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Malaysia is known as 1Malaysia because it is rich in various religious cultures.

Malaysia has a wide variety types cultures such as Islamic, Buddhist, Hindu,
Paganism, Animism and Christian cultures. Each of these cultures has its own beliefs
and taboos that they cannot do. If they did or did these forbidden things, they would
be considered sinners. What is religion? Religion known as belief in God, or a
supernatural and supernatural power such as God, and also practices and uses
associated with the belief. Culture can be seen or recognized through art, manners or

First, the most widespread religious culture and gaining the majority of the population
is Islam. The norms of Islamic cultural life can be seen through the provision of
places of prayer everywhere, halal and haram laws in food intake. The most special
thing is to hear adzan throughout Malaysia to show that it is time for Muslims to pray.
Besides, Malaysia’s Sultans are said to be the “Guardian if Islam” who act as the
ceremonial heads in nine out thirteen states.

In conclusion, Malaysia is a unique country with a variety of interesting and

colorful racial cultures.
General Idea – Country with several ethnic including Malay, Chinese, Indian
and Indigenous, as well as one that houses almost all major global religions,
MALAYSIA is about asdiverse it gets.Malaysia is a country that rich with the
many culture in the country consist of Malay, Chinse and Indian. In each
culture it has its own uniqueness. When in a country have many culture we will
see various different things in that country. As example, we will get a lot choice
of food when we stay at the different culture. There are many type of festival
when their celebration has arrived. The festival in a culture did not celebrate in a
same time. But the festival according to date that have been set in the calendar.
When the celebration was celebrate we will see every culture serving traditional
food that is habits when the festival arrived. Malaysia is a country that rich with the
many culture in the country consist of Malay, Chinse and Indian. In each culture it
has its own uniqueness. As example, we will get a lot choice of food when we stay at
the different culture. There are many type of festival when their celebration has
arrived. The festival in a culture did not celebrate in a same time. But the festival
according to date that have been set in the calendar. When the celebration was
celebrate we will see every culture serving traditional food that is habits when the
festival arrived. Omar, S. R., & Omar, S. N. (2018) Malaysia’s colourful cultures and
history are demonstrated through its food. The food symbolize the characteristic of a
culture whether the food it is served during the festival or their traditional food. This
article will tell us the culture that have in Malaysia country and the food did always
served during the festivals.

One of the dominate culture in Malaysia is Malay. It is because the main

language that used in the country is Bahasa Malaysia. Mostly in the Malay culture all
of them were muslim. But in muslim not all the people was Malay. There are some of
the Chinese and Indian embraced in Islam as the muslim and Muslimah. The people
who convert their religion we call all of them as ‘mualaf’. In Malay culture they have
festivals that they celebrates in every year. The festival that all Malay people
celebrate are Eid Fitri, Eid Adha and Maulidur Rasul. A celebration that always
celebrate is Eid Fitri. This festival symbolize they have been strive and commitment
to complete the fasting during Ramadhan where they have to abstain theirselves.
Next, Eid Adha was the important feature of this occasion I the ritual of korban.

Before the festival arrived they have busy preparing for welcomed the Eid Fitri
celebration. Every family have their own job to make their celebrations. But the most
important thing to make the festival merry, it was the food. Every year the main meal
for the festival is Ketupat. This meal served with the beef rendang and chicken
rendang. The ketupat looks more interesting because the preparation was
interesting. Ketupat also was served during the Eid Adha celebration. But in Eid Adha
celebration they were not having the food but they busy to sacrificed the meat that
have been slaughtered to the needy people. In this festival they always maintaining
the tradition for the costume. On the morning of the festival all of them wear the new
costume. For the men, they wear baju melayu, samping and songkok for the
costume. Meanwhile for the women they wear baju kurung, tudung or selendang as
their costume.

The second culture that we always see in the country is Chinese. As usually we
know the Chinese always worship the idols. Actually the Chinese people believe in
worshipping of many god. The interesting of this culture is they use the speaking
language or dialect of the Chinese is diverse. Among the dialects use for Chinese in
this country are Teochew, Hokkien, hakka, Cantonese, Hainanese, Kwongsi,
Hokchui, foochow, and hokchia. The most important festival that celebrated festival
for the Chinese is Chinese New Year. This festival also known as the Spring Festival.
This festival signifies for the Chinese family to gather. This celebration falling on the
first day of the “first moon” in the lunar calendar. The next festival that the Chinese
culture celebrate called Chap Goh Meh. This festival held as the closing festival to
them. Usually this festival their house surrounded by most of the lights lit by lanterns.

The food that always served by the Chinese culture called Yee Sang. This dishes
served during the Chinese New Year. This dishes as the main of the food when they
celebrate the big festival. Yee Sang served in a large portion for their big feast
during the celebration day. In a large portion they having the food together. This food
was eaten using the chopstick. The Chinese culture always having their food using
the chopstick. When the festival celebrate all the Chinese people worn the new
clothes. According to their tradition all of their costume was red. For the men they
wear Tang Suit for their costume when they celebrated the festivals. For Chinese
women as well they sheathed Cheongsam to their bodies.

The third significant culture in Malaysia was the Indian. The majority Indian in
Malaysia are Hindu. But there while remaining of them are Christians, Sikhs and
Muslim. Hindu was the oldest living religion that have been in the world. Similar to
other cultures Indian too have festival that they always celebrate with their culture.
The most important festival to them is Deepavali. Actually Deepavali word take from
the ‘dipa’ give the meaning about light, while ‘gavali’ meaning a row. This festival
held because they want to celebrate their lord that they called Krisna that have get
victory when have a fight with the demon called Ravana. So that, they decorated
their house with the lights or the oil lamps. In this festival they have the ritual bath
which they bath with the ginger oil on the head and body. They trust with make that
ritual bath they can cleanses themselves from the sins. Thaipusam also the festival
that same with Deepavali but the way of they celebrate not same. This celebration
involves a processions that they want to show to their lord about their loyalty.

In each festival there must have food that will be served according to the festival
tradition. The popular food when they have big festival is curry. Indian well known
prepare their dishes using lots of coconut milk, chili and mustard seed. In all of their
dishes they always use heavy spices and ghee. It is because it have been tradition
since long ago. Curry was served during the Deepavali festival, incomplete the
festival if this food did not appear as the main dishes. But in all of their food they did
not use the cow meat include the curry. It is because they thought the cow was the
holy beast that represents their god. In the curry they always use the mutton, chicken
and fish as a side dish.

Collaboration –
Omar, S. R., & Omar, S. N. (2018) Malaysia’s colourful cultures and history are demonstrated through
its food. The food symbolize the characteristic of a culture whether the food it is served during the
festival or their traditional food.
Collaboration – When in a country have many religions we will see various
different things in that country. Actually in Malaysia this vast religion came
from traders who came from all over the world to do business. The traders come
to make business in the long time. So, they had time to spread their lifestyle at
our country. Some of them take the chances to stay at our country and breed
their generations in our country.
- This article will tell us about various religions and cuisine which are
different between the existing religion in Malaysia.the culture that have in
Malaysia country and the food did always served during the festivals.

Malaysia is a country that rich with the many culture in the country consist of
Malay, Chinse and Indian. In each culture it has its own uniqueness. When in a
country have many culture we will see various different things in that country. As
example, we will get a lot choice of food when we stay at the different culture. There
are many type of festival when their celebration has arrived. The festival in a culture
did not celebrate in a same time. But the festival according to date that have been set
in the calendar. When the celebration was celebrate we will see every culture serving
traditional food that is habits when the festival arrived. Omar, S. R., & Omar, S. N.
(2018) Malaysia’s colourful cultures and history are demonstrated through its food.
The food symbolize the characteristic of a culture whether the food it is served during
the festival or their traditional food. This article will tell us the culture that have in
Malaysia country and the food did always served during the festivals.
Malaysia is a country that rich with the many culture in the country consist of
Malay, Chinese and Indian. When in a country have many culture we will see various
different things in that country. As example, we will get a lot choice of food when we
stay at the different culture. There are many type of festival when their celebration
has arrived. The festival in a culture did not celebrate in a same time. But the festival
according to date that have been set in the calendar. When the celebration was
celebrate we will see every culture wear the traditional clothes which they wear while
celebrating a festival that means so much to them. This article will tell us about
festival, traditional clothes and food which are different between the existing religion
in Malaysia.

Country with several ethnic including Malay, Chinese, Indian and

Indigenous, as well as one that houses almost all major global religions,
Malaysia is about asdiverse it gets. When in a country have many religions we
will see various different things in that country. Actually in Malaysia this vast
religion came from traders who came from all over the world to do business.
The traders come to make business in the long time. So, they had time to
spread their lifestyle at our country. Some of them take the chances to stay at
our country and breed their generations in our country. This article will tell us
about various religions and cuisine which are different between the existing
religion in Malaysia.

There are five types of the various religion that have in our country. The
largest one religion in Malaysia was Islam. One of the reasons why Islam was
the largest because the leader of our country followed the islam religion. When
the leader followed the islam religion the citizens want followed the religion that
have been chosen by their leader. The norms of Islamic cultural life can be seen
through the provision of places of prayer everywhere, halal and haram laws in food
intake. The most special thing is to hear adzan throughout Malaysia to show that it is
time for Muslims to pray. Therefore not strange Islam was the biggest religion in our
country where half of the citizens in our country born as Muslims.

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