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Chapter 5 Race andthe Group Buse of Pubic Opinion 105 Race, Ethnicity, and the Group Bases of Public Opinion Erica Czaja, Jone Jun, and Tali Mendelberg Scholarship in polit science on ace and its inp on political preerences ‘as undergone substant transformation inte ast quarter-century. Once defined acl by black and wht, today the US. popustin is characterized bya muliplcty af acl and elie group divisions. Hispanic are now the lkrges minor population in the U.S, followedby African Americans and thn ‘Asan Americans and Native Americans The mult-racal” population ‘category formed by counting more than one racial group ad allowed by the ‘ens since 2000—is among theses rowing groups: The vast nae of the newest Amecicans ae no longer ftom Burope as they ence were inthe ‘intents century. Instead, today’s Immigrants come primal Hom Latin “America and Asia, While back migrants from Africa and the Caribbean onstute a much smaller share of ew immigrans, her presence creates Important diversity within the racial category of lick? Tnthischaper we ake thencressed rail and ethnic vera ofthe United States asa starting point and analy theigificanc of sce ethniciy, andthe soup bases of palcal preferences We begin witha dscusson of eateries, ‘free and ethnics im the US. and argue that these stepories ae based not Inobecve"bislogcal erences, butratherhuvebeen “socal constructed” created by the institutions and practices of US. government and society, hich have asgned diferent meanngsand'valuestoveriosactlcaepein$ ‘Nex we focus on nvidia eve! meesrements of payhologial tachment to groups group entity and conscousnes~as ert intrening variables, betwen acl group csifeaton and the formation of pital preferences “The contours of the restionships between racial group Keni, acl group ‘omssoutness, and individual opinions artical for Latins and Asan “Americans, are especialy challenging for puble opinion researchers becase ‘hese populations and thee plies ae in Ou. ial, we dicus ston) factors that may diferent induence the pla opinions of ndvidal, depending in parton their radal group clasiiations and atachmens, Inclading party identification and mobllaton interpersonal contact ad the ‘acl ecoonl, nd polical contest and pereeptions ofand experiences with ‘dscrinination, Categorizing Race and Ethnicity ‘he psc of ofl ac cafaton in the US. dts tthe ations deunlng The ttn oder nade norton on acl catgpecie, ial ote aporionment of kpsive ss inthe el preosent tow ito “Thee ih eomproie oud in Arie Secon ate ‘US. Consittion specties tat bath acs and te munber ofeach ‘presente alate by ang the mane ie proms and oes ‘bs ofl ober persona “chang dans oo xed (US, Contes Tele population was wht wee ened population ws blacks theenumeraton by dave star wes slo an enumerton by race never decal ens neh fst 1s hs been cod for cach peso contd: Pla cent Mele Nhl demesttes ha fvernmentagnces such the US: Raretya he Comus cnmeare {Segoe oes in oder o et scala poll ase he tines ‘te alps 10 ers and «Body ci wat for he Une Stes ha Srey but by then the eno cet meg oc snore fended inte abc ofthe pty. Sn clr ely hs mare messy ols han for ermal or tery Pye ieee even people Becta pill actors ave ven cl cago prea, ‘ang in cdr to see thc purpose Th swat holy mer se, they sy race scl constuted The pace of cteptg poe based ce and ecadig ce ve cntned unabated eh pesos oy, ‘Meo for the wast malay fh to's sony acl caegorton tas gone hand in hand with preset estent 6 se eed htewftom zeshp snd property is wo ply woe Peta ‘ests ave documented depart oe ofthe Amer tte themulmenanceand non of acl aes soe eaten ace nde acompeying white ree" Tes hols ue al ds ItnondeepiembedelnAmetcan pial isms an cate veh ‘hen dcsniaon o eas cls speedy inthe ourenth Amendsent ste nla goverment ay ella pte Individns ave ound env mye owen cen prctes fd ats exclade racial minis fom pb ein ine 1D and contig even tony Some scolar rv an portant discon ‘ewe ytmic sours ofdiiminon insted aah 2Sdecon esha eet Aas Aes om ng and nal ‘ingore aging tht th ae do ot cesar eed tethefermerand at tatenled neha ates mos relia “ee longstanding pers of racial eatgoraton md white pig in be United atest persed athe sa stat hector ems bre undergone change Indi tay ptt nine aye desipned s ofa racial group ot Dc thy Se abet Latin o ack bat 106 Erin Cui eh Instead beaut ofa combination focal and political cmsructons hat wrk together to ascribe a specif category of ace the person. Especially rerant isthe move among "wit nies" during the peod of mass unig a the lateineteeath and earlptwenteth centri to be cased by the ‘government as white Some goaps such asthe rh, aan and Jews (once anseved non white) were succes. Other including Asin American, ‘were not able to et the courts to recognize them as white and thus elie for ‘ef pegs of US ctzenship. Fedealae probed Asian migrants fom naturalization unt 1952, breaking more than 70 years of explicit Asian cchision fom th United States" Prom the 186 clad state governments swells the atonal government ofthe Unite Sates, exacted avs ageing ‘Asan Americans that barred property owneriip, levied adatondl race based {ants and for inerned Americans of Japanese descent uring the Second ‘World War Clare Kim explains dese dynamics ner theoreti description of Alan Americans in US. ocety a wnngustd” between Backs and whites, ‘According te Kim, Asian Americas have ben (and continu tobe) valaried by whites as supecor to African Americans on some calral and racial dimensions but atthe same tine have been deemed freer foreign and waft forasinlaion and ive membership with whites. This ranglation racials, ‘Asian Amescans and Aftian Americans in dierent ways and enables the ori racl group white Americans to maintain ts dominant poston over ‘both minority groaps simulans ‘Complicating mates further ethe ntact bythe federal government ‘of fourth major category, Hispanic oF Latino ethnicity. While developed decades eer, dhe requirement of reporting Hispanic Latin ethnicity alg with other racial categories was implemented by the federal Office of ‘Management and Badge in the 170s. The compleniy of rac categories egg tht researcher frail en thle groupe nat ule the ters wht, Use, Latino, and Asian American arefly an with an avarenes ofthe role ‘hat ultra aorms and polis playin shaping individual es of ace. Key Concepts, Measurement, and Methodology Key Concepts in the Study of Race ond Groups Researchers are concerned with thre key concepts: acl group membership, ‘orvhat wehave refered to above sracial categorization rca group let, ‘sd rail group cnscioumes. According to Pala McClain and her colleges Gnd toa long tdi af esearch, simple membership does at tl vs how ‘strongly a person identiies wth agroop or whether she views pois leant to the group. "Group identcation refers to an individ s awareness of belonging to «cera provp and having a psychologic aflchnest fo tat group based on apeception of shared bles feings nee, and eas Wh ‘ther group members” wheres ‘ace and the Group sss of Pble Opinion 107 [ghoup consciousness ingroup identification politicized by «st "eologiclbele abou one's rou sso standing as wellas vc te Collactiveacton ste best meant by which he poupcan improve sean, pd reli otrete™ ‘The moe strongly tht soc nd poles define group members the rac

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