),
over. rr will you leave the embalmingchambers(tum to

xrambling down frorn the safety of the rocky ledge,
1-ouwalk slowly towards the beast. Hearing your
:ootsteps,the Dracon tums its headin your direction
andlets out a tenifying roar. You notice that, with the
reature's struggling,the stakesholding the net down
r-recomingloose.Do you want to:

Before you can throw yKr"lf out of the way, the Show the beastyou meanit no harm
mud-ball rolls into you, knocking you to the ground and keepwalking towards it? Tum to 196
Severalof the stonesembeddedin it gash your :ums Draw your sword and prepareto
and legs (deduct z points from your srevrNe). As defendyourself? Tum to 562
you struggleto standup, the beetleattacks. Make a run for it while vou still
can? Tum to zy5
For the first Attack Round of this battle reduceyour 475
Attack Strengthby r point as you are still getting to Very well,' the Sphinx intones. Tlere is your first
your feet. If you defeat the overgrown insect,tum to 'pestion.Who designedand built the tomb of the evil
55a. onewhom you seek?'If you know the namethat is the
inswer to the Sphinx's question, convert it into a
:rumberusing the code A = L,B = z, C = 3 and so
You take a swig fro* tf,151", and swallow quickly. on; then tum to the paragraphwith the samenumber.
You immediatelydoubleup in pain asa terriblebuming .1youdo not know the name,tum to z6a.

Et t r
Before you can reach the Mumrnies, a cold shiver
passes over you. The statue of Sithera is glowering
down at you malevolently. Suddenly, a cultist leaps
into your path wielding a huge, curved blade! You
must fight him.


If the battle lasts more than six Attack Rounds,more

cultistssurroundyou; tum to 558. If the battle lastssix
roundsor fewer,and you win, tum to r58.

Opening the darkwood door, you enter a square
room, on the far side of which an archway leads
into a second, darkened chamber from which you
can hear a hissing noise and the slithering of scaly
However,beforeyou will be ableto reachthat chamber
you will have to defeat the guardiansof this outer
one. Dressedin faded Djaratianrobes,two horrifying
figures are advancing towards you. In the flickering
light you can make out their skeletalhuman bodies,
and you recoil at the sight of their serpentheads,still
covered in patdres of snake-skin,and their glowing
red eyes.If you would rather slamthe door shut again
and escapefrom here immediately,turn to s4; other-
wise, you will have to fight Sithera'sminions at the
sametime as they attackwith talonedhands.

L7E tTytEo


If you manageto kill this ferociousmonstet tum to
SERVANT 8 7 244.-

If you succeedin winning two consecutiveAttack

Rounds against either of these hellspawn,the spell
animatingits body will be broken and it will collapse
into a pile of bones. If you defeat the Demonic
Servants,tum to r4o.

There are riches f,"ru U"?3nd your wildest dretrms!

Mesmerizedby the treasurehoard beforeyou, you are
only dimly aware of a rushing sound coming from the
main chamber.At last you look around- and seewith
horror that the burial chamber is filling with sand,
pouring down from holes in the ceiling. It is already
kneedeep as you wade back towards the door, where
The sun setsover tt *"t?3* horizon and you settle you find that it has closedagain and that there is no
" somerocks.The
down to rest between night is warm handleon this side!In a matterof minutesthe room will
and you are soonfast asleep. . . be completely filled with the sands of the desert
You wake up with a start, hearingthe snufflingsound above, burying you alive. Greed has proved to be
made by some large creaturenear by. You have just your downfall!
unsheathedyour sword when the beast comes into
view between the boulders. In the moonlight the
creaturelooks like a crossbetweena bearand an ape,
but it is largerthan either.Smellingyou, the Nandibear
tums to face you and lets out a blood-curdlinghowl. 18o
It hasdecidedthat tonight it will feaston its favourite The passagecontinuesfor quite a Way without chang-
food - humanbrains! ing direction. At last you come to a black-painted

ttr. r.Ez-tE1

{oq in the right-hand wall of the passage;a silner r'Ez

\*ag protrudes from it. Do you want to try to open you reacha T.junction. Will you now go
this door (tum to arE) or walk further along the bthe left (tum to +E) or to the right (tum to tz4)?
passage(tum to 296[

Therecanbe no doubt tnffi" Golemwas an emissary

d the Cult of the Cobra,sentto stop you reachingthe
tlrb. As the day grows hotter, you redouble your
cfiorts and force yourself onwards, determined to
drwart the evil sect'splans.At last you find yourself
tazing over the top of a great rift in the hills. At the
If you have someriruporrlE"l or a yokka Egg, you can bottom of the steep-sided,sand-blownvalley you can
use either of them to diskact the Cydops; Test your dearly seea dark rectangularopening in the side of a
Skill iI you do this and, if you are successful,reduceits diff, surroundedby large, carefully cut blocks of stone
srAMrNA score by the appropriate amount before bearingcarvedreliefswhich areunmistakablyDjaratian.
fighting it (tum to a+E). If you do not have any such You have found the Tomb of Akharist However, you
specialitems, you will have to be satisftedwith ttuow- may still not be able to enter safely,sincefrom your
ing rocks at the beast. Tnt your Skill. lf you are vantage-pointyou canseetwo giant,fourJeggedlizards
successful,roll one dice. If you roll a 6, tum to tg9; rt *anding close to the entrance.Both are saddled and
you roll any other number, deduct z points from the hamessed, but thereis no sign of whoeveror whatever
Cyclops'srAMrNAbeforefighting ib fum to z4E. Even has ridden them here. Do you want to approachthe
if you fail, you still athact the monstey's attention, tomb immediately (tum to 276)or will you wait to see
even though you do not wound ib tum to z4t. whetherany further developmentsensue(tum to u9[

r.84-tt6 rETr.EE

aE4 only after you have openedthe iron casketthat you

You manage to trap White Four securely,but liVhite discovera problem'lying in the bottom of the box is a
Two is left unchallengedand in three moves the game long, rolled-up papyrus scroll and crawling all around
is all over: Nemsethaswon. Tum to 5zz. and over it are severaldeadly scorpions,eachas big as
a man'shand.If you want to take the scroll, Testyour
you lift'it out safely;tum to
Skill.lf successful,
zoo. If you fail, you disfurb the scorpionsand have to
mdure their stings!Roll one dice and divide the result
by two (rounding fractions up) then add this number
to your polsoN score;tum to zoo. Altematively, you
may decideagainstretrieving the scroll and so attempt
to leavethe room; tum to rrr.

a8s Kneeling down at the water's edge, you cuP your
Yelling, you run at the leader of the cultists.At the handstogether and, having dipped ttrem in the pool,
last moment he deftly sidestepsout of Srourway, and gulp d"* a great mouthful. Almost instantly your
you end up sprawlingin the dirt. Testyour Luck.lf you stomachis seizedby a tenible buming pain.The water
are Lucky,tum to 565.1fyou are Unlucky,tum to 55. of the oasisis poisoned!You writhe around in agony
for severalminutes before the acute pain passes,but
you are left feeling weak and nauseous (deduct +
pointsfrom your sTAMINAand add z to your PoIsoN
score).Once you feel ableto continueagain,you leave
the treacherousoasisto explore the ruined remainsof
the temple.Turn to 9i46.


Standing on the plinth, clearof the snakes,you study
the box and find that it has a simple,hinged lid. It is here.

Et r
You have not gone mudr further when suddenly a
lizarre creatureappearsover the crest of a sand-dune
h front of you. Its headand torso are human,but from
tre waist down its lower body and legs are those of a
giant ant! The Xoroa for that is what you :re now
h.i.g, standstwo mekes tall and is coloureda deep
reddishbrown all over. The creafure'seyes are silver
nd, insteadof outer ears,two flexible,antJike feelers
ortend forward from the top of its head.This Xoroa
Warrior has been patrolling the arearound its colony
and it makesangry clicking soundsat your intrusion.
Armed with a short spear, the guard attacks in-

If you win, tum to 55r.

The further you progress,the more cracksand fissures
you notice covering the floor of the tunnel. Just as
you .ue considering tuming bad<" the tunnel floor
gives way and,yelling, you fall through utter darkness
for severalseconds.Your cry is cut short by the shock
of hitting water.Surfacing,you allow your body to be
carriedalong by the fast-movingcurrentof a subterra-
neanriver.Tum to zEo.

Your sword drawn, you run into the room uttering a
shout.At the last instant,the cultist tums and PrePares
to defendhimselfwith the staff he is carrying.

492-tg, r.g4-tg6

7 srAMrNAz you whole! Trapped inside its stomach, you quickly
suffocate before its powerful digestive acids begin
If you win, a swift search of the cultist's clothes their work.
reveals nothing of use to you except two meals'
worth of provisions (add these to .yow Adomture
Sheet).Still no wiser as to the cultist's actions, you The Shamancan tell ,or, "riJr" about an obiect only if
searchthe chamberbut discovernothing. All you can you have a numberassociatedwith it. If you do have
do now is continue along the tunnel; eventually it such an item, multiply the appropriate number by
fums right again,bringing you to the top of another thirty, then fum to the paragraphwhose number is the
flight of stone steps that lead still deeper into the siune as the total. After you have discoveredmore
tomb. You have no choice but to descen4 fum to about your obiect, you will be retumed to this para-
zr.6. graph. When you have finished showing Lopar your
items,he says to you, Now lie down besidethis fire
andlet sleeptakeyou.'Tum to 76.
The talismanstarts to f"lii". Holding it up by ts
chain,you seethat the sun is glowing brightly. There 195
is a suddenflash,then a blazing beam of light shoots The only sound in the tunnels is the gentle lapping of
from the amuletinto the undeadhorde with devastat- the water against the walls. Rounding a comer, you
ing effect.Severalof the Mummies immediatelyburst come to a large intersection.Which way will you go
into flamesas their bonedry wrappingsignite under now?
the heat of the beam.Roll one dice and add z. Make a
note that this is the number of Mummies you have First left? Tum to 5or
alreadydeshoyed.The talisman'spower is expende4 Secondleft? Tum to 254
but Akharis's servantshave already sufferedthi wrath First right? Tum to 69
of the sun god! Now will you attack the remaining Secondright? Tum to ar7
undead with fue (tum to r.8) or your sword (fum to Shaight ahead? Tum to r4z
493 Raising your hands in a gesfure of peace you move
Catching you off guard, the serpent evades your doser to the Dracon, telling it that you mean it no
feeble blows and strikes swiftly. In an instant its harm. You are somewhat surprised when the beast
mouth hasclosedround you and the monster swallows snarlsin reply, Well, get this infemal net off me then!'

a9Ta99 2o,(>2()1

Will you do as the creature demands (turn to zt) or 2o()

leave it bound (tum to 582)?
-nrolling part of the scroll,you seethat it is covered
n picture-writing and illustrations in the Djaratian
497 dyle. Scanningthe ftrst'few columnsof hieroglyphs,
At present you are wandering through the deserted urd utilizing your growing knowledge of the ancient
streets of a Djaratian workmen's village where the )jaratian language, you translate them to discover
people who laboured to build the Necropolis once $eir meaning.It appearsthat the scroll you have in
lived. Their basic dwellings are in ruins now and there lour handsis an ancientDjaratianTook of the Dead',
is nothing of use to you here. However, as you are a guide to the joumey through the underworld contain-
returning to the central avenue through the City oi ng spellsto aid dead people making the joumey and
the Dead you come upon a craftsman'sworkshop, stili nformation suchas the fact that they must facethirteen
almost intact. Looking inside, you notice an iron ring ruzardson their joumey. This could prove very useful.
attached to a flagstone in the middle of the room. Ii Rollingup the scrollagain,you put it in your backpack.
you want to try to lift the flagstone, tum to 67. lum to rrr.
Altematively, you can leave the workmen's village
and explore the low stone buildings, if you haven't
already done so (tum to 56), or make for the Temple Your sixth sensescreamiffir.r, you throw yourself
of Sithera(tum to 9z). iorwardjust as the floor gives way beneathyou. You
^andheavily just on the far side of the pit-hap, winded
hut alive. The bottom of the deep, sheer-sidedpit is
ag8 Slled with cmelly pointed metal spikes!You had a
The inscription reads: Twice upon the door to knock, closeescapeindeed!You continue on your way ex-
thrice upon the door unlock. If you know how many remely cautiously. The passagesoon fums to the
times you must knock upon the door, tum to the right and, following it, you come upon an archway,
paragraph with the same number. If you do not, you surroundedby carvings, in the left-hand wall. If you
will have to press on further into the tomb, tum to followeda cultist into the tomb, tum to 45. If you did
574. not,tum to 7t.

your.o.t tiir'rf,e Cyclopson its temple

in just the right place to kill it outrightl Regain 1 LUcK
point. Tum to 52.


Hearinga clicking sound,you look along the length of
the room. At its far end, standingin fiont of a grand
set of double doors,are two tenifying creafures.They
appearto be a cross between humans and gigantic
scorpions,with the headsand torsos of men but the
bodiesand deadly stings of desertarachnids.Carrying
polearms,theseare the demonicAccursed,oncehuman
but now seruantsof the Demon Prince.If you are to
gain accessto the third level of the tomb, you will
haveto vanquishthem in battle.Becauseof their great
size,fight the Accursedone at a time.

FirstACCURSED ao 7.o
SecondACCURSED g r-I

If either of the Accursedwins an Attack Round, roll

one dice. On a roll of 5 or 6, insteadof hitting you
with their polearms,they strike you with their stings
iadd r to your polsoN scoreas well as losingz points
from your sravtN,l). If you overcomethe demonic
guards,tum to r55.

Evading the Mummy's flailing .ums, you grab the
death-maskand pull it from Akharis'shead,flinging it
to the ground. At once the Mummy howls with pain
and its movement seems to become slower. Your
actionhascost Akharis 1 sKILLpoint and 2 sTAMINA
poinis of damage(rememberto make a note of the
number of points of damage Akharis has already

2o4-20,5 2orzao

suffered).You now have no choice but to'fight the 207

Mummy. Tum to 97. You have almost reachedthe caveentrancewhen you
fall. There is no way you could survive a fall from
zucha height. When you hit the ground, your body is
smashedto pieceson the bouldersat the foot of Spirit
Rock.Your advenfureis over.

Keepingout of sight of the guards,you creep round
the side of the pyramid and soon discoveran altema-
tive way into the temple.There is a small hole, half-
You find yourself*"lki,',;;:ng a rectangularpassage-
way up the side of the pyramid severalmetresabove
way cut into the rock of the cliff. Daylight entering
you. You could easily scrambleup to it - but it could
from outside illuminatesthe tunnel for only a short
be a trap. Do you want to risk it and climb up to the
way - beyond that there is nothing but darkness.If
hole (furn to 77),or will you use the main entrance
you have a perrnanentlight-source, say a lantern,
afterall (tum to rlzF
torch or lamp, turn to 3o7.If you have no meansto
light your way, fum to z5g.

This is a foolishmove*ili leavesthe way clearfor

WhiteFour.Nemsetwinsthegamein just two moves.
Tum to 3rz.
The small pyramid has been carved out of a piece of
quartz crystal; it refracts the light from the sun inside
it into a myriad colours.Now refum to r.5.

Your ;:f enough. Helplesslyyou Your searchis quite fruitful and you manageto accumu-
plunge into the pit,"",the bottom of which is filled with late enough food for 4 meals (add these to your
bubbling acid.No one escapesfrom the Venom of the AdoentureStuet).Preparingto leave the offerings cham-
Cobra! bers,you tum back towards the stone door. With a

2At- 242-2'.5

crackingsound, fragmentsof plaster start flaking off 242

one of the wall-paintings.You watch, startled, as a Becauseyou have the elementof surprise,the cultist is
life-sizeftgure from the mural begins to emergefrom prevented from using any trickery against you, and
the wall, assuminga three-dimensional form as it does you gain an unopposed strike. Then the cultist snarls
so. The Djaratiansbelievedthat figures of servants and h"rmson you.
paintedin the tombswould magicallycometo life to
servethe deadking. This is exactlywhat is happening CULTIST sxnr 6 srAMrNA5
now as the food store'sguardianpreparesto deal with If you win,fum to g6.
a thief- youl
7 sravrNe 6 245
Trudging through the deathly stillness of the tomb,
If you kill the servantlat your final blow the guardian you wonder what other surprisesand horrors await
crumblesinto a heap of plaster-dust,allowing you to you before your quest comes to an end. The tunnel
leave.Tum to rz. turns right and you continue to walk along it for
severalmehes.Tum to 25i4.
You try to leap out of ,fi"""*u, but the lance strikes
you in the middle of your chest,pushing you to the As your opponent falls, so does lerran's. Before you
can stop him, the third cultist furns tail and flees
ground (deduct 3 points from your srnrrarrue).Un-
towards the markets.What will you do now? Will you
sheathinghis rusted weapon,the man bearsdown on
you, shouting,'Die,Demon!You cannotprevailagainst pursue the cultist and try to stop him before he can
wam the rest of the sect (furn to 1g4),leave Rimon
the honourof Don Huan Femandez, Knight of Vastille!'
immediately,with the intention of heading the culust
For the first Attack Round,reduceyour Attack Strength
off on the way to the tomb (tum to z4z), or ignore
by r point becauseyou arelying on the ground.
*re cultist and visit the markets to prepare for your
FERNANDEZ sKrLL 7 STAM T N A 7 quest(tum to rrz[
If you reduceyour opponent'ssrAMrNa score to 5 245
points or less,tum immediatelyto 255. You now have only three options open to you, since
Akharis is upon you. You can either attack him with
your sword (furn to g7), W to remove his death-mask
(tum to zg5) or try to destroy the sarcophagus(hrm
to 257).


,{s you descendthe steps you are amazedat the
amountof heat,transmittedthrough the sandand rock
of the desertabove, in the tomb. Through your con-
siant exertions,beadsof sweatstart to breakout on
1'our skin. The staircaseleads into a low-ceilinged,
squarechamber,on the far side of whlch is a fine
woodendoor with gildedhandles.
However, resting against the wall to the left of the
door is a grotesque,mouldering,human skeleton,still
wrappedin rotting clothes.The air round the colpseis
heavy with diseaseand decay,and sunk deep in their
socketsare two vacant,sickly yellow eyes.Cautiously
you step towards the door and immediately the
skeletoncomesto life and lurchesjerkily towardsyou,
its claws raised.You are going to have to fight the
foul Decayer!Will you use your sword (tum to 258)
or someother weapon(tum to r55)?

All the tunnels toot lr"riLuch alike. Coming to a

junction,will you now takethe first to the left (tum to
5or) or the secondto the left (tum to r8z), or turn to
the right (tum to z7z)?

You have strayed inside the boundary of the land
round a Xoroa colony which the two Warriorsyou are
now facing have been guarding. You must fight the
ant-menat the sametime.

2Ar22t 222-224

t:tjt STAMINA Se treasure chamber, but on your way out you grab a
FirstXoRoA wARRIoR :andful of gems, worth between 3 and s Gold Pieces
SecondXOROA roll one dice and add z to the number rolled) and a
WARRIOR lo Lo 3ronze Rattle - a sacred device used in religious
:eremonies.Now tum to ro5.
If you manageto defeatboth of them,tum to ggt.
249 )esperatelyyou hack at the swarrnwith your sword,
The synrp is used by embalmersto toughen and Tying to preventthe waspsfrom stingingyou. Fight
preservethe body as part of the mummificationpro- ie insectsasif they wereone opponent.
cess.Rubbingit on your skin toughensit so that from S'iVARM sK rLL9 STAM IN A 7
now on you may reduceany extemalphysicalinjuries
you may suffer, say in battle, by r sr.lurNe point. Secausethe swarm is made up of many creatures,it
However,this tougheningmakesyour skin lessflexible xrll be difficult to iniure, so for the duration of this
and so hampersmovement(reduceboth your current :attle you must reduce your Attack Strength by r
andlnitialsrlrr. by z). Now will you: roint. If the swarm wins an Attack Round, deduct z
:oints from your srAMrNAand add r to your porsoN
Drink someof the syrup? Tum to r73 score.If you win, tum to 5oz.
Drink from the other jar? Turn to tz
Leavethis place? Tum to 579 225
5o, you managedto retrieve the Serpent'sEye from
ire tomb,' the priestesssayswith a voice like velvet.
Putting the hom to y#"tips, you blow hard. A In that case,obey my will. Kneel!'You are unableto
resonatingblastechoesacrossthe hills but doesnothing :esist.The evil artefact round your neck makesyou
to stop the Golem'sadvance.A gritty ftst shikesyou in zusceptible to the will of the Demon Prince'sminions.
the face(deductz points from your srnulNn). Swiftly You remainmotionlessas the life-forceis drawn from
.;ourbody so that Akharismay live again.
you draw your sword,ready to retaliate.Tum to r45.

|ust in casethe undeadiitTr"insane loyalty should lhere is nothing remarkableabout the key, and Cranno
bring him backto life oncemore,you set ftre to his you he has never found a lock that it ftts. Retum
colpse.Havingdoneso,you do not delayin leaving -lls
10 559.

225-227 zzE

and strangleyou, causingdamageequalto the roll of

Time will wait no l""r"r:it, you watch, the ghost of onedice!EachAttack Roundafter this, you must strike
Rhehotep fades. 'May the good gods of Djarat go successfullyto free yourself from its grip or take the
with you, brave adventurer. . .' is the last thing you sameextra damageagain.If you overcomethe undead
hearhim say beforehis spirit departsthis world at lasf. guard,tum to 5r9.
Turn to r54.
zz6 The door opens into an antechamberwhich is decor-
Dusk falls and still you have not sighted the temple. atedwith paintedreliefsof the Diaratiansat war with
Here,on the fringesof the Desertof Skulls,the nights variousnations and desert tribes. Beyond this room,
are as freezingas the days are scorching.If you havea through an archway, is another, smaller one. In the
Yokka Egg, hrrn to E5. Otherwise, do you want to centre of this second room stands a plain alabaster
build a fire to keep you warn, assumingyou have pedestalon which, glinting in the light you are carry-
some me:rnsof lighting one (tum to t7o), or would ing, you seea smallfigurine of a cat madefrom jet. As
you rather not risk attracting the attentions of any you considertaking this treasure,you becomeaware
noctumalhunters(turn to 5r)? of the two life-sizestatuesof men, armedwith spears,
standingone either side of the archway.Do you want
to enter the inner chamberand take the cat (turn to
As you clear away th" .u"b?", you are intemrpted in :5r) or will you leave this room and retum to the
your labours by the anival of one of the tomb's passage outside(tum to 296[
wandering guards. With lifeless, rotting flesh, long
dank hair and tatters of Djaratiangarmentsclinging to
its decayingflesh,the Tomb Stalkerstumblestowards
you, moaning.If you do not want to fight the deathly
guard, you can stop clearingthe passagewayand run
back along the tunnel, following it past the cedar-
wood doors (tum to zS4).Otherwise,you will have to
TOMB STALKER srrrl 8 stevrNe 6
If the Tomb Stalker wins two consecutiveAttack
Rounds,it will grab your neck in its powerful hands


Entering the passageway,there is a sudden drop in
temperatureand you cannot help feeling that your
llght does not penetrate the darknessas well as it
should.Without waming,a huge claw sinksinto your
back, tearing your flesh to the bone. Screamingin
pain, you stare,horrified,as a great ball of fire comes
hurtling down the conidor and engulfs you. From
amid the flames,a spear-wieldingcorpse thrusts its
weaponbetweenyour ribs, and all around cruel faces
laugh at your distress.Can this really be happening?
Testyour Skill.lf you succeed, tum to 7o.lf you fail,
bumto 52.

You pressthe vulture symbol next and then the snake.
Thereis a momentof tenseanticipationas you wonder
whetheryou have madethe right choice,then the wall
swings open. Stepping through the secretdoor, you
find yourself in a short corridor which ends after only
ten mehes at a bizarre portal carved to resemblea
gapingserpent'smouth.Betweenthe fangs,pin-pricks
of silver light swirl within a black void. There is no
sign of the cultist, and the portal is the only way
forward, so will you enter it (tum to S+il or retrace
your steps to the original tunnel, which tums right
and leadsyou deeperinto the tomb down a flight of
steps(tum to z16)?

As you searchthe Snakemen'sbodies, you wonder
what they are doing in the tomb. The Giant Lizards

Et r
212-25t 23,4-256

you encounteredmust have been their mounts. It is you do not see the missing steps and, losing your
likely that the Caarth were investigating goings-on footing, fall the rest of the way down the steep,very
here becauseof the proximity to their lands and the long staircase.Lying at the bottom of the steps,
connection with the Demon Prince, Sith, whom they stunned,you are only dimly aware of the sound of
worship. These two can only have been scoutsfrom a footsteps and a sibiliant hissing before a poisoned
larger party, as they are carrying nothing of use to blade is plunged into your heart. You perish horribly
you in terms of provisions or treasure. in the darkness.Your adventureis over.
Leaving the dead Caarth, you make your way to the
far side of the pillared haII and leave tluough an
archway, which is the only exit. You enter another You passunder u ,".tion'5i roof coveredwith thick
short passagewhich ends at a T-junction.Both routes slime and, as you do so, some drips on to you.
look exactly the same,so far as you can see by your Unfortunatelythe vile gunk is acidic (deductz points
light, so will you take the left- (tum to fg6) or the from your sraurra). Now wherewill you go?
right-hand tunnel (tum to ZsF
Left, then left again? Turn to r8z
Left, then straight on? Tum to r95
In the alcove i, ..yrtulry2orb,resting on a golden Straighton? Tum to 569
" bowl containing brightly coloured
stand, an alabaster
powders, and a flask fashionedin the form of a viper, 255
containing someblack liquid. What will you try to use Crouchinglow againstthe top of the cliffs,you encoun-
to aid your escape? ter no hostile denizensof these parts and, once past
the gorge,you follow a stony track down towardsthe
The crystal orb? Tum to 5t lower ground and rejoin your original path. Tum to
The coloured powders? Tum to ra6 90.
The viper's venom? Tum to 297
While you battle on, the other Mummies slowly sur-
You proceedcarefuIlyffi ,^" tunnelinto the all- round you and grab you with their decaying hands.
enveloping bladcness.Slowly edging forward, you Unable to move, you :re totally helpless as the High
ftnd yourself at the top of a flight of steps and begin Priestess casts her spell, draining your life-force to
to makeyour way down. Totally blind in the darkness, resurrect Akharis. Your adventure is over.

231259 24o..41

Tl'owing asidehis rn"rk?f,:-an runs down the steps While you are lighting the torch, the waspscan sting
from the platform and falls to his knees beside the you unopposed(deductz points from your srAMrNA
prone body of his dead pet, tears streamingdown his and add r to your porsoN score).However, wielding
face. Then he fums to you and, between great sobs, the blazing torch, you will be able to harm the swarrn
managesto splutter,'l'm sor4r. Oh pleasehave mercy. more effectively.
I don't mean anyone any harm; I just like to be left in
peace.'Seeingthe man in such a state,you are ftlled

with remorse and leave the ruined theatre before you Becauseyou are using an unusualweaporyyou must
causeCranno any more grief. Tum to E. reduce your Attack Strength by r point for the dura-
tion of this battle.If the swarmwins an Attack Round,
as well as losing 2 srAMrNApoints you must add r to
You tum tail and *" *r.*lhe hbyrinthine depths of your polsoN score.If you overcomethe swarm,tum
the tomb district. Rounding a comer, you almost run to 5oz.
shaight into anothergroup of Mummies,then a third
group emergesfrom a side-street.Surrounded,you do
your best to fend off the lumbering undead but, even
with ftre as a weapon, you are evenfually overcome

by the sheerforce of their numbers.Your advenfureis


If you are wearing ffi Tahsmaru multiply the

You have not travellea "#aong the passagewhen "
numberof light rays projecting from it by eight, then
you come to a junction: another low corridor leads turn to the paragraph with the samenumber as the
away to the left. Do you want to follow this new total. Anything else you may have has no effect on
tunnel (tum to 5o5) or would you prefer to stick to theseundead;so will you fight them with fire (tum to
your presentroute (tum to aS+F rt) or with your sword (tum to lrl

F 24r247

scorpion and strike its claw. Releasingits grip on Nandibear.The creaturestill lies where it fell and you
|erran's body, the grotesquecreaturetums to ittack # canmakeout its hacksamongthe rocks.Its lair cannot
G I A NT SC ORPION sxrlr 8 srA MrNA1 0
be far away,and you wonder what treasurescould be
Kiddenthere. If you want to follow the Nandibears
tracksin the hope of finding its lair, tum to tr7-lf yort
would rather not make this diversion from your jour-
ney,tum to 557.

545. Unfurling the scroll, you scan the columnsof hiero-
glyphs for a spell to help you. As you do so, Akharis
245 grabsyou and hurls you to the floor (deduct4 points
It is a close-runthing, but you just beatNemsetto the from your STAMINA). Droppingthe scroll,you PrePare
to fight; turn to zr5.

You side-stepswiftly so that the mud-ball rolls past
you harmlessly.Angrily, the beetlescuttlesforward to
water, etchedwith the Djaratiansymbol for life. ,Take
the Sun Talismanand the Waters of Life,' says the If you overcomethe overgrowninsect,tum to 55r.
princess,'and may they help you thwart the evil one.,
If you ever want to drink the Waters of Life (but not 2,47
when you are in the middle of a combat),makea note Proceedingalong the tunnel, you are startled to hear
of the paragraphyou are readingat the time, then tum the sound of rushing water in the distance.The nbise
to 55S.For now, add your new possessionsto your increasesin volume until you come to the edge of a
AdoentureSheet,thentum to 3zz. precipice.Shiningyour light into the darkness,you see
ihut lh" crevasseis severalmetreswide and that the
''14 tunnel continueson the other side. Your illumination
The rest of the night passeswithout incideht,and in also picks out the craggysidesof the chasmbut does
the moming you are able to inspectthe body of the not reach as far as the water you can hear roaring

Et r
24E-z'o 251

below. Somehowyou will either have to get acrossto in this hot region is the occasionalscrubbybush and
the other side of the crevasseor risk jumping into the fleshy, green, thick-stemmedsucculent covered in
undergroundriver. Will you: spines.You notice one of theseplants growing close
to the track you are following. Somespecies:ue very
Attempt to jump acrossthe chasm? Tum to z9z nutritious,but you do not know if this is sucha one.
Use a rope and grapple if you have Do you want to cut yourselfa pieceof the plant to eat
one, to swing across? Tum to z7t (fum to to) or will you continueon your way (tum
fump into the river? Tum to 586 to rr)?

Yelling, you chargeat the Cyclops and, before it can
react,sink your bladeinto its leg. Bellowingwith pain
and rage the monsterforgets Femandezand tums all
its fury on you. 254
You pass through the archway between the stafues
unhinderedand lift the jet figurine from the pedestal
If you win, tum to 52. without triggering any lethal device.It is only when
you approachthe archwayagainthat the natureof the
hap here becomesclear. Creaking, the two statues
The tunnel comest" #?.a in a flooded room. move from their sentry-postsof cenfuriesand advance
Manacledto a wall is a human skeletonand hanging towardsthe tomb robber who would stealthe treasure
frorn its neck is an obsidianpendant,which you they guard. Standing in the archway, you may fight
take if you wish. Leavingthe room, you refum to-uy the the statuesone at a time.
intersection.Will you take the ftrst to the right (tum
to r.g5),the secondto the right (furn to z7z), the third S K ILL S TA MIN A
to the right (tum to rEz), the first to the left (tum to FirstSTATUE 6 6
59), the secondto the left (tum to 5or) or go shaight SecondSTATUE I 9
ahead(tum to r4z[
If you wio the secondstafueshattersas you lay your
final blow. Stowing the Iet Cat in your backpack,you
You trudge on through 'ril n"", of the day, further leavethe room and continuealong the passagewayin
into the rugged hills. The only vegetationthat grows Tum to 496.
searchof further treasures.


Lying at the bottom of thli;.ophagus, among a few Reheatl Retreat!' tf,u of?* yells, acknowledging
scrapsof stained,tom bandages,is an amulet in the your superior swordsmanship and breaking off his
form of a stylized eye (you may take it if you wish). attack. Pulling on his steed'sreins, Femandezgallops
So where can Akharis's body be? The Cult of the away north-eastwardsinto the hills, followed by Gordo
Cobramust have moved it from the tomb and takenit on his mule. Bewildered by the old man's irrational
elsewhere.Having bravedthe tomb's dark depths,you actions,you watch as the two ftgures dwindle into the
are overwhelrnedwith dejection, fearing that your distancebefore continuing your journey on foot. Tum
perilousjoumey may have beena completewasteof to 24.
time! You are rousedfrom your stateof self-pity by a
rushing sound.Looking up, you seein horroi that the 254
burial chamberis fillilrg with sand which is pouring Following the passage you find yourself in a small
down from holes in the ceiling. The door slamsshut squareroom with a door in each of its four walls. As
and there is no handleon the inside!The last trap has you stand in the middle of the room, considering
been sprung and, if you cannot find a way out ioon, which way to go next, there is a loud grating sound
you aregoing to be buried alive.TestyourSkill.If you and four great slabs of stone drop dowo blocking all
succeed,tum to rog.lf you fail, tum to 42. the exits! You run over to one blocked doorway and
hammeron it with your fist. As if things were not bad
enough already,now you hear a deep rumbling sound
and the roof of the chamber begins to descend as
great metal spikesemergefrom holes cut into it. You
were not quick enough in leaving this room, so now
you will die by the Fangsof Sithera!IA/hatare you
going to do to preventzucha grisly fate?Will you:
Ram one of the doors? Tum to rEB
Try to jam the descendingceiling? Tum to 66
Searchfor a releasemechanism? Tum to 562


As soonasyou tor.n tn"liltue, a magicalhansforma-

tion takesplaceandthe goldenimagegrowsuntil it is
two and a half metres tall. The huge crocodile-head
looks down at you then raises a great golden fist,
ready to beat you into the ground. Do you have a
Gold Piece or something else made of gold among
your possessions? If you have, fum to 78. If you
haven't,tum to 275.

Looking through the telescope,you are amazedby
how closedistant feafuresappear.In the east,a single
high pinnacleof rock juts up from amongthe hills into
the sky. A massiveboulder seemsto be balancedon
top of it and you can make out shining, swirling
pattemson its surface.Surelythis must be Spirit Rock!
Tuming to the north, your eye is caught by the
reflectionof the sun on water.Surroundingthe oasisis
a group of palm treesand next to it, lying in fumbled
ruins,is the templeyou seek.Tum to 255.

To reach the sarcophagus, you will first have to get
past Akharishimself.The foul Mummy reachesout for
you with bandagedtalons. (Remember to deduct any
points of damage you have already inflicted on

As soon as you have fought four rounds of combat,

you get past the lurching undeadhorror and run up

25'F.259 z6ez6t

the dais steps to the sarcophagus. But how will you stumbleto the ground and the cultists are uPon you.
destroy it? There are severallarge cracksacrossthe Turn to 68.
coffin,but you feel surethat strikingit with your sword
will havelittle effect.If you havesomeFirepowderyou
could use,tum to 3y5. Otherwise,you decideto try to z6o
push the great stonecofftn off the dais,hoping that the As you walk towards the left-hand exit, the guards'
fall will break it. Roll four dice; if the total is greater bonesrisejerkily from their postsand advancetowards
than your srAMrNAscore,you are not strongenough you. They will reachthe archwaybeforeyou do, so, if
to carryzout such a herculeanfeat (tum to g). If the you want to avoid clashingwith the guardsyou could
total is lessthan or equalto your srAMrNAscore,you changedirection and run through the other exit (tum
succeedin pushingthe sarcophagus off the daisso thai to zzg). If you are intent on passing through this
it hits the floor with devastatingresults(tum to lZl). archway,you will haveto fight.

Reekingof deathand putrefaction,the undeadDecayer
advancestowardsyou, fearlessof your weapon. SecondSKELETAL

Unknown to you, while you were fighting you have If you win, tum to 37r.
been infected by the near-invisible,disease-ridden
sporesreleasedby the Decayer(so, if you win, add 4 z6t
to your PorsoNscore);tum to r48. 'You areno Demon,'hesays,lookingslightlybewildered.
'Perhapsthat black-heartedscoundrelZanmetheesdid
not sendyou.'You assureFernandez that he did not and,
'Run for it!' you ,t o.rt to'i3rran, and the two of you convincedat last,the old knight apologizesprofuselyfor
chargethe lone cultist behind you. Knocking him to
the ground, the way along the streetaheadis clearas
far as the markets. Once among the crowds, you
should be able to lose your pursuerseasily.Suddenly
you hear a humming sound as two throwing-starsfly
from the cultists' hands and strike you and ferran in master'swounds;you wasteno moretime in refumingto
the back (deductz points from your srAMrNA).You your originalroute towardsthe temple.Tum to zz6.

t rE
262-265 264-267

z6z 264
The Sphinx speaksagain, but still you do not know what The blast is just too much for the ages-old tunnel; the
to say in reply. There is a tense moment of silence,then roof caves in on top of you and crushes the life out of
the great creatureroars, bounding towards you acrossthe your body.
hall. Bewildered, you unsheath your sword to defend
yourself. Unfortunately, your earthly weapon has no z6s
effect against this agent of the gods of Djarat, whereasits The small round bottle is full of what appearsto be
terrible claws soon tearyou apart.Youradvenfure is over. swirling black smoke,giving it its colour. The glass
stopper is sealedwith hard-bakedclay. If you ever
want to breakthe sealand open the bottle tum to 59E
(makea note of this).Now, however,retum to 53g.

You weaken under the priestess'srelentless stare.
Deduct 6 points from your sTAMINAand z points
from your srrn. However, somehowyou manageto
keepmoving and staggertowards the dais in order to
attack the priestess.Seeingyou approach,she breaks
her concentration and you are releasedfrom the
strength-sappinggaze.Tum to 55o.
The stonewhistlespast your head,missingit by just a 267
few centimetres.Unperturbed,the mutated ant-men The fireball missesyour head by mere centimetres,
move in to the attack.Will you draw your sword to exploding into a pillar. Before they can try anything
defend yourself (tum to zr8) or will you look for else, you run at your reptilian attackerswith your
somethingelseto useagainstthe Xoroa(tum to r59[ sword drawn;tum to 5o.


You slide to a stop close to a large web, which is
made up of a tangle of shimmering, sticky, silver
strands,in a high cavem. You scramblequickly to
your feet as the web's makerdescendsfrom the roof
of the cave.Facingyou is a massivegrey-blackspider,
almostfive metresacross.Insteadof having the head
of an arachnid,as you would expect,its hairy body is
surmountedby a demonic head with a malevolent
havesty of a human face, and wearing a Djaratian
head-dress. As the diabolical creaturestalks towards
you, there is no doubt in your mind that your oppo-
nentis a DeathSpider.

The Death Spiderwill try to bite you when it attacks.

lf it wins an Attack Roun4 as well as losing z
srAMrNApointsyou must roll two dice.If the resultis
lessthan or equalto your porsoN score,tum to 59. If
it is greater,add r to your polsoN total and continue
your battle.If you win againstthis awesomeadversary,
hrm to rzo.

There are two ways in which you can fight the
Mummieswith fire. The first is to use a torch, if you
haveone, as a weapon.If you do this, tum to 525 and
fight as normal;however,if you win an Attack Round,
your weaponwill inflict 4 sTAMINApoints of damage
rather than the usual z. (lf you choosethis courseof
action,you must also reduceyour Attack Strengthby
r point becauseyou are using an unfamiliarweapon.)

2,7.ts272 275-274

The secondmethod involving fire is to throw a fire damage to your STAMINAon a roll of 4-6 on one
source- such as a lamp, a Yokka Egg or a buming dice. If you survive your encounter, you go on. Roll
skin of oil - at the corpse.Roll one dice and add z: one dice. If you roll r-3, turn to z8z; it you roll 4-6,
this is the numberof undeadyou will have to get past. tum to 69.
For each Mummy you attack in this way, Testyour
SkilLif you succeed,the Mummy perishesin flames.If 273
you destroy all your opponentsthis way, you break Desperately you sprint away through the boulders.
through the Mummies' ranks and run to the shrines Test your Luck. lf you are Lucky, you escape safely;
(tum to zg5)or the Templeof Sithera(tum to 59d.If tum to a5o. If you are Unlucky, tum to ro6.
you fail to stop all the Mummiesthis way, or if you
run out of fire sources,tum to 3zg but ignore the 274
instructionthereto roll dice. The surface of the gaming-table is divided into fifty
squaresand at either end is a row of counters; one set
is black and one set white. The whole set-up looks like
You take the sandsto." ,?lir"tt" from your backpack this:
and show it to the Shaman.He explainsthat the deiby
it representsis Assamarra,the now almost forgotten
God of the Sands.Retumto r.g4. o o
o o
After a few vain
grappleover a rocky
manageto securethe
outcropabovethe tunnelentrance
o O
opposite and, gripping the rope for dear life, you o o
swing acrossthe crevasse. Tum to :;69.
o o
Suddenly there is a commotion in the water round Nemset explainsthat the idea of the game is to get
you: you are being attdcked by several vicious Snapper- one of your piecesto the other end of the board; the
fish. Roll one dice, add O and divide the total by z first personto do so wins the game.Piecescan move
(rounding fractions up) to see how many you have to one or two squaresforward at a time but in no other
fight. Each Snapperfishhas srrlr 6 and srAMtNA 2, direction. However, if, on your ham, your way is
and the bite from such a creafure does 3 points of blockedby a piecedirectly in front of yours, you may

275 276-277

move your piecejust one squareinto an empty space

on either side (but not backwards);this is the only
time when you can move sideways.A good tactic is
to try to trap your opponent'spieces so that they
cannot move. Nemset chooses to play white and
directs you where to move her pieces,while you are
black.White goes hrst. Testyour Skill, adding z to the
dice roll. If you succeed,tum to 55. If you fail, fum to

You descend into th" ;li"y and cautiously creep

towards the entranceof the tomb, trying to avoid the
attentionsof the lizards. Testyour Skill, adding z to
the dice roll. If you are successful,
tum to 548. If you
fail,tum to 5o6.

You are unableto harm tffientinel of the Shrine,but

the crocodile-headed guardianpoundsyour body with
its great fists, knocking you back acrossthe chamber
(deduct5 points from your sraurNe). Testyour Luck.
If you are Lucky, you manageto open the door and
escapefrom the shrine (the Sentineldoes not follow
you once you are outsideits chamber);tum to zE4. If You scrambledown' th":(:p"until you are standing
you are Unlucky, the metal giant blocksyour way out in the sandyarenain front of the platform.The fagade
of the sanctumand exactsthe punishmentreservedfor of the low building is decoratedwith the busts of
all thieves.Defenceless againstits attacks,your adven- people - or possibly of gods - standing in recessed
ture endshere. alcoves.

zTE-.zEo zEo

1A/hodarestrespassin the Theaheof the Gods?' to assessyour progressby its dim glow as you are
The booming voice makesyou jump almost out of carrieddownstream.You suddenly becomeaware of
your skin in surprise.The words echo around among somethingmoving towards you in the water ahead-
the empty tiers of seats,but the voice itself seemsto Sren the Snapperfishattack. Although only a little
be coming from a dark doorway in the front of the larger than a man'shand, the Snapperfishis a savage
building.What will you do now?Will you: carnivore with powerful jaws and needleJiketeeth.
The bite from one of these creaturesdoes 3 points
Answer, apologizingfor trespassing? Tum to 566 of damage to your sTAMINAon a roll of 44 on
Answer, demandingthat the owner one dice! Partially submerged in the fast-flowing
of the voice show himself? Tum to 9E river, you can fight these vicious predatorsone at
Say nothing and approachthe a time, but with your Attack Shength reducedby r
doorway? Turn to 5zr point.
Leavethe Theahe of the Gods and
continue your quest? Tum to I S K ITL S K ILL
278 SecondSNAPPERFISH 6 2
Will you now make your way to Sithera'sforbidding Third SNAPPERFISH 6 j
temple (tum to 5gd or will you ftrst explore the
tombs of the Diaratians,if you have not alreadydone If you kill all the ftsh, tum to 4.
so (hrm to qgft

Youmissyourfooting *#U?. Automaticallyyou reach

out for somethingto hold on to, butthe stoneyougrab is
looseandcomesawayfrom thefaceof thepinnacle.There
is nothingyou cando to stopyourselffalling.Ifyou failed
your ftrst TestYour Skillroll,tum to r7.lf youfailed the
second,fum to 95. If you failed the thir4 tum to zo7.

The sheer rock walls on'L?n". side of the river are

covered with phosphorescenthchen, so you are able

t rE

You are at the lower .JT a long, vaulted passage

which ascendssteeply aheadof you. The walls of the
Grand Gallery are carved with reliefs depicting a
mighty king meetingthe gods in the afterworld.At its
top you entera high-ceilingedchamber,on the far side
of which is a great stone door, omately carved and
with a-magnificent gold lo&, flanked by two huge
statuesof a Djaratian king. The stafues'expressions
have been exquisitely fashioned,but their cold eyes
and the cruel smilestuming the comersof their stem
mouths bring a chill to your spine. This must be
Akharis - even these carved imagesof him fill you
with dread; it is as if the evil king knows that his
retum to power is imminent and considersyour at-
temptto stopit to be futile.
Then you notice the blazing red eyesin the gloom of
a comer of the anteroom. With a roar, a massive,
shaggy-hairedblack beast leaps out of the shadows
and paws the ground in front of you. The monstrous,
dogJike creatdresnarlsand baresits gleaming fangs.
Facingyou is the Guardianof the Dead of Djaratian
myth, menacingprotector of burial placesand execu-
tioner of any trespasserswho would desecratethe
tombsof the kings.

If you manage to overcome this mighty opponent,

tum to 564.

t rE
2E2-2E4 zE5rzE6

282 another door. As you listen in the stillness of the

Wiping the lizard'sblood from your sword,you survey tomb, a faint whispering sound comes from beyond
the cavem. On the far side you can see a mound of the door in front of you. Wherewill you go now?
looseearth with a hollow in the top, in which rest two
sandy-colouredeggs. Around the nest are scattered Through the door in front of you? Tum to t77
the bones of wild dogs and even piecesof a human Tluough the door to the left? Tum to 595
skeleton.If you want to searchthe debris,tum to 65. Along the passageto the right? Tum to 259
Otherwise, you have no option but to leave the
Rasaur'scave;tum to zz6.

There is nothing lying on top of the column- but, as
you are about to leave,you experiencea weird sensa-
tion: your body feelswarrn and you becomeawareof
a peculiarvibration,accompanied by a deepthrumming The world solidifiesrouiS5you again - but to your
sound.The whole sensationis not unpleasant, and you horror you see that you are still in the crumbling
almost feel as if you are being revitalized- and you temple. Lopar does not have the power to teleport
are!This is the power of the magicalgeometry of the you from sucha great distanceaway! You have saved
pyramid which allows the bodies of the dead to be Allansiafrom the Curseof Akharis but, as the temple
preservedso well and for so long. However, you are falls in over you, your adventure,and your life, ends
not dead,so the effectsof the pyramid'sregenerative here,entombedin the Necropolisof the ancientDiara-
power are all the more beneficial.Roll one dice (if you tian kings.
have a Crystal Pyramid,add r to the numberrolled).If
you roll 1-2, tum to 327; j-4, tum to ggz; 5 or
above,tum to 54r.

The tunnel emergesin a square chamber which is
paintedwith scenesof the deadking's joumey through zE6
the underworld.In the wall opposite standsan omate You would need two hundred and eighty-six blocks
darkwood doo4 to the left and right, corridors lead of stone altogether,'you say. The ghost, obviously
elsewhere,the one to the left ending abruptly at hearing you in ancient Djaratian,stops its muttering

zETzEE zEyzgo

and looks directly at you. 'Of course,'the' old man 2Eg

saysslowly, 'that'sright! Thankyou, stranger.Tell me With one mighty wrench you snap the chains free
who is it who hasreleasedme from my torment?'yorr from the pillars. Before the two cultists can react, you
tell the ghost your narne,and in retum he introduces swing the chainsat them and knock them both out!
himself as Rhehotep,the architectwho designedand Then you grab your sword and backpack.Most of the
built the tomb, along with many of its death-haps.'l cultistsare still unawareof what is going on. Do you
was misled and ambitious.When the tomb was com- want to attackthem (fum to lS8), or would you rather
pleted, I was buried alive in this room so that I could attackthe Mummiesin order to reachthe High Priest-
neverrevealits secrets.I was working on that problem essand stop the ritual (tum to 16o[
beforeI was killed, and I havebeenunableto rest ever

this paragraph after each choice). I{hen you have

madetwo choices,tum to zz5 at once.
With every muscle the strain,you heave
Guardsand monstersin the tomb. Turn to ror againstthe granite ".r,ir,f9,rla.r
block of the sarcophagus - and it
Trapsyou may encounter. Tum to z7 gives!A dark hole appearsbelow the coffin and soon
Charmsyou might need. Tum to r55 you have opened a gap big enough to squeeze
The Cult of the Cobra. Tum to 534 through. You find yourself at the top of a flight of
Akharis. Tum to 565 steps which disappearinto the darknessbelow. You
run down it as the sand starts to pour into the secret
287 funnel, and find yourself standing at the edge of a
Totally lost, you wander dejectedly about in the subterraneanlake in a huge nafural cavem.Phosphores-
water-filledcorridors.Testyour Luck.lf you are Lucky, cent mossis growing on its walls and stalactiteshang
tum to roo. If you areUnlucky,tum to 5G9. down from the ceiling, many mehes above you. Far
off in the distance you can see a great wall, on the
zEE other side of which you canjust makeout the tops of
Which symbol will you pressnext, the scarab(tum to ancientDiaratianbuildings.Moored at the edgeof the
r4r) or the snake(tum to ro+)? lake is a long, n.urow boat. This is Akharis's funerary

Et r
29a 292-293

b-q* and your meansof crossingthe SacredLake. theseeggs resemblesa ball of fire. You may throw an
Unmooring the barque,you climb aboardand, taking egg at an opponentat the start of a battle and, if you
an oar in your hands,guide the boat over the still Testyour Slcillsucessfully,it will hit, break open and
waters.On the other side of the lake,you step out by releasethe Yokka Bird, which will bum your enemy,
causingdamageto his sTAMINAequal to one dice
roll, before it flies away into the sky. Now retum to

You take a run-up at the chasmand, when you reach
its edge,you leap forward into the air. Roll two dice
and add 6 to the total rolled. If the new total is less
stand it, you know what to do. If you don't, tum to than or equd to your srAMlne, tum to 169. If it is
z6z. greater,furn to 552.

Leavingyour sword sheathed,you mn at the Mummy
in an attempt to remove the glittering death-mask.
Fight the following combat in the usual manner but
with your Attack Strengthreducedby 5 points. Also,
if you win an Attack Round you do not wound
Akharis, you merely manageto avoid his blows; of
course,if he wins an Attack Round, you suffer the

29a If at any time your Attack Strength is 5 or more

points greaterthan your opponent's,tum to zo5. You
can give up this method of attack at any time and
insteadtry to destroy the sarcophagus(fum to 257)or
simply resort to attacking Akharis with your sword
(tum to gZ).


Climbing over the Uortig.l you peer over a rocky

ledge and are startledby what you see.Lying entan-
gled in a net, which has been stakeddown, is a huge
creature,almost six metresin length; it has the body
of an enormouslion and massiveclawed feet. As it
strugglesto free itself from the net, you see that its
large head is leoninebut its teeth are more like those
of a dragon. Its mane is golden as is the rest of its
sleekand powerfulJookingbody, and a pair of small,
leatherywings sprout from its shoulder- a Dracon!
The happedbeasthasnot noticedyou yet, so will you
leavehere beforeit does (turn to z5o), remainin your
hiding place and wait to see what happens(tum to
i7), or climb down betweenthe bouldersand approach
the Dracon(tum to r74)?

All the shrines hu.r" b""',i1ither plundered or des-

ecrated- except for one. Amid the destructionone,
small, tomblike structure has been left untouched.
Nearing the building, you sense a strong aura of
Goodnesswashing over you like a refreshingwave.
What could be inside to create this atmosphereof
calm?You could open the door of the tomb and enter
it (tum to 5r) or leave here without further delay
ifum to z7E).

After severalminutes' walking, you come to a point
wherea side-passage comesin from the left to join the
one you are following. Will you take this new tunnel

29r2gg 5o(>5o2

(h.rrnto 57o) or continueon your presentroute (tum burial chamber is a fake a trap to lure the unwary.
to r5o[ Thereis no way out!

You gulp down thu liquii%d feela surgeof energy The heat is unbearabr" you are half-way
shootthroughyour body. (RestoresrAMrNApoints acrossthe chamber,you"lllU"rrre
lose consciousness.
As the
up to half yow lnitial srAMrNA score,rounding frac- strength of the flames intensiftes,your adventure
tions up.) The vipe/s venom was like a Potion of comesto an end.
Strength!Your muscleschargedwith new power, you
fleethe temple.Turn to z.
With each corridor l""f;t much like the last, you
" 2gE soon becomedisorientated.At the next junction will
Betweenthe towering cliffs you find yourself in cool- you go:

Left, then right? Tum to 565

Right, then left? Tum to z7z
Right, then right again? Tum to zr7
boulderwhich in h,rmhas starteda landslide.Testyour Right, and then straight on? Tum to 4E
Luck.If you are Lucky,tum to 97.lf you are Unlucky,
tum to rz5.

At last the spell holdi";";" swarrn together in its

At last you have found iu"?3front of you, illuminated wasp-formis broken by your spirited attack and the
by your light, is Akharis's burial chamberand, in its remaininginsectsdisperse.As you pausefor a moment
to recoverfrom your latestbattle,you can seeno sign
of the cultist; however,you have the feeling that you
will meet him again before your joumey is done.
Looking at ferran's map, you calculatethe general
way out. Too late you realizewhat is wrong with the position of the tomb of Akharis and the distanceyou
burial chamber:its walls are rough-hewn and undeco- will haveto travel to reachit. With reneweddetermina-
rated, as is the sarcophagus.You heave the stone tion you set off in an easterlydirection,away from the
cofffn open and, just as you feared,ffnd it empty. This temple.

tr tr
503-505 30,6

Eventually the sand-covered plain meets the barren

hills to the east again and the way onward looks to be The great beasts detect your movement and lumber
hard going. However, not far to the north-east the into your path. The aggressive creatures attack in-
stantly. You will have to defeat these huge reptiles
before you can enter the tomb, since they are now
blocking the way in to the entrance.



If either of the lizardswins an Attack Round,roll one

What will you use Mummies: your sword dice.On a 6, the beasthits you with its tail, which
(tum to 525) or fire (tum to z69)? knocks you over as well as inflicting z points of
damageto your sTAMINA.It takes you one Attack
Roundto get up again,during which time the monster
TestyourLuck.lfyouareiljUr, tum to fi7.Ifyou are getsin an unopposedstrike.If you win, tum to 55.
Unlucky,tum to 86.

Everywhereyou look, tfi"1".a granite walls of the

tomb are coveredin carvedreliefsdepictingthe life of
the evil Akharis.One particularstretchyo.t pus shows
slavesbeing put to death in front of a huge image of
Sitheraas a giant, four-armedwoman with a ,rlk",,
head. Absorbed in studying these ghastly carvings,
you almost miss an archway to your right. Shining
your light into it, you see a long, pillared hall. Do
you want to enterit and explorefurther (fum to 5o) or
will you keep walking along this passage(tum to

Having lit your light, you make your way along the
passage,able to see about ten metres ahead of you.
The tunnel soon ends at the top of a steep flight of
steps, cut out of the rock, that leads down into the
A tunnel leads onwards, but this one is faced with
stone. Following this new passageway, you soon
emergein a long, pillared hall. You cannot see its end,
and in the flickering light you can just make out the
ceiling, high above you. Your light also picks out
intricate Djaratian carvings covering the pillars and
walls; they depict priests and servants carrying offer-
ings, all looking towards the interior of the tomb. You
pause in awe at the skill of the ancient Djaratians
whose achievementshave lasted for centuries. Sud-
denly the whole chamber is lit up in a burst of
vermilion fire as a flaming ball flies past your head. In
shockedsurpriseyou face your attacker.Standing next
to a pillar in the distance is a figure wearing volumi-
nous robes of linen and muslin. In one scaly hand it
holds a curved sword and you see that its head, far
from being human, is that of a snake!In horror you
realize that you are facing one of the Caarth, the
legendary Snake People of the Desert of Skulls! The
Caarth raises its free hand and another fireball forms in
its palm as a second Snakeman, wielding a cruelly
jagged blade, steps out from behind a pillar a few
metres away. As the warrior advances towards you,
the sorcerer releases the ftreball. Work out Attack
Strengths for both you and the Caarth sorcerer (who

Et r
5oF5og 3ar5t-2

has a srrrl of ro) but do not deduct any srAMrNA 5to

points. If your Attack Strength is higher, tum to 267. Rememberingthe actor's words about the primitive
If the sorcerer'sAttack Strength is higher, tum to 555. inhabitantsof theseparts, you can well imagine that
If they are the same, calculate them again. this gorge would *"k" u perfect placefrom which to
ambushunwary travellers.Will you carry on directly
508 throughthe gorge regardless(tum to zg8), or will you
Wielding the Sandworm's tooth, you must reduce detour to one side and climb up to the cliff-top in
your Attack Strength by r point as you engage the orderto avoid the route betweenthem (tum to 3SZF
Golem in battle because you are used to using a
sword. However, this unusual weapon will not make
any difference against the insubstantial magical creature
as it will pass straight through the Sand Golem's
shifting form and so will cause it only r srAMrNA
point of damage (z sraurrurr points after a successful
Testfor Luck).However, hits from the magical creature
are like punches from an iron gauntlet covered in
sandpaperand will still inflict 2 srAMrNA points of
damage on you! 5Lt
You hangfor a momentby your armsfrom the lip of the
hole,then you let go. You fall at leastten metresbefore
If you reduce your opponent's srAMrNA to zero, hitting the sand-coveredfloor of the chamberbelow
you break the spell animating the Golem, and it (deduct5 pointsfrom yow sTAMINA). If you arecarrying
becomes a harmless heap of sand once more (hrm to anyYokkaEggs,TestyourLuck,addingz to the diceroll.
a8l)' If you are Lucky,tum to zoz; if you are Unlucky,tum
to 4g.lf you do not haveany Yokka Eggs,turn to zoz.
The priestess's relentless stare bores into you and
you collapse at the foot of the dais. A smile forms on The sandstone statuette
,i;? tall, is of a regal-
the woman's lips as you continue to weaken until looking man, bare-chested ^metre
and wearing a simple cloth
you are totally drained of your life-force, which will round his waist. On his headis a tall, cylindricalcrown
be fed to Akharis's undead spirit to give him life with nine bandsround it. In one hand he holds a long
once more. staff.Retum to ggg.

3L5-5a5 3a6

515 3a6
The orb reveals no guidance and so, deciding you have Observingthat you have killed two of its companions,
no moretime to lose,you fleefrom the temple.Tum to z. the largestbaboonscreamsin fury and hurls its boulder
at you. Testyour Skill.lf you succeed,you dodge the
514 missile.If you fail, the rock hits you a glancingblow
Nothing untoward happens,so now will you pressthe and knocks you over (deduct z points from your
scarabfollowed by the vulture (tum to r57) or the srAMrNAand reduceyour Attack Strengthby z for
vulture and then the scarab(tum to ro4)? the first Attack Round in the ensuing battle). The
Great Baboonbounds down the diff to demonstrate
to you what happensto anyone who strays into the
territory of its tribe. Your blade still covered in the
blood of its fellows,you engagethe furious animalin

If you win, the remaining baboons recognize your

superiority in battle and escapeup into the cliffs,
hooting with fear. You are left to passthrough the
gorge unhindered,althoughyou sensetheir eyes on
The door is unlockedunSdlprrrhingit open, you are you for as long as you are walking between the
almost blinded.You are standingat the entranceto a towering cliffs. Once you are through the gorge, the
largeroom with marbledwalls,and it is full of fabulous landlevelsout againandyou headeast.Tum to 9o.
treasures.The countlessgold and silver artefactsreflect
the illumination shed by your light, making a quite
dazzlingdisplay.Adjusting your eyesto this brilliance
after the gloom of the endlesstunnels,you gaze in
awe at the goblets, stafues,gilded chariots, royal
fumiture and casketsbrimming with yet more won-
drousitems.You could spendsometime searchingthis
room for possible charms,or just for some choice
treasure(tum to 1sg),or you can leaveand follow the
passagebackpast the T-junction(tum to ro5).

StntE 3ag

The rocksout of tn" *#?t last,you can enterthe
passage.For as far as you can see there is nothing
remarkable about it, certainly nothing to justity sealing
it off. The pissage soon comes to a dead end in abare,
small, square chamber. You suddenly become aware of
a phosphorescencein the middle of the room and, as
you watch, the ghostly figure of a short, middle-aged
man, with an anxious expression on his face, material-
here - but how? If you have some Oil of Lofus, tum izes in front of you. He is dressedjust like some of.the
to 584. Otherwise, you will have to go out of this people in the carvings on the walls of the tomb, and is
tomb,leavingeverythingin place(tum to z7E). mumbling something over and over to himself in a
language you do not understand but which you pre-
sume to be ancient Djaratian. Unable to communicate
with the ghost, you sense no aura of Evil round it -
but nor do you detect any great presenceof Goodness.
The chamber is totally empty, so there is nothing left
for you to do but leave the ghost to its mumblings.
The floor immediately ,tvt *", beneathyou and, Tum to r54.
with nothing to grab, you cannotstop yourselfplung-
ing into the spike-filledpit ... with fatalresults.Your
advenfurecomesto a gruesomeend in the Tomb of

t rE

'Mortal,' the Sphinx growls, 'all who would enter the
Necropolismust first be judged worthy; thereforeyou
must answermy three riddles correctly.If you should
lie or prove ignorant,your punishmentwill indeedbe
tenible.But first, tell me, why do you seekto enter
the City of the Dead?'In reply, will you tell the
Sphinx all about your quest to stop Akharis (tum to
t75),or will you simply say that you are an adventurer
exploring the ruins of the lost civilization (tum to

A short figure sudcienlyappearsin the doorway. The
man is dressedin plain grey robes and is wearing a
maskwith grotesquelyexaggeratedfeatures.'No one
trespasses in the Theatreof the Gods without facing
the wrath of Cranno the Great!'he booms.Then, at a
single word from the strange man, a huge Sabre-
toothed Tiger boundsthrough the doorway and across
the sandto attackyou beforeyou canreachits master.
If you win, tum to z5y.

'Farewell,brave advenru.l"r]irurs the ghost. 'Remem-

ber, Akharis gains strength from his coffin.' As you
leave her tomb, the spirit of PrincessNemset adds,
'May the gods of Djarat favour the noble-hearted.'
Turn to 278.

tr tr
325 324-525

323 324
The hole is actually the entranceto a natural funnel.
The air inside it is hot and dry. The tunnel does not
go very far beforeopeninginto a smallcavem.At this
time of day the sun'srays penetrateeven this subterra-
neanchamber.Suddenlyyou hearthe grating soundof
Restingon a slabare severalobjectsof interest:one is scaleson stone and the scratchingof claws.You spin
a small, earthenwarejar containing a mrrnmified pack- around,to see a large, reptilian creaturewith a long,
age; the secondis a fabulousbreastplatemade from dragonJikeheadand fang-filledmouth running at you
gold and lapislazuli in the form of a falcorueachof its from out of the shadowson six crocodilelegs.A black
sixty feathers carefrrlly fashioned; and the third is a tongue snakesout from betweenthe Rasaur'sjaws as
it dashestowardsyou. You must fight this camivorous
RASAUR sr.rn 8 g
If the Rasaurwins an Attack Round,roll one dice.On
a roll of 4 to 6, it will hit you with its tongue,on the
end of which is a poison gland (deduct r further
sTAMINApoint and add r to your porsoN score).If
you win, turn to z8a.

The Mummies move t"r'1,?rasHffly to attack the one

they believe has defiled their resting-places.
Roll one
dice and add z to the number rolled; this is the
number of Mummies you must get past in order to
reach freedom. Becausethey are so slow-moving,
you can fight them one at a time. However, if any

525 SzGgzE

individud battle should last more than nine Attack 326

Rounds, tum to 599 immediately. (Any Mummies The hanslation of the inscription on the wall above
you have already destroyed come from the top of the the map is asfollows:
Thedeadking'sbodywascarriedfrom the City of Tezra
thirty kilometues to tlu edgeof the hills whereinlie tlw
alabaster quanies,Southof thePillarsof Anteptheeoil
ANCIENTMUMMY 7 9 onerestedfor threeilays within tlw templebeforebeing
caniedto histomb.Tlu infernalking ordereditscotrstruc-
tion decades before,and within its deptls werecountless
trapsand unspeakable horrorsto ensurehis eternalslery
Theirdutiesfinislwd,thepriestsnnd embalmers left the
rift in the hills betweenthe GoId Tunnels and the Oasis
PTAHNEMTHE of lnsh but only onereturnedaliae,the resthaoingall
sufferedthe Curse.
If you should defeat all the Mummies, you makegood Now retum to 946.
your escapeto the shrines (fum to zg5) or the black
pyramid (fum to 595) before they can come back to
life! 327
You feel invigorated and ready to face any new
challenges.Restoreyour sTAMINAscore to its lnitial
level, reduce yow polsoN score by 4 points and
regain 1 LUcK point. Climbing down from the pillar,
you leave the chambecbumto 16.

Sandworms'teeth, serratedalong one edge, are fash-
ioned into shong ivory daggersby the nomadsof the
Desert of Skulls and are pnzed possessions.Now
retum to r.5.

5zg 331552

;tJ,f," v"**,
Youwatc-hin satisfaction by
is consumed

fist(deductz pointsfromyour srnntNe).Tum to zr5.

you ftnd as a result of your efforts is an earthenware


chamber(tum to r7y) or leave via the other corridor

(tum to a59)?

hills to searchfor Akharis's tomb. Tum to 62.

The strength of your jump is not great enough to
carry you to the other side of the crevasse.Testyout
Luck.ifyou areLucky,hrm to 556-lf you areUnlucky,
tum to 555.


You manage to make your way safely to the cave
entranceat the baseof the great boulder.After a few
metres the rough-hewn tunnel opens out into a vast
chamberin the centre of the massiveboulder. A fire
bums in the middle of the chamber,the smokerising
up through a hole in the roof. Sitting, crossJegged,on
the far side of the fire is the figure of a man, his head
bowed. 'Who seeksLopar,the Shamanof Spirit Rock?'
the man asks from the shadows.Sensingthe man's
auraof Goodnessyou announceyourself.'And what is
your pupose in seekingme?' he asks.Quickly you
explain your quest to Lopar. When he looks up sud-
denly, by the flickeringfirehght you seethat his head
is that of a dog. Woven into his fur are variousbeads
and feathers,and his handsresemblepaws.'Knowledge
canbe a dangerousthing in the handsof the ignorant,'
the Shamansays sagely.'Having braved Spirit Rock
you must prove that you are worthy to receivemy
wisdom by solving my riddle.' Startled,you listen to
'No army canstandagainstmy might,
' I am greaterthan the wind or sea.
All succumbjust asday follows night.
High mountainsturn to dust beforeme.'
If you know the answer to the riddle, convert the
letters of the answer into numbers using the code
A = t,B = 2, C = j ... Z - 26. Addthe numbers
together,then fum to the paragraphwhose numberis
the sameas the total. If the paragraphmakesno sense,
or if you cannotsolve the riddle,turn to 16r.

554-$6 531559

'The membersof thu lrif,L,rlt are led by the High Under Glantanka's r*Jlf,", gdze you travel on
Priestessof Sitheraa deviousand cunningwoman through the heat of the day. The uneven path leads
possessed of dark powersand cruel magics.Avoid you further into the wildemess that fringes the Desert
them if you can.'Return to 286. of Skulls.You follow the route north-westwardsacross
boulder-skewn hills and through n:urow valleys. As
you passthrough one rocky gulley you notice a large
hole at its base leadingunderground.Do you want to
The sorcerer's
magical slamsinto your body, stop and investigatethis entranceinto the earth (tum
surrounding "itllu in vermilionftre(deduct
you for a moment to Sz+) or will you continue on your way without
4 pointsfrom yougsrevtNn). In agonyyou prepare hesitation(tum to zz6[
to defendyourselfagainstthesereptilianatiackers;
tum to 5o. 35E
Although you manage to cut down several of the
556 cultists, you are hugely outnumbered,and the rest
Against all the odds,you havedone it - after countless soon have you under reshaint again.There is nothing
cenfuries,Akharis is dead! Regain 1 LUcK point. All you can do now as the High Priestessdrains you of
that remainsis for you to bum his undeadremainsand your life-energies,which she will use to resurrecther
then . .. A terrible groaning sound,coming from high master,Akharis!Your adventureis over.
above you, and gaspsof terror from the cultistscauie
you to look up at the statueof Sithera.fust when you 139
thought it was all over, the great statue'seyes are You give Cranno a brief outline of your mission
glowing with a sinister light and the colossus is without revealingtoo many important details.'lndeed
coming creakily to life. The stafue sweepsa taloned I may,' he says, removing the mask and revealing
arm at you which you manageto dodge before it can himself to be middle-aged,grey-hairedand balding.
hit you. Your non-magicalweaponwill have no effect He leads you through a doorway into the stone
on the animatedstatue,so what can you possibly use building; you ftnd yourself in a long room, full of
to defeatit? If you have an ankh among your posses- pieces of faded scenery and other theatrical props.
sions,you will know how many preciousstonesit has You know, I used to be one of the greatestactors
set into it. Multiply this numberby twelve, then tum Allansiahas ever seen' Crannosays.'l have played all
to the paragraphwith the samenurhber.If you do not the great parts:Duke Merion of Kallamehr,Quor the
have an ankh, fum to y5. Sorcerer,Vorga the PirateJord.You understandI mean

540 54a-542

no harm really, what with the mask and dramatic by pushing againstit and using your sword as a lever,
performance. I just prefer to spend my retirement but all to no effect. There must be some.hidden catc-h
away from unappreciativeaudiences.'Youare startled or lever that will open the secretdoor. Then you see
to see a huge Sabre-toothedTiger pad over to the it: on the front of the slab,surroundedby hieroglyphs,
actor and lick his hand.'Don't mind Cleomina,'Cranno three symbols have been carved out of the wall on
squaresof stone that look as if they can be pressed
inwards.The three symbols are a snake,a scarabbeetle
and a vulture. If you do not want to take the risk of
trying to open this door, you follow the original
following: a BrassTelescope,a Healing Draught,some funnel, which tums to the right before coming to a
Oil of lofus or a Crystal Pyramid.In retum, you may ftght of stone steps that take you deeper into the
choosetwo items from the list below if you decideto tomb (tum to z16). If you do want to attempt to open
trade.Having chosenyour items,fum to the paragraph the secretdoor, which symbol will you pressftrst:
relevant to each object to ftnd out more about-your
new possessions. The snake? Tum to 5r4
The scarab? Tum to r9
PapyrusScroll Tum to 74
The vulture? Tum to zEE
CarvedBoneHom Tum to rz6
Old Lamp Tum to 554
Statuetteof a god Tum to 5ra 541
The power of the pyramid convergeson the spot
LargeBronzeKey Twn to zz4
where you are standing,filling you with new strength
SealedBlackBottle Tum to a65
andrelievingyou of all stresses. Restoreyour sTAMINA,
When you haveftnishedhere,you thankCrannofor his srlrr and rucr to their lnitial scores,and reduceyour
helpandleavethe ruinedTheatreof the Gods(tum to 6). porsoN scoreto zero. Under the effect of the mystic
energy, the blade of your sword actually shalpens,so
540 that from now on you may add r to your Attack
The cultist is busy doing something in front of the Shength in battle. With renewed determinationyou
wall of the chambernext to the statue.Suddenlya leave.thechamberto continueyour quest;tum to 16.
section swings open and the man steps through into
darkness.You run into the room but, before you can 542
reach the secret door, it slams shut with a hollow 'I, too, :un on a quest of the utmost importance,'he
boom. You ky to force the slab of stone open again says,grandly. 'l am Don Huan Femandez,a knight of

545-54 345

Vastille,and this is my manservant,

Gordo.'Thetubby 345
man nods and wipes the sweatfrom his foreheadwith As the Giant Scorpiontwitches its last, you run over
a grimy handkerchief.'l have swom to rid thesewild to help ferran.He is barely alive. 'This is the end for
and desperatelandsof the foul giantswho dwell here, me,' he gasps,but you must go on. Stop the Cult of
preyrngon the honestvillage-folkof this province,'he the Cobia, and beware the Curse of Akharis.' With
continues.'Tellme,haveyou seenany suchmonstersin that, the brave archaeologistdies. The next moming
your wanderings?'When you shakeyour head Don you bury jerran Farr, marking the grave with his old,
Huan looks downcastand disappointed.'Fearnot. I am Lattered hat. Offering a Prayer to the gods for his
sure that my quest will soon be over and, with its departedsoul, at the sametime you swear to do all
completion,I shallwin my lady's hand.Fareyou well!' you ."tt to stop the evil sect and prevent Akharis's
With that, the eccentricknight gallops off again to- ietum. Taking J"tt"n't map with you, you set off
wards the north-east,with the mule bearinghis man- again,headingnorth.
servanttrotting along behind,leavingyou to continue
your joumey on foot. Tum to 24. By mid-moming your path is becoming gradually
steeperas it leadsyou into the rocky foothills of the
mountains which border the Desert of Skulls. You
You come to an abrupt fif againstthe sticky tangle continue to follow the dusty trail as it tums towards
of a gigantic web. You struggle to free yourself from the north-east.A few kilometreson, standing at the
the gelatinous strands but to no avail. Feeling as top of a ridge, you seethat severalsemi-circulartiers
helplessas a trappedfly, you can do nothing whin a of stone t"itt hurr" been cut out of the base of the
shadowy black shapedescendsfrom the roof of the hillsidein front of a raisedplatformand a low, rectangu-
cave on to the web. The last thing you feel in this lar stonebuilding.Closeto the seeminglydesertedsite
world is the demonic Death Spider sinking its fangs lie fallenpillarsand the remainsof walls' Do you want
into your body. to descendthe hillside and investigatethe ruins (tum
to zm) or would you rather continue on your way
(turn to 8F
The Evil Eye spell Uuinffit by the High Priesress
drains the energy from your muscles;in desperation
you try to force yourself to keep moving and reac-h
the woman. Testyour Luck.lf you .re Lucky, tum to
z66.lf you are Unlucky,tum to 5o9.


All that remainsof the templeare sectionsof crumbling
stone walls and the occasionalcolonnadeof rounded
pillars.Brokenstatuesof strange,animal-headed deities
protrude from heapsof drifted sand,whilb wom carv-
ings adorn fallen stone slabs.An unnatural stillness
pervadesthis placeand the only soundyou canhearis
the desertwind keening through the ancientcolumns.
Wanderingamong the ruins,you cometo a part of the
temple that is not in ruins. Enteringthe building, you
discover that its interior is dimly lit by daylight
streamingin th,roughcracksin the roof. The walls of
the temple are covered with stylized paintings of
human and semi-humanfigures. A repeated theme
appearsto be that of a king praying,makingofferings,
or conversingwith an assortmentof gods and god-
At last you come to a chamberin which, carved on
one wall, is a map of the arearound the templeat the
edgeof the Desertof Skulls;althoughit is recognizable
as such, there are also several obvious differences.
Picfuresof buildings and other siteshave beencarved
as part of the map and at the top of the wall there is a
Djaratianinscription.You sfudy the illustration to try
to work out the locationof Akharis'stomb. If you can,
you will know how many kilometresit is to Akharis's
tomb (tum to the paragraphwith the samenumberto
continue your adventure).Otherwise,your advenhlre
endshere,as you have no idea where to start looking
for the tomb. Soon you and many others will suffer
the Curseof Akharis!

547 gbyg

chantingan incantationin ancientDjaratian,and it is

You find yourself in t#{ ,ntrance hall. In front of
^ and repeatedby the crowd of cultists who stand between
you is a tall archway on either side of it is a you and tlie dais.You are also horrified to seethat a
carved relief of Sithera,Goddessof Evil, ten metres
mass of Mummies, in various states of decay, are
high! Two cultists,their red robesbearingthe motif of Thesemust be
blocking the way to the High Priestess.
a rearing golden cobra suddenly run through the to Akharis, retumed to
the Mu-mmiesof those loyal
archway,their curved swords drawn. As you prepare
life by the evil cult. You must stop this ritual! Standing
to fight, you feel somethingshike you in the bick'and
slighily in front of you, on either side,are two cultists
the world goesblack. . .
*io totally.u,rght uP by the ceremonyin front of
you. One holds your sword and the other has your
Slowly you come to and take in your predicament.
tackpack.But how are you to get free?In desperation
You are chainedbetr,veentwo great pillars,your :ums
yo., itug at the chainsand feel one give slightly' The
stretchedout on either side oiyour body. you have
.huit t must have been here for cenfuriesand they
beencapturedby the Cult of the Cobratyou have no
have weakenedover time. If only you are strong
idea how long you have been unconscious,but you
enough . . . Roll three dice. If the total rolled is less
have recoveredin time to witness the ritual that will
thanir equalto your sTAMINA,tum to zE9. If it is
end in Akharis's resurrection!you are being held
greater,fum to 5EE.
prisoner at one end of a vast chamber inside the
Temple of Sithera.At the other end is a huge, ten_
metre tall statueof the snake-headedgoddess,f,er fou, Beforethe lizardscan reactto your Presenceyou have
talonedarmsraisedmenacingly.Beneith the stafue,on
run past them and through the dark portal. Regain r
a raised dais, lies a large stone sarcophagusinside
rucx point and tum to zo4.
which is the mummifiedbody of AkharisiThl Mummy
is huge and wearsan omate death-maskwhich .o.r".,
most of the deadking's rotting face.At the baseof the granted the Wisdom of Khunam, you
Having been
.stand two large brazieis, the magical fires of underslandpeiectly what the ghost is saying. ': :' lf
which fill the chamberwith an unearthlyglow. Stand_
the first level of the pyramid is madeup of one block
ing between the braziers is a striking-iy beautiful
of stone, and the sicond level is made up of nine
woman with black hair cut in the style of the ancient
bloc-ks,how many blocks would be neededto make a
Diaratians.She is dressedin the robes of a Djaratian
pyramid six levelshigh?If the ftrst-level' . .' The ghost
priestess,and in one hand sheholds a staff,the top of
is repeating the problem over and over without ever
which is carved to resemblea cobra,shead. She is
arriving at the solution. If you know the answer,you

550-552 355-554
could try calling it out (tum to the paragraphwith the severalmetres,your light illuminatesanothercorridor
samenumber as the answer).If you do not know the Ieadingaway from you. Do you want to pull yourself
solution, or if you do not want to waste any more up out of the shaft to investigatethis new Passage
time here,tum to r54. (tum to zEr), or would you prefer to descendonce
more to the tunnel below and follow that (tum to
Swingingyour sword, ;ff try to strike the High
Priestessand so preventher using her evil .*se-m"gi.
againstyou again.To defendherself,the woman raises
her cobrastaff,which suddenlytwists in her handsand
comesto life! If the Priestesswins an Attack Round
and hits you with the staff, as well as deducting the
usualz pointsfrom your srAMrNAyou must adJr to
your porsoNtotal!
H I G H PR IESTESS s K rL Lg s rA M rN A 7 Your jump missesthe entranceto the tunnel and you
If you win, furn to lgy. smashinto the rock-facebelow it. As you fall towards
your headhits
the river down the side of the crevasse,
a projecting outcrop, which knocks you senseless.
You decide against the Scarab'sburrow as Unconsciousin the fast-flowingriver, you soon drown.
you will not find any",<plii;
Djaratiankeasuresup there;you Your adventureis over.
would be more likely to find the beetli's mate or

Rubbing the lamp fails to surrmon any supematural
Finding hand-holdsi^ tn"5llrrices betweenthe blocks spirits,but you do discoverthat there is still someoil
of granite gives you no difficulty and, having climbed left insideit. Retum to slg.

555-56 55155E

You unstopperthe bottleSiridgulp downits contents. The stonehits you ,r.r*ltf on the sideof the head.
The water is cool and refreshing and has incredible The blow leavesyou dazedandwith a painfulbruise
revitalizing effects on you (restore srAMrNA points on your temple(deductz points from your STAMINA
equivalent to half your Initial score, 2 srrlr poinis and and reduceyour Attack Strength for the next battle
2 LUCKpoints, and reduce your porsoN totil by half
you fight by r point). Meanwhile, the mutated ant-
Cross the Waters of Life off your AdoentureSheit, then men move in to attack.Will you draw your sword to
retum to the paragraph you just came from. defend yourself (tum to arE) or will you look for
sornething else to use against the Xoroa (tum to
You are surethat you can seean imageforming in the
centreof the orb: it is a ftgurewith beadsand feathers
woven into its fur, and the dogJike faceconfirmsthat
you have contactedLopar,the Shamanof Spirit Rock!
You call out to Lopar,and he looks in your direction.
Somewhatsuqprised, he greetsyou and you hurriedly
tell him of your successin your quest and of your
present predicament.'Then we must get you out
straight away,' Lopar says anxiously. 'l will try to
teleportyou out - but I must wam you that you are a
long distanceaway and I may not have the strength
556 to lift and carry you over such a distance.' The
Shaman's expression changes to one of deep
concentrationand the world round you grows hazy.
TestyourLuck.lfyou, tum to 4oo.lf you are
Unlucky,fum to zE5.

You cannotbelieveh"* richesthere are in this
chamber.With half of what is hereyou could probably
buy the whole of Rimon!It is only at the last moment
that you hear your attacker's approach. Spinning
around and drawing your sword in the samemotion,
you confront your would-beassailant.
Standingbeforeyou is a terrifying apparition:it is the
corpse of an old man, clothed in scarlet and gold
robes,but there is not a single drop of moistureleft
within it! Sunkeneyes stare at you from a face dried
tight over the man'sskull.In placesthe desiccatedskin
has tom so that yellowed bone is visible, making the
undead horror appear even more dreadful' Amentut
was Akharis'sVizier, so loyal that the king demanded
he be buried dive with his master,so that Amentut
might servehim in the afterlife.One suchduty is the
protection of his lord's treasure-rooms - and you have


If the undeadVizier wins an Attack Round, roll one

dice; if you roll a 6, Amentut clutchesyour skin and
drains part of your life-force away. Deduct r point
from both yow Initial and current suutxA scores
and r point from both your Initial and,current srtn
scoresls you physically age! Amentut feedson this
life-forcehimself,so add r to his sTAMINAscoreif he
managesto do this. If you defeat the horror, tum
to zzt

5b56s t64-165

As soonas Lopar,.", ,riutloldenT-shaped
cross,he The great beastslumpsto the ground and breathesits
last. You are sure tlat beyond the omate door lies
Akharis's burial chamber,but do you have a key to fit
the golden lock? If you have, tum to the paragraph
with the same number as that of the hieroglyphs
inscribedon the key. If you haven't, nQ amount of
Now retumto r.g4. force will makethe great stone door budge, so at the
last hurdleyou have failedin your quest.
You_lie!' the Sphinx roars and leaps at you. your 365
weaponhasno'effecton this igent of the gods You ask Rhehotephow you may be able to destroy
of Djarat. You are knocked flat by the beast,*:hi.h the mummified body of Akharis. 'Such undead are
then.proceedsto tear you limb from limb so that you susceptibleto fire,' the architect explains.'lt is also
perishquickly,if honiblyl rumoured that his death-maskis imbued with life-
giving energies.Destroy that, and you may destroy
his earthlybody.'Retumto 286.
Test your Luck md r*:l:r, you are borh
Lucky and succes#ul,tum to tz7. Oiherwise, you
cannot stop.the relentlessdescentof the spiked roof,
and you suffera horribledeathin the FangsLf Sith"r".

You manageto get to your feet before the cultists
attack.Separated,Farr takes on one of the red-robed
assassins,while the other two advanceon you. you
must fight them both at the sametime.
FirstCULTIST 7 7
SecondCULTIST 7 6
As soonasyou havekilledoneof thecultists,tum to zt4.

56-56E 56trl71

566 569
Constantly wading through waist-high water while
holding your light and sword aloft is very tiring
(deductr point from your sreutwe). The tunnel veers
sharply to the left and then left again. At the next
junction, will you go left (tum to 5t5), right (tum to
if he can aid you in your quest? Tum to 559 r95) or keep straight on (tum to t4z[
Ask him what he knows of the-
Shaman? Tum to 5E9
Attack the man? Tum to r54
Leavethe ruined theatre? Not far down the tunnef?"ou ar.o.rer that the roof
Tum to E
has caved in, blocking it completely and smashinga
hole through the floor of the passageinto a chamber
last Mummy falls,you find yourselfat the foot below. What.will you do now? If you have a rope and
$ lhe grapple, you could lower a light do*n through the
of the raiseddais - in front of you standsthe High
Priestessof the Cult of the Cobra! Most of the cilt hole (tum to lEl) or climb down the rope yourself
have beenleft confusedby your attack and are running into the chamber(tum to zoz).lf you do not have a
around in panic and chaos,but their leader remaini rope, you could risk lowering yourself through the
cold and calculating.You have intemrpted the Rifual hole (fum to 5rr). Altematively, you can retraceyour
of Resurecfion and now must prep:lre to face the stepsand fum either left, if you have not already done
fury of Sithera'sacolyte. Are you wearing a Mala_ so (tum to r5o), or right (tum to 6gF
chiteAmulet?If so, tum to zz5-.If yo, arent, fum to
The corridor gradually ,tt;"., upwards until, ducking
568 under a low archway,you emergein a high, pyramidal
The image of Cracca, Lord of Rivers and Ferryman of chamber, its four walls coming together at a point
the Gods, falls at last and instantly changes back into a severalmetresabove you. In the wall opposite is the
thirty-centimetre-tall statue. Now drainel of its magical entrance to another tunnel, but in the centre of the
e1lqies, the golden image is harmless and you iray room a few stepsgo up to the top of a small,squat
add- it to your possessions if you wish. There is pillar. Do you want to climb the steps to the top of
nothing else of value in the shrine, so you leave; fum the pillar (tum to 485) or would you rather leave this
to zE4. chamber(fum to 16[


Scramblingover the rocks, you come upon an open
spacein the boulder-strewnwildemess.Lying on the
ground on his back is Don Huan Femandezand
standingover him is a grotesque,three-metre-tallhu-
manoid.Its lumpy skin is coloureda sandybrown and
it is nakedexceptfor a loincloth madeof animalhides.
In one huge hand it carries a great wooden club
embeddedwith chunksof flint, but it is its face that
fills you with dread. The monstrosity has just one
large eye in the centre of its foreheadand an ugly
hom sprouting from the top of its skull. Femandezis
fending off the Cyclops with what remains of his
shatteredlance.Lying closeby is the motionlessbody
of Femandez'ssteed,while you can seehis cowardly
manservanthiding in a crevice in the rocks. You do
not give muchfor the old knight'schancesof surviving
thisbattle.Will you:
Draw your sword and run to his
defence? Tum to z4E
Try to distractthe Cydops? Tum to rEr
LeaveFemandezto his fate? Tum to rr4

The sarcophagus,L"tt"rl? an explosion of stone

shards.Some of the lumps of rock hit you (lose 3
sTAMINApoints) but Akharis comes off worse. The
sarcophaguswas what partly restoredthe Mummy's
strength,but you have robbedhim of thoselife-giving
energies;reducehis sreurNA scoreby 6 points when
you come to fight the weakenedAkharis. However,
your adversaryis now almost upon you. Will you

t rE
374-575 5zG57E

attack him with the Waters of Life, if you have them If you defeat the animals,you manageto get a few
(tum to 64), or with your sword (tum to g7), or will more precioushours of sleepbefore dawn, when you
you try to remove his death-mask(tum to zgg). set off to the north for the temple.Tum to 5.

As you makeyour *^, ffithe tunnel,you become Pushing with all your strength against its lid, you
aware that the temperatureof the air in the tomb is open the sarcophagus- only to discover that
rising rapidly until you begin to feel uncomfortably Akharis'smummiftedbody is not herel However, his
hot. After descendinga short flight of roughly cut guardian spirit or Ka' is. Like a glittering silhouette
steps,the corridor orves to the right and now is lit by of a man, with no distinct features,the Ka sits up in
an orangeglow, so that you no longer needyour light the otherwiseempty stone coffin and reachesfor you,
to seeby. As you tui"n the corner you have to shield determinedto acquireyour life-forcefor Akharis.
your face from the light and heat! Ahead of you the
KA sx.nl8 STAM TN A 7
passageentersa squarechamber,where it becomesa
bridge over a fiery pit. Roaring flames leap up on Despite its insubstantialform, the Ka can still be
either sideof the path and you seeeverythingthrough injured by your weapon. If you defeat the guardian
a heat-haze.However, this is the only way ahead,so spirit,tum to z5z.
you must brave the Path of Flames.Walking across
the stone bridge, you begin to feel dizzy as the heat
intensifies.Roll three dice. If the total rolled is less The floor of the ,r.r.,"itf,"gins to slope gradually
than or equalto your srAMrNAscore,tum to rrS. If .it downwards, while the ceiling remains at the same
is greater,turn to goo. height. There are no steps and the tunnel is getting
steeper,the loosesandcoveringthe stonefloor making
it treacherouslyslippery underfoot.Suddenlyyou lose
A low growling in the middle of the your footing and tumble, head over heels,down the
night, and in seconds you are on your feet, your slope.Iesf your Luck.lf you are Unlucky,tum to 545.
sword drawn. With a snarl two jackals,athacted by If you are Lucky,tum to z6E.
the light of your ftre,leapat you. Fight them together.
SKI TL ST A M I N A Brandishingthe statuettein front of the Golem hasno
FirstIACKAL 6 5 effect,but can you invoke its power?If you know the
SecondIACKAL 5 ) name of the deity whose image you hold in your



If you win, looking inside the sarcophagusagain you

find a large golden key, its head inscribedwith thirty-
four hieroglyphs that spell out the royal names of
your sword,sincethe Golemis upon you (tum to Akharis. Taking the key, and any other items you
fancy,you leavethe hiddenroom; tum to a54.

'How disrespectful!'the creaturesnarls angrily. You
humanshave no mannersat all. Clearly I shallhave to
teach you a lesson.'With a tremendousheave, the
Dracon drags the stakesout of the ground and frees
itself from the net. Roaring,the monsterstalkstowards
you, ready to slashyou with its huge claws and bite
you with its oversizedteeth.

The Dracon deridesyour skill and mocksyou as you

engagein combat;as a result, you must reduceyour
Attack Strength by r point for the duration of this
rejoin the trail heading north-westwardstowards the battle. If you reduce the creature'ssrAMrNe to 5
temple.Tumto 357. pointsor less,tum at onceto 6r.

5Et 5Ej
You eventually ftnd yourself back at the stepswhere
you entered the flooded maze!After all your efforts
you have not got anywhere (lose r lucr point.)
Tuming back towards the maze,will you now go to
the left (tum to n4), to the right (tum to 254) or keep
going shaight ahead(tum to zr7[

Et r


Will you grant her request(fum to 274) or, fearing

that time is running short, will you tell her that yoi
must leaveat once(tum to 5aa)?

Io* light illuminatespart of a large, rubble-skewn
chamber,the sand-coveredfloor of which is at least
ten mehesbelow you. You will be able to climb down
your rope safelyinto the chamber,if you wish (fum to
zoz). lf you do not want to, you must retraceyour
stepsbackto the original tunnel and tum either left, if
you have not alreadydone so (fum to r5o), or right
(tum to 65).

t rE
SE6-'1EE 5E9-590

breakthem.The ritual reachesits climax and the High

You hit the water *idEi hemendoussplashand, Priestesstums to face you. 'And now, Lord Akharis,
momentarilystunnedby its chill,arecarriedalongby Destroyerof Cities and Favouredof Sithera,'the High
underground river.Tum to z8o. Priestessintones, 'take this mortal's life-energiesand
live again!'Youradventureendshere.

'The Shamanof the Wilderlandshashis abodeat Spirit
Rock, a leagueto the east.But be wamed, the lands
beyond here are home to all mannerof primitive and
inhumantribes.'You thank Crannofor his information
(makea note of Cranno'sWaming on your Adoenture
Now will you ask him whether he can aid you
on your quest (turn to 55g), or will you leave the
theatrewithout further delay (turn to 8F

You half walk and ,,tjf, towards the cliff-tops.In

a few places you ^",,
slip, sending a cascadeof stones
down into the gorge,butevenfually you reachthe top
safely.You must now eat a meal or lose 2 srAMrNA
points.Looking down at the landscapefrom your lofty 590
vantage-point,you can seeclearlyas far as the.edgeof Wedging the paper package in the middle of the
the hills to the Desertof Skullsand as far south as the blockage,you light the fusethen run for cover towards
Bay of Elkor. If you have a BrassTelescopeand wish the tuming in the passageway.Before you can even
to useit, tum to z96.Otherwise,fum to 255. reach it, the Firepowder explodes with a deafening
boom. Dust showersdown from cracksin the ceiling
5EE and the walls shudderunderthe force of the explosion.
You strain againstthe chainsbut your arduousadven- TestyourLuck.lf you areLu&y, fum to you are
burehas exhaustedyou too much for you to be able to Unlucky,fum to 264.

t rE
594-594 395-596

594 crowd, you seea tradey'scage swing open and, with

Choosing a route up the side of Spirit Rock which a roar, its occupant leaps into the crowd. As the
seemsto offer you the greatestnumber of hand- and throng of people vanishes,you and Farr ftnd your-
foot-holds,you climb towards the cave entrance,fifty selvesalone in the middle of the square,facing the
metresabove you. Testyour Skill three times. If you newly escapedBlack Lion. A.gry at having been
are successful every time, fum to 53S.lf you fail any locked up in a confined spaceand confusedby its
of the rolls, turn at onceto z7g. unnaturalsurroundings,the beaststrikesFarr with one
great paw, knocking him to the ground. You have no
592 choicenow but to try to stop the enragedanimal.
Restoreboth your srAMrNAand srln to their Initial
scores,and regain 2 LUcKpoints. You can also reduce
your porsor.rtotal by I points.Feelingrefreshedand If you win, tum to 28.
rejuvenated,you leave the room along the new corri-
dor; fum to 16.
Beforeyou.standstf," f"rf,i?saingblackpyramid that is
595 the Temple of Sithera!Your quarryrand your fate lie
You enter a long room which is lined on both sides within. At the foot of the pyramid,an avenueof pillars
with the statutesof Djaratiankings.At the end of the leads up to a large dark opening, in front of which
room is a raised platform on which rests an omate you can seetwo guardsdressedin Djaratiangarb.Will
gilded cirest,its lid adomedwith falcon headsat each you boldly walk up to the entrance(turn to tgz) or
comer.You canseenothing else.If you want to takea look for anotherway into the temple(tum to zoEF
closer look at the chest,tum to 556. Otherwise,you
leave the chamberand are faced with the choice of
going through the other door (tum to ry) or along
the new passageway(tum to 259).

You and Farr chaseutorijln" back sheet after the 596

cultist but lose him among the hustle and bustle of an You cannothave gone more than twenty metresalong
animal market. Then you catch sight of a red-robed the passagewhen you feel a slab shift under your foot
figure, on the opposite side of the square,moving as you take your next step. Testyour Luck.lf you are
away from you. As you elbow your way through the Lucky,turn to zor.l( you areUnlucky,fum to 5rE.


The High Priestessof tn"?it of the Cobrafalls to the

dais with a dying cry: 'Oh Sithera,aid us now!' Then
shebreathesno more.You have succeeded in prevent-
ing the Priestessfrom completingthe Ritual of Resur-
rection (regain1 LUcKpoint)! Hearingmgry shouts,
you tum to seethe now reorganizedcultistsadvancing
towards you. While you are wondering how you are
going to get out of this situation alive, the cult
suddenly stop, their attention focused on the dais
behind you. With a lump in your throat, you tum to
seethat the eyesof the great statueof the goddessare
glowing with a sinisterlight. A bandagedhand then
rises above the lip of the stone coffin and grips the
edge,followed by another,and the decomposingbody
of Akharis rises from the sarcophagus. The Mummy
stands, almost two metres tall, and the long-dead
Djaratianking piercesyou with a look of pure hatred!
Akharis'sevil goddessmust have intervenedand used
her dark powers from the DemonicPlaneto complete
the resurrectionof her loyal servant.You must stop
this honor or Akharis'scursewill still be fulftlled.The
Mummy moans balefully and lumbersstiffly towards
you. You are going to have to act quickly to deshoy
Akharis.Will you:

Use fire against the Mummy? Tum to 55o

Use the Watersof Life (if you have
them)? Tum to 64
Try to use someearthenwarejars (if
you have anyf Tum to uE
Use some other charm? Tum to E5

5gh1op 400

Try to removeAkharis'sdeath-mask?Turn to 295

EventuallyLopar speaks:Your bravery,skill and quick
Try to deshoy the sarcophagusfrom
wits have foiled ALharis's retum to power and, for
which he was raised? Tum to 257 that, hundredsof unknowing people owe you a debt
Attack the Mummy with your
that can never be paid. But now you must rest. Lie
sword? Turn to 97 down beside the fire and sleep.'And sleep you do,
securein the knowledge that you have thwarted the
nefariousplansof the Cult of the Cobra and savedall
Allansiafrom the Curseof the Mummy.


You are suddenlyovercomeby exhaustion,now that

you :ue able to relax properly for the first time in
More Fighting Fantasy by Wizard Books Deathtrap Dungeon
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Creature of Havoc
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